Angel and Connor

By phil vaive

Published on Feb 16, 2005



This is meant to take place sort of between "Spin the bottle" and "Apocalypse Now-ish" In season 4 of Angel, before all the ick with Cordy.

All that BS applies: If you're a minor, don't like gay stuff or whatever, LEAVE.

The fist hit his face, and Connor recoiled.

"Fuck," he muttered as he swung his elbow at the vampire, connecting solidly with the demon's chin. "That hurt you bastard". The vampire just growled in response, a guttural, angry sound. Swinging his leg up, the demon kicked Connor in the chest, sending the wiry 18 year old sailing gracefully into the concrete beam of the overpass. Connor's shirt ripped on a dead bush, blood dripped from the gash on his chest, and yet he still stood up, and ran straight for the kill. Stake raised above his head, Connor screamed at the top of his lungs as the vampire bared his teeth and lunged, bursting into a cloud of dust. Surprised, Connor landed on the ground in a heap and looked up to see the smiling face of Gunn.

"Thought you could use some help, bro," Gunn said, and smiled. He held out his hand, which Connor ignored, pushing himself gracelessly to his feet.

"I could have handled it on my own, thanks," he snarled.

"Dude, he was gonna bite you! I wasn't looking too forward to seeing you with a set of teeth"

"I said I could handle it myself...thanks though," Connor said sheepishly, turning his back and walking away.

"Angel needs you, anyways. Something about some new beastie boy, and this one sure aint gonna be bustin' out some lame white boy rap," Gunn laughed quietly to himself.

"What?" Connor asked suspiciously.

"Nothing. Just head back to the hotel. Need an escort?"

"I managed to handle myself for 18 years in Quor'toth. I think I'm good. I gotta take a piss though. Hold on." Connor unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, wiping a bit of drying blood of his chest, and took out his large cock right in Gunn's view, pulling the foreskin back from the head.

"Dude, you got no shame do you?" Gunn asked, not looking away. Connor had also taken out his nuts, and Gunn liked what he saw.

"Nothing to be ashamed of," Connor replied, slightly smugly as a stream of urine hit the dirt in front of him.

"Well damn, boy, you sure don't! Let's just do a little compare here." Gunn whipped out his cock in front of Connor, stepped up just past the stream of piss, and relaxed, letting his own stream go. "The big black dick thing isn't just a myth!"

"What thing?" Connor said, not looking up from his viewpoint of Gunn's massive dick.

"Right. I forget you didn't grow up here. Basically, idea is that black guys have bigger cocks. But I guess yours really isn't small, eh?"

"Guess not." Connor shook the drops off his cock, and slipped it back into his pants, zipping up and walking away. Gunn stood there for a second, staring at Connor's retreating back, his slightly stiffening cock still hanging out the front of his pants. Giving it a few strokes, he stuffed it back into his jeans, adjusted the bulge, and followed suit.

"Wait up!" he shouted, and took off after Connor at a light jog.

Back at the Hyperion, Connor opened the door and walked briskly in, striding down the stairs and giving Lorne a slight glare out of the corner of his eye. Lorne and Fred had a pile of maps on the floor in front of where they sat on the red bench, and Cordelia was behind the main desk on the phone, taking notes. Gunn walked in the door after him, and headed straight for the weapons chest off to the side.

"What'd Angel need me for?" Connor asked Fred, who tossed her hair slightly as she looked up. "We have some new demon, and he's not as fun as the ones who wanted to sell me into the slave trade as a cow who couldn't speak to her owners."

"Aw, that's my sweetiekins!" Lorne said, smiling at her.

"I know, I know, not all of the people from Pylea are evil people hating psychos, but..." her voice drifted off as Connor headed towards Angel's office. The door was slightly open, as always, and he and Wesley were inside. Wes was reading some old looking book with embroidery on the cover, and Angel was making notes on some other book that folded out three ways, like some sort of star or something.

"Hey. You called?"

"Yeah," Angel replied, looking up and giving his almost patented half smile. "How was patrol?"

"Same old. Vampire. Dust. Bruising."

"You're hurt," Angel said, getting up and heading towards his son. Connor looked down at his chest.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. It's healing already anyways."

"You must take after me in more ways than one," Angel said

"What was the first way?"

"Dark and good looking," Angel said, smiling a little bit.

"Oh. Thanks. Anyways, what's the big bad? And what's the beastie boys?" Connor added.

