Anaheim Alaska

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Mar 21, 2023


Anaheim Alaska (The Prequel)-24 Questionable Behavior

Written by

Eugene Marvin


You can help support my writing by donating what you can to cash app @ $nphillydogg


Anaheim County, Alaska

6pm: The officers of Anaheim County were on a change of shifts, when 19yr old Hank Harding and 28yr old Phillip West pulled into the station's parking lot @the same time from 2 different entries!

Both men [rookie & veteran] paused in their parked cars, both wondering what frame of mind the other would be in...? Hank was the first to get out of his car and head into work! Phillip followed, making his way in behind! Neither man said anything to the other as Hank immediately walked by the sheriff's office to punch in for work! Sheriff Anderson caught Phillip at the time clock and walked him into his office, giving his sympathies for his recent breakup with his wife! Hank stood at the clock [eavesdropping] as Anderson pat Phil on the shoulder and asked if he was okay to work his shift...?...or if he'd prefer to stay at the station doing paperwork? Most cops hated tedious paperwork, so Phil opted to patrol! Anderson sent him on his way to punch in as Hank continued on to his desk!

It was during the changeover that dispatch got an emergency scan that bank robbery suspects were in an active pursuit! The pursuit originated in Seaside City, then sped through 2 counties (Delta City and Cellins County)...!...with a convoy of officers from each county chasing in pursuit, hoping to cut the thieves off in Anaheim County by alerting the station in advance!

Every cop in the station [day & nite shifts] rushed out to their vehicles to set up a roadblock on the main highway rushing straight through the county!

As Anaheim police shut down the highway and blocked all access coming through town, Hank Harding [the rookie] was sent to manage re-routed traffic on the secondary main road, diverting travelers from one exit to another through town!

At first Hank was peeved to be missing out on all the action until he noticed a car fitting the suspects' description speeding by, barreling through lights and traffic as if they were the only ones on the road! Hank hit his lights and siren and jumped into pursuit, dodging through traffic [both hands on the wheel on the wet/snowy surface], too preoccupied to call in that the suspects were no longer on the main highway!

Anaheim Police realized this once the police convoy reached them and there was no suspect vehicle in sight!

Hank followed the fleeing suspects as they sped through the county, making dangerously sharp turns and barely missing cars and pedestrians, taking multiple roads until they got onto a back road and turned up into private property!

Hank slowed down outside the residence, and switched off the lights & siren! This would have been the perfect time to radio his location, but he wanted to make the collar himself [so others would stop treating him as a child on The Force]!

Against his teachings; he exited the vehicle and jotted up onto the farming residence in the distance! He'd seen the suspects drive into an open barn on the property, several dozen yards from the large white house nearby!

Once outside the barn he crouched down and peered in, seeing the suspect's car sitting in the center! The dwelling had open double doors on either end of the barn [allowing you to see straight through], the car looked empty however! Hank crept inside, checking the darkened corners to make sure they weren't laying in wait! He made it up to the car door and looked in! Indeed it was empty, but Hank couldn't see anyone! Then he heard a noise! He crept up to the other side of the barn, peering out the open doors to see 2guys hotwiring the homeowner's pickup just a few yards away at the side of the 2story house! Hank ducked back behind the wall and pulled his radio from his hip, preparing to give his location and description of the suspects! But before he could utter a word, a third guy jumped out of one of the darkened corners he neglected to check and tackled him to the ground, yelling out loud for help from his friends!

Hank struggled, losing the radio AND his gun in the process! He HIT the guy in the face, only to have the other 2men grab him and beat him until he stopped fighting! They stood around him, trying to decide if they should HOLD him hostage or just keeping going...? One guy bent down to remove Hank's handcuffs, clipping them on behind Hank's back [locking his wrists]!

"You know if we get caught we're going away for a LONG time...!" said one of the men [the leader of the group]! "No more pussy!"

"I guess its back to fucking men in prison!" chuckled the second guy!

"Hey, this cop's got a nice ass!" he added, staring down at Hank's butt!

"NO, man..." insisted the leader, "...we don't have time for that!"

The second man scoffed!

"If we're going back to prison, what difference would it make...?" he reasoned!

The leader shrugged his shoulders as they grabbed Hank and physically dragged him to their stolen car and threw him [facedown] in the backseat! Hank was still a bit dazed from the beating as his uniform pants [underwear & thermals] were yanked down off his hips and tucked just under his buttock!

"Maann...what a beaut!" said the second man, cupping and groping Hank's ass cheeks, squeezing and molding them firmly as he pulled the cheeks apart to get a good look at the hole cozily nestled in-between!

