Anaheim Alaska

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Nov 4, 2022


Anaheim Alaska (The Prequel)-14 Recurring Encounter

Written by

Eugene Marvin


You can help support my writing by donating what you can to cash app @ $nphillydogg


Anaheim County, Alaska

18yr old Hank Harding came home from his 10hr shift as a county officer, as his mother (Lauren) and his wife (Madeline) were cooking breakfast!

"Good morning, Hank..." greeted Madeline, rushing to her husband's side as she gave him a BIG hug and kiss hello [so happy to see him after spending the morning hearing his mother complain]! Hank was somewhat surprised by the cheerful greeting, until Maddie whispered in his head "...your mother's on a cranky warpath again!"

Hank broke the hug and walked into the kitchen where his mother was plating up bacon, eggs, and toast [for 3]!

"Morning, mom!" he greeted [washing his hands at the sink]!

"Good morning, Hank..." greeted the mother, placing the plates down on the table! "...when are you moving out...?" she asked, before taking her seat [with her hot coffee]!

"urr..." sounded Hank, unsure! "...well..." he continued [taking his seat at the table along with his wife]! "...we have the money saved up..." he explained, "...we just need to find a place we can afford that's suitable for the both of us, is all...!"

"Okay..." said Lauren [taking a sip from her cup], " have until the end of the week to find something `suitable'..., and then you're just going to have to find someplace else to stay!" she added [calmly/coldly]!

Maddie LOOKED at Hank [who never really had a close connection to his mother]!

"Okay..." he said [knowing how FIRM his mother was with her decisions]! "...I'll look around this morning and see what's available!"

"`Okay...?'" questioned Maddie [practically going insane]! "We can't possibly find a place to live in 5 days!"

"Its okay, Maddie...!" assured Hank [not wanting to anger his mother more]!

"No, its not!" argued Madeline! "What's the point in all of this if we can't find the place of our dreams...?"

"If you need more TIME..." said Lauren Harding [biting into a piece of perfectly cooked bacon], " could always move back home to your parents' house!" he suggested!

Maddie's head spun in her mother in-law's direction...! memories of her father and brother both molesting her [knowing she didn't want Hank involved in any of that]! "Good. Then its settled." said the mother [without speaking another word]!

The 3 ate breakfast in virtual silence!


"I don't understand your mother..." said Madeline [while Hank drove her to work at the supermarket]! "...we walk on EGGSHELLS to keep her happy and not be a bother to her...! WHY is she acting like this to us...? her own SON!"

"Mom's..." he started [both hands on the wheel while staring forward at the road], "...never been very warm-hearted...! I suppose that's why dad left when he could!"

"She was so NICE to me when we first got engaged..." recalled Maddie, "...then, everything CHANGED!"

"You LOST the baby!" reminded Hank, bluntly! "She REALLY wanted a grandson!" he explained [leaving out the fact that it was supposed to help change her belief that her son wasn't gay, after catching him in bed with Red], {chp-6}!

"I don't know WHY..." said Maddie [continuing with the conversation]! "...if she treats HIM the same as she treats us I'm not sure I want her around our baby!"

"I don't think she's take out whatever she's going through on OUR baby...!" defended Hank [she was still his mother after-all]!

"Well, we won't know that anytime soon..." replied Maddie [as Hank pulled up to her job]! " I'm NOT getting pregnant in HER house!

"Bye!" she concluded, giving Hank a quick peck on the lips before getting out and rushing in to work! Hank sat and watched his wife disappear inside, wondering just how differently his mom might have been to them had they had the baby...? He drove off slowly, realizing it was likely for the best that Madeline miscarried, as the baby wasn't his from the get-go [Hank didn't know that Maddie had an abortion and only lied that she miscarried], {chp-9)!


True to his word, Hank spent the rest of the morning calling around for available apartments, finding only a couple in his price range! He set up dates to see them, telling them he needed to move quickly [without going into detail]!

Meanwhile he needed to get to bed, knowing he had another 10hr shift coming up that night! He showered and went to bed around noon, flopping back in bed while his mother and wife were at work! He missed his dad, knowing his dad had his mom under control more [making most of the decisions in the house]! His father would have been more understanding of his situation, letting him and Maddie stay there until they were more prepared to move!

Hank fell asleep for a couple of hours before he heard the doorbell ring! Groggy; he got up and went downstairs [in just his loose fitting boxer-shorts] to answer the door!

Opening it, it took him a moment to recognize the face staring back at him!

"Hi. Hank Harding, right?" asked the man, taking off his trapper hat to reveal his whole head and face!

"Yes..." answered Hank, definitely recognizing the man from the restroom {chp-12}, but forgetting his name [having never thought he'd see him again]! "...urr...?"

"Doug..." relayed the man! "...Douglas Bowmen from Yukon County! We met at a diner in Stanford County..." he reminded, "...or more specifically in a STALL in a Stanford County restroom...!" he joked, nervously!

