Angel and Demon

By Scorpio

Published on Jan 19, 1999


Disclaimer The following is an erotic story detailing the loving relationship of two consenting males. If this is illegal in our area, if you are underage, or if it's not something you want to read, then please leave. Otherwise, enjoy.

Comments and critiques welcomed, flames will be ignored.

Angel & Demon... A Love Story by Scorpio

Chapter 4 Fallen Angel

With nervous tension knotting his stomach and causing sweat to bead up on his brow, Angel slowly opened up the front door of the Delta Kappa house. It was quiet inside. That was not unusual for this time of day. Most of the brothers would be in class, or studying at the library. It was after lunch, but before dinner, so there was no real reason to have many of the brothers in. Breathing a slight sigh of relief, Angel headed up the stairs to his room. Putting his books down, he put on a CD and laid back on his bed to think. As he became calmer, he suddenly felt tired. His energy was completely drained. The physical exertions of last night combined with the emotional rollercoaster ride he was still swept up in took it's toll. Without even realizing it was happening, Angel was soon fast asleep on his bed.

When Angel woke again, he could tell it was a little after dinner time by the angle of the sunlight streaming weakly through his window and the persistent rumbling in his stomach. He was still nervous about any confrontations, but he knew they would come sooner or later. With a deep sigh, he figured he might as well get up and go eat. Hiding in his room would not stop the inevitable from happening. That decided, Angel sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed only to feel a jolt of fear as he noticed a figure sitting at his desk for the first time.

"Holy Fuck!" he shouted, instinctively drawing back.

Without a sound, the figure reached out his hand and switched on the desk lamp beside him. The small circle of golden light washed across Joeys bright red hair and freckled skin.

"Damn Joe! You scared the shit out of me!" Angel complained, shocked into full wakefulness. Joey didn't say anything, he just turned his head and looked at Angel.

Joey and Angel were best friends. They met in their Junior year in high school after Joeys father was relocated by his company to the neighborhood. They choose the same college to prevent themselves from being separated and even rushed the same frat. No one knew Joey as well as Angel and vice-versa. The first thing that Angel noticed when Joey turned to face him was that Joey was very upset. Not many people would be able to tell. Like most red-heads, when Joey became angry he let everyone know it in no uncertain terms, but when Joey had his feelings hurt or was very sad, he became quiet and withdrawn. He held it all bottled inside until he could get to Angel and let it all pour out in privacy. And that is what Angel saw. His best friend in the entire world was sitting before him in pain. All thoughts of his own dilemma rushed out of his mind as he suddenly focused on Joey.

Angel slid off the bed and placed a hand on Joeys shoulder, "Dude, what's wrong man?"

With a sharp move, Joey pushed Angels hand off of him, jumped up and yelled. "YOU! That's what's wrong!"

Confusion swirled through Angel as he stared at his friend, watching him breath heavily through his nose, obviously trying to calm himself. Joey was visibly shaking, and anger rose in his eyes. Angel took an involuntary step back, suddenly frightened. Angels fear must have reached Joey in some way, because as fast as the anger had risen, it faded away, to be replaced by the hurt again. Tiredly, Joey sank back into the desk chair. Nervously, Angel sat on the edge of his bed across from him.

"What did..." Angel began, but he was silenced when Joey put up a hand to stop him.

Angel was about to try again when Joey spoke up. "I saw you with him." He barely whispered. Angel paled. "Billy and I got back to town real late last night, and we came up here to see if you had gotten in." Angel didn't reply, he couldn't think of anything to say even as his mind whirled a hundred miles an hour.

Joey looked up from his lap and directly into Angels eyes, "You were in bed with him, sleeping -- and naked."

"Joey, I--"

"Don't try to deny it Angel, I saw you with my own eyes."

"I wasn't going to deny it. Your right. We were both naked, in bed -- together."

"Why Angel, why?" the pain in his voice evident.

Angel sighed, he knew what he had to say. "Before you ask, no, I wasn't that drunk, no, he didn't drug me or force me or anything like that. I--I'm gay." Angel sat there, waiting for Joey to freak out again at the confession. Instead, what he heard shocked him.

"Well, I figured that out as soon as I opened your door and saw you wrapped around that guy, but I mean why didn't you tell me. Me! I'm supposed to be your friend. Your best friend!" Joeys face was a mask of hurt. "I feel like this whole time I thought I could trust you and you've been lying to me."