"Looks tight, too!" he described, leaning in to hog-spit onto the ring! Then [crouching behind Hank on the seats] undid his pants and freed his 7.5" hardon! He rubbed some additional spit onto the head and leaned in over Hank's back and rammed his cock straight in! Hank's head popped up upon penetration, feeling his asshole burn to life in pain as the cock plunged straight into him until the man was grinding his pubic bone against his ass!

"Oh yeah, he's feeling it!" laughed the fucker, holding Hank down as he started to fuck!

The third man walked around to the backdoor on the driver's side and opened it! Hank looked up as the man PUNCHED him in the face [as revenge]! Hank groaned in pain as the guy then freed his cock and gripped the officer by the hair and started slapping his face with his hard cock! Hank felt the dick pushing at his lips, making him suck it, warning him that if he bit him he'd be DEAD!

Hank had 2 cocks bore through him at the same time, with the second man hovering over his back while the third guy gripped the back of his head and started fucking his throat! Both men fucked frantically [knowing their time was limited]! Hank could feel the urgencies in their thrusts, fucking him as if they had a plane to catch in a few minutes!

"His ass is great..." said the second man, banging his hips into the upturned ass! "...this ain't his first fuck though..." he surmised, ramming harder and harder! "...he's definitely been fucked before!"

"He definitely getting fucked again...!" said the leader [#1], groping his own growing hardon through his pants! "Hurry it up..." he insisted, "...we don't have all day!"

"We could always take him with us!" suggested the second man [staring down to watch his cock disappear up the cop's ass]!

"As a hostage...?" questioned the leader [sounding as if he were considering it]!

"That's MORE time tacked onto our sentence if we get caught! It's not worth it!"

"You ain't tagged this ass yet..." argued the second man, "...once you fuck it you're gonna want it again, I assure you!" he added, before slamming in a few more times before coming! "Arrhhhgg...uhg...!!...ARRHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he yelled as he ground into me and came, shooting directly into me!

Hank groaned around the cock fucking his throat! He felt the second man yank out of him and pull away..., only to feel the leader climbing in behind him! He felt the head of the cock kissing against his sperm/wet anus before pushing in! Hank felt the cock sliding into him smoothly [helped greatly by the sperm acting as lubricant in his rectum]! The man started thrusting as soon as he was anchored, sliding his long/slim cock in & out!

"You're right...this ass feels great!" he agreed, loving the feel of rectum on his dick!

Just then the guy fucking Hank's face pulled out and started shooting his load all over the officer's upturned face [still holding him by the hair]! Hank tried to catch the load in his open mouth and tongue, preferring to swallow it than have it sprayed all over his face while on duty! The guy wiped his cock off on his face as well before tucking it away...!...leaving him and the leader alone!

The oldest of the trio kept fucking, his cock reaching deeper than the last guy's! He leaned down against Hank's back, humping into him steadily as he built himself towards orgasm...!...telling Hank how good his asshole felt on his cock, wishing he could get him in prison with them so they could spend every waking moment in his guts!

Despite his dangerous situation; Hank couldn't help growing a hardon against the seats! The cock just felt so good sliding through his cum-creamed innards, plus the leader's `sweet' talk had Hank wondering what it would BE like living with them in a small prison cell...? He was sure they would fuck him around the clock [having nothing else to DO with their time in prison]!

"Hurry up, Jake..." yelled one of the guys, hearing sirens in the near distance! "...we gotta GO!"

Hank felt Jake's fuck thrusts increase 10fold, banging him harder as he lifted into pushup-position for maximum thrust! Hank grunted aloud as the cock slammed deeply through him, picking up the pace and growing wilder with each stroke!

"urh...!...urh...!...urh...!...URRHHHHHHHGGGGGGG...!!!" grunted the leader, finally shooting his load [perhaps his last load of freedom], grounding into the succulent backside in front of him before yanking out to run off!

"Great ass, Officer..." he complimented [tucking and zipping]! "...remember me no matter what happens!" he added before bolting to the pickup they hotwired! Hank started to climb out of the car when he noticed a skinny farmer [likely the owner's son] slowly step out of the shadows after witnessing the whole incident! Hank felt his heart drop, knowing a resident had seen him getting raped! He was just about to plead with the teenager not to tell anyone about what he saw..., when he suddenly noticed the cock bulge tenting out the front of the boy's overalls!

Hank climbed out of the car, pulling his pants [halfway] up over his ass before walking over to the boy [who stood still in shock], then reached out to feel-up the hard bulge in front of him! The boy said nothing as Hank slowly slipped to his knees, pulling down the zipper on his overalls to free the hard cock bursting to be free inside!

