Andy and Sean

By Andrew Phillips

Published on Apr 24, 2015


[Author's Note: My muse has returned. He says I should continue. So I'll return to the saga of Andy and Sean and others in their lives, and the others in the lives of those others: a great network of humanity driven by urges with which each member is born, not always of his choosing, though free will requires that choices be made all the time.

For earlier episodes of this continuing story search in for "Andy and Sean" or "He and I"

I would appreciate any feedback and suggestions from you, my readers. I aim to please you, so don't be shy. Email me at Thanks, Drew.]

Part 12 – A hot summer begins (same as Part 16 in "He and I" in Adult Youth)

Andy and Sean (aka He and I), after falling in love and finally fulfilling their lust for each other in the most explicit ways during a wild and long weekend in nearby Springfield have come home to a summer of swimming, family life, work, and the challenges of continuing their relationship, not to mention their mutual sex. The day after returning, Tuesday morning, they risked having those carnal pleasures in the middle of jogging. After which they realized the potential for major, unwanted consequences. New persons are about to enter their lives which only makes their lives more complex, and pleasurable. That's where we pick up on each of their narratives:

Andy (Me):

On Tuesday afternoon I returned the call my mother told me I had gotten from Chad, my future roommate. He had heard about the swim meet coming and offered me a place to stay on Saturday night, if I were to come the day before the meet. I said it would depend on how I was going to get there.

On Wednesday I put my mind to how to earn some money this summer. Hugh Jones, who owned a landscaping firm, Green Pastures, in town, had asked whether I wanted a job over the summer. It paid $10/hour and I could work 30 hours a week. I could do better waiting tables at the Yellow Submarine, but I thought the physical outside work would help keep me in shape. So I had decided to take him up on it. It would begin next Monday.

On Thursday I showed up for our swim team practice. There were 10 swimmers and 2 divers and, of course, Sean Allcock our coach (and my lover). Sean and I were determined to keep our "relationship" a well kept secret. The swimmers were 18 to 21 years of age, either in college, or like myself, about to begin. Many were or would be swimming for their colleges, so staying fit and in practice was a very serious matter. I looked over the lot, many of whom had swum for my high school. We would not only do pool laps, but we'd run several miles on the nearby track and put in an hour a day in weight training as well.

While the divers practiced their own stuff elsewhere they had to be on call if we were down a man in a race. So we all practiced together. They may not be very fast but you never know when one opponent would be disqualified and we could pick up a point for coming in third in a 4 person race.

My new perspective made me keenly aware of the potential pleasures that I could give and receive from having sex with another person of the same sex. So I looked over the almost dozen teammates with that in mind, always in mind. They all wore the briefest of swimsuits, leaving little to the imagination. Many were pretty hairless, naturally, like myself, or by body shaving. Shaving not only removes the drag of hair on your chest or arms/legs but, I'm told, it might produce, as a result of removing the dead skin cells, an enhanced experience of slicing through the water. Anyway, many swimmers do it. A few even shaved their heads. Of course there was no point in shaving what was in their swimsuits, evidenced when we showered after practice.

But in surveying this group of lean, muscled swimmers I could tell much more about them through eye contact than looks. Of the group two guys, Tommy and Tim, held eye contact with me a little longer than I would have expected. The two were as different as day and night, but there was something about their response that gave me a funny feeling. Was I developing my gaydar? Perhaps one or both were gay? I didn't know at the time, but I was sure I could find a way to test my hypotheses. One test came sooner than I imagined.

The practice went well. The meet was set for the upcoming Sunday in Springfield. Sean said he was going over the day before, on Saturday, and wanted to know if I wanted a ride there. I told him about Chad's offer to put me up. I could see his disappointment about such an arrangement, but he said he was happy to take me. I think he remembered our memorable trip back on Monday. I surely did, and was determined to give him that mobile bonus again.

After swimming laps I decided to run a couple of miles on the nearby track. Tommy Olsen was also running some laps. Tommy was among the tallest members of the team, a bit over 6 foot. He was handsome, broad shouldered, blond with a buzz cut. He had a friendly face with a slightly lopsided boyish smile. Shy and very polite, he always addressed the coach as "sir." It was no surprise that he came from a military family, his father a recently retired non-commissioned officer in the Marines. Tommy was in my high school class, arriving the same time as Coach Allcock, at the beginning of his junior year. Those "military brats" really moved around a lot. Most usually made friends quickly, but Tommy was quite shy. Once he joined the swim team I got to know him a bit, but he tended to keep to himself.

Anyway, as I joined Tommy on the track we nodded to each other and ran in tandem. Then Tommy started to pick up the pace and I kept up. He then again sped ahead, looking back at me with that friendly, off center smile of his. I caught up and we were going at quite a pace until he suddenly balked, holding his right calf and shouting out in pain. Apparently he had gotten a cramp. We stopped as he limped about, trying to work it out. I told him to sit down with his legs in front of him and I would push the top of his right foot toward him. That helped a bit. Then I suggested a massage of that calf muscle might help. He agreed and I could feel the knot is his well-defined calf muscle as I kneaded it. He leaned back and closed his eyes as I ministered to his problem. In a minute or so I suspected that I was not only relieving his pain but giving him pleasure as that cute smile spread over his face. "That feels great," he said. I took this opportunity to rub his leg a bit higher, my fingers stroking the inside of his knee, a site that I found an especially erotic one in myself. He suddenly looked up at me and gave me a penetrating glance, the smile replaced with an open mouthed gasp, but, luckily, no frown. We held that eye contact for a long time continuing as I offered my hand to lift him up. And once up he held my hand a bit longer than necessary. Now I knew. And I think he knew. And he knew I knew. He smiled and quietly said, "Thanks."

Sean (He):

Well, back to the routines of home. I couldn't get my mind off the spontaneous sex Andy and I had Tuesday morning jogging. I relived the way he made sure his cock was sufficiently lubricated before entering me, and the ecstasy to which I was sent as he repeatedly penetrated me, bareback! That internal massage my prostate received from him was only matched by the total body contact he gave me as he reached around and jacked me off. How thoughtful. I loved the way I could feel his muscled chest and abs on my back and bum, while his hand stroked my erection. How wonderfully erotic!

Wednesday morning, I was dying to return the favor, but with no immediate opportunity I combined my vivid memory with the help of my left hand (since I jack off with my left hand) while penetrating my anus with my right middle finger, to bring me to an orgasm while showering the next morning. I watched my loads of jism hit the side of the stall and slowly and viscously run down. It wasn't the same by a long shot but it wasn't so bad either.

I didn't see Andy again till Thursday's team practice. He was clearly keeping his distance, as did I. Our fear of revealing our special relationship might even have appeared to be a mutual antipathy. All business.

But I think Andy was a bit more adventurous with others than I as he looked over his teammates. And they at him. There was no doubt that he was the handsomest man there. Others may have had equal physiques, but he had the most lovable face and attractive smile. But, clearly I was biased. And a little jealous.

I had fantasized the last two days that we might could repeat the last weekend we had in Springfield, so decided to drive to Springfield a day earlier for our Sunday meet. At the end of practice I mentioned my travel plans, hoping. He mentioned that a guy named Chad, his future roommate and a diver for the Springfield team, had invited him to stay with him on Saturday night IF he came early, so he would take me up on my offer. It was too late for me to back out of it. And in any case my memories of that very memorable trip back home on Monday prevented me from trying to. Any time with Andy, alone, would be worth it. So I said I'd pick up at 4 on Saturday afternoon.

Next: Chapter 13

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