Angel and Demon

By Scorpio

Published on Feb 19, 1999


DISCLAIMER The following is an erotic story detailing the relationship (both emotional and physical) between two consenting males. It is for adults with open minds only. If you are underage, or are not comfortable reading about m/m sex, or if this subject matter is illegal in your area, please leave. If the above does not apply to you, then I hope you enjoy...

Angel & Demon... A Love Story by Scorpio

Chapter 8 Tears of an Angel

Billy could feel his dream slipping away little by little as he became more aware of someone calling his name.

"Billy. Come on, wake up Billy."

Billy ignored the voice, cuddled down deeper into his blankets and tried to mentally clutch at his dream. The voice continued calling him though, and he came to realize that the dream, was in fact, a dream. It slipped away even faster.

"Billy. Dude, come on. Get up already."

Billy suddenly recognized the voice. It was Joey. That was the final step needed, and his dream dissolved away as reality flooded in. Billy cracked open his eyes slightly. The room was full of bright, warm sunshine and the Delta Kappa House was full of noise. A quick glance at the clock on his right told Billy that it was almost noon. A rush of panic hit him for a second until he remembered that it was Saturday and he didn't have any classes.

"Billy, get up Dude. I need your help." Joey said.

Billy was going to yell at Joey for waking him up on a Saturday until he got a look at the expression on the face of the big red-head. Joey was visibly upset. He wasn't angry, just very worried and maybe a little frustrated.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." Billy yawned as he indulged in a full body stretch.

Billy threw off his covers and sat up in bed, scratching himself through his flannel boxers. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he stood up and stretched again. This time his back popped loudly in a few spots. Billy walked over to his dresser and grabbed a T-shirt to throw on.

"So, what's up?" he asked Joey.

"It's Angel. He's,... well,... He locked himself in his room and he won't answer me when I call to him." Joey said.

Billy didn't get it. Joeys face was almost frantic and he was wringing his hands. And all because Angel wanted some privacy.

"So what? He wants to be alone."

"No, you don't understand Dude." Joey said shaking his head. "I'm afraid Angel might,... well,... hurt himself."

"Hurt himself?! Why?"

Joey took a deep breath, as if he were going to say something, then stopped. He walked to the door, poked his head out to look around, then shut it tight. He walked back over to Billy, took his arm gently and lead him over to the bed, where he had him sit down. Pulling Billys desk chair up close the him, Joey sat down, took another deep breath and let it out in a sigh.

When Joey looked up at him, his face was a study in hurt sadness. His broken heart was reflected in his eyes. Billy swallowed.

"Dude. What's wrong?" Billy asked as true concern washed over him.

Joey visibly pulled himself together and then started to talk. He told Billy about finding Demons letter to Angel, and reading it while the black haired young man was sleeping. Joey repeated what the letter had said and he explained all the things that had happened to Demon. Billy waas shocked. Stunned.

"My God. What a totally fucked up life."

"I know. That's why I'm worried about Angel." Joey said with a sigh. "I can't get to him because of the locked door. I have no idea how he's handling this. My guess is, not real well, though."

Billy watched Joey as the red haired boy hung his head and stared at the floor. His thoughts churned. He knew there was something that Joey wasn't telling him, but Billy didn't want to push. He knew Joey was not up to it, yet.

"Listen. Let me brush my teeth and take a piss. Meet me in front of Angels room in five minutes. Okay?"

Joey nodded and Billy stood up and walked away.

When Billy left the bathroom, he saw Joey leaning up against Angels bedroom door. He noted that Joey had managed to pull himself together a little. While Joey didn't look happy, at least he no longer seemed on the verge of tears. Joey looked over at Billy, nodded once, then turned to knock on Angels door.

"Open up Angel. It's me and Billy."

No answer. Joey tried the knob. The door was still locked. He knocked again.

"Come on Angel! Let us in! We want to talk." Billy called.

No sound came from beyond the door. Joey looked at Billy. He tried to keep his face a blank mask, but Billy could see the worry in his eyes.

"Wait here a minute." Billy whispered.

