An Unusual Experience

By agha azfar ali

Published on Dec 27, 2002



I had finished College two years ago and all I had done since was eat and watch TV, my family were fed up with this by now and told me to get my act together, I felt too it was about time I did something, but the type of jobs I was interested in didn't pay much as they were meant for the lower strata of society and were considered "menial" by our standards, that is the White collar family of Bankers, Business and Military men that I come from, lots of offers came my way through the family and friends for jobs that paid well and were with good companies, but all were routine office work and I hate routine work, especially a 9 to 5 job in an Office, I love the outdoors, Sunshine, to sit an office and miss out on that is like a prison sentence to me, just cant get over people who return home in the dark having missed all those glorious hours of Sun, sitting in one place doing the same boring thing every day, after day, after day. Sorry! but it's not for me.

I started to browse for jobs in the weekly classified hoping to come across something I'd enjoy, nothing came up, so I went and joined a restaurant just to keep me busy, a restaurant job is no different to an office one, just that in an office you sit around, while here theres a lot of physical work, dealing with food stuff, dealing with loads of attitude, I used to feel sorry for the managers, glad that I was a server, although the money was good for doing nothing, In a short time I knew it was not something I wanted to do long term, but I looked at the positive side, that the experience would open up other doors, perhaps as a steward with some airline. Two months down the road I quit working and sat at home again.

The work experience, though not to my liking, did get me into a routine as far as other aspects of my life were concerned, I also noticed I became more interested in things and myself, it had a good effect and it was good to be out of the house, so I began to browse the papers again, yes the family offers were there but I didn't want to take any favours lest I quit work after a few days, didn't find much except the office assistant types, which involved running from door to door, I passed those up, hate driving in the city even more during office hours, then one day I came across this one ad that sounded like something different that I might like doing, it was for a reputed foreign company, who wanted someone who likes dealing with people, and involved traveling to another town two hours drive from Karachi where, I was living, they needed some one to inspect their vehicles at a depot there, I decided to give it a shot and mailed my resume.

A week later I received a call from the company asking me to come for an interview, I went for it, the manager, said I'd get a call if selected. The call came a few days later and I was asked to report to duty on Thursday, which was three days away. Thursday came and I went to work, the office was nice as are all foreign organizations, it was in a house in a posh locality not far from the area where we lived, I was introduced around, and briefed on my assignment, I was also given a small company car to drive unchauffered to and from the town but not to take home, good I thought I'll be spared maintenance, though the free fuel would have been good for our car.

My first trip came the following day, since I had never been out of the city on my own I was a bit nervous and yet excited, so I took off early afternoon, got to the place, it was rather backward, did my work dealt with all the rough looking drivers, and rushed back before dark, not bad I thought, exhausted I went to sleep. The job turned out to be fun, I would also get to stay overnight in the town sometimes, it was good to experience a different way of life, it had now been five months since I was doing this, during that period I had taken up some computer courses in my spare time, and gotten involved with a fabulous girl whom I had met at the centre, her name was Fozia, she was 20, her family had recently moved to Karachi from Islamabad, I liked her from the moment we met, she was simple, funny and down to earth this despite being a beauty, which is quite rare to find in this day and age, she reminded me of the actress Brooke Sheilds, whom I loved sine I was a kid, and for Fozia to have not only her looks but also her ways, made me wonder if fate had plans for us, I was smitten and she liked me too. I wanted to marry her.

Fozia was on my mind as I drove back home from work as ususal, I was also listening to my favourite numbers from the 70s on a portable CD player, which I really enjoyed, in a daze I drove on when suddenly the CD started to skip, I turned to press some buttons to get it to play, but it wouldn't, as I bent down for a moment to check the player, I felt a hard jolt, followed by a loud flapping noise, I had hit some thing, and the left front tire had burst, right in the middle of nowhere which was a sugarcane field with the thing growing 8 feet tall or more on either side, it was strange that the incident should happen here, I always did dread passing through this place, there was never a person in sight here, and even now there were none.

