Angel and Demon

By Scorpio

Published on Jan 13, 1999



The following is an erotic story detailing the relationship (both emotional and physical) between two consenting males. It is for adults with open minds only. If you are underage, or are not comfortable reading about m/m sex, or if this subject matter is illegal in your area, please leave. If the above does not apply to you, then I hope you enjoy....

Angel and Demon: A Love Story by Scorpio

Part 1 - Angel's Fall from Grace

Chapter 1 Angel in the City

Angello Vingetti, or Angel to his friends and family, let the warm spray from the showerhead rinse the soapsuds from his muscular chest. He watched as the bubbly lather swirled down the drain in the center of the white tiled floor of the shower stall. The steam billowed around him, muffling the echoes of splashing water and the heated water soothed and relaxed the tension out of his slick body. He sighed deeply as he felt the knots slowly ease out of his shoulders and back. As his mind drifted away from the worries of his daily life, it roamed towards more enjoyable thoughts.

"A massage,.... Yeah, that would feel wonderful right about now. That's what I'd like. A breathtaking stud of a man to stand behind me and rub my neck and shoulders,.... Mmmmm yeah...." Angel thought to himself as he poured a little shampoo into his hand. Imagining a mysterious lover with gentle roaming hands, he began to rub the shampoo into the curly black pubic hairs from which his prick grew. Moaning softly at the pleasant feeling of his cock growing, filling with blood, he worked the shampoo into a thick lather. The creamy bubbles worked as an excellent lube as he began to jack his seven inch cut cock. The skin was smooth and soft over the steel hard shaft and he thrilled to the touch of his hand fisting slowly up and down.

Angel imagined his faceless dream lover begin to gently kiss his neck as his hands roamed down his broad v-shaped back, kneeding and molding the muscles. He ran his finger tips over the swollen head of his cock, sending electric shivers through out his entire body. He began to jack a little faster, squeezing a little tighter. His phantom lover fondled the firm globes of his bubble butt. He squeezed and lifted them, slowly pulling them apart. Angel's hand flew up and down on his cock, his thumb caressing across the cockhead at each pass. With his other hand, he reached behind himself to his firm ass. Imagining it was his faceless lover, he thrust a finger into his tight hole as far as it would go. Instantly his cheeks clamped down hard on his finger as his orgasim rolled throughout his entire body. His cock pulsed and jumped in his hand as jet after jet of creamy cum sprayed across the tile wall.

Heart beating fast, muscles twitching, Angel slowly came down from his sexual high. All tension completely drained from his body, he began to rinse. Humming to himself tunelessly, he stepped out of the shower to stand before the full length mirror attached to the back of the bathroom door. He studied himself as he dried off. He was sort of tall, 6'1" and weighed in at 150lbs. His body was muscular from being involved with sports, but lacked the definition of a serious weight lifter. He was happy with how nicely his shoulders had filled out back in highschool, but now he was trying to make his six-pack a little more defined as well and to develop his v-shaped back a little more.

Still, he thought his two best features were still his emerald green eyes, and his smooth creamy skin. He thought it worked well with his black curly hair, which he kept cut short in the style of the day. He figured he was a cute enough guy, the girls seemed to like him,... but, well, as flattering as the attention was, it wasn't what he was really looking for. He wanted a man. A strong, tough, dangerous man. Someone who could excite him, and thrill him, and hold him close. Angel sighed sadly. A lost cause, he thought. Even if I find the man of my dreams, what would I do? Go after him and give up my life,.... Or give up him and live in misery?

Angel shook his head to try and stop his thoughts from becoming a self-pity session. He had to just stop worrying, everything will work itself out in the end, that's what his Mom always said anyway. A pounding on the bathroom door brought him back to his surroundings.

"Yo Angel! What ya doing in there man? Hurry up Dude! I gota piss." Billy called from the other side of the door.

Angel wrapped the towel around him and opened the door. Billy stood there bouncing slightly from foot to foot with a slight grin on his cute face. Almost before Angel had cleared the doorway, Billy pushed on past into the bathroom. "Sorry Dude, but this is an emergency.." Not even bothering to shut the door, Billy unzipped his jeans, pulled out his dick, and let fly with a stream of urine into the toilet. He sighed loudly with relief. Angel just chuckled as he began to walk back to his room to get dressed. After all, he and some of the brothers of Delta Kappa were heading into the city for a wild night to celebrate the end of mid-terms.

