An Ogre Onslaught

By ozzalone65

Published on Apr 25, 2022


This is I functional story based of the furnation ogres i have seen in adult art sites. Incredibly drawn beast men that are huge and built and actually freaking hot. Hot and largely hung. Its a fantasy story of assault and abuse and gangbangs.

Enjoy. ########################################################################## An Ogre Onslaught (5)

... I was there in that cave. My body spread out like a dog on all fours. I had just watched as the other man in the cave get taken by an goblin. He was crying from his torture. This sexual torture inflicted upon him. But now it was me. It was my body being taken by the pack of goblins in the cave. One by one took my mouth and now my buttocks. My anus awaiting the next goblins entry. And he grabbed at my sides and pierced me now. So I had had several take my mouth now. Number three thrusting his angry member into my face. Number two goblin was thrusting his hard as stone penis into my anus now. Giving me as the one before him had done. A good sturdy raping.

"Glarphh, glarphh, glarphh" I gagged as the one pushed himself into my face "Yes. Feed him. Feed him!" His friend in my back urged "Take that filthy mouth"

My eyes were watering as each goblin took his turn on me. Each one pushed penis into my mouth and throat. Pumping my face full of his seed. Or maybe just pulling out before shooting it on my face. The ones in the back all drove themselves to a hard grunted orgasm. Each one pounded at my hole until they were drained if it. Then the next and the next one went. Almost immediate after the one before. The time between each vicious assault in my mouth or butt seeming like a none stop machine.

"Please!" I would spit out between the goblins at my face. "Let me go.."

And then another penis thrusted into my mouth. To silence my cries. The goblin thrusting until he was satisfied and he burst forth his seed into my mouth. Then after the last one was finished at my face. I looked over to my prison mate. He was crumpled on the ground of this cave. Barely moving and groaning from his wretched ordeal. I could see his anus hole even from where I was. It looked red and swollen even in this light. But I was not surprised after he was taken by at least a dozen goblins this day. Then I heard the one behind me as he was finishing. Grunting as he blew up into my rear end. Stabbing his final times as he erupted into me. Then I was shoved hard to the ground by him. The filthy beast calling me filth as he tossed me down. Then the goblins came left us there in heaps in the ground. Disappearing back into the caves.

"I need to get out of here" I pondered "I must somehow escape and flee" "But where am I?"

I looked to the other man that had been taken as I had been. He was still barely moving. And I got understood his pain and soreness. After so many disgusting creatures take their liberties with your body. Forcing you into deeds you may not place yourself in with rational mind. For I too was beaten and sore. All parts of my body aches, especially my butt and bowels. And my hole was tender and swollen too. I pulled myself closer to him. Seeing if he was at all okay. Asking him how long he had been there. For I knew it to be longer than myself based off his drawn and shattered look.

"I believe I have been here just a few weeks" he stated. "My village was decimated by them" "We had no defense from them" "And I know they are all dead" "My family.."

And then he began to weep. Sob dramatically as he lay there, still bound and broken form his endless assault. Then he blurted that he wish he were dead too. That he had no reasons to live or be alive whatsoever.

"And how often..?" I stared "Every day" he said back. As if he anticipated my question. "They are here every day" "Sometimes more than once"

My eyes widened at the thought of a daily assault in my body. So I saw why he was so drawn looking. This poor wretched should captured and suffering from this daily violation by these creatures. Then he blurted something that seemed even more horrifying than the goblins assault. And I immediately placed a visual to what he was saying. A frightening visual that burned itself into me.

" And sometimes the ogres come" he said with wide frightened eyes

I pictured those huge beasts. Massive brutal beasts that caused the destruction of his home and mine. And with his eyes I pondered the size of their weapons. The goblins were big enough for one to take. And I imagined how much bigger a creature more than double their size would be down there. And my eyes grew wide with an undeniable fear. Their utter disregard for our lives when they attacked the village only an eye opening declaration as to how they would be in such a venue. And I was truly afraid. Afraid for myself if this was to happen before I was dead. So I prayed that the goblins would kill me first. Praying for this indeed. I lay there in the cold floor if the cell. Lay there next to my cell mate. He was blubbering and begging for death to come already. Begging as he must have for some time before I had arrived. Wanting a release from this horrid torture. This endless suffering of sex that he just did not wish for. He was a man after all. Forme it was not such a horrible thing. For I lived sex with men. I just found this situation far from Ideal. Being forced and taken against my will by these hideous creatures. These monstrosities that were foul to my tender sensibilities. The bears and not to imagine the intensity of the violations. One after another. Over and over by multiple assailants. This was far from Ideal to anyone. And they did leave my butt and hole swollen from the endless ravaging. I knew that I too would not be able to take this content raping (as my cell mate could not).

"I hope somehow we can get free" I said to him softly "Never" he huffed back "Never shall we be free" "You can only wish for death"

And then he went back to his blubbering... ################################################### To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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