Andy and Sean

By Andrew Phillips

Published on Feb 5, 2015


This is a story of the emerging sexual relationship and adventures of Andy Johnson and Sean Allcock, from both their perspectives. It is fictional, aspirational, and hot.

For more background on how they met, found each other and realized their mutual attraction you can find parts 1 to 4 of a story called "He and I" in the Gay Male — Adult Youth section of

Suffice to say, Andy, 18, is a recent high school graduate and Sean, 27, was his young teacher and swim team coach, who is now his good friend. They are about to become "friends with benefits," or even more, as Sean drives Andy to Springfield for Andy's college orientation and a weekend of discovery.

My name is Andrew ( People call me Drew. I would appreciate feedback and any suggestions to make these stories even hotter and more, well, satisfying to my readers' needs.

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Part 1 – Friends with benefits


The month of May went by slowly. My classes went well, and I got all A's. As I counted down the days to May 30th. Each day had been punctuated by at least one jack off fantasy involving Sean. I must have spilled billions of sperm, enough to impregnate all the world's women, if only they interested me.

Meanwhile Sean and I met at least once a week, getting to be closer and closer friends. My first attraction had turned into friendship and was rapidly approaching love.

Last fall I had applied to go to the State University in Springfield and received word of my admission at the end of April. It's about an hour and a half drive from here.

There were freshman orientations scheduled all through the summer and I signed up for the very first one, on May 31st and June 1st, the two days after graduation. No use putting it off.

And that was what Sean said, too, "Let's not put things off, now that you are a graduate." He reserved a room at the Best Western in Springfield for that weekend for all three nights, Friday through Sunday. The room had two double beds, "but we'll need only one," he said with a smile. I felt weak with desire.

Finally graduation day arrived. My whole family came: mother, sister and my mother's parents. My mother had met Mr. Allcock several times before, after the swim meets and at open school night. She liked him.

I graduated 5th in my class (of 262), academically, and got a special DAR award for my essay on Thomas Jefferson.

Since Sean had to go up to Springfield that weekend so he had offered to drive me to my orientation at State U. How convenient. This spared me borrowing the car from my mother, which made everybody happy. None happier than me.

He had an old 1990 red Miata that would be fun to ride in, for lots of reasons I was soon to discover.


The month of May went by slowly. My classes went well, and I got all my grades in by the day before graduation.

Early in May I had told Joyce that I had been appointed to the state committee to choose social studies textbooks for the next year and the first meeting was in Springfield the weekend after graduation. Of course that was not true, but it was plausible. Was I sliding down a slippery slope? Perhaps, but this is truly what I wanted to do.

I also wanted to be at my best for my weekend with Andy so I abstained from sex with my wife, Joyce, for the whole last week in May. By Friday I was as horny as a three-balled tomcat.

Finally the day arrived and I drove over the Andy's right after dinner, around 8. He had a small duffle. It was quite a warm evening and he was wearing shorts and a tank top. I told his mother we'd be back around noon on Monday, the first day of the summer break.

Andy threw his duffle behind the passenger seat, hopped in and belted himself in. And off we went as I quickly shifted into 5th. My hand went from the gear shift knob to Andy's bare knee. I squeezed it once and began massaging the inner thigh of his left leg. Andy gave a laugh and put his arms behind his head and stretched. "That feels great!" he yelled above the wind, since I had put the top down.

It was still light out and I noticed a wet spot on the front of his taut shorts. I studiously avoided touching his bulging package, not wanting him to waste any of his passion here. I thought, "God, this was going to be one great weekend!"


Sean arrived right on time and off we went. By the time we got out of the city he already run his hand up my leg and I had an erection that lasted the whole way to Springfield.

Soon after we left Sean said, "Oh, incidentally, I got you present. It's in the glove compartment." I opened it up and there was a CD "The Best of ARS." How did he know I really loved the Atlanta Rhythm Section? Anyway, as I slipped the CD into the player, he said, "Play track 9 first."

I did and it was that great song, "So Into You."