This was going to be another new experience for Angel. He had never been into the city before, or any city for that matter. His brothers at Delta Kappa were always amazed at the things that Angel had never done before. He never realized how sheltered his upbringing had been until he arrived at the college, but his brothers kept opening his eyes to new experiences and adventures. Tonight was one of them, a trip into the city. They were going to a bar to drink, dance and get wild. They even managed to get fake ID's for the younger members of the group. Earlier that evening while making the plans for tonight, Billy had joked about maybe Angel would even get laid for the first time tonight. Angel had about died from embarrassment, but the other guys thought it was funny until Joey had taken pity on him and told them to shut up. Still, it sounded like fun, and Angel was beginning to get a reputation for never turning down a chance to try something new, especially if there was a hint of danger to it. Going to his closet, Angel began to figure out what he wanted to wear out to the bar.

Jimmy Damond, (or Demon to his friends and associates), sat at the folding table against the wall of Sam's Tattoo Parlor watching his cousin and co-worker Mad-dog pierce the belly-button of a 17 year old blonde girl named Missy. Missy took the pain like the experienced trooper she was, (you could tell she could handle it by the silver stud in her nose), but her two friends more than made up for it with whispers, giggles and the occasional cringe. Suburban highschoolers out for a night in the city trying to feel grown up, still, they were paying customers, so, who cares if she ends up being grounded for a month, right? Demon was startled out of his mental wonderings when the bell over the door jingled, announcing more customers.

Demon looked up to see six guys walk in. They were all a little on the drunk side, laughing and joking as they swayed across the front room. They looked like they were from out of town, or at least, not from this neighborhood. They were dressed a little too nicely, and they looked a little too innocent. College boys most likely. Demon looked them over casually and decided they were all pretty cute. Well put together. They were checking out the tattoo designs posted on the far wall, pointing and talking together. Suddenly, one of the guys stepped out of the pack and turned slightly to gaze out at the larger back pieces over on the other side of the room. Demon caught his breath in sharply, feeling the room start to spin as all the blood in his brain rushed down to flood his prick.

The dude was amazingly beautiful. Short curly black hair which framed a masculine face with creamy white skin and intensely green eyes. His tight knit shirt molded to his chest and back, defining the curves of muscle beneath. His jeans were slightly baggy and rode low on his waist, showing a slim line of bare skin above. He was a treat to look upon, total eye candy. He turned his head toward Demon. Their eyes met, the vision of male beauty blushed slightly and smiled. Demon almost came in his jeans.

Suddenly, breaking the moment, a blonde guy behind the black hared beauty loudly announced, "This is the one guys. I'm getting this one." He pulled up the sleeve on his T-shirt, slapped at his upper arm, and said, "And it's going right here!" The other guys hooted, hollered and generally gave him loud, drunken encouragement.

Mad-dog glanced up at Demon and said, "Get them, I'm busy here, would ya?" And with that, he went back to concentrating on the three young girls. Demon got up from his seat and walked over to the group of guys. "Hey man," he said to the blonde, "Which one you want?"

The blonde jumped slightly at the sound of his deep quiet voice, but quickly recovered and pointed to a picture of an eagle swooping down with wings and talons extended. "Number 104, huh? Cool. Go over and sit up in that chair by the table there." Demon pointed to the table he had been sitting at with several chairs around it. "I'll get the transfer pattern." With that, he turned and walked into the back room.

When he came back out, he asked the blonde if he ever got a tattoo before this. The guy said no, so Demon explained the procedure and got to work. He shaved the area of hair, and wiped it down with stick deodorant to help the design transfer from the paper to his skin better. Once the design was in place, Demon filled the tattoo gun with black ink and began to trace the outline. He knew it hurt, so he engaged the guys into a conversation, this usually helped people take their mind off of the pain. And that was always good, since it helped stop them from flinching and jumping.

By the time he had finished the tattoo, he had learned that the black hared stud was called Angel. It seemed to fit him too. He was not only the most handsome guy Demon had ever laid eyes on, he was also very quiet and sweet. Innocent in a way that made him vulnerable and desirable. He wasn't sure if he wanted to protect the dude, or corrupt him. He only knew that he wanted him to stay and talk with him the rest of the night, but he left with his friends to continue bar hopping after the ink work was done and paid for. Demon sighed as they left, his eyes never leaving the lovely vision of Angels' asscheeks flexing as he walked away.

