Andromeades Hequeen of Kor

By sasha steele

Published on Jun 8, 2015


Andromeades HeQueen of Kor (part six)

by Sasha Steele

Brogyn dropped Ulan off to gather his team and ordered all teams out of the field immediately, then headed back to K-1. Changed his tunic and traded his cruiser, as Ulan had told him the giantess Andromeades was much too large to fit in it, for a bigger vehicle. He commandeered a transport ship that had just been outfitted for a three week trip.

The transport ship was large and slow compared to Brogyn's speedy cruiser, but it had wide cargo doors and a variety of cargo float beds for moving various sizes of loads. If the heQueen was indeed as large as Ulan had said he was, then this would be the best means by which to transport him.

Brogyn moved the ship out of the dock. It was slow. He thought of Ulan's description of Andromeades - an utterly obese giant heQueen. His mind wandered to the fattest person on K-1, Vyvyan Rance, the chairman of the committee that ran the K-1 facility. Vyvyan weighed around three hundred and fifty pounds and, as Ulan had said of Andromeades, Vyvyan too had long platinum-blond color hair.

Facially Vyvyan was attractive, though in an odd sort of way. He had a high broad forehead that gave it a flat square appearance. This feature was balanced by Vyvyan's round cheeks, square jaw and, because he was so fat, fleshy jowls and neck. His blue eyes were beautiful. His lips full. His hair was very straight. It sat flat to his head and was so fine that the slightest movement or breeze would cause it to flutter.

Brogyn thought of his last encounter with Vyvyan. It was at a committee meeting. Even though Vyvyan was chairman he had to defer to Brogyn in matters of security. So they did not always see eye to eye. Last meeting Vyvyan had seemed on edge. Kept glancing at Brogyn during the meeting. Then asked him to stay back a moment for a private consultation when the others had left.

For that meeting Brogyn had worn a black blouse that fitted his muscular torso snugly. It had a short tail, small collar and buttoned front. The sleeves were short, just covering his big shoulders and were slightly flared showcasing Brogyn's muscular arms. The blouse was made to be worn not tucked in and so the short tail just covered the waist band of Brogyn's skirt.

The shiny black mini skirt had loose flaring pleats, such that if Brogyn were to do a spin it would fly up like a ballerina's tutu exposing the pretty lace tops of his nude tone stay up stockings and sexy black panties he wore. The skirt was very short, barely covering his big butt, the tops of his stockings and the bulging penis pouch in his panties. And when Brogyn sat it was the seat of his panties against the upholstery, not the skirt.

Brogyn wore a black brassier under his blouse. The top buttons of the blouse were undone to reveal a delicate black bead necklace and the odd glimpse of the brassiere's pretty lace trim. Small ear studs matching the necklace could be seen as Brogyn's long black hair was pinned back with a black beret above each ear. He teetered on black pumps with five inch stiletto heels.

Such a deliciously slutty as this ensemble deserved equally slutty makeup. Brogyn wore heavy mascara and eyeliner and dark eye shadow. His lips and nails were painted a ruby read. All of which caused not just Vyvyan to give odd glances but other members of the board as well.

Vyvyan had a few words with the chief medical officer before he ushered him out the door and turned his attention back to Brogyn who was sitting back against the front of a desk. As Vyvyan waddled toward him, his fine platinum-blond hair floated about his thick shoulders. Brogyn watched him come and took note of the troubled look on Vyvyan's pretty face.

Vyvyan wore a light mauve colored skirt suite over a white silk blouse. The blouse's open collar was worn outside the snug fitting suite jacket. The skirt was not as short as Brogyn's little mini, just above mid thigh. He wore nude tone nylons and had on dark mauve color pumps with four inch heels.

The reason, as Brogyn saw, why Vyvyan had seemed on edge and had hurriedly ushered the chief medical officer out the door was evident in the front of Vyvyan's skirt. Vyvyan had a substantial size cock, maybe even the biggest cock on K-1. The front part of Vyvyan's skirt hung down from his pot belly riding in toward his heavy thighs only slightly.

