An Unexpected Game

By moc.liamg@1594whs

Published on Apr 19, 2021



Note: This is a work of fiction about consenting adults for readers 18+. Feedback welcome:

The game begins before I know I'm playing. In early spring, my firm flies me to their northern office to work on a project, puts me up in a downtown hotel and gives me a daily stipend to spend as I please. Two years out of college, I've never been paid to travel somewhere, and at the end of my first week, I'm enjoying the experience despite spending so much time alone. It's raining and chilly Friday night when I leave the office. I pick up a bottle of whiskey on my walk to the hotel, dry under the hood of a black rain parka. I haven't met many colleagues here, so while I'd like to go out, I'm content to relax in my room.

I enter the lobby and unzip my parka, exchanging glances with a bored-looking man in the lounge area. He has dark buzzed hair, a stubbly beard, and thick eyebrows which give him a slightly devious expression. He is dressed expensively in a dark sweater and pants, a tall black umbrella leaning between his open legs. I can feel him scan me with casual interest as I wait for the elevator, my pulse accelerating. As the doors open, I make a furtive look back, surprised to see him calmly returning my gaze. Back in my room I strip off my wet clothes and boots and turn on the shower. Heavy rain runs down the large central window, obscuring the lights of the city and the gray shapes of distant mountains. I consider my reflection in the bathroom's warm, complimentary lighting: toned, lightly hairy, and semi-erect from the unexpected cruising downstairs.

After showering I change into my loungewear: boxer briefs and a soft gray t-shirt. I pad barefoot into the hallway to collect ice, pour myself a glass of scotch, and unwrap a leftover sandwich from the mini fridge. I stretch out on the crisp white bedspread, contented with my drink, bad TV, and the sound of rain outside my clean, dimly lit room. I scroll through the hookup apps on my phone without any particular intention, curious if I'll find the man from downstairs. I like the idea of seeing who else is online in the building, maybe someone to get a drink with at the hotel bar. Nearing the end of my first drink and an episode of a reality show, I notice a new message from an account with no picture:

--Hello, did I see you downstairs this evening? --i don't know, what do you look like? --I know you caught my eye on your way to the elevator. I was in black, sitting near the bar. --i was wondering if i'd find you on here

I'm intimidated by his formal, forward tone, but compelled to respond, drawn into his orbit like I felt when I first saw him.

--My name is Peter. I'm in Suite 2401 with my friend Seb. We'd like to invite you to play a game with us. Do you accept? kind of game? --A game with cards, dice, and liquor. The rules are very simple, but we must follow them perfectly. By the end of the game, we will know much more about each other. --sounds interesting --Do you accept?

It's clear my conversation with Peter will only continue if I accept his rules. He must have been scouting for a third player in the lobby, and I was the one who took the bait. Loosened up by alcohol and the surreality of the hotel, I decide to accept.

--Leave your room at 9:00 PM. Be clean and freshly showered. Wear proper attire. Do not bring any belongings other than your room key. Do not speak until I explain the rules. Say yes if you accept. --yes

His profile immediately goes offline. 8:45 PM. I select "proper attire" from the closet: a white button down shirt, black pants, black socks, leather shoes. I remove the room key from my wallet and store it in my front pocket, gulp the rest of my drink, brush my teeth, and splash cold water on my face. 8:57 PM. Peter must be rich, probably a few years older than me, but what about his "friend Seb," and why are they here together? 9:00 PM. I shut the lights and exit the room. I find the 24 button in the mirrored elevator, it's the highest floor that doesn't require special access.

Peter answers the door to 2401, leads me into the open foyer and asks me to remove my shoes. I smile sheepishly but don't say anything. The suite is larger than my room, with a small kitchen and bar area, a balcony, and a closed door that must lead to a private bedroom.

"Please follow me," Peter says in a refined, unplaceable accent, leading me down three steps to a spacious, softly lit living area where Seb is reclined on a plush white rug. Seb is younger than Peter, with dirty blonde hair tucked behind his ears, in gray pants and a light blue shirt with the top buttons undone. Peter motions for me to sit on the modern black leather couch, separated from Seb by a wide glass coffee table arranged with three coasters and several stacks of cards.

