Anakin and Risu

By Ryan Gora

Published on Nov 13, 2005


Ok so let's get this out of the way. We all know that I do not own or nor did I crate any of the Star Wars characters that are not original. Everyone named from the movies are owned by George Lucas. This is just a little creative play and I hope everyone will enjoy it and does not reflect the thoughts of anyone else but my own.

Anakin and Risu Prologue:

Ten years have passed since the Death of Queen Amidala. The people of Naboo suffered a huge loss despite the election of Senator Palpatine to Supreme Chancellor. With Amidala's death there were additional star systems that left the Republic for the Trade Federation. Towards the Inner Core of the planets things seemed to be going well, but it was hard to say with the constant debating being done within the Senate. Even now there was the Military Act was days from being passed one that would allow the Republic to deal with the problem of the Trade Federation. However there were a few within the Republic that were opposed to the formation of a true Army of the Republic they believed that things could be negotiated peacefully.

Among those who were pushing for peaceful negotiations the more notable representatives were Senators Organa, Bilau, Temra and the new senator from Naboo, Senator Travin. Not much was none about the senator outside of his regular attendance of the meetings of the senate, however there were those that felt that he carried too much of the tone of Queen Amidala. So much so that they felt that he had to be dealt with. If the bill was passed and the Republic did not go into war then the Trade Federation would lose some of their ground that the Republic was becoming corrupt and did not stand for peace.

Anakin and Risu - Part 1

A silver ship streamed through space towards its destination the capital of the Republic Coruscant. As it drew closer it slowed as it approached its landing pad. It was being escorted by two Naboo Starfighters. Communications were exchanged between the ship and perimeter control. It was to proceed to the designated landing pad. Entering Coruscant's atmosphere the there ships approached the pad and began their slow descent. Landing claws extended from all three vehicles as they landed.

The silver star cruiser's landing ramp lowered and a group of people came out. There were a few guards coming down and along a few personal servants. The pilots from the starfighters slipped out and moved towards the group emerging from the stair cruiser.

"Glad everything ran smoothly," one pilot said to the other. He removed his helmet heading towards the group when the silver ship exploded knocking him and the other pilot back.

The silent pilot moved to his feet pulling off his helmet. Dropping it he ran towards the other group finding one of the bodies charred a bit, but he recognized it as his decoy. "Merin," he said his name softly brushing his hair back. His own hair was in a bit of a braid, dark in color, eyes deepest green anyone had ever seen. He brushed Merin's hair a little more as he was joined by the other pilot.

"I failed you, Senator," Merin whispered. They were the last words he spoke. The other man drew him close to him shutting his eyes to the tragedy that had just occurred.

"Senator Travin....Senator." Risu looked up from Merin trying to hold back the tears, but it was too much for him. They had come with the plan as a precaution. He didn't think someone would do this. Letting Merin go he moved to his feet so the security force could do their job. He wasn't scared, it was more angry than scared. He knew if he spoke out against the continued conflict something would occur, his bet was on the Trade Federation, though there was something inside of him that said that there was more to this, but he couldn't shake the feeling.

His parents weren't sure if they wanted him to inter politics, but he felt that it was his duty and his privilege to do so. Many people became wary of politics after the death of Queen Amidala. It was their Senator that had become Supreme Chancellor after the vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum. The trade blockade seemed so long ago, and while it had been stopped the people of Naboo all of them had paid a price.

Several hours liters Risu found himself speaking with several people in the Chancellor's Office. He had been greeted by the older man himself. He told him how grateful he felt that he was alive, that this tragedy shouldn't have occurred. Risu agreed, but what more could he do about it? He couldn't do anything except sit and wait and that was the last thing he wanted to do, but with everything that's happened he felt a bit helpless. He had to let others see to him and let them do the work that he felt he should be doing.

Just as the conference was ending the group from the Jedi Council was coming to meet with the Chancellor. Risu had always respected the Jedi. They were instrumental in assisting the little Naboo ten years ago. Of course everyone knew that the Jedi were protectors of peace. Among them was a short Jedi Master one of the most famous of all, Master Yoda. He stopped when he came close to Risu.