"Big bad is called an Mryoth demon, and it's being summoned by some greater power. We don't know what did the summoning, but we hope that if we track it down fast enough it won't get to do whatever it was called to do, and we can figure out who—or what—did the calling," Wesley explained.

"Lemme guess," Connor sighed.

"Neither an army, nor any weapon forged—" Angel intoned.

"Yadda yadda yadda, "Connor finished. "How is it that we always manage to kill these un-killable things? I mean, who decided that this Mryoth demon was unkillable? Who wrote that book?" Connor asked, grabbing it from Wesley.

"Well, unfortunately you aren't going to find the publishing information on the back cover, but I think that finding out who wrote that book is a very important task indeed. I do believe that it was written by a tribe of very traditional, and very far removed, monks in the mountains of Tibet. If we can find them we can figure out just what this demon may be after."

"So you're saying you need to go to Tibet?" Angel asked.

"Yes, exactly."

"Will Lilah mind?"


"No, I'm sorry. Here's the credit card. Go." Angel handed the card to Wes, and walked out the door. "We need to find out anything we can about the Mryoth, so be quick."

"Beastie Boys?" Wesley asked.

"So where does this thing live?" Connor asked, sitting beside Angel in the office.

"We don't know yet. This book said something about faults or something, so I think it might be near the San Andreas Fault." Angel was sitting very close to Connor, his muscular upper thigh brushing against his son's every now and then. Connor moved a little bit closer to Angel, resting his hand on his own leg, but touching Angel's.

"That thing is too long to search for the demon without knowing more," Connor said.

"That's why we sent Wes to Tibet to try to find out more. Eating habits, sleeping habits, all that stuff. Anything to help us find this thing." At that point Cordelia entered the room, and Connor got up off the bed and started pacing.

"Any luck with that demon? Cause I'm not getting any calls about, well, anything."

"Slow night for the underworld, I guess," Angel said, getting up and pacing with is son.

"K, what's with the energy in this room? I'm getting a weird vibe from you guys. Little tense?"

"Just...anxious," Angel replied.

"Pent up energy," Connor confirmed. "I need to go out and get some more hunting in."

"Tell you what, I'll come too. I have some extra energy," Angel jumped in. "I'm just gonna go have a shower, and I'll be right out."

"Just make sure you call if you find out anything on the Mryath, k boys?" Cordelia called as she walked out of the room. Angel stripped his shirt off, revealing his pale muscles. He had a large body, but it was incredibly well defined, with the abs well cut and the pecs held firm above them. A thin trail of hair started just above the black pants he wore. As Angel turned his back to Connor to head to the shower, he unbuttoned the pants and dropped them to the floor. Connor couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous ass in front of him. Angel's back was as well defined as his chest, with a large dark tattoo of an angel across the shoulder blade. The muscles ran down his back towards his well defined ass cheeks, just below which the fine dusting of hair started. As Angel stepped out of his pants, Connor saw the tip of his cock swinging between his legs and started to get hard.

"Oh, can you just grab me a shirt?" Angel said, turning around and revealing his fully nude body to Connor. His penis was at least 5 inches long, hanging between his thighs. He was uncut, and had trimmed his cock hair so that it was about half an inch in length. "You ok?" he asked when he noticed his son fidgeting.

"Yeah, I'm, uh, fine. You wanted a—"

"You don't seem ok to me. I mean, look..."Angel said, motioning to Connors noticeable tent in his pants.

"I'll just go get—"

"Connor, it's ok," Angel said quietly. "It's not like I haven't fucked a guy before."

"You mean you've—"

"Lots of guys. Granted, most of them were dead...and I was evil for most of them. But vampires don't really tend to be straight."

"Angel, I was just thinking that you and I never got a chance to bond, really, since I was taken, and all."

"And since you sent me to the bottom of the ocean," Angel said. All the while, Connor had been noticing how his father's cock had been getting harder and harder, in little pulses. It would throb a little bit, and be just a bit bigger. The foreskin was slowly pulling back, and Angel seemed to have no idea. But as Connor looked at his father's face, he noticed that Angel's eyes were not looking towards Connor's at all. Angel was focusing on the rising pants of the 18 year old in front of him, watching as the massive cock throbbed against the fabric of his jeans. "Connor, maybe we should get you out of those jeans. They seem a bit...confining," Angel suggested, his cock now at a rock hard 9 inches. He was playing with it, slowly stroking the foreskin back and forth while his nuts swung loose beneath, not a hair on them.

