Andy and Sean

By Andrew Phillips

Published on Mar 19, 2015


Andy and Sean

This is a story of the emerging sexual relationship and adventures of Andy Johnson and Sean Allcock, from both their perspectives. It is fictional, aspirational, and hot.

For more background on how they met, found each other and realized their mutual attraction you can find parts 1 to 4 of a story called "He and I" in the Gay Male -- Adult Youth section of

Part 1 of Andy and Sean* is identical to Part 5 of "He and I". So you can follow their developing relationship at either location. *

Suffice to say, Andy, 18, is a recent high school graduate and Sean, 27, was his young teacher and swim team coach, who is now his good friend. They are about to become "friends with benefits," or even more, as Sean drives Andy to Springfield for Andy's college orientation and a weekend of discovery.

My name is Andrew ( People call me Drew. I would appreciate feedback and any suggestions to make these stories even hotter and more, well, satisfying to my readers' needs.

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Part 8 -- Getting to know Chad


What a morning, filled with very filling and fulfilling experiences. We finally arose from our post-sex lethargy around noon. I had agreed to meet Chad, the upcoming freshman diver I had met yesterday, at 12:30 at the university cafeteria.

When I arrived he was already there. He broke into a broad smile. A stunningly white smile made even whiter by his dark skin. He was wearing baggy sweat pants and a new university sweat shirt. His full name was Chad Vikram Raj, with an Indian father and an American mother. His father was a professor of mathematics at the university, so he had been born and grown up in Springfield.

We each got a slice of pizza and a coke, sat down and exchanged the background information of the newly met. He told me that it was strange growing up in a university town and said he wanted to go the college as far away from his home as possible, but his father insisted he go here since tuition would be free to a kid of professor. Chad said he finally gave in on condition that he would not be expected to live at home, and his parents agreed. So he was going to live in a residence hall (I called it a dorm).

I filled him in with my background, avoiding any mention of Sean (Coach Allcock to Chad) other than mentioning the convenience of getting a ride to Springfield. I noticed that his eyes were a light hazel, lighter than I expected for such a dark complexion, his irises flaked with gold. And they were extraordinarily penetrating as he spoke to me. I almost felt, well, somehow violated by his visual attentiveness as I spoke. Was he suspicious? Did he have some kind of gaydar?

After lunch, we had to get to the orientation lecture on financial matters: Pell Grants and student loan stuff. Although he didn't really need to attend, he came with me. After the talk we were given a tour of a couple of the dorms. There were singles, doubles and a few, less expensive, triples. He said that he wanted to have a double, and would I like to share one with him. I hardly knew him, but I said I'd think about it. We had till July 1st to put our requests into Housing.

By the end of the orientation program, around 4:30, I still had over an hour before meeting Sean. Chad suggested we check out the swimming pool. Thanks to his father he had been able to practice his diving at the university pool where they had a 10-meter diving tower, something his high school did not. He even had a locker of his own with extra swimsuits. Since we were about the same build he offered to lend me one.

All afternoon I had been thinking about what Chad would look like without clothes. It would be a shame if his handsome face might not be matched by a well-muscled body and the private parts to match. His baggy clothes left too much to my imagination.

We got to the locker room. Nobody around. He got out two suits, one blue and one white, both very brief Speedos. He turned his back and quickly disrobed and slipped into the white suit. I donned the blue. I hung my clothes up in his locker and, as he did the same, he had to lean over me brushing his chest across my back, sending electricity through my body. Inadvertently? An innocuous move? I don't know. Was he testing me? Should I test him?

I followed him to the pool. I was able to examine him from the rear and saw that my fondest expectations were more than fulfilled. His slim, well-defined body was as beautiful as I had hoped, with broad shoulders and a slim waist above a compact butt. His white Speedos enhanced the light chocolate of his body. It was only when we got to the pool that he turned around exposing his fat-free physique, a peppering of dark hair across his flat chest, great abs, and a full pouch of family jewels encased in his minimal Speedos.

We both jumped into the cool water. After swimming the length of the pool underwater I came up for a breath and noticed Chad a few meters away. He was lifting himself out of the pool and walked over to the diving tower. I watched him as he ascended the 10-meter tower. As he got to the edge of the platform, his graceful, compact body paused as he reviewed his intended dive. He then performed a perfect forward double somersault and entered the water with hardly a splash. Beautiful! He swam over to me, and said, "How did you like that?" His smiling face was only inches from my own and once more I felt flush, blood running both into my face and into my groin. I could feel his breath as well as his excitement. He clearly wanted my approval. I so wanted to kiss him, but I had no idea how he would respond, so held off. But to test him, I grabbed him by the shoulders and hugged him. He didn't resist.

He responded by putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing me me under water. We wrestled, our bodies in close contact, as I tried to come up for air. He grabbed my suit, pulling it down and off. I reciprocated, so that we were both in the buff. Even with my fuzzy underwater vision I could see he was aroused, deserving the attention I was not yet ready to give. He probably saw that I matched him. We did embraced briefly underwater allowing me to grab a feel, then we came up for air, gasping and laughing.

"What if someone sees us?" I asked anxiously.

"Nobody is usually around, especially on Sundays," he assured me. But he dove down and retrieved our two errant suits and we slipped them on before pulling ourselves out and heading to the showers.

We rinsed ourselves off under adjacent showers, each of us examining the other. Our erections had almost melted away, but I think we each were pleased to discover the willingness of the other. I didn't consider this anything more than mutual lust. But I had also decided to room with him next fall.

By the time we were dressed I realized I was going to be late meeting Sean, so we quickly exchanged addresses and phone numbers, and departed friends (definitely with potential benefits).

I got back to the motel room a few minutes after 6. Sean greeted me with a big hug and I felt my love for him once more flood over me.


After Andy left I lazily recounted the passion of not only the morning, but also the last two days. What an unbelievable panoply of gay sex! I was amazed that I found the stamina to keep it up (literally and figuratively) for all that time. I spent the rest of the afternoon at the university library perusing the newest books on the American revolutionary period.

When I got back to the motel Andy had not yet returned. He returned a few minutes later and I embraced him, feeling his lithe, muscular body against mine. I told him that we would grab a quick dinner and then I had a real treat for him: the visiting Hamburg Symphony Orchestra was giving a concert that evening and I had bought tickets. Among other works they would perform Beethoven's Symphony #7. Andy said he didn't know much about classical music, but was willing to try it.

Dinner wasn't much to talk about but the concert was great! The symphony was well done, with the last movement of the 7th musically the closest thing to sex that I think was ever composed. It ended with a couple of musical climaxes equivalent to the most sublime of orgasms. I hoped Andy felt the same way.

When we got back to the room, we both seemed exhausted. We undressed and jumped in bed. Once more we spooned, my whole body snug behind his, my arms wrapped around him; his proximity so very calming to me. Strangely sex was the last thing on my mind. I just thought how happy I was to have and to hold such an attractive and loving young man. I was determined to protect him as best I could from any dangers, as a father would his son, as a husband would his wife, as a lover would his love. I soon fell into a deep and sound sleep oblivious of the perils before us.

Next: Part 9 -- A most fulfilling drive home

Next: Chapter 9

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