"Yeah, I remember..." admitted Hank, "...come in...!" he offered [letting the man in from the cold]! "What're you doing here...?" he inquired, curiously [unsure]!

Doug wiped his feet on the welcome mat before entering, getting a good look at Hank [behind the door] in his underwear!

"Well..." he blushed [admiring his body], "...this is going to sound REALLY weird and disturbing, but..." he started, trying to find the perfect way to explain without sounding like a stalker! "...I couldn't stop thinking about you after we met the other day..." he confessed, " I looked you up in The Anaheim digital phonebook online...!

"There's only 2 Hanks listed in the country..., and the other one's in his 60's so I knew that wasn't you!" he laughed, nervously [hoping Hank would find humor and flattery in his actions]! "I was hoping that maybe we could..." he blushed, bashfully! "...have a repeat of the men's room...?"

Hank WAS flattered...!

"This is VERY inappropriate..." he decided [scratching the back of his head], staring at this man who was clearly in his later 30's! " can't just show up at my home like that...!...what if my wife was home...? You could have caused me a lot of trouble!"

"I'm sorry..." apologized the man, sincerely [married himself]! "...I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! Its just..." he paused [to collect himself], "...I've never done anything like that before..., -fucking a man in the men's room...! was WILD, impetuous, crazy...! It was perhaps the MOST exciting thing I've ever done...!...and my wife was totally unaware it happened! I drove the rest of the 8hr drive to Seaside City with a permanent SMILE on my face! And no one knew why!"

Hank pictured the man driving along with his wife and daughters with a huge GRIN on his face, letting nothing get to him [living in a corner utopia]! He couldn't believe someone would get THAT much satisfaction from simply sticking his cock up his ass...! Hank felt like the least he could do [after the man had driven 4hrs out of his way to see him] was to give him what he wanted...! After-all, no one would know [not even Kal]!

"Okay..." he agreed [much to the man's surprise]! "...but I don't have much time...! wife and my mother will be home in a couple of hours..., AND I still have to work tonight, so..."

"Oh, I'll be quick..." promised the man [following Hank upstairs], (his eyes fixated on Hank's ass in his boxers]...! "...I still have a 4hr drive back to Seaside...! wife thinks my JOB has me in a business call! I could rent a motel room and say I got stranded if you're able to get away and visit me for a few hours...!?"

"I really don't think I can..." reasoned Hank, "...I'm on overnight duty!"

"Just visit me once or twice for a quickie..." begged the man, "...I'll text you the room number and you could just pop through when you can!"

"I can't promise anything...!" warned Hank, taking the man into his room [chucking his draws before climbing onto the bed, exposing his ass]!

"I understand!" said the man, taking off his clothes as well [admiring Hank's naked/muscular body], (especially his amazing ass)!

His cock was already hard [had been during most of the 4hr drive to Hank's house], spilling out as he dropped his pants, thermals, and underwear to his feet before climbing out of them! He too stripped naked [his body slimmer and less defined than Hank's], (in pure geek status; 5'10", slim-build, receding hairline, glasses, bookworm demeanor), his fat 10" cock spilling into view [enormously] as he eyeballed Hank's luscious buttock on the bed!

After casting away his clothes, he climbed onto the bed [@the foot] and crawled between Hank's spreading legs, his eyes zeroed in on his ass cheeks, gripping and groping them with both hands before pulling them apart to gawk at the magnificent hole nestled in-between!

"geez your asshole is so beautiful!" whispered the man, feeling inspired to do something he never did before [not even to his wife]...! he held the manly ass cheeks open and lowered his face between, -eating the manhole!

Hank gasped as he looked back over his shoulder, watching the meek little man becoming a beast in bed as he pressed his face into the ass [chucking his glasses aside] and started devouring Hank's ass as if it were his last meal before public execution!

"urh...!...urrhhg...!!...ohfuck...!" choked Hank [at the unexpected], his asshole suddenly becoming a main appetizer! Doug couldn't believe he was lavishing another man's asshole with his tongue, feeling the ass-cheeks clinging to the sides of his face, keeping him warm [like ear-mittens], the cheeks preventing him from burying his entire face up Hank's ass as he extended his tongue to enter the hole! "oooohh fuuuccckkk...!" groaned Hank, his hips elevating off the bed, making his hole all the more desirable!

Doug ate Hank's ass well over to 10mins, prying Hank's ass cheeks open [with both hands] while darting his taster through the clamping oyster like a piston!

"Fuck..." moaned Hank, unable to get enough! "...fuck me..." he mutterer, his voice muffled [his face buried in the bed and pillows]! "...fuck me, Doug...!...I want it!"