I was disgusted, hated changing tires, even though its no big deal on the small car, but still, just the thought of going through the hassle grrrrrr!!! I looked around to see what I had hit, it turned out to be a protruding piece of rock, "Oh well" I thought, and started to get all the stuff out to change the damn thing, it was evening and soon it would be getting dark, after getting the equipment out I reached for the tyre, it seemed stuck, I tried harder to tug it free, when it struck me that it was flat! The part that I was pressing had sunk right up to the rim, "Oh Please No" I said out aloud, I was nearly half way out of town and my cell phone was out of range, no way was I going to sit around here in the dark, had heard one too many tales of the unseen in these areas to even consider staying back, and yet these fields were the favourite places of wild boars, those crazy tusked cousins of the pig, known to attack and shred to pieces any one in sight if they were frightened by their presence, not to mention the poisonous snakes, if I did take a hike it would be very risky.

I decided it was worth the risk rather than sit around and wait for nothing like a fool, at least I'd end up in civilization, better than seeing what I didn't want to see in the dark, so I started walking, it was getting to be dusk by now, the town was what seemed like miles away, another threat I hadn't considered were bandits notorious for inhabiting these parts, but what did I have they could benefit from?, again I thought, at least I'd be amongst people, with that I started to walk faster. I had been walking 20 minutes heading in the direction of the town when I saw a donkey cart coming my way, with a man atop. The guy stopped the cart near me, I was relieved to see him as it was Yawar a new guard who had recently joined the depot, he inquired what had happened, I narrated the story and asked him if he'd take me back to town, offering to pay him for the inconvinience.

Yawar must've been around 40, big built around 6' 3", with a heavy broad bone structure, very dark skin and a big strong face which was balanced by a mustache, thick straight medium length, black hair covered his head, he was dressed in a sky blue shalwar suit which seemed to be one size small for him further accentuating his build, I didn't know him as well as the other staff, but he seemed to be a decent enough, I was pleasantly surprised when he greeted me with my name, since we were in the middle of nowhere he told me its best to come to his house as it was closer than town, it was also getting dark and his animals were hungry, they needed to be fed, also it was not safe to be out at night over here, just as I had thought. The considerate person I am we set off for his home, the ride was pretty rough we made small talk all the way, he told me about himself, married twice with five children , three girls from the first wife, one boy and one girl from the second, passing the car, he saw the tyre and said "We'll get it fixed tomorrow". Tomorrow? I didn't plan to stay on here till then, I thought to myself.

I wanted to call my family as soon as possible because they'd be expecting me home soon, and would start worrying, we must've been riding for nearly 20 minutes when he turned onto a path leading to a small hut right in the center of a Corn field, I had expected like a small village or at least a house full of people but it seemed as if he lived alone, turned out he worked in the fields partime so the owners had given him the hut to stay in, his family was away in his village much farther from the town, and usually someone or the other did live with him, but was away tonight. He opened the pad locked door which led into a small room and said, "Come, make yourself comfortable".

A plastic sheet had been spread out on the floor and a Charpai sat in the corner with a pillow and covering, a calender hung on the wall as well as a few religious verses along side posters of local actresses of notorious character, a small fan was running, hanging from the ceiling and just one bare bulb lit up the place, in another corner something sat covered with a brightly coloured cloth on a small table, clothes hung on a rope, a bolted window with a metal grill was right across the door, "rather dingy" I thought, he brought the phone which was kept locked in a box, I thanked him and started to dial, he went out to feed the donkeys, coming back in he sat down in the other corner and started to cut some vegetables that he had brought from the town to prepare dinner, I made my calls informing everyone I was OK, and would try to make it home later, I tried calling the depot, but got no reply, called the office told them what had happened and they said they'd try and get assistance as soon as possible and asked me for the number to contact me, Yawar informed me to my utmost disgust that the phone was only meant for out going calls so I tried my best to explain directions to the man on the other end of the line and put the phone down, I then called my home and told them not to worry as I was at the depot, and would be home by afternoon. Couldn't tell them I was in a small hut with a total stranger in the middle of nowhere.

