And Then He Kissed Me

By Gray Nouny

Published on Nov 12, 2006



All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights herein may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without written permission of the author. The material herein is work of fiction. All characters, events, trademarks, and places are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, or to locations is coincidental.

This story involves mature sexual themes and adult language of a homosexual nature. It also contains mild violence. If you are offended by such things, or it is illegal to partake in, or view said content due to age (18 and over only) or statute, please quit reading this story.

This work also contains sexual acts that take place without the use of prophylactics (condoms, etc.). Diseases may not exist in the realm of fiction, but they do in real life. Always use safe sex practices.

I hope you enjoy my story! Please send all comments to Thank you for reading.

----------------------------------------- PROLOGUE

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" Beth screamed as Blake and I scrambled to cover ourselves, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU COULD DO THIS TO ME. WE'RE FUCKING ENGAGED!"

"Beth, please calm down, it's not what it seems," Blake pleaded, trying desperately to clam his frantic fiance.

Beth ran from the room. Blake and I raced to get our clothes back on; we knew wherever she was going, it could not be good. As I pulled my shirt over my head, Beth appeared in Blake's doorway, holding a loaded revolver. She pointed it at me, and I looked at her in horror as she pulled the trigger. I felt a searing pain as the room faded to black.

----------------------------------------- ONE

"Uhh...yeah, that's it....mmmm." I closed my eyes; I saw Blake in my mind. Visions of his thick blonde hair and athletic body filled my mind. I had to try very hard not to scream his name. I sighed; I really needed to stop fantasizing about him.

"Oh, God...your ass is so tight. You're the best fuck I've ever had!" Jake said. 'Or is it John? James?' I didn't care, spring break was a week away; I just wanted it to be done.

"Ohh yeah," I faked, "fuck me good." He began pumping his dick into my hole faster, grunting with each thrust. I had to admit, he was hitting me in all the right places. I moaned again, I could tell he was getting close.

"Ahhh...Blake," I yelled. *'SHIT!' *

"Umm my Jarred," he said as he thrust and came, groaning.

"Oh, sorry," I said as he pulled out of me, keeping the condom snug on his softening dick.

"I'll be right back," he left the room and went down the hall into the bathroom. I quickly got dressed and ducked out the door, into the dimly lit hallway of the dorm. I went outside, the cool night air whipping through the doorway. I walked home to my apartment, which was just a few blocks away. 'Why can't I stop thinking about him?' I asked myself; pissed because that was the third time I had done that.

As I walked home memories of high school flooded my head. I would wait for traffic to clear and watch the hot football players, especially Blake, pass me in their tight pants. Memories of Beth and me breaking up sophomore year, and of me telling her I was gay junior year.

"God damned musical," I said aloud. Beth and Blake first started dating during our high school's rendition of West Side Story. Both had leading roles. He had dumped the most popular girl in school for her and even turned down a full ride football scholarship at another university just to be with her in college. I couldn't understand why last Christmas he asked her to marry him. He was my fantasy, even though I never told Beth that.

I laughed quietly to myself, remembering when I first came out to my friends. Every time I drank rum, or celebrated the Fourth of July, it reminded me of playing truth or dare and Derek asking me that fateful question. I came out to all my friends, Blake included.

'Last week before spring break,' I thought as I opened my apartment door and went inside.

----------------------------------------- TWO

'God damned statistics!' I thought to myself. I couldn't wait for Spring Beak, which started at the end of this week. I was mulling over my textbook in my bedroom when my phone rang. I answered it.

"Um...Nick, this is Blake, Beth's fiance," he said. My heart fluttered a little bit.

"Oh hey, Blake, what's up?" I said. It was always awkward between us for some reason. I guess we still had never gotten over the popularity gap in high school.

"Er...I just wanted to ask if you could have your stuff packed by tomorrow night so we could, um leave for home as soon as I get out of class on Friday," 'oh crap', I thought. I haven't even done laundry yet.

"Sure Blake, that wouldn't be a problem. I will call you tomorrow night when I'm ready for you to come pack stuff in your Jeep."

"OK that's fine. Bye," and then he hung up. I cursed my stupidity, but then I had an odd thought: usually Beth calls me when we make ride plans. Maybe she was busy, or trying to make Blake more comfortable around her friends. 'I will call her and confirm the plans,' I thought to myself.

That next day, after skipping poetry class to do laundry, I was all packed and ready to go. I made the phone call, but this time I made it to Beth.

"I'm ready," I said cheerily to Beth after she picked up.

"What?" Beth asked, confused.

"Aren't you and Blake gonna come and get my stuff loaded in his Jeep?"

"Oh, honey, I forgot to tell you, I have relatives coming for my parents' anniversary so my dad came and got me earlier today. You and Blake are riding together tomorrow without me." She said.

"Um...OK...when were you gonna tell me about this?" I asked. I was feeling weird about the situation. 'Blake and me in a Jeep? For five hours? Awkward!!'

", I guess. You need to call him to get your stuff. OK?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I grumbled. We hung up and I dialed Blake, but got voice mail. I hung up and tried after dinner.

"Yeah," there were those butterflies again.

"Hey it's Nick, I'm ready for you," I said, which made my thoughts go dirty.

"OK, I'll be over in five."

"Cool, I'll see you then."

"Alright, bye."

When he arrived, he helped me carry my bags down to his Jeep; I watched from behind as his muscles bulged through his tight A&F polo. We got all of my stuff in the Jeep and I offered him something cold to drink, which he politely refused 'Damn!' He went back to his dorm and I went back to homework.

----------------------------------------- THREE

Argh! My alarm went off at 7:15 A.M. and I rolled out of bed, slightly hard. Blake was in my dreams. I got dressed and made my way to school. 'Last day before break' I thought as I boarded the bus. Classes and work were uneventful. I was ready to get out of this city and get back home.

As if by my own willful design, my phone rang. It was Blake. "Hey dude," he said nonchalantly, "are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I need to grab a few things, so meet me at my apartment in like, thirty minutes."

"Cool," he said, and he hung up the phone. Even though he and Beth had dated for a long time, I barely knew Blake, so I felt a little weird that Beth left us together. However, I was prepared; I had my iPod and a large book of crossword puzzles.

I grabbed a quick lunch, took the bus back to my apartment, and gathered my last belongings. As I packed my computer into my bag, the doorbell rang. It was Blake. I answered and he was wearing a pair of loose fitting cargo shorts, flip-flops, and one of his tight Hollister tee shirts that showed off every muscle. I couldn't help checking him out again as we went down the stairs. We unceremoniously got into his Jeep and were on our way back home to Philipsburg. After about an hour on the road, I was the first to break the silence. "How's Beth?" I asked him, hoping this would break the silence.