Billy jogged to his room and disappeared inside. He came back after a moment or two with his Student ID Card. Slipping it between the doorjamb and the door, Billy slid it up and across. With a quiet click, the door opened slightly. Billy looked up at Joey just in time to see both of his red eyebrows shoot up into his curly bangs. Billy just shrugged and grinned.

The two young men pushed into Angels room. They found him sitting up on his bed, still wearing the same, crumpled clothes from yesterday. His haunted eyes were red and swollen and he was very pale. He was holding Demons letter tightly in his hands and was just staring out into space. Angel didn't look up or acknowledge his friends presence in any way. A single tear traced a silent path down his stubbled cheek.

"Oh Angel." Joey whispered under his breath.

He climbed up on the bed next to Angel. He wrapped his arms around his best friend and pulled him in tight. Angel was stiff and unresponsive for just a few seconds, but then he melted into Joeys arms and started to sob.

Billy closed and relocked the door. He walked over and gently took the letter out of Angels hands. He carefully laid it down on the desk and climbed on the bed too. It was a tight squeeze, but he managed. Billy wrapped his arms around Angel and Joey and just held them both. The two boys needed it, just for two different reasons. His heart broke for both of them.

After a few minutes, Angel started to cry himself out. As the tears left him, they were replaced by anger and resentment. He felt humiliated and betrayed. He felt naive and gullible. There was no logic behind it. He knew it was irrational, but he couldn't help it. That letter had striped away his childish and foolishly romantic ideas of Demon and his life on the 'wild side'. Until recently, the closest that Angel had come to the inner city and all it contained was movies and music videos. His fantasies and childish thrills at the thought of danger lurking in the corners crumbled under the onslaught of stark reality. And it was bitter. So cold and bitter. Angel was left with anger. Anger at Demon for tearing away his romantic dreams and replacing them with the painful and cruel truth. Hot pain for what Demon had suffered boiled up and met the cold anger over his loss of innocence. His emotions mixed inside him until they spilled out in hateful waves.

"How could he!?!" Angel shouted into Joeys shoulder.

Angel pulled back from Joey, his face screwed up in anger. Tears slipped unnoticed down his face. "I,... I,... I have to show you something." He started to reach for the letter on his desk.

Joey pulled him back gently. "Shhhh,.... I know." Angel looked at him with a question in his eyes. "I,... I saw it last night. I,... read it when you were sleeping." Joey blushed bright red. "I'm sorry."

Angel glanced at Billy, and Billy jerked his head at Joey. "He told

me about it."

"I am so mad at him! I can't believe him! A whore! He is a fucking whore!" Angel literally shook as his voice hissed out between his tightly clenched teeth.

Angel flung himself back against the headboard of his bed, burying his face in his hands. "I knew he was in a gang. I even knew that he was a part-time thief. I could handle that. But,... but,... my God. The things he's done." Angel curled both of his hands into fists.

Billy reached out a hand and squeezed Angels knee just as Joey draped an arm across Angels shoulders. "Hey." Joey said softly. "It will be okay."

Angels head jerked up and the look on his face was one of naked pain. "It will NOT be okay. How can you say that? Look at what he is! I can barely imagine all the things he's done!"

Suddenly, Angel burst into sobs again. Joey and Billy pulled in close and wrapped him in their arms. The two young men held Angel tightly as his grief poured out of him.

An hour and a half later, Angel was stepping out of the shower. As he dried himself off, he had to actively concentrate on keeping his thoughts calm. With the help of Joey and Billy, Angel had managed to pull himself somewhat together, but he was still very much on edge. He knew it wouldn't take much to push him back over.

Angel made his way to his room, lost deep in thought. He dressed slowly, trying to keep his emotions neutral. It was hard, but he did his best. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Angel went downstairs to meet Joey and Billy. They had decided that he would feel better if he ate something.

Stepping into the kitchen, Angel was slightly amused to see Joey and Billy trying to get everything set up. Joey was standing at the stove burning pancakes and sausage, while Billy was vainly trying to clear off three spots at the table. Angel felt a slight grin creep over his face as he watched his friends attempt at domestication. Finally taking pity on them, Angel walked over to Joey, reached across the stove and turned down the heat. He then walked over to Billy and grabbed an armfull of stuff off of the table top.