At the end of the meeting when Vyvyan hurried everyone out Brogyn saw a slight tenting in Vyvyan's skirt. As Vyvyan walked toward him the tenting grew. The tip of Vyvyan's rising cock in the penis pouch of his shiny white panties poked out from beneath it and by the time he reached Brogyn he had a full blown erection. Brogyn's cock was hard too as evidenced by the tenting in the loose folds of his own little mini skirt. He stood as Vyvyan came to him.

Vyvyan was breathing heavily when they finally embraced. Brogyn took hold of the thick eleven inch erection that stood straight out with Vyvyan's skirt draped over its shaft. He ran his hand along the smooth silken pantie pouch material that clung to it. There is something wonderful about the feel of stroking a hard cock encased in a pair of delicate panties. And for the wearer of those panties the feeling is simple out of this world.

Traditionally man-panties were made with the front and rear sections attached with side seams. The penis pouch made almost like a tube sock attached in the crotch with seams behind the scrotum around to the pubis mound. The waist band was added and seamed in back. Then the leg bands with inside seams. Now all man-pantie material is synthetic and there is no longer any need for seems. Panties, as well as all other clothing items and accessories, are custom fit with a one time only use before the materials are recycled. Everything is obtained on demand through comp mall, styled and tailored almost immediately as one desires.

Vyvyan breathed a shaky sigh as Brogyn stroked his cock through his panties. They kissed. Pressed their hardness against one another. Brogyn broke the embrace. Reached up under his mini skirt, pulled his black panties all the way down and stepped out of them. Then he sat back against the desk again, lifted his skirt exposing his short thick fully erect cock to Vyvyan.

Brogyn's good sized balls were perfectly symmetrical in his smooth hairless thick skinned scrotum that laid delicately against the stretchy lace tops of his stay up nude tone stockings. His five inch long cock stood up to attention at a forty five degree angle above the horizontal. The shaft was made to look even shorter than it actually was by its freakish thickness making the cock head look demure compared to it.

As Brogyn held up his little mini skirt Vyvyan got down on his knees to suck him off. Vyvyan was an experienced cock sucker. Brogyn's cock was a mouth full only in its thickness. Its diminished length offered no restriction and so Vyvyan took it all in his mouth to quickly bring Brogyn to a climax.

Brogyn tilted his head back and moaned in ecstatic distress as he neared orgasm. He let go of his little skirt and clasped his hands against Vyvyan's thin delicate hair. Stood up from leaning against the desk and started to undulate his powerful hips as he began to fuck Vyvyan's mouth.

When Brogyn came it was with the last of his thrusts stayed and Vyvyan's head grasped tightly to him. He let out a cry of release as his cum sputtered in many short hot bursts against the back of Vyvyan's throat. Then, expended, Brogyn released his grip, stood, turned around and leaned over the desk to offer Vyvyan his ass.

Vyvyan spread Brogyn's big round bum cheeks. Pressed his face between them and lapped at Brogyn's anal ring. Brogyn moaned with pleasure as Vyvyan's tongue entered him. Vyvyan

ate Brogyn's hole until the urge to fuck the most desirable ass on K-1 became too overpowering.

Brogyn helped Vyvyan struggle to his feet. They kissed, their tongues entwined and Brogyn savoured the mingled tastes of his own ass and cum in Vyvyan's mouth. Brogyn freed Vyvyan's massive throbbing cock from the confines of its dripping wet penis pouch. Turned and directed it to his anal ring. Vyvyan's erect cock spewed cups of precum lubricating Brogyn's hole as Vyvyan's cock entered him.

