Andy and Sean

By Andrew Phillips

Published on Feb 25, 2015


Andy and Sean

This is a story of the emerging sexual relationship and adventures of Andy Johnson and Sean Allcock, from both their perspectives. It is fictional, aspirational, and hot.

For more background on how they met, found each other and realized their mutual attraction you can find parts 1 to 4 of a story called "He and I" in the Gay Male — Adult Youth section of

Part 1 of Andy and Sean* is identical to Part 5 of "He and I". So you can follow their developing relationship at either location. *

Suffice to say, Andy, 18, is a recent high school graduate and Sean, 27, was his young teacher and swim team coach, who is now his good friend. They are about to become "friends with benefits," or even more, as Sean drives Andy to Springfield for Andy's college orientation and a weekend of discovery.

My name is Andrew ( People call me Drew. I would appreciate feedback and any suggestions to make these stories even hotter and more, well, satisfying to my readers' needs.

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Part 5 – Mutual satisfaction


After we both showered, separately, Sean suggested we go to a nice place for dinner. He offered two choices: "Cedars" a Middle Eastern restaurant or "Trattoria di Gino" an Italian place. My experience eating out had been limited to MacDonalds and Dominos, so I asked him what kind of food the two restaurants offered. He said he thought I might want to try the Italian place, since I had eaten many a pizza, but he assured me we would NOT have pizza.

We arrived at Gino's around 7 and sat in a small booth facing each other. It was quite romantic, with subdued lighting and a candle. I hardly recognized anything on the menu, but Sean made some suggestions. He was treating. We started with an antipasto with all sorts of delicious things, and two entrees: a veal piccata with a pesto risotto and vermicelli with white clam sauce. We shared everything and I found it all brand new and tasty. Sean ordered a bottle of Chianti, but, realizing my minority in the eyes of the proprietors, only served himself. Later he took the corked bottle with us, whispering, "You can try this later."

As we ate I told him about the day's orientation and how Sunday's session would begin after church at 12:30 and be over by 5. I thanked him for alerting the swim coach about me, but I didn't think my meeting Chad was worth mentioning.

During dinner Sean had slipped out of his loafers and rubbed his right foot up the inside of my right calf. I liked that.

Awaiting dessert (spumoni), he quietly asked me, "Which did you like more, getting head or giving it?" I paused and was about to answer when he added, "Don't tell me right now, just think about it and we can talk about it later."

By 9 we were on our way back to the motel. When we got to our room he uncorked the Chianti and offered me a drink. My family did not drink, not that we were religious or anything, just that one contributor to my father's early death was his drinking. So we never had any alcoholic around. I had tasted beer a couple of times, but not wine. I said I'd try it. He gave me about 2 inches in plastic cup. The first sip was a bit sharp, but by the time I'd finished it, I found it really, well, interesting. Not sure I liked it, but maybe time would tell.

I don't think Sean was trying to get me inebriated, just sharing his tastes with me. In any case it, the food, the wine and the busy day made me very sleepy and by 10 I was fast asleep.

I slept soundly till my internal clock woke me at 7 AM. Sean was sleeping beside me, both of us on our bellies, the sheet draped just over our bums. I lay there, looking at his body, his muscular arms hugging his pillow, his hairless smooth back with the bumpy range of his vertebrae, his hairy right armpit, black hair curling around his left ear (he face was turned away from me). He was breathing gently, his chest rising and falling.

I couldn't resist. I leaned over and very, very lightly ran my lips over his ear. No response. Then I reached over and with my forefinger ran it down his backbone all the way to his butt crack. He stirred. I waited. He slowly lifted his head and turned it to face me, his eyes opened a crack. Then he smiled. "Morning champ," he said, still clutching his pillow. "Rabbit, rabbit," he added.

"Rabbit, rabbit?" I inquired.

"Yeah, my mother told me to say that first thing on the first day of the month for good luck."

"I'm the one with the good luck, Sean." I then remembered the question he left unanswered at dinner yesterday. "In answer to your question, I think I really liked both. What about you?"


Great evening, introducing Andy to new tastes, even a bit of wine. He isn't afraid to try new things. That's good.

The wine seemed to conk him out. We both got a good night's rest. Andy woke before me, and soon I was up too.

He finally answered my question of giving vs. getting head. Then he turned the question on me.

I told him that I had thought that getting a blow job from a guy would be the ultimate turn on, but I was wrong. After getting to know him for the last two months and, well, falling in love with him, I realized that there is nothing better than giving pleasure to someone I truly love. So I realized yesterday that I would much rather give head than receive it, though I really enjoyed getting it as well.

I was frightened how he would receive such a blunt confession from me. But he just leaned over to me and we kissed.

Then he turned over, kicking off the sheet, and lay on his back completed exposed, his arms over his head. A golden landscape of erogenous zones, waiting for me to explore! He and I knew that nothing would give me more pleasure.

I stretched out my right arm and placed it on his well muscled but flat chest, running my fingers lightly over his nipples. They hardened at my touch. I slid my hand over his left armpit and he gasped.

I ran my lips from his navel down to his semi-hard cock, I then swung myself over so that my body had my head to his toes. Lifting myself as if doing a push up, I began to lick his balls. My own cock was positioned over his face. I have to admit that even when flaccid my penis was impressive, but now in the warmth of our room, my relaxed ball sac was even longer. Andy didn't have to raise himself much to tea bag me. Enfin, soixante neuf! (finally, 69!)!' I thought to myself, that should double the pleasure for both of us.' I especially enjoyed the fresh, clean smell of his pubes as my nose buried itself in its blond bush.

In no time his cock was erect. I licked its underside, from base to head. My arms were getting tired and I slumped to my right, never loosing my oral link to my lover's member (nor did he). I slipped my hands around his butt, pulling him towards me while spreading his cheeks apart. My fingers explored his anal region, producing more pleasurable moaning from him. I inserted one, then two fingers. He seemed to enjoy that.

I transferred my attention from his penis to his puckered anus. Probing its tiny opening with my tongue, each entry elicited a definite gasp from him. The contortions that pleasure seeking put us in! Meanwhile he had fully engulfed my rigid penis, repeatedly deep-throating it.

We had become sweaty with our ecstatic exertions and were both coming close to orgasm, when I pulled away, and, out of breath, said, "Let's take a break. We have all morning to enjoy each other, but not on empty stomachs. Let's get breakfast."

He agreed, knowing breakfast would only be a brief intermission before continuing these sublime pleasures.


What a morning, so far. Sean seemed to take great joy in bringing me such pleasures I had never imagined. The mutual blowjobs were so great! Not only that, but Sean rimmed me, too. Before we both could come, he suggested we take a break for, appropriately, breakfast. I surely didn't want to fast from sex for long.

I threw on a tank top and shorts, but my raging hard-on was showing. I had to wait a few minutes for it to subside, while Sean splashed some cold water on his unshaven face.

I can't even remember what we had for breakfast. I only could think of renewing my energy to continue what we had begun.

As we reentered our room, I swiftly shed my clothes and threw myself down on the bed, as naked as a jaybird. Sean was close behind, and landed on my back. I could feel his furry chest on my back and his manhood on my butt.

I said, "More, Sean."

He said, "That sounds like a line from `Oliver.'"

I laughingly said, "I don't want more porridge, I want more of what you were giving me before breakfast."

"My pleasure," he responded, slid himself back and said, "spread your legs, Andy."

Part 6 – Sunday morning, Act 2

Next: Chapter 6

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