After setting up the food Yawar came and sat down and poured us two cups of hot, milky tea from a Thermos, then he went upto the table and uncovered something that delighted me to no end it was a small TV, I was glad at least now we'd have something to look forward to, he turned it on, it was Black and White, and had no cable, but it would do, better than nothing I thought, he sat down next to me on the floor and lit a cigarette for himself offering me one but I don't smoke, so I refused, the scent made it quite obvious there was hash in the cigarette, but it didn't bother me. Dinner was ready after a while so we sat down to eat in front of the TV, commenting on the shows and the people, the vulgar dance from a regional film being shown really seemed to excite him, I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing the animals out side when he was horny, gross thought, but people from these parts are known for harbouring this trait, it was just at that moment he said, "brother, over here we don't miss out on a single opportunity to have sex", it was as if he had my mind and that really got me wondering, poor animals I thought to myself. Food was great, I complimented him, he poured us some more tea, as I hadn't taken the rather turbid looking water he was drinking, it was right out of a well.

We were both exhausted by now, couldn't even bring ourselves to talk much, my eyelids were getting heavy and he seemed to be drugged from that cigarette, I was surprised to note that the time was only 9.30 pm, I'd be planning to go out for dinner at this time, I told him I was feeling really sleepy "where do I plop myself?" I asked him, since the Charpai was single and would not accommodate two people, he was very annoyed at my query, "Why, On the bed of course brother" he replied "you're my guest, my brother, please don't insult me" I was really taken aback by his generosity, " but what about you?" I asked, hoping he didn't plan to share the bed, "I'll be okay on the floor" he said, to my relief, I felt really bad and insisted he at least take the pillow, to which he finally agreed, he offered me his spare clothes to sleep in too, but I politely turned him down, saying I was comfortable, in no time I dozed off while he watched TV with a low volume, puffing on another joint, some time later I woke up on hearing him talk to some one, he was on the phone and was telling the person he had a friend over and would be okay of what I made out from the little I understood of his native language. He put the phone down with that.

My eyes half closed with sleep, I watched him lock the door, heading towards the TV he switched it off, he didn't switch off the light which was right next to it, since it was shining in my direction, I changed my angle facing the wall, my back towards him now, I heard him walk in my direction to his bed o the floor, which was next to the Charpai I was on, no sooner had I turned and was about to doze off again, I felt the bed move, for a split second I thought he must have hit against it with his big body while getting into a comfortable position, just then I felt some one touch me, I turned around and saw it was Yawar, before I could do anything he grabbed me, throwing himself on top and said "its best for you if you stay put and comply" and started smothering me with kisses and rubbing his crotch against mine, I was stunned and didn't know what to do, my drowsy state had made my reflexes a bit lax, I wanted to get up and run, but was numb with shock and confusion, I asked him what the heck did he think he was doing, but he didn't stop for a minute to answer. Didn't he call me "Brother" a little while go? The Urdu adage "Brother by day, bed able by night" crossed my mind.

The more I tried to fight him off, the more he pushed himself onto me, gosh! was he heavy, I felt I was being crushed under him, he was smelling of sweat, and cigarettes mixed with a musky sexual odour, hew was so horny, that he started to bite, suck and lick my face, it was as if he hadn't had sex for ages in no time he was hard as a rock, the thing must have been around 7-8 inches long and felt like an iron rod against me, by now he was making low groaning sounds, I wanted to escape, but where would I go?, hide in those spooky fields and risk something else?, I had also read many stories in the papers of men forcibly fucking boys and then getting rid of the evidence, thats the last thing I wanted, so I played along, I began stroking his big, broad back through the shirt, it was all wet with perspiration, he brought my hands lower and put them through his shalwar making me stroke his strong, manly, hairy ass, I also started making low moaning sounds, to my utter surprise I started getting aroused by all this and started to get a hard on, I couldn't believe it, my dick was now fully erect all four and a half inches of it, my face was buried in his chest, which was dark and mostly smooth, as a reflex I started to kiss it and run my fingers through the hair on his head, moving my face up I kissed him on neck and the jaw.

It was hard to believe what was happening and what I was doing, it came so naturally, I never had any homosexual inclinations, men never turned me on, I did admire the beauty and masculinity of some, but only to the extent that I wanted to be like them physically, I guess I was a bit unhappy with my self, I was 24 at the time, about 5.7, fair, medium build, 60 kg, in OK shape, brown hair, with a soft, serene look and aura like a Roman statue, simply put I looked boyish, even though I had grown a mustache, it hadn't made much of a difference, I had always wanted to be like this butch, brute type, who was wreaking his pent up passions on me now.

