Andromeades Hequeen of Kor

By sasha steele

Published on Apr 28, 2015


Andromeades heQueen of Kor

(part three)

by Sasha Steele

Ulan was right when he said Brogyn didn't know everything. Brogyn knew weaponry, he knew combat and war strategy, fast vehicles, action and command. Ulan knew all that. What he didn't know was Brogyn's insight was more advanced than Ulan could ever imagine.

Dressed in his black field uniform complete with heavy side arm and survival back pack Brogyn clicked on his armor, mounted a jet bike speeder and shot out of the K-1 security dock at two hundred miles an hour. Accelerating to over a thousand he reached the crash site in minutes. Brought the bike to a hover, then set down by the science shuttles. He dismounted and clicked off his armor.

"Anything happening?" Brogyn asked his security officers.

"Noting much Chief," the team six officer said. "One of those giant bear things got a little too curious. That's about it."

Brogyn nodded then headed into the wreck to find Ulan and Sochan. Found them down in the buried portion that he and Ulan had fallen into the day before. They had set up an extensive lighting array and in its brightness Brogyn could see the vastness of the alien ship. No way was this a Lizardian raider. Sochan and Ulan seamed excited about something and Brogyn asked what.

"Can't you see it," Sochan said.

Brogyn looked around. "See what? This place is empty."

"Exactly," explained Sochan, "almost everything has been removed. But the size of it. This ship is far too large to have been a raider."

Lizardian raider ships were well documented in history graphs. "Not Lizardian then?" Brogyn offered.

"We think it was a Royal Lizardian vessel," Ulan interjected, "carrying their heQueen."

"The existence of a Lizardian heQueen is nothing but myth," Brogyn said. "Nothing was ever recorded, except in a few works of fiction."

"More than a few works of fiction Brogyn," Ulan told him. Ulan always did get argumentative when discussing matters of genealogy. Like he had something to prove. "Lots more."

"We think we found his chambers," Sochan said.

"Show me."

They led Brogyn through a long passage way that must have at one time been a pod transport tube to the center of the ship. Entered a large area that may well have been royal chambers. May well have been something other than that too. Brogyn looked around.

"I'm not convinced," he said.

"Look at these artifacts."

Some items had not been removed from this chamber. Although deteriorated by time looked as though they may had been furnishings of some sort. The science teams members had been sifting through the dirt, sorting and tagging items all morning. One of them came up to Sochan with a small device in his hand. It may have been some sort of recording device.

"Take it to the shuttle lab," Sochan told him. "We'll see if we can access it."

Brogyn said to Ulan. "You said there were lots of other accounts of the Lazarian heQueen. What did they say about him?"

"He was an immortal who, by all accounts, was of gigantic physical proportion. These furnishing suggest the same." Ulan told him. "He had some sort of telepathic and telekinetic power as well. And he was cross cloned - half Lazardian, half Terranian."

Telepathy had proved to be fermonic in nature. Minute chemicals formed by the telepathic person were transported through the air and received through the sense of smell by those being influenced. It proved to be of various degrees and short range. Telekinesis was yet to be proven. Cross cloning on the other hand was impossible.

"You know that's not possible," Brogyn said.

"Just the same, that is what has been recorded. What if he had survived Brogyn. He would have had a great influence on the inhabitants of Kor. Being an immortal he may even still be alive. I have to study the humanoid population to find out. We have to find him."

"To arrest him," Brogyn said.


"Lizardians, if there are any left, and I don't believe there are, are all still considered wanted criminals. Wanted dead or alive that is by Star Command. I would have to report it."

"Since when did you ever do what Star Command tells you," Ulan said exasperated.

Brogyn ignored the quip. "Let's go see if your lab came up with anything," he said to Sochan.

They left Ulan to continue digging in the ruins and went to the shuttle lab. Sochan's team had not been able to open the communication recording device. Brogyn left it with them and left. Then decided to go back in the wreck and talk to Ulan, not wanting to leave on

a bad note as they had the day before.

