And I Swear

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Jul 8, 2001


Disclaimer: Here I am again, sitting in front of another black Word document, waiting for inspiration to come along. Little pictures of Backstreet Boys dancing in my head. But yet, I don't know them, and I don't own them. And I don't know anyone they know. This is all fiction of course. if you want to contact me if you want more stories or pictures of the characters or just about anything my little mind can come up with.

Chapter 1

James looked into the mirror. In the reflection, a man, 23, stood in a pair of Wrangler jeans and a plaid shirt. Nothing out of the ordinary. James walked backward and sat onto the bed. He reached for the TV remote and turned on the TV, leaning back on the bed. Flipping through the channels he came across CBS News.

"AJ Mclean, 23, the rebel member of the Backstreet Boys was found dead this morning in his hotel sweet, just outside of Los Angeles. Reports claim that Mr. McLean was unhappy with his status in the pop sensation the Backstreet Boys and wanted out. His friends say that Mr. McLean had been in the dumps lately and was on the verge of depression. AJ McLean was found by Kevin Richardson, 29, oldest member of the Backstreet Boys when AJ didn't respond to any phone calls made by Early Morning Wakeup. AJ cut his wrists and took two bottles of sleeping pills, knocking him unconscious almost immediately. Mr. McLean's funeral will be held in Orlando, Florida next Wednesday at 10 am. Stay tuned for more info." The reporter said, as she looked over her shoulder to the hotel where the suicide had taken place.

James sighed. It was for the best, he knew it was. After taking off his rings he reached for a bottle of nail polish remover that was also on the night stand. He opened the bottle and began to remove any evidence that there once was black finger nail polish on his fingers. After doing so he reached up and took the earrings out of his ears and lip. He was in for a big change. The biggest thing that could ever change his life.

Standing up, he picked the black tote bag up and walked to the door. Walking toward the elevator he heard teenage girls running toward him.

"Oh my God! Steph! Did you hear the news? AJ McLean killed himself." He heard one of the girls say as she ran passed him. He sighed with relief; yes this was going to be different.

~At The Backstreet Boys' Hotel~

Nick fell back on the bed in Kevin's room. "Why would he do that? Why?! I mean, he had everything, why would he go as far as killing himself?" Nick said and sniffed.

"I don't know Nick, question is, what are we going to do now that AJ's gone?" Kevin asked and looked around the room. Brian was sitting quietly on the other bed, a tear running down his cheek. Howie was in a chair across from the beds looking into space.

"I don't think that was AJ," Howie said softly and turned to Kevin.

"Yeah, it was, same tattoos and piercing." Kevin said and looked at Howie oddly.

"He didn't have a 69 tattoo on his stomach." Howie said quietly.

Kevin thought about it. "No there's no way AJ would kill someone and put them in his place so he could leave. It's impossible." Kevin exclaimed and stood up.

"I don't know, something doesn't seem right." Howie said.

"Look, Howie, we know you were closer to Age than any of us, but that doesn't mean anything now, he's gone, and no matter how hard you try and bring him back, he's not going to." Nick said, still staring at the ceiling.

"I went through his bag," Howie said and dug something out of his back pocket. "There's a note for each of us." Howie said and passed the notes around, letting everyone grab their own notes.

Each opened up the notes and read them silently. At the bottom of each was a beeper code--9301--which meant `I'll call you later'.

Kevin looked up from his note and saw the others looking around the room.

"Why would he put `I'll call you later' if he wasn't alive Kevin?" Howie asked as he got up out of his chair and went to his own room.

~In Another Hotel~

James walked up to the desk clerk and gave him his key card, meaning he was checking out. Then he walked out, got into his rental car and drove to the airport.

At the airport, James walked to his terminal and waited to catch his flight. Opening his wallet, he checked his ID, to make sure it was a good match with his real one. When his flight was called he got up and walked to the entrance of the plane.

"Have a nice flight Mr. Scout." The flight attendant said and moved on to the next person in line to get on the plane.

James smiled and walked down the walkway to the plane, after sitting in his seat he picked up his book of poetry and started reading.

Before he knew it the captain was announcing their arrival into Dallas. He closed his book and put it in his tote under the seat in front of him. Once the plane had landed, he quickly walked off and headed toward the bus. Next to him stood a freak. On the other side, an old lady who looked like she was in the wrong place. The bus came and he got on, then got off a couple of stops later, walking toward a car dealership. He started looking around when the owner came up and asked him if he needed any help.

"Yes," James said. "I'd like to buy this car."

"This one sir?" The owner asked, unbelieving.

"Yes, this one." James said, pointing to the black pick-up truck.

"I think the cost is out of your league sir." The owner said, "Maybe this one would be better," he said pointing to the used brown pick-up.

"Nope," James said. "This one will do." James handed the owner the credit card and followed him to the registration area.

After owning the car, James pulled out a map and looked for the smallest town he could find. He came across the town of Death's Stop. An odd name for a town, he had to admit, but it was probably just what he was looking for.

James began driving south, toward the border, while listening to a popular country music station, trying to fit in with his new surroundings.

~ In Orlando Florida ~

"Yes, that's right, I don't think he's dead. And I want you to find him." Howie said to Tom Robinson, the Private Investigator he'd hired to find AJ.

"I'll find him. I'm sure of it." Tom said and left the room quietly.

"I don't care how long it takes," Howie said to himself quietly. "I know AJ's alive, and I'm gonna find him, I swear I will."

~ In Death's Stop Texas ~

James parked his truck and walked into the bar across the street. The town had to have a population of 200 at the most and was exactly what he was working for. Pushing open the door to the bar, named Road's End, he picked up the "Help Wanted" sign in the window and held it on his chest, looking for the manager.

"What do you want stranger?" The owner asked, looking over James while cleaning a bar glass.

"I saw the sign, and I'm in need for a job, so I was wondering what the job was for." James said.

"You don't even know what the job is about." The owner said, looking at James suspiciously.

"Considering the job offer, I'm guessing it's waiting tables." James said and smiled his `fame' smile.

The owner, a middle aged man, looked James over and smirked. He threw an apron to James. "Hours are 5 p.m. to 2 am. We'll see how long you last."

James smiled and put on the apron. He was now, officially, a changed man.

Comments, death threats, wishes for the story, tomatoes to:

More stories by me, pictures of the characters and bios of the characters at

Till Next Time...

This DOES NOT deal with the killing/suicide of AJ MCLEAN! LET'S GET THAT STRAIGHT NOW! Any Backstreet Boys fan knows that AJ's real name is Alexander James ~underlines James 5 times for Nifty~ McLean. Yes, it says he killed himself but, he staged it, boo, I told you the truth, kill me now. But I have to have something to think about before I go to sleep so, this is real to me, just another world I can get lost in till it comes to an end.

Next: Chapter 2

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