Anal in Public

By Wood Guy

Published on May 3, 2019


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts. Some of the parts are real but will leave that up to the reader to decide. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

You may contact me at if you would like to comment. Also, I have many more stories so if you use the search feature on Nifty you can use woodd_guy as the key word and you will find my other stories.

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In part 3, I went to the park and met up with Joe and his twin brother Sam, they fucked my ass good in the back of their work truck, then as an added surprise Joe showed up at my house. With his truck pulled in my driveway he talked me into letting him fuck my man pussy again while I watched thru a small opening in a wall between the front of the truck, as the teen girls in the neighborhood walked by. I knew this is crazy but I get so excited knowing someone could catch me getting a cock shoved in my ass. Now onto part 4.

Two days went by and it was now Saturday, Joe had been in touch with me and even stopped by yesterday night for a quickie, he said he was working in the area and needed some pussy, so if I was willing, he would stop by. Not sure why but I could not turn down having him fuck me if even it was just a quickie. This time we did not do anything wild just a quick fuck as I bent over my kitchen counter. It was not as exciting as doing it in the truck or in the woods where someone could see me, but it still felt good having his cock slide into me and then fill my man pussy with his load. Joe said he had something I would like planned for Saturday if I was free for the whole day. I said I did not have anything planed that I could not put off, so Joe left for the night, and I got a good night sleep, but was starting to get horny in anticipation for what he had in store for me the following day.

I woke up early and took a shower and did a good job of cleaning out my man pussy. I knew if it was something Joe said I would enjoy somewhere along the line I would be filled with plenty of hard cock. Joe said he would be by at 8 am and sure enough there was a knock on my door at 8am sharp. I went out and Joe had brought a huge Chevy suburban and Sam was sitting in driver's seat. Since this truck was so big there was a full bench seat in the front, so all three of us rode up there. As we drove a little while and we got on the highway. Joe asked me if I was in the mood for cock, I replied "I am always in the mood for cock", and with that he slid down his shorts and exposed his cock. I bent over and took his cock into my mouth, I was sucking him a while until I heard the sound of a big truck horn and when I pulled my mouth off his cock and looked up I saw that some big rig had pulled next to us and had been watching me as I sucked Joe's cock.

The driver was a big guy and was making hand signals like he wanted us to pull over, and after a minute or two Joe realized that he wanted us to pull into the rest area that was about four miles ahead. Joe never asked me if I wanted to do this guy, he just told Sam to pull into the rest area, we were coming up on. I just stayed quiet and I agreed to follow their lead, and if they wanted me to suck off the driver then that is what I would do.

We pulled in and followed the truck and he stopped at the end of the rest area in a spot defined for these big rigs. Joe told me to get out and go up to the truck passenger side and see what the driver wanted. I guess I was horny from having Joe's cock in my mouth and anticipation of what they had planned for me, so I just did as I was told. I walked up and as I was about to get into the cab of the truck, the driver was already in the back part of the sleeper and his pants were already off. He was a big guy over six feet tall, and very solid. He looked at me and said "what are you waiting for cock sucker", and had me get between his legs and go down on his waiting hard cock.

The guy was a mouth full, a good eight inches long and thick, I would have liked to have him fuck me but I could see he was just looking for a blow job, so I gave him what he wanted. I sucked him until I felt his cock twitching. Then tasted the rewards of my work as he filled my mouth with his load. He told me to swallow, not that it was required since I would have swallowed his load even if he did not tell me to. He told me I was a good cock sucker and he enjoyed my mouth but he had to keep driving he was on a tight schedule. I left the truck and got back into the SUV with Sam and Joe, except the two of them changed spots and now I was leaning over and sucking Sam's cock as we drove back onto the highway. The rest of the trip was uneventful and we exited the highway when we were far away from the area I lived in, and this was country. There were lots of horse farms and lots of land where farmers grew their crops.

We drove a while on these quiet roads and since I was no longer sucking their cocks I was looking around. We slowed down and turned into a private road and entered a place that had a big gate and all around the perimeter the land was covered by trees and bushes and was hard to see what was in this complex. We were stopped at the gate and since Joe was driving, he presented the guard with a membership card and Sam handed his card over also. Since I did not have one, I had to fill out a questionnaire and also present proof of who I was. The questions were more of asking if I belonged to any form of law enforcement and that I would never record or report anything that went on behind the gates. Joe said it was OK and I had to sign it or we would not be allowed in, and I would miss some real fun. I signed the form and we were let in; we drove a short distance and I started noticing a few people walking around in different stages of dress but for the most part most were naked.