"Can I offer you a drink?" Seb asks, hopping up to head toward the bar. "Were having gin and tonics." I nod, he seems to know I'm not permitted to speak yet. "I'll be keeping our drinks refilled all night."

Peter sits down at the other end of the couch and takes a deep breath. "As you can see, we each have three piles of cards before us." I survey the table. There are places set before me, Peter, and across the table for Seb. Each of us have three small piles of handmade white cards. The backs of the piles are numbered 1--3 in black marker. There is a card pile in the center of the table marked with an X, along with a small hourglass timer, two dice, three empty glasses, and a velvety black drawstring bag.

"On each turn, you will roll the dice. If you roll even, take a drink. Roll odd, pick a card, and do what it says. Once we all complete deck one, we will move on to deck two, then three, then the finale...X." I nod to show I understand. "So," he says, smiling for the first time, "what's your name?" "I'm Sam, nice to meet you." We laugh and shake hands. Seb returns with tall gin and tonics, and shakes my hand too. "And I'm Sebastian."

Seb runs up the stairs, and a few moments later ambient electronic music emerges from built-in speakers. "He thinks he's a DJ," Peter jokes. Seb returns and takes his place, crosslegged on the floor across from me and Peter. We cheers and take big sips and suddenly I'm concerned. What is on those cards? "Well go clockwise starting with our guest." Peter hands me the dice with a grin. "I played a tamer version of the game at boarding school. I told Seb about it on my last visit and he made me promise we'd play next time I was in town."

"I've been waiting with bated breath," Seb says. "He won't tell me what's on the cards, so my guess is only slightly better than yours." "So you made the cards yourself?" I ask Peter."Yeah, on the plane ride here."

I roll the dice. Six. "Drink!" Seb laughs. I take a sip. My drink is already close to half gone, and I'm pleasantly lightheaded with relief.

Seb rolls next. Three. He inspects the first "1" card. "A lovely drawing of...socks?" "That's right, remove your socks," Peter says. Seb dramatically kicks his legs up and peels off his navy socks, revealing shapely pale feet with long pink toes.

Peter rolls odd next and shows us his card: a line drawing of a t-shirt. He pulls his sweater and undershirt off together and chucks them at a nearby chair. I glimpse at his naturally tan, compactly muscular chest, the downy black hair tapering into a happy trail and ending in a dark swirl below his belt buckle. Next I roll odd and get the shirt card. I unbutton and remove my shirt as the others covertly watch. After a few more rounds of drinking and undressing, Peter and I are in our underwear and nearing the bottom of our drinks. Seb, who is fully naked but also seemingly drunker, cheerily collects our glasses and goes to refresh them. His body is tall and slim, with a small patch of light hair on his chest and long, fleshy cock and balls which swing between his legs as he climbs the stairs. Peter and I continue taking turns while Seb is gone, eventually I remove my boxer briefs and Peter removes his white briefs. Seb's unselfconsciousness rubs off on me and I feel fairly comfortable. Peter collects the used cards, folds one leg up on the couch, and casually adjusts his balls under his thick, uncut flaccid penis as we wait for Seb to return.

We cheers again and wait for Peter to announce the rules for the second deck.

"That was a nice warm up, boys. Are you feeling at ease Sam?""I am, thank you.""The rules for part two are the same, but turns will be timed with the two minute hourglass. Seb lost the first round, so he'll start this time.""Perfect," Seb says. "Oh, and while some of our instructions will be the same, there will also be wild cards."

Seb rolls a ten and drinks. Peter and I both roll even as well. Seb rolls a three on his next turn and draws his first "2" card.

"Well, okay," Seb says, standing up. "Read the card," Peter reminds him. "Make yourself hard and jerk off."

