Anakin and Risu

By Ryan Gora

Published on Nov 26, 2005


Ok so let's get this out of the way. We all know that I do not own or nor did I crate any of the Star Wars characters that are not original. Everyone named from the movies are owned by George Lucas. This is just a little creative play and I hope everyone will enjoy it and does not reflect the thoughts of anyone else but my own.

Anakin and Risu - Part 2

Anakin stood in front of the senator attempting to process the information that was revealed to him.

Sister? A sister he thought. How could he be her brother? The thought itself was ridiculous itself when he thought it. It was easy for the Queen to have a brother, but wouldn't he know that. Not really, she took an assumed name. One because she was Queen and two because she had to protect her family so they never new her true surname. However this boy, this senator was claiming to be her brother.

"Why would I lie to a Jedi and I am member of the Senate. There's no need for me to lie, but there is a need for me to protect my family." Risu frowned when he realized what he had done. It was in the moment he didn't want to part with the item that Anakin had attempted to wrest from his hand.

Anakin stared into the boy's eyes thinking over what was said before he removed his hand from Risu's wrist. "Just as Padme used Amidala I use Travin to protect my family. She was meant to do it when she was queen; many senators do not used assumed names. I on the other hand do. My family is very important to me. I've lost a sister, I rather not lose anyone else," he explained and the tone was that of a brother not a senator.

"She was found with this, I thought it was something that she had bought. Perhaps it was wrong of me to take, but it keeps her close to me." Anakin drew away from Risu realizing the pain that he had caused the boy by accosting him. Risu shut his eyes willing away the tears. He had thought he rid himself of the pain, but the thought of having the bracelet taken from him was too much. "I didn't know you had given it to her, Master Jedi," he said finally after collecting himself, but he had turned from Anakin by that time.

"It was a gift and for that I apologize."

He apologized. The first thought Anakin had was to ask for it back. It was meant for the girl he thought an angel, but now he could see it meant something to the senator. "I'm sorry..." he began.

"No, I'm the one that should've known better, but when she was brought back to us they gave us a private viewing and that's when I took it." It was so long ago, but for Risu it felt like yesterday. Looking towards Anakin he watched him tilt his head.

"You," the Jedi said.


"You, it was you that I saw that walked behind her during the procession. You held the hand of an older woman. I remember you, your eyes. You were so sad." Anakin thought he was merely grieving a queen, but the boy had been grieving a sister.

"You remember that?" Risu was genuinely amazed by Anakin's recollection.

"Yes," Anakin responded his voice softer, almost kinder.

"It was a long time ago. I was just a boy then. Sometimes I think I stopped being a boy that day." He told his parents the next day he was going to become a senator. It took a few years, but he remained true to his words. His parents were not supportive in the beginning, because they had lost their daughter, but they had to let Risu find his way. They couldn't live his life for him.

"So was I, a boy. I mourned her passing." Anakin thought about what he said and wasn't sure the senator would believe him. He knew her for only moments and Risu knew her so much longer than him. They were blood.

"Many people did. She was a good person. She was great Queen. Because of her and the Jedi and the Gungans, the Trade Federation was exposed. Because of her our planet remains free to this day." Many nights he asked himself: Why did her life have to be taken? Why was it that she died and not another?

A selfish thought, but a thought nonetheless.

Silence settled in between the two of them. Risu thought it best to leave, but he couldn't bring himself to move. He was curious about Anakin's relationship with his sister, brief, but still a relationship.

"I suppose I should let you roam about so you can get an idea of the apartment so you're able to provide the best capable protection." Such a dry statement, but he needed to focus on other things. Things that didn't provoke the emotional response he had a few minutes earlier. He wanted to get back to that place he was when the Jedi first arrived. That warm safe place where he could look people in the eye without them seeing what was inside of him. That he was scared and alone, that he wasn't this cold person that some thought him to be but it was very hard for him to trust. He had few friends, he had more allies than friends and the two weren't always the same thing.

"If I've offended you, Master Skywalker, please let me know."

Anakin couldn't believe that the senator was apologizing to him. He was the one that committed the offense. He was the one that struck out, not the Senator. "I'm just a padawan learner, Senator." He tried to hold back his distaste at the word. He knew he was more advanced than any of the other padawans within the order, there were times that he thought his own skills rivaled that of his Master's, but still he felt held back in same way and he could never reconcile the feelings that he held for Obi-Wan. At times he respected the older Jedi and there were other times that he deeply resented him for the way.

