Anaheim Alaska

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jan 16, 2019


Anaheim Alaska-30 Man Beneath The Man

Written by

Eugene Marvin

-aka- ___________________


Cellins County, Alaska

Ted Tucker walked back downstairs to his bar on the first floor [underneath his apartment], and resumed working as he and his 2 trusted bartenders (Joey & Drake) provided customers with the ale that helped them forget the humdrum lives awaiting them back home!

Ted took his place back behind the counter [serving drinks], scanning the bar for more candidates to send upstairs to fuck his boyfriend (Hank Handing)! There were several guys he thought might be interested, if he could just find a discreet moment to contact and proposition them...? JC was a hot 21yr old (5'10", 160lbs w/short reddish/orange hair and pale pasty skin) whom worked at the post office since he was 18! Ted found out what the kid was drinking...then took him over an unrequested re-fill...!

"Thanks, man...!" smiled the 21y/o, accepting the free beer!

Ted knew the kid was still living at home with his parents...and didn't get out often enough to satisfy the primal urges lusting through his loins! Ted bend in closer to whisper in the kid's ear [knowing he was known to frequent the restroom gloryhole], telling him of the anonymous ass' he had waiting upstairs in his apt.! JC definitely seemed interested, as Ted gave him privilege to head upstairs whenever he was ready! JC thought it over, sipping on his beer as he contemplated going all the way' with another man...!

Sure he's had his cock sucked at the gloryhole [what man hadn't at this point]...?...but fucking a guy up the ass was more GAY than he was comfortable with! What if his parents' found out?

15mins later JC was still in his seat mauling the idea around in his head..., when Ted decided to approach someone else! Dale Cooper was an army veteran (39, 5'11", 175lbs w/a mild muscular build, dark hair, mustache, and a bad cigarette habit that made him smell like an ashtray)! Retired and living on disability, Dale's home life hadn't been too charming since his dad died and his wife moved away for greener pastures [calling him `coo-coo' behind his back]! He sat at the bar most nights, drinking away his retirement check, staggering home in the snow until he often passed out in bed fully clothed!

Ted walked over and asked how things were with him...?...getting the usual sob story of woe and love lost! Ted never saw Dale use the men's room gloryhole...but he was SURE with his 20yrs of military service that Dale had to have at least ONE experience messing around with another guy...? He asked Dale if he wanted company for awhile...?...then told him of the guy he had strapped to his bed upstairs! Dale's ears perked up as he took Ted's offer into consideration!

Dale finished off his drink, then paid his tab for the beers...then walked out of the bar [no doubt headed upstairs]! Ted turned around to find that JC's chair was now empty...wondering if the boy had finally decided to go up also...?...realizing he and Dale might be invading each other's spaces!


38y/o Hank Harding [Sheriff of Anaheim County] lay facedown in Ted Tucker's bed, with his arms and legs shackled spread-eagle to the four corners of the rails!

His head perked up when he heard the unmistakable sound of Ted's downstairs metal storm door slamming shut, indicating that someone was coming upstairs to fuck him! He waited with eager anticipation as he looked back over his right shoulder at the doorway...seeing someone peek their head in [surveying the area]!

JC finally decided to go upstairs and test the waters after realizing his cock was HARD the entire time he'd been contemplating the idea of fucking another guy! He finished his beer and headed upstairs while Ted was busy serving other customers! He went outside into the blistery cold, then went next door and opened the unlocked door and headed upstairs [not knowing what to expect]...? When he peeked his head into the bedroom to find a naked MAN strapped to the bed [just as Ted said], he felt his cock lurch with excitement!

JC had no idea WHO the man was...and figured the man couldn't see him since he seemed to be wearing a mask of some kind...? He walked in and over to the man, admiring his bare buttock and masculine muscles! He reached out [silently] and touched the man's body! Hank squirmed a bit, letting the weary male know he was strapped in and helpless! This allowed JC to become bolder as he started molding the man's ass cheeks, pulling them apart to look at his asshole, wondering what it might feel like to shove his cock inside...?

Hank watched as the boy groped and slapped his ass cheeks, making him moan through the ball-gag in his mouth! The boy started to undo his pants, pushing them down about his skinny thighs as his big fat 10" uncut prick popped out into the open! Hank was SHOCKED [to say the least], as the boy stroked himself to total stiffness...then reached for the lubricant and anointed Hank's ass with a generous amount!

JC climbed onto the bed behind Hank...then laid in overtop him as he started grinding his long hard cock into the crack of the bound man's ass, parting the cheeks as he ground back and forth, causing his big cock to slide up over the small of Hank's back!

Hank could feel the fat cock splitting his cheeks in half, as the boy leaned in over his back [in pushup-position], humping into him like a horny dog! "Fuck..." moaned the 21y/o, as the slick lubricant helped his cock to slip and slide without chafing! He picked up the pace, pulling back further until the head of his cock was rubbing directly over Hank's hot pucker...then thrust forward [the head nudging against the entryway] until his cock popped back up over the small of Hank's back, threatening to spew cum at any moment!

Hank hiked his ass up higher, wanting the fat cock inside him, trying to capture the head as it rubbed over his steamy rosebud! But JC was content with just grinding, finding it far less GAY if he didn't penetrate! He knew he could cum this way, as he'd fucked some of his girlfriends this way, without actually penetrating any of them! Technically still a virgin, he humped the man's ass faster, feeling the ass crack heating up from the friction! Hank dilated his anal ring just as JC pulled back with his hips, rubbing his cockhead backwards over the pucker before thrusting forward...and accidently penetrating the rectal ring 6 inches deep [with one stroke]!

"urrhhgg...!!" grunted Hank through the gag, as the cock sped into him, breaking through his anal ring to bury halfway in his gut!

"ohshit...!" gasped JC, not meaning to pierce the asshole, feeling his cock suddenly immersed in Hank's warm wetness! He was just about to pull out [rescuing his virginity] when he suddenly realized how GOOD the asshole felt wrapped around his cock...!

Instead of pulling out, he shoved in deeper, ramming the remaining inches inward until he was grinding all 10 rock-solid inches gut-deep in the man's bowels!