Douglas pulled his wet face from the teenager's divine hole and climbed up over his back...grinding his big cock into the spit/soaked ass crack [in pushup-position]! Hank arched his back, rising his ass a little more [invitingly], as Doug thrust the belly of his cock back and forth over the oven hot ring! He spit into his hand and massaged it all over the head of his cock before aiming the head down at heaven's gates...then pushed in!

"UHG..." grunted Hank, feeling the cockhead pierce and penetrate his rectal ring, "...URRHHG...!!" he cried as it continued to push through, burying itself into his colon, grinding his hairy pubes against his relatively smooth baby cheeks!

It didn't take Doug long before he was pounding the hole, fucking it madly as his first [of 2] orgasms built in his balls!

"urrhhg...I'm gonna cum..." he muttered, losing control as he rammed his cock 10 inches deep into the colon and ground away roughly until his cock shot off like a rocket! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he screamed as he came, falling against Hank's back as his slim body clung to the younger/muscular athletic officer's back with all the strength he could muster while dumping the load of his life up his marvelous ass!

Hank felt the big dick pulsing wildly inside him as the hot cum gushed forth, flooding his colon with 9 or 10 wads before slowing to a trickle! But Doug's cock remained fully HARD as he pulled back and thrust forth, starting his second fuck immediately after! Hank was still moaning from the first fucking when he felt the married man starting to fuck again!

Hank glanced at the digital clock beside the bed, seeing it was already after 2pm, knowing he would have to pick up his wife soon! He lay his head against the bed, moaning softly as his asshole was violated, the big dick fucking through him taking ownership of his ass and innards, using the excess cum inside him as lubricant, making the dick slide smoother and easier as it continued to dig deeply!

Hank started to realize he felt better [more gratified] when he was getting fucked...!...the constant in/out thrusting feeling more like an inner massage after some time! He found himself relaxing more as his asshole became more receptive, flowering open as less pain shot through his innards and emitted more pleasure!

"Can you roll over...?" asked Douglas [after a few minutes], pulling out to help Hank roll onto his back..., as he lifted his legs [missionary]! Doug realigned his cum-lubed cock to the hole and pushed back in...!...sinking in smoothly with one long stroke as he re-buried his dick and picked up where he left off!

However this time [in this position] he was able to actually lay flat against Hank's body [chest-to-chest] and KISS him deeply as Hank opened his mouth to groan AND receive the man's tongue!

Doug got very passionate very fast, frenching the sexy teenager as he lay on top of him, thrusting into him [like a sailor on leave] while feeling that skin-to-skin contact! Hank's cock stayed rock-hard over his abs, smashed between them as it leaked precum profusely against their bodies, threatening to cum [untouched]!

Hank accepted the kisses, suckling the man's extending tongue as it ventured further into his mouth, both men panting softly as their bodies crashed and collided with every thrust! Hank kept his own legs spread wide and open, giving Doug plenty of room to fuck, his hips moving back and forth, speeding up as his cock got harder, preparing to dump its second load!

The 2 men fucked for another 10 solid minutes [after the first orgasm], Hank's manhole sucking and pulsing around the plunging prick as Doug broke from kissing to bury his face in the side of Hank's neck, moaning and whimpering as he got closer to coming! Hank felt the man fucking faster, the big dick digging through his roost like an animal burrowing through earth, causing his hole to spasm and flex wantonly!

"urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!...urrhhhgg..." grunted Hank, wrapping his arms around the thinner man's frame as he gave-in and surrendered his ass to him for breeding! "...urrhhhgg...!!...urrhhhgg...!!...URRHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!" grunted Hank, losing his load between their bodies as the cum pumped out of his dick in thick rich gobs [like glue]!

Doug heard Hank cum...!...then felt the warm gush of his cum between their bellies as Hank's body tremble with delight as his asshole tightened and spasm around the older man's dick [like a vice grip]! Doug continued fucking straight through Hank's orgasm, his cock starting to pulsate as the anus sucked him off madly!

"urrhhhgg...!!...ohmygod...!!... I'm gonna cum..." he announced [somewhere in neverland], ramming in a half-dozen more times before feeling his second orgasm erupt! "...ARRHHHHH...!!...ARRHHHHH...!!...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he yelled, holding his dick in deep as it jumped, jerked, and spasm with a life of its own, shooting a good 5 to 6 wads within the milking canal, adding to the mixture he shot 10mins earlier!

Doug collapsed against Hank's chest, both of their hearts pounding against each other as Doug's cock stayed buried in Hank's hole, oozing out the last of his load!

Hank waited for a full 5mins for Doug to lift up and pull out of him, the man simply lying in place [as if about to go to sleep]! He finally got up a minute or two later, slowly withdrawing his big [softening] dick as it plopped free [Hank having to tighten his hole to keep all the cum inside]!

"Thank you!" smiled the man, climbing off the bed [to get re-dressed]!

"My pleasure!" smiled Hank, still lying on his back [basking in the afterglow]!