Chapter 2 Angel and the Demon of Lust

Angel leaned back in his seat at the club, letting the heavy beat of the music pound over him. He was drawn back in the shadows, slowly nursing his strong drink while watching the dance floor. Actually, he wasn't so much watching the dancers as he was just enjoying the movement and swirl of colors that moved to the beat of the music. His was letting the atmosphere of the club soak in as his thoughts tumbled over themselves.

He couldn't get the tattoo artist out of his mind. He'd said his name was Demon of all things. That had gotten a few laughs from the guys. After a sharp look from him, they quickly introduced Angel. Angel and Demon. They thought it was a riot. He seemed to think about it for a moment, and then he had smiled. Angel almost passed out when the smile turned to him. That grin had set off sparks of pleasure and fear that raced through his body. He could only recognize and understand a little of what he saw in Demon's eyes. But, oh my, did he like what he saw.

Demon was a little shorter than Angel, maybe 5'8" and weighed about 145lbs. His short cropped dark blonde hair was spiked up on top, and his dark brown eyes smoldered mysteriously. His smile was slightly crooked and one of his front teeth was chipped. He had a mustache and a goatee that was well trimmed and lent him a dangerous look. He wore a pair of faded jeans and leather work boots and a studded leather dog collar around his neck. His bare chest was tight, toned, and shaved to show off the many tattoo's that covered him. He had seven earrings in each ear, and both of his nipples were pierced with twin silver hoops. He looked like the kind of guy your mother would warn you about. His whole attitude spoke volumes about the kind of life he led. He walked with a grace that reminded Angel of a predator. A big wild cat out of the jungle, or maybe a wolf from the forest.

Angel was drawn to him like a moth to the flame. His cock was straining against his jeans as he imagined Demon grabbing him roughly into a tight embrace. He imagined the feel of his goatee brushing against his smooth cheek as he sought to find the lips he needed to kiss. He thought of Demon's dark eyes. They seemed sad, almost haunted. He wondered what thoughts were spinning around his head to make them so guarded. He wished he could be the one to make them melt, make them smile and sparkle.

Angel was forced out of his daydream by Joey. The big shouldered red head ran up to the table roughly grabbing Angel, pulling him up and towards the front doors yelling the whole time. Apparently Billy had gotten into a fight with some other guy and they were both thrown out by the bouncer. Running through the crowded room, bumping into people and dodgeing around furniture, they finally were able to push out the front door.

The parking lot was a riot. People were pushing and yelling. A huge fight in the middle of the crowd drew onlookers that cheered for more. Suddenly, blue and red lights flashed out over the crowd as several police cars swarmed into the parking lot. Someone screamed, "Run!!!!!!!! It's the cops!" and the crowd went nuts. Men and women ran in every direction at once. In all the confusion, Angel got separated from his friends.

An hour later, Angel still hadn't found his fellow Delta Kappa's and was slowly becoming lost. He hoped for a cab to cruise by, or to run across a phone booth that actually was working. He hoped he wouldn't get mugged. He continued to walk down a dark street searching for something to help himself out of this situation, when a single headlight at the end of the street burned into the darkness. As the light sped toward him, he could hear the engine of the motorcycle grow into a roar that tried to deafen him as it sped past. He stopped walking when he heard the unmistakeable sound of the large bike turning around at the end of the street and start to head back towards him. He turned around to watch it race to him as fear iced up his stomache.

The Harley Davidson came to a stop next to him and the leather jacket clad rider pulled off a pair of dark sunglasses and looked at him. Angel's heart skipped a beat as soon as his eyes laid upon that beautiful face.

"Demon? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. What are you doing walking around at night in this neighborhood Angel? You want to get mugged?" he was shocked that Angel would be here at all, let alone all by himself, unarmed.

With a blushing grin, Angel explained to Demon about the fight and the cops and how he got lost from his friends. He tried not to sound too stupid or naive, but he knew he wasn't fooling Demon. Demon just grinned and shook his head.

Demon looked at Angel standing there under the streetlight among the trash littering the cracked sidewalk. He was a vision of loveliness and innocence. He was also a walking target for the hunters who called this corner of the world home. That urge of protectiveness rose up in Demon again and he shifted forward on the bike, making room behind him. With a jerk of his thumb over his shoulder he said, "Come on Angel, climb aboard. I'll take you home."

