Angel and Demon

By Scorpio

Published on Jan 26, 1999


DISCLAIMER This story details the relationship, both physical and emotional, between two consenting males. If graphic descriptions of m/m sex is offensive to you, illegal in your area, or if you are a minor, then please leave. If none of the above applies to you, then enjoy....

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter picks up a little before it broke off in chapter 4, only it is from Demon's point of view instead of Mad-dogs)

Comments welcomed greatly, flames ignored completely.

Angel & Demon,... A Love Story by Scorpio

Chapter 5 Surrender to Love

Demon felt as if he needed time to think. Something inside him said that this probably should not be happening at all, let alone in such a crazy, mad-dash way. Demons head swirled with quickly shifting and often conflicting emotions. Desire and fear. Pleasure and guilt. Love and hate. Demons hard won self-discipline was quickly crumbling away, making room inside for reckless abandon. He knew in his heart that Angel had no real understanding about what he was getting into, and that any pain and hurt that would come to claim the beautiful young man would be no ones fault but his own. Even as this thought swam through his drug clouded mind, he realized that he had no control over this. Angel would follow him blindly, lovingly, in trusting innocence. Demon resolved that if Angel insisted on pursuing him, he would take great care about where he would lead the black haired beauty. As he was held in Angel's strong arms, the last of his resistance fell away, and for one insane moment, Demon clearly heard his mothers voice whispering in his ear, "Forgive us the pleasures we take and the hearts that we break, we know not what we do." A single tear slowly slid down Demons cheek.

Gently disengaging himself from Angel's tender embrace, Demon took the young man by the hand and led him to a room off the side of the tattoo shop. The room wasn't used very often because it was reserved for doing large scale body tattoos. The rooms main feature was a large, padded table, like the kind you might find in a doctors exam room. As a matter of fact, this very table had once belonged to the free clinic down in the run-down neighborhood they called "The Warrens" before Demon, Mad-dog and their friend, Jake the Snake had 'liberated' it.

Once they reached the table, Demon turned around to see Angel swaying unsteadily on his feet. He was very drunk and Demon was afraid he might fall over.

"How much beer did you drink tonight, Angel?"

"Four," was Angel's happy reply.

"You're this plastered form only four beers?" Demon was amazed.

"Yeshhh." Angel paused for a moment, frowning up at the ceiling as if someone had written down his elusive thoughts up there.

"Well, it could 'a also 'ave been the bottle 'o vodka,... maybeee." Angel finally slurred, giving Demon a 'mischievous little boy' grin.

Demon laughed softly and his depression melted away from the loving warmth of Angels presence. Carefully, so as not to unbalance Angel, he lifted the light-weight, over-sized sweater off over his lovers head. A purr of pleasure rumbled low in Demons throat at the mere sight of Angels lovely chest. The firm, solid muscles moved fluidly under delicate pale skin. As a tattoo artist, Demon saw may different kinds of skin, and lots of it, but none could ever compare to Angels. With a hunger born of animal lust and tempered by an almost spiritual awe, Demon leaned forward to taste that lovely skin. Electric tingles caressed his lips from the heat of Angels body, as he lovingly rained soft kisses across both of the delicious pecs.

Angel moaned and he swayed wildly as a tremor coursed through him.

"Careful Stud!" Demon said as he hurriedly steadied his lover in his arms. "Come on Baby, lay down over here."

Demon guided Angel up onto the padded table so that he was stretched out on his back. Walking to the far end, Demon quickly took off Angels shoes and socks. Making his way back to the middle of the table, he undid Angels jeans.

"Lift your hips up Baby." Demon said as he gently grabbed the waist of Angels jeans. He slowly slid them and the jockey's under them down, until Angel was lying naked on the table before him.

"Oh Angel, Baby, you are truly beautiful." Demon whispered, his voice full of love.

"Mmmmmm,.... I lllove 'a way you eyesss ssparkle when you look 'a meeee. Mmmmmm.... Ahhh lovvve you." Angel whispered in a drunken slur, more to himself than to his boyfriend.