There were buildings around a nice lake and off to one side was a pool. I noticed there were a bigger percentage of men but there were some women, even a few younger guys and girls not sure if they were underage but suspected they looked at most eighteen years old if not younger. Joe had parked near a picnic area and we got out of the truck. Sam had went in the back of the SUV and brought out a big picnic basket and a few blankets. Then they said "it is a warm day" and started striping off all their clothes and I followed suit. So here we were naked and siting on a few blankets in a place that there were other naked men and women around. Where we were there was nothing going on, some couples were kissing. There were a few men with men and some men with women and even a few with an older guy with one of these younger boys, but nothing more than that. Sam said he was hungry and broke out the lunch he had packed. With all these naked people around I was surprised to see no one having sex.

Sam said "we are in what they refer to the public area that is not allowed in here and if caught your membership is terminated and you are not allowed to come back". He added "after we eat, we will take you to the location we suspect you will desire". We ate the sandwich and had something to drink. I have to admit I had to drink first or I would have been mixing the truck drivers cum with my sandwich. After we ate Joe and Sam took me for a walk that took us back further into the property and behind a fenced in section that said members only. There was a lot more walking paths and there were sections that had picnic tables set up in secluded spots. One of the first scenes we walked in on was a guy just laying on a table and around him was a few guys, needless to say all of them were naked and at this time one was bending over the table and had the guy's cock in his mouth. What was also hot was there was another younger guy who was behind the guy who was sucking the guy off and he was licking the guy's ass. There was a little crowd around this action so we moved on.

Maybe 100 feet away was another area with a bench under a shade tree, and off to the side it looked like an old fashion hitching post. It was made out of a few wooden fence post sections. Sam said "this is perfect for what I have in mind", with that he sat down and gave me the indication he wanted me on my knees between his legs. Before I even went down on him his cock was already hard and leaking some pre cum, I used my tongue to lick the precum up then swallowed his hard cock into my wet warm mouth. As I was sucking Sam, Joe had taken out of his small back pack that had a small dildo and some lubricant. He then had me sort of lift up so my mouth was still on Sam's cock but my ass was now available for what he had planned. I was sort of bending forward, I could feel the lubricant covered dildo slide into my ass, then I felt it come alive as he hit a switch on the box that was attached to the dildo.

After getting my ass vibrated and still sucking on Sam's cock, they had me get up and walk over to the hitching post, Joe had me bend over it after he placed a blanket over the rail to make a cushion. Then he went into the bag he had and took out some short ropes and tied them around my ankles, and my wrist, so I was bent over. I was now unable to get up, and my ass was up for anything anyone wanted to do to me. Before long we were no longer alone, Sam said this spot was called the hitching station and was sort of known that if someone was tied to the hitching bar, he was available to anyone who needed what was being offered, and in this case it was my man pussy. Joe removed the dildo and slipped his cock into my pussy, he was pounding hard and this of course was bringing on spectators. Joe said to me "after how excited you were having me do you while the girls walked by, I just knew you would love this place". I had to agree that I did, it was exciting to have people come closer and watch and comment as Joe fucked me.

By now there was almost a crowd around us, and it was not all horny men, there were two couples of men and women. After Joe had decided he needed to deposit his load in my man pussy he grunted and shot some of his cum into me, but pulled out and shot a load on the crack of my ass. Joe stood back and admired his work as cum dripped down my ass crack. One of the couples was a man a woman, he was a smaller guy with what I realized was a leash on his neck. The woman from what she said was in total control. She told the man to crawl over to Joe and lick his cock clean, which he did without question. Then once she was satisfied Joe's cock was clean, she had the man start licking Joe's cum off my ass and then stick his tongue into my hole and lick any leftover cum out of me. Sam was getting ready to fuck me next and his big cock was hard and thick, but the lady had another idea.