Peter flips the hourglass and nods to Seb, who has already started pulling on his pink cock and looking at our bodies with a hungry expression. Soon he's rock hard and already leaking precum, which he uses as lube to start masturbating. He looks at Peter with anticipation, like he's afraid he might cum already, but within a few seconds the sand has reached the bottom and Peter calls time. Relieved, Seb sits down and takes a long sip. I'm pretty hard from this, but hide my penis with my drink in my lap, wondering how I'll ever give a show like that. Peter rolls even again, then I roll odd, and it's already time to find out. I remove the top card from my pile and read it aloud.

"Kiss the previous player." I'm incredibly relieved. Peter flips the hourglass and extends his arm along the back of the couch, making room for me to slide down from my end. We turn to face each other, his arm around my shoulder, and I lean in to kiss him. We make out, tongues slipping in each others' mouths, Peter biting my lower lip. I've never been naked with two guys at the same time, let alone two that I just met. I thought about my life back home a week ago, how scandalized I would have been to know what I'm doing now.

"Time," Seb says with some sass, possibly jealous of me and his visiting friend.

Peter pulls away gently, half-whispering, "I knew I made the right choice with you." Almost aggressively, he pulls my legs up onto his hairy naked lap. I stretch out on the couch so I can reach my drink and cards, but leave my feet resting on Peter.

Seb rolls odd again, drawing his next card, to kiss the player of his choice. He flips the timer, walks around the table, straddles Peter, and kisses him. I pull my feet away but Peter grabs my ankle with his free hand, squeezing Seb's plump little ass with the other. Ten seconds after time runs out, I realize it's my responsibility to alert them.

"Back you go," Peter tells Seb, slapping his ass as he returns to his spot on the floor. It's becoming evident that they are getting off on the novelty of my presence in their sexual dynamic, something new for Peter to play with and for Seb, perhaps, to compete with for Peter's attention. I don't mind being the third wheel in this scenario, I am less anxious about my own performance and more excited to observe their's. Peter finally rolls odd, drawing the jerk off card. Already hard from Seb, he spits in his hand, closes his eyes, and starts slowly jerking his girthy, medium-sized cock. He opens his eyes when time's about to run out, like a cat waking from a nap, and pushes the dice to me.

I roll odd and draw, expecting the jerk off card, but am surprised to receive something new: "Give the following player a massage."

"That's me, I suppose," Seb says, and rolls onto his stomach on the carpet, with his arms folded above his head. Peter pulls out a small squirt bottle of massage oil from the drawstring bag and tosses it to me. I get up with the bottle and kneel next to Seb.

"You can get a bit more comfortable than that," Peter says. I think he's talking to Seb but realize he's looking at me, waiting to start the timer. Seb reaches under himself, pulling his balls and softening dick onto the floor between his legs. I sit on Seb's ass, resting my dick on the small of his back, and squirt some oil on his shoulders. Peter has started the timer. I can detect his breath deepen beneath me as I start kneading his tight shoulders and the muscles in his upper back. He can't help but release a small whimper of approval. Under Peter's powerful gaze, I find myself adjusting so I can reach more of Seb's tight body. I apply more oil and press deeply, sliding my hands down his lower back and onto his butt cheeks, spreading them slightly as I squeeze his glute muscles and slip my fingers into the space between his thighs, grazing his scrotum. He quivers and slightly raises his ass, but just then Peter calls time.

"Ahhhhh," Seb sighs, stretching out on his stomach.

"Your turn," Peter says. Seb rolls even, takes a gulp of gin, and falls back to the floor. Peter rolls odd and draws "kiss the previous player," so he gets up, flips Seb over, and resumes their make out session. Peter stays on the floor with Seb for my turn. I roll odd and draw my third and final "2," the jerk off card. Still greasy from the massage, I stroke myself while they watch from the floor.