Without saying a word to each other, Hank stared up into the boy's eyes for a moment..., then leaned in to take his upward curved 6" cock in his mouth to suck! The boy gasped aloud when he felt the officer's warm mouth envelop his hard cock, swallowing him whole as Hank buried his face in the boy's barely haired pubes and suckled his cock like a piece of sweet candy! The boy fell backwards against the wood wall, his hips thrust forward as Hank began to bob his head, sucking the shaft!

"ohgod...!" grasped the 15yr old [feeding hay to the horses before hiding when he heard the strange car speeding into the barn], holding onto whatever was nearby to steady his balance! The mouth kept sliding up & down his hard shaft, lapping and slurping at his modest cock as it remained in his mouth without letting go!

Hank knew he had to do a good job for the boy to keep him quiet! What was to stop him from squealing on him about what he saw...?...unless HE too was involved in some small way? He gave the boy the best blowjob he could [perhaps the first blowjob he ever had], in hopes the boy would have convenient amnesia when the cops came! He sped his mouth along the dick, sucking madly as the sirens got closer [louder] in his ear! He feared he might have to rain-check and finish the boy off some other time [if possible], when he suddenly felt the boy's body tremble and seize as his cock erupted wildly in his mouth...!

"ohmygod..." gasped the boy, slumping against the wall while pushing his hips out forward, jamming his cock into the back of Hank's oven-hot mouth! Hank swallowed the cock whole, pressing his face into the boy's groin [holding it in the back of his mouth] just as it twitched and pulsed, then erupted madly!

"...ohgod...!...ohgod...!...urh...urh...arrrhhhhhhhhhhhhgg...!!" he grunted and groaned, shooting his load directly into the mouth enveloping him! Hank felt the warm cum spray the back of his throat, the cock throbbing heavily as it fed him a flood of cum! Hank kept the cock in his mouth until it stopped pulsing, sucking out the last of sperm before pulling off to swallow whatever was left in his mouth!

Hank stood up, as he and the boy's eyes locked once more! Hank licked his lips clean, tucking the boy's still hard cock back into his overalls and re-zippered! The sirens stopped just outside of the barn! Hank finished pulling up his pants around his waist! The boy handed Hank a cloth from his back pocket, warning him to clean the cum off his face [from the spraying it took earlier from suspect #2], Hank had just managed to wipe his face clean when the officers rushed into the barn on foot, their weapons drawn!

"Where are they...?!" they asked [looking around frantically]!

"They left..." said Hank, "...they hotwired an old sky-blue pickup and took off about 5mins ago!"

"Why didn't you radio it in...?!" asked one of the officers!

"uh, we fought..." explained Hank, "...they knocked me out and got away!" he concluded, pointing at his gun and radio lying on the ground!

He had the boy give a full description of the truck[including license plate number], as most of the officers jumped back in their cars and took off after the suspects, now searching for an old blue pickup! Sheriff Anderson walked up to Hank to take a closer look at the bruises on his face, gripping his face with both hands to examine it closely...!

"Did you get your facial before or after they knocked you out...?" he asked [noticing un-wiped droplets of cum in various places along Hank's hairline and about his left ear!

Hank froze!

"uh..." he uttered, unsure what to say! "...they, uh...they caught me off guard, sir!" he admitted!

Anderson stared at the rookie for a moment [feeling his own cock stiffening hard in his pants at the idea of seeing Hank get taken advantage of]!

"Go to the station and make a report..." said the older man, "...leave a `special' report on my desk! I want explicit details of what they did to you!

"Don't worry..." he added [noticing the horrid look on Hank's young face]! "...I'll leave out the explicit parts from the report!"

Hank nodded his head before taking off, driving to the station to file a report for Anderson's eyes only! While at work; Hank overheard from dispatch [2hrs later] that the trio of suspects had been apprehended in Essex County trying to hotwire another car!

Hank found himself daydreaming about the trio [Jake in particular], wondering what their sentencing might be...?...and how they might fair in prison? From their conversations it sounded like they survived prison life before, and seemed to be addicted to fucking the men they roomed with! For a second Hank imagined himself locked away with them...!...them sharing his ass and mouth as they took full advantage of him every night!

Sheriff Anderson came in soon after...!

"Harding..." he called upon entering, " my office!"

Hank gathered up his paperwork and went into the sheriff's office! "Close the door!" said the older man, hanging his police issued coat and hat onto the coat rack before sitting behind his back! He held out his hand for the paperwork, with Hank handing it to him before standing `at-ease' across from his desk [awaiting further instruction]!

