Andrei massages Dmitri

By Dale Beck

Published on Jun 26, 2008



The following story is fiction so relax. But if you don't know who these football players are look them up. They are well fit!


Andrei massages Dmitri by Dale Beck

Andrei and Dmitri were ecstatic. They had just returned to the locker room after their win against Holland in Euro 2008. Spirits were high. No one expected this to happen. Not that it mattered now. And even though Andrei Arshavin scored a goal at the end of the game it was really Dmitri Torbinski who scored the winning goal. Both men were happy, all smiles and content.

The cheers seemed to go on for ages. Back slaps and towel snaps all around. Eventually, the evening slipped on and the locker room started to clear out. The two couldn't stop smiling. It really was a great moment.

The two men slipped out of their uniforms and made their way down the hall and to the shower. They found they were alone there, easily the last ones to wash that evening. It was a night of too many questions, too much back patting and too much congratulations - if such a thing were even possible. It was in the showers that both men were able to talk to each other, really for the firs time. A smiling Andrei was the first to start the conversation.

"Ha, we almost crushed you out there with that bundle!"

"Oh yea, I didn't expect everyone to jump on top of me after the goal. I'll forget the pain. I won't forget the goal." he said with a smile of his own.

"I noticed you walking slower, are you hurt? Andrei didn't really care if Dmitri was in pain. He thought it was not just fun, but funny. Sure his team mate was limping, but it was Euro 2008 and victory was theirs. Well, just as long as nothing was broken.

"Well my back is sore...," began Dmitri ,"...and of course my legs."

Many footballers suffer from leg pain after a game. It could be muscle pain. It could be stiffness and soreness. It could be cramps. There is never a guarantee of victory in football, but the pain is always there.

"Well afterward why don't you get get a massage from the physio?"

Turning his back to the pulsing hot water of the shower Dmitri smiled, "That sounds very good." Dmitri was a little shy about his body. Actually he looked about the same as everyone else, but with one little difference. He was the only circumcised team member of the entire Russian football squad.

In the shower his strategy was simple. He would lather his genitals almost immediately and keep them soaped up. And at the last minute he would rinse off and then try to slip away under the cover of steam and water.

But for now with just he and Arshavin he didn't much care to be shy. Dmitri was glad that he was alone with the superstar, getting a bit of attention in the shower, through conversation, alone with a teammate he respected was nice. The hot water on his back felt really good and just what he needed, like drinking water when you're really thirsty and only water will do. But as he sensed Andrei was lathering his hair, he couldn't help but stare at his friend soaping up.

Andrei Arshavin didn't just have a beautiful style and smile, he had a body to match. His 173 cm frame held his 70 kg nicely. His body was chiseled and rippled and his torso stood arched now as he lathered, affixed sturdily on two strong legs. Andrei was not shy about his body. His arse was strong, but fleshy. It was dimpled and hairless . . . The glances he got of Andrei's body were frequent. He walked around locker rooms naked most of the time. He did have nothing to hide. His penis was a four inch tube. It was clear, smooth and without veins. It almost looked plastic. It was thick and swayed when he walked and - in this case - seemed to dance like a pulled string when he washed his hair vigorously. His balls danced in a baseball sized pink scrotum, dusted with soft blond hair.

Dmitri was a bit shorter than Andrei and weighed about 10kg less. That was easily in the legs. Andrei had horse legs and a strong arse, but Dmitri was just average about everything. He looked at his arse over his shoulder. It was nice and muscled, but not buffed like Andrei and not hairless. His penis was also about four inches, but circumcised. It looked nice, but it was different from all the other ant eaters he'd seen on guys in locker rooms all his life. He also held onto a secret. In the pornos on his computer the other guys had big balls. Certainly much bitter than his. And even though Dmitri was a man in every way his testis were just a bit smaller than a pair of dice. But that was his secret.

Dmitri had to stop his staring in the shower now. He'd felt that familiar stirring in his penis and had to turn away from the nude team mate for a moment. He couldn't get an erection right now in the shower alone with Andrei for fear of being thought of as gay. It didn't help that he had gone several days whiteout sex or masturbation before the match (team rule). While the practice did make the team members play more aggressively, they were more randy afterward.

The small talk continued. They were in no hurry to leave. The hotel was adjacent and they could do whatever they wanted their next match was days away. The steam, hot water and good company and the high of the win kept them there talking for well over an hour. It was the first real conversation they had had and Dmitri was happy for the attention. Andrei was the golden boy of the Russian team and everyone knew it. But here in the shower he seemed - and really was - normal, decent and interested in his teammate.