"Senator Travin, warms my heart to see you alive," he stated.

"Thank you Master Yoda," Risu responded with a smile.

"I assure that the Jedi will get to the bottom of this assassination plot, Senator," said Master Windu. Risu turned his attention to the Jedi Master and the others that were assembled there unsure if he should express what he was thinking at the time.

"I suspect that Count Dooku was behind the attempt," he decided to go with his gut on this one.

"Surely not! The senator must remember that Dooku was once a member of the Jedi Order and isn't capable of doing such a thing." Risu glanced towards Master Windu wanting to believe him, but experience taught him otherwise.

"With everything that's happened I think it would be best if you were assigned a personal guard, Senator Travin." At that Risu raised his eyes to the Chancellor. He knew of the things that Palpatine had done for the Naboo during the Trade Federation Crisis, but he thought that was a bit much. "Perhaps a one of the Jedi."

"Chancellor, I don't think that will be necessary, there's too much going on." He didn't want that to happen.

"Please. It would do me no good to see harm brought to you, Senator Travin, perhaps the Jedi could spare someone that is familiar with our people. Perhaps, Master Kenobi?" At the name Risu glanced to the others. He wasn't personally acquainted with Jedi Master Kenobi, but he knew of him and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. Risu wanted to protest more, but he knew it was a lost cause. It wasn't going to happen. He had been out voted on the matter.

"Very well, Chancellor." He nodded to the others and moved out of the Chancellor's office with his delegation. Despite the look on hid face he was very intrigued about them, both Master and Padawan.

Several hours had passed and he found himself in his apartment removing the clothing form his bags. True he had servants that could do that for him, but he needed something to do, something to take his mind off the death of the others and of his decoy. It shouldn't have happened. It should've been him. He knew they were doing their jobs, but is this what it had come to?

Sitting on the bed he searched through his belongs pulling out a piece of jewelry, it was hand crafted, and it was something that had belonged to someone dear to him. Every time he held it he felt her strength. Things were quite different now he was in more comfortable clothing. His hair was let down and fell to his back. It was long and dark like the sky of his homeworld. Even now he missed Naboo, but they are a part of the Republic and they needed to be represented.

"Padme," he said softly.

Meanwhile in an elevator heading towards his apartment two men stood in the car as it rose towards the top of the building. One seemed to be no more than twenty years old with short blonde hair and a single slim braid that was just below his shoulders. Beside him was older man with a beard and they were both dressed in the robes and tunic of the Jedi, while the older gentleman war the traditional garb, the younger war garments that were darker and vest that seemed to be made of leather like his boots. He moved around a little as they spoke of their last assignment.

"Ten years and it seems like we've come full circle," the younger man said trying to take his mind off what was bothering him.

"Ten years is a long time, my young padawan." The older man studied his padawan trying to determine what was wrong. "Your mother?"

The words caught the other off guard, but he nodded. "I've been dreaming of her again. I can't get them out of my head."

"But you must. Remember what Master Yoda said."

"Yes, but shouldn't be conscience of all the events that the Force shows us," he responded.

"Yes, but we mustn't allow it to take us from the moment. That is where we live, Anakin." He reminded him. "But there's something else."

"Master..." Anakin shook his head.

"What is it? Is it her," Obi-Wan inquired. "It's been ten years, Anakin." He reminded him. His padawan was only a boy. They barely knew each other.

"No it isn't that, Master, it's something else. Just this feeling I had," Anakin offered. He wanted to tell him of all the dreams that he had been having, but he wasn't sure if he could share this with his Master. He thought of Obi-Wan as a father and a friend, but those were too personal.

When the doors opened they were met by a Gungan. One who knew them well. "Obi-Wan!" The older man was hugged by Jar-Jar and then Anakin was given the same. "Ani!" He kept in touch with them all this time and was delighted to see them.