Anderson read over the report, pausing a few times to adjust his hardening cock under the desk! Upon finishing he sat back and stared up at the rookie officer...!

"What were you thinking...?" he asked, trying to sound more peeved than he actually felt [his cock now throbbing hard and leaking precum into his thermal underwear]! Hank heard the angry tone, knowing he should have left out the parts about him being knocked out and fucked by the assailants! "You could've been killed!" said the sheriff, wanting the rookie to take the job seriously! "You're just lucky they were horny suspects and not murderous ones!"

"I..., I'm sorry, Sir..., I wasn't thinking!" admitted the rookie, feeling stupid!

"No, you weren't!" sighed the sheriff. "Punch out, Rookie...go home!"

Hank's mouth dropped!

"But..." he said, pleadingly! "...I'm FINE, Sir...!"

"Go HOME, Harding..." insisted Anderson, firmly! "...THINK about your actions and DO better!"

"Yes, sir." said Hank, bowing his head [sorrowfully] before leaving the office and swiping out with his I.D.! Placing the vehicle keys on the key-rack, he grabbed his `lunch' and headed for the door, bypassing the sheriff's office as Anderson began editing out the rape scenes from the report [keeping it for his personal collection]!


Hank drove home [feeling BAD for being sent home] and parked outside the laundromat leading upstairs to his apartment. After pulling his house key to unlock the door and walk in..., Hank was surprised to see an open bottle of wine on the table with 2 glasses! A further look revealed a pair of male shoes tucked under the coffee table, with the flat-screen tv playing a romantic comedy in the living room [the tv being the only source of light], (giving ambiance)!

Understandably suspicious; Hank hung up his coat and hat and headed towards the bedroom! The door was closed. He listened at the door and heard soft whispering and moaning! Hank hesitated as he pulled away from the door and went into the kitchen to grab a beer...!...turning it up to his lips as he guzzled it down before taking a deep breather and heading back to the door to KICK IT IN...!...finding Madeline in bed with her manager!


Earlier that day...

18yr old Madeline Harding was busy at work [as a cashier], flirting silently with her boss as they exchanged looks from a distance! When alone; Maddie tried to get him to meet her in the restroom in the back of the store..., but he declined, saying he thought his assistant manager (Susie) suspected something between them! But Maddie really wanted to `see' him again, and invited him to stop by her apartment sometime that night, as her husband would be working!

Hank picked his wife up outside her job that afternoon [as usual], taking her home before later heading into work [and eventually joining in on the police chase]! Meanwhile Maddie jumped into the shower to prepare for her `date'! After showering, she texted Jeff and told him he could come over. Jeff [who also showered and changed at home] left for Maddie's apt. and was there within just a 5 minutes! He parked discreetly, then headed up the side stairs to the second floor apartment. Maddie let him in, giggling at his obvious erection already tenting the front of his pants! He handed her a bag of wine, as she went into the kitchen to grab 2 glasses. They had drinks as they sat on the sofa with the tv playing quietly in the background. Madeline couldn't keep her eyes off of his erection, and instantly went for his zipper to hoist out his 8" cock and quickly went down on it!

Jeffery's past experiences with Maddie were quickies @work in the employee's restroom, however this time they were in the comforts of her home, able to take their time, with Maddie going down on him and swallowing his cock to the root! Jeffery sank back in his seat [like sinking into a warm bubble bath], marveling at Maddie's oral skills as she swallowed his cock whole before pulling back and bobbing her head!

Jeff moaned softly as Madeline began giving him some of the best head he'd ever had! She sucked his cock selflessly, enjoying the size and feel of his dick in her mouth and throat, eating and sucking him up deliciously as his hands roamed over her body [playing with her tits and ass, moving from one area to the other]! After a few minutes of intense sucking, Madeline pulled off and stood up on the cushions of the sofa, lifting the bottom of her short skirt to reveal she wasn't wearing any underwear!

Jeffery chuckled, as he lay his head backwards on the sofa-back, letting Maddie straddle his face as he reached up to grab and guide her hips, parking her cunt right on his open mouth [as he began to eat her out]! Maddie moaned erotically as she tossed her long hair from one side to the other, staring out a crack in the curtains [just behind the sofa] to see people and cars going by completely oblivious to what was happened upstairs in her little apartment!

