An Isolated Education

By fateke Reed

Published on Apr 17, 2005



This story is a work of fiction. It never happened and never will happen. The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between two young males. If you are offended by material of this nature you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age you are not allowed to read this story by law.

Comments about this story are welcome at

I hope you enjoy. :)

An Isolated Education

Greg shut his bedroom door in frustration. Why couldn't his parents realize that he was sixteen years old now. He even had his own car. He didn't need them treating him like a kid anymore. Besides, there was nothing wrong with Justin. He was a good guy. Sure he looked rough, all leather and chains, and he smoked, but under all that was a good friend.

He pulled his shirt off and looked at himself in the mirror, running a comb through his brown hair, and smiled as the light played in the golden brown shower. His stunning green eyes flashed as he blew a mock kiss towards the mirror. He was a handsome young man, and he knew it. People had been telling him that since he was little. But surprisingly he wasn't too conceited. He used his appearance to its fullest, flashing that bright smile to defuse a tense situation; using his well developed chest to entice the girls in and even, on occasion, win himself a blow job.

Greg switched off the bedroom light and climbed out of his jeans. He smiled to himself, if his parents knew that he had stopped wearing underwear they would really throw a fit.

He shivered as he pulled the cold covers up over his naked body, plopping down onto his bed. Tucking the covers tightly against his body he reached down and gave his cock a tight squeeze and considered jerking off. But decided he was too tired and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Derek plopped the new Harry Potter book onto the bed beside him in frustration. He knew he would get in trouble if his mom saw his light on this late. But he had to know who was going to die. It was a race to see who could read the book the fastest and have the pleasure of spoiling it for everyone else.

But his eyes were too heavy. He glanced over at his clock and saw it was 1:20 in the morning. With mild curiosity he got out of bed and headed to the window. He couldn't ever remember being awake at this late hour and he wanted to see what the world looked like at 1:20 in the morning.

Drawing back the curtains he found himself face to face with a blond haired boy in his underwear. They were old friends and had played this game for years. Derek smiled, and his reflection smiled back, he scratched his head and so did his friend, he spun around quickly and pulled his underwear down, mooning his friend, and his friend mooned him right back.

"Oh yeah." he said and turned back around, "Well how 'bout this!" he sneered and this time flashed his front side, and was promptly flashed back.

Derek stood that way for a moment, studying his sleek body. His dark brown eyes appearing black in the windows reflection. He looked down at his dick and wondered again if his would end up all ugly and wrinkled like his fathers was. He would never forget the sight of his naked father stepping out of the shower.

Tiring of his little game, Derek pulled his underpants back up and climbed into his warm bed. He reached over and clicked off his lamp and was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

The first thing Greg became aware of was grit in his teeth. That was followed quickly by the realization that he wasn't in his bed anymore. Quickly he raised up onto his elbows and opened his eyes. Panic swept over him. He was on a beach. There were palm trees not 20 feet from where he laid in the sand. And the sound of the surf was very close. As he turned around he discovered another surprise. There was a half naked, blond haired, guy sleeping all curled up right next to him. Which brought him to his next discovery; he was totally naked.

As Greg was standing up to look for something to cover himself with the guy gave a loud yawn and stretch, rolling over on his back and reaching for covers that weren't there. Greg almost laughed out loud at the sight of his morning erection poking through his sand covered underwear.

Suddenly he threw open his eyes in a total panic and Greg had his first taste of what was to come. He dropped back down on the beach next to the young guy, flashed that winning smile and said, "Hi. Any idea how we got here?"

"Who are you?" the guy asked with tears just about to spill down his cheeks.

"I'm Greg. What's your name?" he said in the most friendly voice he had and followed that up with another one of his award winning smiles.

"Derek." the smile must have worked because the tears retreated a little.

"I don't know what happened to us, I went to bed last night in my own bed and woke up here. What about you? "somehow taking care of Derrick made him feel a little better about his own situation.

"Same here. Where are we?"

"I don't know, but I do know I have to pee." Greg said with a smile.

"Me too!" Derrick replied.

As the two boys stood up Derrick noticed that Greg was naked. "Where's your clothes?" he asked.

"Well, I don't wear underwear anymore and I guess whatever brought us here brought us just as we were." Greg noticed that Derrick could hardly keep his eyes off of Greg's dick and smiled inwardly.

