Anaheim Alaska

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Sep 13, 2024


Anaheim Alaska (The Prequel)-30 Fast Forward

Written by

Eugene Marvin


You can help support my writing by donating what you can to cash app @ $nphillydogg


Anaheim Alaska

Over the next 2yrs or so they concentrated on making their new house a home, throwing the occasional house-warming or gathering, socializing with friends and coworkers to expand their social group! Madeline started bugging Hank more often about getting pregnant and starting their own family after the first full year in their new home! Hank was still standoffish about the timing [wanting to be in an better place financially]..., but realized the argument was moot when Maddy soon-after announced she was indeed pregnant with their first kid [@20]!

Hank told his parents immediately! While his dad was elated for him and his wife, his mother (Lauren) was more reserved, having already been disappointed the first time the couple said they were pregnant, only to have Maddie LOSE it in a miscarriage [or so she claimed]! Lauren Harding told Hank to inform her once the baby was BORN, that way she wouldn't have to go through the pains of disappointment if it didn't make it again!

Over the next 9mons Hank took his wife to every doctor's appointment to insure they had a healthy baby! When he asked Madeline if she'd be informing her family [her biological father (Ned) and brother (Stuart)] about the pregnancy...?...Maddie gave an emphatic NO, not wanting her family anywhere near her children!

While Hank wasn't exactly privy to everything that happened to Madeline while living with family..., he knew it was traumatic for her, so he never pushed the issue!

Madeline worked for as long as they could [until the last few weeks of her third trimester]! Her coworkers gave her a baby-shower @work, flooding her with gifts she would need for an easier time at motherhood! Her manager (Jeffery Randolph) had been transferred to another Safeway in Seaside City [4hrs away], but was happy to hear about Maddie's pregnancy through employees he kept in contact with!

Hank messed around less and less; putting his family FIRST and wanting to remain loyal to his wife! He turned down many propositions [mostly from trucker's he previous fucked with], most of them driving recklessly just so they could get caught' and pulled over by the hot cop they were looking to fuck again! Hank had to inform them that he didn't go' that way anymore...!...that he was now a happily married man with a baby on the way and was now `strictly pussy'! All of the truckers were disappointed [of course], with most of them wishing to fuck him one last time...!...some of them taunting him with their hard cocks, pulling them out to openly stroke them [trying to entice him to give in]! It worked a few times, with Hank giving in when he was at his weakest! He'd follow them to some pull-off the road, hop in their cab, and let them have at his body until he was climbing back out with his throat well-fucked and his asshole clogged with cum!

It took some TIME to wing himself off of dick, sometimes sitting in his perch behind the highway road-sign [waiting for speeders] with a butt plug wedged deep in his hole [simulating a cock]!


Once the baby was born and Hank held his son Logan' in his arms for the first time [staring down into that cute scrunched' face], did he finally promise himself to go cold-turkey when dealing with MEN!

Hank's parents came to the hospital/clinic to see their grand-son, with his dad (Will) driving in from Hoboken with his new/young wife and baby! Hank's mom just happened to have showed up on the same day at the same time...!...running into Will and his new family as they all made their ways to Maddie's room! Lauren stopped in her tracks, looking much like a deer in headlights as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped! Will froze also, their eyes locking as he started to speak and she quickly turned and literally RAN away [looking as if she might have a heart-attack]!

She called Hank, cursing him for not warning her that his father would be there [having to see him with...THAT WOMAN]! His mother would wait to see the baby once they were home, allowing them to bring her to her in the comforts of her own home!


The first year of parenthood was a relative breeze for 21yr old Madeline Harding and her husband: Hank (22)! Logan Harding (their first born) slept mostly through the night with nearly a sound, except for feeding time! Then he'd latch onto his mother's nipple and suckle until it ran dry...!...being forced to pry his mouth from the fat orb before switching to the other!

Hank did his part as a parent, -changing diapers, rocking the baby to sleep, and feeding the baby his wife's breast milk through a bottle! He bathed his son, powdered him, dressed him, bundled him, and even took him to work with him to show him off! Everyone was proud of the new papa [even his coworker; Phillip West]! Sheriff Anderson had a tiny policeman uniform made for the boy, officially welcoming him as the town's newest policeman! They took pictures and congratulated Hank! Anderson was particularly proud of him, knowing he finally put aside his sexual issues to become quite a good cop, having gained the respect of most of the town's people and his coworkers [very little people knew of Hank's extracurricular habits as a cock whore]!