Risu studied the other boy wondering what it was like to be a member of the order trying to see what was behind those eyes of his, eyes that spoke many things, but right now there was a hint of confusion in them, perhaps over the things that were said or something else. "Would you like something to drink? To eat? I know you're on duty, but Jedi eat don't they?" There was a smile on his face that just seemed to come out of nowhere as he started to stop thinking of Anakin exclusively as a Jedi, but someone close to his age that had many of the problems that he did, while at the same time many responsibility except he was a senator while Anakin was a Jedi.

Anakin wasn't sure what to think when the boy spoke. Food, drink, he should wait for Obi-Wan to return. The next statement made him laugh a bit.

"Is that a yes or a no? And how should I address you," Risu asked the smile never leaving his lips.

Anakin had to admit with everything happening right now Risu's smile did make him relax. "Something to drink would be nice and you can call me Anakin, Senator." Came the response to which Risu shook his head.

"Risu, please," he said walking into the next room where he could get them both something to drink. He was relived to be able to tell someone that. With everything happening from him leaving the capital to the explosion on the platform he felt stiff as if someone else were guiding him through the moments. He wanted time to breathe, but he couldn't there was also something else to be concerned about.

"If my memory serves me well you're from Tatooine correct?" Risu dropped a few ice cubes into a pair of glasses before he began to pour a bit of juice into them. Turning towards Anakin he was greeted with a nod. "I studied the report when I was allowed access. It stated that my sister and the Jedi made a stop on Tatooine, because they were not able to make it to the capital, because of the damage to the cruiser." Walking over towards Anakin he handed him a glass of juice taking a sip of the other.

"What else did the report tell you," Anakin wondered.

"Basically the things that had occurred. How Master Jin freed you from slavery so you could study and train to become a Jedi, how they were able to take the winnings from the pod race you won and fix the cruiser and continue to Coruscant," Risu stated as if he had studied the report for years. It wasn't until his eyes meet Anakin's face that he stopped reciting details. "Did I..." Setting the drink on the table nearest to them he moved towards Anakin.

"Did it tell you how she died?"

Risu paused in both his steps and thoughts at the question.

"How she died because I wasn't able to destroy the Droideka in time," he finished. It was something he continued to play over in his mind. The memory was always fresh in his mind. He just didn't know the controls. He could've saved her. She could be alive right now. So many people wouldn't have felt the pain of her death.

Risu stood thinking about it, about how he was told his sister died. "She lived long enough that Nute Gunray was captured." Despite the mockery of a trial Naboo was saved. "If I remember correctly it was you who disabled the Trade Federation vessel, disrupting the signal to their droid army." He moved closers. "Anakin, Padme knew the risks. The plan she had was a bold and risky one and though I would give anything to have her in my life right now I know she did all she could to save us and you did all you could to help her." Risu wasn't sure if he could say much else without going back to the place he was before. "The Trade Federation is responsible for her death, not you. You were only a child. You did more than anyone could ever ask of you." Risu wanted to reach out to him to reassure him, but he didn't. He kept his place.

"Things are different now. I'm stronger. I know more," Anakin stated. "I won't let something like that happen again." It can't. He won't allow it. His brows furrowed together for a moment and Risu did the only thing he could at the time, he nodded.

Taking a sip of the drink Anakin turned from the senator trying to calm himself. There was more going on. It was more than Amidala's memory that haunted him; there were the dreams, but he had an assignment to take care of, one that demanded his attention and experience as a Jedi. He would show Obi-Wan; he would show them all that he was worthy to be trained that he would be the greatest Jedi ever trained, even better than Master Yoda. They would be proud of them, all of them.

Finishing his drink he set the glass besides Risu's turning towards him with a renewed sense of purpose. He would not linger in the past in the future, not right now. He couldn't afford to be weak. A person's life was placed in his hands. He would treat with care and with respect. "If you could show me around, I would appreciate it..." It was a brief thought of what to call the boy. "Risu."

Risu smiled when he heard Anakin say his name. It was small and quick he wouldn't allow it to linger. There was a bit of confidence in the padawan's voice and that gave him comfort. Hopefully his words helped. He didn't want his sister's death to be the source of the other's boy's despair. There are even elements of life that even the Jedi cannot foresee or control and Anakin wasn't even a padawan learner then. He was a boy one that was capable of feeling and making mistakes. One that didn't know how truly big the universe was at that time.

