Anal in Public

By Wood Guy

Published on Apr 22, 2019


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts. Some of the parts are real but will leave that up to the reader to decide. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

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In part 2, I went back to that gay hook up place and had fun with two guys that were maybe were 18 or 19 years old and was watched by a couple as the two guys shoved their cock in my willing holes. Not sure what part was more exciting, the part of getting fucked by their young hard cocks or being watched by the couple. When I got home the whole experience was such a turn on, after I showered and washed their cum out of my well used man pussy, I had to jerk off again. Since it was still early, I called work to see what the status of the upgrade was and found out it was taking longer than expected and was asked to take the following day off also. Last time it took me a few days before I went back to this spot but I was still so turned on I was ready to go again tomorrow.

I had dinner and decided to go to bed early this night, and woke up thinking about myself laying on the floor in the woods with my legs up and the guy fucking my ass, and his friend was feeding me his cock. It was as exciting as the guy and girl couple watched me take their loads. I was just so horny I decided to wash up and leave early for the park. I again threw on some loose-fitting shorts and a t-shirt, no need for underwear it only slows me from getting naked when I need to. So, I still had a hard on as I walked out to my car, it just so happened that there were a lot of boys and girls walking by my house on the way to the bus stop for school. I sort of turned away when the boys walked by but something in me made me sort of display my hardness as the girls walked by. I have to admit it was turning me on even more than I was so I sort of wasted time like I was getting something out of my car. I stayed long enough so that a few sets of girls walked by as I displayed my hard cock pressing the fabric of my shorts.

I so much wanted to jerk off as they watched but I knew that was crazy, but since I been doing crazy stuff the last week or so I figured I would try something different. I got in my car and pulled down my shorts so that my hard cock was exposed. I then watched out my back window as another set of girls walked by, not sure what head was in control but my hand was stroking my cock. I then pulled out of my driveway and drove right past the spot where the kids were waiting for the bus. I had pulled up my shorts some so my cock was not as visible but it was still out and I made sure I was able to get a good look at the girls before I drove off. I never did this before and it was exciting, I wound up pulling my shorts down to my ankles and drove that way all the way to the park. A few times I had to cover my naked cock with a towel that I had in the car since I had to stop and a truck was next to me and they could look in and see me. Also I covered myself if I had to stop at a light and someone could look in and see what I was doing.

I reached the park and parked in a spot that was a little secluded and watched the runners get out of their cars and hit the running paths. There was a mixture of guys and girls and I found myself still playing with my cock as they walked by, but at a distance from my car. I had brought along my coffee cup so I made like I was drinking it so that I did not look that odd just sitting in my car. I did this a while and when I felt my cock getting close to cumming I would stop, I did not want to cum yet. I saw out of the corner of my eye a service truck pull in and I could see that there was a guy in it, and he looked like he was eating his breakfast before the start of the day. I noticed the writing on the side of the panel truck was Joe's handyman service. I figured he was just killing some time having breakfast here before his first appointment, so did not think anything about it and started watching the runners in front of me as I stroked my cock.

What I did not notice was that the guy in the truck did get out, since I no longer saw him and figured he went out the other side door, since I never noticed the driver side open. Then before I realized, there was this guy standing next to my driver side door, and since it was such a nice morning, I had my window down. So here was the guy who I would describe, as early forties, average shape not heavy but had some meat on his bones. He was wearing some sort of a uniform of gray work clothes, with his name Joe on his shirt. I saw he had a smile on his face and he was starting to lean in my window of my car. I did not know what to do so I did nothing.

Joe started talking as we just met on the street and said quietly, "I could not help but wonder what you were doing so I had to come and see, and I am happy I did". He then reached in and said do I mind if he helped out. I did not say yes but then again, I did not say no, he reached down and laid his hand on my cock. I could feel the semi rough hand of a guy who worked for a living slide over my ridged cock and grab the shaft. He was sliding it over me and I found I just leaned back to give him more access to my joy stick. I was thinking to myself what would some of the people think was going on, but then he was just talking to me like a normal person. I would not suspect that they would think he in fact was jerking me off. The truth was it felt so fantastic, and I really did not care what these people thought.

Joe was talking to me about something, the truth was I was not really listening I was just enjoying his hand stroking my cock, in fact so much I started shooting my load. Joe saw this and caught the dripping cum with his hand and brought it back down and rubbed it on my cock, so now my cock was covered with my own cum. Then he kept stoking me and with my cock being coated with cum it felt so good. Joe kept this up for a while and when he realized I was going to cum again he stopped. There was a lull in any people walking by. Joe leaned in more and said he had a suggestion I would like. He opened the door of my car and bent down and took my cock in his mouth and here he was sucking my cum covered cock right in the parking lot. I knew this was crazy since anyone could walk by and see us but I was so turned on I did not care.