Not heeding the doctor's orders of: `no sex for 6weeks' after child birth; Maddie got pregnant again with their second child (Jena), having her when Madeline turned 22! With their family now set [both having wanted a boy AND a girl], Hank was now forced to focus all of his awake time on working and making money to support his wife and kids!

He became an even more efficient cop on The Force, catching more speedsters [@night], as well as solving domestic cases and making the town feel safer! As the older officers cleared out [due to age, retirement, and/or injuries], younger officers were hired to take their places! Hank was promoted to Deputy by the age of 25, the same year an Officer Peter McCovey (21) joined The Force! No longer the youngest officer on duty, Hank looked to take Pete under his wing as his trainee, but Peter was headstrong and often used violence instead of fineness [like Hank] as his tactic to sway criminals..., often chasing them and pinning them down roughly, even drawing his GUN on them whenever he let his anger get in the way! Hank tried to tell him that excessive force wasn't always necessary, that most people would comply given enough time and reason, but Pete just scoffed at that, calling that being a `passive' cop, asking why do you have a GUN of its not to invoke authority...?


By age 26 Hank rushed to the hospital after learning that Sheriff Anderson's son (Bart) was seriously injured in a car accident! He found Anderson and his family (wife & daughter), huddled together and crying in the waiting room!

"Sir..." called Hank, catching Kal's attention [as he looked up at him with tearful eyes]! " he...okay?" he asked, without daring to ask the actual question [`is he dead?'] aloud!

"He's in surgery!" answered Anderson, getting up from his family [not wanting to speak negatively in front of them], as he pulled Hank into the nearest restroom for privacy! "I'm afraid it doesn't look good...!" he added, sadly! "He was drunk behind the wheel..." he confessed, "...he hit the other car head-on..., didn't even hit his brakes, was likely passed out sleep behind the wheel after a drunken binge...!...killing the other driver...!

"Even if he survives his injuries...he's likely to go to jail for manslaughter..., especially with his history!"

"Oh damn!" sounded Hank, seeing Anderson's dilemma! "I'm sorry, sir!" he said, giving his boss a big hug for sympathy! Anderson wrapped his huge arms around Hank's body, his face buried in the 26yr old's neck, breathing heavily and smelling his scent!

`Excuse me!' said the sheriff, breaking the hug to splash water on his face! Hank rubbed the older man's back, feeling nothing but sympathy for him in his time of need!

"I'm fine!" said the sheriff, standing in front of the mirror [his face drenched with water]!

Hank ripped off a few paper-towels and handed them to Anderson to dry his face! "Thank you." said the older man [now 60], drying his face before tossing the paper in the trash! Hank noticed him heading for the door and reached out to grasp the old man's arm [pulling him back]!

"Are you SURE you're ready to go back out there and put on a brave face...?" asked the Deputy [sensing the sheriff's pain]!

"I'm HERE for you, sir..." said Hank [wanting to be a good friend]! "...if you need a shoulder to cry on...!"

"Don't, Hank..." said Anderson, still facing away from the deputy! "...hugging you just now..." he added softly [almost in a whisper]! "...makes me want to..." he paused, hesitant to make Hank feel `uncomfortable' again!

Hank understood what the older meant...!...the hug was electrifying for both of them [bringing up memories from when they messed around when he was 19]! He couldn't help staring at him [as he faced the door], watching him be so vulnerable in that moment; his son on the operating table, his family in the waiting room in tears, and he still has sexual feelings for the young man!

"Sir..." said Hank [softly], before realizing the severity of the moment! "...Kal..." he corrected, touching the big man gently about the upper back [between the blades]! "...I'm HERE for you..." he insisted, causing Anderson's head to turn slightly [curiously]! " ANY WAY you need me to be!" concluded the deputy!