Demon smiled at hearing this. Sweet honesty (and sometimes the brutal truth) comes from the lips of drunks and innocent children. Angel was both, so Demon knew that the sentiment was truly how Angel felt. He was filled with a gentle amusement and tender love for the sweet young man. Demon slowly began to undress, his eyes never leaving Angles supine form.

Once he was completely naked, Demon stepped forward to the table again. Slowly, he ran his hands along Angels magnificent body, carefully examining every detail. The muscles of Angels legs were long and firm, rippling gracefully with each of his movements. The soft black hair on them was fine, like silk, and the skin was smooth and pliant. Angels abs and waist were lean and trim, without any fat. His developing six-pack made gentle ripples of flesh as opposed to the deep groves etched in Demons own mid-rift. Angels chest and back flared out in a pronounced V-shape that was a testament to male beauty and the solid, firm pecs with the pink nipples standing proudly in excitement made Demons mouth water. Angels arms were strong with thick muscles and his hands were large and steady. When Demon reached Angels face however, his heart caught in his throat. The strong, masculine jaw, the high cheekbones, soft red lips, the aquiline nose and deep emerald eyes all topped by a mass of curly black hair was Demons personal vision of heaven.

Demons throbbing cock could not wait another moment, so he quickly grabbed the bottle of vitamin E oil he used to coat and protect new tattoos off of the nearby shelf. Then he carefully climbed up on the padded table between Angels legs. Demon gently spread them a little wider and opened the lid on the oil. With firm, tender strokes, Demon rubbed oil all along Angels stiff shaft and balls. Angel moaned and writhed in intense pleasure.

As always, Angels expressive face betrayed every thought and emotion to the vastly more experienced tattooed man. With an insight born of finely honed powers of observation, Demon realized that, in an alcohol induced loss of self conscienceness, Angel was able to focus entirely on the physical sensations he was experiencing. All nervousness was gone. Emotional turmoil was banished. All that remained was Angel and Demon. Demon was enthralled.

Pouring more oil directly onto Angels stomach, Demon used both of his hands to rub and caress Angels body in an erotic massage. He worked on Angels chest first, then gradually lower and lower, stopping only long enough to gently stroke Angels blood engorged cock a few times with one hand, while he reached for more oil with the other.

Pushing Angels bent legs up into the air to expose that sweet, firm ass, Demon poured the oil directly onto Angels puckered lovehole. When he gently inserted one slick finger through the tight ring of muscle, Angel gasped and then pushed back against the loving invader. Demon carefully worked in as much of the oil as he could while Angel lay back with eyes closed. A gentle smile on his lips, Angels hips did a slow grind on Demons strong hand. Tenderly, Demon inserted a second finger into Angel, slowly working them in and out.

"Mmmmm,...." Angel moaned as a shiver of pleasure raced up his body.

Demon inserted a third finger, loosening Angel up for him while he poured oil on his own abs. Putting the oil down again, he used his free hand to slick up his own six-pack and cock.

"Angel. Baby, are you ready?"

"Mmmmm,.... Yessss. Ohhh yessss."

Removing his fingers from Angel, Demon put the beautiful young mans ankles up on his shoulders. He then carefully aimed his cockhead against the puckered rosebud and slowly pushed. Angel moaned with desire and pushed out against Demon, opening up to engulf his throbbing, oil slicked cock.

Angels eyes shot open as both men stay perfectly still, panting heavily. Angel gradually adjusted to the immense feeling of fullness in his ass and began to grind against Demon, his whole body begging for more. Slowly, tenderly, Demon began to make long passionate strokes. He tried to slightly vary the angle of penetration each time to enhance the sensations Angel was feeling on his prostate.

Angel closed his eyes again, threw his head back and made a low rumbling growl of animal pleasure deep in his chest.

Demon slid Angels legs down until they were around his waist and then leaned forward, pressing his body flat against his lovers chest. With gentle passion, Demon made love to Angel. Propped up on his elbows, Demon slid his forearms under Angels shoulders and cradled the young mans head in his hands. Angels arms came up around Demons neck, pulling him down into a deep kiss.