Angel climbed up on the big motorcycle behind Demon and told him where he lived. It was as Demon had thought. A frat house. He grinned. He had been to frat parties before. Always a good time, in a weird sort of way. Nothing like the parties he attended here in the city. He told Angel to hold on tight and he took off down the street.

It must have surprised Angel how fast the bike was, because at the first stoplight, he pulled himself a little closer and held on a bit tighter. Demon grinned. It felt real good to have Angel pulled up close against his back and to have his hands holding onto his hips. Once out on the highway, Demon opened her up and they practically flew down the four lane asphalt. Angel let out a big whoop, laughed, and then held on even tighter, almost melding their bodies together.

All to soon the ride was over as they pulled up in front of the huge house that served as the home for the Delta Kappas. Demon let out a quiet sigh as Angel got off the back of the Harley. He didn't' want to let this time with Angel end, so he was pleasantly surprised when Angel invited him in for a beer.

He looked up at Angel and saw him smiling and blushing at him shyly. His dick was already hard from the wonderful ride and he felt a drop of pre-cum drip out of the piss-slit when he realized Angel was looking at him with a sexy coy look in his eyes. "He can't be hot for me." He thought. Even if he was reading this wrong, he still wanted to spend more time with Angel, so he quickly agreed.

Angel was thrilled that Demon was going to come in for a beer, and his hands shook slightly as he inserted the key into the front door. Three of the brothers and their respective girlfriends were in the living room watching a horror flick that was turned up too loud and two more were cooking up spegetti in the kitchen. The clean cut college boys all stopped what they were doing to openly stare at Demon. He stood out among them like a wolf among sheep with his black leather motorcycle jacket, heavy work boots, and dangerous eyes.

Angel noticed the odd looks that Demon was getting and said, "Hey, I'll grab us some beers and we can head up to my room and hang out awhile, cool?"

Demon grinned, "Yeah, cool man."

Angel opened the fridge, grabbed two beers in each hand and started to lead the way upstairs. Halfway there, he realized that he just asked to be alone, in his bedroom with this stud, and he wasn't sure he could handle it. He had only said it because the tension downstairs had been uncomfortable.

When they got to Angel's room, he handed a beer to Demon and walked to his stereo. Picking out a CD, Aerosmith soon was playing softly out of the speakers. He turned to find Demon sitting calmly on his bed with the beer bottle up to his lips and the golden liquid pouring into his mouth. Angel swallowed as his prick jerked.

"So, what are you studying? In school I mean?" Demon asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Business. It's not real exciting, but hey, classes aren't supposed to be, I guess." Angel grinned shyly. He couldn't help it. Just looking at Demon made him excited.

They talked for a little while about school, tattoos, and life in general. By the middle of the second beer, Angel had to use the bathroom. When he got back Demon wanted to take a piss too. While Demon was out Angel found himself wanting him to hurry and get back in the room with him. It was almost scary. He could feel Demon's presence in the room as a palpable thing when he was there, and he missed it when he wasn't.

When Demon walked back in the room, he saw Angel visibly relax, as if he had been worried the tattooed man wouldn't come back in. Demon had been watching Angel closely the whole time he talked and figured the guy was hot for him after all, and was real nervous about it as well. Figuring, what the hell, you only live once, Demon decided to go for it.

He walked into the room, and shut the door behind him. His jacket was already off him and lying across the bed. Instead of walking to it, or his beer on the desk, he walked up to Angel. He looked straight into those deep green eyes for a minute, and then leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. Angel stiffened for a second in shock, but then he melted against Demon's whole body, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him back with passion. Demon moaned.

Angel's lips were soft and full. They parted slightly and Demon flicked his tongue between them, running the tip across the perfectly striaght, white enamal of Angel's teeth. Demon could feel a shudder run down Angels spine and the heat of his body radiated through the knit shirt bathing Demons own bare chest. Angel opened his mouth wider and Demons tongue dove in, searching and probing the hot wet depths. Demon brought his hands up to Angels waist, slid then around to the small of his back and up under the edge of his shirt. As Demon ran his hands along the soft skin of Angels firmly muscled back, Angel slowly moved his tongue towards Demons mouth. Demon gently squeezed and rubbed Angels back from under his shirt while initiating a passionate tongue wrestling match in thier mouths. Demons straining cock pressed up against the stiff tool in Angels jeans and they both broke off the kiss with a moan.