"I can't believe you let Joey near the stove." Angel grinned at Billy. "That boy has burned every meal he's ever cooked."

Billy laughed quietly as Joey said, "Hey! I'm not that bad!" and stuck out his bottom lip to make an adorable pout.

The three friends sat down to a slightly singed meal of pancakes amid giggles and laughs. Angels spirits rose dramatically as they swapped stories about Joeys cooking and other culinary disasters. By the time they were all done eating, Angel was laughing out loud and was wearing a huge, heart warming smile on his beautiful face.

Billy decided that instead of washing the dishes, they should go out into the yard and toss around a Frisbee. So, after a quick, frantic search for a plastic disk to use (they found one in Richs room), the three young studs dashed out onto the lawn.

After an hour of running, jumping and throwing, all three were hot, sweaty and feeling great. Billy called a halt for a piss break and Angel removed his shirt to wipe off his sweat soaked skin. Some of the brothers had gathered on the back porch to watch the game, so while they waited for Billy to return, Angel and Joey went over to talk with them. Everyone was enjoying themselves, laughing and joking when Tommy walked around the corner of the yard.

When Tommy saw Angel, he stopped in his tracks. His eyes took in the sweat soaked black curls, the sparkling eyes and the friendly smile. He took in the shirtless chest with the beautifully sculpted muscles, the loose shorts and the strong, shapely legs. He watched Angel laughing and smiling and he noticed how everyone treated him as if he was something special. Tommy took it all in and his blood boiled. Anger and resentment swelled up in him. Fear rose and fell in him like waves from the tide. Tommy began to shake with the effort of holding the pain in.

Then it happened. Tommy watched as Angel reached out with his hand and placed it on Joeys bare shoulder. He pulled him in close to say something quietly in the red-heads ear with a sly grin on his handsome face. Something inside of Tommy snapped. It was as if an invisible darkness chained up his compassion, dissolved his self-control, and set free his anger, all at once. Hatred flared brightly in him and his vision washed the world in red.

"Arrrghhhhh!!!!!" Tommy yelled at the top of his lungs, instantly bringing all conversation to a halt as everyone turned to stare at him.

All thoughts evaporated from his mind. Screaming incoherent profanities, Tommy ran full tilt at Angel. The brothers of Delta Kappa were all caught off guard by this sudden display of violence, so no one tried to stop him. Tommy dashed between his friends and dove at Angel, catching him in the stomach with his left shoulder. Both boys flew through the air to land with a hard thud on the grass.

Angel managed to get out a confused, "What?!?..." while trying to stand back up when Tommy punched him in the jaw with a right hook.

Angel fell back down again and Tommy drew back his foot and kicked him in the ribs as hard as he could. Tommy could hear the guys on the porch all yelling at him. He turned his head to look at them. They were all shocked and upset, yelling and waving their arms. Out of nowhere, there was a sharp pain in Tommys right knee and then his legs were flying out from under him, up into the air. He crashed to the ground. Hard.

The world became a blur of black hatred and red pain as Angel and Tommy rolled around on the ground pummeling each other. Tommy would be on top, punching and swearing, then they would roll and Tommy would be under Angel receiving hard punches and hits. Both of the young men let loose with pent-up pain and frustration. Angel had become a symbol of everything that Tommy hated and feared. Tommy had become an unwitting focus for all of the hurt and confusion that had recently entered Angels life. The fight was violent, messy, and overflowing with emotions.

It finally took all of the brothers of Delta Kappa House to tear Tommy and Angel off of each other. Tommy had to be physically restrained from going after Angel again.

"Tommy! Dude, what is wrong with you man?! Why the fuck did you go after Angel?" Rich yelled.

Tommy turned to look Rich in the face. His jaw was clenched in anger and his eyes burned. "He's a god-damned faggot! That's why! Your precious Angel is a cocksucking freak!"

Billy and Joey went pale with fear and tension as they watched their frat brothers stare with shocked expressions, first at Tommy and then at Angel. Angel took a step back from everyone, looking as if he was ready to run.

"Angel, is that true?" Steve barely whispered.