They bonded in the shower that day. But a stronger bond was about to form.

They stepped naked out of the shower and into the changing room to pick up towels. They dried off and then turned on the hand held blow-dries clad only in towels.

Afterward Dmitri moved slowly out toward the lockers. "I'll catch up with you later Andrei, I'm going to have that massage."

"Okay, meet me in the hotel and we'll go out for a pint."

The offer caused a genuine smile to slip across Dmitri's boyish face, "thanks, yea, I'll be there."

Andrei walked toward the locker as Dmitri walked toward the physiotherapist, but the room was empty when he got there. He looked at the clock. The match had been over for two hours. He and Andrei were the only ones left in the entire locker room.

"Hey, what's up?" Andrei asked, seeing Dmitri return.

"Everyone is gone. I'll just get a massage tomorrow."

Andrei paused for a moment. He watched as Dmitri hobbled over to the locker to get his stuff. As he opened the locker door Andrei stopped him.

"Hey wait ... I'll give you a massage."

Dmitri turned, "No, you dont' have to do that . . . its fine."

"No, come on you're in pain lets go." With that Andrei put his arm around Dmitri and helped him to the other side of the lockers and into the massage room. They turned on the lights which flickered on from above.

This room was actually another shower room with five large massage tables set up around the room. Team members could shower and then get a massage or in some cases just lie on the table and get washed, massaged and then rinsed with the aid of an overhead hose. The room was all very well thought out.

Andrei helped Dmitri up to and then onto the massage table.

Both men kept their towels on, but it was obvious that Dmitri was going to have to get naked soon. It was in that moment that he had to decide weather or not to take off the towel right then that Dmitri's penis started to grow slightly at just the thought that Andrei was about to touch his body. He needed a distraction.

"Hey, the oil is over there on that shelf."

Andrei didn't even know he'd been fooled. He turned instinctively toward the other wall and walked toward it absentmindedly. It gave Dmitri just enough time to slip over on his belly and then draw back his towel. It exposed his muscular arse with soft dark hairs. But even that quick motion hurt. But he was okay now. His growing erection was tucked under his belly and his massage was about to begin.

Andrei returned to the table just ten seconds later, but without oil.

"Sorry, no oil . . .I'll just have to use soap and water." With that Andrei turned to the corner of the table and pumped out a handful of blue liquid soap. He adjusted the temperature of the water and then sprayed warm water on his friend's back.

"Hey, lift up a bit and I'll get that towel out from under you." Dmitri did as he was told and lifted his arse slightly in the air as Andrei pulled the towel free. He left the water pressure set on a slow mist from above. It was enough to keep his friend warm, but not too wet. He stepped over to the wall for a moment where he hung Dmitri's towel and removed his own.

He walked back to the massage table, flaccid uncut tube swaying like a soft thick rope in front of him, and he asked Dmitri where he hurt, all the while pawing his hands together slowly building some later up with the blue gel.

"My feet, my calves, my legs, my arse and my back . . . " Dmitri said with a smile and then adding, "... well you did ask."

"Its fine." Andrei started with Dmitri's feet lathering his legs and feet together making sure the soap worked as a type of lubricant. The fine mist of spray helped keep the soap lathered and his naked teammate warm. He massaged the ball of each foot and then between each toe.

"Ahhhh, that feels great." Sighed Dmitri

"Good, just let me know if I hurt you." added Andrei . . . After the feet Andrei grabbed his friend's ankle and slowly turned the foot in a clock wise motion. His skilled hands slid down to the calf muscles slowly but firmly massaging as he went. He got up the top of one leg but had to stop for a moment switching to the other side of the table to complete the massage on Dmitri's other upper leg.

And then something totally unexpected. Andrei climbed up on top of the table to kneel over Dmitri. He straddled his teammates legs just below the arse. He pumped out some more blue gel and began to lather up Dmitri's back. After a few moments that back was covered in a white foamy lather. It was enough to get him clean, but not much of a massage. And either Dmitri was too tall or Andrei was too short. In either case it meant a quick adjustment.

Andrei slid up about 12 more inches and straddled Dmitri's arse. The position allowed him to lean down and into the back of his team mate more easily. Dmitri was stunned. He felt what he thought was . . . no it couldn't be . .. but it must be . . . Yes it was! He felt a small cool tube of some kind brushing around sloppily around and between his arse. It certainly was NOT hard, but it certainly was Andrei Arshavin's penis.