Anderson turned to face Hank, surprised to hear him say those words [after all this time dedicating his life to being a `straight' man]! He stared into the deputy's eyes questionably? Hank purposefully held out his arms, drawing Anderson back in with another hug! The 2 men held each other for a moment; tension, anguish, passion, eroticism passing through their bodies as the sheriff slowly allowed his hands to inch down Hank's back towards his ass...!...cupping and molding the twin globes in his hands [through Hank's tight-fitting uniform pants]! Hank heard a soft moan come from the older man [having wanted to squeeze his ass-cheeks everyday @work]! Hank kissed Anderson's bearded cheek, then felt the sheriff searching out his lips with his own! They kissed deeply as Kal's thick tongue slipped into Hank's mouth to be suckled...!...all the while masterfully squeezing and groping his ass through his uniform!

Hank could feel Kal's hard cock poking him in the hip!

"You SURE about this...?" asked Anderson [breaking the kiss], not wanting to force Hank into anything!

Hank said nothing as he simply found the LOCK on the restroom door and clicked it! Then he started to undo Kal's belt! The sheriff stood there as Hank slipped to his knees in front of him to free his 7" hard-on!

Hank looked back up at the sheriff and paused...!

"I may be a lil' out of practice...!" he warned, before lowering his head to lick Kal's cock all over [starting with the head]!

Kal groaned softly as he held his hands out against the door [for support], letting his deputy give him a blowjob [@the time he really needed a distraction most]! Hank painted the hard cock wet with his tongue..., then took the entire rod in his mouth, swallowing it to the root and smashing his face in the sheriff's pubes!

"uhg..." groaned Kal, closing his eyes in satisfaction, feeling his entire cock sheathed in the deputy's talented throat! " definitely didn't lose any of your skills!" he complimented, just as Hank pulled back, dragging his lips back up the hard shaft towards the head [which he suckled softly]!

"You were always a FINE cocksucker!" admitted Kal, making eye-contact [as Hank beamed] just before the deputy buried his face in his boss's pubes again!

While Hank secretly feared this momentary lapse of his heterosexual status might re-awaken that dormant desire [deep down inside] to go back to men..., he knew Kal needed this moment MORE, if just for a little while!

He bobbed his head back and forth along the shaft, feeling the thrill and excitement [of sucking cock] surge through his body like electricity! He found himself eager to do a good job, wanting to make the sheriff forget his sorrows, to taste his sperm again (having become accustomed to eating his own loads in desperation whenever he needed a quick fix)! Anderson leaned over him [both hands resting against the locked door], staring down as Hank bobbed his head, occasionally looking up at him to read his facial expressions!

Kal always liked Hank's blowjobs, but not nearly as much as he enjoyed fucking his bubbled butt! He reached down over Hank's back to give his ass a squeeze, sliding his hand into the seat, his fingers into the ass-crack [toying with the hole]!

Hank knew what the man wanted, as he pulled off of Kal's cock and stood up, undoing his uniform pants as he walked over to the sinks before letting his trousers hit the floor, making a loud CLANK sound [as his holstered weapon slapped against the tiles]! Kal's eyes locked on Hank's ass cheeks as they came into view! His cock stiffened harder as he recalled how the glorious hole felt wrapped around his cock! He moved in behind Hank, reaching out to grope the manly cheeks, spitting onto his fingers to smear the slickened saliva along the anus before darting a curious digit inside [groaning softly when he felt the ring tighten and squeeze around his buried appendage]!

Hank braced himself against the sinks, looking back at his boss over his shoulder! Kal removed the digit(s) and placed the head of his cock against Hank's `hairy' hole before shoving in...!

"URRHHGG...!!" grunted Hank aloud, feeling the fat cockhead penetrate his rosebud before burying itself into his cunt [to the hilt]!

Anderson buried his dick, then hunched in over Hank, resting his belly on Hank's back and his chin on the deputy's shoulder while grinding around in his gut!

"You okay...?" asked the sheriff, watching Hank's pain-stricken face [in the mirror in front of them] as the asshole spasm, pulsed, and flexed around his dick-base, trying to decide whether to repel him or draw him in deeper [after 2yrs of celibacy]!

"Yes..." panted Hank, resting his head back against the sheriff's shoulder [as his booty adjusted]! "'s like riding a bike all over again...!" he muttered to himself, bracing himself against the edge of the sink!

Anderson watched Hank's face closely as he started to pull back and thrust into him [fucking]! He could definitely tell he hadn't been fucked in some time, as his asshole was as tight as it once was that first night he fucked him [@the cabin in the woods]! He slipped his hands under Hank's uniform shirt, feeling up his muscular chest and erect nipples [pinching them softly]! Hank moaned as the older man buried his face in his neck, kissing and sucking the soft spots and breathing heavily in his ear!