She told Sam to fuck her and looked at this other man standing there and told him to fuck me. The women took Sam's hand and led him to the bench she laid her back on it spread her legs and guided Sam's cock into her pussy. Sam was Ok with this so I assumed he liked girl pussy as well as man pussy. I was sort of busy since the guy she told to fuck me did just that, he was pounding away into my slippery man pussy. The woman who was getting her cunt filled told her husband to make sure when the guy was done to make sure he cleaned his cock and also cleaned up my hole. Sam was fucking this woman but was taking longer than the man who was doing me so after he came in me and used his mouth to clean up along with my ass. After this, another guy took his place in my ass. This guy was bigger than all the guys who fucked me so far and my pussy was feeling fantastic as he stretched my hole.

While the man fucking me was riding my ass, I heard Sam say he was cuming and the women told him to hold on and then she moaned as I suspect she had her orgasm. Then Sam filled her pussy with his load and soon afterwards her husband was cleaning Sam's cock, then went down and cleaned out his wife's cum soaked pussy. By now the man fucking me was ready for his relief and he dumped string after string of cum into my cavity. I looked over to Joe and said "how long do I have to stay here", and he smiled and said just as long as it takes to satisfy his friends, by now there was a small line forming to use my pussy.

The next guy who came behind me was an older guy and he had with him a boy who no way he was older then maybe 15, he gave the boy a kiss and said watch as I fuck this whore's hole, referring to me of course. The boy slid down and sucked the guys cock to get it wet and also, I realized that this guy had a huge cock maybe as big as twelve inches and was also very thick. By now I had had a few cocks in my pussy so I was stretched and cum had coated my insides so his cock slide in but cannot say it did not hurt as he pushed it all the way deep in to me. This guy knew what he wanted and was pounding my ass at the same time his little friend was under me licking my cock and balls. I was in my fantasy world and enjoying every minute as I was getting my pussy pounded as all these people watched. When it was time for the guy to cum, he pulled out and split his load half on my ass and the other half on the boy's face.

The boy went back down on my cock and was still sucking me as another cock entered my pussy, the feeling was so hot I filled the boy's mouth with string after string of cum. After a while it seemed like a cloud had taken over my mind, as guy after guy fucked my man pussy. One time I looked back and there was what I thought was a man and a woman since the girl had no top on and showed here small but firm tits and really long blond hair. She was still wearing shorts so I assumed it was a woman. I realized I was wrong when the man she was with finished fucking me. Then he said to her you need to have a piece of this ass, and when she pulled down her shorts there was a cock. Not a very big one but still a cock and she fucked me and felt strange as she was shoving her cock into me and at the same time leaning over and running her tits over my back as her long hair went over my back. She did leave me with a good size load as she shoot her load into me.

By now the crowd had somewhat went down, my pussy was sore from the number of guys that had fucked me, but as Joe said there's always time for one more. Joe and Sam took their turn in my cum soaked pussy, as they added more cum to the mix. Once done they untied me and helped me straighten up and with lots of cum leaking out of my hole, they walked me towards a small lake and we all walked in and washed all the cum from my body. I could still feel loads of cum in my ass, after all I have no idea of how many guys deposited their load in my pussy. I told Joe I was worried I was going to leak it all over his SUV seat. He said he will take care of the problem, he brought me up to a shower room and when we went inside there was just one big room with shower heads and also a few extra hoses with a nozzle at the end. We were not alone but the other two people in the room were younger guys but they were sort of preoccupied since one was fucking the other guy.

Sam went over and put me under the shower and grabbed some soap and washed me off like I was a child and Joe grabbed the hose and nozzle and slid it in my sloppy hole, and I felt the water going in and mixing with the cum. Then when he pulled the nozzle out, I released all the water and body fluids that were in me. After we were done, we walked around some in the sun to dry off. Also, we were watching other couples acting on their sex urges in public, it was just so hot. I was so tired from my use, I had had it for the day, so I just watched. Sam had another turn with this one younger couple, they looked like two boys and one had the cutest bubble but and Sam said he had to have a piece of that. He did fuck the boy he had his eye on and afterward the guy's friend sucked Sam clean.

By now it was getting late and the place was starting to empty so we headed back to the SUV got dressed and headed home. I was so tired and found that I fell asleep on the ride home. Joe woke me up when we were close to my house and helped me get up and in to my bed. He had striped me and laid me down in my big bed, I felt him get in bed with me and was too tired to say no. I did fall asleep so the last thing I remember is his naked body spooning with mine as we slept.

I slept fantastic thinking of all the guys using my body as all the other people watched.

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Next: Chapter 5

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