Yawar lifted himself for a moment and taking my thin, small hand placed it on his big, hard, rod still under the shalwar, it was so thick and stiff by now I thought It would snap off the body, pre cum was wetting the cloth as the big, bulbous head strained against it, I stroked it slowly, gently with a light grip, relishing each second, for some reason it felt great holding the dong in my hand, despite the hardness the skin of the shaft retained a bit of elasticity, I could feel the bulging veins throbbing through it, as I stroked he thrust his hips forward, all the while kissing my face, lips, eyes, nose, I couldn't believe it, that I was actually letting it be.

After a few minutes he got up and sat on my legs pinning them down with his weight, which must have been more than 90 kgs, he started to unbutton his shirt, his big, strong fingers moving as fast as they could, they looked as big as my cock, taking it off he flung it to the side, his dark, almost black, sweaty, beefy body glistening under the light, not muscle bound nor fat but had lots of good healthy, flesh which was kept in shape through hard labour in the fields, his pecs were quite defined and had medium size oreos which seemed small for a body this size, his stomach just protruding a bit, with a big black hairy navel, big enough to hold a pole in it.

He then opened the cord the held his shalwar in place and stood up on the bed getting out of it and dropping it to the floor, his thick, iron rod bouncing out like a big, black cobra let loose, looking for the person who had disturbed its slumber, and to think I was fearing the snakes outside, little did I know I'd be running into one of a different kind, it was heavy and fully engorged, protruding from a patch of bristle like coarse black hair which seemed to have not been shaved for a week, it had an angle and was turned slightly towards the left, thickly veined, its enormous, dark purplish head flared to the maximum, like a huge plum, pre-cum glistening at the tip like venom, the big hairy sack of balls pulled up into a tight pouch, I had never seen anything like it, it looked angry, mean, ugly and yet desirable at the same time, bouncing slightly with each beat of his heart, the thing seemed to have a life of its own, I was spellbound seeing it, it was one of the most erotic sights I have ever witnessed as far as my sex life is concerned, which had only been with females so far.

It didn't end there, the guy also had on him a pair of thick, hairy, some what defined legs, with big square manly knee joints, which are my weakness I always admired good legs and envied guys with them, his legs were thick right down to the ankles, with healthy meaty calves, and big strong veined feet, unlike the toothpicks most Pakistani men have (and as do I), even if they're built well on top, I was too turned on by this sight and got up to stroke these tough, masculine pillars, it was a treat to run my hands through the hard, big strong, hairy legs of a man, so different to the soft silkiness of a girl, I went right up to the thighs and moved to the sack, cupping the big balls, moving forward I bit into the sack gently. The smell of a man in need was intoxicating.

Yawar stroked his hard on with his rough hands, pre-cum dripped from it onto my jeans, he bent his knees a bit bringing his ugly man tool to my face, holding my head in one hand and his cock in the other like a giant glue stick, I tried to break free from his grip fearing what was coming next, but he pulled me by the hair towards his big plum like head which was now staring at me, dripping, he wiped it off on my face and lips, smearing them with his man glue. Still holding my head he let go of his cock and started thrusting it into my face with his hips, contracting his muscles to make it bounce, each contraction made the big head land on a different part of my face and leave a streak of the clear liquid as it departed, my nose, eyes, lips, chin, cheeks all got their fair share.

Getting on to his knees on the bed he placed his throbbing, stiffie in my hands again, and proceeded to take off my T shirt, literally ripping it off my body as he undressed me, rubbing his big warm hands all over, circling my nipples with his thumbs, a current ran through me as he touched them, he moved to my jeans and undid them and pulled it off roughly, he cock slipped out of my hands and bounced while he worked them off my legs, the bouncing beauty mesmerised me, and I started pinching my nipples while Yawar pulled of my underwear which by now was also wet with pre-cum.

Now that I was completely naked, he gently lowered me back onto the bed, and leaned over me on his thick and powerful, hairy arm, while holding his manhood with the other hand he started to smear his pre-cum on my genitals and thighs, he then made his big black snake kiss my small tan cock, exchanging the juice between them, It aroused me so much I almost came, with my hands I began stroking his big, brown body, pulling him onto me, I never knew I would be doing this to a man, and to think just a while back I was craving Fozia, and now?