"ohmygod..." he choked, feeling his orgasm hit like a his cock thickened and strained, then erupted a series of hot spurts directly into Hank's gut! "...ARRHHHHGGG...!!!" grunted the kid, coming in his first hole [ever], officially losing his virginity [to a man] as he came hard and heavy!

Hank could feel the hot gush of liquid filling his entrails, as the boy's big cock jerked strongly in his cave! But the boy wasn't finished yet, as he started thrusting back and forth, fucking the hole, keeping over half his cock buried behind the ring at all times as he fucked deep and rough [consumed by his first cunt]! Hank felt the boy lying against his back, holding onto his shoulders as he humped into him deeply, never removing his cock [not once]! He fucked for another 4 to 5 minutes before burying his cock again and coming...! "ARRHHHHGGG...!!" he cried as he came again, adding more breeding juice to the hole! Hank felt the boy starting to thrust again, his young balls full of overstocked cum as he thrilled at the idea of flooding a cunt without having to worry about getting it pregnant! He pounded Hank for another 8 minutes or so, making up for lost time, sawing his thick cock through the gripping manhole before feeling his third and final climax hit upon him!

"ARRHHHHGGG...!!" he cried out loud [again], grinding into Hank's buttock for the final time before pulling out!

Hank couldn't believe he'd just been fucked and cummed in 3x in less than 20mins! He watched as the kid got up, tucked his now flaccid meat back into his pants, zipped up, then left without a word! JC was so eager to rush home and masturbate to the memory of losing his virginity that he didn't even notice Dale sitting in the living room, awaiting his own turn with the bound man!


Dale went upstairs to Ted's second floor apartment [not long after the bar owner propositioned him to fuck his bound friend]...only to find someone else had beaten him to the punch! He watched in the bedroom doorway for awhile as JC fucked the man underneath him [losing his virginity]...then wandered back out into the living room and awaited his turn! JC dashed by so fast that he didn't even notice Dale sitting in the far corner [out of sight]!

Dale crept carefully back into the bedroom, finding the naked man still strapped to the bed! Hank was still basking in the afterglow of JC's fuck [eternally grateful to Ted for setting this all up]...and had no idea that another visitor was already in the room! He only heard the downstairs door slam once [indicating JC's exit], and never heard anyone come upstairs! He was resting in place, waiting for the next visitor...when Dale suddenly walked up to him and gently ran the tips of his fingers over his bare back and ass! Hank nearly JUMPED out of his skin at the sudden caress, looking back to see WHO it was...? But Dale had completely camouflaged himself [wool hat and hoodie], his face shrouded in darkness to help conceal his own identity [despite the covering over Hank's face]!

Dale slowly caressed Hank's back and ass cheeks, molding and massaging the firm globes with his hands, pulling them apart to get a good look at his fuck-hole!

Hank couldn't help feeling totally exposed, especially when the person fondling him was completely dressed! He felt Dale pulled his ass cheeks apart...then felt him ram 2 fingers deep inside him [testing the elasticity], swirling them around in his rectum, coating in the cum before ramming them back and forth [roughly], watching the manhole suck at his digits!

Dale was an sniper in the military, with over 3 dozen kills under his belt, most of whom he had no idea who they were or what they did to deserve death by his hand...?...the same hand he now used to finger-fuck the masked man lying in Ted's bed! Dale removed his soiled digits [wiping them off on his thick jeans]...then started to undo his pants! Hank couldn't resist looking back over his shoulder, wanting to see what he was about to be fucked with...? Dale shoved his pants down his legs, then stomped out of them [and his boots], pulling his hoodie, sweater, and thermal shirt off overhead in one swoop [stripping naked]! Hank suddenly realized he recognized Dale as the quiet guy that always stayed to himself at the other end of the bar! Rumor was he was a little `off', so most people kept their distance from him, not wanting to rattle his cage!

Hank couldn't believe Ted sent a crazy guy up to fuck him! With his defenses up, his body was very aware of everything Dale did! He watched as his 7.5" erection popped into view, swaying stiffly in front of him as he maneuvered his way onto the bed, lying down flat on top of Hank as he started grinding his erection back and forth along his loaded ass-crack! Hank could smell Dale's body-odor up-close [underarms & sweat], as his cock slid back and forth along the crack, getting slickened by the excess slime and semen leaking from his hole! Dale pulled back with his hips until he aligned his cockhead with the slippery entrance...then pushed forward with his hips, burying his cock over 7 inches deep with one stroke!

"urrhh..." groaned both men in unison [loving the conjoining of both entities as they fit together like a hand in glove]...! Dale ground his hips into Hank's ass, basking in the warm wetness of his interior, loving the way the cum-filled hole swirled around his cock!

Dale pulled back [withdrawing several inches] before pushing back in, submerging back into the steamy whirlpool sucking his shaft! Having precious little opportunity to fuck anyone [with his demented reputation around town]...he savored the feeling surrounding his cock, squeezing his hands in around Hank's hairy chest, tweaking and pulling at his erect nipples, causing Hank to groan out erotically!

Hank couldn't help massaging Dale's thrusting cock with his anal muscles, tightening them on the withdraw and dilating them on the plunge back in! Dale lay flat against Hank's broad back and humped away at his ass with growing intensity, thrusting in and out of the suctioning hole, hearing the wet sounds emit loudly from the gamey orifice!

Hank could feel Dale's face right beside his as they fucked, the ex-military man exerting more energy as he drove his cock back and forth, wishing he had something like THIS at home to fuck on a regular basis!

After about 8mins of enjoying the feel of Hank's cunt wrapped around his cock, Dale lifted himself into pushup-position [gaining more leverage] and started fucking the man beneath him harder! Hank arched his back, tilting his ass up higher, making for a better target as Dale's cock sped through him faster and faster! Dale could feel himself coming to a quick climax, but couldn't find the strength to pull out to savor the moment! With his hips taking on a mind of their own, he continued to fuck hard and fast, ramming his cock into the sucking hole nonstop, feeling his balls knot at the base as his cock started to tickle and pulsate...!