"She's all right; been on the rag lately," Blake replied. He seemed a bit agitated when I mentioned her name. Knowing how Beth can get, I assumed this was a common occurrence.

"What do you mean?" I asked coyly.

"I feel so pressured, with all this wedding shit that she is planning. I am barely coping with the stress of school, let alone a wedding and a lifetime commitment."

"We're only twenty," I told him, "not many people make these kinds of decisions so young."

"Hey...yeah! You're right. We are only twenty. How can people expect me to make choices at this time in my life?" Blake paused, thought for a second, and put his strong hand on my shoulder, "ya know, you're lucky, Nick, you don't have to deal with girls and marriage and commitment and all that shit."

"Yeah, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to experience that." I saw him smile slightly out of the corner of my eye. He took his hand off my shoulder. A few miles down the road, Blake broke the contented silence between us.

"Damn, I gotta piss like a racehorse," he said bluntly.

"I saw a sign for a rest stop a couple of minutes ago. It should be coming up soon," I replied. We found the exit and pulled off the interstate. The rest stop was secluded in a forest near a calm river. Blake made a beeline for the bathroom as I got out and stretched my cramped legs. When Blake stepped out of the bathroom, the cool wind tousled his sandy blonde hair.

He called out to me, "You wanna go for a walk?"

"What?!" 'Did he just ask me for a fuck?'

"I said, do you want to go for a walk?"

"Um...sure," I replied. 'Keep dreaming, Nick.' I figured a walk would help my legs loosen up. We traveled down the path, shoulder to shoulder, and started talking.

"Hey, thanks for listening to me bitch about Beth," Blake said, "it's hard to find a good set of ears in my circle of friends."

"No problem, any--" I couldn't finish; Blake had pushed me up against a tree. I didn't know what was going on until he pressed his soft, gentle lips into mine. He forced his thick tongue into my mouth and massaged my own. Every part of me filled with sensation as his athletic body pinned me against the tree. My mind reeled with confusion. 'What the hell is going on?' We were locked together in sensual ecstasy as I felt his dick thicken on my leg. He broke away, and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"," Blake uttered before he turned and ran back to the Jeep. I called out, but he didn't answer. I was scared that he would leave me at the rest stop. I ran after him back to the Jeep. I found him inside, his face like stone. I wanted to say something...but I was paralyzed with fear. We drove the rest of the way home in complete silence. It may have only taken forty-five minutes, but it felt like hours.

Blake quickly dumped me at my deserted house. I sighed when I realized that I would spend the first half of spring break alone in my house. My mom had a teacher's convention and would be gone until late Wednesday. As I passed through the door, my mind started to race. I couldn't believe what happened at that rest stop. 'Why would he kiss me like that? He's my best friend's fiance!' It was, however, one of my biggest fantasies fulfilled. 'Does this mean he is gay? Bi?' I was exhausted from the long day and decided to call it an early night. I fell asleep on my bed, my thoughts still reeling.

----------------------------------------- FOUR

I awoke that morning to a torrential downpour. I lazed about the entire day, watching TV and thinking about yesterday. That night, the doorbell interrupted my favorite TV show. I slowly opened the door and my heart stopped when I found Blake Adams soaking wet, in his workout clothes.

"Nick, I'm sorry about yesterday," he blurted out, looking like a stone had been lifted from his chest.

"You're soaked," I replied, my hospitable nature kicking in, "come in, and I'll get you some dry clothes." Blake followed me into the kitchen and he sat at the table. I got him a towel from the nearby linen closet.

"Wait right here, I will get you some dry clothes." I ran up and came back down with jeans, a sweatshirt, socks, and boxers. "The bathroom is down the ha--" I stopped dead in the doorway to the kitchen. Blake stood next to the table, and he was wearing only his boxer briefs. He came forward, his muscles flexing as he walked. I could see his manhood through the wet cloth that covered his groin. I was frozen to the spot, mouth agape, until he grabbed me with his arms and kissed me deeply. I let go of the clothes and melted into his strong frame as our tongues danced in each other's mouths. I felt that familiar sensation on my leg and realized that I was getting hard too. We broke our kiss. I looked sensually at him and he took my hand.

"Where's your bedroom," he whispered, cracking a smile. I lead him upstairs to my room. We continued to make out as he undressed me. My hard, seven-inch cock brushed up against his, still trapped desperately by his underwear. I knelt down and slowly pulled away his wet boxers. In front of me was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. His erect cock was at least nine inches long, probably more. I could see the thick veins throb as he leaked his first globs of precum from the bulbous mushroom head. I looked up into his crystal blue eyes; he smiled gently with a look of longing. I didn't waste anymore time, I knew what he wanted me to do. I realized that Blake was the biggest I had ever had, and it made me nervous. I had been told I was a good cocksucker, but that didn't matter. I opened my mouth and engulfed his throbbing head. My tongue danced wildly, focusing on the sensitive underside.

"Ohhhh Nick...that's so good," he moaned.

I reached up and massaged his granite pecs, playing with his nipples. I took in more of his sweet cock, savoring the precum dripping from it. I opened my throat and let all of him slide down, trying with all my might not to choke on the nine and a half inch rod that was invading me. Blake grabbed onto the bedpost, threw his head back, and screamed wildly.

"Oh God, oh Fuck, Nick how are you doing that...Beth's never done that...oh God...yeah...take my big cock!"

I took my hand from his pecs and moved down his rippling abs. I was glad that he never lost his god-like football body. I grasped his large balls and began gently tugging on them. This caused Blake's knees to go weak and he started bucking his powerful hips, fucking my mouth. Apparently, he had never been pleasured in quite this way before. I turned my focus to his cock head, slurping it hungrily as I pumped the base of his cock. He groaned and pulled back from me, grabbed me under my arms, and lifted me onto my unkempt bed. I was surprised how strong he was. My cock flopped against my flat, toned stomach, splashing precum. I lay on my back, waiting for his next move. He met my eyes, and I wasn't sure if there was a twinge of nervousness in his ocean-like pools. His next move surprised me; he got down on his knees, placed his strong hands on my legs, and pushed them to my chest. He then put his hands on my bubble butt and parted my cheeks. I felt his hot breath on my tight, pink pucker. He let his tongue dance gently on my hole. I went instantly into blissful convulsions; nobody had ever eaten out my ass. I reeled as he lapped and nibbled at my anus, darting his tongue inside of me. I was rock hard and feared I would orgasm without even touching my cock.

"Ohhh...shit Blake...shit...ah oh ahh," I moaned loudly. I now wanted him inside me more then ever.