They made it over to some trees and standing side by side the two of them relived themselves, sharing the age old male bonding experience of peeing together. Something no woman will ever understand.

The sun was still close to the horizon so Greg figured it was probably close to 7 or 8 in the morning. Derrick came over and stood close to Greg. He's scared, he thought. Greg put his hand on Derrick's shoulder and said, "Don't worry guy, we'll be alright. I've been a Boy Scout for years and they teach you what to do in situations like this. I'll take care of you."

Derrick was desperately trying to take all of this in without crying. He didn't want to look like a sissy in front of Greg. But it was really hard, he was so scared.

"Come on, lets walk around a bit and see if we can find anybody." Greg suggested. But somehow, in the pit of his stomach, he knew that they wouldn't.

They walked the beach all day, stopping only occasionally for a piss break or to eat some fruit they found growing near the shore. The beach was beautiful. Soft white sand that glistened in the sun with no sea shells at all. The interior of the Island appeared to be jungle, it got denser and denser until it appeared to be an impenetrable black wall of trees. No matter where they went Greg could always look up and see the recognizable volcano that had created this island. The ominous sight of that peak somehow sent chills all over Greg. He didn't look up all that much anymore.

As they were climbing over a line of boulders that ran down the beach and out into the sea Greg was thinking about the weather. Sure it was a beautiful day right now, but from what he knew about Islands that could change quickly to terrible storms. They were going to need shelter.

Derrick made it over the rocks first. His initial fear had left him now and he was full of energy and eager to explore. As Greg climbed down off of the last rock Derrick called out, "Hey! There's a trail over here. Come see!"

Greg ran over to Derrick and looked at the trail. "Well, lets see where it goes." he said.

Derrick headed up the trail first and Greg followed. The trail wound up a short hill, the trees getting thicker and thicker. Just as Greg was thinking the trail would end they broke through the brush into a small clearing, in the middle of which sat an old bamboo hut.

It was just one small room but it seemed to be sturdily built and even had a rudimentary chimney. The one window and the door were covered by an old faded tarp of some sort.

"Anyone there!" Greg shouted startling Derrick into a squeak and a jump.

No one answered. "Let's look inside." Derrick whispered.

"I don't think you have to whisper. This place doesn't look like its been used for a long time." Greg whispered right back.

Derrick walked up to the door softly and gently pulled the tarp aside. Inside was totally dark and Derrick just stood there too uncertain to go in and too afraid to be seen as weak by Greg to run away.

"Here." Greg said, and pulled the small curtain covering the window aside, "Lets let some light in here."

The hut was lit up and Derrick could see that it was empty after all. Still cautious he stepped inside, flailing his arms around to knock the cob webs away from his face. In one corner there were two old hammocks strung between the wall and the center pillar at right angles to each other. In another corner were two crude, home made chairs in front of the fire. There was junk scattered all over the floor. Cans, and tin plates and cups. Paper and garbage were everywhere. The rats had been living here for a long time Derrick guessed.

Greg came in behind Derrick and began rummaging through things. "Hey here's a machete! That'll help with the coconuts. And look, here's a can of peas, and some Spam. There's a bunch of stuff here."

Greg and Derrick explored the little hut for a while and then went outside and sat down with a can of Spam in the sun light. As Greg used the key to open the can he knew he had a decision to make. They could keep exploring the island for days, or they could settle in here and wait for help to come. He was almost certain that the island was uninhabited and the Scouts had always taught him that when you find yourself lost in the woods the best thing to do is sit down and stay put. Someone will find you a lot easier if your not wandering around in all directions.

"I think we should stay here." he said.


"Cause I don't think there's anybody on this island and we need shelter, a place to settle in and wait for help to come."

"Nobody's coming." Derrick said sadly and dropped his head.

"Why do you say that?" Greg asked.

"I don't know. I just know nobody's coming."

"Then you agree with me, that we should stay here?"

"Yeah." he sniffed.

Greg leaned over and put his arm around Derrick and pulled him close. "It's gonna be okay you know. We've got food and a nice place to live. We just have to clean it up a bit that's all. You'll see."

The following weeks went by slowly. In a couple of days the boys had the hut in tip top shape and had dug a latrine and even found another small path that led to a pool of fresh water complete with a small waterfall good for taking showers in. Whoever had built this hut had found the perfect place on the island to live. But where had they gone?