"Please think of visiting me at the motel...?" pleaded the man! "I saw one on the outskirts of town as I drove in...! I think its call The River Inn or something...! Do you know it...?"

"Yes!" answered Hank!

"I'll park my suv right in front of my room! I'll even leave the door unlocked so you can walk in whenever you're free and ready!" said the man [now fully dressed]! "I'll call my wife and tell her I can't drive back until tomorrow!"

"Won't she be suspicious...?" asked Hank!

Doug laughed!

"No..." he answered, "...she said the only person foolish enough to fall for me is HER! She doesn't think anyone else would be interested in a quiet little bookworm like me! She claims I'm boring and predictable!"

"You're MORE than that, Doug!" insisted Hank, making the man smile broadly!

Hank put on his draws and walked the man downstairs to the door, giving him a big HUG before letting him out...!...looking around to make sure none of the neighbors suspected they just fucked!


Sometime around 4pm Hank got showered and dressed to pick his wife up at work, having little to say other than how he spent most of the day checking out apartments! Maddie was still peeved that his mother was kicking them out so soon after marriage...!...wondering how she could do this to her own son...?

Hank assured his wife that everything would work itself out, that he doubted if they became homeless, and that they just had to have a little faith!

"How could you be so calm about all this...?" she asked [knowing they couldn't possibly go to HER parents' house for anything]!

"We're good people, Maddie..." smiled Hank, grasping his wife's hand to pull up to his lips to kiss! "...I think we're DUE something to work out for us on our side! We can't just have bad luck all the time!"

Maddie said nothing [as they continued to drive along], feeling that HER life was full of bad luck and disappointments! Even her marriage to Hank [the best thing that ever happened to her] was done under deceptive circumstances...!...making him believe she lost the baby when in reality she had an abortion! They drove home [to his mother's house] where Maddie and Hank's mother cooked dinner [while Hank took a quick nap]! He went into work that evening for his regular shift, before driving on patrol to safeguard the town! He spent the majority of his time chasing down speeders, ticketing violators, and breaking up public and domestic disputes! He drove by a popular hangout spot [a poolroom and bar] and saw a few teens hanging around outside in the parking lot [smoking]! That's when he spotted Craig Bowmen (from last chp)!

"The fucking COPS!" warned one guy, as the underage drinkers tucked their beer bottles and alcohol and started to walk up the driveway [before being ordered for a search]! "Craig, c'mon!" yelled one of the boys, as Craig and Hank caught each other's eye!

Craig did a quick nod of his head [acknowledging Hank], as Hank returned the gesture, causing Craig to dash across the street towards his police jeep!

"Hey, Hank!" smiled the ex-high school baller, leaning in through the open passenger's side window of Hank's jeep!

"Did I just see you and your friends DRINKING in public...?" asked Hank [pretending to be a hardnosed officer]!

"Just a few beers..." admitted Craig [as if it was no big deal at all]! "...nothing serious! You spooked most of the guys and made them run off..." he laughed, "...they don't know how COOL you are!"

"Hey..., you can't mention nothing WE did to anybody...!...ever! Understand?" snapped Hank [uncharacteristically]!

"Yeah...I get it, Hank! I won't tell anybody!" assured Craig [having never seen Hank so paranoid before]! "I've got your back, man! I wouldn't rat you out like that!"

"Cool!" sighed Hank [taking a breather], worried where his sexuality might take him...?...knowing he would be pressing his luck the more people knew his secret! He worried Craig might start telling his wayward friends that he sucked his cock in the back of his cruiser, making the gossip spread like wildfire, possibly ending his career before it even started! Just thinking of sucking Craig's cock again got Hank's dick hard in his uniform pants!

He groped himself while contemplating what to do next...? Craig noticed the movement, as he absentminded groped his own hardening dick as he crouched halfway through the window...!

"Can I get a ride home, Hank...?" he asked [both males knowing what the other wanted]!

Hank hit the power locks, making Craig get into the backseat before driving off [in case any of his friends were watching]! Hank looked for someplace secluded while Craig continued to talk in the backseat..., saying how he was glad they ran into each other, and how Hank had given him the best head he ever had! Hank said nothing as he continued driving, his dick pulsating as he imagined sucking Craig off again!

Craig noticed how they weren't heading straight to his house! He didn't mind however, as his dick was hard in anticipation of feeling Hank's warm mouth sucking him off again! The jeep pulled into an empty lot, where Hank parked his cruiser before joining him in the backseat! Craig was all smiles as Hank climbed in beside him...then went down on him, swallowing his hard cock [which had been standing straight up out of his zipper]!

"aww fuck yeah...!" moaned the former teammate, throwing his head back against the headrest as his cock was swallowed to the root!

