Anal Injection in Holby

By Anon Bucket

Published on Jul 31, 2022


Anal injections in Holby part 3

This is a fictional story that involves consensual sex between people over the age of 18 and does not imply the sexuality of the characters or those who play them.

Please donate anything possible to the Nifty Archive

So, you all wanted another chapter, safe to say this is a story that I will be updating every few weeks/months. Enjoy

This story is set in Holby ED, and I know one of the people in the story died in 2016 but lets just pretend they didn't ok.

Every night as Adrian Fletcher led in bed after a hard day his thoughts always wondered to the past. How his life had changed since first coming to Holby and then transferring departments. There were certain situations that came to his mind more than others. These thoughts were always about the doctors of the ED or more specifically their cocks and those who had fucked him senseless. You see He may like pussy and tits however he also craved the feeling of a large cock penetrating his tight hairy asshole, there had been many doctors and nurses who had railed him senseless in the ED. From Lenny Lyons screwing him hard in an unused room not long after he first arrived at more recently Josh Hudson ramming him in an unused ambulance. He had even sucked off Caleb Knight once, but a blowie was all that happened from him. Then his mind wondered to one of his strangest meetings with a doctor he never would have even dreamed would be balls deep inside him, a Doctor who seemed to innocent to agree to even fuck him yet alone dump a load inside him. His hand went down to his 7-inch solid cock, and he began to rub it slowly whilst thinking about this encounter, "Fuck that was a hot meet" he smirked picturing the encounter from the start

Que flashback

It was 2018 and Fletch had been the Director of Nursing for a couple of months, and boy was it stressful. The endless paperwork and meetings took a while to get used too. He was used to being stuck in the frontline and now he was stuck in the office it was so boring. To feel like a sense of normality Fletch sometimes opted to do some agency work on the wards. It just so happened that today he had to help on Keller ward. This was one of his favourite wards, not only because it had a variety of different surgeries, but it had been home to some of the finest looking doctors he had ever seen. From Antoine Malik to the very handsome Dominic Copeland. There was always a doctor on shift for him to have a little bit of fun with during their break. Today was an especially busy day, there were few nurses to help, and the beds were all full, so it was all hands-on deck. After countless surgeries and resuscitations his 12-hour shift was over, and it was time for the doctors to get changed into their Human clothes. The doctors all got changed and left the room until it was just Fletch left. Fletch thought that underwear was optional under scrubs so on some days he wore no underwear and some days he wore Jockstraps as they kept his package in control whilst keeping his ass cool. Today he was wearing a very nice black jock with a red waistband that held his cheeks perfectly. He had worn the Jock hoping to get a long dicking from Malik, but he had called in sick today, so the Jock was wasted. As he slipped his scrub bottoms off the door opened and he heard, "Oh god sorry." He spun around and Trying to cover their eyes was none other than CT2 Arthur Digby looking very red faced as he walked in, "I saw nothing.....i saw nothing", he repeated as Fletch smirked, "Arthur....its ok we are all men in here don't tell me you never seen an arse before". Arthur blushed even more and wiped his brow, "Well I suppose so....Sorry Mr Fletcher." Fletch scowled, "Call me Fletch Just because I have this job now doesn't mean that the way you address me should change mate." Arthur nodded and opened his locker door Fletch couldn't help but look when Arthur took off his scrub top. His body although not the most toned was damn hot, he could only see his stomach but from the black fuzzy patch on his stomach he liked what he saw. He had never thought of Arthur in an "I want that cock" way before but now his mind was changing. His cock twitched as he thought. "Maybe it's time Arthur got to Dig in me." But how would he make this dream a reality.