I relax on the couch while they continue rolling, trying to get their final cards. Peter gets his first, and it's a new one: to show off and play with his asshole. I'm excited to see how he'll do this, as he's exuded such dominant energy since I first saw him in the lobby. He climbs onto the couch and bends over the back of it. I join Seb on the floor for a better look at Peter's strong, stocky legs squatting on the couch, spreading wide to reveal his tight hole, surrounded by soft black hair. He still has some time left, so he reaches back with one hand and slowly traces up and down his crack, using two fingers to stretch open the hole. Seb draws the same card next, so they trade spots and I flip the hourglass. Seb gets in the same position as Peter, but with one leg up on the arm of the couch. His is pinker and less hairy, and still slick with some oil, so that when he reaches back to play, his index finger starts to slide right in. "That's round two," Peter says, "and a good preview of what's to come." Seb climbs down to sit on the couch, looking kind of dazed, with that same hungry look in his eyes.

"You stay there," Peter tells Seb. "I'll make the drinks." I sit on the couch with Seb.

"So is this what you expected?" I ask him. "For the most part, though still a bit tame."

I learn from Seb that Peter certainly is wealthy, he works in development for an international clothing retailer that his family owns. Seb tells me he is a senior at a prestigious university just north of the city. They met when Peter was in town for business last year, and they hang out whenever he returns.

Peter hands us our drinks and squeezes onto the couch between us. We cheers again, it's time for round three. He puts the dice in the bag and says we will now draw a card every turn. Seb takes his place on the floor and I say I'm going to run to the bathroom before we start.

"Don't," Peter says sternly, switching back into his game master role. "Sam, you finished first last time, so you can start now."

I select the top "3" card from my pile and read it aloud, somewhat shocked by the words. "Piss in a glass. If it overflows, use the previous player's mouth." I stand up, suddenly free of the need to urinate. Peter, the previous clockwise player, hands me one of the tall empty glasses from the table and kneels before me, looking up with a mix of daring and anticipation. Seb watches in disbelief.

After several seconds I feel my bladder release, and I can't stop myself as I fill up the glass with a stream of hot piss. Droplets spray onto Peter's beard but he doesn't seem to mind. I empty myself as it nears the top of the glass. Peter takes the glass from me and sets it on a side table as Seb draws his first "3:" "Suck the previous player's cock without using your hands."

Seb crawls over to where I am seated and kneels between my legs. Peter removes a thin black rope from the bag and uses it to tie Seb's wrists together behind his back. Seb is already sucking my balls into his mouth and licking underneath them when Peter flips the hourglass. His tongue travels up my growing shaft and I'm erect by the time he reaches the head. He wraps his soft lips around me and takes my whole cock into his mouth until his nose is pressed against my pubes.

"Help him out," Peter encourages me. I grab two handfuls of Seb's thick hair and use them to guide him up and down the length of my dick. When time is up, he stands between my legs with messy hair over his face. His huge boner is right in front of me and I have to resist returning the favor. He turns around so I can untie him while Peter draws his card. Silently, Peter takes an empty glass from the table and walks over to us, telling Seb he needs to get back on his knees. Peter uses his fingers to open Seb's mouth and places the glass under his open lips.

"Hold it," he instructs Seb, who reaches up to hold the glass in place with both hands. Peter aims his cock at the glass and unleashes a forceful stream of piss at it, some of it splashing up onto Seb's lips and dripping back down. As the piss reaches the brim of the glass, Peter tilts Seb's head back and releases one final spurt into Seb's gaping mouth. Peter carefully places the full glass on the side table while Seb grabs the remaining empty glass and spits the piss back into it.

"The rules never said I had to drink it," Seb says, wiping his mouth and taking several sips of gin. Peter still seems satisfied, and tells me it's my turn. My card says to suck the following player's cock. I get up to walk toward Seb, but he tells me he'll come to me. He has me lie back on the couch, with my head hanging over the arm. He's getting back at us for his last two rounds of submission. Seb binds my wrists with the rope, my arms dangling over my head, Peter joining in by holding down my legs from his side of the couch. Seb slowly slips his cock--the biggest of the three--into my mouth and starts to rock his hips. Before long he is throat fucking me, sliding the full length in and out, saliva foaming around my lips, my eyes watering, my throat stinging. All I can do is lie there with my mouth open and take it. After what feels like five minutes, Peter calls time, and Seb pulls his cock out, trailing a slimy dribble of spit and precum with it.