Hank throated the 7.5" dick and started bobbing his head, enclosing his oral cavity around the hard shaft as he sucked! Craig tried to stifle his moans, but couldn't help groaning softly everytime Hank took him to the root! He gripped the back of his head and started thrusting up into his mouth [fucking his face]! Hank held his mouth open and let Craig fuck his mouth, thrusting into the back of his throat, making loud/wet clogged sounds as he fucked in & out of his throat ring!

"You're such a good cocksucker..." moaned Craig, feeling his orgasm coming quickly! "...such a good mouth...! You're gonna make me cum..." he groaned, unable to stop thrusting until his dock began pulsing and throbbing...!

"...URRHHHHHHHHHHGGGGG...!!!" he yelled as he came, shooting into the clamping throat as Hank let it all gush into his awaiting stomach! "urh fuck...!!...urh fuck...!!...damn...!...damn, that was good!" moaned the boy, as Hank slowly pulled off his cock and licked his lips clean!

"Remember, Craig..., you can't tell anyone!" reminded Hank [desperately]!

"I won't!" promised the boy, as Hank climbed out of the back of the cruiser to back up front! He drove Craig home, as the thoroughly drained teenager got out and thanked Hank for the ride! Hank pulled off, still feeling horny [the scent of Craig's cum still on his breath]! He found himself driving to that motel on the outskirts of town, hoping that Doug would be there [as promised], waiting for him to stop by!

Hank neglected to give the man his phone number so he couldn't call or text him! He pulled into the parking lot where, where there were only 3 vehicles parked in front of 3 different cabins! One was a pickup, one was a suv, and the last one was a family camper truck! Hank thought back to recall what the man's family climbed into after leaving the diner in Stanford...?...recalling it being a family camper! Hank drove around behind the motel [parking out of sight], before getting out and donning his coat to walk around to the front of the motel [discreetly]! He walked straight up to the cabin door where the camper was parked and twisted the knob to walk in...!

Douglas Bowman was sitting on the bed [fully dressed], back against the headboard, feet crossed, watching tv while talking to his wife on his cell phone...!...telling her how much LONGER the work task took and how he's just too exhausted to drive back to her at this hour, promising to see her before noon tomorrow!

He and Hank's eyes met as Hank quietly entered the room in full police uniform, shocking Doug [whose face immediately lit up with excitement]!

"uh, honey..., I have to go..." said Doug, as Hank closed the door and started undressing! "...there's emergency just came up...!"

Doug's eyes widened when Hank purposefully turned his back to him and slowly lowered his pants...!...exposing his bare booty as he bent over and pushed them down towards his ankles [his buttock spreading as the ass cheeks parted to expose his asshole]! "huh? What happened...?" continued Doug [still trying to get rid of his wife]! "uh..., I think a pipe busted...! Yeah! There's water running everywhere! I have to talk to the manager and get another room! Yeah, I'll call you back once I'm relocated!" he concluded, clicking off just as Hank made his way to the bed [climbing on]!

Doug got off the bed and walked around behind Hank [on his hands and knees], staring at his wonderful buttock, looking more like sculpture than human flesh, as he quickly undressed and climbed onto the bed behind him [gripping and groping his ass cheeks with his hands and molding the firm glutes like dough]!

"umph!" groaned Doug, diving his face between the cheeks, eating the manhole directly like a man possessed!

"ooohh...!!" moaned Hank, falling forward on the bed, arching his back to elevate his ass, making his buttock the perfect meal as Doug pressed his face in and lavished the hole magnificently!

Hank lay his face flat on the bed, moaning erotically as he spread his legs and surrendered his ass to the man behind him! Like at the apartment Doug dug into Hank's ass like he never did his wife, prying the cheeks apart to dart his tongue through the softening ring, making it yawn open for easier passage! Once the hole was open and dripping saliva, Doug pulled his face away and aligned his cock up along the ass crack and slowly pushed in...!...sinking in through the spit-slick hole and deep into the sucking rectum!

"Oooooooohhh...!!" moaned the older man, feeling his dick sink into the warm wetness surrounding his prick as he bottomed out and ground his hips into the upturned ass!

Hank felt the big dick move into his bowels, taking up most of the space inside his gut before the older man started to pull back and fuck!

"URRHHHG...AWW shit...!" groaned Hank, as the big dick started moving back and forth [sliding through him]! Doug lay across his back, humping into his ass, his chin resting against the back of Hank's shoulder as he thrust in & out of his ass with deep strokes! Hank lay underneath, his head resting against his folded arms, his back arched, his ass elevated, his asshole fucked deeply as the dick behind him muscled its way through his body, darting through his entrails like a giant gopher through a hole!

Whenever Doug felt himself getting close to coming he'd either pull out of Hank's ass to let his excited cock rest and stop throbbing, OR hold it deep inside and warn Hank not to move, else he'd spew his load right then and there! With both men wanting the fucking to last longer they lay perfectly still until Doug's urge to cum passed!