The men continued to change in silence as Fletch made sure that Arthur saw his ass as much as possible, he walked over to the other side to put some rubbish in the bin, he crouched down to get his key that he had dropped, and he just stood there facing away from Arthur pretending to be on his phone. He wasn't sure but he was sure he saw Arthur grope his bulge. As Fletch pulled his top over his head Arthur chuckled and said from behind the locker, "It was quite the busy shift today wasn't it". Fletch hated small talk but he wanted this man's cock up him, so he decided to go with it. "Yeah it was....I'm trying to arrange for more agency nurses to come tomorrow so hopefully it will be easier." Arthur smiled that knowledgeable smile and replied, "It's much appreciated Fletch boy am I tired....I need a long bath and then bed" Fletch smirked and replied, "I need a shower and a big....ummm err never mind," Arthur raised a brow and looked over, "And a what?" Fletch had gone bright red, "And ummm.....errr........a....wank" he said that last word quickly. Arthur chuckled both in nervousness and laughter. "Well masturbation has been proven to help relieve stress" Fletch looked over from the locker and smiled, "Yeah it sure does.....nothing like a long wank at the end of the day.....a blowie is better, but a wank is just as good." Arthur then took him by surprise, "That's true's always better when done by someone else." Fletch wasn't sure what he had heard or if he had heard it correctly, the shy quiet Dr Digby had just told him he liked being wanked off. Well, he was still a red-blooded man, and he had his needs. Fletch realised he had been stood there not answering what Arthur had said. "Ummm yeah...always feels so much better when being wanked off.....I'm actually getting a little hard now" he chuckled being a little brave with his response. Arthur went red in the face again and replied, " should go and masturbate then with a job like yours it's inevitable that you have a lot of stress." Fletch was feeling brave now as he closed his locker door. Arthur was still shirtless and was about to remove his scrub bottoms. Fletch had to just go for it, otherwise the moment would pass. Arthur looked surprised, " haven't put any trousers on," he nervously said to his superior. Fletch smirked and walked over to the shirtless stud and whispered, "I know....i cant get dressed with a boner like this". He was now so close to the man he could smell his aftershave. Arthur was a little nervous now as Fletch reached out and took hold of Arthurs package giving it a big squeeze. "Mphhhh," Arthur moaned quickly bringing himself out of the grope and looking confused he stepped back and stuttered, "Ummm.....what are you doing.....i....ummm I'm straight." Fletch just smiled and scratched his face. "Arthur.....lets cut the crap...that bulge felt fucking solid and I'm looking to reward one of my best doctors you wouldn't refuse a nice hard wanking would you?" Arthur looked shocked, "I...errr.....ummmm I don't kno....." He was cut off by Fletch as Fletch reached out and squeezed his crotch once more making him groan again.... This was so wrong, but it felt so good, Arthur liked pussy but the hand on his cock was making him harder. Arthur looked at Fletch and stuttered as his brow began to sweat, "Just do it." He said smirking as Fletch licked his lips.

Fletch looked at the stud and asked him, "Are you sure?" Arthur nodded and pulled down his bottoms to show that he was serious about this. Fletch stood in awe of the young doctor. His chest was lightly furred getting darker between his pecs. His nipples were so pink, and his treasure trail spread out around his stomach as it led down under his burgundy boxer briefs. Fletch reached out and felt the warmth of the boy's bulge. He rubbed it up and down palming the shaft feeling it get harder and harder until a small wet patch appeared on the fabric, "Shall I let it loose?" Fletch grinned at the Doctor, "Yes please," Arthur said as quickly as he could. Fletch crouched down on his knees and pulled the underwear all the way to his ankles, Arthur let out a sigh as his goods were released. His cock sprung out and bobbed up and down a few times as Fletch stared at it in awe. "FUCK ME DR DIGBY....that's a very large cock," Arthur looked awkwardly at him again before responding, "Thank's always done the job well" Fletch instantly went rock solid at the sight of Arthur's 9-inch cock, and it was thick too. The cock was pale like Arthur and his foreskin still covered some of his head even though he was solid, his head looked to be pink and pre-cum was oozing from the piss slit, His dark brown pubes were lightly trimmed, and his balls were large and slightly hairy, His cock curved slightly upwards and had little veins running up and down the shaft. Fletch reached out and gripped the steel hard meat, he pulled the foreskin back under the head making Arthur groan as his full wet pink head was released. Fletch pressed a fingertip at the head the pre-cum like string connecting his finger as he pulled it away. He slowly rubbed his hand up and down the shaft making Arthur's balls swing back and forth as he grunted above. Arthur wasn't sure where to look but what he did know was this felt amazing, Fletch was so good at wanking his cock felt like it was being caressed by an angel. He slowly thrust his cock back and forth as Fletch's grip got tighter, and his thrusts became faster and faster. Pre-cum had made the shaft wet and it was now dripping down to his balls as his thrusts into the had became faster. His breathing intensified and his knob throbbed as Fletch looked up at him and asked him one question. "Want me to suck it?"