Jeff ate Madeline's cunt as if he hadn't tasted vagina in months! He licked, lapped, and lavished the slit passionately, letting it ride his face as Madeline started to grind her cunt against his sucking mouth [fucking herself]! Jeffery couldn't believe how hot & wild his coworker was behind closed doors...!...her meek-like persona in public a total contrast to the woman who sucked his cock like a pornstar! His dick was rock hard and already pulsing as he ate her out, his hands all over her buttock as he licked along the moist slit and ate the clit like sushi! Maddie had a mini-orgasm [as her body shook tingly all over] before pulling off his face to squat down over his lap and grasp his hard cock..., aiming it upright at her vagina before slowly sinking down onto it...!...feeling it fill her up inside!

`Oooohhh...!' they both moaned [in unison] as Maddie bottomed out and began grounding her abdomen against his pubes [churning his cock around in her vitals]!

Jeffery was smitten as he wrapped his hands around her half-naked body [her skirt now wrapped around her waist], feeling up her soft/supple skin just as she started to lift and lower herself on him [fucking]! `Oh god, don't stop...!' whispered Maddie, loving the feel of her boss's cock inside her, his hands roaming all over her sensitive body!

`oh...!...oh...!...oh...!...oh...!' moaned Madeline as she began to fuck herself!

Jeff kissed all about her neck, shoulders, and chest, pulling open her loose blouse to cup her tits and suckle the fat nipples while she rode his cock! Maddie started to bounce in place, wrapping her arms about Jeff's head as she fucked herself madly! Jeffery lifted his head to kiss the off duty employee on the lips, both of them parting their lips to french-kiss deeply! Jeff reached back down and cupped Maddie's buttock, helping her life and lower herself faster, loving the feel of her cunt sliding along his stiff cock! He could feel his first orgasm coming on strong! He was surprised when Maddie suddenly pulled off his cock and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the bedroom!

They both stripped off the remainder of their clothes right there in the living before going into the bedroom [his stiff cock bouncing in front of him]! Maddie climbed down onto the mattress on the floor, lowering her head to the bed while hiking her ass in the air! Jeffery climbed down behind her and started eating her cunt from behind this time, licking and sucking at the feminine access with his tongue, pushing his entire face into her now wet snatch before lifting higher to eat her asshole!

Madeline moaned, grinding her ass back against his tongue, reaching back with both hands to spread her own cheeks wider, giving him deeper access! After a minute or so of ass-eating, Jeffery lifted upright and started searching for Madeline's cunt entrance with the head of his cock [wanting back inside]!

Fuck me...' moaned Maddie [balancing her face and shoulders against the bed while still holding onto her ass cheeks]! ...fuck my asshole...' she begged [in a desperate whisper]! Jeff paused, unsure he heard correctly! ...please...' she continued, peering back at him from over her shoulder! ...fuck me in the ass!'

Are you SURE...?' asked Jeffery [having never had a woman request that from him before]! I...don't want to HURT you...!'

Maddie reached back with one hand and grasped his cock, guiding it up to her hairless anus...!...pushing back against it as the head slowly penetrated her rectal ring! She grunted aloud from the sharp pain, but pushed back against it further as more cock slid into her rectum!

`URRHHG...!!' she grunted as she pressed her ass back into his trimmed reddish/blonde pubic patch! She ground her ass back against him as he automatically grabbed her hips to grind into her also!

`Ohgod...!' he groaned as her sphincter muscles gripped him tighter than any pussy ever had! She braced herself against the bed as he started to pull backwards with her hips [watching his cock reemerge from her shitter as clean as a whistle], then shoved back in, driving his cock in deeply [fucking her]! Maddie moaned erotically into the bed, having not had her asshole fucked since her time living at home (by her brother: Stuart)!

Jeffery had heard of stories about anal sex, and had even saw videos online of women taking cock up the ass...!...but most of those were from porn movies, not REAL life! Most women didn't like anal sex as it was mostly for the man's pleasure, not theirs, they had pussies and didn't need the use of the extra hole! But Jeffery couldn't believe how hot and tight the anus felt [as he fucked it for the first time]! He started stabbing at the hole harder, losing all sense of self as he fucked for his own pleasure [as if for the first time]!

`ohmygod...' he groaned, the pleasure shooting from his cock up to his brain like lightning! Maddie felt his fuck thrusts increasing, the lust for the forbidden quickly taking over his senses! Soon he was battering at her asshole like an aggressor, nearly forgetting it was a woman he was fucking and was supposed to be gentle with her! He fucked hard and heavy, slamming his hips into her backside, feeling his orgasm building quickly in his balls as he rammed in one final time and came...!