Brogyn bent over the desk and Vyvyan shoved it all the way in with one slow drive. Vyvyan's eleven inch cock cleared Brogyn's anal canal and entered the sanctity of his moist rectum. Ever so slowly Vyvyan undulated his big hips as he fucked Brogyn's beautiful ass. The soft pot belly beneath Vyvyan's skirt bumped against the big round globes of Brogyn's muscle butt with every stroke with Vyvyan's huge bag touching the back of Brogyn's massive thighs at the same time.

Vyvyan fucked Brogyn slowly for a short while. Then as his tension heightened his strokes became more aggressive. The heat in his cock escalated and seemed to be centered on the underside of the cock head as if a fuse had been lit. Vyvyan was desperate now. His strokes fast and furious. About to cum he cried out in the glorious discomfort of his desperation. Then Vyvyan came in a fury of explosions filling Brogyn's ass with his hot semen.

As the memory of his last encounter with Vyvyan faded from mind Brogyn turned the transport ship, two hundred feet above the ground, east toward the forest. Thinking about Vyvyan fucking him had given Brogyn a hardon. He pressed his hand to it. Mmmm, it felt good. He followed the transport ship along the road Ulan had told him Andromeades's royal wheel house had taken when the heQueen had been abducted.

Not far along the road Brogyn spotted the wheel house coming back out of the forest with its six white horses at full gallop. He brought the transport ship to a stop hovering two hundred feet up. Opened the large cargo door on the side of the ship, clicked on his armor, engaged the flight pack and leaving the ship on auto pilot flew out the open door.

Brogyn landed on the top of the speeding wheel house. Four monks were sitting on the drivers bench in front. Four more were standing on the back running board and two more on each side board. The driver was standing in a half crouch flicking the reins and shouting to drive the horses even faster. One of the monks beside him spotted Brogyn land and in a panic leaped from the speeding wheel house.

Others followed suit. The driver turned to see what was going on. He too panicked on seeing Brogyn in his armor and in doing so inadvertently pulled the reins right. The horses reared. The wheel house spun out then rolled over spilling off the monks. Brogyn jumped to the ground. The wheel house door opened and more monks spilled out. There were sixteen of them in all. Those that could fled.

Brogyn checked inside. Andromeades was not in the wheel house. He clicked off his armor. Grabbed hold of one of the monks.

"Where is the heQueen?" He demanded.

The frightened monk stuttered something about night fall the snake moons rising and wolf-men. Brogyn slapped him across the face with the back of his hand.

"Where is Andromeades?" He shouted.

The stunned monk pointed back toward the forest.

"An abandoned monastery just over that rise," he said trembling.

Brogyn pushed him down. Clicked on his armor and flew back up to the transport ship. He took the ship at top speed toward the forest. Just over the rise in the gathering gloom Brogyn spotted the abandoned monastery in a clearing. He took the transport ship down close to the monastery and left it at a hover at forty feet above the ground. Selected a fair size cargo float and rode it down to ground level.

The cargo float was a rectangular shaped flat bed with an operator's post at one end. Brogyn looked like a pilot at the rudder of some weird boat as the cargo float hovered along three feet off the ground. Brogyn brought it to an opening in the wall of the abandoned monastery but saw the opening, maybe for a window at one time, was too narrow to fit through.

The heQueen Andromeades slowly awoke. He was groggy, his head spun as the recollection of what had happened slowly came back to him. He put the ballooning back of his fleshy hand to his aching forehead. Felt the elaborated headdress in place and remembered they had torn it from his head. They must have put back on he thought still groggy. Even though still under the influence of the drug Andromeades's vanity propelled him to check his hair and to make sure his headdress was set properly on his head.

Finally shaking off the cobwebs Andromeades realized his situation. He was lounging half sitting on a day bed. Andromeades swung one colossal leg over the edge of the day bed, then the other. With his great width and weight it brought the behemoth heQueen to a full sitting position on the edge of the day bed.