Arthur wasn't sure what he had heard, "ummmm what?" he asked as Fletch smirked as he kept wanking harder and harder. "Do you want me to suck your cock until you cum?" Arthur put his hand over his mouth. The silence lasted nearly 30 seconds and Fletch asked repeatedly, "Do you want me to suck you? you want me to suck you? you want me to suck you" he became louder and louder with each question and Arthur really wasn't sure, he had never done anything with a guy before and this was all so new for him. He thought he loved pussy but now he wasn't so sure this was all so much for him to comprehend....."ARTHUR DO YOU WANT ME TO SUCK YOUR COCK." Fletch shouted, "YES....OOOHHHH FUCK," Arthur shouted, before he realised what he had said Fletch shovelled the cock into his mouth and began to deepthroat it, "OHHHH MY GOSH," Arthur moaned as he looked down and saw half of his cock buried in the throat of his boss. Fletch began to gag, knowing that this'd increase the ego of the man above him. He continued his decent as Arthur's feet stepped on and off the floor. Fletch grabbed his hand and put it at the back of his head. Arthur was pretty sure he knew what Fletch wanted He pushed hard, a loud gurgling sound filling the room as Fletch's throat was stretched wide as it slid down his windpipe. Before he knew it he felt the older man's nose pressed up against his pubes. He leaned over not in dominance but because his feet felt like jelly. His leaning over pressed the cock harder into Fletch's throat. Arthur stood up and Fletch pulled back his cock now wet with saliva. Fletch began to suck hungrily at the wet shaft feeling the cock pulse and jump in his mouth. This was a fucking delicious cock and Fletch planned to make the boy cum hard. Fletch pulled the cock from his mouth and began to lick around the dripping head fasting the flavour of the lad's pre-cum, he licked around the head before flicking his head at the piss slit making Arthur moan and begin to pinch his nipple. Arthur couldn't believe what was happening, he was planning to go home and doing a sudoku puzzle not having his cock sucked by his boss, but this was so much better than puzzles.

He looked down as Fletch flicked at his piss slit sending vibrations up and down his cock as he put his arm out onto the locker to support him. Fletch was loving this, however he was thinking that he was going to have to do all the work, so he was so shocked when he felt a hand on his head, He looked up and saw Arthur smiling at him, but this smile wasn't a normal smile, it had a devilish grin to it. Ethan put both his hands around the older man's head and muttered, "swallow my cock Mr Fletcher", Arthur moaned as he pushed hard firing his cock all the way into Fletch's throat his balls slapping against the older man's chin. Fletch immediately began to gag and wretch at around the 7-inch mark, "Ughhhhh yes just suck me", Arthur moaned throwing his head back as Saliva began to come out of Fletch's mouth and his eyes began to water. Fletch was shocked, he didn't think this geeky doctor had it in him to be dominant, well he was wrong as Arthur began to fuck his cock in and out of his mouth firing it down his throat with force. His lips pursed and his jaw clenched as he properly throat fucked the older man. Arthur's cock wasted so good, sort of sweet with a little sweat well he had been working all day but Fletch really didn't care right now as he was being brutally throat fucked. His coughs and gags filled the room as Arthur pulled him back and forth by his hair. Fletch managed to reach down and pull his own cock out of the jock strap and began to furiously wank it to Arthur's thrusts. Arthur shoved in hard holding him in place as retching sounds filled the room. the sounds just made Arthur push harder. He screwed his face up and threw his head back thrusting his hips as hard as he could go before realising what he was doing and muttering, "OH MY FUCK." He suddenly let go sending Fletch flying back on to the floor coughing, Fletch couldn't believe the doctor had just swore, he didn't think he had ever hear him swear before. Arthur struggled to comprehend what to say. "Mr Fletcher....I.....I'm so sorry......I don't know what came over me." Fletch wiped the saliva off his face and through bated breath replied, "Dr Digby.....fuck me......where did that dominance come from." Arthur shrugged his shoulders, "I....i don't know it's never happened before I'm sorry I better go," as he went to put his underwear on Fletch grabbed him by the cock making him yelp, "Don't apologise for was good Dr Digby.....Now shall I suck those big hairy balls?" Digby smirked, "Yes please....I'd like that" and lifted his cock.

