Anakin and Risu

By Ryan Gora

Published on Jan 25, 2006


Ok so let's get this out of the way. We all know that I do not own or nor did I crate any of the Star Wars characters that are not original. Everyone named from the movies are owned by George Lucas. This is just a little creative play and I hope everyone will enjoy it and does not reflect the thoughts of anyone else but my own.

Anakin and Risu - Part 3

Risu waited as the Master Jedi spoke with his apprentice. He knew they weren't to be interrupted, but this for the first time in his life; his patience had begun to wear thin. It wasn't like him. He was usually one of the more calm senators within the Galactic Senate, but this was different. He wasn't in a session with other politicians he was waiting for a boy, no a man to come out, one that had known his sister, a jedi who wasn't a jedi when he and Padme had met. Instead of focusing on the discussion that was happening beyond the doors of his quarters he glanced at the bracelet that he wore at his wrist, the one that connected him and the padawan. Touching it he shut his eyes trying to clear his mind of the thoughts that had begun to build inside of it. He was heading home. That's what he had to focus on. He had to focus on staying alive no matter how much he detested the plan that had been made for him. Risu wasn't sure if it was the plan he disliked or the fact that he was being told what to do. His mother had always said that he had problems with such things. Sighing softly he walked towards one of the windows watching as various speeders and ships passed by the window. He wanted to focus on anything but what was happening around him. He couldn't afford to be distracted, but at the moment all he could think about was Anakin's voice, his words. They all stirred something inside of him that made him wonder what power this jedi held over him. Outside with his Master Anakin listened as he was given instructions on what and what not to do. It was a lecture, one he had heard many times before. Don't act reckless. Remember that the senator is your main concern. Remain out of sight and don't let the senator talk you into doing anything that could put him in harm no matter how sensible it sounds. "Yes, Master." That seemed to be the branded response of the moment. He was annoyed, but he knew Obi-Wan said these things only because he cared. It was more than just a mission; it was an assignment where they would not be together. They would be separated. He still had to investigate the death of the changeling bounty hunter. The council had given him his task and they had given Anakin another. He was worried that Anakin wasn't ready. He was confident in Anakin's abilities, but his apprentice seemed to be distracted. It was the dreams that Anakin had discussed with him that troubled him the most. The boy was dreaming about his mother and he knew them to be more than dreams, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to tell Anakin that or not; perhaps after they had seen to their respective missions. Perhaps. "Master," came the padawan's voice. It was filled with concern, because Obi-Wan rarely drifted when lecturing. "I'm fine. Just reflecting on a few things. Go check with Senator Travin and if he's ready to depart I'll meet the both of you on level ten." They nodded to one another and Obi-Wan departed. Anakin looked over his shoulder towards the doors that lead to the senator's quarters. He took his time approaching them. He thought over the things they were talking about before they were interrupted. He didn't know why he thought of this boy often now. Boy, he was a senator, true he was younger than Anakin, but still, he dealt with matters of the Republic. He helped shape its future. He was a valued politician, one who seemed to be quite genuine about his ideals and motives. He didn't hide anything, but it seemed his convictions drew the ire of someone. They wanted him out of the way; enough to make an attempt on his life more than once. Lingering in front of the doors he reached to press the call button when they slide open and a pair of green eyes found his blue eyes. Risu had grown tired of waiting. They had to be finished, but he wasn't sure. He went to the doors to open them. He would shut them quickly if they were still in conversation, but they weren't. His eyes glanced up towards Anakin's his voice failing him for a moment. Anakin looked down at Risu waiting for the other to speak, because he couldn't, not yet. Risu was the first to look down, because he felt foolish. "Are you and Master Kenobi done? I didn't mean to intrude." The senator saw no sign of Kenobi, but he felt it had to be said. Something needed to fill the silence, so the moment could be less awkward. "He just left for the landing pad level," the padawan responded. A nod was the only response given as they stood at the doorway. Looking towards Anakin, Risu wondered if they would continue their conversation. He wanted to know what he was going to say, but they should be on their way. "I should get my bags." He turned to get them, but felt a hand at his arm.