The thought was too much for him. That combined with the weight of his beautiful comrade on top inflated Dmitri's penis even more. It shot up and out slightly toward his left hip. It didn't help that the table was wet and slippery too.

There was no chit chat here. Andrei went to work and Dmitri did all he could to keep his breathing pattern normal. And how the hell did Andrei know how to massage like this? Andrei slid down and without a word started to massage Dmitri Torbinski's arse like he was kneading a loaf of bread. Dmitri was already hard. And now he worried about ejaculating.

Andrei massaged the sides and then the top of his friend's arse. Then he worked each side dimple of his friends arse with skilled thumbs. And then his fingers ran down the center. His fingers drifted down, across and under his rosebud which must have winked a couple of times. But the real moment of pleasure came when Andrei started to massage the perineum, truly the base of the male penis located - in this position - just below the anus and just above the balls.

This area had never been touched by any masseur before and Dmitri started to squirm on the table it felt sooooooooo good.

"You okay?" Andrei asked.

"Oh yea, fine . . . uh just a bit ticklish I suppose."

"Well don't worry, we're almost done mate."

As good as the massage was it was good to know the torture was almost over. Of course Andrei never said anything but since this area of a mans body really is the base of the penis he knew his friend was sporting an erection and very turned on.

As it turned out 'almost done' went on for four more minutes of perineum massage, scrotum brushes and anus touches. Dmitri couldn't help but squirm. Its a good thing the table was covered with water and soap. It helped to conceal the semen that was leaking out and over the table.

As Andrei finished the massage he did something else totally unexpected. He leaned down right on top of Dmitri and pressing his chest to his friend's back. Andrei then slid up and then off to the side of the table. But what was once was the soft cool tube of a fit footballer was now out of its sheathe and hard. And during that dismount it slipped up straight between Dmitri's arse. There was no question that they were both erect.

Dmitri's head was turned away from Andrei so he couldn't see what was happening but he felt the water turn on. It was warm. A hand danced on his back and legs rinsing off the soap. It was all, thankfully, coming to an end. He just need a moment or two on the bench to calm down.

It was about that time that he felt a strong hand on his shoulder and another one on the outside of his leg. And with one slow strong movement Dmitri was flipped over and onto his back. His penis sprang against his belly for a moment and then straight in the air. His 6 1/2 inches had always seemed small to him, but now there was no way to ignore it.

Dmitri felt it was just too much embarrassment and tried to sit up. "Mate, that was great, thanks I . . . "

He didn't get much further then that. Andrei pushed him down firmly, but softly with a hand to the chest. "I'll be done soon." the blond athlete insisted.

Dmitri closed his eyes. He was too embarrassed to look. Andrei never said anything about the erection and went to work lathering hair and face and chest of Dmitri. He pressed his way down to the abs. Dmitri's penis was pulsing now. Semen slid freely from the tip and down the shaft. A drop or two with each heartbeat it seemed.

Frankly, this was all great. Dmitri did what he should have. He relaxed and just let fate take his course. Why get all tense through embarrassment. All the massage was great. The attention was great. The freedom of flying his erection freely was wonderful. Now things didn't matter. He was putty in the hands of his friend. His friend now could do whatever he wanted. After all Andrei didn't seem bothered by the moment, why should he? This helped him enjoy the massage all the much more.

As Andrei slipped down to the abs he reached Dmitri's pubic hair and massaged a fresh blue handful of gel just above the penis. His hand slid down freely brushing the penis down and to the left. He massaged just below the scrotum moving his forearm across the penis freely.

And then to the legs. To get to the groin he lifted Dmitri's scrotum and held it for a moment, rolling the testis in his hands. Dmitri was in heaven. His eyes were shut. He didn't care any more. This was wonderful.

Then more gel and Andrei started to wash Dmitri's penis and balls. It was all 'matter of fact' not really erotic, but just something else that had to be washed. But not to Dmitri. Involuntarily he flexed his arse pushing his hips forward. His legs straighted out and his toes curled. He wasn't sure if he could take this actually . . .

But as soon as it started, it ended.

Andrei continued to wash the legs and shins and then to the feet.

And then it was the hose. Warm water started to cascade across his body. Had it really happened? Had Andrei Arshavin really just washed the genitals of Dmitri Torbinski? Dmitri thought this over for a bit as the rinsing began. A flat hand seemed to wash away the soap. Water helped of course. When it came time to rinse the penis he wasn't sure if it was a hand or water pressure, but that sensation quickly passed. His erection did not. But again, it did not matter. Wasn't Andrei hard too?