"Arrhhhhh fuucckkk..." he yelled, losing all control as he suddenly rammed himself in all the way and held himself [smashed] against the bound man's butt!

"...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he screamed as the cum started to rocket out of his flaring cockhead, shooting off powerful jets of molten cum directly into the helpless hole underneath him! He GROUND into the ass, injecting every ounce of his seed before finally pulling out and collapsing on his back beside Hank, panting for breath! The 2 men lay together for a moment [with Hank still bound by the wrists & ankles], before Dale got up and searched his pants pockets for his cigarettes and lighter! He lit himself a smoke, then wandered off naked into the living room, looking around Ted's apartment to kill time!

Dale knew Ted for awhile [as a loyal customer], but had never been to his apt before, admiring how neat and organized the bar owner's place was [as compared to his own horded mess]!

He took a seat on one of the sofas, tilting his head back against the rest as he stared up at the darkened ceiling and finished off his cigarette! After 10mins or so, he got his second wind and wandered back into the bedroom for aound-2, finding Hank exactly where he left him!

Hank peered back over his shoulder, seeing Dale walk back in [his new erection leading the way]! Hank groaned helplessly, knowing he was about to get a harder, longer fuck [seeing how Dale had already cum once]! He felt the military man climb onto the bed behind him, as Dale KISSED his way up Hank's back, settling his lips in about the nap of his neck and shoulders, smothering his back and body in romantic smooches!

He maneuvered his cock to fit in-between Hank's creamy ass cheeks, the head searching for the hole without guidance, finding the bulls-eye before pushing straight in, sinking in all the way to his balls, filling Hank's gut with his manhood! Dale then wrapped his forearm around Hank's neck, holding him in place as he resumed fucking, slowly humping at the asshole, wedging his way through it deeply, just enjoying the luxurious feeling surrounding his most sensitive body part!

For the next 20mins Dale took his time to savor the feelings his cock was experiencing, knowing when he got home it was back to masturbating to porn in his cluttered home! He wished he had the man in a more private setting, free from shackles and masks, where he could make LOVE to him the way he wanted!

But he wasn't home, this wasn't his bed, and the man he was fucking was a total [faceless] stranger! He lifted himself back up into pushup-position, then started fucking hard again, looking down between their bodies to watch his hips slam into the bound man's upturned ass! He fucked hard and rough for 6 full minutes, bashing and battering his way through the softening hole, plunging full-length [tip to balls], causing loud slapping noises to fill the room!

Hank lay under the ex-military man, taking each stroke like a champion as the cock bore through full-throttle! Dale could feel his 2nd orgasm approaching fast as he picked up the pace and started to piston his cock like a machine...!...hammering hard at the backdoor until his cock suddenly seized and he rammed all the way in on the final stroke!

"Arrrhhhh..." he grunted as his cock twitched and throbbed, shooting off another round of hot semen, re-filling Hank's colon with cum! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he yelled as the fluids left his body quickly, draining his energy as he collapsed [dead] against Hank's sweat back!

The 2 men moaned simultaneously, both recovering from the intense climax as Dale slowly came to his senses and climbed down off of the bound man's back! Hank lay still [resting against the mattress] as Dale got dressed, then lovingly caressed his back and buttock [grateful for the good time] before leaving...!



Ted was busy behind the bar, when one of his bartenders called him over to the house-phone. Ted walked over and put the phone to his ear [covering the other ear with his hand so he could hear over the music]...! "Yes, this's Ted...!" he said into the receiver, recognizing the voice on the other end of the line...!

OUTSIDE: Cellins County patrol Officer Nicolas Donahue pulled his vehicle up outside the front of the bar, talking with the bar's owner on the phone, requesting Ted fill his thermos up with whiskey [to help keep warm for the overnight shift]! Ted came out to retrieve the thermos [knowing the officer couldn't come onto the premises in uniform without raising more than a few eyebrows]..., striking up conversation!

"I hope you don't think me a LUSH for stopping by for a lil' whiskey before my shift...?" asked the officer, rolling the window down to pass Ted his silver thermos!

"Not at all..." answered Ted, leaning in on the door with his forearm and elbow! "...I know it takes a lil' more than coffee and cocoa to keep you guys warm overnight...!" he sympathized!

"Yeah..." chuckled Donahue behind the wheel, "...what I REALLY could use is a trip into the restroom to visit that gloryhole of yours..." joked the officer, a long time patron of the bar [having used the ghole on occasions while off duty in plain clothes]! "...but I KNOW your customers would have something to SAY about that...! People don't realize, cops'r PEOPLE also...we get horny as just like they do!"

"If its relief you need, Nick..." confided Ted, "...I've got a cocksucker upstairs tied to my bed right now..." he confessed! "...all you got to DO is go upstairs and he's yours for the taking...!"

Then Ted thought for a moment, changing his tune...! "uh...there MIGHT be someone up there with him already though..." he recalled [knowing Dale was still unaccounted for]! "...but as soon as HE comes down YOU can go up, if you want...!" he offered, as Donahue considered it!

The 30y/o cop sat in his patrol car as Ted dashed back into the bar to fill his thermos for him! He could feel his dick swelling slightly in his uniform pants at the idea of getting a good blowjob from one of Ted's male bar whores! No one actually knew what the cocksuckers looked like behind the walls [allowing them to keep their anonymity in public], but they were infamous for the good head they gave! Donahue was just conceding to the idea that his cock wasn't going to see any `action' tonight...when he suddenly heard the metal door to Ted's apartment open and close...! He peered out the passenger's side window to see WHO was exiting the apartment...?...and was surprised to see Dale Cooper looking back at him! The 2 men's eyes locked on each Dale simply nodded his head at the officer [politely], then went back into the bar to finish drinking...!

Donahue couldn't help wondering WHAT Dale did with the fagot upstairs...?

Curious, Donahue turned off the engine to his patrol car...then casually got out of the vehicle and walked around to the sidewalk...looking around to make sure no one was scoping him before quickly ducking into Ted's apartment!

He climbed the stairs to the second floor walkup [finding the living room empty]..., then wandered down to Ted's bedroom where he indeed found a man lying naked in Ted's bed!