Doug kissed the side of Hank's face, back, neck, and shoulders before resuming his thrusts..., starting off gently [rebuilding the tension] before fucking faster, loving the way the rectum sucked and caressed his shaft, starting him back towards the path of orgasm! "I wish we lived closer..." said the man [as he started thrusting freely], ramming harder! "...I'd fuck you SO often you'd think we were married!"

Hank was glad they lived 4hrs (or more) away from each other, making it harder for Doug to just pop up whenever he wanted! He also feared more exposure to his big dick would ruin his asshole somehow! He wasn't sure it would keep returning back to normal if he got fucked by him regularly!

Doug lifted up into pushup-position to watch his dick disappear in & out of Hank's ass, his hairy pelvic bone slamming into the young firm cheeks, causing them to clash and giggle from impact!

Hank grunted and groaned as the dick beat through his butt, the pressure building in his loins as his own 8" cock lay rock-hard underneath him, incidentally pulsing wildly as it rubbed against the sheets beneath him! "urrhhg..." grunted Hank, his prostate being ravaged as it triggered his orgasm and caused his dick to start spewing unexpectedly...! "...URHHHG...!!...URHHHG...!!...URHHHG...!!...URHHHG...!!" he grunted, as his body bucked and his asshole squeezed, spasm, and choked the dick ramming through it! Doug felt the hole snapping and convulsing around him as he started fucking harder, feeling his own orgasm building exponentially as his balls tightened and his cock expanded...!

"urrhhhg...I'm gonna cum..." he gasped, just as he rammed all the way in and came! "...URRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!" he screamed as the cum burst from his throbbing rod, pulsing and pumping fresh cum directly into Hank's pleasantly aching bowels! Doug collapsed on top of him [dumping the last of his load into his ass] as Hank purposefully milked the deeply embedded prod as they both tried to catch their breaths

"That was...WONDERFUL!" said Doug, rolling off Hank's back [and onto his own beside him]!

"Thanks!" said Hank, climbing out of the bed [to get dressed]! "Sorry for the mess...!" he apologized [referring to the load he shot onto the sheets], as he made his way into the bathroom to clean up!

"No problem!" said Doug, lifting onto his elbows..., watching Hank's ass as he warmed a washrag in the bathroom sink to clean himself [front and back]! He re-rinsed the rag and hung it on the edge of the sink before walking back into the room to grab his underwear off the floor!

Doug watched as Hank pulled his boxer-briefs up over his luscious ass, then donned his socks, thermals, and finally his uniform...!

"I didn't realize you were a cop!" said the older man [propping himself up against pillows]! "You're a very sexy young man!" he complimented, sincerely!

"Thanks!" smiled Hank [fastening his utility-belt around his waist]!

"I'm serious..." insisted Doug! "...I've never really saw men sexually until I saw YOU in that diner's restroom with your pants under your ass, peeing...! You have a magnificent body by-the-way! I'm sure you get HIT on often!"

Hank laughed!

"I've never looked at guys sexually either..." he agreed, "...until my high-school buddy, Red, and I started to mess around curiously...! I've been doing it with guys ever-since!

"I want to stop doing it through! I just got married a short while ago and I want to be faithful!"

"Oh I hear you..." agreed Doug! "...I've been married for 10 years and this is the first time I've ever cheated on my wife! But strangely...I don't feel guilty about it!" he chuckled. "It's probably because you're not a woman!" he discerned! "If you were a woman I might feel differently if she wanted MORE than I could give! I love my family...!...I could never see myself leaving them for someone else!"

"I agree one hundred percent!" said Hank [slipping on his coat and hat]! "It was nice getting to know you, Doug! Have a safe ride back to your family!" he said politely, as he headed for the door!

"Hold it!" called Doug, getting out of bed to cross the room, giving Hank a BIG hug and a sweet kiss on the lips [believing they would never see each other again]! "Thank you for coming through to see me! You'll never know how much I appreciated this encounter!"

Hank gathered himself together before opening the door to leave...!...looking around first to make certain no one was outside [to witness him sneaking out of someone's cabin]! Once the coast was clear he stepped out and walked back around behind the motel to his parked cruiser..., checking the radio to see if he'd missed any emergency calls...? He hadn't!

Hank started up the jeep and patrolled the town's streets until he made his way back to the highway, hiding behind the large billboard [waiting for speeders]!


Hours later; Hank found himself drifting off in his cruiser! In the past couple of hours he's only had to pull over 2 motorists, ticketing them for speeding..., other than that it was quite quiet, leaving him along to himself as he thought about Doug along in the motel room and the 2 fuckings he gave him earlier that day!

