And Billy Kissed Back

By D One

Published on Mar 27, 2013



When they held each other, there was something Billy felt, he couldn't explain. Their bodies pressed together as they rolled around and off the bed onto the floor with a loud thunk.

They paused expecting a voice screaming.

But this wasn't the first time, so nobody interrupted. They laughed and pushed each other with their hips, intertwining their legs and rolling over and over again, bumping into furniture and discarded underwear.

"Shit" Kevin said pulling back and standing but immediately moved into a wrestler stance. His chest heaved as he recovered. He stooped more thrusting his round firm buttocks outward. The smile was both inviting and menacing.

Billy rose up and grabbed him around the waist pressing his cheek against the obviously enlarged crotch. He felt the maleness with his facial skin.

They staggered around the room, avoiding the computer and flat screen TV less their more inactive moments be bored.

Each gasped and cursed, they were not finished. Their young bodies could repeat and continue. For that they would be grateful in years to come. For now it was natural and Kevin held Billy's head still pressed against his lower extremity.

The sun still shown through between the curtains. The air flowed through the open window. They needed the fresh air to infigorate their young lungs. They could feel each other's body heat, the blood pulsing through their veins and their tensed muscles. It spurred them on to seek more of the sensations that neither spoke of but needed and wanted.

The bed welcomed their bodies again as they fell, intent on grasping and releasing, holding and pushing back, finding new places for hands and arms like hungry animals that had not consumed the other totally.

The ripping sound excited them as their fingers grabbed remaining cloth. They didn't stop but instead found new satisfaction returning each other's damage until the cloth disappeared or dangled from their bare limbs.

Now bare skin pressed and rubbed against each other. Billy felt Kevin's skin through his erected nipples. Kevin moved his body so the skin slid using whatever perspiration their actions had created.

An arm under the other's armpit slid pulling against the hair there. Hands groped where they had not before. An arm pressed through upper thighs feeling the glands that hung there. Nothing was out of bounds now, they both knew and allowed.

More ripping caused laughter as bare skin now intertwined with long leg bare skin. Hands grabbed and yanked until each revealed here-to-fore privacy to be shared. Their excitement was evident but not surprising.

Each had felt it before. Seeing it now, added more enticement to rub, grab, giggle and grope. Fingers surrounded fleshy encased glands causing Billy to pause.

They looked and smiled, winked and laughed. Billy reached and returned the grasp until a stalemate cause silence.

Each wondered what to do, what to expect and what they wanted to happened. Billy squeezed as did Kevin, each watching the other's face for any indication of pain or pleasure.

The stalemate continued though their grasping hands seemed to pull their semi clad bodies closer until their body heat was exchanged, their deep breathing released on the other and their minds decided.

"Shit" Billy said again, this time as a low hiss, a question more then a curse.

They didn't release as their experimented the touch of other body areas, invading through each other's open teeth, their tongues wrestling in the warm cavern of first one then the other's mouth.

Billy felt Kevin's hand on his glands as he held Kevin's too. He also felt the long tubular erection pressed against his bare belly. His hand moved as Kevin's imitated until their hands now grasped and slid on the other.

Their overheated skin breathed against the other. Their lips moved as their hands did, each one seeking whatever would happen next, though they didn't know what to expect. Their legs moved around and over each other, like grasshoppers rubbing legs to create sounds that alerted others like themselves.

Billy curled his leg until the side of his foot felt the fleshy mound of Kevin's buttocks. He wished Kevin to do the same and waited though his mind was intent on the sliding hand on his own erection pressed between their sweat lubricated bellies now.

He returned the sliding once reserved for his own repeated erections, a rehearsal for what he was now intent on doing.

"God" Kevin muttered his words and air flowing into Billy's mouth. He nodded and adjusted so his skin felt Kevin's skin.

They rolled for no reason, their hands continuing what they needed without deciding it. Their bodies fell to the floor again making a loud thump. Neither paused not caring if some loud voice would interrupt. They couldn't stop, they didn't want to.

Their hips moved thrusting into the other's hand repeatedly, more and more, faster and harder threatening to push the other away, Then moisture hit their chins, messed up their bodies, flowed onto their hands.

Billy and Kevin didn't move away, not wanting to end what their bodies had needed, not wanting to recover and return to how they were before.

They didn't speak but listened to each other's breath slowing now signaling what they didn't want.

"You ok?" Kevin asked in a whisper.

Billy nodded moving his hand and wiping it on his wet chest and then thigh. Kevin laughed at the mess as he did the same.

"Didn't know that would happen" Billy admitted.

"Yea" Kevin said moving backwards. It was the first he saw of Billy's nearly naked form now, his own revealed as well.

"Who won?" he asked

Billy laughed "both of us" he said not seeking a response, just stating a fact.

"Yea" Kevin stood as he looked for discarded clothing.

"You can get a shirt from the drawer" Billy said as he removed the remnants of his underwear. "Better get cleaned up first, come on"

Kevin didn't refused Billy using a wet washcloth to wipe him. The warm water felt good and Billy's attentions were still wanted. He reached and returned the favor watching Billy's smile which earlier had been pressed against his.

"God we were uh..." he said

"Horny" Billy said

"We shouldn't..." Kevin said

"Why not? We're young, horny guys" Billy said "and best friends aren't we?" he asked

Kevin had stood now. His nakedness was open, present and radient. He smiled and bent forward to kiss Billy on the lips again, his answer.

And Billy kissed back.

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