I wait for Seb to untie me so I can sit up, my arms bent over my head and starting to hurt.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Sebastian," Peter jokes. I worry they will leave me like this for the remainder of the game. I feel the pressure of blood pooling in my head.

I crane my neck to see Seb back at his spot, nonchalantly drawing his next card. It's the piss card. I can see him picking up the glass he spat Peter's into, as he reads "...the previous player's mouth." He resumes his position before me, and holds the glass next to my chin.

"Let's see if I can do this," he jokes, trying to control how the piss will spray from his partially erect penis. I close my eyes. He fills the glass halfway with clear piss, mostly missing me.

"Lucky for you I peed after the first round," Seb says, setting down the glass and finally undoing the rope from my wrists.

"I thought you were gonna leave me like that all night," I say, sitting up. I grab my underwear from the floor and use them to clean off my face.

We spend a moment drinking and joking around, then Peter draws his next card. "Rim the previous player." This must be a wild card.

"Come here," Peter tells Seb, sliding down to the floor and resting his head on the couch cushions. I flip the hourglass as Seb squats on the couch and lowers himself onto Peter's face, sliding his ass across his nose and open mouth. Peter holds onto Seb's waist, eagerly licking and sucking on Seb's hole and taint. Watching is making me hard so I start to touch myself, letting an extra minute pass before I tell them it's time. I have no idea if it's been one hour or three, and doing all these activities in controlled two minute increments is becoming a real experiment in discipline and self-restraint.

I take my last "3" card and have no idea what it means. It's a drawing of six circles in a row with "by previous player" written under it. I show Peter and he grins, reaching into the bag to remove a string of six black anal beads.

"Get on your hands and knees," he tells me. I get down on the rug and Peter kneels behind me, pressing my shoulders down so my ass sticks straight up. Peter squirts a generous amount of oil around my ass and rubs more onto the beads. He begins massaging my hole with his hand and I notice how relaxed it feels, a sign of how badly I want to be penetrated.

"Start the timer once I get two fingers in," he tells Seb, who is watching from the couch with his feet up on the table. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I feel Peter's thick index finger exploring inside me, pressing against my prostate. He easily slips in a second finger, and I hear Seb flip the hourglass. Peter removes his fingers and I feel the first smooth, slippery ball pressing against my hole until the entire bead suctions inside. It doesn't feel like much, until he continues stuffing the additional beads. After four I'm feeling pressure, like I want to release them, but he keeps going until all six are inside me. I can feel Peter tugging on the string, and I instinctively tighten my hole around it to keep him from pulling them out.

"Relax," he says, and I do, letting him slowly tug until a bead pops back out and I moan with unexpected satisfaction. He continues to pull very slowly, creating an incredible sensation of tension and release each time another bead is removed. I'm rock hard and would probably cum easily if he touched my cock. I can't think or do anything, it feels too good.

I lie back on the floor when we're finished, unable to move. Seb draws his card. I don't see the drawing, but I hear Peter rustling in the bag again.

"Here you go, Sam," he says, handing me a large black butt plug as Seb takes my former position on the floor. I rub some oil on Seb's asshole, already wet from Peter eating him out, the light hairs slicked against his pink skin. I notice Peter has already started the timer. I slide my cock against Seb as I readjust. I press the tip of the plug into his hole, twisting and applying more pressure but struggling to get it in deeper. Seb spreads his legs more and gives me better access. I squirt some oil around the widest part of the plug and keep trying, until one big push makes it go all the way in. I tap on the round base of the plug flush against his ass, making him squirm and moan. Time is almost up, so I wrap one hand around the base and push against Seb's butt with the other, sucking the plug all the way out.

"Fuck!" Seb groans. "That was a lot."