"I've wanted this to happen for so long..." whispered the sheriff, his cock already leaving huge gobs of pre-cum in Hank's hole [making it slicker]! " were BUILT to take cock!"

"urrhhg...!" groaned Hank, hating to hear how his body was made for fucking while he tried [so hard] to be straight!

He felt like he'd been dealt a BAD HAND in the life of cards...!...unable to commit completely as a husband and afraid of becoming a total fag for cock! Hw couldn't deny how good another man's cock felt sliding through his body! He knew he missed it, but was surprised by how quickly his body adjusted to it, letting it slide through him easier and smoother than he anticipated! Would his asshole ever return to the super-tight orifice it once was [before the first penetration]...?

Hank tried not to look at himself in the mirror, seeing his masculinity slipping away with each thrust into his soul! He pictured the faces of his wife and children, knowing he should be with them instead of getting fucked secretly in a restroom!

He lowered his head, unable to watch himself any further! He felt Anderson's hands gripping his hips, holding him in place while thrusting his pelvic bone into his buttock, driving his dick well into his accepting chute!

"Is it good...?" asked Kal curiously, now standing upright as he fucked while staring at the top of Hank's head through the mirror! "Do you like it, Son...?"

"Yes, Sir..." moaned Hank, looking up into the mirror [their eyes locking]! "...fuck me, Sheriff!" he whimpered as Anderson started to fuck harder!

The sheriff gripped his shoulders [from inside his shirt], grabbing him tighter and pulling him back on his thrusting cock as the dick began ramming the hole deeply! Hank's eyes rolled up into his head, a sure indication to the sheriff that he indeed LOVED what was happening to his hole!

Hank grabbed his own erection, stroking it fiercely in his stroking hand while surrendering his body to the man behind him!

"Fuck me..." he muttered, speaking to no one in particular [speaking to everyone whose ever fucked him]! "...I want it...! Cum in me...! Cum in my hole!" he pleaded!

Kal obliged him, banging into the ass as hard as he could, causing loud `slapping' noises to fill the room [lewdly] as their bodies clashed! The older man could feel his impending orgasm building in his bloating balls, watching his fat cock slamming through the hole [getting expertly sucked off inside]!

There was definitely no doubt Anderson would cum in Hank's ass! In fact there was zero chance that he wouldn't cum in his ass! He pounded the younger officer across the counter, recalling some of the various times he seeded his hole, training it to be the receptive orifice it was today!

"I'm gonna cum in you, Hank...!" he forewarned, unable to stop the train once it was in motion! Hank groaned to himself, bending further as he gave more of himself up to the man in charge! He stroked his own cock faster, feeling his own climax building rapidly! He aimed his cock out in front of him [beneath the sink], not wanting to stain his uniform pants with any droplets!

"urrhhg...!!...urrhhg...!!...urrhhg...!!...urrhhg..." grunted Hank feeling the pressure build as Anderson fucked him closer to climax! He closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensations his body was feeling! The constant in/out thrusting sending him over the proverbial edge! Every-time the dick rammed forth he felt a tiny jolt of pleasure rush through his innards, triggering his inevitable orgasm as he started shooting his copious load underneath the sink!

"...URRHHG...!!...URRHHG...!!...URRHHG...!!...URRHHG...!!" he sounded after every spurt, his anus flexing strongly about Anderson's thrusting dick, sending the older man over the edge as well...!

Kal gripped Hank's waist tighter, slamming his powerful hips into the younger man's vulnerable backside, slapping sounds filling the room like heavy thunder!

"urrhhg I'm coming..." groaned the sheriff, ramming his entire 7 incher straight up the deputy's ass and held himself inside...!...the solid shaft swelling thickly before it pulse and strained...then started shooting a heavy surge of scolding hot spooge directly into his subordinate's guts!

"ohgod...!!" groaned Hank, feeling the hot-sauce filling him up, pooling in his freshly fucked colon!

Anderson ground into Hank's backside, dumping an entire week's worth of seed into him! They both opened their eyes to see the angelic expressions wash over their faces...!...both needing those climaxes more than they were willing to admit!

