Andrews Stormbreaker

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Oct 10, 2006


Sorry this has taken as long as it has - work seems to be overtaking my life at the moment! So please stick with me for any future updates.

Disclaimer: This is a work fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexual orientation of the celebrities mentioned in this work. I have had to change some situations slightly to fit the story, but nothing major!

Andrew's Stormbreaker - part 003

"Good Afternoon you're watching BBC One; CBBC take you through to 5.35 now, and today Alex Pettyfer star of hit film 'Stormbreaker' has abseiled in for this afternoons programmes introduced today by Andrew Hayden-Smith"

"Good Afternoon, it's 3.25 you're watching CBBC on BBC One."

The titles played and then Andrew and Alex are both on Camera. Andrew resplendent in his faded yellow t-shirt, which was very well fitting, it showed his slim toned body off in all the right places. As did his sexy low-rise jeans, they hugged his ass tightly, and enhanced the viewing experience of his bulge. Alex however had change from their earlier meeting in the corridor. He was now wearing black combat trousers with a tight-black t-shirt. To symbolise a stereotypical spy/action man type costume. Andrew couldn't help but grab quick fleeting glances at Alex's torso, that black t-shirt really clung to his impressive pecs; and of course with impressive pecs usually come impressive nipples. Andrew was trying not to let his stare wonder too much.

"Good Afternoon, thank you for being with us; I have company in the CBBC studio all afternoon, in the form of Alex Pettyfer, otherwise known as Alex Rider from the recently released Storembreaker film. If you haven't seen it, go and see it, it's a top film. Alex thanks for joining us."

"No problem the world famous BBC and I'm in great company."

"Thank you Alex, we'll talk more after this."

The first of the afternoon's children programmes played. A cartoon of some description. Whilst they are off air for the next fifteen minutes, Andrew and Alex chat.

"SO I used to watch Byker Grove you know." Andrew used to be in Byker Grove, a childrens drama set in Newcastle in North East England.


"Yeah i never get chance these days, and I dont really think theres a lot of point now anyway."

"No, why's that then?"

"Well you know, all the best characters have left now, or been killed off."

"Oh right." Andrews brain was doing overtime, did he detect slight flirting on Alex's part? Was he genuinely a fan of Byker Grove; and did he genuinely think that Andrew's charcter 'Ben', who was killed off, was the best character?

"Everything ok?"

"Uh yeah, i was killed off."

"Like i said. All the best characters were killed off."

"You liked my character Ben then?"

"Well, he was a bit of a ladies man, but he was a good kid on the whole."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it"

The cartoon drew to a close, Andrew did a link.

"Dont forget there's more where that came from later on the CBBC Channel. Now all afternoon I've got Alex Rider himself, real name Alex Pettyfer of course with me in the Studio. Later on we are going to get Alex to answer some of your questions so email, text, or phone us - all the addresses and numbers are on your screen now!"

The next programme begins, and after a few other shows the time is now approaching five o'clock. Time for the interview.

"Welcome back, coming up next here on cbbc one is Blue Peter that's right after our interview with todays guest, star of hit movie Stormbreaker Alex Pettyfer. Now Alex once again welcome"

"Thanks it's good to be here"

"Now Alex has been with us all afternoon, and has been reading some of your texts and emails, as have i, and we've got a few to read out and answer."

"Ok, let's do it"

"Ok Alex, this is from Cassie in Swansea, was the filming process as exciting as the film itself?"

"Well you know what yes and now, it can be exciting, especially when you are allowed to do some of your own stunts, nothing too dangerous obviously; however it can be dreadfully boring, if your having to shoot teh same scene five times from a different angle just to get different shots."

"OK Good question Cassie. Alex what have you got there?"

"Ok my one here is from Tom in Exeter, It says has it always been a dream of yours to play an action hero? - Well Tom, yeah i guess it has in a way, I was always fascinated with James Bond as a kid, and to get to play a mini-bond i guess you could say, is fantastic!"

"Thanks Tom, Grace in Margate asks, have you got a girlfriend? and would you consider dating her?"

"Well its a generous offer Grace however i think Margate is just that bit too far for me to travel, I am however single and on the lookout for that special someone."

