
By Anonymous user

Published on Jul 11, 1993



Organization: Fort Worth Public Access UNIX

Amateur erotic fiction: Andy, part 1 (m/m, some adolescent themes)

This is male homosexual erotica. If you skip this article now, there's nothing on this screen that could possibly irritate you. If you don't like this kind of fiction, don't write to me about it.

Part one of a multi-part story. Comments, suggestions invited.

Living in my hometown, you weren't a real man unless you wanted to be like Andy. Strong, handsome, kind and brilliant, he was as perfect a specimen as you could hope to find. Even self-avowed feminists, with no use for men of any kind, swooned in Andy's presence. He was just worth it.

I had known him since high school, when he was the unlikely mix of scholar and athlete. I was a late bloomer myself, more interested in computers and the school paper than in doing laps or working out. So other jocks had their fun at my expense, and I generally took it in stride. I particularly remembered Andy because he came to my rescue one day. A mean- spirited oaf decided to pound me because I didn't let him copy my mid-term test (I only got an 85--he'd have done better to copy from Andy!). I had already caught one in the face when Andy's voice boomed out from the school steps. "Hey!" We both turned, and the bully swiftly averted his eyes and skulked away. Andy looked at me and shook his head, as if to say, "sorry, kid, some people are just assholes," and he walked back inside. That was as close as I ever came to knowing Andy. No one bothered me again after that.

It was some years later--11, to be precise--that I finally started taking better care of myself. Maybe it was hitting that magical three-oh, seeing the obits of men buying it at 35 or 40 from heart disease. It was, for me, time to shape up or risk shipping out. I tried the rower, then the climber, then the skier, then the bike. Each time, I'd wind up holding a fitness garage sale a few weeks after the purchase. Knowing my plight, a co-worker offered to go halves with me on a buy one, get one free membership in a local health club. This normally wouldn't have been my bag, but after stepping on the scale that morning, I was ready to take another shot at being in shape.

When I first stepped into the club, I was mightily impressed. Everything gleamed, including the faces of the patrons, and the solid clinks and thunks of metal-on-metal sounded like music to me. I was psyched. I had heard rumors that fitness clubs were meat markets, but that wasn't going to be the case here--the place was full, but there wasn't a woman in sight.

We paid our dues, picked up locks for our lockers, and trundled off to the locker room. What a layout! Sauna, whirlpool, big tiled showers...

Showers. I used to hate them in school. The rest of me developed late, but parts of me, embarassing parts, were already full-sized by the time I was 11 or 12. Other boys would point and laugh, or snap their towels at it. Still others would timidly approach me after gym class and ask me over to their houses. They'd cook up some pretense, some game, that would have us undressing in front of each other. Too young to know better, I had quite the trade in showing curious youngsters what grown-up privates looked like. Boys with their little pinkies would stare in wide-eyed amazement at this seemingly monstrous thing. It was in the same place as theirs, but surely I must have some disease or error of birth that made it so big. It got bigger when people looked at it, and I worried that I might injure myself when blood filled it until it shined (as when other boys would touch it).

I still wasn't tuned in to knowing what sexual pleasure was. I did find myself dreaming, more than once, that Andy would ask me over to his house after gym class. We'd go up to his room, close the door, and play strip poker until we were both in our underwear. We'd make that last deal to show all, and there he'd be, that pretty boy, showing a stiff dick even bigger than mine. I attached no emotion to this dream, and didn't even make the connection that it was a sex fantasy.

I squeezed my eyelids tight to bring myself back from my reverie. The shimmering shower tiles came back into focus. I sighed, and headed with my bag to my corner locker.

A few minutes later, I emerged in full battle dress, ready to get with the program. The membership included a few hours with a trainer, and I had one to myself. Brian was a nice enough guy, with biceps the diameter of my skull, and he was patient and understanding. "I know you haven't worked out before," he intoned, "so we'll start you off easy. You'll build some endurance on the bike, the rower and the climber--use whatever's free, but don't push yourself." I snickered to myself as I realized I was now paying to use the same gear I sold in my driveway over the past year. Brian showed me to the bike first, and that's when I realized that this wasn't going to be like working out on the Sears KoreaCycle. This bike had a television in front, headphones and a pulse rate monitor. As I pedaled, the forest path scene on the TV kept pace, and the headphones murmured with rustling leaves and bird calls. After what seemed like seconds, Brian's hand was on my shoulder. I peeled off the headphones and followed him to the next station. All of the equipment was similarly state-of-the-art, and before long, I had exhausted myself.