Hank HEARD someone coming up the stairs...but was shocked to see a Cellins County uniformed officer standing in the doorway behind him! Hank immediately became frightened that the officer was there to arrest him for lewd and lascivious behavior!

Then he saw the officer cross over to the bed..., taking the time to thoroughly inspect his ass and asshole...! Hank made no noise as he looked back over his shoulder, wanting to keep an EYE on the officer as Donahue split his cheeks apart to gander at his well-used, well-fucked anus...!...using his thumbs to pry the ring apart! Hank's cock was hard underneath him, twisted within the wrinkles of the bed sheets! He couldn't help grinding his cock against the mattress, watching as Officer Donahue pulled his nightstick from his utility belt and pressed the end [tip] against his asshole...twisting it about until it penetrated the rectal ring and slowly [awkwardly], (somewhat painfully) wedged itself inside him, sliding into his ass!

"ummpphh...!!' grunted Hank, feeling the stiff unbending stick pierce through his sensitive flesh, boring through the hole and scraping across the soft interior mercilessly without compassion! Donahue worked the stick back and forth [thrusting it in and out], sliding through the manhole, seeing just how much the gay man could take...?

Hank hiked his ass higher into the air [arching his back like a bow], trying to find a more comfortable angle for the wooden cock to journey through him, feeling it bruise his insides as the officer started to fuck him with it deeply!

Donahue had always wanted to use his baton on someone sexually...trying to get over half the black rod in Hank's hole as he pressed deeper, making the man squirm uncomfortably in bed! Luckily for Hank Donahue started to get aroused, groping his stiffening crotch with his free hand, wondering what his cock might feel like in place of the nightstick...?

He pulled the baton from Hank's ass, examining it up close, noting the wet remains of lube and semen along a 6 or 7 inch range of the stick before sitting it aside! He unzipped his pants, hoisted out his 7" erection, then climbed onto the bed behind the bound man and aligned his cock to the hole to sink inside...!

"urrhhgg...!" grunted Hank, his anus now slightly SORE after the rough baton fucking, feeling the officer's thick prick stretch his hole further as it sank into the depths of his rectum! Donahue started fucking immediately, knowing he didn't have much time before having to check in with his station! He leaned in overtop Hank in pushup-position and started fucking, staring down between their bodies to watch his cock sliding in and out of the stranger underneath him!

Hank groaned and grunted in pain, his sore hole recoiling as the officer's erection slammed into his bruised interior, making it hurt non-erotically! He had to suffer through the fucking as his asshole clung to the thrusting shaft, causing the officer to fuck harder as he dove into the ass cock-first! Hank could feel the officer's weapon [his gun] slapping against his hip as his fuck-thrusts increased 10-fold!

"Arrrhh fuck yeah..." moaned the officer, plunging into the ass with his hips, driving his cock back and forth, feeling the slick-wet interior sucking his shaft like a hot mouth!

He could feel his orgasm closing in quickly as he started to POUND the body underneath him, his shaft becoming more sensitive as it started to pulsate and throb while fucking! "...I'm so CLOSE..." he groaned, unable to stop his hips as they slapped into Hank again and again! "...ohfuck...Arrhhhh...Arrhhhh...ARRHHHHHGGG...!!" he screamed as he suddenly rammed all the way in and came...!...shooting his semen directly into Hank's gut, adding to the barrage of seed already clogging the entrails!

"ummffff..." groaned Hank, feeling the semen sear into his bruises, making it STING! He'd never been happier to make someone cum so soon before in his life! He was grateful when the officer finally pulled out of him and climbed down off the bed...tucking his cock back in his uniform pants before grabbing his dreaded nightstick, putting it back in its holder before leaving the apartment!


MOMENTS EARLIER: Ted came out of the bar carrying officer Donahue's thermos, only to find the officer no longer in his patrol car...! Smiling, he realized he must have gone upstairs after seeing Dale come out!

Ted waited inside the door of the bar until he saw Donahue finally coming out of his apartment! "Here's your thermos..!" he said, walking up on the officer before he could make it to his vehicle!

"oh, thanks...!" said Donahue [having completely forgotten about the whiskey]!

"OH, and thanks for the invite..." he added with a grin! "...I left a deposit IN your friend upstairs...!"

"That's what he's there for!" smiled Ted, shaking the officer's hand before parting ways!

Donahue pulled his nightstick from his belt before getting into his cruiser to drive, staring at the stick differently, noting the wet-line indicating how deeply the stick was stuck up the bound man's ass...!

"Looks like we're BOTH satisfied for the first time...!" he said to his partner, before sitting the stick aside to pull off for work...!


Ted went back into his bar, scanning the room for another guy to send upstairs to fuck his lover...! He noticed the Larson Brothers (Robert & Anthony) getting drunk in the back! He made his way to the back of the bar to TALK to the brothers, grabbing 2 beers from one of the bartenders as a peace offering!

The brothers were playing pool in the back...when Robert noticed Ted walking up [carrying 2 unordered brews]...! He nudged his brother in the ribs to get his attention, nodding towards Ted as the bar owner walked up to them, offering them free beers!

"Sup Ted..." said the older brother (Rob Larson), accepting the beer with a smirk! "...what's the occasion...?" he asked, turning the bottle up to his scruffy lips! "Looking to get us drunk for another romp after hours...?"

"Something like that...!" said Ted, passing the other brother his beer as well!

"I have a proposition for the 2 of you..." he smiled, knowing the brothers would be down for most anything...!


Hank was resting against the bed, his asshole still pulsating sorely from the rough treatment it took from the nightstick [more-so than from the officer]! While he enjoyed being ravaged in his first ever gangbang...he was beginning to reach the end of his rope, unable to call Ted to cancel the rest of the night!