For the next forty minutes Risu and Anakin toured the apartment and spoke, spoke about the things that were happening hear on Coruscant and things that were happening within the Republic at large. There were moments of silence and others of laughter. Risu told Anakin more about Naboo, how he wished he could see it more, but with the Republic on the brink of war he is needed more here than there. Anakin too spoke of missing his home, of missing his mother. That was his home, not the dry, coarse substance that covered Tatooine.

It was something that he wished never to see again sometimes. He didn't need to see it to know it. All his other senses would tell him it was near.

This was the life he was meant to have, one as a Jedi, not one as a slave.

By the time they finished Obi-Wan had returned and noticed that the senator and his young apprentice were a bit more comfortable around one another. It pleased him, because the last thing they needed was a tense relationship between the two of them. "The security measures are adequate, but I have made a few suggestions to Captain Typho," the older Jedi stated.

Risu noticed how different the two Jedi were. Obi-Wan seemed to be more relaxed, calm in spirit like he was at peace with himself though the way he looked at Anakin he could tell that he was concerned. He wasn't sure what he was concerned about, but it was there.

"Any suggestions that you can make will be appreciated, Master Jedi. I'm quite sure that Captain Typho has already begun to implement them." Risu trusted the captain of his security force with his life completely. He knew Typho had his best interests at heart. "Your apprentice has made a few personal suggestions that I will take into consideration," he advised. He watched as the two Jedi exchanged looks with one another and Risu smiled politely. "But it has been a long day and there a few things that I must do before I retire."

"Retire," Anakin question.

"For the evening. It appears that Captain Typho has kept your Master from you far longer than either of us expected. And I have an early meeting with a group of senators regarding the Military Creation Act, but rest assured I am glad that you're both here," Risu said before one of his servants came into the room. He nodded to them both and left the room with his servant.

"And relieved," Obi-Wan said to his padawan learner.

"You think so, Master?" Anakin looked to him.

"Yes." Obi-Wan paused for a moment looking in the direction that Risu left in and then towards Anakin. "So are you going to tell me what some of these suggestions were?"

"I was waiting for you to ask, Master." Anakin said in chipper tone as they walked out of the living room. The discussed a few of the things Anakin had suggested in passing to the senator some Obi-Wan approved of, others he thought were too risky. Within the next hour or so they covered everything the other had suggested parting ways so Obi-Wan could see how Captain Typho had come with implementing the new measures he suggested.

When he returned Anakin was sitting standing looking out the window turned towards the older man.

"Why are the security cameras off," he inquired.

"I don't think he liked me watching," Anakin said in a slightly cheeky tone.

"R2 is monitoring the room. Besides I can sense everything that's happening in the room."

"Oh can you now," Obi-Wan challenged.

"Yes," Anakin responded.

"Your senses you're are not as attune as my own, my young padawan," Obi-Wan stated as they began to review how their relationship must continued to rely on their trust in one another and that he must follow Obi-Wan's leads in these matters. It had been an on going discussion that seemed to have continuously. It was this discussion that made Anakin believe Obi-Wan was jealous of his abilities while Obi-Wan wished for Anakin to practice patience and trust in his experience and his own abilities. He knew that the boy respected him and trusted him, but there were times when his arrogance could blind him to the matter at hand not to mention that he had to remember that Risu was a senator and that he should be very careful around them.

As the discussion continued the glass of bedroom window was cut away by an assassinator's droid. It delivered its packages of two centipedes like creatures that crawled out of the depths of the droid. They fell onto the floor of the room scurrying over towards the bed where Risu slept.

A low beam of light began to move across the room emanating from R2D2. He scanned the room for movement missing the two creatures that meant to kill any living creature in the room when they stopped. The beam of light passed over them twice before the droid stopped the scan. Once the light diminished the two creatures continued towards their target.

Outside of the room the two Jedi continued their conversation until they sensed the hostile intent. Anakin was the first to look in the room's direction.

"I sense it too," said Obi-Wan.

The door to the room opened just as the insect like creatures moved closer. Anakin rushed in leaping onto the bed as the familiar buzz of a light saber could be heard once it was extended. Two strikes and the two creatures were sliced in half tossed onto the floor of the room waking the Risu from his sleep.

Drawing up his hair fell back and he looked at Anakin as Obi-Wan dived through the window to hold onto the droid hovering outside of the window before it could make its escape. Anakin said nothing, but his and Risu's eyes met for a moment and he left the room to go help Obi-Wan letting Risu's servant and Captain Typho attend to the senator.

"Mi lord," the servant said as she rushed in. Risu slipped up a little clearly shaken over the incident. "I'm alright," he said unsure if it was for his or their benefit.