Late in the night Derrick awoke with an urgent need to pee. He tried to climb quietly from his hammock so he wouldn't disturb Greg but as he was getting up his foot tangled in the mesh of the hammock and he fell over with a thud. Looking up to see if he had awakened Greg he noticed that Greg's hammock was empty.

After making a quick stop at the latrine Derrick followed the path back to the beach where he saw Greg's silhouette up on the rocks near the surf. Thinking it would be fun to sneak up on Greg and scare him Derrick began slowly and quietly to make his way down to the rocks.

As he neared Greg from the right he noticed that he was doing something, he was making some kind of jerking motion as if scratching furiously at his leg. Quietly he crept closer still thinking to scare him, but now as intrigued by Greg's actions as he was excited to scare him.

When Derrick finally was able to see Greg clearly he was surprised by what he saw. Greg, still nude since they had not found anything to use as clothes, was pulling on his dick; up and down as fast as he could. He had his left hand behind him supporting his upper body's weight and his face was screwed up into a painful expression. Suddenly Greg stopped pulling on his dick and raised his right hand to his mouth where he spit in it and immediately began to pull on his dick again, which Derrick had noticed was as hard as a tree branch and standing straight up in the air.

Within moments Greg let out a soft grunt and his entire body seemed to stiffen. Slowly he stopped pulling on his dick and laid back breathing hard.

Something inside of Derrick told him it would not be a good idea to scare Greg right now, so he turned and as quietly and softly as he could made his way back to the hut. Just as he finished climbing back into his hammock Greg came in dripping wet and climbed into his hammock. Greg was asleep long before Derrick. Derrick laid awake for a long time trying to understand what he had seen.

The next day dawned bright and beautiful, just like every other day on this island. Greg found himself wishing for a rainy day, maybe even a thunderstorm. Anything to break the monotony. Sure it rained briefly almost every day but it cleared up so quickly that it was hard to enjoy.

Derrick came stumbling out of the hut and as usual headed straight to the latrine. As soon as he finished relieving himself he returned and sat down across the fire pit from Greg. He seemed somehow shy and withdrawn this morning.

Greg handed Derrick half a coconut and asked, "What's wrong with you this morning? Did you have a bad dream?"

Derrick cocked his head a little and studied Greg for a moment, trying to decide if he should tell him that he had seen him that night. Finally curiosity won over and he said, "I saw you last night."

"So, you see me every night."

"No. I mean I saw you last night after we went to bed, down on the beach. I saw what you were doing."

Greg's face started turning an angry red and Derrick shied back.

"Don't you EVER spy on my again you little shit!" Greg screamed and jumped to his feet.

"I wasn't spying!" Derrick quickly spoke up but Greg was too furious to listen.

"Don't you ever do that again and don't you ever mention last night again or I'll leave you here and go live on the other side of the island!" Greg yelled and turning his back on Derrick headed for the trees. He heard a soft sob behind him that froze him in his tracks.

What was he doing? Had he really just threatened to go off and leave this guy who was so afraid alone? Slowly he turned back and saw Derrick curled up in a ball quietly hiccoughing, staring into space.

Greg came over and sat down next to Derrick, he pulled his head into his lap, bent down and softly kissed Derrick's forehead. He whispered, "I'm sorry. I'll never leave you. No matter how mad I get."

"I didn't mean to make you mad. I was just going to sneak up on you and scare you. But then I saw what you were doing and I was curious. I'm sorry I made you mad." he hiccoughed on the last word and Greg smiled.

"I know you didn't and I'm not mad either I was just embarrassed."

"Why were you embarrassed?" Derrick asked looking up as his tears began to stop.

"Because you caught me jacking off you moron!" Greg teased.

"Jacking off?" Derrick asked.

"Yeah, you know, playing with myself. Chocking the chicken. Masturbating."


"You really don't know do you? You know I've never thought to ask you this before, just how old are you Derrick?"

"I was 14 but I think I've had my birthday by now so I guess I'm 15."

"Wow. And you don't know how to jerk off yet. I've seen you with morning hard on's. Well, I guess now's as good a time as any to learn." Greg never in his young life imagined that he might be teaching someone else to masturbate. "Well you know how your dick sometimes gets real hard?"


"Well you start there, you get your dick hard..."