"Mmmm...your ass is so hot, I want it right now. I want my dick inside you!"

Those words had never sounded better.

"Oh fuck, take me now!" I yelled. My heart raced as he stood up, revealing his still rock-hard member, copiously lubed with my saliva. He grabbed my left leg and put it on his shoulder. He grabbed his huge cock and brushed it against my waiting hole, which tightened with pleasure.

"Please be gentle, you're the biggest I've ever had," I had snapped back into reality for a moment. 'Am I ready for this?' I placed my trust in him fully when he replied.

"I'll be gentle; I don't want to hurt you," his eyes sparkled and I knew we were both ready.

I felt his dick push against me, and I instinctively pushed back. He pushed harder, my desperate sphincter finally relenting. His head entered me, and he stopped.

"You OK?" He asked. I nodded, as he entered me farther. I tore at the sheets and bit my lip. 'This is so painful.' It took a couple of minutes for him to enter me fully. He slowly pulled back and thrust again, grazing my prostate with this thick club. What was painful was now the best feeling I've ever had. My eyes rolled back as he began thrusting faster.

"Ahh...oh...uh...God Blake...yes...yess!" I was in heaven. Blake had a look of pure ecstasy.

"Oh shit...oh're so tight! I love it!" Blake groaned. He thrust inside of me with intensity. I never wanted this to end. I grabbed my dick and stroked it. Suddenly, still inside me, Blake grabbed me and pushed me farther on the bed. He got on top of me, still thrusting. He leaned and kissed me violently, forcing his tongue deep in my mouth. I kissed him back. My dick was now rubbing against his abs, and I was nearing climax.

"Ahh...mmm...Blake, I'm gonna cum!" I yelled.

"Oh yeah, do it...mmmm...I'm gonna cum too!" He moaned. I couldn't take it any more! My dick exploded, spewing my hot spunk on the wall behind us and all over my chest. My ass clenched as I had the best orgasm of my life, which caused Blake to scream in ecstasy. He pulled out of me and began stroking his long cock. It wasn't long before his dick swelled and he shot his first load, which landed on my face. I licked it greedily, and the others that followed. He collapsed on the bed, and kissed my neck, tasting the semen that had run down it. We laid there in pure ecstasy, breathing heavily. I fell asleep in his arms contented, purging all of the thoughts and consequences from my mind. Nothing would ruin this moment.

----------------------------------------- FIVE

I awoke the next morning still entangled in Blake, and I sighed contentedly. I slipped from his grasp, grabbed the towel from my closet, and headed to the shower. I washed the remains of our lovemaking off my chest in the steamy water. I saw a figure slowly open the bathroom door; the obscured shape behind the frosted glass moved toward me. The shower door was quickly pulled back, to my surprise. Blake stood there, completely naked and erect, glistening from the steam that had accumulated on his chiseled form.

He entered the shower and pushed me up against the wall, my face tingling from the cold tiles. He kissed the back of my neck and my shoulders. I turned my head and our lips met in a steamy French kiss. I spread my legs and bent over slightly, letting the warm water run in my crack and across my eager pucker. Blake pressed against me, grabbing my hips for leverage. I could feel his cock force itself between my cheeks, trying desperately to enter my tight hole. I groaned as his head passed through my sphincter, my muscles clenching as he entered me further. I gritted my teeth with pain. Blake kissed my neck again, gently. He began thrusting rapidly, my knees buckling with pleasure as he rammed my ass.

"Ahhh...God...Blake...I love...your big...cock!" I cried out in pleasure as it echoed off the hollow walls. Blake wrapped his arms around me massaging my nipples, enhancing the already astronomical sensation I was feeling.

"Mmmm...ahhhhhh!!" Blake screamed.

"Fuck me harder...ahh...yeah...Fuck me good!" I yelled, grabbing and squeezing his copious testicles. Blake grunted with gratification. He took my cue. He forced me to bend over and I grabbed the ledge of the tub for support. He then began his final assault on my tender ass. My eyes welled up as he rammed his oversized tool into my warm love canal. I moaned loudly as I wrenched on my rigid dick.

"Ohh...shit! I'm gonna cum!!" Blake was like an animal. He ripped his monster out of my ass and turned me around, forcing me on my knees. I hungrily accepted his cock in my wet mouth. He forced it down violently, as I almost gagged. I continued jerking my cock in my fist. I sucked him furiously, as if it were a matter of life or death. I tasted his precum as he bucked his hips wildly, and tugged and massaged his testicles, which began to tighten to his hot body. I knew it was time. I shot first, my creamy manhood erupting from my purple cockhead.

"Fuck...Fuck...FUCK!!!" Blake screamed as he spewed his first load, which I swallowed greedily, tasting his sweet seed. He filled my mouth to the brim, and I drank every bit of that succulent man nectar. I milked his cock of all its juice and rose, kissing him hard on the mouth, letting our saliva and his cum mix in our mouths. He groped my mouth looking for every remnant of his milky load.

I washed up and got out, giving him some privacy. He slapped my tender, used ass on my way out, giving me a gratified smile. I dried off, got dressed, and then went downstairs to make breakfast.

----------------------------------------- SIX

The buzzer sounded on the toaster oven as Blake strolled down the stairs. I pulled the hot toast out as he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck and rubbed up against me; I could feel his soft meat through his workout shorts.

"Blake, I'm gonna burn myself," I said as I pushed him away, "Sit down at the bar, breakfast is almost ready."

"Smells good, I can't wait!" He squeezed my butt and sat down. I jumped when I heard his cell phone ring. I had a sinking suspicion of who it could be.

He answered as he walked out of the kitchen into the dining room, "Hello?"

A pause as he listened. I could still hear him.

"'m at home. I was really tired last night, so I went to bed without calling you," he said nervously. His eyes rolled at her response. "I said I was sorry, honey, I will see you tonight." He replied, and hung up the phone. Blake came back into the room, bringing with him an awkward silence.

"Who was that?" I asked, even though I knew who it was.

"Beth," he grumbled as I set the toast and eggs in front of him. He dove into his plate, accentuating the silence between us. I stared at him, waiting for him to notice me. He looked up from his eggs.

"Wha...?" He asked.

"Are we going to talk about this?"

"About what?" He seemed defensive in his reply.

I raised my voice, "Blake, about us! Beth!"

"I love Beth, there is no us, this is just for fun." My heart broke, but my blood began to boil. My eyes narrowed and stared coldly into his.

"I don't just fuck any and every guy I come across!" I spat back.

"You know something, of all the people I know, I thought you would give me the least bullshit!"

"Well what about how I feel? Doesn't that matter to you?" I pleaded, still angry.