"Ok thanks grace, now whilst thousands fo girls across the country write letters to Alex asking him to date them, it's time now for Blue Peter."

Blue Peter comes on air.

"So Margate's not really that far to travel, is it?"

"I guess not no, but i don't really do any distance at all. To be honest unless the right person came along I'm not really looking, I'm quite happy as i am for the time being."

"Who is the right sort of person then?"

"Well you see, that's for me to know, and you to find out.. lol"

"Ok then I will, find it out i mean. Why don't we go for a drink after this. I could do with one at the moment."

"Just the two of us?"


"Sure ok then, it's a date."

Andrew smiled back at Alex, his head doing back flips, his stomach doing summersaults. He had by now sprung another boner just thinking about going for a drink and relaxing at a pub with Alex.

Alex had also sprung a boner at the thought of be being asked on a date by this hot young Geordie lad. They were each a little apprehensive about making any sort of move; they both suspected each other was into boys but they didn't have any proof. Alex has obviously never seen Andrews interview in attitude magazine.

"Ok you're back on in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,... Cue Andrew"

"Welcome back still with me here is Mini-bond himself Alex Pettyfer. Now Alex the fact you're now an internationally recognised star, must have benefits but does it have it's draw backs too?"

"Well yes and no i guess. I mean I'm not really the sort of person to be hankering after the media spotlight, and all the interviews I've had to do, do get in the way slightly sometimes, having said that i accept it as part of what I'm involved in now so, yeah."

"I guess one of the benefits is the fact that you get recognised so much, and especially all the young teenage girls after your autogrpah, it must be tiring signing your names over and over."

"Well i actually quite enjoy getting up close and personal with the fans, i like to talk with them and hear what they've got to say and stuff, i think it's great. And it's not just girls you know, guys are getting just as hysterical as girls sometimes."

"Well watch out for the boys and the girls, Ok Alex thank you very much, and nows he's Newsround with Ellie."

Newsround came on air and Andrew and Alex didn't really have a lot to say to each other then. You could sense the anticipation and almost excitement in the air. Within minutes Newsround was coming off the air and Andrew was getting ready to go off air himself.

"Ok folks that's all for this afternoon here on CBBC one; my special thanks to this afternoons special guest star Alex Pettyfer, the fun continues on the CBBC Channel and CBeebies until 7 o'clock. Join us again soon bye for now goodbye."

The closing titles played and CBBC was off air for another afternoon. Andrew stood and was removing his earpiece and any other equipment he was attached to. He looked over towards Alex.

"You wanna wait outside? Or grab a seat in my dressing room whilst i have a shower? Because i do tend to sweat a bit, expecially after being under the hot studio lights."

"Yeah ok I'll wait in your dressing room if that's ok."

"For sure, do you need to inform any of your people, bodyguards etc."

"Dunno that I'm quite that famous yet but I can call a few people."

"Follow me then and then we can hit the road."

The pair walk around the corridors of the Television Centre to Andrews dressing room.

"Have a seat, I won't be five minutes or so."


Andrew went into the small wash room with a shower, he leant in turned the water on and got it to the right temperature before stripping right off and stepping inside. He was enjoying the sensation of the hot water cascading over his tanned physique, he was obviosuly enjoying it a little too much because he has risen to the occasion. He decided to think horrible thoughts and let his big friend go down, because he didn't want to keep Alex waiting. He stepped out of the shower looking all sexy an dripping wet, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out into teh main dressing room.

"Sorry needed a new change of clothes."

"That's fine, don't be sorry"

Alex stood and walked towrds Andrew with a giant grin on his face. He stepped passed Andrew, who's heartrate had rocketed, Ale got to the dressing room door, and locked it. He turned and looked at Andrew.

"I may come across, as young and sweet and innocent. But i assure I am rarely sweet, and rarely innocent. I also think we've flirted enough today for our feelings to be known don't you?"

"Yeah, i guess so."

"Come on then Andrew, let's see what you're made of!"


Hope you enjoyed Part 3 - Part 4 will be along at some point, can't promise when though I'm afraid.

Any comments to

Next: Chapter 4

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