Anderson quickly collected himself and slowly pulled out of Hank's ass...! Hank stood up and pulled up his underwear and uniform pants [without bothering to clean up first]! Kal tucked his spent dick back in its resting place and zipped up!

"Thanks..." he said softly [warmly], fighting the urge to kiss again! "...I know that wasn't easy for you...!"

"It's the LEAST I could do for you, Sheriff..." said Hank, as they unlocked the door to leave! "...after everything you've ever done for me!"

As soon as they exited the restroom, Anderson could hear the joyous wails from his family! He rushed down the hall to find the doctors talking with his wife and daughter! Hank could tell [from a distance] that the son had pulled through surgery! He saw Kal hugging his family, a weight lifted off their shoulders! They still had a hard uphill climb ahead of them [what with Bart's rehab and recovery, as well as a likely trial for manslaughter and driving drunk]...!...but at least he was ALIVE, that's all that counted!

Hank watched them all walk away with the doctors, probably going to see their son and give them their best wishes! Hank turned towards the exit, giving the family their much needed space..., while clinching his ass cheeks to help keep Anderson's load inside!


Bart Anderson's rehab took well over 2 months to get him up and walking normally again..., then shortly after his recovery his trial began, with the judge being totally lenient and giving him 2yrs probation and house arrest until he attended and finished a drug & alcohol rehab! Turns out all evidence of Bart's alcohol levels had been lost from the records...!...making the incident seem more like an unfortunate accident than him being irresponsibly under the influence [which would definitely had gotten him jail time]!

Hank wasn't sure if Anderson had anything to DO with the missing report...?...however speculation was so strong [within the walls of justice] that Kal took a leave of absence..., putting his deputy (Hank) in charge of The Station! But not everyone was happy that Hank got the promotion as leader, one officer that was particularly vocal [behind closed doors] was Pete McCovey! HE trashed-talked the acting sheriff' every chance he got, bolstering everything from Hank being too soft' on criminals, to not having the balls an officer needs to be an effective leader on the job! Word eventually got back to Hank about what Pete was saying, but Hank chalked it up to Pete's inexperience, reminding his officers that everyone had the right to gripe and complain, especially behind someone's back, it was no big deal!

A few weeks turned into months, then a year..., 27yr old Hank was officially named Anaheim County's new Sheriff, after Anderson finally announced his early retirement (@62)! He and his wife decided to move to Florida [wanting to get away from the cold]! Kal was the one that put in a strong recommendation to the town's mayor to hire Hank as his replacement, giving his years of experience and long-term future with The Force!

Hank was sworn in as Sheriff sometime later at a town ceremony! By then Hank (28) had proven himself a good leader with sound judgment in the field with 10yrs experience under his belt! Hank reduced his double-time hours to solely work on day shaft [so he could spend more time @home with his family]! His kids were growing up quickly, with Logan already 6yrs old and Jena turning 5 soon! Maddie went back to work @the supermarket once the kids were old enough for daycare! She was welcomed back as cashier with open arms [now the wife of the town's Sheriff]! While Maddie was in a happy place [married and raising her own kids], she still had bouts of envy whenever she saw her richer high-school bullies drop through the store on occasions, flaunting their furs and jewelry, saying things like the store just wasn't the same without her there to ring them up and bag their groceries, holding prominent smirks on their faces!

Madeline wanted nothing more than to WIPE those smirks clean off their smug pampered mugs!

Both Hank and Maddie worked dayshift hours while their kids were in daycare, and was home by 5pm to have quality time with each other and their children! This routine went on for a few years, even after the kids were put in public school! Maddie would drop the kids off at elementary school before going into work [in her own suv]..., then pick them up to drive them home until they were old enough to catch the [yellow] school bus!

In 3rd grade Logan (now-8) started asking if he could have a sleepover with his school friend Brody'...? Madeline made it a point to introduce herself to Brody's parents before okaying a sleepover! Lori & Daniel Duncan seemed like a nice enough couple [on the poorer side of town], but Maddie accepted the child as Logan's best friend in school and started allowing him to sleepover @their house on occasions [despite her reservations with the trailer-trash' parents]! It was a still a number of years before Hank would start to notice Dan's serious drinking problem!