Angel felt like he had been hit in the gut by a flying brick. He tried to speak several times but his tongue kept getting in the way. One thought pierced through the swirling emotions, and helped him to focus,... Joey didn't seem to care that he was gay, only that Angel hadn't told him.

"I was afraid." He said finally.


"I was afraid, okay?" Angel said loudly, becoming defensive. "I didn't want to risk what I had. I didn't want to end up like Dave Rawlins. But mostly I didn't want to risk losing you! Risk having you turn your back on me and hate me because of it. God knows I wanted to tell you so many times, hell, I almost did a few times, but I always got too scared to say it."

"You thought I would hate you for being gay? Dude, you're my best friend. I couldn't hate you." Joey said softly.

"You don't hate me?"

"Well, no. I am mad you didn't trust me though. You should know you can tell me anything." Joey said looking at Angel again. He paused a moment and said, "Who's this Dave Rawlins?"

"He moved out of the old neighborhood a few years before you got there. He got beat up real bad one day by the guys at school -- for being gay." Angel said softly, looking down.

"I didn't know."

So, Angel started to talk. He opened up in a way he never had to anyone. He told Joey all about Dave. He told him what it was like to live in the closet, always afraid someone would find out about his secret and turn his life upside down. He talked about how he feared his parents would disown him when they found out, and how he felt like he was letting them down. Joey listened like the good friend he was. Joey let Angel pour his heart out to him, and he was there on the bed, holding Angel tightly when he started to cry. Joey never realized how much Angel had been holding in, dealing with all by himself. When Angel swore he'd never keep another secret from Joey again, he broke down and cried right along with Angel. By the time the two young men had calmed down, they were closer than ever.

Joeys arm was draped over his shoulders as Angel slowly pulled himself back together. Wiping the last tear from his eye, Angel realized how lucky he was to have Joey as a friend. He had come very close to loosing the greatest friend in the world and he was a little amazed that they had managed to work everything out. Mostly he felt as if a two-ton weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. It was an incredible sensation of freedom to be able to have someone that he could tell his feelings to - his real feelings. He couldn't help but smile.

Joey broke Angel from his thoughts, "I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

At the mention of food, Angels stomach growled loudly. Both of them glanced down at Angels mid-section and busted up laughing.

"Well, that answers that question, huh?" Joey said. He grabbed Angels hand and pulled him up off the bed behind him. "Come on, let's head into town and grab some Mickey D's. My treat."

The two college studs left the house and went to Joeys car, cracking jokes about how hungry they were and who could eat the most french fries. They continued joking all the way down town and while they were sitting in the drive thru. After getting their order, Joey parked in an open space at the end of the parking lot and they dug into their food while tunes poured from the cars sound system.

When they were almost done eating, Joey spoke, serious once again. "So Angel,... What's up with you and that guy, uhh,... Demon, is it?"

Angel glanced over at Joey. He was looking at Angel with one eyebrow raised, curiosity in his eyes. There was no anger or resentment, just a desire to know.

"Um,... well,..."

"Come on Angel. You said you wouldn't keep any secrets from me again."

"I know. It's just that, well, this is weird for me, ya know? I never once talked about stuff like this, not with anyone."

Joey nodded. "I understand. Just take it slow, dude." Joey turned and looked directly at Angel. "I know that you slept with him and all, but,... do you like him, dude? Or is it just, you know,... good sex?"

Angel turned bright red, and this made Joey burst into laughter. "Sorry man, I didn't mean to make you blush. But seriously, though, what's up with you two?"

Angel paused for a moment collecting his thoughts before answering, "Yeah, I do. Like him, I mean. There's something about him that just gets to me. I don't know what exactly, but it's real. We're both so different, but so much alike too. I can't explain it." He glanced up at Joey with a smirk on his face, "And the sex wasn't just good, it was fucking great."

This time Joey blushed bright red, and Angel laughed.

Then Angel told Joey all about how Demon brought him home after finding him lost and alone in the city. He told Joey about inviting him in and how Demon had seduced him. Then, Joey told Angel how he and Billy finally headed for home after searching for Angel, only to find him already there. Angel got real quiet and turned slightly pale. Finally, Joey noticed his friends silence.

"What's the matter?" Joey asked, concerned.

"Billy knows?"

Suddenly, Joey understood. "Yeah, he does. He talked to Demon before we left your room. Didn't Demon tell you?"