He was hoping Ted would magically sense his weariness and NOT send anyone else up to fuck him that evening...?...when he suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of the metal door slamming downstairs! His body tensed as his ears perked, hearing 2 voices and 2 distinct sets of footsteps instead of one! He was surprised to see 2 guys walk into the room, both somewhere in their 20's (Rob: 26, 5'10", 165lbs w/a medium/slim build, dark hair, and a scruffy unshaven face), (Anthony: 24, 5'11", 175lbs w/a medium build, neck-length dark hair [ponytail], and clean face)! Both brothers chuckled aloud when they saw the man Ted was offering tied to his bed!

"What'cha think...?" asked Rob, turning his free beer up to his lips! "Worth doing...?"

Anthony walked over to the bed, staring Hank from head to toe! When he tried to remove the face mask [to see who was hiding underneath], he found it padlocked in place, keeping the man's identity a secret!

"We got any better offers to fuck tonight...?" asked the younger brother, looking back at his sibling!

"Still a couple of hours til closing..." reasoned Robert [still hoping for a turnaround in luck]! "...maybe we'll get lucky and find Joanna drunk at the bar again...? She was a good fuck last time!"

"Until she threw-up on me...!" reminded Tony [still disgusted by the thought]!

"Alright, alright...are you EVER gonna let her live that down...?" laughed Rob [remembering the LOOK on his brother's face puked face]!

"I still have nightmares about it!" joked Tony, knowing his brother would enjoy it!

He leaned in over Hank's ass...pulling the cheeks far apart, watching the bunghole pulse and pout before giving up a tiny morsel of semen [which oozed down over Hank's hairy balls before soaking into the sheets]! "Hole's loaded!" he informed, spreading the cheeks for his brother to move in closer to see! "Looks good!"

"Who's first...?" asked Rob, as he and his brother looked each other eye-2-eye!

"Age before beauty!" joked Tony, stepping aside as the older brother pulled his thermal shirt off overhead [both bros having left their coats in the bar]! He undid his pants and kicked off his snow boots, tossing them aside before stripping completely naked!

Stroking his 9" dick to total stiffness as he climbed in behind the muscular bound man [balancing his weight on one hand as he aimed his erection down between Hank's cheeks with the other], pushing his way straight into his upturned ass...!

"urrgghhmmff..." grunted Hank, feeling the cock pierce his manhole before immediately sinking into his gut and bowels! Rob leaned in over his back [in pushup-position] and ground his cock around in his butt [enjoying the lush warm wet fit] before pulling back to fuck!

Hank was aware of the brothers, having seen them often enough in the bar [getting into mischief], and was almost certain he'd sucked them both off once or twice behind the gloryhole! He recalled hearing banter going back and forth between them while he sucked, each brother taking a turn at the hole, talking about how good the male cocksuckers were, comparing them to the women they fucked [cocksuckers coming out on top]! Hank could feel Rob Larson starting to fuck, as the 26y/o pulled back and thrust forth with his hips, withdrawing and burying his cock back and forth, fucking and stretching the hole to fit his manhood as he used it as a substitute pussy!

"How's it feel...?" asked Anthony Larson, pulling off his own clothes as he watched his brother fuck!

"He's definitely LOADED..." answered Rob, looking down between them to watch his cock slide in and out between the fuzzy male cheeks! "...I can FEEL the cum inside him sloshing around my cock..." he thrilled, as he continued to plunge in and out! " some murky whirlpool!" he joked!

Anthony stroked his own cock to hardness...!

"Let ME try...!" he requested, eager to feel it for himself!

Rob took a half dozen or so more strokes before finally pulling out [reluctantly]..., climbing off Hank's back as Tony reached for the lubricant...!

"You're not gonna need that..." advised Rob, "...he's DRENCHED inside! You'll slip in easily!"

"Right!" said Tony, tossing the lube aside before climbing up in his brother's place, crawling up behind the bound man, aiming his 8.5" erection between the cheeks before pushing forward and sinking in deep...!

"Oooohhh fuuucckkk..." moaned Tony, loving the feel of the warm wet hole instantly! "...this's NICE!" he complimented, grounding his pelvis against Hank's butt, churning his ramrod around in the seeded cunt! "How many loads you think he's taken already...?"

"Let's ASK him...!" suggested Rob, walking up to Hank's sack-covered head! "How many cocks have you taken tonight...?" he asked, as Hank mumbled back a response! "What...?" asked the older bruh, bending in closer to hear! When he still couldn't understand, he tried to remove the mask, finding it locked in place! Then he felt Hank's face and discovered the ball-gag in his mouth!

"He can't talk..." he told his brother, as Anthony Larson continued to fuck straight through his brother's discovery! "...his mouth's gagged!"

"Sweet..." said Tony [uncaring], "...nothing better than a good cunt that can't talk! Ruins the mood!" he joked, stabbing his cock through the juiced hole!

Rob stood up and watched his brother enjoy the ass he was fucking, watching his hips fly back and forth as he drove his cock thought the cunt quicker!

"Don't cum yet..." warned Rob, stroking his cock again! "...I want back IN before you finish!

"arrhh fuck...!" cursed Tony [already building to an early climax], pulling out of the luscious hole that was treating his cock so marvelously! Rob took his brother's place, climbing back across Hank's back, ramming his 9" cock balls-deep before resuming his fuck!

Neither brother knew WHO the cocksucker was in Ted's bed...?...nor did they care! They power-fucked the muscled man, fucking his ass as hard as they could, loving the muffled groans and grunts coming out of his throat as his asshole was ravaged by 2 hot guys! Hank could feel them fuck him until their cocks started to stiffen and expand..., then they'd yank OUT of him at the last possible second [saving them from spilling their loads too soon]...then be replaced by the brother who'd climb back onboard and pick up where they left off!

The fucking [the edging] lasted well over an hour, as the 2 brothers battered Hank's hole until it was nothing but a wet receptive orifice begging to be plowed hard! When they pulled the sweaty cheeks apart to take another look at the man-cunt they'd helped now looked like a red, whelped, and swollen crater of crimson with a creamy center! Hank was completely delirious with lust, the bed sheet underneath his cock soaked with pre-cum from his leaking dick! He overheard Rob whispering something to his brother, as Tony agreed to comply, then felt Tony climb back over his back and start ramming his 8 and 1/2 inch cock through his ravaged and numbing hole again...!