"Oh wow, Demon." Angel breathed into his ear. "I never..."

"Shhhh." Demon said softly, putting a finger up against Angels lips. "I know. It's alright. I won't hurt you." Demon looked into Angels big green eyes and saw desire and fear battling within him. He leaned in and slowly kissed thoses soft, pink lips. When he looked back into those green orbs, he saw that desire had won.

Demon slowly pulled the shirt off over Angels head to finally reveal his chest. The firm muscles under the smooth creamy skin made Demon think of a Greek statue come to life and his cock jerked with excitement. He traced the lines of muscles with his fingertips while leaning in to kiss Angel once more. Breaking away from those lushious lips, Demon placed soft little kisses along Angels strong jawline and down his throat, to his collarbone and then towards his pecs.

Demon sucked and nibbled on Angels right nipple until it was hard and sticking straight out, then he turned his attention to the other one. Marvelling at the delicious taste of Angels clean skin, he licked and kissed his way lower until he reached Angels beautiful inny belly-button. Kneeling down in front of Angel, he dove his tongue into it to give it a good spit bath, while his hands quickly undid the button and zipper on Angels jeans. In a single motion, Demon pushed Angels jeans and jockeys to his knees, freeing the most wonderful cock he'd ever seen.

Without a second thought, Demon ran his tongue from the base of Angels cock up to the swollen tip. Angel moaned softly and his knees went weak.

"Whoa. Don't fall Angel." Demon stood up and guided Angel over to the bed. He turned him around and gently pressed him down so he was sitting at the edge. Demon cupped the handsome face in his hand, turning it so Angel would look at him. Demon grinned. "You okay?"

"Yeah. That just felt so amazing Demon. I never felt anything like it before."


Demon knelt down on the floor in front of Angel and slowly pulled off his sneakers and socks, then gently removed his jeans leaving Angel naked before him. Demons eyes greedily drank in the stunning physical beauty of the young man even as he marvelled at the trusting innocense that he radiated. His lust doubled. Standing up, Demon quickly kicked off his boots, undid his well worn jeans and pealed them off himself as if they were on fire. Demon stood for a moment, fisting his throbbing cock slowly, just looking at the lovely virgin lying volnurable and willing on the bed. A drop of pre-cum formed at the piss slit of his cockhead.

Angel laid back on his bed and looked up and the naked man standing over him. Demon confussed Angel almost as much as he turned him on. He looked so dangerous, and yet his touch was feather soft and gentle. Demons dark blonde hair was cut short into spikes and his goatee sent shivers of delight along Angels spine as it scratched Angels tender skin. His thick muscled arms, chest and his right leg were covered in tattoos. It wasn't a bunch of small, dark inked drawings all smooshed together creating a chaotic effect. Instead, Demons artwork consisted of several large, colorfull pieces, all tied together by a backdrop of flames. Combined with him being naked except for the wide studded leather dog collar around his neck, the results were slightly frightening in an erotic sort of way. Angel watched Demon slowly pump his thick hard cock, working the foreskin slowly. Angel had never seen an uncut cock before and just the sight of it fasinated him and made his balls tingle.

Angel looked up into Demons face and suddenly felt like a deer in a hunters crosshairs. Undiscuised lust burned in those dark eyes. With subtle grace, Demon climbed onto the bed, kneeling between Angels legs. Angel reached up his hands to touch Demons amazingly decorated chest when suddenly his wrists were caught in Demons strong hands. Angels heart skipped a beat and he instantly felt his nakedness. He caught his breath as Demon threw his weight forward pinning Angels wrists above his head. Demon supported himself with his thick arms, looming over Angel who was still physicaly pinned to the bed. Demon leaned down slightly and kissed Angel deeply. Angel felt himself submit. It was a mental shifting, a need to please, a desire to be pleased, an erotic release. Angel found himself moaning and grinding under Demon as if to beg for more.

"Just lay back and enjoy the ride, okay Angel." Demons voice was deep and husky with lust.

"Mmmmm...." was all Angel could manage as a reply.

Once again Demon kissed and licked his way down Angels chest. Once again his whiskers drove all thoughts out of Angels mind. Angel closed his eyes as tingles played across his skin. Suddenly, the head of his cock was engulfed by wet heat that sent waves of pleasure through him so intense that he saw white sparks in his head. Demon slid his mouth down Angels shaft slowly until he had all seven inches buried in his throat. One hand fondled Angels ballsack, rolling the orbs gently across his fingers, while the other carressed the smooth skin of Angels rippled abs.