"Hi Jar-Jar." Obi-Wan said with a smile. It was then that another man with dark skin came towards them. "Captain Typho, I'm the commander of the Senator's security force." He shook hands with both men advising them of the situation. "Even if he's not happy about you being here I am." It was an added comfort to know that Jedi would be guarding the Senator.

The doors to his bedroom opened and Risu stepped out looking towards the others. Jar-Jar moved to introduce him to the Jedi. "Messa friends Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker." There were those names again. Risu looked towards them both smiling.

"It is good to meet you both, Master's Kenobi and Skywalker."

"Oh Anakin's still a padawan," Obi-Wan stated. "But he is well on his way to becoming a Jedi Master, perhaps better than me." He said trying to lighten the mood. He could sense that there was much on the mind of both his padawan and the senator.

"Because of your teachings, Master." Anakin said with a bit of a smile before looking towards Risu. The first thing he noticed was his eyes, it's what everyone noticed. "Senator I assure you we will get to bottom of this." Other words fell short as he noticed the item that Risu was wearing on his wrist. Risu noticed and slid his hand into to the sleeve of his shirt hiding the item.

"We're here to protect the Senator, Anakin, not investigate."

"No..." he started. "It's implied, Master. Protection is something for security to do. We were sent here to find out who is attempting to take the Senator's life." The conversation was a bit unorthodox. Risu listened to them both knowing that this must occur often, a disagreement between teacher and student. He knew it well.

"Perhaps your mere presence here will drive the assailant from the shadows," Risu offered before nodding again to leave them to their discussion.

The two Jedi looked between themselves as Captain Typho stepped forward again. "If you like Master Kenobi I could show you the security precautions that we've recently taken," he said guiding Obi-Wan out of the room. Jar-Jar moved from the room as well so that left a few servants in the immediate area that were probably somewhere else in the apartment and the Senator, but what he was more curious about was the item on the boy's wrist. He was younger than Anakin, that much he could tell.

He moved towards the door of the Senator's study and knocked on it. "Come in." The door slid open and Anakin walked in. It was just then that a few noises were made from the corner it was an astro droid that seemed to be everywhere that Risu was when allowed.

"Oh sorry about that," Risu said standing from his desk. "That's R2..."

"D2..." Anakin finished for him. "I haven't seen him in ten years." He moved towards the droid smiling. "How have you been R2?" R2 made a few more noises that all astro droids were known for.

"That's right." Risu said drawing Anakin's attention to him. "I had forgotten he was on that ship, your ship." He said in a soft tone as he moved from behind the desk. "I'm sorry if I was a bit short with you and Master Kenobi, it's just that I feel that your time could be better spent. There are more important things for the two of you to be doing," he offered.

"Modesty from a senator." He said softly and that caught Risu's eye. "Sorry, I have...problems with many politicians," he revealed.

"I see."

"Not that I would have a problem with you, Senator, it's just politics..." Anakin knew he had offended the younger boy.

"It's ok. It's not something that's easily understood. Sometimes I don't understand it myself." He gave him a way out with a slight smile.

"Would you like something to drink? We have a few things here. I'm not sure if it's to your liking," he motioned towards the drinks set out on a table gasping when his wrist was held tightly by the Padawan's. "What?!"

"Where did you get this," Anakin demanded. He knew bracelet Risu wore. He made it. He made it for a handmaiden name Padme who was actually the Queen of Naboo at the time. "Tell me." His gripped tightened. Risu tried to pull his hand from Anakin's grip.

"It's mine." He told him as he tried to free himself from the grip.

"You lie! I made it for someone. I remember when I gave it to them." Anakin could feel his anger rising at the boy. He stole it from her.

"You made it?" Risu said surprised. He didn't know and he stopped struggling.

"Yes, for a friend...for a Queen." Anakin's grip remained the same.

"For Padme."

"Amidala." Anakin and Risu stared at one another.

"That was the name she was given when she was elected as Queen. Her true name was Padme Naberrie. She was my sister."

So that's part one of the series I plan on continuing to write. Let me know what you think. Email me at All flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 2

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