"Whatever, I'm outta here!" He said coldly. He got up and left. I was so pissed that I didn't care. I dumped our plates and threw them in the sink. I stumbled up to my room, tears welling in my eyes and streaming down my cheeks. I lay on the bed, sobbing and clenching my pillow. I cried until I fell asleep.

----------------------------------------- SEVEN

I was jolted awake by the sound of my cell phone on the night table beside me. I looked at my clock; it was 2:00 P.M. I answered it groggily.

"Hullo?" I mumbled.

"Hey, Nick! What's up?" It was my best friend from high school, Derek Stewart.

"Oh hey, Derek, how are you? Are you on break?"

"Yeah, we're havin' a small party at my house tonight, you in?"

"Sure, I could use the distraction. What time?"

"Around eleven, whatever," he replied.

"Sure thing, I'll be there. Can I bring something?"

"Naw, man, I got it covered."

"Cool, see you then."

"OK, bye."

"See ya."

I hung up the phone and my mind went back to Blake. I pushed those thoughts from my head, he was the last thing I wanted to think about. I decided to focus my attention on the mountain of homework I had put off until this break. It kept me occupied until I started to get ready. I made my way over to Derek's house. It was only five blocks to his house, but I heard the party from three blocks away. What was a "small gathering" had ballooned into forty or fifty people. I entered the house, made my way to the kitchen, and grabbed a beer. I heard Derek yell my name. I turned and he greeted me with one of those cool handshakes straight guys do that I could never get. We chatted for a while and then from the corner of my eye, I saw Blake in the foyer. He was looking at me. I avoided his glance and parted with Derek. I talked casually with other people, slowly making my way over to Blake. He was standing alone in the foyer. He caught me out of the corner of his eye coming toward him and he turned to face me.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"There is nothing to talk about," he whispered, making sure that no one could hear us.

"Well I think there is, two people don't do things like we did unless they--"

"Shut up Nick, I told you it's not like that," he said, slightly raising his voice.

"But Blake, I love you."

"No you don't. Leave me alone," Blake turned for the door but I grabbed his muscled arm.

"Blake, please," I pleaded.

"I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!" He turned back to me, breaking my grasp. He wound his arm and punched me on the left side of my jaw. I fell to the ground; it felt like I had been hit with a freight train.

"Blake, what the fuck!?" Derek yelled. The whole room looked at Blake, in shock. Blake noticed the attention he had gotten and ran out the door.

"What the hell was that about?" Derek asked, as he helped me off the hardwood floor. I quickly made up some lame story about Beth and ran upstairs. I saw Blake's Jeep speed away through the picture windows above the front door. I ran to the bathroom, shut the door behind me, and locked it. I approached the mirror, expecting the worst. I noticed a small bruise, but nothing major. There was a knock at the door. I opened it; it was Beth, looking concerned.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it."

"But he fuckin' hit you!"

"I said, don't worry about it!" I said angrily.

"Let me talk to him about it," she said.

"No, just please leave it alone," I said, annoyed. I caught Beth's eyes in the mirror; she had a suspicious look on her face and my blood ran cold. I decided I had had enough of this party. I left the house and started walking home.

----------------------------------------- EIGHT

The warm air hit my throbbing jaw; it reminded me of Blake. 'Son-of-a-bitch!' I thought as I rubbed my bruise. I walked slowly back to my house on the deserted street. I looked back when I saw my shadow cast by headlights. The vehicle pulled up beside me, it was Blake. I ignored the Jeep and its occupant.

"Get in," Blake said. I continued to ignore him, my brain and heart in a tug-of-war.

"Please," he begged, "I really need to talk to you." I continued walking, fighting back tears. He stopped the Jeep. I began to walk faster as he got out and tried to follow me. I turned.

"You got what you wanted, I'm leaving you alone!" I told him, "Now take your own advice, and get the hell away from me!" He grabbed my arm and turned me around, trying to kiss me. I pulled from his grasp, and he reached for me again, holding me tighter. I couldn't get away.

"Please?" He quietly begged. I felt bad for him, and reluctantly agreed. We got in to his Jeep and sped away. I was under the impression that he was taking me home, but I abandoned that idea as we passed my house.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Some place quiet to talk," we drove to Stone Park, which was punctuated with thick groves of oak trees. He got out and I followed him to a secluded, plastic picnic table under a large oak. We sat down. I stared coldly as he began to speak.

"Did you mean what you said at the party? That you loved me?"

"Yeah, Blake, of course I do. What we shared was more than lust; I saw it in your eyes. We have a connection that I can't explain. I've been in love with you since the fist time I saw you," I could feel the cool tears in my eyes as I confessed my true feelings to him. "I was crushed when you fell for Beth. I knew that it could never happen between us, but now this happens and I'm really confused about your feelings for me." I wanted him to tell me the words I have longed to hear, ever since high school. I cast my eyes away and waited for his reply.

"Oh God, Nick, I never knew. I guess your feelings never crossed my mind," he got up from the table and came around to sit next to me. He lifted my chin and looked deeply into my eyes. He kissed me deeply, the electricity flowing freely through our bodies. I melted as he wrapped his arms around me. We embraced for what seemed like hours.

"Nick, I love you too," he whispered, desperate tears welling from his eyes. I kissed him again, our tongues melding together. I knew the sacrifice he had made to say those words to me. I felt the electricity turn to lust as I ran my hand down his back, feeling his heat against the night air.

"Out here? Now?" He asked, I don't think he had ever had sex outside.

"Yeah," I smiled devilishly, "it makes everything better," I lifted his shirt and kissed his shoulder.

"Wait," he said. He ran to his Jeep and fiddled in the glove box. He came back with a small bottle. "Thought I could make things easier for you."

I laughed and he pulled me to him. I knew he went out and got that just for me. I undid his belt and his loose pants dropped to his ankles. He pulled off my polo and he lifted me onto the table. He took off my pants and underwear and finished taking off his own. The table was cold from the night air. He got on the table beside me and we began to make out. I grabbed his hands and pushed his back to the table. He seemed surprised at my strength. I released his lips and took his soft cock in my mouth. I sucked it, feeling it grow harder. I couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed the bottle of lube nearby and poured the liquid on his hardened tool, lubing it copiously. I got on my knees, worked my finger between my cheeks, and lubed my pucker. Blake got on his knees and he spun me around on all fours.

He aimed his dick at my eager hole. This time, the head broke past my pucker with less resistance. His long pole slowly slid into me. I felt a tinge of pain. He groaned as he entered me. My cock was instantly hard as he began to ride my ass, feeling that sense of fullness that I craved.

"Mmmm...yeah...that's what I like," Blake grunted, "I like pumping your hot ass."