Angel numbly shook his head no.

So, Joey told him about what had been said while Angel had been lying asleep in his lovers arms. Angels confusion at Billys reaction must have been evident, because Joey started to tell him about what happened after they left Angels room.

"After we left you and Demon, Billy dragged me to his room. I was upset. I admit it. I, well, I felt like you had betrayed me or something."

"I'm sorry."

"No. I know. It's okay. But last night I was upset. Billy made me sit down on his bed and told me to go ahead and freak out." Joey grinned bashfully. "So I did. I told him how I was hurt because you were my best friend, yet I found out about you being gay by accident."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay now, Angel. I understand why you did it. But last night I was upset. Shocked mostly. It totally caught me off guard, but Billy was really cool about it. He let me babble away. Well, I finally realized that he wasn't freaked out about you being gay, so I asked him why."

Angel swallowed hard, his nerves on end. "What did he say?"

Joey shrugged, "Well, he turned to his bookshelf and pulled out an old photo album. He flipped through it a minute, then handed it to me. It was open to a picture of two girls smiling at the camera."

Angels glanced at him quizzically. "Why?"

"He said it was a picture of his sister -- and his sisters girlfriend."

Angels eyebrows both raised up at that news.

Joey chuckled softly. "Yeah. Billys sister is a lesbian. According to Billy, she's been with her current girlfriend for a few years now." Angel could almost see the lightbulb go on over Joeys head, "You should go talk to him about it, ya know. Hell, he could probably tell you some stories about his sister and all. You know, like the things that happened to her when people found out."

Angel nodded thoughtfully until something occurred to him.

"Who else knows?"

"No one that I know of. It was just me and Billy."

Angel sighed with relief. Billy and Joey knowing his secret was almost more than he could handle, even with both of them being cool with it. After the last 24 hours, Angel didn't think he could stand any more shocks.

It was at that point the Joey looked him in the eye and asked, "So, did you suck his dick, or what?"

At those words Angels over taxed mind and stressed out nerves short-circuited. He began laughing hysterically as tears poured down his cheeks. Joey looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

"What'd I say?"

Angel looked over at him. Joeys face was full of confused concern and that made Angel burst out laughing again.

"Hehehehe,.... Dude, I,... hahahaha,.... Dude, I tried, but,.... Teh-hehehe,... ohhh, man, it was,... hehehehehe, it was so big, I ,... hahahaha, .... Hehehe, he was so big, I,... hahahah, I choked on it dude! Hahahahaha!"

Joey blinked once, twice, then burst out laughing just as hard as Angel.

Several days later, Angel was sitting in his room, pouring over the notes for an upcoming test when Joey and Billy walked into his room, shut the door behind them and made themselves at home on his bed.

Slamming the notebook shut, Angel snapped at his friends, "What? Did we forget how to knock?"

After glancing at each other with knowing looks, Joey turned to Angel and said, "Dude, what is your problem lately? You've been getting more nasty as the week goes by. What's up?"

Angel took a deep breath, ready to launch into the two young men, when he realized that they were serious. They weren't trying to bust his balls, they really wanted to know what was bothering him. Angel let out the breath in a deep sigh and shook his head.

"Has it been that noticeable?"

"Yes." They said in unison.

Angel sighed again. He didn't realize that he had been affecting the people around him with the thoughts going around his head lately. But he should have known better, he supposed, if anyone would catch on to his moods, it would be Joey.

"It's two things actually." Angel began.

"Well, what's the first?" asked Billy.

"Tommy." Angel said.

Seeing both of them with blank looks on their faces he explained. "Tommy has been avoiding me like the plague. I've tried to talk to him several times, but he gets all freaky on me and splits. It's really getting to me."

"Why is he acting like that? You've always gotten along real good before." Joey noted.

"I don't know for sure, since he won't talk to me, but it started the morning after Demon spent the night."

All three of them exchanged concerned looks. Without having to say a word, they knew that Tommy had somehow figured out Angels secret.

"And that leads to my second problem -- Demon."

At that, the two guys on the bed exchanged confused looks. "What's wrong with Demon?" Billy finally asked.

"This is going to sound stupid..." Angel warned. He took a deep breath and plunged forward. "Well, he never called. He never came back, and he knows I don't have a car to get to him. I called the place he works, but he wasn't in and he never called me back." Angel looked down into his lap, blushing." I guess I feel used. Like a whore or something."