He saw Ulan, as he had many times before, so engrossed in his work that he did not want to break for a pee. And as a consequence had inadvertently crossed one knee onto the other and clutched himself. That always turned Brogyn on.

Ulan left the group for a secluded spot where, Brogyn figured, he would pee. Brogyn followed. When he caught up Ulan was in a squatted position with hands resting on his knees. Brogyn stopped and watched as pee pored through the cock pouch in Ulan's white field tights. Ulan sensed his presence. Looked up.



"You're watching."

"I am."

"Are you enjoying it?"


Finished peeing Ulan stood upright. "Okay. Now I get to watch you pee."

Brogyn shrugged his shoulders. "Okay."

He assumed a similar pose to the one Ulan had. Bore down and soon a solid stream burst through the cock pouch in his black tights. He watched Ulan watching him pee. Ulon lightly bite his bottom lip and then turned away as if hiding something from Brogyn.

"Enjoy it?" Brogyn asked as he turned Ulan to him and placed his hand on the hardon in Ulan's tights.

Ulan giggled as he tried to push Brogyn's hand away, saying. "Brogyn. No. I have to work."

"It wasn't a mistake," Brogyn said.

"What wasn't a mistake?"

"Yesterday when we kissed."

They caressed. Kissed. Ulan pressed his hardness into Brogyn.

"Get a room," Sochan said, as he had come looking for Ulan. "We need you for a moment Ulan."

"Be right there," Ulan said. He kissed Brogyn on the cheek and, trying to suppress his hardon, hurried away.

After a workout and a massage Brogyn got dressed for a K-1 administration meeting. He wore a blue-ice color skirt suite. The color looked a very light grey or mauve. The suite jacket was tight with a short tail that sat on top his big round bum. The skirt was short, above mid thigh. He wore a blue blouse with the collar out, top buttons undone. Underneath Brogyn had on a light blue pantie, brassier and garter belt set with beige nylons and dark blue five inch pumps.

His long black hair was in an elegant Trandion braid with furls that ran from his face all the way back to where the loose braid started on the nap of his powerful neck. His lipstick, nail polish and eye shadow were silver, mascara heavy. He wore a nice perfume, platinum earrings, necklace and finger rings.

From the swamp over which the K-1 exploration station floated it looked like a bright white metallic sphere. The impregnable metal was so smooth nothing at all could cling to it. The station that sat in this hollow metal cup looked like a small city. It had a retractable security dome. The dome had been left open as no one really wanted to live in one. Last night there had been a small explosion in the industrial district. Brogyn gave the report.

"No one was injured. Damage negligible," He said. "The security hologram showed a crude projectile lobbed from the swamp. Two perpetrators escaped in a boat of some sort."

"Why would they launch an attack on us, we have not even made contact yet?"

We are still investigating. This was not an overt attack. More like a test of our security."

"To what end? What are you doing about it? Are we safe?"

"We did a sweep of the swamp below us. Placed a security perimeter quarter of a mile out. Nothing living can approach below us. I'm issuing an eleven hundred hours curfew for all off station activity. And dome closure twenty four hundred to six hundred hours.

Dr. Quest will initiate contact with the humanoids tomorrow. I will accompany him. We will find out who and why and put an end to this."

Quarter of a mile was not so much that the residents of K-1 could not continue to observe the wide variety of swamp creatures, some extremely large, as they foraged in the swamp below. But there was a nice feeling of security knowing nothing could get under the floating station.

The meeting dragged on with many other boring K-1 administrative items on the agenda. It was late when Brogyn exited the portal into his apartment and was undressed into a short red velvet robe and heeled slippers. Later still as Brogyn sat at his vanity while a manservant combed out the loose curls of his long black hair. He thought of Ulan. Decided to call him.

"Ulan you there?"

"Accept," Ulan said and Brogyn's holograph image appeared before him.

Ulan was lounging in a short glossy white satin robe and slippers studying field reports. His auburn color hair was parted slightly off center to the right. Loose strands hung in his face. he looked up. Fixed the loose strands behind his ear.

"Can I come over?" Brogyn asked.