Angel felt the world spinning on its axis suddenly. He felt very dizzy and his stomach turned. He could feel all the blood drain from his face as a panicky voice inside his head kept repeating, "Please God, no! Not like this!" All eyes were on him and his mind churned.

With as much dignity as he could manage in his shocked panic, Angel quietly said, "I'm gay, yes. But I am NOT a freak."

Tommy started thrashing around, trying to break free of the arms that held him back. "See! See!" He screamed. "He admits it! He's a fucking fag!"

Joey couldn't stand quiet anymore. "Shut the hell up Tommy, you jerk! That's my best friend your talking about! So, watch your fucking mouth!"

"Yeah!" Billy cut in, anger in his voice. "My sister is gay too, and if you call her a faggot, I'll break your neck!"

Tommy turned his hate filled eyes on Billy. He glared at the blonde for a minute before trying to sway the rest of the Delta Kappas to his side with his venomous words.

"Look at what he is! I can't even imagine the sick things he's done!"

At those words, everything stopped for Angel. His eyes became a blur and all he could hear was Tommys hateful voice echo in his mind over and over again. Those words struck a cord inside him. They were cold, harsh, mean, unfair and,... familiar. They were something he had heard before. They were something he strangely understood. They were something he,... Oh God No! They were something he had said! About Demon!

In a brilliant flash of insight, everything became clear to Angel. His anger and pain dissolved in the warm light of understanding. In an instant, Angel forgave both Tommy and Demon, and in doing so, he could forgive himself. He knew what he had to do. He looked up at Tommy, who was still caught up in his rage.

"Tommy. I know you're real mad at me right now, but,... we're brothers, and I don't want that to change. When you're calm, we should talk. If it makes you feel any better, I swear to God that I will never make a pass at you Dude."

Tommy started swearing again and a few of the brothers grinned and chuckled at Angel's promise. Angel pulled Joey and Billy away from the rest of the Delta Kappas, explaining, "I think I should go away from Tommy until he calms down." Several of the brothers nodded their agreement.

When they were back in the house, Angel said, "Thanks guys. I appreciate you two standing up for me like that."

Joey put his hand on Angels shoulder and squeezed while Billy said, "Hey guy. No problem."

Angel paused for a moment, then said, "Joey?"


"Could I, sort of borrow your car, Dude?"

"What? To get away from Tommy for a while?"

"Well, that too. Actually, I sort of,... I,... well, I want to go see Demon." Angel blushed at the shocked looks on his friends faces.

"Are you sure?" Billy asked.

"Yeah. I need to see him. I have to know if I can still feel the same way about him, now that I know about his past. I don't think I can do it until I see him face to face."

Joey had an odd look on his face that Angel didn't understand at all. It was a little bit hurt, and a little bit hopeful, and full of understanding. Still, he handed over his keys without complaint.

"Thanks Joey. You're the best, Bro." Angel said with a smile.

As Angel turned and walked away, he heard Billy say, "Joey, my man. That was the bravest thing I've ever seen you do. Come on, let's go out. I'll buy you a beer." Angel didn't understand what Billy meant by it, so he pushed it out of his mind. He was a man on a mission.

Chapter 9 In Demons arms, there lives an Angel

Angel was on the verge of declaring himself officially lost. And he was absolutely certain he couldn't have found a worse place to do it in. When he arrived at the tattoo shop, both Demon and Mad-dog were nowhere to be found. There was only Sam. And while Angel didn't remember him, Sam obviously remembered Angel. After a few interesting remarks that Angel was sure he didn't want to understand, Sam finally gave Angel blurry directions to Demons apartment.

Now Angel was cruising through an urban wasteland of poverty and crime, searching for a boarded up shop with an upstairs apartment. Filth and squalor assaulted his eyes and his heart broke at every turn. This was Demons world, and it was Hell on Earth.

Turning onto a decrepit street that resembled film clips from a war-torn nation, Angel almost missed it. Quickly, he pulled over to the curb and sat back in his seat to look at the building. The large picture window on the ground floor shop (once a liquor store) was indeed, boarded up. The brick face and door were a solid mass of graffiti. The windows on the second floor, however, had venetian blinds in them. And they were partially raised.