Sometimes Hank would take his kids camping in the summer months, with Maddie opting to stay behind at home [not into the outdoors]! The kids enjoyed frolicking about in the rivers and lakes, watching the wildlife just yards away [as moose drank from the very lake they waded their feet in]!

Hank would cook hotdogs and burgers on an open fire, frying tatter-tots [his son's favorite meal] and smores [which the kids loved]! Then he'd wash the pots and dishes in the lake, not wanting to attract animals to the scent of food! He's then read the kids bedtime stories until they fell asleep in their large tent! Sometimes it would just be Hank and his 2 kids, and other times they would invite Brody to campout with them, or Brody and one of Jena's young girlfriends, giving the boys and the girls their own tents to sleep in!

Logan and Brody got very close, with Brody staying some weekends at their house, practically becoming their third kid! Lori Duncan would always drop her son off and pick him up at the appointed times, thanking Madeline for putting up with her son as she put him in the car to drive home! The boys eventually became best friends, hanging together at school all the time!

However Brody's dad (Dan Duncan) was getting quite a reputation around Anaheim as `The Town's Drunk'! By the time Hank turned 30 he found himself pulling over Dan more and more often [after catching him swerving about on the road as he drove]! The first few times Hank simply arrested him so he would have to face a judge in court [hoping it might make him stop driving drunk]! Dan had his license suspended, but continued to be pulled over for DUI's! Eventually the judge had his pickup impounded [to keep him from driving drunk], but Dan's solution to that was to just take his wife's car! Word of his multiple arrests and citations spread around the school, causing embarrassment for his son (Brody)! The boy was picked on by schoolmates, getting Brody in a few fights [unnecessarily]! Feeling sorry for the boy, Hank started to just let Dan sleep it off in his cell without officially arresting him [hoping eventually he'd realize what he was putting his family through]!

By age-32 Hank and Maddie were having serious marital issues! As the town sheriff's wife she was given a certain amount of respect that she didn't get previously [or in her high-school years]! She loved being more popular and having people notice and acknowledge her [as if seeing her for the first time]!

But she also thought they should be living in a bigger/better home, seeing some of her old females bullies living in the richer parts of town! She nagged Hank constantly about making MORE money or running for office himself as mayor! They argued mostly about finances, which eventually trickled down to sex [with Hank finding her less and less appealing the more she nagged]!

One day [while working @the market] a new man Maddie never saw before stepped in her cashier line! She noticed him immediately, and caught him staring and smiling at her as she worked! He walked up and put his items on the conveyer belt as Maddie started ringing him up! He told her how attractive she was [despite wearing no makeup and a big wool hat on her head], making her blush! He asked if there was any place for a single guy new in town to meet single women...? Maddie suggested perhaps the coffee shop in the city's center! Then he asked if she wanted to get coffee with him...? Maddie chuckled and explained she was married! The man signed, saying his loss, as he paid his bill and walked out of the store!

As Maddie watched him leave and get into a Mercedes SUV, her coworkers [WHO saw everything] rushed over to tell her WHO he was...! Apparently he was one of the richest men in town...!...his father owning the newly remodeled ski-lodge in The Northern Mountains! Maddie was flattered that he showed her any attention at all, seeing how he could have had ANY girl in town! As a result she went to the salon [in the Town's Square] and got a makeover, changing her hair color and wearing makeup for the first time since her wedding day! The change was instantly noticed as more and more people began to acknowledge her! Suddenly she was being invited to some of the swankiest parties in town, rubbing elbows with the town's elite, and running into that MAN again! He introduced himself as Gregory Bailey, whisking her aside [at a party] to talk privately for hours! People at the party noticed they were missing, but no one thought too much of it [as she was married]!

However Greg (5'11", 150lbs w/brown hair and a lightly colored [trimmed] mustache & goatee) had lured Maddie out to his huge SUV to `talk', taking their drinks along with them as they got comfortable with his warm seats! He complimented her on her beauty as she giggled and blushed like a young school girl! Touching her thigh as they talked, he began moving his hand further up her leg until he had his hand up her dress, rubbing his fingers delicately over the panty-line covering her vagina!

Maddie jumped from the sensation!

"OH!" she startled, feeling his digit rubbing against her precious `kitty' [only the thin fabric of her panties keeping him from actually touching her lady-parts]! "Don't..., please...I'm married...!" she reminded, as Greg removed his hand [making her regret it]!