The slick oil coating Angels body from chest to ass created electric sensations as with each stroke of his cock into Angel, Demon slid his whole body up Angles abs and chest. With each stroke out, Demons body slid back down Angel. Demon made sure there was as much body contact as possible as he rocked back and forth on his knees and elbows so as to caress Angels stiff cock with his own chiseled abs.

Suddenly Demon heard the door open quietly behind him. He turned his head to see his cousin Mad-dog standing there, his stunned expression slowly turning into a wide grin.

"Get out." Demon said softly and then he turned to gaze into Angels beautiful face once more. Without saying a word, Mad-dog slipped quietly from the room, leaving the lovers in each others embrace.

Angel and Demon slowly built up the tempo of their rhythm. Faster and faster they pounded against one another. Demons strokes became longer and deeper. Sweat mixed with the oil and their hearts raced. With Angel urging him on with moans and whimpers, Demon pushed up on his arms and supported his weight with his hands. Gaining speed and leverage, he began to slam into Angel with unbridled lust. Over and over again he plunged deep into the young man writhing erotically beneath him.

"I,... I,... Oh Gawwwwd!" Angel cried.

Angels cock began to jerk and pulse as splash after splash of cum jetted onto his chest and stomach. The strong muscles in his ass clamped down hard on Demons cock with each blast from his cock, milking it and sucking it hungrily.

Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, Demon saw sparks of white light flash within his brown orbs as he buried his cock deep into Angel one last time as his cock swelled. He exploded in an intense orgasim, his cum coating the twitching walls of Angels ass. Tremors ran up his tattooed spine with each powerful blast.

As the world slowly dissolved back into place around him, Demon glanced down at his lover to see him smiling and making soft cooing noises. Shaking like a leaf in a storm, Demon melted back down against Angel. He held him tightly as they both slowly came down from their sexual high. After a few minutes, Angel gently drifted to sleep in his arms, a look of happy contentment on his handsome face.

At the soft sound of bare feet plodding across the linoleum tiled floor, Mad-dog looked over towards the back room. Demon was walking to him wearing nothing more than a pair of black boxers. He was also very sweaty and appeared to be well coated in some kind of clear oil. Mad-dog shook his shaggy head and grinned, his cousin looked like a demented sex-god to his marijuana baked mind.

Demon had spent years working out in the gym as well as the dojo, and as a result, his solid frame was packed with chiseled muscles and he moved with a fluid grace. With the exception of his left leg and face, Demons body was covered in large colorful tattoos. Mad-dog and his father Sam had been the ones to etch the pictures into that flesh. Demons original inspiration for the full body tattoo was taken from the traditions of the Yakuza, crime lords of the Japanese underworld. Each large scale piece was a creature from myth or legend, usually holding or wearing an ancient symbol. All of the individual pictures were tied together into one by a background of bright flames. Mad-dog was proud of the artwork he had done on Demon, especially the two Dragons doing battle across his broad muscular back. It was a very intricate and highly detailed piece. However, the thing that currently stood out the most to Mad-dog was the slight smile playing across Demons rugged features. That smile had been rare lately.

"Feel better now?" Mad-dog taunted with a smirk.

"Yeah." Demon grinned. "Thanks for asking."

Mad-dog laughed. It was an amazing transformation. The black haired stud had quite an effect on Demon. Speaking of him...

"Hey, where's what's his name?"

"Passed out on the tattooing table. And his name is Angel." Demon said, sitting down at the table next to Mad-dog. "Roll up a joint dude, my hands are oily."

Mad-dog laughed again, a dozen responses flashing through his mind. Instead of voicing them though, he grabbed the pot and the rolling papers.

With a jerk of his shaggy head in the direction of the two sleeping college boys at the other end of the table, he asked, "Well, what do you want to do with sleeping beauty and his two drunk chaperones?"

"I don't know. I guess I should take 'em home. If I let 'em drive themselves, they'd just fly off the road and take out a tree or somethin'."

Mad-dog blazed up the fat bone and raided an eyebrow up at Demon. "That's mighty nice of you, but then how do you plan on getting home?"

"That's easy. Your going to follow us on your chopper dude." Demon smirked. "You're my ride home."