Risu said nothing, but shut his eyes secure in the thought that Anakin couldn't see his face since his body was turned away from the padawan. "Let me get them for you senator," Anakin said in a soft tone. His hand released the senator after a few moments. Risu nodded drawing himself to the side of the doorway. He looked over at Anakin watching as he picked up the larger bags. Risu was capable of doing it himself, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything at the moment. Walking over to the small table in the room he picked up a smaller bag and exited the room with Anakin sliding the strap over his shoulder. Both senator and jedi apprentice walked inside silence. They moved towards the lift that would take them to the platform with Risu pressing the button to call for it. Neither would look the other in the eye. It seemed that they had fallen into their established roles. When the doors opened they both moved with Risu pulling back. "Go ahead," he said in a low voice. Once Anakin was on the lift, Risu followed pressing the button for the appropriate level. The silence continued to build between the two, each of them glancing towards the other when the other wasn't looking, but they knew when the others eyes were upon them. "About earlier," Risu began knowing that they would be alone only for a few more moments. "Speak nothing of it, senator," came the jedi's reply. "But I wish to. You were going to say something," the senator wanted to know what was going to be said. He should let it go, but part of him couldn't. It just wouldn't allow itself to be let go. He couldn't let it rest. "I think I said all that I needed to say," Anakin said in a humbled tone. He reflected over the things his master said. He didn't want to upset the senator, nor did he want to behave inappropriately. He was representing the Jedi in this matter. He also didn't understand what was happening inside of him. He wanted to gaze at the other boy, he found him refreshing and slightly intoxicating. He held onto the bags never setting them down afraid of what his hands might do if they had nothing in them. He focused on other things like who could be trying to take the senators life. Risu on the other hand knew when he had been rebuffed. He felt hurt, but he understood. Anakin was a jedi. Therefore his life would that of a jedi's. The connection they shared was with his sister, no more, but every time he looked at Anakin there was something that made Risu wonder. Wonder what was behind those eyes. He sensed the pain in Anakin's voice when he talked about Padme, but he felt that there was more. He had been honest when he told him that he had thought the worst when he and Obi-Wan had returned. Risu's eyes no longer wandered they stayed fixed upon the door waiting for them to open so he could be free of the confined space he shared with the other. There was a gentle stop and when the lift doors opened Anakin stayed fixed where he was allowing Risu to leave first. The moment he stepped of the lift Risu was met by one of his attendants, Obi-Wan and Captain Typho. He simply nodded to them all and moved towards the landing pad outside of the building. His attendant moved beside him touching his arm. "Are you alright," he asked. "Yes," Risu said barely getting the word out. He didn't look back he couldn't. The doors to the landing platform opened and he moved through them knowing that eyes were on him. Obi-Wan looked towards Anakin when he stepped off. "What happened?" "Nothing," the padawan responded quickly. "Nothing," he repeated and moved towards the doors. He didn't want to look, but it couldn't be helped. He stood just shy of the doors that lead to the landing platform. It couldn't be helped; he could see the senator through them. He shook his arms a little acting like he was trying to loosen his muscles up a bit before he continued when he was actually trying to strengthen the little resolve he had made. Stepping through the doors once they opened Anakin stood on the other side of the attendant waiting to board the shuttle to the transport station. Obi-Wan and Captain Typho were followed by R2-D2 as the others boarded the shuttle. Once they were all aboard the shuttle rose into the air flying away from the platform. Kenobi's and Typho's voice filled the shuttle as they discussed matters regarding the war with the Trade Federation. Risu and Anakin on the other hand said nothing. Risu stood towards the front of the shuttle while Anakin stood to the back and the right of him, keeping his distance so he close enough to get to Risu in case something happened. Risu gazed through the window watching as speeders and other transport shuttles zipped passed them. He looked up watching as the different lines of traffic moved in every direction. Coruscant was one giant city, it never ended it continued to go on forever, but there were places, at least rumors were you could go to see what Coruscant was before. It wasn't in a museum either. He thought about that, what it would look like, but it really was nothing more than a distraction. He didn't want to look back, because if he did Anakin would be there and when he looked at him felt confused. He wasn't sure what the jedi was doing. Despite the large amount of responsibility both boys had they were still growing and learning. They were still marching along the path to manhood. Anakin set the bags down choosing to look out the opposite window watching many of the same things Risu was. He watched as the speeders passed, but he chose to focus on the various buildings that came into view. He could see the Jedi Temple from his spot on the shuttle. That's what he wanted. He wanted to be a jedi. Ever since he left Tatooine it's all that he could think about. He wouldn't let another person he cared about died. He would have the power to set things right. Shutting his eyes he tried to focus on other things than the vision of his mother, but the pain he felt, he saw when he had the dream was so intense. It brought memories of Padme back to him, how he failed her. How he wasn't able to save her. His lips parted ready to call out to his mother when he felt the shuttle land. Opening his eyes he looked away from his master who he knew would pull him aside to talk to him about the feelings that he was having. He had to let go of those thoughts. He searched for another point to focus on as he lifted the senator's bag and found his eyes falling upon the senator himself. Risu adjusted the strap of the bag a few times allowing the attendant and R2-D2 to step of first. Captain Typho and Master Kenobi were next leaving only him and Anakin on the shuttle. Anakin stepped forward to disembark and found himself being stopped by Risu. "Senator," he was puzzled by the move until he saw Risu reach out to brush the tear that had begun to build up on the corner of his right eye. Risu said nothing turning when he caught the movement in the corner of his eye. "Is everything alright, Senator," Obi-Wan asked. "Yes, your padawan had something in his eye," he said smoothly before disembarking. Risu moved to his attendant giving him a few last minute instructions as he nodded to him and gave him a hug. He looked towards Typho and offered a smile as R2-D2 followed along with him towards the transport. He turned a moment to wait for his jedi escort. Anakin handed the senator's bags to one of the transport droids making sure that it would be stored properly before joining sharing a few parting words with Obi-Wan. Looking towards Artoo and Risu Anakin remembered that the senator's safety was paramount in all of this. Joining them they boarded the transport under the watchful of Anakin's jedi mentor.