After he sucked me a while, he told me he wanted my ass, yes, he did just say that, he said he wanted to fuck my man cunt so bad. Then he said for me to walk over to his truck, not sure what got into me but I sort of said I would. He left and went to the side of his truck and opened the side door and got in the back of the truck, I pulled up my shorts and walked over to where he was but there was no way anyone could not see my hard cock poking at the thin fabric of my shorts. I went in to the back of the truck and there were shelves on each side, but plenty of room inside, it was a good size panel truck. The front seats were blocked off from the back so when he had me close the door behind me the only light in there was from the lights in the truck itself.

Joe was standing up and moved some things around and he was setting up a small folding work bench in the middle of the truck, he then laid a few padded blankets over the top as to pad the surface. Next, he started taking off his clothes and I was looking at a good size semi hard cock as he removed his pants and underwear. He told me to do the same and I did just that. He already knew what he wanted and since he asked in the car if he could fuck me and I never said no, I assume he knew I was more than willing. Once I was naked, he pulled me over and went back to sucking my cock and I really enjoyed that, there was enough room on the floor where we could both lay down, and we did and with sort of guidance from him we were now in a 69 position.

He was licking my shaft and I took his now hard cock into my mouth, the two of us were just sucking away in his truck in the parking lot with lots of people around. It was just so daring and, in a way, so much a turn on. After we sucked each other a while he had me get up and lean over the work bench he had set up and my ass was in a perfect position for whatever he had in mind. Joe had grabbed something on one of the shelves and then I felt a cool liquid running down my ass crack as it dripped into my hole. As he poured the liquid, he was using his finger to get the slippery liquid into my man pussy. He then reached over to the shelf he had grabbed the bottle from, and I saw that he reached into a bag and came out with a thin long dildo. He saw the questioned face I had and he said "do not worry it is very clean and sanitized".

The next thing I felt was this dildo being slid into my man pussy, he had a box attached to it and he flicked a switch and I felt the dildo vibrating in my ass. It did feel so good, then Joe came around the front of me and fed his cock into my waiting mouth. I sucked him as the vibrating dildo felt so good in my pussy. I sensed that Joe was getting close so he pulled out of my mouth. So here I was with no cock in my mouth but the moving dildo in my ass, and the feeling was fantastic. After a little while Joe went around back and played with the dildo a while, then pulled it out and replaced it with his hard wet cock. He slid his cock in all the way at one single stroke since my pussy was opened from the dildo. His cock was bigger so it felt good stretching my hole more than it was but not enough to cause any pain. Joe fucked me a while and then his phone rang.

Joe answered it like nothing was going on as he kept up the sliding his cock in and out of my man pussy. He answered in one word answers a few yes and some no answers, so I could not understand the conversation just hearing one side, and then he hung up. I asked if everything was OK and he said yes it was. Then Joe started to push harder and faster and his pace started picking up as he fucked me. I was enjoying his cock just pounding away at my ass. He was getting close and was holding onto my side as his hard shaft was like a fast piston stroking away. Then I was broken from the trance I was in when I heard and saw the side door of the truck open and some guy walk in. He was dressed the same as Joe and had a name on his shirt also, but I was unable to see it. The guy was an exact duplicate of Joe and then I realized they must have been twins. The guy says to Joe "looks like his pussy feels good", Joe said "here is the best I had in a while". Then not sure why I was shocked but the other guy said "even better than mine?" then Joe said "no Sam yours is the best but I am used to it over all these years". They both sort of laughed it off. By now Joe was so close and I felt his shaft twitching and then felt the spurts of his cum enter my body.

The cum felt so good as it coated my insides, by now Sam was also naked and his cock was waiting at my mouth for me to suck him into my warm wet mouth. I did just that and as I did his cock grew, and I realized that who says twins are identical they may look the same but his cock was bigger and thicker then Joe's was. Sam was more interested in getting in to my man pussy so as soon as he was wet and hard, he changed places with Joe slid his cock in my ass. It felt fantastic, as his bigger cock stretched my hole even more. I love the feeling of being filled by cock, just so much.

Sam did not take his time like Joe did and he was pounding away at my pussy with just one interest, in unloading his sperm in my cavity. As he fucked away Joe went down below me, took my cock in his mouth and sucked me as his brother fucked me hard. Not sure if it was the exact time, if not it was close as I started shooting my cum in Joe's mouth as Sam filled my pussy with string after string of cum. I felt well used but really enjoyed the ride they gave me. When he was well drained Sam pulled out handed me some wipes that he had in the truck and I cleaned up my sloppy cum covered ass as the two of them got dressed.