Fletch buried his face in the massive balls inhaling the scent of the man's balls as Arthur wanked above him. He took the left bollock into his mouth and sucked it voraciously making Arthur grunt above him and mutter, "Oh my god." He lapped and sucked at the balls before popping the second one into his mouth. Arthur really had massive bollocks, so it was a struggle to fit them both into his mouth, but he did it. He swirled them around in his mouth tasting the flavour as Arthur pushed his have into them harder and harder. Fletch became brave and reached around and began to rub the doctors ass crack feeling the hairs that lined it brush his fingers, Arthur's eyes went wide as he wondered what the man was doing. He had never had anything in his bum before. Sure, he had read about the pleasure of Anal stimulation in a medical report, but it wasn't something that had ever come into his head before. He tried to carry on focusing on the ball job he was being given. It did feel damn good, it felt like his balls were in a washing machine and it sent shivers up and down his legs. Fletch spat his balls out and lapped the saliva off them as Arthur looked down, "That felt pretty damn good" Fletch stood up and surprised the doctor by kissing him hard on the lips, Arthur's eyes shot open but quickly he melted into the kiss as their tongues collided and slurping sounds filled the room as Fletch's tongue entered the boys mouth and began lapping and sucking, saliva was being swapped between them as Arthur put his hand behind Fletch's and intensified the kiss, Fletch pulled away sucking on the other man's tongue before hissing him one last time and pulling away. A string of saliva connecting them as Fletch leaned in and whispered, "Want to feel a pleasure like no other Dr Digby?" Arthur had an inkling of what he wanted to do, "You want to finger my bum don't you....well I've never had anything in there bef...." He was cut off by the chuckling, "Dr Digby I'm not going to finger you if you don't want me too....i want to rim that fat arse of yours." Arthur was shocked, he had never thought about having his hole tongue fucked but the thought of it intrigued him. "Well, I suppose that a little anal manipulation with your tongue would be ok," he smirked pushing his glasses up his nose.