She was surprised when he openly lifted his hand to his face [sniffing his fingers]!

"You smell wonderful!" he smiled [taking a deep whiff], making Madeline blush! "I bet you taste just as good too!" he added, as she quickly turned her champaign glass up to her painted lips!

Greg grinned at Madeline's nervousness, sitting back in his seat as he turned his champaign to his mustached lips as well, draining the glass! Madeline finished her drink and noticed the large lump in Greg's pants [tenting his zipper]! She tried ignoring it, but curiosity soon got the better of her as she reached over and placed her hand in his lap! Greg glanced over at her, her face lighting up as she felt how HARD his cock was!

"Did I do that...?" she asked innocently [feeling its length]!

"Definitely!" smiled Greg! "Want to SEE it...?" he asked, undoing his belt and fastens before she could answer! Maddie removed her hand and looked around nervously, knowing it would be devastating if she [the town's sheriff's wife] was caught in a car with another man's exposed cock! But she couldn't help herself! She really wanted to SEE it, as she turned back towards him just in time to see him hoist his erection from the opening!

He looked over at her, smiling [proud of his 7.5" cock]! Maddie couldn't help but stare at it! While it was a tad smaller than her husband's (8"), and her former manager's (Jeffery: 8"), and her dad's (Ned: 8.5"), and her brother's (Stuart: 9")..., it was still a pretty cock to look at, and much RICHER than all the other men combined!

"I should leave!" she said [frightened of getting caught], reaching for the door handle when Gregory grabbed her arm, pulling her back!

"Don't..." he said, leaning in closer to her! Maddie froze as he reached over to pull at the spaghetti strap of her dress, peeling it aside until her bare breast fell out!

He immediately latched his mouth to her, suckling the fat hard nipple as she moaned softly [her hand still on the door handle], feeling Greg's teeth nibbling at the plump nipple while sucking it hard! Realizing she wasn't going anywhere, he reached back down between her legs and started to rub her cunt [through her panties] more aggressively...!...listening to her moan erotically! This time Madeline didn't resist! She simply spread her legs wider as she turned her head towards the house party! She could see someone step outside to have a smoke, lighting up a cigarette as he leaned against one of the pillars donning the entrance!

Then she felt Greg's fingers slipping under her panty-line...!

"urh!" she groaned, feeling his fingers toying with her heated flesh! Greg rubbed his fingers against her clitoris, making her moisten so he could easily let his fingers slip inside her!

"OHGOD!" she grunted, feeling 2 digits spreading her open! Greg soon abandoned her tit and made his way down between her legs, lifting one into the air as he squeezed down towards the floor in front of her seat, peeling her panty-line aside to lick her clit, tasting her for the first time!

"uhh...!!...uhh...!!...uhg...!!...don't..." she protested [ever-so weakly], his tongue licked over her and tantalizing her flesh! He took her clit in his mouth and started to suckle, she slouched down in her seat, rising one high-heeled foot to his dashboard while the other dangled precariously in the air! He gripped the back of his head and pulled his face further into her snatch, making him wallow his mug in her scent!

"urrrhhg...!!" she groaned, thrusting her cunt into his face! She hunched his face, feeling her pussy starting to pulsate and throb! Greg sucked harder, his mustache & goatee getting soaked by her juices! He felt her body starting to go into convulses as she threw her head back against the headrest and trembled like a leaf in the wind!

Greg chuckled softly as he removed his mouth and climbed back into his driver's seat [having successfully gotten her off]!

Madeline quickly started regaining her temporarily lost senses...!...fixing her panties and lowering her legs and dress, staring out the window to make certain no one saw them!

"That shouldn't've happened...!" she said in a panic [feeling like a slut]! "I...I must've had too much to drink...!" she blamed, before looking back at Greg and noticing his erection was still there! "You..." she hesitated [as Greg used a paper-towel to clean his face with]! "'re still hard...!" she said in amazement!

"Yeah..." agreed Greg [looking down at the pride & joy]! "...I suppose I'll take care of that later!" he dismissed [planning to jack-off at his earliest convenience]!

Madeline felt like a heel for getting off and leaving HIM high and dry!

