An Ogre Onslaught

By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 2, 2022


This is I functional story based of the furnation ogres i have seen in adult art sites. Incredibly drawn beast men that are huge and built and actually freaking hot. Hot and largely hung. Its a fantasy story of assault and abuse and gangbangs.

Enjoy. ########################################################################## An Ogre Onslaught (3)

... I looked about as the goblins pulled me out of the hut. Then I was dragged to a large cart. Bound and tied to it. There were others there with me. Other men and women. Many beaten worse than myself, bloodied even. But no Victor among them. That was when I looked about as the screams continued. Bodies, women children killed and trampled down by these monsters.

"What happened" I just spit out "This attack was sudden and unexpected." "But why?"

I looked as a few goblins tosses another person into the big cart. One if them looked at me, at my nakedness. He smiled a sinister sme as he looked me over. Then he licked at his lips. I immediately feared the death that would befall me. These creatures intended in eating me. At least that was what I saw in his evil black eyes.

"Leave us you beast" I shouted at him "Leave us alone"

Then he struck a blow to the side of my head. Telling me to shut up.

"Silence flesh" he growled "You are still alive for only one thing" "Be greatful to the mighty gods that you have been spared

I still tried to struggle to get free. Pulling at the highly blinding straps holding me to the cart. And the goblin was not amused by this. So he struck me again. This time with a club he had on hand. The last thing I heard before being knocked unconscious was "you will comply. Flesh".

I awoke some hours later. It was dark with minimal light where ever I was. My eyes tried to focus in the darkness. I looked to see a body nearby. Another man. Was he dead? I did not know. But I was bond to metal spikes in the floor. I wondered what the beast had planned for me. Other than death. For I was sure that was the end event. That what ever horrors they had planned for me that my death would follow. I was just unsure of how the death blow ould come. Would these beasts torture me prior to that death. How much horrifying pain would I endure before begging for their death.

"Please" I quietly begged to the gods "Help me. Save me from this" "Make this death swift"

I lay there for hours it seemed. Sitting against the stone wall I was near. Just looking at the dim light and the body next to me. He was alive I found as he was breathing I found. But he was out unconscious and just out from what ever had happened to him.

"Hey" I said to him "Hey. Where are we?" "Hey!"

Then the man on the floor grumbled and awoke. He looked up and then at me. He was bruised and beaten. But he was alive.

"Death" he blubbered "Pray for death" "For what they do is worse than death"

I did not know what he meant. Worse than death. What tortures were to befall me. The pains that he had received would soon be mine. But ok still did not know what they would be. But I was very soon to fund out. For some twenty minutes to follow had several goblins coming down to this cave they had us buried in. One of the green creatures had a torch in hand. Then he went about the room lighting sconces on the wall. More light poured into the dark room. I mow saw there was at least ten of the goblins down here. They all looked at us hungrily. My eyes widened as they drew nearer. The man turned and screamed. Begging to be released

"Noo. Noo. Just kill me!" He shouted at them "Just kill me. Please!"

Then several came at him. And they pulled down theirs loin cloths. And out fell their sizable members. Already bibbing up and down from their obvious excitement. And fir their small stature, these goblins had fairly large penises. And then I understood what was to happen. I understood what the man meant as they came at him. These vile things were going to take him. And then soon enough. Me.... ##########################################################################

More to cum

Next: Chapter 4

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