`...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!' he screamed aloud, the cum ripping from his contracting balls like glue, spitting into the womanly rectum as Maddie masturbated her clitoris to cum vaginally! Her anal muscles clamped and spasm around his embedded cock, causing him to cum harder as he pushed her to the bed and ground into her buttock rougher [losing the last of his load to her guts]! He collapsed on top of her as his orgasm started to wane!

He pulled out [slowly] and rolled onto his back beside her, both of them panting breathlessly!

`That was...WILD!' he laughed [his cock still hard as stone]!

Madeline rolled towards him..., cuddling up beside him as she rested her head on his shoulder [her hand on his smooth chest]! When did you start having anal sex...?' he questioned, That isn't something most girls like!'

I've always been sexually venturous...' explained Maddie [referring to her brother and her father]! ...its just rarely that I get to express it! Hank is more traditional sexually..., he mostly prefers missionary!'

`His loss I guess!' chuckled Jeff [having found the perfect woman in bed]!

Madeline reached down to play with his stiff cock!

You're still HARD...' she said [admiring it], stroking its length while squeezing it roughly! ...are you still horny...?'

Jeffery just smiled, too embarrassed to stay he wanted more [having not had a lot of success with women]! Madeline smiled back, before bending towards his cock to suck it some more! Jeffery just laid back against the pillows, marveling at the docile woman he originally believed his coworker to be! He never knew the intense sexuality she had smoldering under her uniform apron, under the gentle smile and pleasant hellos!

He watched as she sucked and swallowed his cock, despite it being up her ass just minutes ago! Madeline sucked and slobbered over the dick, bobbing her head smoothly along the shaft before deep throating it to the root!

`Oh! Ohmygod!' groaned Jeffery, loving the feel of the throat wrapped around his manhood! He let her suck for as long as she wanted, just lying there as she ate him up alive! Once his cock was slick with her spit did she straddle his waist again, sliding her vagina all the way down on it, grinding and rotating her hips before lifting up to bounce on it [fucking herself]!

`Ohgod..., I love you, Maddie!' he blurted out [unintentionally], feeling all sorts of emotions through his cock! Maddie threw her head back and started gyrating, fucking the cock as deeply as she could!

Just then Hank Harding busted the door open...!...catching the 2 in the act!

"OHMYGOD, HANK...!!" screamed Maddie, jumping off the bed [grabbing the bed sheets] to run by him and into the bathroom [crying]!

Hank stood in the doorway [looking angry and disheveled] as Jeffery grabbed the pillow to cover himself...!...pleading with Hank not to KILL him! Hank just shook his head as he walked back into the kitchen for another beer! Eventually Jeffery came out of the bedroom to collect his clothing...!

"H...H...Hank...?" called the supermarket manager, easing his way down the hall and into the living room where Hank now sat [picking up his clothes along the way]! "I...I'm sorry..." he apologized, creeping closer as he gathered up his things! "...I, uh..., I didn't mean for it to go this far...!"

Hank said nothing as he continued to sit on the sofa, drinking his beer [in full uniform]! Jeffery felt the short hairs on the back of his neck rise [as he slipped on his boxers]! He fully expected Hank to be livid, that was understandable [for a husband that just caught his wife cheating red-handedly]...!...but him sitting there silently scared Jeff even MORE than if he'd been screaming and yelling in outrage..., as he had no idea WHAT was going on inside Hank's head!

"Ar...are you OKAY, man...?" asked the manager [sounding concerned]!

"Just...go!" said Hank [turning the bottle up to his lips], feeling as if his life was totally out of control!

Jeffery eased in closer [mostly to grab his shoes from under the coffee table Hank was sitting in front of]! As Jeff reached for the shoes, Hank started crying [real tears]! Jeff froze, unsure what to do [having never really seen a grown man CRY before]! He found himself consoling the man whose wife he just fucked, reaching out to comfort him as Hank allowed him to climb onto the sofa with him, placing an arm warmly about his shoulders in support!

"I'm sorry..." he repeated, " won't happen again..." he promised, " was just..., spur of the moment, is all..." he lied, "...there was nothing to it! I swear!"

Hank sobbed softly! Jeffery couldn't help noticing Hank's GUN sitting on the coffee table [within reach of the officer shooting his head off]! When Hank leaned into his shoulder for further comfort, Jeffery felt uncomfortable, but didn't protest! Then he felt Hank lowered his head into his lap [as if to rest or go to sleep]! Jeff stayed still, believing it was a STRANGE move on Hank's part, but still didn't protest as the GUN was still within reach!

Hank sniffed!

"I can SMELL her on your cock." he said, calmly [eerily]!