Fletch grabbed Arthur by the cock, a low grunt emitting from the man as he was walked over to the bench. "Bend over if you would Dr Digby," Arthur let out a breath and bent over resting his hands on the bench. Fletch knelt and the man's arse was directly in front of him. He spread the fat cheeks and marvelled at the doctors arse. The cheeks were smooth with fine brown hairs dusting them. The crack however became hairier as it got closer to his tight pink hole that Fletch could tell was virgin. "This isn't going to hurt is it?" Arthur asked turning his head, "Mate this is gonna feel 10x better than that blowie I just gave you" Fletch replied as Arthur nodded and turned his head around. Fletch pulled the cheeks apart watching the hole stretch, "Oh yes" Arthur moaned as Fletch leaned in and opened his mouth his tongue taking a long swipe up the hole, "Ughhhhh FUCK, Arthur moaned as Fletch repeated this motion over and over tasting the clean flavour of his hole Fletch lapped at the hole slowly as Arthur squirmed, the feeling was new to him, and it felt damn good. "Oh, that feels pretty nice" Arthur smirked as Fletch smirked, "And it's about to get much better" he chuckled and sunk his tongue hard into Arthur's tight hole, immediately Dr Digby raised his head and moaned, "OHHHHH.....OHHHH WOW". Fletch pushed hard with force opening the hole slightly making him scream into his hand, "UGHHH YES", Even though he had never had his ass eaten before an instinct came over him and he moved his hips grinding his ass back and forth, up, and down Fletch's face covered in his ass juices. Arthur shook his cheeks up and down clapping them on Fletch's face as the man pulled out wiping his face and exclaimed, "Fuck that's a good arsehole." Arthur through bated breath replied, "Then get back in there" he reached back and pushed the doctor between his cheeks grunting as Fletch began to motorboat his hole sending shivers up and down his cock. Fletch reached out and began to wank the stud to the rhythm of his tongue thrusts. He lapped harder and harder coating the hole in his saliva as Arthur grunted and groaned his eyes rolling back when Fletch pushed in hard and his cock shooting pre-cum all over the bench

Arthur rubbed his hairy ass all over his face back and forth up and down as his ass juices covered the senior Nurse. Suddenly Fletch pulled out and wiped his face, as he regained his breath he muttered, " fucking good." Fletch walked over to the bench and led down, "Sit on my face Dr Digby," he chuckled as Arthur pulled his cock a couple of times and straddled him before everything went black as he was smothered by the fat juicy hole. Arthur began to bounce on his tongue, he held his tongue out letting it briefly penetrate the virgin hole before it was pulsed out. This position let Arthur grind his hole harder on Fletch's face. "UGHHHHH SHHHHITTTTT" he moaned throwing his head into the air as jolts shot through him once more. He wanked harder and harder bouncing faster and faster until he slammed his ass down baring a lot of his weight on the elder man's face and screaming into his hands. His cock wetter than ever before as he held Fletch on his ass, the man beginning to be suffocated by the juicy pink hole. He slapped Arthur's ass a few times as he grunted, "Just....a....bit....longer," he groaned loud after 30 seconds and stood upon wobbly legs as Fletch coughed and spluttered. Arthur held out a hand. "Well, it turns out the report was correct....Anal manipulation is pretty good." Fletch smirked as he stood, "Yeah mate and that arse is something else so tasty" Arthur blushed, "Sooooooo what do we do next then because I really need to ejaculate could masturbate me or give me oral again" Fletch smirked an evil smile. "I have something else planned Dr Digby." Arthur looked intrigued, "Oh yes and what might that be Mr Fletcher." Fletch just smirked walked over to the bench raising his legs into the air. He pointed to his asshole and said just 3 words, "Insert Cock here". Arthur was shocked, he had never fucked an ass before....hell he had only fucked 4 people in his life and now someone was begging for him to slam a load up them. "I...errr...ummm.....I've actually never done Anal penetration before and ummm......" He was cut off by Fletch, "And before today you had never had yer arsehole eaten and you got used to that didn't you." Arthur nodded before sighing, "But we don't have any protection or lubricant." Fletch chuckled, "Well then we don't use protection....fuck me bareback Dr Digby I'm 100% clean and as for lube we work in a hospital I'll run and get some". Arthur was still unsure about this until Fletch whispered, "Its 10x as tighter and I'll let you cum inside me". Arthur grinned, "Ok then I suppose it will be fun." Fletch put on a pair of scrubs and ran out of the room leaving Arthur stood there with a massive erection.