"Huumphh." Mad-dog snorted. "Well, then you gotta chill here till Pop gets back. Can't leave the shop, dude."

Demon glanced around, "Where is Sammy anyway?"

"Out with the boys somewhere, I guess. Who knows?"

"Well, then if he's not upstairs, you mind if I jump in the shower and hose myself off?"

"Naw, go for it man." Mad-dog gave Demon a nasty grin, "Besides, if you tried to drive like that, you'd keep sliding off the seat from all that oil."

"Fuck you." demon said before finishing off the last of the joint. Mad-dog just laughed as Demon stood up and headed for the upstairs apartment Mad-dog shared with his father Sammy.

An hour and a half alter, after two piercing and one tattoo, Mad-dog went into the back room to get a beer out of the mini-fridge. He found Demon freshly showered and dressed, sitting at the table. His younger cousin had a pen and a bunch of paper in front of him. He was writing furiously, a look of intense concentration on his face. He walked over to the mini-fridge in the far corner and pulled our a can of Bud.

"Want a brew, dude?"

"Wha...? Huh,.... Thanks man."

Grabbing another beer, Mad-dog walked over to the table Demon was working at and handed him the chilled can of beer.

"What 'cha doing?" Mad-dog asked, just as the front door opened, letting in more customers.

"Writing a letter, now get out there before we're robbed, dude."

Mad-dog just rolled his eyes and headed back out to the front room.

By the time Sammy got home, Demon had finished writing his letter and was trying to get Angel dressed. Demon was able to get his young boyfriends socks and underwear on with no problems, but the jeans were another matter. He'd only gotten them up to mid-thigh so far.

"Angel. Baby wake up." Demon said softly, running a finger along Angels jawbone.

Angels only response was to smile in his sleep.

"Angel! Baby wake up." Demon said a little louder, gently shaking Angels shoulder. "Come on sweetness, you need to wake up and get dressed."

"Mmmph." Angel moaned softly, a little pout forming on his beautiful lips.

"Come on Angel. That's it Baby. Wake up." Demon encouraged the drunken beauty lying on the tattooing table.

Angel opened one bleary eye, "Sllleeep." He argued softly.

"I know Baby, I know." Demon sympathized. "But you need to get dressed so I can take you home. You can sleep there, okay sweety?"

"Uuughnn." Angel softly whined, while opening the other eye.

Demon quickly reached down to the end of the table and grabbed Angels legs. He gently bent them until his feet rested flat against the table. That done, he went to the waist band of Angels jeans and stuck a finger through the belt-loops on either side.

"Okay Baby. Lift your hips up so Daddy can pull your jeans on."

Slowly, Angel lifted his hips up off the table and Demon slid the jeans up over his oild coated skin. When Angel flopped back down, Demon got him adjusted and then zipped. Walking to the head of the table, Demon scooped up Angels shoulders with one muscled arm and reached out with the other to take one of Angels hands.

"Okay Baby, time to sit up." He said, simultaneously pushing and pulling the young man into a sitting position. "Come one Angel, sit up for Daddy."

Once Angel sat up, Demon saw him visibly go pale and then turn a faint shade of green.

"Angel, Baby, you need to be sick?"

Angel paused a moment, then slowly shook his head no.

"You sure Baby, you drank a lot of vodka tonight."

"I'm sure." Angel whispered.

"Okay, but if you change your mind, just tell me, okay?"

Angel nodded slowly, swaying slightly on the table. Stretching one hand in Angels direction in case his lover started to tip over, and stretching the other towards the floor behind him, Demon found, then grabbed the young mans sweater. Swiftly turning it right- side-in, Demon gently pulled it over Angels head. Angel tried to help, but his drunken arms made a tangled mess of it.

With an amused chuckle, Demon sorted out Angels arms once more. He took Angels hand and helped him aim it into the corresponding sleeve.

"Let Daddy help you. That's it. In you go. Okay, now the next one. Here,... right here, now push through. Yeah, that's it Baby."

Demon leaned in and kissed Angels forehead as he gently straightened out the sweater, sliding it down over Angels stomach. Then reaching down, he grabbed Angels sneakers. Demon placed the right one on Angels foot, then leaning it against his thigh, he laced it up tight. He mirrored the same actions with Angels left foot.