Hank drank some warm coffee to stay awake, but found himself growing a stiffy when thoughts and memories of his most recent sex acts started to creep back into his head! He groped his hardening dick through his pants, pulling up porn on his cell phone to look at as he freed his cock and started stroking! At first he watched str8 porn of girls getting fucked by big dick men, stretching their pink cunts and creaming all over their pretty/painted faces! Then he found himself switching to gay porn, of big hard cocks stretching tiny hairless assholes and blowing their wads straight in the vulnerable asses [and watching them slowly drip out]! Hank pushed his hand further into his pants, rubbing his middle-finger between his ass-crack and feeling his puffy anus! Tiny droplets of Doug's sperm leaked from the swollen lips as Hank used it to push a curious digit into his hole [fucking himself]!

"urh...ooohh...!" he moaned softly, loving the feel of something inside him! Sucking his finger clean, he reached back down into his pants [ignoring his cock] and pushed TWO digits inside this time, imagining it was a cock sliding into him!

Unfortunately the 2 fingers wasn't enough! Hank found himself pulling the digits free [sucking them clean] and driving back to the motel! He parked his car behind the motel and walked back around to Doug's room, twisting the doorknob to find the older man asleep inside [the tv playing silently in the background]!

He slowly crept in [closing the door behind him], then took off all of his clothes before tip-toeing to the bed and kneeling down beside it...!...pulling back the bed sheets and blankets to expose Doug's naked body! Hank then leaned in and took the sleeping man's flaccid cock in his mouth and started suckling! Doug stirred after a minute or two, his dick swelling rapidly as Hank started sliding his mouth along the full shaft!

Doug woke up!

"oh, hi!" he grinned [surprised to see the officer again so soon]!

"I was thinking about you!" admitted Hank [coming off the cock for a moment]! "But I don't have much time!" he added, before going back down on it!

Doug continued to lay back against the pillows, resting his hands behind his head [feeling like a king] as Hank started sucking and swallowed his cock from tip to root, even pressing his face into his groin [reminiscent of Red]! Doug couldn't remember ever having his big dick swallowed so thoroughly...!...having only had conservative female lovers in his past, wondering if all gay men knew how to suck big cocks...?

Hank spent the next 15mins sucking the hard dick, painting the entire column wet with his mouth and throat, making Doug feel more manly and masculine than he's felt in ages!

"My cock looks so good in your mouth!" said the married man, running his fingers through Hank's sandy/blonde hair! Hank moaned erotically, his mouth full of cock as he sawed his mouth up & down, soaking the big prick in saliva before finally pulling off to climb onto the bed, straddling Doug's waist and aiming reaching back to aim the hardon up to his asshole before pushing back onto it...!

"UHG...!!" he grunted as the big 10" dick popped through his anal ring and sank inside [helped greatly by the sperm still clogging Hank's guts]!

Doug gripped Hank's waist, holding him in place as Hank ground his ass into his lap [getting adjusted to it being back inside him]! After a moment Hank started to lift and lower himself on the dick, feeling it stretch his hole and dig deeply [giving him what he so desperately needed in the car]!

"'re so warm inside...!" moaned Doug, feeling the anal ring sucking his shaft as they fucked!

Hank couldn't believe how horny Doug made him feel...!...ever-since appearing on his doorstep that morning, telling him how much he desired and wanted him, fucking him twice and leaving 2 loads in his body! Doug couldn't believe his luck, fucking one of the sexiest young men he'd ever seen! He held onto Hank's trim waist as he rode his manhood, thrusting up into him as he started to drive his cock home [their bodies beginning to slap against one another]!

Hank ignored his hard cock as it stuck out in front of him, the underbelly slapping against his hairy stomach everytime Hank slammed his ass down in his lap!

"urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!" grunted the officer, fucking himself, as he leaned back on his hands [using his arms as stilts against the bed]! Doug's hands reached around to his ass, grabbing 2 hefty handfuls as he help lift and lower him on his prick, the big dick digging deeper as the anus gripped him like a slick fist!

"ohgod..." groaned Doug [after a few more minutes of deep dicking], "'re gonna make me cum..." he gasped, feeling his dick pulse and throb as he rammed up into the hole while pushing Hank down on the end of his crank!

"...URRHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!" he yelled [almost painfully] as he came again, shooting off the smallest load of the day as Hank ground his ass in his lap [collecting all the cum he could]! Hank stayed on top as Doug slowly came down off of his sexual high! When Hank finally pulled off of Doug's dick, Doug pulled him into spoon-position, wanting to spend a few moments in bed together [like lovers]! He pushed his half-hard cock back up Hank's ass and cuddled in behind him with the covers pulled over them...!

"I...CAN'T stay long!" insisted Hank [settling into position], having to get back to work!

"I understand..." said Douglas [resting his face against the back of Hank's neck]! "...just a few minutes..." he pleaded, "...just until I doze off...!"

The 2 men drifted off with the tv playing quietly in the background [the only light in the room]...!