"Oh Blake, fuck me! Fuck me!" I was in heaven. Then Blake did something that really got me. He took his long cock and pushed it all the way in. Then he pulled all the way out. I missed him inside me, but that feeling didn't last as he shoved his rod all the way back inside me to the hilt, making me scream with delight. He did this many more times.

"Oh God, Blake, I can't take anymore!" I pulled away from him and turned to face him, our hard cocks touching. He smiled at me and we kissed. I took him and pushed him down on his back.

"Just lay back and relax," I said, "let me have a chance to do the work." Blake smiled eagerly. I rose and squatted slowly, Blake aimed his hardened tool at my anus. I plunged down on his cock, sitting on it right away. I put my hands on his chest and started riding his long club.

"Ohhh...why didn't we do this...before!" He grunted as I rode his cock faster. I reeled as his head grazed my prostate.

"Ah...mmmm...your soo good!" I was in heaven. Blake took his hands and started rubbing my cock.

"Blake you're gonna!" I yelled into the night.

"Mmmm...harder...faster...ahh...I'm gonna blow!" I increased my pace. He tried to pull me off of him as he desperately held back. I shook my head, this time he was going to cum inside of me. I felt myself shudder as Blake stroked me to climax. My spunk flew onto his chest. My ass muscles tightened in ecstasy. Blake's eyes rolled back into his head. I could feel his throbbing cock swell. He screamed as he shot his first load into my insides. It felt so warm! He shot load after load into my love canal. I wanted more! I milked his hot tool of all its cum and fell onto his chest, with him still inside me. We lay there heaving. Blake leaned up and kissed me in thanks. We lay there for a while, Blake looking up at the stars, and I looking into his eyes. As his cock softened, I pulled off and lay beside him. We both took in the night's celestial offerings and dozed off for a while.

I awoke to Blake's voice whispering to me. We were still in the park.

We got off the table and began getting dressed. I could feel Blake's creamy load as it seeped from my ass. I quickly pulled up my pants and put on my polo. Blake couldn't find his shirt, so he had to go without it. He said he would look for it in the morning. I was definitely glad we couldn't find it. I admired his frame as he drove me back to my house.

"I've got some stuff I've gotta do with Beth," Blake said as I got out of his Jeep, "I won't be able to see you until Wednesday."

"OK, but my mom comes back that evening."

"I'm sure we can work something out," he smiled, "I love you."

"I love you, too." My heart fluttered as I ran to my door. My dreams were filled with romantic visions. I rested contented, knowing that Blake was mine, or so I thought.

----------------------------------------- NINE

I spent the next two days walking on air. I could barely concentrate on my responsibilities. Tuesday night, Blake called me.

"Hey man, what are you doing tomorrow?" He asked in a playful tone. I was overjoyed to hear his voice.

"" I asked, just as playfully. We both laughed. "Maybe we could get together at my house? My mom won't be back until later that evening. Maybe we could watch a movie."

"That would be great. Beth will be out of town; she's looking at wedding dresses. I will see you tomorrow afternoon."

"Sounds great! See ya then."

"OK, bye," I hung up the phone and bit my fist to hold back my joy. I missed being with Blake and couldn't wait 'till tomorrow. I went to bed, dreaming of things to come.

----------------------------------------- TEN

I woke late in the morning and got ready. I cleaned the house. I didn't want my mom to be angry with me when she got home. My phone rang.


"Hey, hun, what are you doing?"

"Oh--hey Beth, what's up?"

"I'm going shopping for dresses in Winberry, you wanna come?"

"You're going shopping in Winberry? That's like, three hours away!"

"I know, but they have divine little shops downtown. So, are you in?"

"Is Blake going?" I avoided her question.

"Of course not, I don't want him to see me in a dress before the wedding."

'God bless tradition' I thought. "'ve got other plans." I choked as my cheeks reddened.

"Ohhh gotta hot date?" She asked mischievously.

"NO!" I lied, "My mom's coming back into town."

"Ohhh, OK. Maybe you and Blake could go and do something before your mom gets home," I had to pinch myself to keep from laughing.

"Maybe," I said, trying to be casual, "I could give him a call."

"I will talk to you later then."

"Yup, bye," I hung up the phone and laughed, if she only knew. I set down my phone, only to have it ring again. This time I really wanted to talk to the caller.


"Hey, you ready for me?"

"Sure thing, come on over."

"What movie are we watching?"

"'ll see."

"OK, I'll be over in five"

"All right, see ya," I picked a movie and put on top of the DVD player. I did one last hair check in the bathroom and the doorbell rang. I opened the door to a figure dressed in a dark blue oxford shirt and kakis. 'Damn!' I thought, 'this boy looks good dressed up or down.'

"Hey, c'mon in," Blake stepped in and kissed me. I smiled and led him to the loveseat in the living room. "Is this movie OK?" I held up a copy of "Love Actually."

"Oh, yeah, I've wanted to see that," he replied. I popped it in and headed to the recliner. I passed Blake on my way. He was sitting with one leg across the two-seater and the other planted on the floor. He grabbed the waist of my pants, exposing the top of my butt, and pulled me on the loveseat with him between his legs. I rested my head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. About halfway through the movie, he grabbed my chin and kissed me. We began making out, and he laid back on the couch. I got on top of him, kissing him deeply. I slid my hand down his pants and began playing with his soft dick, which was becoming hard. We weren't paying attention to the movie anymore.

"Do you need directions this time?" I asked him, with a look of longing.

"Not this time." We got off the loveseat and made our way up to my room. Blake wasted no time. He pulled off my shirt. I kissed him passionately as I undid the buttons on his shirt. We got into bed and I told him to lay back. I kissed him on the lips and slowly kissed his chest, making my way down his ripped abs. I slowly undid his pants, pulled out his dick, and put my mouth around it. It began to harden as I slurped it ferociously.

"Mmmm...yeah...deepthroat me, I love it when you do that." Blake was in heaven. I loved sucking his cock and was so absorbed in pleasing him. I was about to go to town on him when there was a sudden knock on my door. The handle turned and it slowly opened. 'SHIT!!!' I pulled my mouth off his dick and bounded out of the bed. Blake barely got his cock into his pants as my mother popped her head into the door.

"Hey honey, I'm ho--" my mom froze, unable to comprehend the scene before her. "Oh, oh, excuse me." She backed out and closed the door. Blake got up from the bed; he was bright red and had a look of sheer terror in his eyes. I looked at him panicked. I had no idea what to do.

"Shit, Nick! I thought she was out of town 'till tonight!" Blake seemed furious; he knew we had been caught.