"I just hope he doesn't do anything reckless," he said in a concerned too which Captain Typho answered,

"If you're worried about anyone doing anything reckless then it's the Senator that you should be worried about." The older men looked at one another before turning their attention to the transport which disembarked from the transport hub rising into the air preparing to leave Coruscant airspace. It was a public transport so there were no fine dining rooms or private compartments to stay in unless they wanted to rest. The first thing Risu and Anakin did was set about to get something to eat. As they sat facing one another Artoo came back with bowls of soup and cups of water for the both of them. Taking the food and drink they set it upon the small table between them. "Thank you, Artoo," Risu said and the droid offered a few beeps before moving towards the side of them his optical sensor moving about taking in the various species of the transport. Anakin rose and retrieved a plate of bread from a tray set along the side of the wall. Anyone was welcome to get a plate or two. "You don't mind if we share, do you, Senator," he asked.

Risu shook his head taking a piece of bread from the plate dipping a bit into his soup before taking a bite. Anakin ate a bit of the soup setting spoon down to break off a few pieces of bread popping them in his mouth soon after. They continued like this for a few more moments before Risu spoke. "Is this the way it's going to be?" Anakin continued to eat his soup stopping to break of a few pieces of bread drinking a bit of water for time to time. Risu stopped eating wondering if the padawan was going to address him or not. He didn't sigh; he didn't make any outward sign of annoyance, because he was worried a little. Worried that he had said or did something. "Why." "You should eat. It's going to take at least two days to get to Naboo," Anakin said interrupting him before popping another bit of bread in his mouth. Risu took another spoonful of soup letting the spoon drop into the bowl as he rose to his feet. "I think I'll retire for a bit." His voice strained as he said it. Artoo moved when he did following him out of the galley of the transport. They walked down the hall to the compartment that had been assigned for sleeping.