Hank awakened to the feel of something sliding [slowly] through his ass! He opened his eyes and noticed he was in a motel cabin..., then recalled that he stopped by to visit Doug during work! He looked at the nightstand for a clock, but there wasn't one [likely stolen by a previous visitor]! Hank wanted to see his cell phone for the time, but it was still in his pants on the floor!

He felt Doug's arm tighten around his waist, his fuck thrusts starting to increase and go deeper, sliding through the multiple load he already shot in his hole!

Hank wondered how long Doug had been fucking him in his sleep...? his asshole felt NO pain at all, just pure pleasure as the foreign object slid through his rectum effortlessly, giving him an immensely thorough massage with!

He moaned softly at the feeling in his ass, Doug's arms wrapped tighter about his waist as his fuck thrusts began to quicken! Hank lifted one leg into the air, allowing the dick to travel even deeper, his rectum so loaded with sperm that the cock felt like an eel slithering through his colon!

Hank wished he could stay locked like this all night! He felt Doug cradle his face between his neck and shoulder, kissing about him as he hugged him tightly from behind!

"What TIME is it...?" whispered Hank, half-in and half-out of consciousness, his senses all fouled up from the lack of sleep and deliriousness from the inner massage! Doug didn't answer, too wrapped up in his own euphoria as he plunged his thrusting cock into the receptive hole in front of him! The hole relaxed more, allowing him to fuck and pulverize it harder, much harder than his wife would ever allow him to fuck as he began to bang Hank roughly, awakening him from his sleeping stupor!

Hank was just coming completely out of his sleeping state when he felt Doug rolling him onto his stomach...! Doug climbed on top of him and continued his fast pace thrusts, lifting himself into pushup-position [his hands resting against the small of Hank's back] and started hammering him harder! Hank moaned into the pillows as he spread his legs, arched his back, giving Doug's thrusting cock the perfect target to fuck as he pounded him senseless!

Doug watched his dick slamming through the ass cheeks, his cock all wet and foamy from the sperm frothing about his thrusting shaft, making hole super-creamy [like truffle butter]!

He pounded the ass as hard as he could, using every muscle in his body to drive his cock home...!...picking up speed as their bodies slapped together loudly [drowning out the tv]!

"I'm gonna cum..." gasped Doug [excitedly], feeling yet another orgasm building in his balls! "...URRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he screamed out loud, his cock practically exploding in the warm/wet roost as his 4th and final climax caused him to bulk madly [in pain] as the most intense orgasm of his life nearly made him pass out!

Hank felt Doug collapse against his back [helplessly], his body still bucking as his cock continued to twitch inside him, dying slowly death as it shrank before finally falling free! Hank could feel Doug's heart beating against his back as he opened his eyes and noticed the sun starting to come in through the shades!

"OH SHIT..." he gasped, jumping up [causing Doug to fall over on the bed]! "...I've got to GO!" he shouted, rushing to throw on his clothes as fast as possible [not even bothering to wash up first]!

"Ca..." started Doug [as Hank got dressed in record time]! "...can I...see you again...?" he asked [hating the idea of never having that ass again]!

"I...can't!" said Hank! "I'm married! It's nothing personal..., I just don't want to DO this anymore! I'm sorry!" he apologized before taking off, closing the door behind him as he jumped into his cruiser and backed out on the road, fearful that he'd been MIA for hours!

With the shift-change already starting, he rushed to get to the station to punch out and pass the cruiser off to the next officer relieving him! He pulled into the station, just as the other 2 officers on his shift were leaving [heading to their own personal cars]! Hank parked and made his way into the station, waiting for someone to ask WHERE he'd been all night...? But no one said much, with only his relief officer asking for the keys before taking the jeep out to refuel and patrol!

Hank started to feel at ease once no one called him on his lack of work! He thought he was home free as he punched out and headed for the door [wanting a quick breakfast before driving his wife into work]...only to hear The Sheriff call to him...!

"Hey Hank..." he said, standing in the doorway of his office [holding a cup of steaming coffee]! "'s it going, Rookie...?"

"Going great, sir!" answered Hank, turning to see the sheriff smiling at him [curiously]!

"Must've been a really good night..." said the sheriff, nodding at Hank rear! "...from the looks of your pants!" he added, noting the huge wet stain looming through the ass crack seam of his pants [indicating he either sat in something or ON something]...!

Hank blushed before making his exit!

__________________________________ If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions. And you can help support my writing by donating what you can to cash app @ $nphillydogg __________________________________ This story was written by Eugene Marvin, Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the rest of my work on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section at the top of Nifty's home page and clicking on my name in the author's list. __________________________________ You can also find faster updates of what I may be working on next by joining me on facebook under the name Eugene Marvin __________________________________ Please Donate to Nifty if you enjoy reading stories like these free online! Nifty is our lifeline!

Next: Chapter 90: Anaheim Alaska Prequel 15

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