"How?" Derrick interrupted.

"Well usually by thinking about something that excites you, like a pretty girl. Then you start touching yourself until it gets hard."

"How do you touch it?"

Greg thought for a moment and finally decided that he would just show him. Besides if Derrick liked it, and Greg was sure he would, they would be able to jack off together, like he and some of his buddies did, and he wouldn't have to sneak out at night anymore.

"Okay," Greg said as he leaned back and stretched his legs out before him. "Take off those nasty underpants and sit like this."

Derrick rolled over onto his back and slid the now black and ripped underwear down and off. He wasn't afraid to be naked in front of Greg, they were naked in front of each other a lot. Hell, Greg was always naked.

He leaned back and spread his legs in front of him. Noticing again the difference in size between his and Greg's dick. Greg's dick was much larger and had hair all around it. Plus his balls were fuller and hung down much father than Derrick's own hairless balls.

"Now just close your eyes and concentrate on your dick and then start flopping it back and forth real gently like this." Greg took hold of his cock and waved it around in the air letting it gently slap against each thigh until he felt the blood start to pump. Then he stopped and said, "Now watch this."

Derrick watched in wonder as Greg's dick began to swell and grow bigger and bigger until it was standing straight up in the air and the head was bright red and throbbing. The sight of Greg's hard dick started a strange set of feelings in Derrick's body. His stomach seemed to be full of flying bugs and began to tighten in an almost, but not quite painful way. His eyes felt heavier and he felt his own dick start to rise even before he had grabbed it. Taking his dick between his thumb and forefinger Derrick wiggled it around a little. He was as hard as he could get and feeling more strange and wonderful all the time.

"See, that was too hard was it?" Greg asked through his smile.

"No." was all Derrick could squeak out.

"Now get a real good hold and squeeze a little, don't hurt yourself just squeeze enough that it feels good. Then start pulling up and down on it like this." Greg wrapped his fist around his dick and began to slowly jerk off so that Derrick could see what he was doing.

Derrick quickly began to copy Greg's motions but he couldn't fit his fist on his dick. It swallowed it whole, unlike Greg's which still stuck out from his fist by at least an inch or two.

"Just use your two fingers for now. It'll get bigger as you get older."

Taking his thumb and forefinger again Derrick squeezed gently on his dick and began stroking it up and down. Almost immediately the pleasure started. Pure waves of lust washed over him as he pulled faster and faster.

Suddenly Greg said through clenched teeth, "Now watch this, I'm gonna cum..." He moaned and a thick spurt of white goo shot out from Greg's dick and up onto his chest, followed by another shot just as intense and then three more smaller shots, each getting progressively smaller. Derrick was so fascinated that he had stopped jacking off.

"Don't stop, just keep going and pretty soon it'll feel almost like your going to pee, but you won't, just keep doing it. You'll know when to stop." Greg instructed.

Derrick leaned back and closed his eyes as he took up pulling on his dick again. This time he reveled in the pleasure shooting though his dick and into his body. Very quickly things began to change, he noticed his breathing becoming more shallow and he felt his eyes roll in his head as his dick began to tingle, and almost itch in a really pleasant way, then he knew he was going to pee, no matter what Greg said he was going to pee, so he squeezed trying not to pee uncontrollably in front of his teacher. As soon as he squeezed hot fire shot throughout his body and his mind seemed to explode with unbidden colors. The pure sensation of his first orgasm shot up and down the length of his small dick to the point that it almost became painful. Slowly he lowered himself back and took a deep breath. When he looked down at his dick he noticed a small milky drop of cum. He had done it alright, not with the quantity of Greg but he had done it none-the-less.

"There. You see. Nothing to it. You can do it whenever you want to. You should be right smack in puberty so everything about you is going to change." Greg leaned over and took a good look at Dereks now limp dick and noticed a ring of hair growing around his shaft. "I'll admit you're a late bloomer but it'll happen don't even worry about it."

Derrick smiled a weak smile and felt his dick start to stiffen again.

The next few day passed by in rapid succession. Greg and Derrick missed no opportunity to jack off. The freedom of being isolated on a island with no cloths to wear made it all that more fun.