"Looking towards the broken window he was pulled from the bed gently and taken out of the room.

"R2." He called for the droid as he was shown into another room as a precaution. Risu could feel his heart pounding knowing that had they gotten any closer he would've died. He sat down in the chair he was shown two and looked at the other two people as he thought about the Jedi that were risking their lives to protect his.

A few hours had passed and there was no word from the Jedi. Risu had begun to worry. "Mi lord..." He held his hand up. "I want to know that they're alright." He said to the servant. He wasn't going to rest comfortably until he knew.

Captain Typho came in moments later carrying an electronic pad with him. "The Jedi have reported in, Senator. They had to make a report to the council, but they sent the information. Once they have spoken with the council they will come here." Risu nodded to the captain and he left the room, but Risu refused to lie down and rest. He couldn't and the Jedi took longer than expected. He didn't see them until the next morning.

The hour had become so late that sleep had gotten the better of him and when he woke he went about his morning routine. He had expected to see both Jedi, but it was only one that returned. Anakin and when he saw him he smiled. Anakin greeted him with one of his own, but it was brief for the padawan had something to tell him that he would not like.

For his own protection he was being told to leave the capital until they could discover who was behind the assassination attempts. He was being asked to hide. That was something Risu did not want to do, but it was again at the chancellor's behest even though he would not know where he was going and if he was going at all. He knew Risu to be spirited at times. Despite his apprehension Risu spoke with Jar-Jar Binks asking him to be the one to act in his place while he attended to a personal matter. It wasn't unheard off and the information had already been transmitted to the proper offices.

"I do not like this idea of hiding. I did not spend months attempting to defeat the Military Act not to be here when it's voted upon," he said defiantly. Anger was an understatement. There was a great deal of frustration tied to him as well. "Being ran out like this..." Risu had to bite his tongue to control himself. He moved from the drawer removing a few more things placing them in the bag he planned to take with him.

"It's what you signed up for when you became a senator. It's the risk you took when you decided to serve, the same risk that your sister took, but they want to avoid the mistakes of the past, Risu. They want to keep you alive. You are more valuable alive then dead," Anakin stated. "Sometimes there are things we must do not for ourselves, but for others, because it is needed."

Risu looked towards sighing softly. "True..." But this is not what he thought the other would be saying to him. He had been worried about Anakin since last night. His worried extended to Obi-Wan, but it was Anakin that he had spoken with. It was Anakin that listened to him and vice versa.

"Perhaps if we were able to interrogate the assassin, get more information out of her then we wouldn't be doing this," Anakin said softly.

"But because of you I'm still alive and we're a step closer to learning who is orchestrating things and for that I'm grateful." Risu's voice grew softer as he thought on it. "Grateful for many things, Anakin Skywalker." He didn't want to lose a friend. Even one he just met, since he had so few of them. It wasn't until his eyes glanced up that they meet the Jedi's. He didn't hear him move towards him.

"I couldn't fail again." He could hear it a dozen times and he would still blame himself for her death. He wouldn't lose another person under his watch. "I couldn't lose another person."

Lose...Risu thought they had cleared that up, but he didn't say anything, because Anakin was so close. "You didn't." He said in a soft tone. "And you came back." He could feel himself wanting to say more when the touch of Anakin's hand stopped him. Fingertips traced along the smooth curve of his face and he could feel his heart starting to race inside of his chest, beating so fast, pounding so hard.

When their eyes meet again, Anakin was giving Risu so intense that for a moment Risu thought his legs were going to give. "When I didn't hear from you, I had assumed the worse. When I saw you, this morning, I was relieved. You had survived the night."

Anakin listened to the words trying to figure out what to say to them, trying to figure out why the tips of his fingers were touching Risu's face.


As the words formed on his lips he drew away seconds before the doors to bedroom opened and Obi-Wan walked in.

"Are you ready Senator, I'll be escorting you and Anakin to the transport ship along with Captain Typho."

Anakin stood with his back to his Master nodding. "Of course Master." Risu copied the nod moving to his luggage. "I'll be out in a moment, Master Kenobi."

"Of course. Anakin a word if I may?" Obi-Wan left the room while Risu looked towards Anakin as he moved towards the doors turning slightly before disappearing through them to speak with his Master leaving Risu alone to wonder about what Anakin was going to say before they were interrupted.

To Be Continued

Sorry it took so long to get part two out, but this one takes a little time for me to decide which way I want to go with some things. However let me know what you think. Email me at All flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 3

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