It felt like Fletch had been gone an age and Arthur was getting a little bored of waiting, his cock remained hard and drooled onto the metal changing bench. Finally, the door opened and in came the older man carrying a large bottle of lube, "Nicked it from the OBGYN room" Arthur smirked, "Ok then what do we do first?" Fletch locked the door behind him, "We never locked it before...someone could have walked in on you literally sitting on my face." Arthur gasped as he was led over to the benches once more. Fletch opened the bottle and wanked the lube onto the stud doctor's thick cock. He then led back on the bench with his legs in the air rubbing some lube into his hairy hole. "'s just like a pussy but much you need to push like hard harder than with a pussy, ill push out to help it slide in once you slide in let me get used to it because that cock Is a whopper and when I say you can fuck me as hard as you like....make me bounce off the bench." Arthur smirked and walked over, he braced his legs and rubbed his cock at the hairy hole watching his pre-cum glisten on the arse hairs. He rubbed it up and down the crack harder and harder making Fletch purr, He lined his cock up and pushed......"Oh NO" He groaned as his cock down the crack, "Its ok Dr Digby they don't usually go in first time...push harder." Arthur repeated this a couple of times and his cock slipped and Fletch was getting impatient, "Sorry Fletch I'm trying it just won't go in I'm really trying...." Fletch cut him off, "JUST SHUT UP DIGBY AND FUCK ME.....FUCK ME......FUCK ME NOW" He ordered as Arthur grabbed his cock and rammed it against the hole harder than ever before, he was angry that it wasn't going in and panicking as Fletch was getting mad. His cock shot inside the hole breaking it wide open as he grunted, "Oh shhhhitttttt" and fell on Fletch who's eyes shot wide open as 7 inches was shot inside in one motion. Now he was used to cock in his hole but not one this thick. Arthur had the thickest cock he had ever taken, and it hurt....tears filled his eyes as he screamed into his hand loudly. His hole spasmed around the intruder making it ever so tight, this was unlike any other experience he had ever had before, the ass gripped his cock so tightly and he was struggling not to scream out in pleasure. "Should....i don't know....should I pull out," Fletch even though he was in immense pain shook his head, "No...don't you fucking dare....let me get used to it.....feels good don't it." Arthur grinned, "It's so fucking tight....i can't believe I'm inside you Fletch" Fletch grinned from ear to ear, "Well get believing Digby coz your cock is inside my ass and its beginning to feel good so.....Arthur Digby.....FUCK ME."

Arthur grinned and began to pull back, groaning at the tight velvet sensation surrounding his cock as he pulled out so only 3 inches was left inside before slowly pushing back inside making Fletch moan in pleasure, he repeated this motion a few times letting his balls swing and hit Fletch's ass. This was beginning to feel good for Fletch. His ass did feel like it had a baseball bat up it, but it felt good, it felt so right and to be honest he couldn't believe that nerdy doctor Digby had a cock that size yet alone that he was fucking him in the shitter." He wrapped his legs around Arthurs body and pulled him in fast sending the whole cock inside him, "HMPPPPPHHHHH FUCK" Fletch moaned as a tear came to his eye and Arthur looked starstruck, "It's all girl has ever taken it all before." Fletch winked through the tear, "Well....I'm not a girl am i....." Arthur leaned in for a kiss and whispered, "No You're so much better" and with that he ground his hips round and round coating the senior nurse's hole with his pre-cum making Fletch grunt and moan. Arthur slowly pulled back, leaving just 3 inches was inside left inside and slamming in hard making his bollocks bounce and slap against the Nurse's ass making Fletch gasp for air and squeal once more and his cock spurt pre-cum all over his stomach. Something came over Arthur and a dominance washed over him as he held himself in there grinding his hips back and forth making his cock circle inside the tight arse. "Fuck...this is sooo good," Arthur smirked slapping the cheeks, Arthur winked and slid the cock out so only the head was in before driving it back into the hole, a loud slapping sounds filling the air as his cum filled balls slapped against Fletch making him moan loudly, "I need to fuck you hard if that is ok?." Arthur asked looking nervous as Fletch smirked and winked at Iain before whispering, "I only like it rough." Arthur slammed into him hard over and over slap after slap of his balls were all that could be heard he was thrusting in so hard at one-point Fletch's eyes shot open and Arthur fucked faster, Fletch was shocked at how good Arthur was at fucking his hole, the face he was so good even surprised Arthur himself as he usually had quite vanilla sex. He was grunting and groaning repeatedly his chest hair matted to his chest by sweat. His wobbly ass cheeks bouncing with each thrust. Fletch pulled the doctor on top of him and kissed him passionately their sweaty bodies sticking together as Arthur began to thrust as rapid speed making Fletch sigh loudly into his mouth as they kissed. Their grunts and groans filled the room until Fletch pulled away and muttered, "Pull out....pull out" Arthur did as told and looked puzzled, "Did I do something wrong?" Fletch smiled, "Is my ass gaping open?" Arthur looked down and his mouth fell open, "Did my cock do that....that is gaping Dr Fletcher?" Fletch stood on wobbly legs, "If its gaping then you did nothing wrong.....i just thought that we would make this a bit naughtier and end this with a bang by letting you fuck me somewhere a little dangerous"