"Get dressed and slip out the front door, I will go down and talk to her." This could not be sugar coated with a lie; I knew I had to tell her the truth. I put my shirt on and went down the stairs; Blake followed me, making a beeline for my front door. I found my mom in the kitchen. I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off.

"Honey, it's OK, you don't have to say anything," my mom looked at me. She knew my secret. I slumped into the chair across from her.

"Mom...I...I..." I stuttered. She interrupted me again.

"Nicky, really it's OK, I understand. I...I've known all along," I looked into her eyes; I could feel all the pain leave my body. I knew she still loved me.

"So how is Blake?" She asked, allowing her curiosity to get the best of her. I looked away, smiling coyly.

"Um...he's good, a lot different than I thought he would be, I mean, since high school."

"I thought he was engaged, to Beth."

"He is, I guess."

"It's not really fair to Beth that he's with you; and it's not really fair to you that he's with Beth. I just want you to be safe," her motherly concern reared its ugly head. I sat there looking down and thinking about what she said.

"Mom, what should I do? I really love him," I pleaded. I was fighting back tears now.

"Does he know how you feel?"


"Do you know how he feels?"

"He told me he loved me," the first tear slid down my cheek.

"Then he has got to make a decision. He must come clean with Beth, or end it with you. And you have to be the one that lets him know this," my mom lectured. I had lost the battle with my tears. They began streaming down my face as my mother's words sank into my mind and heart. She got up from her side of the table and walked over to me. I laid my head against her chest. I cried out as she held me. I cried for Blake and I cried for me. She finally knew who I really was. I would no longer have to lie to her or keep any secrets from her. After I had cried all the tears I could, I hugged her and thanked her. In my exhaustion, I went up to bed. On my way, I picked up my phone. I saw I had a voicemail. I dialed the number and listened to the message:

"Hey Nicky, it's Mom. I was able to get another flight, so I will be home a couple of hours earlier. Maybe we could go out for dinner. My flight is boarding so I will see you when I get home. Love ya, bye!"

----------------------------------------- ELEVEN

I woke up Thursday morning, groggy and puffy-eyed. I've gotta be less emotional,' I thought. I poured a bowl of cereal and ate it at the bar. I planned the day as I mindlessly read the back of the cereal box. I had to confront Blake about what had happened yesterday. I was going to go over to his house, I didn't care who was there. I got dressed and got into my car. I struggled with the clutch as I made my way to Blake's house.

I pulled into Blake's long driveway; I was working through my thoughts as I rang the doorbell. The door opened and I had to keep my jaw from dropping on the ground. This was the last person I wanted to see there.

"Nick, hey honey, what are you doing here?" Beth asked. I turned red, and I racked my brain to come up with an excuse.

" think, I think I left a book in Blake's Jeep. I was coming to get it," I stammered. 'Shit! What am I going to do?'

"Go on in, Blake is downstairs. I'm on my way out," she said. I let her pass by me as I went into his house. I shut the door and breathed a sigh of relief. 'She bought it.' Blake's house was pretty nice, but there was definitely evidence that many kids had lived there. I called out to Blake. I heard him reply from the basement. I made my way down the stairs and into the hallway. I called out to Blake again; his reply came from the last room down the hall on the right. I walked cautiously to the room and turned to enter. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, shirtless, in a pair of mesh shorts. I pushed all lustful thoughts from my head.

"Did your mom say anything? Did you tell her anything? Did she recognize me?" Blake stood up; I could feel the desperation in his voice.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down. She did see you, and she asked. I didn't say anything, but she's not stupid. I'm sure she had a pretty good idea about what was going on last night," I said.

"God damn it! How could we be so stupid? Didn't you know when she was coming home?"

"Yeah, I thought she was gonna come home later that night."

Silence. Blake sat there, shaking his head. I figured it was as good a time as any, so I let myself go.

"Blake, what are we doing with this?"

"What do you mean?" Blake replied, confused.

"Us, again. What about you and me, you and Beth? I need to know what I'm doing here. I need to know I'm not in love with a guy who can't love me back."

"What do you want me to do? I have a responsibility to keep my commitments," Blake said.

"How could you make a commitment knowing it will destroy both you and Beth?!" I wanted to shake him; he didn't seem rational.

"Ya know, I didn't ask for this," he said.

"Wait a minute, you kissed me! I wasn't the one who asked for this!"

Blake sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. "You're right, you're right about everything. Beth doesn't deserve this lie, and you don't deserve the indecision."

"So what are you going to do? You've got to come clean with her, or break it off with me."

"You've had years to come to terms with this, I've had, days." Blake looked up from his hands.

"Blake, haven't you known? Hasn't there been something inside of you that tells you what you truly want? That what you have with Beth is not right?"

"Not since I met you."

I dropped to my knees in front of him so our eyes met at level. "Then let yourself be who you really are."

He leaned in and kissed me. I wanted him now more than ever. I pushed him up on the bed and we began to kiss deeper. I wanted to feel him inside of me once more. He lifted my shirt and removed it while I undid my jeans, releasing my dick. I got off of Blake and removed my jeans and underwear; Blake followed suit (only he wasn't wearing any underwear). I bent over and put my lips around his hardening tool. I slurped loudly, preparing it for my love canal.

"Mmmm...ohhhh," Blake groaned, he loved when I sucked his big dick. I deepthroated him and he shuddered. He lifted my head off his cock.

"Get on the bed and lay on your back," he said as his dick flopped against his stomach. I followed his directions, excited for what was about to come.

He got onto his hands and knees perpendicular to me, and did something that blew my mind. He took that soft, virgin mouth and put it around my cockhead. I felt his warm saliva surrounding my head and felt electricity run up my spine. He took in more of me, fighting his sensitive gag reflex.

"Yeah, Blake, that's it....mmmm," I was coaching him the best I could; he was obviously a virgin when it came to cock sucking, "open your throat more, it will help."

He followed my directions and was able to get down to my pubic hair. I groaned with pleasure and bucked my hips slightly. He pulled off my cock and looked into my eyes. He shocked me, again.

"I want to try it, you know, I want to get fucked."

"Are you sure?" My dick twitched with excitement.

"Yes, I love you."

"I love you, too," I said. He got up and went to his dresser, pulling out a bottle of lubricant. He came over and laid down. He began to open the bottle.

"Wait. Let me," I interrupted, taking the bottle. He nodded as he got onto his back and lifted his legs. I poured lube on my fingers and lubed his virgin pucker. I played with the rim, rubbing my middle finger against it. Blake's eyes rolled back into his head. This was a new sensation for him, and he definitely enjoyed it.

I pressed my finger against his hole, preparing to enter it. I pushed a bit harder and my fingertip passed through, his anal muscle reacting. I looked up at him. He seemed OK, so I pushed my finger further into him.