"Yeah, and this shirt is ripped," Connor said, fingering his crotch too. He removed the shirt slowly, so as not to rip open the new jagged scar that ran down his well toned chest. As he threw the shirt to the floor, Angel moved towards him, his hands reaching out for the zipper that held the fabric between him and Connor's cock. As he unzipped them, his lips met Connor's, and Connor's hands were at the back of Angel's head, pulling him in. The pants fell to the ground, and Angel was happily surprised to find that his son had gone commando. His round ass was in Angel's left hand, his long hair in his right as Angel pulled him closer to him.

"Oh god..."Angel gasped as his son's hand wrapped around his fat dick. Connor started pumping him up and down, his grip slowly loosening and tightening as he ran his fingers up and down the hard veins in his dad's cock. "Wait..." Angel said, gasping for air. "I just wanna see...". He stepped back from Connor's kisses and looked his body up and down. Connor had started to fill out since coming back from Quor'toth. He had been eating properly and his chest was starting to become well defined, like his father's. As Angel's eyes roamed down his body, a slight smile crawled across his lips. He saw for the first time since Connor was an infant the cock that hung between his legs. Only this cock was a raging boner, uncut as well, throbbing at a solid 8 and a half inches. It was a bit thicker around than Angel's, which he didn't mind at all. Angel loved to have a fat cock inside his mouth, and would stop at nothing to get this one too.

"What's the matter?" Connor asked, a little uncertainly.

"Nothing at all. I just thought of a third thing that we have on common."

"What's that?"

"You have a gorgeous cock," Angel said as he strode towards Connor. He couldn't hold back any more, and he pushed Connor down backwards on to the bed. They hit the dark purple fabric together, and Angel started kissing him harder than ever. His hand ran slowly up Connor's side as Connor massaged Angel's chest. Angel had his hand on Connor's hip, and moved it slowly towards Connor's cock. Connor moved his hand down Angel's stomach, and finally put it right on Angel's cock.

"Oh God this is good," Connor moaned. "I want to know what it tastes like."

"You want to go down?" Angel said, his hand cupping Connor's nuts, feeling the warmth between his legs.

"So bad," Connor said, kissing Angel on the lips as he said it. He slowly started to move his mouth down Angel's torso, feeling his way down with his moving fingers. Kissing Angel's left nipple, he continued down his stomach, lower abs, and finally his trimmed cock hair. Angel gasped, smiling, as Connor licked down the shaft of his massive cock, running his tongue along the thick veins that stuck up long the shaft. He finally reached the swollen, smooth head of Angel's cock, and licked around it, tasting the salty sweetness.

As he opened his mouth, he slid his tongue along the cock head until he had half of the massive dick in his mouth. Angel's cock head tickled the back of his throat, and Angel couldn't stop moaning. Connor sucked harder and faster, moving his mouth up and down the enormous shaft. Angel's hips started to rise up off the bed as he gasped with pleasure, and he finally let go in a massive orgasm that filled Connor's mouth with one burst. Connor swallowed, and then there was another load, and another. Finally, Angel's orgasm stopped, and Connor climbed up to be face to face with him again, kissing him.

"Don't forget that the world is about to end," he said, smiling. "Don't want you to lose your soul."

"Thanks for that," Angel said, laughing. He kissed Connor hard on the lips. "You want me to do you now?"

"How was it warm?"

"How was what warm?" "Your, um, load. It was warm, but you don't have body heat."

"I guess you warmed me up," Angel replied tenderly. He kissed Connor on the lips again, moving back into position, this time on top of him. Angel moved directly towards Connor's throbbing cock, eager to get the swollen meat into his mouth as soon as possible. His lips swallowed the massive dick, and he slowly, ever so slowly, worked his mouth up and down the throbbing shaft.

"Keep going..." Connor gasped, and Angel slowly sped up. He felt Connor's balls hitting him on the chin, tasted the sweet saltiness of his son's cock head, and listened to the sheets rustle as Connor writhed. "Fuck...fuck...fuck..." he said, over and over again, thrusting his hips up and down until finally, finally, he came. Loads of hot cum filled Angel's mouth as Connor had his first real orgasm. He let out one more slow, long, moaning "fuck..." as his orgasm subsided, and then Angel had his head resting beside him on the pillow.

"So how was that?" Angel asked slyly.

"That was great," Conner said, smiling at his dad.

"Good, Now we can go kick some ass," Angel replied as he got up and headed towards the shower, his red cock finally starting to go limp. Connor watched Angel retreat, and smiled.

So we like? More? No more? Let me know! This was my first time blush so be nice! Let me know at

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