Jeffry FROZE with fear, believing the situation was sure to turn violent any minute! But instead; Hank just kept on sniffing his groin, placing his face directly IN Jeff's crotch while digging his nose into the open slit of his shorts! Jeffery definitely thought the move was weird! Then he felt Hank's tongue licking at the base of his cock and pube hairs [where the juices were plentiful]!

Something was completely WRONG with this scene...!...but Jeff was too scared to say anything [knowing Hank could SNAP at any moment and kill them all]! Then something even stranger happened...!...Jeffery felt his cock starting to lengthen and harden in his boxers! Hank reached in with his hand to help free the stiffening prick from its confinement..., then started to LICK it all over, tasting his wife's essence! Jeffery couldn't believe this was happening...! And WHY was his cock getting hard from another man's actions...?!

After licking the cock all over, Hank concentrated on cleaning the head, suckling the bullet-shaped dome thoroughly before finally going all the way DOWN on it...!...and swallowing it to the absolute root!

"OHMYGOD...!!" gasped the 30yr old manager, suddenly feeling his cock lodged in the very back of Hank's young throat! `This can't be happening!' he thought to himself, as Hank buried his face in his draws and held his cock deeply rooted for several long seconds before slowly coming up for air!

Hank bobbed his head in Jeffery's lap for a few moments before climbing down onto his knees on the floor [without removing his mouth], wedging his body between Jeff's spread legs as he continued bobbing and sucking [deeply]!

Jeff couldn't believe his eyes! Not only had he been caught fucking the cop's wife [red-handed], but now the COP was between his legs sucking his wife's pussy juices off his erection AND deep throating his rod just as good as SHE had! He couldn't help but wonder if they were like the `swingers' he read about online...? Obviously they both had extensive experience with sucking cock...!...did they DO it together...?...were they apart of some secret sex cult that devoured helpless men like himself...? Was this all a setup!?

Hank sucked and swallowed Jeff's cock because he believed his marriage AND his career as a cop was over! His life had been spiraling out of control for awhile now..., but it all seemed to be coming to an END at that very moment!

He sucked Jeffery off absentmindedly, hardly even aware he was doing it..., as so many things rushed through his mind [his marriage; blowing his HS buddy, Red; losing his anal virginity to his boss, The Sheriff; the death of Neil Prescott; his runaway sexuality; and his emotional distance from both his biological parents]! Hank found himself sucking cock like he'd never sucked before! Suddenly everything in his life [everything holding him down] was gone, vanished/disappeared! All that mattered was the cock in his mouth, the soothing rhythmic suction in his throat, the way the cock filled him up inside [whenever he deep-throated it], and the sounds of the cock's owner moaning softly [trying not to show any pleasure]!

Jeffery couldn't believe how GOOD the cop's mouth felt on his cock, the hot/desperate mouth bringing him towards a mind-blowing orgasm! He grabbed the back of Hank's head and started to pull his face down [faster] on his dick! Hank paid little mind that the cock was fucking his mouth and throat nonstop, punching through the curve of his neck like a post-puncher, building character and strength as it began to stiffen harder, showing orgasmic effects!

"Ohgod..." moaned Jeffery, feeling his body stiffen all over [as his body prepared for another intense climax]...! "...arrhhhgg..." he grunted as he pulled Hank's face into his lap, burying his 8" cock to the bone just as it started to thicken and erupt...!

"...ARRHHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!" he yelled aloud, the scream being heard throughout the home as his jerked and squirmed, shooting his massive wad straight down the back of Hank's sucking throat!

"Hank...?" called Madeline, creaking the bathroom door open [slightly], after hearing someone (Jeff?) scream aloud!

"Go back, Maddie..." warned Jeffery [still in the throes of orgasm] holding onto the back of Hank's head, bucking almost violently as his cock continued spitting hot gobs of scolding cum into the contracting throat of her husband]! "...Hank and I are talking it out..." he managed to gasp, "...lock yourself back in the bathroom!" he choked, tossing his head back in total ecstasy!

They heard the bathroom door slam shut as Hank held the cock in his gullet for as long as he could [without gagging], feeling the big cock jump and jerk as it fed him its amazing load! He could feel the massive wad shooting down his gullet as he held it in his throat! Once Jeffery relaxed the hold on his head did Hank slowly recede back to the tip, swallowing the last spurts while suckling the head softly! Jeffery continued to sit there, letting Hank suckle his softening pud until it started to feel too sensitive! Hank finally pulled away and stood up [his own hardon tenting out a bulge behind his uniform zipper]! Jeff was concerned Hank might make HIM suck cock too [as payment or revenge]...?...but Hank merely turned away and headed back into the kitchen, grabbing himself another beer before going into the bedroom to lay down!