Sean said, "That's what I think should be our song, since I am so into you, Andy." He leaned over and kissed me.

We listened. The lyrics, "I am so into you I can't think of nothing else" summed up both our feelings.

We spoke about everything: my upcoming college studies, the weather, my and his family, etc. Everything but sex and our budding relationship.

We made good time, finally pulling into the parking lot of the Best Western around 9:20. He checked in, came back and parked in the back. Room 213, nice, two double beds, big mirrors, and a large bathroom. Upon entering we immediately embraced.

It had been a long, long day, what with graduation and the drive. We were both tired and hot, but the combination of adrenalin and testosterone overcame fatigue. I started to take off my shirt, but he stopped me. "Let me do that," he said. "Let's each of us take one piece of clothing off each other till we are, well, finished."

I liked that, and let him pull my tank top off me. He did it slowly, coming close to me and letting his thumbs tickle my underarms as he completed the task.

Now it was my turn, and I unbuttoned his shirt, no undershirt. First I kissed his neck and the pit below it and then I kissed what I exposed after each button was undone: his hirsute chest, below his rib cage, his abs, his navel, following that love trail until I got to the top of his jeans. I know he liked what I was doing from his irregular breathing and moaning. I saw the result of my work (hardly work) in the prodigious effect it had on what lay behind his fly.

"Now its my turn," he said, and he removed my shoes and socks, kissing each foot in turn. I looked down on his muscular hairless back and shoulders as he did this, unable to prevent myself from placing my hands on them. They felt solid and warm. He raised his head to look at me and smile.

After I had done the same for him, we both stood up and embraced again, bare chest to bare chest. "Now to get to the heart of the matter," he laughingly said, cupping my groin with his hand. By this time my precum had made a spot the size of a quarter. He unbuttoned my shorts and slid them down and off my feet. That left me wearing only a pair of red bikini briefs (the color of his Miata) with the clear outline of my rigid member. He knelt and ran his lips over it, from base to tip. I could feel his lips through my briefs, which made my cock even harder.

"My turn," I insisted, as I unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his waist, unzipped his fly, and pulled off his jeans. He wore a pair of light blue boxers that in no way could contain his erection. Having little experience with others' erections I can't really compare, but it was a large and thick one, at least larger than mine. It stuck out through his boxer fly, half erect. A crystal clear drop of precum was leaking from its slit, and a drop was about to fall. I lifted it off with my finger and tasted it. It was a little salty and a bit sweet. "Mmmm," I said, looking up at him. He smiled and said, "The taste of things to come, eh?" Or did he say "to cum?" I guess that's what the pre- means in "precum."

I brought my lips close to the tip of his cock, but before I could make contact, he abruptly said, "It's my turn."

He lifted me up so we once more were chest to chest. Then he slid his hands down my back, slipping them under the waistband of my briefs and held both my buttocks. He pulled me to him while sliding my briefs off. My hardon offered a little resistance, but finally popped out and my underwear dropped to my feet. I stepped out of them, and now I was naked as a jay bird. My cock, now hard as a rock, was standing tall and sandwiched between our abs. God, it felt sooo good.

I was quick to do the same for him, and now our penises were dueling, the precum abundant and making viscous, sticky threads between our abdomens as we writhed, feeling each other over the full length of our bodies.

I was really enjoying this, learning what of me I liked touched. I never realized how much better it felt to have someone other than myself touch my cock, my chest, by butt, etc. I was soon to find out what other places were even greater!


Finally, we were both nude. As I stripped his briefs off him his cock popped up and stood almost vertically, emerging from a golden halo of thick pubic hair. We embraced, our cocks wrestling between our abdomens, getting squishy with the prolific precum. I stepped back and grabbed both our cocks with my right hand and holding them together, stroking them. Andy exclaimed, thrusting his pelvis.

I realized if this went on for another minute or so we would both come. I didn't want that to happen, yet. So I suggested we clean off from the steamy day and the sweat we generated by our, er, explorations by taking a shower, together.

He agreed and I took his hand and led him into the bathroom.

Next part – A shower together.

Next: Chapter 2

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