"About time." Ulan answered. "Come through, the door's unlocked."

Brogyn stepped into the portal his side and exited into Ulan's apartment. Ulan stood to greet him. They embraced and kissed a long passionate kiss. At the end of it both of them were hard. Ulan broke the embrace and stepped back. Undid the sash to his robe and let it fall to the floor.

At five foot nine Ulan's one hundred and eighty five pounds rendered to his body a smooth appearance with a fleshy chest, rounded hips, tubular arms and legs, the thighs of which pressed together when he stood. His face, even his fingers were smooth. His backside too was fully rounded. And though Ulan was slightly thick in the middle with a little paunch you could not describe him as fat. Rubenesque perhaps. Yet in spit of his smooth appearance and the fact that Ulan hated physical exercise he was quite solid.

Ulan's face was pretty with a large mouth, slightly turned up nose and the most beautiful green eyes Brogyn had ever seen. Ulan maintained his loosely curled auburn color hair in a shoulder length cut. All in all, as Ulan stood there naked in front of him, Brogyn thought him the most sensual man he had ever known.

Ulan's nine inch cock in full erection stood upward at a slight angle above the horizontal atop his large full bag. The purplish ridge of the helmet shaped head corded above where the hyper-extended neck tapered a bit into it. Never had Ulan had such a desperate erection. His quivering hardon seemed overheated and itched at the underside of his cock head. Never had Ulan wanted to fuck someone as desperately as he right now wanted to fuck Brogyn.

Brogyn let his own robe drop to the floor and pushed his long tresses over his massively muscled shoulders. His short fat cock stood upright above his tight bag quivered in anticipation. Brogyn needed Ulan to fuck him as desperately as Ulan wanted to do it.

Ulan loved that thick little cock. Breathing heavily he sank onto his knees in front of Brogyn. Ulan took Brogyn's stubby hard cock into his mouth and grasped hold of his massive buns. Brogyn closed his eyes, tilted his head back and moaned through his open mouth as Ulan sucked him off.

With Brogyn's entire cock in his mouth Ulan's tongue lapped at his bag as Ulan's head bobbed up and down while he gave him a blowjob. The thick shaft of Brogyn's short cock tapered into its head and there at the underside of it grew a beautiful discomfort that was as if a fuse had been lit and an explosion was about to occur.

Brogyn clasped hold of Ulan's head. Pushed himself as far into Ulan's mouth as he possibly could. Cried out in the ecstatic pleasure of his release as his hot cum sprayed against the back of Ulan's throat. Out of breath Brogyn released his grip. Helped Ulan to his feet and kissed him deeply. Their tongues entwined and Brogyn savored tasted the sweet essence of his own cum in Ulan's mouth.

"I need to fuck you," Ulan breathed, so tensed he almost shook as would a drug addict in need of a fix.

Brogyn knelt on the bed with his big beautiful ass in the air. He crouched down on his forearms with the side of his face against a pillow. Ulan positioned behind behind him. His hard quivering cock poised at Brogyn's anal opening. Ulan's cock leaked a ton of precum moistening the opening as he shoved it into him.

Ulan's thick nine inch erection cleared Brogyn's anal canal and invaded the inner sanctum of his rectum. It slid back and forth, in and out as Ulan uncontrollably fucked his ex man-wife up the ass. The power and rhythm of Ulan's strokes grew as did his breath rate, the pounding of his heart and his desperation to cum in Brogyn's ass.

Ulan cried out in glorious excitation as he pounded Brogyn's ass. He stopped, grasped Brogyn's powerful hips as if to not let him escape. Ulan's eyes were closed, mouth open, head back as he cried in ecstasy of the act. When Ulan came it felt to Brogyn like a hot water pipe had burst within him. Felt as though Ulan was taking a piss in his ass, there was that much cum.

They slept together that night, naked in each other's arms. Both slept more sound than either had in twenty years. Tomorrow would bring more adventure. And Brogyn was finally grateful for this post at the edge of the universe.

End of part three

Next: Chapter 4

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