Angel was trembling with fear. Partly he was afraid that this wasn't the right place, and that he would be walking into a violent end. Partly he was afraid that this was in fact, where Demon lived, and that he would have to face him.

Finally, Angel took a deep breath to calm his nerves and gathered his courage. He stepped out of the car and locked it up tight. Shaking visibly, Angel crossed the street and walked up to the building. At a closer viewpoint, he saw a door off to the side of the shop that had the words, DEMONS LAIR spray painted across it. Angel tried the knob and found it unlocked. Angel felt his heart begin to pound and his mouth went dry.

Pushing the door open gently, Angel saw that it lead to a poorly lit flight of stairs that ran up to the second floor. Trembling in fear and anticipation, he slowly walked up. At the top there was another door, and this one was locked. Taking a deep breath, Angel knocked. There was no answer, but he could hear movement inside. Angel paused a moment, and then knocked again, even louder. Waiting a bit, Angel finally pounded on the door. Suddenly, without warning, the door was yanked open and Demon snarled, "What!?!"

Both men stopped and stared at each other for a few seconds, then Angel flung himself at Demon. He wrapped his arms around Demons chest and buried his face in Demons neck. Holding on tight, Angel started to shake and tremble once more. Demon stiffened in shock for only a second, then he wrapped his arms around Angel gently, marveling at the tenderness that rose up inside himself.

"Shhhh. Angel, Baby, it's all right." Demon whispered, resting his cheek against Angels black curls. "Shhhhh..."

"But I,... the letter,... and you,... then Tommy,... then,... then,... Oh Gawd!"

Angel could feel himself on the edge of hysterics once more. Far too many things had happened in way too short a time span, and Angel was bearing the emotional brunt of it all.

Slowly, Demon stepped back out of the doorway, gently pulling Angel with him. Reaching out with one leg. Demon pushed the door closed with his foot. With his right hand, Demon softly stroked the back of Angels head and neck, trying to soothe and calm him. They stood there quietly, in a tender embrace while Angel pulled himself together.

When Angel had calmed down to the point where he was no longer shaking, Demon pulled back enough to look in his face.

"Angel, Baby, we need to talk. I know you're upset, but...." Demon trailed off suddenly and hooked a finger under Angels chin. He tilted Angels head up to get a better look at it. Instant fury flooded his face and he was terrible to behold. Angel stepped back in absolute fright.

"Who did this to you?" Demon said in a deadly quiet voice, all the more horrible because of the iron will that contained it.

Confusion flooded Angels mind and registered on his battered and bruised face.

"This!" Demon clarified by lightly brushing a single fingertip over Angels swollen and blood caked bottom lip. Angel winced in pain at the soft touch.

Demon clenched both fists and screamed in hellish rage, "I'll KILL the fuckin' bastard!!!!!!!!"

"No!!!!" Angel cried as his fear for himself morphed into fear for Tommy.

Demon either didn't hear, or wasn't listening, because he turned and walked deeper into the room, glancing around with purpose. Suddenly, he strode across the room and grabbed his well worn boots. Anger burned in his eyes and danger flowed from him in palpable waves.

Angel knew he had to stop Demon. The fist fight he had with Tommy had been mean and ugly, but it was nothing compared to the sheer violence that Demon was capable of. Angel was fairly certain that if Tommy survived it at all, he'd be left maimed for life. He had to think quickly.

In a desperate gamble, Angel went over to Demon and literally thrust himself between Demons legs. He was sitting on the couch, pulling on his boots, when Angel pushed his knees apart and kneeled between them on the floor. This forced Demon to stop what he was doing and look and Angel.

Angel reached up with both hands and gently, but firmly, took hold of Demons head. Looking him right in the eye, he said, "No. Please don't do it."

Confusion flickered across Demons eyes, quickly followed by incredulous disbelief. He looked stunned.

"But, Baby. Look at you! You can't let the fucker get away with this." His eyes hardened once more, "I won't let him get away with it. The bastard will pay."

Angel was gambling here, an he knew it was time to play his hand.

"Yes. I know. You're right. I can't let this go. But,... I want to do it myself. On my own."

Demon blinked, surprised. "But, I thought that..."

