Andy and Sean

By Andrew Phillips

Published on May 6, 2015


Note: Henceforth Andy & Sean will continue, as it began, as "He and I" at in the Adult Youth section, even though the characters have been growing up. Please give me feedback on my continuing story. I aim to please you, the readers. Thanks, Drew ( Of course, this entire series is copyrighted.


Part 13 (same as Part 17 in "He and I" in Adult Youth)


Saturday turned out to be a rainy day, so Sean picked me up in his red Miata with the top up. I threw my small duffle behind the passenger seat, leaned over and kissed him. He smiled but seemed tense. "I miss you," he said quietly. I kissed him again, harder and with tongue. "I am aching for your touch," he continued, and placed his right hand on my left thigh.

We got on the road, few words spoken, but I could see he was brooding, a weak smile turning into a frown and vice versa. Finally about 10 minutes into our trip he came out with it, "I saw how you eyed your teammates. I know the lust you feel for many of them, I feel the same way. I can't say that I'm not a little jealous."

The silence continued for a couple of minutes, tears welling up. "I hope what we had in the Spring and last weekend wasn't just an awakening, that it was something much more," he continued.

After a pause, I dove in. "Sean, you know I love you, I truly do, but I get so horny. I can honestly tell you that you are the only one I've..." Silence, again.

I added, "But you can't fault me for looking and longing, can you? Anyway we have to figure out a way to get together without raising suspicions." At this point I had cupped his groin and started to massage it, quickly producing a prodigious response. He closed his eyes for a moment. "Keep you eyes on the road!" I shouted.

"Then stop doing that," he admonished, laughing.

"I think of you all my waking hours, and lots of sleeping hours, too," I replied. "But I think we should have secret signals that say to each other `I'm so into you and would love to fuck you right now!' I'll just rub my chin and you'll know. What about you?"

Sean thought for a moment and said, "I'll scratch my right ear, OK? But not so often that it will call attention to myself."

"Okay," I said, rubbing my chin.

"Okay," he said, scratching his ear. "Now you can continue what you began."

I detached my seat belt and his, unbelted and unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly releasing his rampant hard-on. He lifted his butt so I could slip his pants (no underwear!) down to his knees. Finally I leaned over taking his rigid, pulsating cock into my mouth. [Thank God for cruise control!] He did keep his eyes on the road, but I'm sure his mind wasn't there. I took my time, as I stroked his balls and his butt, while I gave him a deep throated sucking.


It was worth the wait. It had been over 4 days since I was able to get Andy alone, granted while going 60 mph. Soon after picking him up he relieved my horniness in the way I expected. In fact I purposely did not wear my boxers to make his fellatio all the easier.

But, before that need was satisfied we were able to discuss our future, as problematic as it appeared. We agreed on some nonverbal signals we could exchange to assure each other of our commitment. Sounds silly and it surely was no solution, but it would have to suffice and would give us some comfort in the disapproving community we lived in.

After giving him my seminal offering I pulled over and reassembled my clothing, etc. As I pulled out into traffic again I asked, "Tell me about Chad."

He told me that Chad was a diver he had met at the orientation and how he and Chad had visited the college swimming pool. He described Chad's exotic handsomeness and thought he might be gay, too. He was very frank about his sexual attracted to him, and told me that he was determined to keep the consequences of his lust for other men from interfering with his love for me. I cautiously expressed my doubts, but then I am the one with two loves, Joyce and Andy! Who was I to judge?

He told me that Chad had invited him last Monday to stay over if he came a day early, but anything else was pure speculation or wishful thinking on his part. I told him I understood his interest and told him that if anything happened he had to tell me all the details. Andy leaned over and kissed me. I didn't know how long this mutual trust would last. Was I giving Andy the green light to be promiscuous with the promise that he would not only continue his sexual activity with me, but that it would also turn me on vicariously. Would that make our sex even more intense or would it destroy our relationship? Time would tell.