The curtains of the day bed where drawn. Andromeades's ballooning knees touched them. So did his massive belly. He called out for help but there was no reply. Tentatively Andromeades reached out and spread the curtains a few inches apart to peak out through them. He called out again. Still no answer.

Andromeades spreed the curtains fully open. Looked about at his surroundings. Didn't recognize them. Didn't know where he was.Some abandoned ruin. It was nearing night fall. Dark shadows where creeping onto the corners. The full moons would soon be on the rise. Andromeades saw a flutter of movement in the shadows. Heard the angry snarls of the wolf-men. A squirt of pee saturated the tip of Andromeades's panties penis pouch as he let out a horrendous scream.

Brogyn had just decided to take the cargo float further down the length of the wall where a section had collapsed and fallen away when he heard Andromeades scream. Brogyn took a two step leap from the cargo float to the window ledge and onto the floor while at the same time drawing his side arm. He called out Andromeades's name. The wolf-men growled and Andromeades screamed again.

Brogyn ran in the direction of the sounds. With such huge thigh muscles Brogyn walked with a bit of a waddle. Running emphasised the waddle even more. He ran out a door way and into the next room. It was a large room and there in the middle of it was a day bed surrounded by white curtains. The curtains in front were drawn aside and sitting on the day bed was the largest being Brogyn had ever seen.

Ulan had not overstated Andromeades's great size. If anything he had understated it. The heQueen's imposing bulk literally filled the day bed behind the near fully opened curtains. Andromeades was dressed all in white highly decorated with gold like some hulking he-bride. Brogyn was glade he had brought the cargo ship. He'd need it to move this load.

"Somebody help me!" Andromeades cried out in near panic.

He saw Brogyn come running out of the shadows. Screamed. Then realized he wasn't a wolf-man.

"Who are you?" Andromeades asked as Brogyn ran up to him.

"I'm Brogyn Hardy. Here to rescue you Your Highness."

A loud roar came up from a darkened room. Brogyn set his gun to light burst, fired into the darkness and the room lit up like it was a bright sunny day. That caused the wolf-men to cry out in distress as they scurried away.

"They can't tolerate the light," Brogyn said. I'll go fetch the float bed outside to move you. Be right back."

"Nooo!" Andromeades cried, clearly afraid as he tried to grasp hold of Brogyn in order to stop him from going. "You can't leave me alone with those things. I'm coming with you. Help me up."

Andromeades held out his fat swollen hands. Brogyn holstered his side arm and took hold of them. With some difficulty Brogyn aided the giantess heQueen struggle to his feet. In his high heeled sandals Andromeades was six inches taller than Brogyn and his massive bulk far overshadowed Brogyn's own large muscular size. The sandals were very impractical to walk in, especially for someone weighing three quarters of a ton. But the heQueen was insistent.

Brogyn walked backwards holding Andromeades's hands to help steady him as the gargantuan heQueen struggled along moving slowly toward the breached section of the wall. Andromeades's thighs were so massive that he was forced to waddle with his legs spread wide apart causing him to jut side to side as he dragged one mountain of flesh past the other in short jutted steps. The going was painstakingly slow. Adromeades's breathing was laboured and just thirty feet along he stopped.

"Wait," Andromeades said, breathing heavily, "I need to rest a moment."

Brogyn saw Andromeades's titanic chest heaving as he tried to regain his breath. He waited, and for the very first time looked into the giantess heQueen's hypnotic green with silver and gold flecked eyes. They were compelling, as though they could absorb one yet at the same time beautiful and terrifying. Gazing into those eyes, as most Ankorians knew, one felt a sudden sense of loosing oneself, a foreboding fear that one was about to give up all the hidden secrets of mind and heart to be trapped forever by this overpowering being.

In that moment of eye contact with the behemoth heQueen time seemed to stand still. Brogyn sensed Andromeades tugging at the tendrils of his mind. Then, by force of shear will, Brogyn blocked the giant sorceress heQueen out. Andromeades snapped back as though he were caught in an indecent act.