"What? That the only reason I came to you was so you could defend me?" Angel asked softly. Demon just nodded.

Angel smiled slightly. "No. Actually, I came here to see you just because I want to be with you. I,... I read your letter."

A look of pain, even fear etched itself across Demons face. "You did?" he whispered. Angel nodded.

His quiet voice tight with tension, he asked, "How do you feet about it? About me? Now that you know. About my past, that is?"

Angel didn't answer with words. There were no words in the English language to encompass all that he felt. He answered instead with a kiss. He slowly leaned forward and gently placed his sore lips against Demons. Angel tried to put all of his love, tenderness and compassion into that kiss. After a moment, he felt Demon kiss him back. That kiss grew from a tentative reaching out, into a passionate melding. Angel leaned forwards even more, pushing himself up off his knees on the floor and climbed up onto his knees on the couch, straddling Demons lap. The two men devoured each others mouths, lost in the passion they shared. Demons arms encircled Angel and pulled him close.

Angel broke off the kiss and looked Demon in the eyes, letting all of his tender feelings show on his expressive face. Slowly, gently, Angel traced a path along the side of Demons cheek and jawline.

"Jimmy, I love you."

Demon pulled Angel tightly to him, buried his head in the crook of Angels neck and quietly cried. Angel didn't say anything. He just help him and let him cry. They didn't need to speak. No words were necessary. They both knew. Joy, happiness, trust, and unconditional love was what Demon needed most, and was what he least expected. Angel had just handed him everything he had ever hoped for on a silver platter.

After a few moments, Angel leaned back slightly and lifted Demons face. Tenderly, he kissed the tears from his lovers face. The salt stung his split lip, but that was okay. It seemed right to taste Demons pain.

Demon looked Angel over, truly seeing him for the first time since he had rushed into his arms. He finally saw more than the split lip and swollen black eye. Demon saw the dried sweat, the dirt and grass that clung to Angels arms and chest. He saw the sore and tired muscles. And he also saw the desperate need for gentle compassion and tenderness.

Wrapping one densely muscled arm around Angels back, and the other up under his firm ass, Demon stood up, taking Angel with him. Quickly, Angel wrapped his legs around Demons hips and his arms around Demons neck, holding on tight.

"Where are we going?" he asked softly as Demon started to walk deeper into the apartment.

"To the bathroom. You need a shower."

"Oh, okay." Angel grinned.

Once in the bathroom, Demon put Angel down. He had an old antique porcelain tub with clawed feet. It was huge and it took up most of the space in cramped room. Demon reached in and turned on the water, adjusting the knobs.

He glanced up at Angel with a grin and shrugged. "Old plumbing. It needs time to warm up."

Demon then reached into a cabinet built directly into the wall and pulled out several large, clean towels and placed them on the back of the toilet. He then double checked the temperature of the water coming out of the faucet. Demon adjusted a knob slightly and then flicked a switch. Suddenly, it was raining from the showerhead into the big, old tub.

Slowly and gently, Demon helped Angel out of his few clothes. He was torn between the excitement of seeing Angels beautiful body nude once more, and the sadness of seeing that body so badly abused. Demon quickly undressed himself, and then helped Angel into the tub.

Angel gasped when the hot water hit his skin, but sighed in relief once that heat penetrated his pain filled muscles. Angel closed his emerald green eyes, luxuriating in the sensation of tension draining from his sore neck and shoulders. He breathed in the moist heat as steam began to swirl through the small room.

"Mmmmm..." a deep moan rumbled from within Angels chest, sounding ike the purr of a large predatory cat.

Angel felt Demons hands gently take hold of his shoulders and carefully turn him so that the water was cascading off of his chest nd his broad back was facing his lover. Angel sighed happily as he stood still, enjoying the warm blast of water.

"Mmmm,..." Angel again moaned his approval, as Demon reached out and started to shampoo his short, black curls. He could feel those strong fingers tenderly massage his scalp as Demon built up the lather. The slow, circular motions Demon used sent slight tingles throughout his head and down his spine. With a broad smile stealing across his face, Angel leaned into Demons tattooed chest. Demons hands traced a duel path down Angels neck, along his shoulders, and across his chest, pulling him in even closer. With eyes still closed, Angel turned his head towards his lover and met him in a tender kiss. Bubbly lather ran down their wet skin in tantalizing rivers.

