Andrews Stormbreaker

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Sep 21, 2006


Hey guys I've been away for far too long - and maybe rather foolishly am starting another story before i finish the two i already have on the go. So here goes hope you all enjoy

Disclaimer: This is a work fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexual orientation of the celebrities mentioned in this work. I have had to change some situations slightly to fit the story, but nothing major!

Andrew's Stormbreaker - part 001

A beautiful summers day in London, and in a Kensington studio apartment Andrew was stirring. Andrew is known to millions of youngsters across the UK as Ben from the Childrens BBC Drama "Byker Grove" about a Newcastle Youth Hostel. Having not been in 'Byker' now for a couple of years Andrew is presenting the afternoon Childrens Television programmes on the UK favourite channel BBC One. Children rush home from school to watch the programmes, and students roll out of bed to ogle at Andrew. he knew it and he loved it.

The alarm-clock rang out loud signalling it was 8.00am. As he sat up in bed and let his eyes aclimatise to the bright sunlight slicing through his curtains. He stood out of bed in just a pair of cotton boxers, which didnt show off his gorgeous ass at all, but he thought why bother when there was nobody else there to see it. After making it to the bathroom, showering, shaving and emptying his bladder he walked through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. He was still only wearing his boxers.

Breakfast was finished quickly he sat with a cup of coffee on the sofa and turned on the TV. The BBC's early morning News programme Breakfast was on. Andrew watched as the two presenters on screen handed over to a hot young guy for the weather report.

"Matt Taylor Now with the Weather."

"Morning Bill, Morning Kate."

Andrew immediatley sprung a boner when this guy appeared, he looked pretty fit Andrew thought. Then Andrews phone rang.


"Hey, Andrew it's she who must be obeyed"

"Hey, do you knwo what time it is?"

"Yeah it's Eight seventeen."

"That wasnt really a question. What do you want?"

"Can you come in this afternoon, Jake's gone sick?"

"Do i have to?"

"Well no i guess not but you are the closest"

"Hang on a sec they are just intervieweing some hot young guy on Breakfast, he's in some new film"

"Alex Pettyfer, yeah the films called Stormbreaker; its based on the Anthony Horowitz novel"

"Call me back when he's gone."

"No chance mate, anyway he's coming on CBBC later, and i need someone experienced like you their to interview him."

"Oh you know what you are an angel, and if you were a bloke I'd kiss ya. I'll be in, count on it"

"Thanks. See you later"

Andrew slammed the phone down on the coffee table, and glanced down at his boxers, he was tenting up like a circus marquee. He finished watching the interview on Breakfast. Now what was he to do? Run into the bathroom and wank himself off or think horrible thoughts let his cock go down and get ready to go into work.

"Come on Andrew get yourself together and get into work"

He often talked outloud to himself, sometimes it helped, sometimes he thought he was going mad!Still today he was on a high. Andrew quickly got dressed, slippping on a ripped and faded yellow t-shirt, he was always quick to point out it was bought like it, afterall it is the fashion of the moment. He slipped on his brand new pair of low-rise faded jeans. He was very proud of the fact that he hadnt had to pay an extortionate amount of money for them in Marks & Spencers.

The walk to work was pleasent for Andrew as he strolled thought tree lined streets, navigating the busy traffic as he walked into Shepereds Bush, he walked across the green avoiding the kids play area where the drunks had taken to congregating, he glanced in a few of the small shops as he turned into Wood Lane he crossed to the left hand side of the road and he found he was whistling to himself as he approached the bridge which carried the Hammersmith & City tube line above his head. Passing under the bridge an imposing multi-story car park filled his vision to the left, construction work to the right on what he guessed to be housing or retail outlets was moving on at a pace. Then from almost out of nowhere the World Famous BBC Television Centre just seemed to appear. Andrew didn't know why, but the sight of this famous building always gave him goose bumps. He went thought to the security guard showed him pass, and went through the secuirty scanners and secuirty doors into the building.

"Andrew, thank for coming in so early, didn't expect you for a little while yet"

"Not a problem dear, had to prepare and get ready didn't I"

"I should have guessed that a good looking young English lad would certainly grab you attention."

"You know me too well. Did Jake really phone in sick? Or did you know that as soon as you mentioned Alex Pettyfer to me I'd be gagging to come into work."

"Bit of both, he wasn't feeling too good, i sent him home and told him that you would come in."

"You're too kind. So would I be able to have next friday off then, for coming today?"

"Well yeah i guess if you want, however your mate David Tennant is coming in to talk about Doctor Who. Which you're going to be in"

"David Tennant eh?!"

"Oh yeah. Dont tell me anything went on their whilst you were filming that episode?"

"I don't think I'm at liberty to say do you?"

"You dark horse? Was it just the once?"

"I don't do one night stands, and that's all I'm saying."

"Ooh, Come on then, lets get you prepared."

As they turned the corner into the corridor, Alex Pettyfer was walking along with some of his people, Andrews heart nearly stopped.

"Hey there, it's Andrew isn't it?" Alex was very confident.

"Yeah, i saw you on Breakfast earlier." Andrew was having palputations.

"Cool, i hear that you're interviewing me on CBBC later this afternoon?"

"That's right, looking forward to it."

"Excellent, me too. Can i just say one thing?"


Alex whispered into Andrews ear.

"Be very gentle with me, won't you"

Andrew was gobsmacked by this and looked as though he'd been struck dumb. Alex walked off down the corridor and out of sight. Andrew didn't know what to do.

"Andrew, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just on cloud nine at the moment."


It would be great to know what you guys think about the story. I'd like to know if it's worth carrying it on.

Next: Chapter 2

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