Letting Angels legs dangle over the edge of the table, Demon gently cupped the dark haired beauty's chin in his hand. Angels green eyes looked up into his and for a moment, Demons heart caught in his throat.

"Baby, do you think you can walk?"

With an amused grin, and a slight shrug, Angel pushed off the table onto his feet. He swayed alarmingly for a second and then began to fall. Demon grabbed him, and held him upright.

"Oooops. Sorry." Angel giggled.

"That's okay Baby. I been there and done that. Just lean on me and keep walking, okay? Daddy won't let you fall."

Wrapping Angels left arm around his shoulders, Demon grabbed onto his hand tightly to keep it in place. Then with his right arm wrapped just as tightly around Angels waist, he slowly lead the drunken young man back out into the front room.

Mad-dog and Angels two friends were gone, leaving Demons uncle in their place. He was sitting at the table, drumming his fingers rapidly and chomping on some type of chewing gum. Demon rolled his eyes. Methamphetamines. Sammy only chewed gum when he was speeding his face off.

"Where's Mad-dog?"

Sammy gave Demon a knowing grin, then lewdly eyed Angel up and down. "You must be getting old if you have to get 'em drunk first."

"Fuck you Sammy. Where the fuck is Mad-dog at?"

With a vicious laugh, Sammy jerked his thumb in the direction of the front door. "Putting pretty-boys friends in their car. It's the beat-up blue Mustang at the corner." He laughed again. "They can't hold their liquor, can they?"

"Yeah, well they don't have forty years of alcoholism as experience to back them up either." Was Demons barbed reply.

Instead of getting angry, Sammy just laughed. "Yeah, no one can out drink 'ole Sam."

"No doubt." Demon called over his shoulder to his uncle as he carefully maneuvered Angel out the door and down the three steps to the cracked sidewalk. He quickly spotted his cousin leaning up against a car a few doors down, and slowly made his way to him with Angel in tow.

Mad-dog opened the passenger side door and handed Demon the keys.

"I'm gonna go get the Hawg. Wait here for me before you go blasting off." Mad-dog said as he walked away.

Demon carefully maneuvered Angel into the front bucket seat without mishap. Buckling him into the seat belt, Demon stole a quick kiss. He then shut the door and walked to the drivers side, climbed in and turned the engine over. All four guys jumped violently at the sudden music, blaring out of the speakers at a deafening volume. Demon quickly turned it down.

"What? You guys deaf or something? Gawd damn!"

After a moment or two, Demon could hear the heavy roar of Mad-dogs low slung, chopper coming up from around the corner. He slowly pulled our from the curb, flashing the headlights twice, then drove off down the street.

With the radio turned down low, the college boys all asleep again, and nothing to distract him but the open highway, Demon found himself thinking over what had happened. Demon was a top, usually a vicious top with a strong need to dominate and control. And more often than not, to punish and hurt his partners. With Angel, however, it was different. Oh, he was still a top with a desire to control and dominate, but he didn't want to bring any pain or suffering to his lover. Instead, he wanted to protect him, to hold him tenderly. He thought about how he had called Angel 'Baby' and referred to himself as 'Daddy'. At the time, it had flowed very naturally and it felt right. Demon wondered if he could change from being a harsh 'Master' to a tender 'Daddy'? For Angel,... yes, for any one else,... highly doubtful. But would that be enough for Angel? Could Angel accept those roles? He didn't know. Demon was very confused. Angel was changing everything, nothing seemed the same. With a deep sigh, and very little resolved in his mind, Demon pulled Joeys car up I front of Delta Kappa House.

Mad-dog helped by carrying Joey and Billy into the house and unceremoniously dumping them onto the living room floor while Demon carried Angel upstairs to his room. Placing Angel on his bed, Demon quickly undressed the young man and pulled the blankets up over him. Placing a thick folded packet of paper on top of Angels desk, Demon turned out the light and left. Within moments, Mad-dog and Demon were racing out of town on the custom Harley Davidson.

Next: Chapter 5: Angel and Demon 6 7

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