That said, both of the guys got off the bed. Billy left the room, but Joey walked up to Angel and put his arms around Angels shoulders. "What a jerk." He mumbled.

"I really liked him Joe. He made me feel special or something,... but now? I guess I just wish I knew why he didn't call me."

Just then Billy returned carrying a full bottle of vodka and three cups. "Come on, let's get drunk."

By the time the bottle was empty, all three were plastered and they had compiled a list of things that one should never do to their significant other,... be they male or female. They also had discussed who were the most fuckable people in their respective classes as well as those they wouldn't touch for any amount of money. And of course, they had decided to drive into the city and hunt Demon down. Only stopping to grab two six-packs of beer out of the fridge, they piled into Joey's car and headed down the highway.

Demon sat in the back room of his uncles tattoo shop at a wooden table rolling a fat joint. An old Metallica song throbbed and pulsed in the air. His cousin, Mad-dog sat across from him playing with a knife and tried to cheer him up. He had been sunk in a black depression ever since leaving Angel a few days ago and he didn't care who knew it. Mad-dog had finally guessed that he was hung up on some guy or other, but Demon refused to talk about it. The only thing Mad-dogs father Sammy had said on the subject was, "You better snap out of that funk your in numb-nutz, or your going to wind up in the loony ward, just like Susan." Susan was Sam's sister and Demon's mother. It took a lot of self control to keep from knocking out a few of Sams teeth, but Demon wasn't angry at him anymore, just tired.

Demon blazed up the joint and took a deep drag before passing it to Mad-dog. 'Fade to Black' came on and Demon just listened to the song as he slowly got stoned. The pot helped a little. It didn't make the pain go away, but it buried it, took the razor edge off it.

Suddenly, the door in the front room opened and the two tattoo covered men heard the sounds of drunken people trying to hold it together. Mad-dog sighed, and stood up to go greet them.

Demon stayed in the back and finished off the last of the joint. As the song ended and a quiet settled over the room, he could hear an argument in the front room. Fuck. He stood up to go help Mad-dog kick out the drunks when he heard his name being yelled. Demon stopped in mid step, shocked to the bone. That wasn't Mad-dog yelling for him, it was,... Angel!

Running from the room like a madman, he was confronted with pandemonium. Mad-dog was doing a pretty good job of herding the three guys to the door. The two guys who had walked in on him and Angel the other night were mostly trying to talk to Mad-dog who was mostly ignoring them. Angel however was ignoring Mad-dog, just trying to get past him while screaming for Demon.

"Everyone, just stop!!!" Demon yelled.

Silence descended on the room as everyone looked at him. Demon took a deep breath and then asked the question that was burning his mind.

"Angel, what are you doing here?" Looking at him standing there, Demons heart broke all over again.

"We need to talk." Anger, hurt and determination flashed in his green eyes.

Demon just nodded and turned to walk into the back room. Mad-dog let him go and Angel followed, leaving his two friends to wait in the front room. Demon sat down at the table in his chair and gestured for Angel to take the other. Angel just stood however, looking at him while swaying on his feet. Demon could smell the beer and the stronger alcohol underneath. Angel was very drunk and very hurt. Demon wasn't sure what to say to the black haired beauty, so he waited for Angel to speak first.

Angel didn't say anything however, instead he reached out with his well muscled arm and slapped Demon in the face. Demon took the hit. Demon was a very good street fighter and Angel drunkenly telegraphed his intention to strike. Demon could have easily blocked the blow, but he wanted it. Felt he deserved it. When his head snapped back into place he looked up to see Angel standing there with tears running silently down his face.

"Angel,... Baby I..."

Angel exploded. "Don't you 'Angel baby' me god-damn-it! What the fuck is wrong with you! You think I'm your personal little whore? That you can toy with me and then not call me back and everything can be fixed with an 'Angel baby'? If you didn't want to see me again, fine! But at least have the decency to tell me."

"You don't understand. I..."

"What don't I understand Demon? Huh, what? I understand that I gave you something special. I gave you me! Nobody can ever have what I gave you. It's yours forever, and you treat me like a fucking whore!"

Demon felt as if he had been hit once again. Demon had been avoiding Angel, trying to protect him from being hurt by Demon and his life,... and yet that very thing had been hurting Angel all along. Demon stood up and stepped towards Angel. Angel threw a few more wild swings at him, but he easily avoided or blocked them. Finally close enough to do so, Demon wrapped his arms around Angel and pulled him in close, hugging him tightly.