Brian commended me on my performance (I'm sure he said that to all the first-timers), gently reminded me that only regular visits can bring you real fitness, and sent me off to the showers. My tight muscles ached deliciously as I padded over the carpeted floor to my locker. When my shorts came off, the air conditioning whirled around my steaming thighs and crotch. I closed my eyes for a moment and leaned back, propping myself up by the elbows on the wooden bench, drooping my legs over either side to let the cool air circulate.

My eyelids sprung open when I heard the catch of a locker nearby. When I focused, there was a man standing not three feet from my knees. It must have been quite a sight, my legs spread wide, my crotch practically pointed right at him. I sprung upright and pulled one leg over the bench so fast that I scraped it. "It's okay," the man smiled. "I had a tough workout myself today. I haven't seen you here before--are you a first-timer?" I nodded. "Then may I make a suggestion? You really should try the whirlpool. I'm headed there myself, and I wouldn't mind the company."

Still feeling a little jolted, I managed a nervous smile and another nod. Soon we were headed, towels in hand, toward the jacuzzi. I found myself marveling that I was so relatively calm, despite the unfortunately introduction, in the presence of another naked man. I walked behind Art, and allowed myself to notice what a fine shape he had. He was obviously a weightlifter, because well-defined muscles rippled from his ankles to his ass when he walked. I marveled at his shape, then felt a little strange about it--what if he could feel me staring? Nah--just giving myself something to aim for, I thought. Just think: it'd only take me two or three years of daily workouts to look that good.

I stepped into the tub as Art fiddled with controls. No sooner had I sunk in than fingers of water started rushing over my body. Art showed me how to move the jets around to massage sore muscles. I did, I thanked him with a groan, and we settled in to chat and relax. The combination of the rushing, hot water and the exercise made me feel drunk, and as we talked, I studied the contours of Art's body. We talked about the economy, and I traced the line from his chin to his shoulder, down the center of his chest...Art squirmed in his seat a little, and I realized I wasn't being very careful about where I stared. I quickly shifted my gaze to Art's face, and realized that he was looking in my eyes the whole time. He knew I was studying him. Ah, well. Looking like he did, he was probably used to it.

We talked a little more, I studied more discreetly, and soon Art announced that he'd have to get home to his wife soon. I stood up, and felt compelled to politely wait for Art. He looked up at me and seemed a little rattled, then stood up very quickly and turned away from me. As he swung around, I caught a glimpse of Art's semi-erect cock. He headed for the showers while I stood and puzzled over that for a moment. Then I took off for a shower of my own.

The hot water released what was left of my tension, and I was glad to be rid of the salty coating I had acquired between the gym and the tub. As I lathered, I thought of asking Art if he could spare time for dinner sometime after a later workout. "Hey, Art..." I turned around to ask him, and I found him facing me, several showers away, fully lathered. But now his dick, which had been only partly erect before, was standing straight out. Art gasped and turned away from me so fast he almost lost his footing. "Yeah, um, what is it?", he stammered as he hurriedly rinsed the slippery lather from his crotch. I inquired about dinner, Art made a nervous postitive reply, and he ducked back out to the lockers. When he did, I noticed that he took his clothes from a locker that wasn't in my row.

When I got home from the gym that night, I tried to do some work on the computer but found myself distracted. Why should Art be so ashamed of a silly erection? I got boners in the bath and shower all the time; I didn't think anything of it, but I suppose it would be a little embarrassing in front of someone else. No, I couldn't say I didn't think anything of it--I was surprised at being a little titillated by the sight of a handsome, muscular man with an erection. Pointed right at me, no less. Should I be flattered? I wrote that off--no man of his cut could see anything appealing in a jellyfish like me--and turned in for the night. I dreamed of my schoolboy idol, Andy, shut in a closet with me. A flashlight shone between us from the floor as we breathlessly fondled each other's silky young pricks. I woke up sweaty and hard, calmed myself by alternately drinking and passing water, and returned to bed.

I returned to the club two days later. After working out with Brian for a while, I asked about Art. Brian cocked his head and peered at me with a strange smile. "Do you know anything about why he left?" When I said I didn't, Brian explained that Art came in the night before and turned in his membership. I shrugged, mentioned that I had only met the man once, but he seemed like a decent chap and it was too bad he wouldn't be around. I was much more disappointed than I let on, to Brian or to myself.