Hank was enjoying the fucking, but wondering WHEN the guys were going to CUM and give his sore hole a break...? He was just starting to wonder about WHAT the brothers had been whispering about...?...when he felt Rob Larson climbing in over his brother...!...crawling in the opposite direction [facing the foot of the bed] as he gripped his stiff cock and aimed it backwards against his brother's and started to WEDGE himself into the otherwise occupied asshole...!

"urrhggg...URRHHHHGGGGGGGGG...!!!!" grunted Hank aloud, feeling his asshole stretching to accommodate TWO COCKS!

"Good thing he's already gagged...!" joked Anthony [facing Hank's head and shoulders], feeling his brother's cock squeeze in behind his as the 2 cocks now lay embedded belly-2-belly!

Hank moaned and groaned in total agony, his manhole completely shattered as 2 big cocks now occupied the same space in his body, both crammed into the same hole simultaneously as both brothers felt the other's cock belly pulsing against one another!

Rob started thrusting first, pulling backwards with his hips, sliding his 9" cock out of the hole halfway before shoving back in, feeling the tightness of the super-stretched ring cutting against his cock while feeling the slick underbelly of his brother's cock pulse against his!

Tony started thrusting as well, unable to simply stay immobile as the urge to fuck sprung upon him! He started thrusting in opposition of his brother, both cocks moving in different directions as one pulled out while the other shoved in...sliding against each other!

`Ohgod...!' groaned Hank [behind the gag], pulling at the restraints with his wrists and ankles! He was forced to submit as the 2 cocks moved through him, fucking his hole deeply, both sawing through his widely stretch rectal ring like 2 pistons!

"Fuck this hole's tight...!" grunted Tony, his lips right next to Hank's mask right covered ear as the younger of the 2 brothers lay directly against his sweaty back, humping his hips into his upturned buttock! "You like our cocks in your ass, dude...?" he asked [not knowing Hank's real name]!

"Of course he does..." answered Rob [facing the OTHER direction], humping his ass up and down [fucking against his brother stroke] as he too drove his cock through Hank's spread cavity! "...he's a FAG...they lives for this shit!"

Hank could feel his asshole beginning to conform to the stretching as his body got used to the extreme abuse...! He felt the pain starting to diminish the more the cocks ran through him, each jamming into his cavity, seeking depth within his murky gut!

"Fuck, his ass is good...!" groaned Tony, picking up the pace as he started to fuck deeper and harder!

"Damn, I could get USED to this shit...!" moaned Rob, doing the same thing as the brothers moved together in opposition of one another!

Rob's cock thrust in while Tony's withdrew..., then they'd both change directions as Tony's cock would thrust in while Rob's withdrew...their cocks sawing against each other, building friction and momentum as they rubbed together like campfire sticks [looking to combust]!

"I'm getting close...!" groaned Rob [after nearly 10 solid minutes of double-fucking]!

"Me too!" said Tony, feeling the friction build!

Hank arched his back, tilting his ass up higher, letting the dicks dig deeper as they continued to WAR inside him! Tony's cock started to react first, becoming ultra-sensitive as it rubbed against the belly of his brother's organ, the 2 speeding up thrusts as Tony's cock swelled...then started pulsing...! "ARRHHHHHHHHH...!!" he cried as he rammed his rod all the way in and came...!...thick rich gobs of cream filling Hank's rectum and causing the stretched hole to become even more slick and saturated!

"ohfuck..." gasped Rob, feeling his brother's sperm slickening the hole more as he stabbed through deeper, feeling the warm fluid coating his cock all over before finally ramming all the way in himself and holding himself in balls-deep! "...Arrrhhh shit..." he cursed/complained, feeling his orgasm hit! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!" he yelled as the cum shot out of him, adding to his brother's as both loads mixed and overflowed the stretched orifice, causing the excess cum to bubble out, spilling all over!

Hank felt the first dick cum inside him, then felt the second cock explode as they both filled his gut with twice the load!

"urrhhggmmff..." he grunted, feeling his own dick pulsating strongly, trapped between his stomach and the bed, oozing sperm out in-between them as all 3 men came within moments of each other!

"UHG!" groaned Hank as the cocks were insensitively removed from his ass..., leaving his anus feeling open and sore...!

Hank continued to lay facedown in bed as the brothers climbed out and got dressed..., telling Hank they how much they looked forward to fucking him again! Hank wondered if that was a possibility...?...unsure whether or not he wanted to put his body through such torture again...?


Pete saw Ted send The Larson Brothers upstairs to his apartment to fuck his friend..., 40mins later they hadn't returned! Pete got up from his seat at the counter and wandered into the restroom to relieve himself of some beer AND cum!

He walked over to one of the urinals and pulled his half-hard penis from his zipper, letting his yellowish liquid flow into the basin as he overheard suction coming from one of the stalls...then the sound of a man coming...!

aww fuck...! fuck...! fuck're mouth's so're gonna make me cum...' he gasped, as the suction grew stronger! Pete listened intently as the man continued to moan aloud...! ...arrhhh...arrrhhhgg...ARRRHHHHHHHHH...!!' he yelled as the cum shot out of him, causing the cocksucker to choke and gag [momentarily] before swallowing the complete mass in 2 gulps! Pete was still standing at the urinal when he suddenly heard one of the stall doors open...and a demure man walked out [zipping his pants]...blushing with embarrassment as he headed for the door [guilt (from letting a cocksucker cop his load) written all over his face]!

Pete walked away from the urinals, heading to the just vacated stall [his hardening cock swaying out of his open fly]...locking himself in as he faced the gloryhole and stuck his cock through! Within seconds he felt a hot mouth enveloping his shaft, as wet sucking lips encircled his cock, drawing him in deeper, sucking him into his well lubricated throat...!


Ted sent 2 more fuckers up to see Hank within 90mins, each man walking into his bedroom to find the naked man lying facedown [helpless]! The first man stripped naked, then lay face down between Hank's ass cheeks, sucking his sensitive hole and slurping out as much spent cum as he could find for 30mins! Hank felt the man's tongue dipping into his well-stretched anus, eating him out like an ant-eater!