Arthur looked nervous, "I don't know Fletch what if someone catches us" he stuttered looking sheepish. Fletch walked over, "Yeah and that's half the thrill of it....come on Dr I said earlier I'll let you explode deep inside me." This statement made Arthur grin and his cock ooze, well he was still a man after all, and all men love to cum. He nodded, "Only if we don't get caught." He muttered as he and fletch threw on a pair of scrubs. The men checked the corridor and ran down it before getting into the lift. As soon as the door shut they began to make out furiously kissing passionately. As they kissed Fletch turned around, "Stick it in me quickly" he muttered as a smile spread across Arthur's face, "You are filthy" he grunted pulling out his boner and pulling down the other man's scrubs, he put his hand over Fletch's mouth as he slid inside moaning at the tightness once more as it gripped his sensitive head. Fletch moaned and slapping sounds quickly filled the lift, the men grunted and groaned as Fletch was stretched open once more Arthur cramming his whole cock back inside once more and pulling Fletch back hard almost lifting him up off the floor. Fletch stood up straight with the cock still inside him making it 10x times tighter, each thrust felt like his cock was being squeezed tighter and tighter as he fucked harder and harder faster and faster until......the alarm went off telling them they were at the floor, "SHIT" Arthur moaned as he slid out of the hunk and stuffed his cock back in the scrubs. As the door opened in walked Dr Griffin, "Dr Digby, Nurse Fletcher shouldn't you both be at home?" He questioned, as the men fumbled for an answer, "Ummm yes Dr Griffin me and Dr Digby are going through the nurses list for tomorrow" Fletch lied as Ric got into the lift and the doors closed, "That was naughty" Arthur sighed looking nervous. Fletch groped his cock and pulled him into a door. "this is the coma ward...I know the doctor on shift, and he won't disturb us....let's fuck in a room." The men went into a room where several patients led in their beds, unconscious. The men kissed before Fletch pulled the cubicle dividers around the empty bed and got naked, "Bit naughty isn't it." Arthur stuttered as fletch grinned, "Yeah that's the point" he replied making Arthur's mouth widen as he slid the doctor's scrubs down and led on the bed, Arthur shrugged his shoulders, "Meh oh well" he chuckled as he led behind Fletch on his side and gripped his cock before sliding it once more inside the nurse.