"OR..." said challenged, shifting her hair to one side [out of the way]! "...I could take `care' of it for you..." she offered, "...right now!"

Greg didn't need to be told twice...! he reclined his seat back comfortably, giving her better access to his cock! Madeline leaned in over his lap, enjoying the pre-cum already leaking from the tip! She stuck out her tongue and licked it up, tasting the deliciousness before taking the dick [fully] in her mouth...!...swallowing it whole [to the root]!

"OH FUCK...!!" gasped Greg, having thought Maddie might be a tigress in bed, but he had no idea she was a PRO cocksucker!

He watched her hold his cock in her throat for a moment [grinding her face in his pubes] before pulling back slowly to come up for air! She suckled the head [tasting more pre-cum] before going back down and bobbing her head on his dick! It was the best blowjob Greg had ever had, as he closed his eyes and reached his free-hand behind her [lifting her dress] to slip his hand into the back of her panties to play with her cunt!

Maddie moaned around Greg's dick, feeling his fingers rub over her pussy-slit before darting inside her [finger-fucking her]! She always loved sucking cock, something she used to do often to her husband..., but something had changed over the years! The sex just wasn't as plentiful as it used to be! Perhaps it had something to DO with having 2 kids, a mortgage, loans, and his pressures at work...?...but being with Greg [in that moment] made her feel like a school-girl all over again!

HE made her feel special, pretty, and sexy...!...instead of the house-mom Hank had turned her into! She never got a chance to experience life, having been cooped up in her parents' home, taking care of her brother and sickly father instead of doing the things that teenage girls should do!

She bobbed her head on his cock, twisting her mouth in tiny circles to give him an added appeal! She'd had plenty of practice sucking her brother (Stuart) in her youth! She felt Greg darting his fingers in & out of her moistening cunt..., then felt his fingers [from his other hand] running through her hair...!...helping her bob faster on his dick!

Within a few minutes she could tell he was getting close to coming! His cock kept stiffening harder, sending more burst of pre-cum onto her tongue, making her hungry for his load! She attacked his cock with a vengeance, sucking and swallowing him from tip to root, slurping up drooling saliva as she twist and turned her head to drill her own throat properly!

"urrhhh fuucckk..." moaned Greg, unable to hold back any longer! "...I'm going to cum, baby...! Do you WANT it...?" he asked [unsure], as Madeline suddenly plunged her face in his lap and swallowed his cock whole...!...suckling the hard shaft as it pulsed and throbbed like a sore thumb!

"oh fuck..." he gasped, just as the nut soured up his cock and shot out of his flaring dickhead! "...URRHHHHHHHHHGGGGG...!!" he cried out loud, losing his load to the married woman's throat! Madeline beamed brightly when she felt the cock explode, its hot male juices flooding her esophagus as she ate every drop! She linger down there for an extra few minutes [after his orgasm ended], suckling the shrinking pud and drawing out every last drop of nectar!

She sat up, pulled down the sun-visor to flip up the mirror hidden underneath [which automatically lit up]! Greg was still recovering from an intense climax as Maddie reapplied her makeup and restyled her hair!

"That was..." said Greg, softly...! "...the BEST blowjob I've ever had in my life!" he complimented [making Maddie beam with pride]! "WHERE have you been all my life...?" he asked, as Maddie tucked her tits back into her dress!

They returned to the party..., trying to slip back in [incognito], hoping no one missed them...?...but everyone knew they'd been together...!...someone even saw them sitting in his truck together! They became the talk of the town, with people speculating IF they messed around or not...? Many called her a `slut', thinking of poor Hank sitting at home with the children while his wife was out getting familiar with another man!

Greg offered to drive her home [after catching wind of the comments], but Madeline declined, having driven herself to the party! She said she was used to being ostracized, having never fit-in with the townsfolk! She left the party, driving herself home to her husband and kids, feeling confused and yet...THRILLED!

__________________________________ If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions. And you can help support my writing by donating what you can to cash app @ $nphillydogg __________________________________ This story was written by Eugene Marvin, Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the rest of my work on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section at the top of Nifty's home page and clicking on my name in the author's list. __________________________________ You can also find faster updates of what I may be working on next by joining me on facebook under the name Eugene Marvin __________________________________ Please Donate to Nifty if you enjoy reading stories like these free online! Nifty is our lifeline!

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