Demon reached behind himself and grabbed a bottle of shower gel. He squirted a large dalop into his other hand, which was still in front of Angel. With both arms wrapped around his lover, Demon rubbed his hands together, coating them both with gel. Then he began to gently caress Angels chest. Angel lifted his arms up out of the way so that Demon could have greater access. Demons hands explored every inch of Angels chest and stomach. He rubbed the delightfully firm pecs that excited him so much. Angels warm skin felt like heaven under his loving touch. His fingertips paid special attention to Angels sensitive nipples, working them with slow circular motions until they both stood out, rigid and hard. Angel gasped slightly and pressed against Demon, erotically grinding his ass into his lovers stiff cock. Taking the time to enjoy every inch, Demons hand traveled down Angels front. He slowly traced each shallow crease in Angels slight six-pack. When one of his fingertips dipped into Angels sexy belly-button, Demon was rewarded with a sensual half giggle, half moan from his lover. Demon slid his hands over to Angels hips, grasping them tenderly.

He pulled Angel tighter against his throbbing cock and whispered, "I love you Angel." Into the beautiful ear next to his lips.

With languidly sensual movements, Angel turned around in Demons arms and tenderly grasped his lovers face in both hands. Gently, slowly, Angel pulled Demon into a kiss. It was full of love and trust and tenderness. Demon ran his hands from Angels hips, up his back, caressing the smooth creamy skin of his black haired lover. Angel responded to the waves of pleasure Demon was causing by pressing against him tighter and opening his mouth to Demon. Demons tongue entered him, probing, exploring, tasting. Angels tongue met Demons in a swirling dance of passion. Erotic waves of desire rolled throughout Angel, spiked with electric flashes and tingles along his spine wherever Demons fingertips touched. He writhed with the sensations. The lathered gel coating his chest and abs, combined with the hot water streaming over them both acted as a lubricant and their slick skin glided across each other. The intense pleasure almost caused Angels knees to buckle.

"Oh Angel. Oh Baby." Demon breathed, his quiet voice husky with lust.

Angels desire pulsed and throbbed. He was acutely aware of his rock hard cock pressing against Demons own. Both of their cocks were trapped between their bodies, coated in water, shower gel, and pre-cum. The slickness and heat combined with the feeling of Demons skin sliding against him sent a shiver of pleasure along his straining shaft.

Wrapping his arms around Demons neck, Angel pulled his lover back into a deep soul kiss while grinding his cock against Demons etched abs. Both men moaned into the others mouth as the erotic sensations rippled across them. They established a slow rhythm, grinding into each other, thrusting their cocks side by side. Slick skin against slick skin. Hard cock against hard cock. Tongue entwined with tongue. Hands roaming, touching, exploring the other. Rocking, thrusting, grinding, they moved as one, tenderly making love to each other under a steady stream of deliciously hot water.

Angel began making soft whimpering noises and he clutched Demons strong shoulders as a shock wave of intense pleasure coursed through his body. Angel thrust against Demon harder and faster as he felt the pressure build in his balls. Suddenly, Angels orgasim hit him. He could feel his cum race through his cock and explode out the piss-slit of his swollen cockhead.

"Auuughhh!" Angel cried, tossing his head back and gripping Demons shoulders tightly.

Demon could feel Angels cock throb and pulse with each jet of cum that blasted onto his own cock and abs. He could feel the tremors that coursed through his lovers body and into his own. The erotic sensation of Angel cumming on him sent him over the edge and his own cock jerked violently as it shot out a blast of hot seed. Demon reached down quickly and grabbed Angels firm bubble-butt with both hands. He pulled Angel into him, feeling Angels ballsack press against the root of his cock. More cum exploded from his cockhead and his whole body shook with pleasure.

"Oh,... oh,... oh,... Angel!"

Demon had no sooner stopped cumming when Angel attacked his mouth with a deep, passionate kiss. Finally, Angel broke off the kiss and pulled back slightly to look Demon in the eyes.

"I love you too." He whispered softly.

Next: Chapter 7

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