"Ahh...oh, ah, ah, easy," Blake reeled as my finger plunged into his hole. I eased it in and out, letting him get used to the sensation. I found his prostate and rubbed my finger against it. Blake shuddered; he was hooked.

"Mmm...more," he pleaded.

"Are you ready for another finger?" I asked. I knew he couldn't refuse.


I removed my middle finger. When I entered his ass, I worked my index finger in his tight hole as well. He seemed to be taking this barrage on his virgin hole like a pro. I worked my fingers inside him massaging his prostate even more. I could see the precum leaking from his dick. He was in ecstasy.

"Oh God, Nick, I want your dick inside me!" he yelled. I was happy to oblige. I lubed my hard rod and put his legs on my shoulders. He spread his cheeks as I aimed my dick at his hole. They met, his anal muscles flexing. I slowly pushed up against him. He gritted his teeth as I entered him, letting him get used to me inside him. I pushed farther into him. 'God I love this feeling.'

"Are you ok? Do you want me to keep going?" I asked, seeing the pain in his eyes.

"Uh, yeah, please."

I was halfway into his untouched love canal. I pushed in further, this time all the way. Blake clutched the sheets; I could feel him flex his muscles around my dick. It drove me crazy. I began to pull out slowly to the head of my cock. Blake squirmed.

"Go for it," he whispered.

I pushed down into him, burying my cock in his sweet ass. I began thrusting.

"Oh God Nick, this is so good. Why didn't you tell me how good this was?"

"Mmmm...yeah, your ass is so tight...uhhh." I loved fucking him, and I did it for a long time, savoring the sensation. My thrusts increased, I was reaching climax. I put my hand around Blake's thick, hard dick and stroked him slowly.

"Ohh Nick, I'm gonna cum. Ahhh...cum inside me!" Blake yelled. I felt Blake's whole body tense, he was about to blow. I was holding back, waiting for him. His first load exploded from his swollen rod and mine followed after. I let out a moan as I filled his love canal with my seed. Blake groaned, reacting to the warmth that filled him. I collapsed on to his chest and lingered inside him. He kissed me passionately, and we made out while I was still inside of him.

After my dick softened, I pulled out of him. My cum dribbled from his used hole. He sighed contentedly.

"How was it? Are you OK?" I asked.

"Good, really good," Blake was exhausted. We laid there on his bed, covered in the fruits of our passion. Blake put his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed the top of his head.

"I love you, Nick, I really do. I want it to be like this always."

"It will be, I promise."

----------------------------------------- TWELVE

"Hey, we should go out," Blake's comment revived me from my daydream. We were still lying in his bed, him wrapped in my arms.

"Um...OK. Where do you want to go?" I was surprised at his gusto.

"How 'bout a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah, then an early dinner?" It was beginning to sound like a real date.

"Sure, there's a new Italian restaurant I wanna try. It's Thursday so no one will be there," he said. There was the catch; we could go out, but only because nobody would see us. "I'm gonna go clean up; will you call and see what movies are playing?"

"Yeah, no problem," I dug my phone out of my jeans on the floor, called information, and got the number for the movie theater. The only movies were the latest sappy chick flick or the newest teen horror flick. Since we watched a "girly" movie at my house, I decided the horror flick would suffice. I got dressed and waited for Blake.

"What did you decide?" Blake walked into the room, naked. 'Damn!'

"There's a horror movie at 2:25. Is that OK?" I said, as he got dressed.

"Yup, let's go," we left his house and got into his Jeep, heading to the theater across town. Once we arrived, we bought our tickets and entered the theater. Unfortunately, we found a group of guys that went to our high school already there. 'Crap! What are we gonna do now?' They were sitting towards the front so we found a spot in the back. They didn't notice us until I dropped my phone on the concrete, causing it to crash loudly. The guys turned and recognized Blake. I wanted to die. What would they think of this "situation?" Blake got up to go see them. I refused to since they had harassed me all through high school. I had put that, and them, behind me. My attitude, however didn't keep me from overhearing their conversation.

"Hey Blake, what's up," one of them said.

"Hey, how's it goin,'" he replied, giving the guy a high-five.

Another guy motioned back to me, "What you doin' with that fag?"

"Hey, dude, that's not cool. Nick's all right." Blake punched his shoulder. The guy didn't say another word about me. Blake continued to talk to them. I was getting antsy. 'Was Blake gonna desert me?' I was scared, until Blake did something that showed me just how little credit I give him for being so smart. About five minutes before the start of the movie, he got out his cell phone. Pretending to dial a number, he put it up to his ear.

"Hey, are you still coming?" he asked the imaginary person on the phone, making time for the reply. It was hard to hear most of his conversation over the other guys.

"That sucks," Blake said, "we're in the back when you get here. OK honey, see you later." Blake closed his phone as the lights dimmed. He said bye to his buddies and came back up to sit down next to me.

"What the hell just happened," I whispered as the previews started.

"They think that we are on dates with our 'girlfriends', but they are gonna be a little late," he said.

"But they're not gonna show up, are they?" I asked, playing into the act. I was kinda angry that he used that for a cover, but I understood his reasons.

"Nope," he winked at me. I grabbed his hand, but he pulled away, nodding at the guys in front of us. 'This is going to be harder than I thought.'

After enduring two hours of mind-numbing gore, we waited as the credits started. The group of guys got up and started up the aisle. They quickly noticed that we were without girlfriends.

" girls showed up? You might still be able to get head from this fag, Blake," one of guys said. Blake walked to the end of the aisle and headed off the guys. He grabbed the guy that made the comment by the collar.

"I said, leave him the fuck alone!" Blake pushed him down, but he knew better than to fight back. He sulked out of the theater behind his friends.

He came back and put his arms around my waist, pulling me close in the empty theater.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah," and I smiled at him. We left the theater, got into his Jeep, and made our way to the restaurant.

For a new restaurant, the place was empty; maybe a dozen people were there for an early dinner. We were seated at a booth in the back. We ordered and had our meals, making small talk.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Blake asked as I took a bite of my lasagna. He waited patiently as I chewed and swallowed.

"Nothing," I said.

"Ya know my family is out of town for the State Softball Tournament. You could come over."

"OK, what about Beth?"

"I think she is doing something with Regina." Regina was Beth's good friend; she went to school here in town.

"Sounds good," I smiled at him.

We finished our meal and paid. We got into Blake's Jeep and I kissed him.

"Guess it's my turn this time," I said.

"I don't know, babe, are you up to it?"

"Actually, Blake, I think I need to ask you that question," I said playfully.