Fletch moaned, "Ohhh that's it right there" he moaned as Arthur began to fuck him straight away, his balls smashing against the man's ass echoing around the room. Arthur grunted and groaned in Fletch's ear as his hole was slammed mercilessly. The dominance of the young doctor taking Fletch by surprise as he wrapped his arm around Fletch's waist and mashed his hole. Dominance swept over Arthur as he slammed into Fletch with force pulling his arse back onto his cock firing it all the way inside before pulling almost all the way out and slamming in again their bodies slapping as his ass hit Arthur's pubes Fletch's cock jumping up and down pre-cum hitting his stomach as he began grind the cock round and round inside him coating him in his juices. The slamming continued for a few minutes before Fletch felt his balls tighten, "Fuck....I'm gonna cum....your gonna make me cum hands free." Arthur's cock twitched at the thought of making Fletch cum hands free, he really was THE MAN. He grinned and continued to slam him harder and harder biting Fletch's ear as his hole spasmed hard. Fletch grunted and groaned as his 7-inch cock throbbed he felt the cum travelling up from his balls and with one hard brutal thrust both men screamed as Fletch began to shoot, his cock jumping and both men sighing in pleasure as his cock began to erupt, shot after shot of wet salty cum fired out shooting up his body and on the sheets. As Fletch came his arse clamped around Arthur's cock going vice like making the thrust orgasm inducing. Arthur screamed as his balls tightened, "IM CUMMING......IM GOING TO....FUCKING....CUMMMMMM" He screamed as he slammed in hard moaning into Fletch's neck as his cock erupted inside the hole, load after load of his thick white cum coating Fletch's insides as his legs shook and his toes curled, his eyes were closed, and his mouth open wide as 9 shots of thick cum shot out. Fletch pulled him in for a kiss as they screamed into each other's mouths. Finally, after 30 seconds they sighed loudly and collapsed back on to the bed breathing heavily.

It took a few minutes before someone spoke, Fletch was the first one to speak, "Fuck....Dr Digby....that was one of the best fucks EVER." Arthur moaned as his cock slid from the hole and his seed began to drip out, "I agree Fletch....that was a most enjoyable experience....and that ass is so tight" he smirked slapping the ass as Fletch rested his head on Arthur's hairy chest. After a few minutes they stood up, "Right we better get dressed," Fletch suggested so they put their clothes on and walked back to the lift, Fletch limped a bit as he walked, "You ok Mr Fletcher?" Arthur asked as Fletch put his hand on his shoulder, "Mate the thickness of that cock is new for hole is a little sore." Arthur smirked as they got back into the lift. As the door closed Fletch noticed that Arthur wasn't soft, he turned and quickly asked him. "Speed sucking....I'll try to make you cum before the door opens yes?" Arthur grinned, "YES," He shouted as Fletch got on his knees and pulled his scrubs down his near rock-solid cock flopping out. He smiled and inhaled the whole cock in one go tasting the cum of the doctor and his own arse. "Ohhhhh yes....suck it" Arthur moaned putting his hand behind Fletch's head and fucking it back and forth into his throat bouncing he man up and down on his cock, Fletch sucked with gusto practically sucking the cum from the man's balls as Arthur throat fucked him, the wet sensations on his cock head taking over and for the second time tonight his balls tightened and he moaned, "Oh HERE IT COMES" his cock spasmed and he pulled out and wanked his cock as Fletch opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, it didn't take long before he screamed into his hand as his cock spat out more and more cum, 7 loads fired from his cock and on to Fletch's tongue, he shook as his orgasm began to subside and he fell back onto the lift wall as Fletch swallowed all of his salty goodness. Fletch leaned in and kissed the man, Arthur could taste his own cum and it tasted damn good, Fletch pulled away and muttered, "So Dr Digby....both of my holes are full of your babies....will I get a repeat of this someday." Arthur smirked, "I'm sure we can arrange that....i had fun tonight" Fletch kissed him once more and the doors opened. Fletch pulled away and wiped his face as they legged it back to the changing room. the men changed in silence until Arthur was about to leave when Fletch said, "Oi Digby.......nice cock," Arthur winked and walked out of the door. Fletch looked down on the bench and Arthur's cum was leaking from his hole, "Better clamp my ass," he chuckled as he got dressed and made his way home.

Back in the present

"Oh FUUUUCK," Fletch moaned in bed as he painted his stomach with his juices. That meeting with Dr Digby was his favourite thing to wank too and he would meet Dr Digby again.....and again....and again.

This was a hot story to write, I wrote this in 3 hours I hope you enjoy. Who do you want to see next Mail me at

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