"Ooooohhh Deeeemonnnn, Oh Yeahhhhhh, Mmmmmmm..." Angel moaned softly as he rolled his hips, slowly grinding his cock in and out of Demons sweet mouth. He could feel the pressure start to build in his balls.

He guessed Demon could tell he was close, because he pulled off of his dick quickly. Demon gently blew a slow whisper of a breath on Angels saliva slicked shaft sending shivers all across his body. Then Angel could feel Demons tongue on his balls, licking and nuzzling them.

"Oh, yessss..." Angel moaned.

The pleasure rode in waves from Angels balls, outward. He bent his legs till his feet were laying flat against the bed, then he spread his legs wide to give Demon greater access. His goatee leading the way, Demon licked lower and lower until he was tongueing and sucking the puckered lips of Angles love hole. Angel pushed his ass back against Demons face while reaching down with his hands to spread his cheeks. Angel lifted his legs up in the air, grinding into Demon, fucking his face with his ass. When Demons tongue pushed through the tight ring of muscles, Angel bit hard on his lip to keep from yelling out loud and his cock began leaking pre-cum like mad.

His body begining to shiver, Angel moaned, "I'm gonna cum soon, Demon, ohhhh, real soooon."

Demon shot forward and quickly swallowed Angels cockhead while ramming a finger into his tight ass. He sucked hard on Angels cock even as he finger-fucked him. Angel felt his mind go white.

His cock swelled up as the creamy ball juice rushed down the shaft filling Demons hungry mouth. Demon pushed his face into Angels pubes so that his cock was buried deep in his throat, then he began to swallow the jetting cum. Angel was milked dry by that talented throat as he soared into heaven.

After an eternity that ended all too soon, Angel stopped cumming and Demon let go of his softening cock. His body was shaking and his racing heart began to slow as Demon carefully lowered his body down against Angel. Angel wrapped his legs up around Demons waist and flung his arms about his shoulders. He leaned up and shoved his tongue forcefully into Demons mouth and deep kissed him for the few moments it took to get some rational thoughts running through his mind again. Finally he just bathed Demons face in soft kisses.

"Oh Demon, that was beautiful. Thank you."

Demon grinned, "I'm glad you liked it."

With an obviously fake, innocently blank look, Angel siad, "You could tell?"

Demons laugh rumbled deep in his chest and he flashed his crooked smile, "Yeah. But just a little." They both broke out in quiet giggles.

Angel could feel Demons hard as steel cock pressing up against him and he knew he wanted to give Demon the pleasure he had just expirenced. He wanted to taste him, to feel him explode in orgasim. He wanted to be the one to give it to him.



"I want to do it to you as well. I've never done it before though, so don't get mad if I'm not real good, okay?" Angel could feel an odd sort of nerviousness settle over him. He wanted to please Demon so much.

"I won't get mad at you, no matter what you do,.. or what you don't do. Just enjoy yourself. That's all." Demon kissed him on lips gently, softly sucking in the bottom one for a second. Then, taking his weight off of Angel, he rolled over onto his back.

As beautiful and fasinating as Demons tattoos were, at the moment, Angels attention was drawn to his nipples with their little silver hoops. Carefully, he ran the tip of one finger around the edge of the closest one. As tenderly as he could he lifted it up so it was no longer resting against Demons skin. Demon moaned. Angel dropped the ring and grasped his hand back.

"Oh-ma-gawd! Did I hurt you?"

"Wha? Oh, no,.. not at all. My nipples are real sensitive to any touch. That felt wonderful." Demon breathed.

"Oh,... good." Angel was releaved.

Once again he went for Demons nipple, but this time, he went for it with his tongue. He licked at it gently, taking care not to tug on the ring too hard. Then switched to the other one. Demon moaned in pleasure the entire time and soon, both were rigid with excitement. Angel ran his tongue down Demons body, using various lines in the tattoos as a sort of roadmap. He zig-zaged from one side of Demons chest to the other, yet always moveing slowly downward.