Recovering Andromeades said, "help me. I need to pee. Take my skirt aside."

Having felt the full brunt of Artarius's massive cock in his ass Brogyn had wondered what sort of monster dwelt beneath the gigantic heQueen's skirts. Was it as big or even bigger given the gargantuan size of Andromeades? Had the heQueen saw his curiosity when he probed Brogyn's mind?

Brogyn lifted aside the front panel of Andromeades's dress skirt. His gigantic legs were clad in white stockings. In front of those huge super fat thighs Andromeades's monstrous cock stretched the penis pouch of his white panties down in front of his beach ball like knees.

"Hold it up for me," Andromeades told him.

Brogyn took hold of the pantie clad monster. It was too thick for his big hand to fully encircle. He lifted it up and outward so that Andromeades could pee freely. It was a weighty monster about two feet long and felt fairly solid. No sooner had Brogyn began to lift his massive organ when Andromeades's pee burst through the material at the tip of his panties penis pouch and formed a solid stream. Andromeades peed long and hard on the floor in front of them while Brogyn held his cock and soon a hung puddle had formed.

Andromeades's pee slowed to a halt then stopped. As if to acknowledge the end of it a loud roar was sent up by the wolf-men from a shadowed room off to their right. Brogyn drew his side arm and showered the room in light. The wolf-men in there cried out in distress as they scurried away.

"How far away from this transport thing are we?" Andromeades asked.

"A bit further than we've come."

"I can't walk any further," Andromeades said, "Can you bring it here?"


"Very well. Bring it to me," Andromeades said, "but don't leave me alone for very long."

"A few seconds."

"Wait," Andromeades said, remembering, "your friend...."

Brogyn cut him off. "I saved Ulan from the fire. It was he who set me here to rescue you."

With that Brogyn hurried through the breached wall on the run. Mounted the cargo float and started back. The sun had sank near to the horizon. The shadows had crept to their fullest. In a few minutes the sun would be gone, the full moons would arise and the wolf-men would no longer be restrained.

Andromeades turned tentatively toward every snarl. Fear was in his eyes and his mountainous body trembled. He hadn't, until Brogyn left him, noticed how far the night had advanced. There seamed more shadows, deeper shadows, and in every one lurked terror. Fear overtaking him Andromeades called out for Brogyn to return.

Then Andromeades saw Brogyn ride through the breach like a boatman on the cargo float and his heart filled with relief. Brogyn pulled up beside Andromeades and hopped off the float. The best way to go was to have Andromeades kneel facing forward in the middle of the cargo bed. Andromeades placed one huge

knee, hands, belly then the other knee on the flat cargo bed. Brogyn operated its sliding surface to place him in the center, hopped aboard and they moved out.

Brogyn swung the cargo float around and they headed for the breach in the wall with a flurry of activity in the shadows around them. The wolf-men could be seen now as they became more bold. They were large hairy beasts with red eyes, long snouts and fierce looking teeth now mere yards from the slow moving cargo float still somewhat protected by the last rays of sunlight. Brogyn drew his side arm and shot a volley of light bursts to disperse them.

Outside of the abandoned monastery the transport ship hovered forty feet above the ground. With its bright flood lights the ship appeared to be sitting on a pillar of light. They headed toward the protection of the light. The wolf-men were out in the open now, the more aggressive ones charging the cargo float. Brogyn switched his gun to kill and easily picked them off one by one as they charged.

He took the float to its maximum hover at ten feet above ground level. A wolf-man leaped up attempting to crawl onto the cargo float in front of Andromeades. The heQueen screamed as Brogyn blew the beast's head off. More leaped up and Brogyn shot them all.

Finally they reached the relative safety of the ships floodlights. Brogyn centered the cargo float, engaged the tractor beam and they began to rise slowly up toward the ship. Some crazed wolf-men tempted the light. Brogyn shot them as more joined in. There seemed an endless throng of them. One leaped up and grabbed Brogyn's boot. He kicked it in the face and it fell away. More jumped. Andromeades screamed as Brogyn fought them off till they were high enough out of their reach.