Brian left me on my own after that, and I straddled the bike. Headphones on, I made my way past meadows and pastures, all the while ruminating over this whole business with Art. I still didn't understand it, although if it had happened to someone else, I'd know just what to make of it: Art had the hots for me, I caught him indulging in a fantasy or two, and he blew a fuse. Of course, seeing that I was involved, I knew there was no way in hell this built guy would be mooning over the likes of me. There had to be some other explanation, but how could I explain that I had been counting the minutes until I could share a bath with this man again? I had to admit it: I was positively crushed that Art wasn't coming around again.

Weeks went by. I stuck with my workout regimen and eventually forgot all about Art. I studied bodies of all shapes in reflections in the chrome fixtures, even shared a jacuzzi or two with other regulars. I had become a fixture myself, and hanging out naked with these guys became second nature to me. Besides, my body was showing changes of its own, and I liked what I saw. Brian's direction was doing wonders. My belly was firm, my once mountainous love handles were reduced to tiny hills, and I was feeling good about myself for the first time in years.

I must admit that I was given to brief bouts of vanity, standing in front of my locker door. I'd towel the shower water off my body slowly, feeling new curves, highs and lows that weren't there only a few weeks before. I'd plant my foot on the bench, and run the towel up my tight calves and thighs, squeezing hard to feel the dense muscle underneath. I was no Mr. America, but I was making good progress.

I was off in this dreamland, slowly toweling my thigh with one foot on the bench, when my greatest adventure began. I had lost track of time, and in my haze, all but a couple of patrons had deserted. I had the whole locker room to myself, so I took my time. I was indulging my vanity when I heard a couple of wet footsteps behind me. "Excuse me," a low voice spoke, and a warm, strong hand gripped my thigh. "My locker's right through here," came the voice again, and before I could step aside, the man started past me. His hand was clearly there to keep me from falling over, but it also held me firmly in place as he inched by. His thigh touched my ass and I tried to recoil, but the hand held firm and the body kept moving. There was obviously no intent--the movements were those of a man squeezing into a movie seat or on his way to the airplane lavatory. He was facing my backside, and I felt his warm, hairy leg tickle my skin as it went past. He scooted inside even more, pressing tighter against me, and with a quick move I felt his leg, then his inner thigh as he stepped up, then he moved forward. I felt an unfamiliar shape, then I realized that this man's penis was nestled between the cheeks of my ass! It only lasted for the merest instant, and he was, in fact, fully by me in only two or three seconds. I was frozen there for a moment, looking at this man standing in front of his locker but stunned that I could still feel a soft, moist cock pressed against my butt. I found myself with an unconcealable erection, and suddenly I knew how Art felt. The stranger was turned slightly away from me, but he'd look over now and then to smile at me. My face was bright red, and I hurriedly stepped into my briefs in an attempt to get my raging hard- on under wraps.

That night, I had that dream about Andy. Only this time we were hiking in the woods. He said he had to pee, so we stopped and watered a shared tree. Andy turned to me and asked, "I wonder what it feels like if somebody kisses it." Kisses what, I asked, and Andy nodded toward his cock. With each dream, Andy's cock got bigger, and in this one, his was as large flaccid as mine was fully erect. "I don't know," I offered in response, "but I bet it feels good." Andy looked down for a moment, then at me. "Can I try it?"

I didn't know if that meant I was supposed to kiss his or he was supposed to kiss mine. Either way, my heart started racing when Andy took a few steps back from the damp leaves and pulled his pants to his knees. He began tugging on his cock, and I watched silently as it grew in his hand. He reached underneath to play with his balls, and when he squeezed his ass tight, his cock surged and his cockhead got shiny. I knelt down on the ground in front of Andy, taking tiny steps on my knees. The tip of his cock appeared and disappeared inside his fist as he worked himself, and his huge balls hung low between his legs. I wanted his dick in my mouth more than I ever wanted anything, and the more I walked on my knees, the closer his dick got, until it was right in front of my face. I could see hole weeping clear fluid, which he picked up with his fingers and swirled around the tip. I steadied myself with my hand on his thigh, and opened my mouth. I closed my eyes so nothing could interfere with the sensation of the tip of his huge cock cresting over my lips. Andy breathed hard as he guided himself into my waiting mouth. My own cock suddenly burst in my hand, gushing hot, sticky juice all over. I opened my eyes to watch Andy's cock slide over my tongue.