We arrived at the Raj's around 6 PM. Chad was waiting in front of his home. I met his parents, we had a fine dinner with a stimulating discussion about everything from math and science, to recent books read, to the national political scene. It was exciting to be there. The house was an older ranch style place with a good deal of room and even a swimming pool. It was shaped like an "L" with Chad's parents' bedroom at one end and Chad's at the other end. They both opened on to the pool.

After dinner Chad and I went to his room where he had a sound system and a color TV. We started filling in the details of our respective lives. The university had required that we name our major at the orientation, though we could change it once we had taken some courses. Chad had chosen biology, and I chose history. We discussed all sorts of things, but did not mention girlfriends or relationships. Chad had his own refrigerator in his room, which he said he'd bring with him to the dorm in the Fall, and we each had a beer.

By around 11 his parents had retired and we were watching an old Hitchcock film he had on tape. We sat side by side on one of the twin beds he had in his room. As the result of our swimming pool experience the previous Sunday I was sure he was either into guys or maybe just into me. But as we sat there he made no moves, and I was determined not to make the first move. There was tension in the air. After the film he told me that he usually took a quick swim before going to bed. "To relax me so I sleep better," is how he put it.

With that he stripped completely, slid open the sliding door, and, as he walked out, turned to me and said, "Aren't you coming?"

I jumped up, a little groggy from the beer, and stripped as well. When I got to the pool he was already in the water. The pool had underwater lights, but they were not lit. I could hear but not see him. I slid in the water, not knowing how deep the water was. Thankfully it was not a heated pool and the cool water felt wonderful. As I treaded water Chad came up behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me underwater. I came up sputtering and looked around for him. By now my eyes had adjusted to the dim light. "Chad" I whispered, not wanting to disturb his parents. Once more he came behind me but this time he reached around my waist and pulled me to him. I could feel that he was aroused and was becoming aroused myself, especially when one of his hands grabbed my penis. There was no doubt who was making the first move.

I swiveled to face him. Inches apart we each smelled the other's beer breath. He moved closer, his lips grazing mine, our aquatic erections gently rubbing. A pause. Then he engulfed my mouth with his, his tongue invading my mouth. Soon I was as hungry as he, and we merged. Since we were in the deep end of the pool our treading had halted and we sunk in a passionate embrace. We stayed about half a minute underwater before we realized that we were running out of air. We let go of each other and shot to the surface.

"God, what was that?" I asked, semiseriously, since I was an active participant. I could see that my question put Chad on the defensive, his face falling momentarily, but as soon as he saw me, albeit dimly, he could tell that I was as much into this as he was.

We pulled ourselves out of the pool, drying off with a couple of towels on one of the chairs, and still naked, returned to his room.

"I don't know what came over me," Chad said, "I've never kissed a guy before."

"Really?" I asked, "You do it very well." I don't know if I believed him, or even he me.

Chad went on, "You are the sexiest guy I've ever met and I...I...I just couldn't resist," he stuttered, realizing what a risk he had taken. I assured him it was all right. By this time we were sitting on the two twin beds, facing each other, our eyes locked. His eyes dropped to my groin and I felt the blood running to my penis. It was as if we were practicing some sort of synchronized sex, as our cocks rose simultaneously. We both leaned back on the wall behind us, appreciating the views: his hardon emerging from a nest of pitch-black pubes, mine from a nest of blond hair. And we began to, well, pleasure ourselves.

After a few minutes I suggested he come over to my bed and we sat side by side. One of my hands rested on his thigh, his on mine. Both eventually migrated to the other's cock and we stroked them for a couple of minutes until he warned, "I'm coming."

"Let's see if we can cum at the same time," I suggested. He obligingly sped up. We came within seconds of each other, our bodies arching as great streams of milky strings poured out of us covering our chests and faces. What a great orgasm! I lay back, breathing heavily, as did he, and we drifted off.

We woke up about 30 minutes later, groggy with sleep and spent passion, quickly cleaned off, brushed our teeth and went to bed and immediately fell fast asleep, our cooperative masturbation almost, but not quite, forgotten. We needed a good rest for the swim meet later the next day.

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