Andy and Sean

By Andrew Phillips

Published on Feb 9, 2015


Andy & Sean

This is a story of the emerging sexual relationship and adventures of Andy Johnson and Sean Allcock, from both their perspectives. It is fictional, aspirational, and hot.

For more background on how they met, found each other and realized their mutual attraction you can find parts 1 to 4 of a story called "He and I" in the Gay Male — Adult Youth section of

Suffice to say, Andy, 18, is a recent high school graduate and Sean, 27, was his young teacher and swim team coach, who is now his good friend. They are about to become "friends with benefits," or even more, as Sean drives Andy to Springfield for Andy's college orientation and a weekend of discovery.

My name is Andrew ( People call me Drew. I would appreciate feedback and any suggestions to make these stories even hotter and more, well, satisfying to my readers' needs.

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Part 2 – A shower together.


The bathroom was pretty large with a large mirror over the sink, right opposite the tub. Sean started the water running and when it was hot switched it to the shower head. It was one of those handheld showers that could be removed from the wall, if you wanted.

While he was at that I had looked at myself in the mirror. Quite a sight, this blond kid turning into a blond man, if I say so myself. A year of daily swim practice had hardened my muscles with a firm six pack and great arms. All my hair was a golden dark blond, though only confined to my head, underarms and groin. I hadn't shaved in a couple of days but you would hardly know it, though my cheeks felt like sand paper. The mutual strip tease of the last half hour had left me fully aroused, my cock almost vertical and about 7 inches and my nipples erect. My balls hung like two quail eggs in a silken sac, sort of like a young bull. I liked what I saw, and I knew Sean did.

But even more to my liking was Sean, who now stood facing me and said, "Time to clean off." He also still had a hard-on; a bit longer (8"?) and thicker than mine. It emerged from a cloud of black hair and was throbbing with the beat of his heart. He ball sac was impressive, pulled tight to his body, like a lightly furred and pale tennis ball, so different from mine.

"Me first?" I asked naively as I was about to step into the shower.

"No, stupid," he said laughing, "together."

Luckily the tub was a long one and we both got in. He reached to pull the shower curtain, but I stopped him and said, looking back at the mirror, "a nice looking couple, don't you think?"

He laughed again, as the mirror fogged up, hiding us from sight. He pulled the curtain closed.

There was but one bar of soap. He grabbed it and said, "You first. Turn around and I'll do your back." I had soaked myself and now he soaped my back, starting at my neck, down the spine and then each buttock. He slid the soap between them. I felt one of his hands explore that area and touch my anus. Wow! Another great place to have someone else touch me. He went further, sliding in his middle finger. My erection gave a leap at that!

Then he reached around to soap up my chest, a hand over each pec, gently massaging each nipple. He reached around and lathered my cock and balls. I felt his chest on my back, his hard-on rubbing gently at the top of my butt crack. My erection got even harder, if that were possible.

He turned my around to face him, the shower behind him. He detached the hand shower and rinsed my chest and crotch and put the shower back on the wall. He then knelt in front and began licking the water off my scrotum and then the cock from its base to its tip, finally taking it into his mouth. I almost fainted as I felt his tongue gently explore its smooth surface. He took my cock all in, his nose buried in my pubic hair. I could feel my cock hit the back of his throat. Then he hummed loudly, sending unbelievable vibrations through my member and me. Suddenly I shouted, "I'm cumming! I can't stop it!" and then I shot my load! Volumes of semen pulsed out of me, thrust after violent thrust., maybe about 5 or 6 shots. It must have been a lot of jism because it leaked out the sides of his mouth. White, pearly, sticky goo!

I pulled back and he swallowed my load, leaning back on his haunches, smiling up at me. He said, "I hope you liked that, I sure did. Your semen tastes really good, too." I didn't know what to expect next, as he stood up.


We entered the bathroom and I started the water going. Andy was checking himself out in the mirror. I think he is a bit of a narcissist, while I am just a horny admirer. And, yes, he looked great. Couldn't wait to get my hands and more on him.

The shower was great, hot, steady and copious. I told him we would shower together.

I grabbed the only bar of soap available and went to work on him. Ah, how many times I have dreamt of this day as I watched the swim team rinse the chlorine off their bodies after practices. Now was my time.

He was quite willing to have me run my hands over his slippery body, even backing into my erection as it slid up his back.

I was determined to finally give us the complete pleasure we so wanted, so I turned him to me, rinsed off the suds, knelt down and for the first time in my life did what I so often dreamed about: giving some guy head. The closest I had ever gotten to doing this before was fantasizing while eating a banana!

I ran my lips up his shaft, from its base to its bobbing tip, sticking my tongue into its oozing slit. Then I totally engulfed it.. He started reflexively thrusting into my willing mouth. Each thrust ran his cock against my throat, briefly gagging me. I started a slow, deep hum that seemed to excite him, since he let out a loud moan each time I did it.

Then he yelled that he couldn't stop coming. I decided to keep on blowing until he blew. And he did indeed. It was a vast volume of cum, filling my mouth with its viscous saltiness. I could barely contain it and swallowed repeatedly. Whether it was really as delicious as I thought, I could tell it gave Andy sublime pleasure. And that was my intent. I told him his cum tasted good and that I hoped he liked it as much as I did. He answered with a broad smile.

After a few moments Andy looked down at my raging erection and seemed about to return the favor, but he seemed a bit wary of how he would handle a cock that was so large and thick. But I don't think I could have held back for more than a few seconds if anyone touched my penis.

I wanted to give him the same satisfaction of pleasuring me that I just got from giving him pleasure. Our love could only grow if the sexual pleasure was mutual and intense, so I thought it best to wait.

I stood up and gave my cock a few quick strokes, shooting my semen in a series of forceful trajectories, the first right onto Andy's chest, the next hitting his belly, and the rest going elsewhere. For some reason he laughed. Then so did I.

We fell into each other's arms and we kissed. Then we stood under the shower's downpour, panting for a minute or two as the water washed away our emissions and our passions. I turned off the shower and we stepped out of the tub, our penises a good deal deflated but still enlarged. Neither of us said a word.

I took a towel and began drying him off, and he did the same for me. Clearly we were both exhausted and expended. It was about 10:30.

We realized then that we both slept in the nude and, with a gentle kiss, we crawled into bed. We spooned, me behind Andy, and quickly fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Next time: a morning to remember.

Next: Chapter 3

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