It was a bit cramped; you couldn't walk around much which is why many of the people went to the observation deck of the ship or to the galley. Anything was better than the sleeping compartment. Risu hadn't turned back once. Stung by the lack of emotion that Anakin was showing he couldn't make head or tails of the padawan learner. Sadly he didn't see that as he left Anakin's eyes rose from his bowl of soup watching every move that the Senator made. Anakin was enthralled he couldn't take his eyes of him. Even when he was hurt and angry Risu had this air about him, this presence that made him stand out in the young jedi's eye. Anakin had to be cold to him, because he didn't want Risu to feel anything. He could hear things in the senator's voice that moved him. Things that made him want to reach out. He still wasn't sure what this feeling was, but he knew if he didn't stop it it would consume him. Entering the sleeping compartment Risu drew his outer garment off. It was a robe that hid most of his clothing. The hood had been drawn down already. He knew the need for secrecy, but he walked about with the hood up people would start to wonder. Unless someone knew that he was leaving on an unlisted transport then they would have a hell of a time finding him. Artoo watched as the robe was flung towards the only chair in the compartment while the senator paced. He was trying to get a hold of his feelings. He was trying not to be that boy that wanted to shake Anakin and tell him that it was ok, that he could talk to him, but it wasn't happening.

Something kept getting in the way. He knew what it was. It was the training and the boy's destiny. He was going to be a jedi knight. There was no way for this to begin. It had to die even if neither knew what it was. He sat on the bed in the room shutting his eyes, because he told himself that he was not going to come apart for someone he barely knew, but that's exactly what it felt like he was doing. He kept things inside so well that the thought that someone could start to get passed his wall terrified him. He didn't want things to be this way between them. He didn't want the silence. He wanted to know what Anakin was thinking. He wanted to know what those next words were going to be. Things couldn't just end like that.

They couldn't. But they had to. If he respected Anakin and what he was doing, what he wanted to be then he would have to let it go. The thought that Anakin could've been trying to reach out for him had to go away too. If he wanted to share thoughts then he would, but that's all it would be a sharing of thoughts nothing more. He reached down to pull of his shoes letting them drop to the floor. "Artoo the lights," he called out and the droid moved to the wall accessing the compartment controls so the lights could be dimmed. Perhaps if he shut his eyes they would be on Naboo and he could put the necessary distance between the two of them. He held onto that thought when his head touched the pillow. He stared into the illuminated darkness. They had a window, but it wasn't the distant stars that he saw it was the various lights Artoo that brought filled the room slightly. "Artoo," he said softly and the droid beeped a few times before his lights dimmed. "Thank you," he whispered a few times before the darkness took him. Several hours passed before Risu woke. His eyes opened slowly and he knew someone else was in the room. He moved slowly when he felt an arm come around him drawing him close and for a moment he panicked until he felt someone's hot breath touch his ear. His eyes shut for a moment, because he thought something had happened to Anakin and they had been found. "I promise to protect with my life, Senator." The voice was Anakin's. "I promise never to leave your side." The arm around him drew him closer. "Shut your eyes. Let me watch over you. Let me have this, Risu." He said in a softer tone.

Risu wasn't sure what to say for a moment. Leaning against Anakin he relaxed a little his hand reaching up to find the padawan's, his eyes closing soon after. To Be Continued Sorry it took so long to get this part out. With the holidays and such I got a little behind in things. However let me know what you think. Email me at All flames will be ignored.

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