They made the transport ship and entered through the open cargo door on the side. Five feet in Brogyn brought the float to a halt. He hopped off just as Andromeades let out another blood curdling scream. One of the wolf-men had managed to cling to the cargo float and was now crawling inside the ship. The beast snarled as it hurdled toward the morbidly obese heQueen of kor, which seemed to be its main quarry. Brogyn intercepted. Grabbed the beast one handed by its wrist and spinning around flung it handily back out the door.

Brogyn operated the cargo float's slide bed to bring Andromeades to its edge, helped him up and then into a sitting position on it. He stepped to the open cargo door, widened the floodlight's beam to fill the entire clearing causing its brightness to become less intense. Brogyn stood in the transport ship's open cargo door and looked down. The clearing was filled with literally thousands of the beasts, some still leaping madly at the ship. Their snarls and growls sent up a continuous roar.

Frightened as Andromeades had been he now felt safe, especially with Brogyn here. Andromeades contemplated his rescuer standing in the open door with his back to him. Acknowledging his obvious physical beauty: The broad shouldered, V-shaped back in the snug fitting black tunic. The long braid of his black hair that hung nearly to his backside. And that magnificent rounded backside in shinny black tights half exposed below the hemline of the tunic's short skirt. The way Brogyn's tights tucked into the cleavage under his huge butt cheeks and the deep crevice between them. He thought of Brogyn's sensuous heavily made up face turned away from him and the peculiar bulge of his genitals in the penis pouch of Brogyn's tights.

Technology had advanced over the last ten thousand years. Andromeades marveled at Brogyn's formidable side arm that had many functions and wondered what magic the little backpack he wore contained. Again Andromeades attempted to read Brogyn's mind. Brogyn blocked him. That gave Andromeades a jolt.

"Trying to sneak into my mind again Your Highness?"

"Your not afraid of them. The wolf-men. Your not afraid of anything," Andromeades said incredulously. Then asked. "How is it you can block me? Do you have psychic abilities? Can you read my thoughts?"

Brogyn shrugged his shoulders. "Not psychic, just intuitive," he said.

Andromeades wasn't convinced. "I'll concentrate on something." He thought of his magnificent headdress with its crown and the golden cock-snake jadas that inspired both awe and fear as it sat upon his long platinum-blond hair. "What does your intuition tell you?"

Brogyn gazed into Andromeades's beautiful green eyes. Eyes can't hide truth. He looked past the hypnotic draw of them and thought he saw something there, a longing, a desire. "The answer is no," he said.

"What do you mean no?"

"I find no aversion in your colossal size."

Andromeades was taken aback. He found Brogyn attractive and had wondered what Brogyn thought of him. Without their minds controlled men found Andromeades's gargantuan size overwhelming. Yet here was a man with a free mind not in the least intimidated. Andromeades's mind raced. He had a million questions. But asked only one.

"What now Brogyn Hardy?"

"If I take you back to your castle will you be safe there?"

"If I am not will you come rescue me again?"

"Ulan would make sure I did,"

Andromeades laughed. "I must meet your Ulan."

"Oh, I'm sure you will."

"How long till we get there? I need to be fed. I'm starving."

"Fifteen minutes more or less."

Brogyn took off his backpack and utility belt then reported in. He took the transport ship up to two hundred feet and set the coordinates for the Ankorian capital. Less than a minute into the flight an urgent message came through from K-1.

"Chief Hardy. Storm heading your way. A big one. Biggest yet. Could last two, three days. It'll be on you in less than ten."

Brogyn punched it up. "I see it." Communications were starting to break up. "Can't outrun it," Brogyn said. "We'll have to hunker down and wait it out."

End of part six

Next: Chapter 7

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