I saw white linen, lit by the sun from the window. I brought up my hand to prop myself up, and it was as messy as it had been in my dream. The bedding was soaked. I chuckled ashamedly to myself--I felt like a damned kid. Imagine. Wet dreams at my age. I dropped the linens in the washer while I showered.

While I was eating my breakfast, a flash of that fast-fading dream stabbed my mind. I was about to do something. I was...we were in this forest, and we had just taken a piss, and we...

I was about to suck that boy's cock! My eyes got wide with that realization. But it was more than that, because at some level, I obviously found the concept so exciting that the mere thought of it was enough to make me shoot into my own sheets. Those last few scenes, the big, hard cock growing ever closer, just about to taste it now, flickered in my mind like a silent movie. All through work that day, scenes from that dream flashed and made me jump up to distract myself. Get a soda, or walk to the copier, for Pete's sake do something, but you can't spend the whole day with a hard-on.

I went straight from work to the gym, hoping to work off some of my frustrations. I got changed and made a beeline for my bike. I must have been pedaling at 50 miles per hour because Brian came over and tapped me on the arm, hard. "Take it easy," he mouthed, knowing that I had the headphones turned up loud. I nodded a "yeah, sure" in his direction and picked up the pace again.

I wore myself out, and by the time I got to my locker, I was about ready to fall over. I planted a foot on the bench to get my leg dry, hoping I had enough energy to make the drive home. I toweled quickly, and then heard sopping footsteps behind me. They seemed to walk past, but then I heard it: "Excuse me--my locker's just down this way." The hand gripped my waist, and once again, this stranger's body slid behind me. I must have been a little further out in the aisle this time, because he had to push into me pretty hard to get past. When he got halfway through, I lost my balance and started to tip over. Another powerful hand took hold of my waist on the other side, steadying me, and only after I regained my balance did I notice that I had a cock pressed hard into the crack of my ass. He held me there for a few seconds to make sure I was balanced, and I could have sworn I felt him press his groin into me. His hands squeezed my waist tight, and his cock twitched inside my split. But once again, by the time I knew what was happening, he was already by me, that brief period of slow motion gone.

I had another intense dream that night. Andy and I were on a bed, naked. We were stroking each other's stiff cocks and rubbing our hands over each other's chests. I bent over and took one of his tender, hairless nipples in my mouth, squeezing his shaft while I traced rings around his tit with my tongue. I sucked hard and bit down a little. Andy thrust his well-muscled hips up and gasped, fucking my fist as I munched on his hardened nipple. I reached under him as he arched, grabbing a handful of his exquisite ass, kneading and biting and stroking. He played with my hair, then gently urged my head lower. I left a trail of wet kisses down his chest, across his belly, around to his sensitive laterals, inside again to his hip. I felt his giant cock straining against my fingers, anticipating the fateful slide into my slick, waiting mouth. I righted myself, kneeling over him, gripping his immense shaft as I lowered my face toward the glistening, throbbing, purple head. I parted my lips and tasted the rich, salty texture of Andy's jism on the tip of my tongue. I pursed my lips to encircle the very tip of his cockhead, darting my tongue against the underside of his shaft as he gently pushed my head lower onto him. I opened wide to accept him.

Once again, I was denied. The din of rumbling trash cans outside made me think it was morning. Actually, a foraging dog had overturned the neighbor's cans. It was smack in the middle of the night. I lay in bed--at least it was relatively dry this time--coated with sweat and beset with a pounding erection. I kicked off the blankets and wrapped my fingers around my cock. I closed my eyes and tried to recall the dream. I saw the pictures--Andy's perfect body, that beautiful, giant cock, the reflections in the shimmering fluid that gathered at its tip--but unlike the dream, I couldn't taste or feel. No matter, the images were enough. I had never sucked a cock, but I sunk everything I had into imagining that Andy was there with me, and that I was going down on him with abandon. I pictured the wide shot, seeing us both from the side, Andy pumping his cock into my mouth, arching his back high off the bed when I took him deep into my throat. I massaged his balls while my fingers probed his ass, the crack made slick by a mixture of sweat, saliva and jism. I stroked and sucked Andy's massive cock until he couldn't stand it any more. I shut my eyes tight and pictured him coming, jets of thick, creamy liquid leaping from his cock and hitting my face, running in sticky rivers down my cheeks and around my mouth. I bucked and tensed as my own real-life orgasm matched his, squirt after endless squirt, pumping with such force that my own cum was landing around my neck and bouncing off my chin.

[more to come...]

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