The water was turned off. Dmitri stretched his hands high above his head and twisted at the hips.

"Andrei, thank you so, so much . . . " he smiled as he said this, relaxed for certain now, thoroughly massaged and his eyes still closed.

"You're welcome mate." was the cheerful reply.

With that he felt a fresh white towel rubbing his head, drying his hair.

"Ahhhh, there is more . . . " thought Dmitri

And there was more. Andrei started to dry his friend. First the hair and the the torso and then belly. The thought that he might get touched just one more time was too much for Dmitri. His penis flexed just at the moment it was engulfed in a fluffy white towel. He felt his legs being spread and then his scrotum being dried off. The drying continued to his legs . . . shins and feet. He was mostly dry for sure. Andrei even dried Dmitri's toes.

With eyes still closed and still in a state of ultimate relaxation Dmitri was able to again slur out a few words of thanks. Another stretch was in order he reached up and aimlessly grabbed the top of the massage table. And he thought he heard something like a bottle opening or something, but he couldn't be for certain. Frankly, he didn't care.

The sensation at first was surprising . . . startling really. It was the cool sensation of lotion being rubbed onto his genitals. Andrei apparently never found oil, but did find this lotion and he began - without a word - slowly spread it across his teammates genitals. He held Dmitri's balls close to his body and gently moved his soft fist up and then down the penis. Andrei took his time, he was a master with two hands. Once the lotion was spread evenly Andrei put his palm at the tip of Dmitri's penis and start to turn it back and forth like he was trying to juice and orange. With the tip held firmly by his palm, he gently pressed Dmitri's balls down and fingered his friend's perineum. All the while he softly turn the top of the penis and his friends scrotum too.

Dmitri immediately grabbed the top of the massage table and started to squirm again. His hips pushed forward and up, his arse flexed involuntarily his legs shot out straight ahead of him, his toes curled. He tried to control his breathing by drawing in a firm deep breath. He frowned in ecstasy as he pursed his lips together.

"You've got small balls mate . . . ". Perhaps it was Andrei's way of making small talk, but Dmitri didn't care, he wasn't about to have a conversation at this moment. Andrei sensed how close Dmitri was and stopped with the palm turns and instead just started to gently stroke his friend's shaft up and down with two fingers.

Dmitri eased up a bit. His breathing was hard now and he could still shoot his load at any moments. 3 minutes passed with this light two finger massage until the lotion turned clammy and sticky. It was just the moment that Andrei was waiting for.

He grabbed the Dmitri's penis with one hand and gave two firm pumps and then




and then three quick pumps, followed by another long slow pump.

this followed with the same pattern.

four pumps . . . one slow one.

five pumps . . . one slow one.

six pumps . . . one slow one.

Dmitri was getting very close. He wasn't sure what to do to what to say to his friend. He'd never been in this situation before. He felt the need to say something, but he was concentrating on his breathing and trying to be cool while being 'massaged' by his friend. Dmitri's mind raced until he could think of nothing else but to tell the truth.

"Oh, okay . . . okay . . . Andrei I'm . . close. " Andrei needed no more encouragement. He gave a firmer grip on the dark haired boy's penis and started pumping in earnest. No pausing this time.

It was too much for Dmitri. He opened his eyes, but was unable to speak. He looked first to his penis as it was being milked and then up to Andrei to communicate a message with his eyes. His hips bucked to the tempo of the hand job. His legs kicked forward slightly. His eyes fell on Andrei's face to see the blond haired stud looking right down at him. A single finger was pressed to Andrei's pink fleshy boyish lips.

It was all Dmitri could take.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" His eyes opened wide as he let out a gasp of air and did a slight stomach crunch.

The first pulse sent a white ribbon of sperm up and onto Dmitri's hair. The second spurt onto his cheek. The third burst sprayed into the base of his chin. The forth onto his chest. The fifth and sixth onto his belly. The eighth, ninth and tenth spurs gathered at the tip of his penis as Andrei massaged the sperm onto his friend's now softening penis.

Gulping for a breath of air Dmitri was the first to speak, "thank you so, so, so much . . . that is the best the most . . . " He trailed off as his head fell back against the massage table. He never continued the sentence.

"Its okay, let me get you cleaned up . . . " offered Andrei.

Dmitri had never thought the day would end up like this. It was the best single day of his life ever. The game, the win, the cheers, the bonding the friendship and massage and now the release. It was easily the best day he'd ever had! He heard the water come back on and a few pumps of soap. Then he heard Andrei say something that would complete his day.

"...and then afterward it will be my turn."

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