An Ogre Onslaught

By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 19, 2023


This is I functional story based of the furnation ogres i have seen in adult art sites. Incredibly drawn beast men that are huge and built and actually freaking hot. Hot and largely hung. Its a fantasy story of assault and abuse and gangbangs.

Enjoy. ############################## An Ogre Onslaught (8)

... All there was was the pain at my rear. So much as I have not felt before in all my life. Deep penetrating pain of being taken by this ogre with the huge rod. Something linger and wider than any penis I have ever experienced before. By far.

"Ohh God!" I chriped "Ohh God!"

Then beast had thrust more than half his gargantuan penis into my bowels. But not only was his length quite a bit. But the sheer girth of his huge rod felt as if the lining of my anus walls was being peeled off. The other paused after the first thrust

Holding it there in me to acclimate to the tightness enfolding him. My anus hole squeezed at the huge intruder as if doing so would push it out. But it did not. This huge beast then started to give me sex. Pulling back some and then thrusting back down into my bowels. He went slowly at first. Moreover from the tightness on him. This lessened my pain, only the slightest. But I'd did make it less destructive in my bowels. Then just moaning as he slid down deep, then retreating some as he felt my walls and hole gripping at his massive tube.

"Feel it. I so feel it" he stated "Human wombs are so glorious" "Especially male ones"

I opened my eyes to look at the beast. His face still scary, but his body an awesome display of mass and muscle and fur. A huge mastodon of a man (er beast). I then looked nearby as the goblins were back on the sexual attack of my prison companion. Again assaulting him repeatedly. I just watched as the smaller horrors attacked him. But then felt the one behind me push back down into my bowels. Again pain returned as his mammoth rod ripped down into my body. The creature moaned and said something about new flesh again. Then he started to dig into my more speeding up his process to get his pleasure off my small body.

"Yes. Oh yess!" He bellowed "Nice and fresh. Nice and new" "Always so tight on me. Yess!"

He quickly accelerated on me. Drinking harder into my body. Inching down farther into my poor bowels. His huge penis head smashing into my button deep inside me. Causing a violent shake to move through me. But I could only shake as he held me to his monstrosity. Making sure I could not get free. My eyes rolled up into my skull from the pain and pressure at my backside. I had never felt this full back there before. Even in a bad stomach day it was not this intense. I still tried (as feeble as my attempt) to pu myself from his hide stem. To lessen the suffering that I was experiencing at that moment. Gritting my teeth and who.peeing my aches out under his moves.

"Take him master. Take him" I heard a goblin shout "He is filthy flesh. And should be just taken"

The small creature grabbed at his rod and pulled at himself. Enjoying the destruction his master caused on me. Cheering him in to thrust harder, deeper. And his master did just that, he assumed my rectum with almost brutal thrusts. Bashing into my body over and over again. And smashing into my prostate with almost destructive force. I screamed, I cried out and I begged for mercy as he continued to try and destroy my insides. And the more I cried out the rougher he became. Grabbing my body and pulling me on him hard as he pushed down again. I ow understood what my cellmate suggested. That maybe a death would be better than this pain. Better than this torture. But as I was awake, conscious and not near death I was to accept this as it was.

"God. Oh God. Please!" I shrieked "God cannot help you flesh" the goblin crowed "You are but a receptacle for the masters" "You are just a womb to breed!"

He then slapped at my face as he grabbed it. Then the goblin brought his rod closer to me and shot his seed at my face. Spraying me with it.

"Here!" He shouted as he blew out "Here is some more. You filthy thing"

I pulled back from the blast, even at it stuck me. But he grabbed my face and held me to his shooting dick. Making sure my face was covered in his semen. Then from behind me the huge ogre was ready to burst as well. He pounded off into my body fast. His grunts growing and growing as he continued to assault my bowels. His huge balls slapping against me as his penis was driven to them. Smashing his massive balls against me.

"Ughnn" I moaned as my body gave way to him

I was also having an orgasm. The deep shattering thrusts had hit my button too many times. So my body convulsed in his rod as I too exploded. Screaming as I shot out under him. Then the huge beast gave in to his own orgasm. My body gripping in his dick as I blew out pulled the semen from his balls too. Then he slammed back in and released his seed. I felt it. Oh my God did I feel it. Like a flood as he showered up my body with his incredible seed. Emptying out the huge sack holding it in. It actually seemed to sooth me, to sooth the pain that had wreaked havoc on me. Then the beast pulled his rod from me. The sounds of him leaving my bowels were sloppy and loud. Echoing off the walls of our cell. I gasped as a breath rushed into my empty lungs. Then just collapsed to the floor beneath me. Drained from his raping.

"There" the beast said "That was very much needed" "And this new one is truly a great womb to have"

Then he ordered the goblins not to touch me. That I was to be left alone. They headed his commands and just went in attaching my cell mate. I just lay there in a heap, my anus still drooling out the ogres semen. Just laying there in a mess of myself. I somehow found comfort in being left alone. At least for a little while. And sleep found me and I lulled off into it...


To be continued

Next: Chapter 9

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