Jeffery took that moment to don his clothes and run for the hills [hoping Madeline would be alright on her own]...?

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This story was written by Eugene Marvin,

Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the

rest of my work on Nifty by going to the

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Madeline finally came out of the bathroom [after nearly an hour of silence]! She crept the door open and peered out again to see if the coast was clear...? Hearing nothing; she finally emerged and crept into the living room to see no one there [the room wasn't even torn apart as she suspected it would be]!

She did notice a beer sitting on the table and knew Hank had been drinking! His gun was there also! She noticed the bedroom door was closed..., as she considered going in and facing the music! She grabbed her nearly full glass of wine off the table and guzzled it down for courage, then drank Jeff's glass as well before heading towards the bedroom door!

She snuck up to the door and listened in [hearing nothing]! She crept the door open and peeked in, finding Hank lying in bed [seemingly asleep]! She saw his uniform crumpled on the floor and picked it up and folding it over a nearby chair!

Hank hadn't moved since she walked in! Still naked [wearing only a bed sheet], she gently climbed into bed beside him, daringly cuddling up against his back [lying on his side]!

"I'm sorry." she said softly, kissing the back of his t-shirt near his shoulder!

Hank turned around and kissed her on the lips! Their gentle kiss quickly turned passionate as they explored each other's [wine & beer coated] mouths! Hank snaked his hand down between her legs, rubbing his fingers over her cunt before darting a digit inside [expecting to feel Jeffery's sperm coating his finger]! Unsure; he pushed back the covers and went down on his wife...!...licking and sucking her vagina [realizing it wasn't sperm filled], before climbing back up over her and sliding his 8" cock into her!

Madeline grunted softly as Hank started to fuck her, suddenly turned on by his animalistic behavior! She didn't know if she should be scared of him or not [he certainly wasn't acting himself], but she loved the tension and excitement between them, not knowing if he was going to fuck her madly or strangle her when he came...?

Hank drove his cock into his wife's moist cave, feeling it collapse in around him and suck his shaft as he fucked! She was always a good lay [better than most], her desire for sex raveling most men's! He fucked her hard because he was on edge, torn with emotions after discovering his wife cheating and his own frustrating sexuality!

He desperately didn't want to be gay, but managed the cards dealt to him from life! Hank thought about blowing Maddie's boss, tasting his sperm [and his cunt tasting cock]; about blowing his coworker (officer West) and getting fucked by him multiple times since; about blowing a bunch of teenagers at a home party gloryhole; sucking truckers at The Roadside Diner gloryhole; and then getting butt-fucked and raped by horny truckers at a cheap motel AND robbery suspects from a bank heists!

His cock grew solidly hard as his asshole pulsed and throbbed wantonly at the memories flashing through it!

"urhh...!!...urhh...!!...urhh...!!...urhh...!!" he groaned and grunted as he fucked, feeling his cock starting to throb in time with his pulsing asshole!

Madeline felt her own orgasm coming on strong as Hank's pubic brush scratched constantly against her clitoris, causing her body to tremble and tingle with growing excitement!

"urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!...YES...!!...YES, YES, YES..." she screamed before feeling her vagina explode! "...ooohhh...!!...ooorrrhhhg...!!...URRHHHHHHGG...!!" she cried out, bucking against her husband's body as she came hard...!...her vagina pulsing and pumping around his plunging cock!

"urhh...!!...URRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" grunted Hank, feeling his dick swell just before exploding [like a time bomb] in his wife's cunt! He too bucked wildly as the cum shot out of him at a bullet's pace, shooting deep within his wife's contracting vitals! His body began to wind down and relax as his orgasm ended! Soon he was just laying inside her, feeling her contracting cunt slowly die around him! He slowly pulled out, his softened cock pulling free as he flopped back onto his side of the bed!

Madeline lay quietly beside him, unsure if she should say anything or even touch him...?...knowing the sex they just had didn't really resolve anything! They would need to TALK in the morning, to see if their marriage was worth saving or not...?

__________________________________ If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions. And you can help support my writing by donating what you can to cash app @ $nphillydogg __________________________________ This story was written by Eugene Marvin, Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the rest of my work on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section at the top of Nifty's home page and clicking on my name in the author's list. __________________________________ You can also find faster updates of what I may be working on next by joining me on facebook under the name Eugene Marvin __________________________________ Please Donate to Nifty if you enjoy reading stories like these free online! Nifty is our lifeline!

Next: Chapter 100: Anaheim Alaska Prequel 25

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