I then I was somewhat clean, I got dressed and when ready to leave Joe handed me a card and asked that I call him. He said he is sure he and his brother could stop by my house and fix or fill anything that needs fixing or filling. Then he asked me for my number and I gave it to him as he put it in his phone. I knew exactly what he had in mind, and said I would. I stepped out of the side door and made a way back to my car and felt I had enough for the day so I headed home.

I reached home and took a shower and fell asleep for a few hours, I woke up when my phone rang. I answered the phone and it was Joe, he said he got done with the job he had for today and wanted to know if I would like for him to stop by. It did not take me long to realize he wanted to fuck me again. I said "this is going to sound crazy but part of the thrill of getting fucked in the park is the fact that I get the feeling that I might be seen by some guys or girls". Then he asked me what else I did for thrills, and not sure why I was so honest I told him about standing outside as the girls walked by on the way to school with my hard cock pressing against the fabric of my pants.

He then asked me "its still early what time do they come back from school"? I looked at the clock and said "not positive since I am not normally home but I think around four". Then I said "it is three now", he asked where I lived and he said he was close and he had an idea that he felt I would enjoy. I said OK and he said he would be by in less than 30 minutes. He showed up at my house and backed the van into the driveway and was in the truck a few minutes before he got out. I was wondering what he was doing, so I went out and with the side door open I could see he was removing a panel from the middle of the separation wall from the front seats to the back. When he was done there was a restricted view but it was open enough so that if you looked hard from the street you see into the back of the truck.

Then I said "not sure if I am crazy enough to do this" and he said "I suspect you are". Then he took a piece of cloth and covered part of the opening so it was pretty much covered. Now he said see now you can control how much they can see. He also took a small screen from the dash board and flipped a switch and I could see the backup camera on the truck. He then hit a button on the panel and the view switched from the rear to a very wide-angle picture on the front. And I realized it was really the feed from two cameras on the corner of the bumper so you could see almost a 270-degree view and looking at the screen you could see down both side of the sidewalk that went in front of my house. "With this" he said "you can look in private and decide if you want to open the curtain".

By now I was so horny I said yes to this crazy idea, Joe had had me bend over that same work bench he had set up before and I was totally naked and so was he. He used his dildo from before to make my man pussy desire for a cock to be shoved in. As I was back there having the dildo shoved in my ass, I could see the kids starting to get off the bus. This was the younger kids so I knew I was not going to chance that. My ass was being worked on as he turned on the vibrator on the dildo, I could feel my cock getting wet from my own pre cum. Since we knew the next two busses will show up in the next few minutes with the jr high school kids then the high school kids I had to make a decision how far I would go.

When it got closer Joe had replaced the dildo with his cock and was slowly fucking my pussy, I could see on the screen that the bus passed and was slowing down to let the kids off. I watched while getting my ass fucked as the girls got off and started walking down the street towards my house. These were the girl's around 13 to 14 but still hot, I decided I would open the curtain just a little so I would be able to see them as they walked by but suspected, with the truck dark and the opening small, they would not see me at all, so I slid the curtain open just a little and Joe kept fucking me hard as the girls walked by. I did not see them look so I suspected they did not see anything.

Then I saw the next bus drive by and knew this was the older girls that I sort of showed my covered hard cock to in the am, and those girls I really felt were hot. I went to open the curtain some more and the whole curtain fell off exposing the inside of the truck to the front windshield. The girls were walking down and there was nothing I could do; Joe was into me deep and no way would he stop even if I asked him to. It was still sort of dark in the truck but if they looked hard enough, I suspect they could see inside. So here I was on my belly facing forward with Joe behind me fucking my ass and the two girls from this am walked by.

I should have been petrified but for some reason I was so turned on that I started cumming and since my ass tightened up so did Joe. I could feel my cum shooting out and his cum as it entered my body. I do not think the girls looked over but after they passed, I did suspect one of the girls sort of took a second look back at the truck. I really felt what I did was so stupid, but I have to admit I came so hard and so did Joe filling my ass with his second load of cum for the day.

After that we both got dressed and when no one was around we both got out of the truck and went into the house, Joe said he was busy fucking me so he did not really get a chance to see the girls so he went back out to the truck and came back with a small card. He then put that in my computer and I realized that the last 30 minutes had been recorded. We both watched as the first girls walked in front then while we waited for the second and third bus Joe lowered his pants again and told me to suck his cock. And I just did it as he watched the recording, He wound up coming in my mouth before the last girls walked by, so by then we were watching the screen. There was no mistake about it, one of the girls that walked by had looked into the van and then took a second turn after she passed, there was no way to know what she saw, but being honest it was such a turn on my cock was as hard as a rock again.

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Next: Chapter 4

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