Andy and Sean

By Andrew Phillips

Published on Feb 20, 2015


Andy and Sean

This is a story of the emerging sexual relationship and adventures of Andy Johnson and Sean Allcock, from both their perspectives. It is fictional, aspirational, and hot.

For more background on how they met, found each other and realized their mutual attraction you can find parts 1 to 4 of a story called "He and I" in the Gay Male — Adult Youth section of

Part 1 of Andy and Sean* is identical to Part 5 of "He and I". So you can follow their developing relationship at either location. *

Suffice to say, Andy, 18, is a recent high school graduate and Sean, 27, was his young teacher and swim team coach, who is now his good friend. They are about to become "friends with benefits," or even more, as Sean drives Andy to Springfield for Andy's college orientation and a weekend of discovery.

My name is Andrew ( People call me Drew. I would appreciate feedback and any suggestions to make these stories even hotter and more, well, satisfying to my readers' needs.

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Part 4 – Learning something new from the art museum


The first day of the two-day orientation at the State University went really well. Not only did they show us the campus and where we freshmen would live, but I had a chance to talk to the swim coach. He had had word of me from Sean, and was enthusiastic of getting me on the team in the fall. While I was talking to the coach another swim team prospect joined us. His name was Chad and was a diver. And boy was he hot! He told me he had reached the state championships and finished second. We had lunch together at the university cafeteria.

The afternoon session ended about a quarter to three. Chad asked if I would like to go and look around the campus with him. I said I had to meet someone at the Springfield Art Museum, but I would be sure to see him the next day.

The museum was only a few blocks from the campus. When I got there Sean was waiting for me in the lobby. He told me the museum had a bit of everything, from ancient art to the contemporary. He was especially interested in the early American stuff, and the special exhibit of George Washington memorabilia. We saw a Gilbert portrait of our first president that had been borrowed from the National Gallery.

Then, he said, "Let's go see the Greek and Roman collection."

When we got to the Classics wing, we saw a lot of ceramics, sculpture and more. One that really interested me was a set of Attic cups from the 6th century BC. One had the label: Young man and teenager engaging in intercrural sex.' I turned to Sean, who was admiring a Roman copy of a Greek statue of a nude athlete, and asked him what intercrural' meant. He said it was when a man's penis is placed between his partner's thighs (`crura' is Latin for legs).

Before I could respond to his answer with more questions, Sean had walked off to look at a Roman Fayum funeral portrait of a young man from the 1st century AD that had been borrowed from the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. It was so realistic and the man in the painting was so handsome.

After about an hour, Sean suggested we go back to our motel and rest before going out to dinner. When we got to our room, I brought up the questions about intercrural sex I was about to ask him earlier at the museum.

"Did the Greeks also have gay sex?" I asked.

He told me that a man in his twenties or thirties, before settling down with a wife, often had a relationship with a teenager and their sex consisted of intercrural sex rather than anal sex, the latter considered demeaning to the receiving partner. So the man thrusted his penis between the closed thighs of the youth and used the friction produced to have an orgasm.

I said, "That sounds like fun. Can we try it?"


After breakfast, Andy went off the first day of his two-day college orientation at the State University. I decided to spend the day exploring Springfield the bookstores and restaurants I remembered when I was a graduate student there. It was a beautiful day and I finally settled with a good book at an outdoor café, keeping an eye out for good-looking guys and gals.

I thought a lot about Andy and how, when I met him, it was lust at first sight, and how that lust had turned into love, at least on my part. This was a weekend of fulfilling our lust, but I also knew that there would be consequences that I was not fully ready to face. Anyway, after a couple of beers, those concerns dissipated, for the time being. And it was almost 3:00.

I walked quickly to the art museum to meet Andy. I arrived just before him, and we spent the next hour in the American Hall and the Ancient Art gallery. The male Greek ideal was captured in some fine Roman copies of Greek sculpture. Andy saw an Attic cup and asked about the portrayal of some male-to-male sex and I gave him a brief explanation. But I saw that it gave him some ideas. Good!

I was right. The moment we got back to our motel room he asked about the intercrural sex pictured on that cup, and I explained to him the current theories about it. In his enthusiasm for all things sexual, he suggested we try what the ancient Greeks did.

"Okay," I said. "You're going to have to take all your clothes off, and I will, too."

We both stripped and we faced each other, our cocks starting to rise to the occasion. I lifted his chin to look him in the eye, while my other hand cupped his balls, my middle finger sliding along his perineum, that magical area between scrotum and anus, and slid it into his anus. That produced an instant erection.

"Stand up straight," I told him, "and put your legs together." Then I bent a little and slipped my penis between his upper thighs and began sliding it forward and back. He helped by flexing his upper leg muscles and squeezing his thighs together so that more friction was applied to my member. I placed my hands on his hips and the pace increased, while his cock rubbed over my abs. We got into an ever-increasing rhythm, my pubes colliding with his scrotum. Faster and faster, until I came with a shout, several salvos of jism hitting the wall behind Andy. I fell backwards onto the bed, Andy atop me. Sweating with our exertions and laughing at achieving the reenactment of a passionate and ancient Greek ritual.

I couldn't help noticing that he had not yet ejaculated, so I stroked his member a few times and he shot his load across my chest and neck.

"That was great!" we both said simultaneously. He leaned back and rubbed his semen over my chest, and then began licking it up, with special attention to each of my now erect nipples.

"That was a good example of safe sex," I told him, trying to ignore his ministrations. "If it were anal sex, there are risks you know," I added, getting his attention.

"I'm not sure I'd like anal sex," Andy said thoughtfully, and then added with a grin, "but you never know until you try it, right, Sean?"

"And," ignoring, but noting, his willingness to try something I myself was dying to try, "I noticed last night and today that we both really enjoy having that part of our anatomy touched. I'd like to explore that, too, but that's where some risk comes in. Not between us, of course, since we have not had sex with strangers, right?"

"Right, Sean," Andy quickly responded. I could tell from his response as well as from our last six weeks of meeting and talking about it that he was being honest.

"But that might not always be the case in the future. So if either of us wanted to explore anal sex with someone we've got to use these," I said, pulling a few condoms from the drawer of the table next to the bed. I had put them there the night before, right next to the Gideon Bible.

"Oh, I know all about them," he said, surprising me.

For a brief moment I was afraid I could be one of his many other secret sexual conquests.

He continued, "I use them to keep my spunk from getting all over my bed and towels when I masturbate. Keeps things clean, y'know?"

I was relieved. I explained that my wife and I used condoms to keep from having any kids we don't want. But I thought his use was just as reasonable as using them for prophylaxis or birth control, just not quite as important.

I explained, "Putting on a condom when having risky sex, such as anal sex, should be like buckling up when you are riding in a car. It should be automatic."

I didn't have to explain to him all the sexually transmitted diseases, including the new scourge of the gay community, AIDS.

I added, "You know what they say, no glove, no love."

"Love?" he asked. By then I was half way to the bathroom and he couldn't see my smile.

Part 5 – mutual satisfaction

Next: Chapter 5

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