Angel struggled at first, but Demon refused to let go. Finally, Angels resistance broke and he leaned into him crying. He banged his fist on Demons chest twice to emphasize his feelings. Angel was very strong and Demon was sure he'd have a colorful bruise in the morning, but he didn't care. When Angel got quiet enough to hear, Demon tried to explain.

"Angel,... Baby, I wasn't trying to make you feel like a whore. I never once saw you that way. Honest." He said as he slowly stroked the black curls on Angels head.

"But then why..."

"I didn't call you because,..." Demon began slowly. "Well, because you deserve better than me." He finished in a rush.

Angle looked at him, confusion evident on his handsome face.

"Look Angel. Let's face it. I'm a member of a motorcycle gang and I'm a career criminal. No one in my family, and none of my friends are what you would call a 'typical joe". Do you get what I'm saying? My life is not exactly a trip to Disneyland. You on the other hand, you've got a real shot at a good life. The future is bright for you. You should find someone who won't mess things up for you. Me, I'll be happy if I end up spending more than half of my life outside of jail, ya know."

"But it's you I want."

"Angel, you are like a gift from heaven, do you know that? A gift that shouldn't be wasted on someone like me."

Angel didn't say anything to that, he just leaned in and kissed Demon with all the passion he felt inside. Demon moaned. He tried to pull back, to make Angel see reason, but he couldn't do it. Angel just kept holding him tight, kissing his lips and cheeks and neck. The other night, Demon had been the one to seduce Angel, but now, it was his turn to be seduced. His body responded to Angels touch with a burning desire even as the dark loneliness rolled off of him. Looking into Angels eyes, he realized once again that he was lost. There was nothing that he could refuse Angel, nothing that he wouldn't do for him. It was a horribly frightening and totally liberating feeling all at once. He felt Angels hands grab the edge of his shirt just seconds before it was lifted off over his head.

Mad-dog sat out at the table in the front room with the two drunken kids. The blonde was passed out cold, but the red-head had a faintly worried look on his face. Mad-dog could understand that. From the yelling that had been going on earlier he finally knew who it was that had his cousin all worked up. He had to admit it though, Demon had good taste in men. They all looked like models or something, but this guy made the others before him look like chopped liver. And from the screaming he had heard, this guy wasn't a player like the others had been. He was for real.

Mad-dog didn't know if Demon had done a good thing by finding him, or if he had screwed up big time. From the look on the red-heads face, he was probably thinking the same thing about his own friend.

Suddenly, the red-head spoke. "It's quiet. I guess they aren't fighting anymore."


"Wonder what they're doing? Why didn't they come back if they worked it out?"

Mad-dog had been wondering the same thing. It had been too quiet for too long. Standing up, he said, "I'll go find out. Wait here, I'll be right back. Just make sure they didn't go and kill each other or something."

Mad-dog walked into the back room and found it empty. Turning to the right he saw a light coming from the side room where the body table was. The body table was big enough for a person to stretch out on while having a major tattoo done, like a full back piece or something. Walking over, he opened the door a little wider to be able to see into the room. Demon and the black haired guy were both naked and on that very same table. The stranger was lying on his back and Demon was pumping into him with passionate skill.

Demon turned his head to Mad-dog and said, "Get out." He then turned his attention back to the guy under him.

Closing the door, Mad-dog stopped at the table to grab Demon's pot and rolling papers. He was a little unnerved at the scene he had witnessed. Mad-dog had seen Demon fuck other guys before, that wasn't it. He'd walked in on him several times over the years, and once Demon had had him video tape a session with a camcorder. It was the fact that it was totally unlike anything he'd seen Demon do. Usually, Demons sexcapades tended to resemble something out of medieval torture rituals. Mad-dog knew that Demon was a sadist, that he enjoyed things like bondage and discipline. He played little head games with his boy-toys, designed to humiliate them as they submitted to him. But what he had seen in the other room was nothing like that. It had been tender and slow and,... real. And then it hit him, Demon wasn't trying to dominate the black haired guy at all. Demon didn't want to dominate him, because he saw him as a person,... not a sex toy. Demon was in love.

He walked out to the front room again to find the red-head still sitting there awake and worried. He sat down next to him, told him what he'd seen and proceeded to roll a fat one.

Next: Chapter 4

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