"Oh, I'm always up for that job." We drove home, excited for what was about to come.

----------------------------------------- THIRTEEN

We arrived at Blake's house. It was just after six o'clock. We went into his house and directly to the bedroom, wasting no time. He undressed me fully before letting me touch him. I undressed him quickly, not wanting to waste another minute. I stepped back from him, looking into his eyes. We stood there for a moment studying each other's naked bodies. I moved in, leaning up to kiss him roughly. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and we made out. He planted wet kisses on my neck, nibbling ever so slightly. 'Oh God that drives me wild!' We were close enough that our dicks touched. I began to gyrate my hips slowly, causing them to rub together. I felt our dicks harden simultaneously, pushing up to our stomachs.

"Go lay on the bed. I want to try something," Blake said. I almost ran to the bed and got in. I was lying on my back as Blake approached me. He got up on the bed on all fours and turned opposite to me. I saw his dick flop between his legs; it made my mouth water. He leaned over and took my hard cock in his mouth. I was in heaven! I squirmed over to him and got underneath him, aligning my mouth with his large, quivering member. I leaned up and tongued his cock head, which hovered above me. This made him push his hips down, giving me access to his hard rod. I took it in my mouth, massaging it with my tongue. He was bobbing his mouth up and down on my cock, sending waves of pleasure up my spine. I deepthroated him, and he groaned with ecstasy. We continued this way for a few minutes, sucking on each other's poles.

"Uuhh," Blake grunted as he took me by the waist and flipped me on all fours. He sat up and I quickly resumed my oral assault on his hard cock.

"Ohhhhh...God...Nick, I love it when you suck my cock!" Blake groaned as I swallowed all of his thick cock. I hummed my thanks, which caused him to quiver at this new pleasure.

"Mmmm...ohhhh! I wanna fuck you, Nick!!" He yelled. I was waiting for those words. I pulled off of him and got the bottle of lube from the dresser. I got on the bed and lubed his cock and my ass. He positioned me in front of him, putting me on all fours. He pushed his swollen dick between my ass and forced down on my pucker. I groaned in pain and in pleasure as his large mushroom head snaked its way past my sphincter.

"All the way! I want you to fill me up with your hot meat!" I yelled. This time I wanted him to do me good and rough, better than the time in the shower.

"Aww fuck yeah!!" Blake yelled as he drove his dick into my guts. He began thrusting hard and fast, making us both moan with gratification. I got up from my hands and rose up to him. He put his arms around me and played with my nipples. I ran my fingers through his hair and I turned my neck back. I pushed his head in and we shared a heated French kiss, long and deep. Blake slowed his pace, making love to me slowly. My eyes rolled back as he hit my hot spot.

Blake took his arms from my pecs and pushed me down on my hands again. He took his dick from my ass and pushed me down further, this time I was on my stomach. My cock rubbed against his sheets. He got down and pushed his dick between my ass cheeks. He pushed down and rammed his cock all the way in to the pubic hair. I gasped and grabbed the sheets. 'Shit!' He began thrusting again, just as hard as before.

"Oh...ahhh," I was speechless. I had never been pleasured so much; I had lost all coherent thought. Blake pushed his cock all the way in and removed it, but quickly forced it all the way down my ass again. 'God that drives me CRAZY!' I thought. We fucked for what seemed like hours.

Blake pulled out again, my anal muscles reacting, and grabbed my leg. He forced me to turn on my side. Blake put my leg on his shoulder and pushed his throbbing cock inside of me with abandon. I moaned and bent my other leg to let him plow me deeper.

"Oh fuck...oh're so fucking hot!" Blake cried. He pumped my ass hard, with no signs of letting up or reaching climax.

"AHHHHHHHH!!" There was a scream from the doorway. I looked up to the door and saw Beth, with a look of horror in her eyes. Blake ripped his dick out of me, looking at his fiance in terror.

"Beth!?" Blake stammered.

"Wha--what's going on..." Beth asked, shocked. I laid there, unable to move or speak. 'Out of sight, out of mind,' I thought stupidly.

" are you doing here," Blake asked her. She took a couple of steps forward into Blake's room.

"Well, I came to see you, you bastard--"

"Beth," he pleaded softly, interrupting her.

"--and I find you here FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" Beth yelled.

"Beth, please calm down, it's not what it looks like," Blake pleaded, trying desperately to clam his frantic fiance.


Beth ran from the room. Blake and I raced to get our clothes back on; we knew wherever she was going, it could not be good. As I pulled my shirt over my head, Beth appeared in Blake's doorway, holding a loaded revolver. She pointed it at me, and I looked at her in horror as she pulled the trigger. I felt a searing pain as the room faded to black.

----------------------------------------- FOURTEEN

Darkness. I opened my eyes; a soft glow came from above me. Gray. Sleep...

" a murder-suicide..." I heard voices near me, "...shot in the stomach..." I started to wake up. I opened my eyes and looked around. 'Hospital.' I saw my mom and my aunt in the corner, talking quietly.

"Uhhh..." I moaned quietly, my throat dry. Mom rushed over, her eyes filling with tears. My aunt rushed out of the room.

"Oh, my boy, my boy," she caressed my cheek, kissing me softly, "I thought we'd lost you."

"What happened," I whispered.

"Oh, honey, don't worry about that now," she said. The tears ran down her face.

"You said something about a suicide," I struggled again to speak. My mom looked away, trying to muster the courage to tell me what really happened.

"Yes, honey, that's true," she said.

"Beth?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes, "where's Blake?"

"No, son, they found Blake with the gun in his hand. He died. The police said that Blake killed Beth, and then he killed himself."

"Oh God..." tears streamed down my face, "what have I done?"

"Nothing, baby, you've done nothing wrong."

"Mom, what happened to me?"

"Beth shot you in the stomach; you've been in a coma for two weeks."

"So where are Blake and Beth?"

"They had memorial services a few days ago, I'm sorry, you missed it," she said.

"I think I need to be alone for a while," I said. My mom nodded and left. I cried tears of pain and loss, my sobs inflamed my dry throat. I was exhausted and wanted to die. I settled for sleep.

----------------------------------------- EPILOGUE

The weeks passed and my wounds healed, except the ones in my heart. You never know how much you miss someone until they're gone.

It was raining; I walked slowly, nervously to the patch of fresh sod covering the soil. There was a small headstone and I read his name. Tears flowed from my eyes. I sobbed loudly, falling to my knees.

"I'm sorry, Blake, I'm sorry," I whispered, choking on my tears.

"It wasn't supposed to be this way. I promised," I paused and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry. I love you, always."

I walked away from his grave. I never went back, but I never forgot Blake, my one true love.

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