Afterwards the man climbed on top of him and fucked him for 5 whole minutes before spewing his load into him! Then he spent the next 5mins slurping his load out, leaving Hank's ass licitly-split clean!

The second man walked in 10mins later...spotting the naked man and pulling his erection from his fly before climbing on top of him and fucking him vigorously for 15mins straight! The man's wife had cut him off sexually while her parents lived with them momentarily [after their home caught fire]! The man had no sexual outlet at home, and spent the past 3 weeks getting blowjobs [practically daily] at the bar! When Ted walked up and offered him a fresh alternative...he nearly JUMPED at the thought of sticking his cock in something even CLOSE to pussy! Having never fucked a man before, he was eager to try, needing something to fuck continuously until he came! He could feel his orgasm building as he suddenly rammed his cock all the way into the bound man underneath him and came...! "ARRHHHHGGG...!!" he yelled out as he came hard, bucking madly from the intensity of his orgasm, pulling out only after he was sure his orgasm was complete!

Not quite really to leave just yet, he spent the next 5 or 6 mins slapping Hank's ass with his open hand, whacking the form male cheeks until they were bright red and Hank was sobbing softly under his mask [unable to escape the torture]! Then the man pulled his hard cock back out of his pants and jacked himself off, shooting his second load all over Hank's red cheeks, massaging the semen into the skin like a lotion!

Afterwards his simply zipped up and left, leaving without any fanfare!


2AM: Patrons started leaving as the bar thinned out sometime after 1am! By closing the bartenders were cleaning up [tossing empty beer bottles and trash into the outside dumpster, and wiping down counters, tables, and chairs]..., as Ted started to count the till from the register!

"Mind if I go upstairs and knock one out for the road...?" asked Pete, as Ted emptied out the register!

"Not at all...!" said the bar owner [heading into his back office], as Pete took his coat and headed for the door!

Pete stepped out into the icy cold of The Arctic winds...dashing into Ted's apartment [as the heavy metal door slammed hard behind him]...! He ventured up the steep stairs to the second floor, dumping his Down coat on the sofa as he walked into the bedroom, finding the man still lying where he left him a few hours ago!

Pete counted 5 or 6 guys Ted sent upstairs to fuck [AFTER him]..., with no clue as to how many guys fucked the bound man BEFORE he went up to take his turn...? He could see a huge wet stain underneath the man's groin, realizing it was likely cum draining out from his anus every time someone new fucked him! The idea of sliding his cock through so many loads made Pete's cock super-hard, as he stripped naked!

Hank HEARD the heavy door slam downstairs, and knew another visitor was coming...! He wasn't too surprised when he looked back to see Pete walk in [as the Anaheim officer did say he would be back]...! He watched Pete strip naked, then walk over to the bed where he climbed onboard behind him, grabbing 2 hefty handfuls of Hank's ass, pulling the cheeks apart to stare down at the vulnerable hole!

"Damn..." he sighed, noting how swollen and irritated the anus looked! "...they did a number on you, eh...?" he stated, watching as the ring continuously oozed semen from its pouted lips! "Your pussy's probably really sore and sensitive right now, I bet..." he seemed to sympathize, before aiming his own cock up against the well-fucked hole! " what's ONE more, eh...? Just another drop in the bucket for a whore like you, right...?" he joked, before ramming his cock straight in!

"urrhhggmmff...!!" grunted Hank, feeling the officer's cock bore straight into him as Pete crashed his pelvic bone into his backside, grounding his cock into his liquidity gut!

"Damn..." groaned Pete [lying across Hank's back]! " feels just like pussy!" he thrilled, loving how his cock swam in the man's buttery guts!

Pete pulled back with his hips, fucking into the magical butt for the last time, wishing he knew more about the man's identity so he could visit him more often! Even if he sweet-talked him into telling him his name and number...he'd never understand him, as his mouth was compromised with the ball-gag, making it impossible to speak!

For the next half-hour Peter fucked Hank's accepting hole as his boss lay under him, groaning out in a mixture of pain and pleasure while his asshole was mauled for like the thirteenth time that night! By now his asshole was feeling numb, and the cock fucking him felt 6 sizes bigger than each inward stab felt as if his asshole was being ripped in half!

Having already cum twice {once in at the restroom ghole, and once last chp}, Pete was in no real rush to cum again, taking his time to fuck the hole extra-deep and hard, lifting up into pushup-position and pounding it until Hank was wailing like a baby left for death in the garbage!


Ted said `goodnight' to his bartenders [as they walked (bundled up) to their individual cars to head home] as he locked up the bar with his keys...then walked less than 10ft to his own apartment next door, closing the door in behind him before heading upstairs to free his lover from captivity!

At the top of the stairs he noticed a strange coat lying across the back of his sofa...and realized Pete was still in his apartment [fucking Hank]! He walked down the hall to his bedroom to find Pete on top of him, holding him down [hands smashed into the small of Hank's back, keeping his ass arched] while slamming himself into him from behind, bashing and battering his hole with deep hard strokes!

"Yeah...take that cock faggot..." growled Peter [sweat dripping off the both of them] as he hammered Hank like a tool, slamming all 9 inches of cock into him repeatedly, causing Hank to buck and squirm underneath him, pleading for mercy as his sore hole turned against him! "...that's what you guys really want, right...? be dominated and fucked like the male sluts you are...? To be treated like women...?...fucked and bred like bitches...using your assholes like cunts...making us real men dump our seeds in your pussies...!"

"urrhhmmff...!...urrhhmmff...!...urrhhmmff...!...urrhhmmff..." grunted Hank, bucking against the restraints, unable to keep the cock from plunging through his body like a torpedo! Pete loved hearing the man grunt in pain, watching his cock disappear up his sweaty backside, the swollen rectal ring swallowing up his rod like a hungry lion!

Peter heard Ted coming into the room, glancing back at him from over the shoulder...!

"I'll be done with him in a few minutes...!" he promised, never missing a stroke as he continued to hammer hard and rough!

