Andrews Stormbreaker

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Sep 27, 2006


Disclaimer: This is a work fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexual orientation of the celebrities mentioned in this work. I have had to change some situations slightly to fit the story, but nothing major!

Thanks to everybody that emailed with great comments - how could i not continue the story after all the positive feedback?

Andrew's Stormbreaker - part 002

Andrew walked into the BBC canteen to grab a coffee and quick snack to help him recover from his encounter in the corridor.

"You drink too much of that stuff"

"No i don't - Coffee! The finest organic suspension ever discovered!"

"If you say so"

"What questrions am i allowed to ask him then?"

"For a start suitable questions for five o'clock childrens TV."

"Damn - so i cant ask him for a shag in the Blue Peter garden then."

"NO you can't, not on air anyway!"

"So I'll just stick to, it must have been great fun and stuff like that then?"


Andrew was sat staring out of the window at the blue sky over west London. Imagining shapes in the high wispy clouds. His mind was wondering and very soon images of Alex were invading his head. He was smiling a wide broad smile as he started imagining what lay under the white linen shirt and low-slung stonewash jeans Alex had been wearing. He imagined that his body was smooth, and slightly defined, being that he was only 16 he couldn't be all muscly and adorned with a hot six-pack; Or could he? Oh how Andrew wished that he was. Was he wearing briefs? Boxers? Tighty-whities? Or nothing? Oh god now Andrew was hard and desperate to do something about it.

"I'll be back in a second, could you think of some questions for me to ask him?"

"I'm sure i can do that for you."


"Oh Andrew!"


"I don't want any muscle strain, or Repetative Strain Injury in that right hand and wrist. Be quick."

"I will be, trust me!"

Andrew wasn't mad with Sam, he'd worked with her for ages, they had a great working relationship and friendship. She had a sixth sense when it came to him and any subject of his fancy, or anything sexual really. He wasn't bothered.

He walked into the mens toilets; now being that this was the BBC nowhere is ever quiet so the toilets are constantly in use. Andrew went into the cubicle right at the very end, locked the door, he immadiately stripped off his top revealing his tanned, toned, smooth torso. He looked into the small mirror on the back or the door, admired himself and smiled. He squeezed his package through his jeans, he slid the zip down and admired the bulge presented to him. Quick as a flash he dropped his boxers and turned to look in teh mirror again. And yet again smiled to himself as 9 inches of pure hard pleasure stood to attention. He put both the seat and lid down on the toilet, he sat on it with his head thrown back in pleasure as he took hold, in his right hand, of his monster of pleasurable hardness. He knew he had to be quiet because others were in and out of the toilets all the time; in a way this made it all the more exciting and exhillarating for him. He started wanking his pole and he knew just thinking of Alex he wouldnt last long. His left hand was rubbing around his defined abs and pecs. The purple head of his cock was pulsating with the preasure Andrews hand was causing. And then the point of no return Andrews whole body tightened so tightly because he couldnt release any pressure thorugh screaming out, that when he came, there was streams and streams of it. Splash up his chest, even reaching his neck and just slightly catching his chin. His whole body was heaving so heavily, having released about seven or eight high-powered shots he was sweating profusely and was beetroot red. He stuck his tongue out and licked the small bit of cum from his chin. He suddenly got a bit panicky that he'd made noise, but he hand't. He used sheets of toilet paper to clean himself up, he dressed himself again went back out to Sam.

"Not bad."

"How long?"

"Bout 9 inches you told me."

"How long was I gone?"

"10 minutes at the most."

"Excellent, i need to grab some deodorant from my bag before we go into the studio."

"Of course, you do smell a bit actually"


"Come on then, lets go get you smelling nice"

The pair of them left the canteen, and made off towards the CBBC studio and to grab some deodorant for Andrew.

"So are you going to ask Alex to get together?"

"Dont be daft, how can I really?"


"How do i know which bus he's on if you get my drift?"

"Well that's a metaphor i haven't heard before, what does your gaydar say?"

"Well my heart rules my head. My its not a matter of just wanting to roger him senseless is it."

"I guess not, sounds as though you need to take him for a drink. Or at least ask him if he fancies a drink."

"You reckon?"

"For sure. You can drop in hints etc about your preferences."


"Why not bring up your interview in Attitude magazine for a start, you came out through them, talk to him about that, about being nervous or not, you know."

"I guess I could yeah."

"Hey if you want him, go get him, you're just going to have to work at it."

"Yeah. true."

They entered the CBBC studio which had been adorned with props which could have been used in the film stormbreaker. There were also pictures of Alex from the film stuck in various places around the studio. Andrew was in 7th heaven.

"Easy noe, calm yourself."

"What? I haven't said a word."

"No but i know you dont forget."

"Yeah far too well sometimes i feel."

"Nonsense, you love me really. You wouldnt be without me!"


Time ticked on and various lighting checks and sound checks were done, and a small amount of rehearsing links was conducted too. It was now fast approaching time for the programmes to go out. US drama series "Diagnosis Murder" was coming to an end on BBC One. It was nearly 15.20. There would be a five minute news summary and then CBBC goes on air at 15.25. Andrew hadn't realised that Alex was going to be in the studio wih him for most of teh afternoon, not just for his inerview. Alex was brought into the studio whilst teh news was on.

"Hey, we meet again, twice in one day, we must stop meeting like this" Alex was very confident with speaking to Andrew.

"We'll be on in just under 5 minutes ok?"

"Sure, you're the boss here. I'll sit back and admire you... at work obviosuly"


BBC One. The News. Jane Hill is presenting.

"And that's a summary of the news, I'll be back with George Alagiah for The Six O'Clock News, CBBC is next after a summary of the news where you are. Bye for now"

After the regional news summary, the network announcer introduces the afternoons progammes.

"Good Afternoon you're watching BBC One; CBBC take you through to 5.35 now, and today Alex Pettyfer star of hit film 'Stormbreaker' has abseiled in for this afternoons programmes introduced today by Andrew Hayden-Smith"

"Good Afternoon, it's 3.25 you're watching CBBC on BBC One."


I hope this part keeps all you lot interested. Thanks for all the comments lookinh forward to hearing more!"

Next: Chapter 3

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