Angel was amazed at Demons crotch. Like his arms and chest, it was shaved free of hair, and so it provided him with a taste of pure skin and sweat. Angel licked Demons entire shaft and balls before he even attempted swallow his cock. It wasn't quite as long as Angels, but it was thicker, and he wasn't sure if he could swallow it, but he was determined to try. He licked at the head, paying close attention to the piss slit which had formed a little puddle of pre-cum. Angel devored it. It's sweet taste sent tingles along his own cock which was becoming hard once more. Finally, Angel wrapped his lips around the cockhead. Demon moaned with animal pleasure and gave a few quick jerks of his hips into Angels face. Angel gagged slightly.

"Sorry Angel, it just feels so fuckin' good man."

"S'okay Demon. Just startled me a little."

Angel took the throbbing cock in his mouth once more. He tried to take it all in like Demon had done with him, but everytime he tried, he would start to gag. So, he switched tactics. He never imagined that he would put his mouth on another persons asshole, but when Demon had done it to him, he had almost lost his mind to the wonderful sensations, so he wanted to return the favor. He slowly made his way down past Demons balls with licks and kisses. With his hands, Angel pushed Demons legs up and open to expose his ass. Demon reached up with his arms and grabbed his own legs, holding them open up in the air and tilting his hips forward to open himself up to Angel.

Causiouly, Angel stuck out his tongue and ran it up the crack of Demons ass. He expected to be grossed out, but was surprised to find that it excited him instead. The taste was slightly musky and powerfully sexual. Suddenly Angel dove in face first, licking and sucking and nibbling at the puckered hole. He used his hands to open Demons cheeks wider and then he worked that hole with his tongue. Finally he was able to push his tongue into the tight ring of muscles. Demon let out a moan of pleasure and thrust up his hips into Angels face. Taking that as a sign to continue, Angle started to make love to that beautiful ass with his tongue. After a moment or so of eating and sucking the lovely pucker ring Demon moaned again.

"Mmmmmm, oooohh, oh Angel. Oh, fuck me. Oh, put your hard cock in my ass and fuck me you stud!"

Angels throbbing cock jumped with excitement at those words. Pre-cum formed up at the tip. Angel pulled his face out from between Demons ass cheeks and rose up on his knees. He took carefull aim with his cockhead at the puckered opening, and then pushed in hard. At first he couldn't get in, then Demon relaxed his muscles and opened up. Angel slid in to the hilt. Demon clenched his jaw tight and let out a painfilled growl.

"You okay? Did I hurt you?" Angel asked, frightened he had caused damage to the naked man beneigh him.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Demon grunted. "Next time, go in slower, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Give me a minute to get used to you. That's one big fucking cock you got there."

Angel grinned sheepishly, then slowly bent forward and kissed Demon. When he leaned back up, he started to pull out an inch, then rock in an inch. As his fear that he'd hurt Demon slipped away, he became aware of the sensations assulting his cock. Demons ass gripped his shaft tightly with the hot walls of his guts. The world fell away and there was nothing but the amazing feelings shooting through his body from his dick. His pumping in and out of Demon became longer and longer strokes as he slowly picked up speed. He vaguely became aware that Demon was thrusting his hips up to meeet him with each motion in until Demon started shouting commands at him. Then reality hit him.

"Faster! Faster! Fuck me you stud! Plow that ass! Harder! Go, go go! Oh Fuck me Angel! Fuck me!"

How could any man alive refuse such a wonderful request? Angel pistioned in and out of Demons ass hard. He pulled all the way out and then rammed back in to the hilt in a power-fuck that slammed Demon into the bed and the bed against the wall. The bed springs shrieked, the walls rattled, and Demon yelled for more. Angel picked up the tempo and slammed Demon again and again. In and out, back and forth. Sweat poured off of them both, slicking their skin.

Demons cock began to pulse and jerk, "Oh god Angel, I'm cumming! I'm cummmmmmmminnnnnng!" Demon yelled at the top of his voice. Without even touching his cock, it started to shoot blast after blast of creamy white cum all over his chest and stomache. His orgasim caused the muscles in his ass to clamp down on Angels cock hard, milking it. Angel felt the room start to spin as he exploded deep within the tight hot guts of his lover. With a wild yell of animal pleasure and release, he collapsed on top of Demon.

Breathing heavily into Demons shoulder, Angel felt him place a wet, sucking kiss on the side of his neck, then he heard Demon whisper, "Oh Baby, your wonderful..." Angel blushed.

Next: Chapter 2

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