As he lay on me I felt his hard rod throbbing an rubbing against my thigh it was a fabulous feeling, I caught it and caressed it, he took my hand, cock still in it and had me place it between my legs just below the balls, telling me to hold them tightly together, Yawar started thrusting his hips, I gripped his cock tighter, it was great to feel the hard, thick, throbbing rod moving between my pre cum smeared legs, after a while I couldnt bear it any longer, holding Yawars big, manly body, I started thrusting with him in rhythm.

I held him tighter, groaning as if he was driving his manliness up my hole, "More...more" I cried out in Urdu, stroking his hairy, firm butt, his broad smooth back, running my fingers through his thick, black hair, Yawars face had been buried in my shoulder all the while, and his thrusts were getting faster and rougher now, the big cock head was hitting into a very erogenous area just behind the balls, each thrust that touched that part made me want to cum, his breathing getting heavier his hot breath warming my ear, he was also sweating profusely as was I, he suddenly gripped my face under his manly armpit, smelling of pheromones, that did it, I shot like a geyser, spewing an amount of cum I never imagined I could produce, the orgasm was so intense because of the big mushroom hitting against my most sensitive part, it seemed never ending, my cum smeared both our bodies as Yawar kept thrusting between my legs.

Fully spent, it dawned on me what was happening, and I was jolted back to my senses, feeling put off and exhausted by now and wanted this experience to end, to make him come sooner I started moaning louder to further arouse him, tightening my legs even more, now I could feel his cock straining to move between them, just then Yawar got up on his big hands, and still thrusting looked into my eyes, he seemed to be in a trance, sweat was dripping off his forehead his hair was wet and it was drenching me too, his mouth closed tightly, he was breathing heavily through his nose, exhaling hot air into my face, I started running my hands up and down his chest and belly fingering the navel, I looked at him still not believing what was happening, that a man was doing me, isn't this how I fuck girls?, I thought, he had reached the peak by now, he gripped my throat with his left hand, scaring the life out of me, he then grabbed hold of my hand with the other and placed it on his sack, resting all of his weight on the one on my throat for that moment, I began kneading and squeezing his bullocks.

He gave one final hard thrust and clenching his teeth let out a gushing stream of hot loin gel, which hit just behind my balls, flooding the sheet, my butt and legs, his body quivered as he let out one long string of cum after another, each ejaculation made him thrust his hardness deeper, for the last two his cock had been freed from my legs, and his juices splashed onto my stomach, chest and face, thick hot creamy gooey, man cum, I rubbed it on my body, it filled into my small navel, forming a pool, while he looked at me grinding his teeth and stroking his still hard manhood to squeeze out the last few drops, I was dazed, like I didn't know what hit me, he heaved a sigh, and rubbed his now semi hard dick against my genitals, with that he got up to get a towel to wipe himself, I was left to fend for myself, but he gave the same cloth too, Yawar was sweating and panting like he'd just run a marathon, "that was great...hope you enjoyed it too" he said, in between breaths and gave me a hug, finally he said something considering we went through the entire episode without him uttering a word, except for groaning, I lay there stunned, while he smoked yet another joint, then he gave me another clean piece of cloth to tie around the waist and told me join him outside for a bath, as according to our religion its not good to go to sleep in an impure state, I was amazed at this gesture of his as myself I have slept in impurity countless times, well no more.

As sleepy as I was I did as told, it was cold outside, I kept staring at Yawar as he bathed, his lower half covered with a sheet tied around his waist, he looked really hot, I envied his masculine form, couldn't get over the fact that this man had sort of raped me tonight and it was no big deal for him, like something normal, drying up I put on my clothes as fast as I could, he got into a shalwar only, his broad, torso exposed and wet, wiping his hair, the muscles in his strong, thick, hairy arms flexing with each movement, the experience had left me confused then it struck me, about something he had said earlier, "over here we don't miss out on a single chance to have sex", it all added up, that's why he hadn't taken me back to town earlier when he could have, desperate bastard I said in a low tone, I can bet the phone wasn't one way either, feeling debased and disgusted, more so at the fact that I had ended up enjoying a man pleasuring me, I was repelled by the thought, he saw me looking at him and smiled, put his shirt on, switched off the light and lay down on the floor next to my bed which had a clean sheet now, "Goodnight" he said and was snoring with in seconds, I could not sleep, but eventually did, quite uncomfortbly, following day I quit the job as soon as I got back home.

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