I return to my seat and Peter draws his final "3" card. He removes the last toy from the bag, a clear 8 or 9 inch dildo. This time, Seb grabs the dildo from the table and tells Peter to stay on the couch. Peter obligingly throws his legs up over his shoulders and waits for Seb to come fuck him with it. Seb lubes up the toy and spits on Peter's hole, licking and playing with it, slipping a finger inside. He squirts oil on Peter and massages it in, and tells me to start the timer. Peter winces as the first inch of the dildo enters him and he pushes Seb's hand's away. Seb adds more lube and tells me to come restrain Peter. I stand behind the couch and grab Peter's feet and hands, holding them up together. Peter moans as Seb keeps twisting and pushing. After another minute, Seb has the dildo most of the way in and Peter looks more comfortable. Seb begins slowly pumping the dildo partially in and out as Peter moans "fuck" louder and louder. I notice that the timer has run out, so I let go of him and sit down. Seb gives it one more thrust, then carefully pulls the dildo out and sets it on the table. Peter catches his breath and Seb cuddles in between us. He pinches Peter's nipple and rubs both of our thighs.

We sip our drinks as Peter clears away everything from the table except for the remaining "X" deck.

"Seb can draw first this time," Peter says.

Seb takes the first "X" card and reads it to us: "The previous player will make you cum in his hand, and feed it to you."

"Every drop," Peter says, serious again. "Go stand on the rug so I can watch."

Seb and I get up and stand facing each other, across from Peter. I rub oil on both our cocks and we stroke each other. After Seb starts dripping precum, I remove his hand from my cock and start to jerk him off faster. I move my other hand between his legs and slip a finger inside. Seb begins to moan and I feel his groin pulsate. Just in time, I pull my hand from his ass and use it to catch most of his load in my palm, continuing to milk out every drop even after he begs me to stop. Peter is stroking himself on the couch, looking entertained. I lift my fingers to Seb's flushed face and wipe the jizz from my knuckles onto his cheeks and lips. He opens his mouth and willingly licks a big glob of his own cum from my hand. He swallows. I wipe the cum from his face into his mouth and make him suck my fingers clean.

"Very good," Peter says, amused, as he draws his card: "Cum in the following player's mouth. He will kiss the previous player and the previous player will kiss you."

"Get on your knees, boys," Peter instructs us, walking onto the rug to join us. Seb watches while Peter grabs my head and guides it to his cock. It has taken all night, but I'm finally giving a blowjob to the man from the lobby. I wrap my hands around Peter's ass cheeks and slobber on his thick brown cock, my face buried in his body hair. After a while, Peter resumes jerking himself off with my spit. I notice Seb is already getting hard again. Peter thumbs my lower lip and looks into my eyes, coaxing me to open my mouth.

"I'm gonna cum," he says, and shoots his load all over my chin and tongue. Seb leans over and licks the cum off my stubbly chin, then pulls in to kiss me for the first time all night. We make out for a minute, swapping Peter's cum between us. Seb stands up and, taller than Peter, tilts Peter's head back and let's the cum drip into his mouth. Peter swallows the remnants of his load and kisses Seb.

I know I'm close to orgasm, and admittedly ready to be done with this very comprehensive game. I draw my card and read it, "Cum on the previous player's body, you and the following player will lick it up."

Peter lies down on the floor and I stand over him, slowly stroking my cock and trying to hold off a moment longer. Unexpectedly, I feel Seb wrap around me from behind, pressing himself against my butt and taking my dick in his hands. He cups my balls and continues to jerk me off, until I can no longer take it. I release several ropes of cum all over Peter--in his beard, on his hairy chest, on his cock. Seb sucks my cum from Peter's semi-flaccid cock and takes his time licking it off his stomach and chest. I get the bit from his chin and lean down to kiss him. Seb and I roll off Peter and the three of us lie on the rug, drunk and exhausted.

"So who's the winner?" I ask Peter, running my hand against his prickly buzzed hair.

"The winner will be decided tomorrow," he says. "Tonight was only part one."

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