Ted couldn't help admiring Pete's fuck style...watching him ram his cock 9 inches deep into his helpless lover...wishing it was HIM in the saddle...! Pete didn't mind having an fact he preferred it, having an eyewitness to his prowess, someone who could testify to his manhood as he banged the man in the bed within inches of his life...!

"Arrhhh fuck..." he grunted, tossing his head back in ecstasy, sorry to sense the moment about to end as the glorious feeling of orgasm crept upon him as he plunged his manhood in and out a dozen or so more times before ramming all the way in with one last brutal stroke, holding his cock in base deep...! "...shit, I'm coming..." he warned, feeling his cock thicken and strain, then burst into a series of wild jerks and spasms...! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he cried out loud, grinding into the ass beneath him, losing his bodily essence as the last of his sperm shot out of overused cock in thick succession, causing him to weaken and fall face-first against Hank's back!

Hank could hear Pete panting for breath behind him, his cock still embedded while his heartbeat pounded against his back! "wow..." whispered the officer a moment later, finding enough strength to push himself up off and out of the captive! He climbed off the bed and started to get dressed, slipping back into his underwear, thermals, and pants [his dick now officially DEAD after 3 massive climaxes], tying up his boots! "...thanks for the invite!" he said to Ted before walking out of the bedroom, grabbing his coat on the way downstairs!

Ted made sure the front door was locked and secured before returning to the room to free his lover...!

"How'r you feeling...?" he asked, unlocking the shackles, freeing Hank's arms and legs..., rolling him over onto his back, unlocking his mask and removing the ball-gag so he could speak!

"My asshole's sore a hell...!" confessed Hank [lying on his back], feeling more cum excreting from his hard to close anus!

"Your cock's hard...!" said Ted, reaching down to stroke it gently...!

"What can I say...despite the pain and pressure, I'm a total WHORE at heart!" admitted Hank [completely exhausted after a dozen fucks]!

"I wouldn't have you any other way...!" smiled Ted, leaning in to KISS Hank in his drooling mouth, shoving his tongue into the oral cavity as Hank gasped and surrendered without a fight [despite his exhaustion]!

He fully expected Ted to lift his legs and get one last fuck in before bed..., but Ted had other plans as he broke the kiss, stood up, then started to undress hastily! Hank was beginning to to automatically lift his legs submissively...when Ted suddenly straddled his waist...!...reached back between Hank's legs to cup his fingers along his slimy ass-crack, gathering up enough excreting sperm to use as lubricant, as he smeared the contents over his own asshole [moistening it] before pushing back against Hank's 8" erection!

"urhh..." grunted Ted, feeling the cockhead pierce his tight rectal ring before sliding back down on it...! "...urrhhh...!" he groaned as he hit bottom, ground his own hairy ass into Hank's pubes, his gripping ring squeezing in tightly about Hank's cock base, drawing him in deep!

Hank looked surprised, unaware that Ted was versatile in bed! He reached up and grasped his man's hips, pushing Ted down further on his cock, thrusting his own hips up into his ass, wanting to go deeper inside him!

"After what you've been through DESERVE some ass for yourself...!" decided Ted, lifting and lowering himself on Hank's cock [fucking himself]!

Hank groaned in agreement, unable to recall the last time he had HIS cock buried in someone...?...[after 14yrs of marriage to Madeline (as a top), he spent the past several years making up for lost time]! He couldn't believe how hot and tight Ted's asshole felt on his cock, as the rectal ring rode and down, sucking his shaft, practically squeezing the life out of his cock!

Ted considered himself a verse-top, having bottomed for a select group of men he considered worthy to cum in his ass...! With his own cock rock-hard in his hand, he stroked himself while riding Hank's dick, using his lover's cock to massage his prostate while stroking himself to climax! He knew Hank wouldn't be able to last long [not after the fuckings his body took] he stroked himself with the intent to blow his load as quickly as possible!

"ohh..." he moaned, as he leaned back, pressing his freehand between Hank's legs to toy with his leaking asshole! Hank was thrusting up into Ted's ass [meeting the downward plunges on his cock halfway]...when he suddenly felt Ted shoving 4 fingers into his anal gape, searching for his prostate!

"ohfuck..." gasped Hank, closing his eyes as he spread his legs automatically [giving Ted deeper access into his roost]! Hank continued fucking up into Ted's ass [holding onto his lover's waist for support], feeling the 4 digits digging deep as Ted found what he was looking for and began massaging it while riding AND jerking off at the same time!

Hank felt like he was experiencing the best of both worlds, as half of Ted's hand sank into his well-lubed hole and his asshole continued sliding on his expanding cock! "...ohgod..." choked Hank, fucking harder as he began to buck underneath Ted! "...I'm gonna cum..." he announced, shoving his cock straight up and holding it inside his BF's butt! Ted could feel Hank's cock jerk...then felt the surge of hot cream flooding his bowels as Hank's orgasm hit! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK...!!!" yelled Hank, coming hard as he thrashed about in bed!

"Ohshit..." gasped Ted, removing his hand from Hank's ass to balance himself against his hairy chest...! He stroked his cock faster, feeling his own orgasm triggered as he too closed his eyes and wailed in ecstasy! "...oohh fuck...uhh...uhh...ohhh...arrhhhh..." he groaned, as the whacked his aching cock until it swelled steely hard, pulsating strongly in his hand! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as he came, shooting his load forward as the spurts splattered all over Hank's chest, neck, and face...!...painting him wet!

Ted collapsed down overtop Hank [chest-2-chest], burying his face in the pillows behind Hank's head as both men slowly came down off of their climaxes! Hank tenderly wrapped his arms around Ted's back, hugging him closely as he lovingly kissed him about his bare neck and shoulder! Ted lifted his head to kiss Hank on the lips, the 2 men sharing an intimate kiss [suckling tongue] as they lay in each other's arms, too tired and exhausted to get up and shower or turn out the lights as they lay together warmly before finally drifting off into a much needed sleep...!

If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions.

This story was written by Eugene Marvin, Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the rest of my work on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section at the top of Nifty's home page and clicking on my name in the author's list.

You can also find faster updates of what I may be working on next by joining me on facebook under the name Eugene Marvin

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