The sun was just beginning to peek out from behind the horizon when Greg awoke. He hated waking up this early in the morning but knew that once he was awake there was no point in staying in the hammock. So he reluctantly rolled/fell out of the hammock and stood up, giving himself a big stretch. His lean muscles pulling tightly against his bones. As he relaxed from his stretch he reached down and adjusted his dick, some pubic hairs had managed to wrap themselves in what was left of his foreskin and were pulling.

Greg looked over at Derrick's hammock and found it empty. It was very unusual for Derrick to rise before mid afternoon. Greg stepped from the hut and saw Derrick sitting quietly in front of a rekindled fire.

"What's up?" Greg asked.

"Nothin." Derrick replied.

"Couldn't sleep huh." Greg commented as he seated himself next to Derrick and the fire. He reached over and grabbed a coconut that Derrick had cracked open and greedily drank what was left of the coconut milk in the shell before he began cutting chunks out with the machete they had found. Coconuts and bananas were the normal breakfast foods on this island. And lunch foods. And dinner foods too for that matter. They had tried and tried to spear some fish using home made bamboo spears with no luck.

"So, what would you like to do today? Sit around and jack off all day?" Greg asked feeling his cock start to stiffen at just the mention of it.

"Nah. I don't feel like it." Derrick answered looking down into his half eaten coconut.

"You don't feel like? The King Masturbator doesn't feel like it? What's up with that?"

"I don't know its just starting to get boring."

"Boring eh? Well, let me think about it and I think I can come up with some things we can try tonight around the fire. Maybe that'll cheer you up." Greg offered.

"Some more things like jacking off?" Derrick asked, his head jerking up and a smile lighting his face at the prospect.

"Yeah, let me think on it though. Lord knows we're going to be here for a long time, we should find ways of making it more fun."

Later that night as the fire was burning hotly and Greg and Derrick were talking quietly Derrick said, "Have you finished thinking about it yet?"

Greg knew instantly what Derrick was talking about but for some reason he was a bit uncomfortable about it all. Jacking off together was one thing, he and his buddies did that all the time, but the stuff Greg was thinking about, well that was a different story altogether.

Finally making up his mind that they could at least try, Greg said, "Well, I've thought of a few things we could try, but I'm not sure if you'll want to or not. Hell, I'm not sure I want to. Its stuff boys usually do with girls. Like touching each other. Would that bother you?"

Derrick shook his head vigorously and said, "Nope."

"Okay, well I guess we should start with the easiest thing and work our way up to the harder stuff. We could take turns jacking each other off."

"You mean you'd jack me off and then I'd jack you off?" Derrick asked, hoping he already knew the answer, that was one thing he had thought about before and for some reason he couldn't explain Derrick wanted to know what Greg's hard dick felt like.

"Yeah. Wanna try it?" Greg asked.

"Sure!" Derrick was eager. He had long since discarded his filthy and torn underwear so both boys were nude already. And to both of their surprises they were hard faster than ever before.

"Okay then," Greg said, "How do we decide who goes first?"

"We could draw straws." Derrick suggested.

Greg looked around and found some small sticks, he broke one so that it was half the size of the other, as he did so he mused how Derrick's dick was also half the size of his.

"Okay, you draw a stick from my fist. Whoever ends up with the largest stick has to jack the other one off first."

Derrick nodded his agreement and reached out and quickly plucked one of the two sticks from Greg's fist. When Greg opened his fist and they compared the two Derrick had the longest stick.

"Well, looks like you get to go first." Greg said still feeling a bit odd. "Are you sure you want to do it?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, but are you sure you'll do it to me after I've done you?"

"I promise." Greg said.

"And what if we get rescued someday? Will you tell anyone what we did?" Derrick asked feeling both excited and a bit embarrassed about the whole thing.

"I promise I won't tell as long as you promise you won't tell too." Greg said.

They held out their pinky fingers and did the age old pinky shake to confirm their promise.

Greg got up from the fire and spread his blanket out on the sand, the sound of surf far off and calm. Slowly he laid down on his back and Derrick came over and squatted down on his heels by Greg's crotch.

"What do I do?" Derrick asked as he stared intently at Greg's huge (at least compared to his) dick.

"Well, you just do what you do to yourself. Take hold of it, squeeze a bit, but not too hard and then stroke it up as far as it will go and then back down again. Slowly at first and then faster as you go." Greg instructed.

"How will I know when to stop?" Derrick asked.

"Don't worry, you'll know and if you don't I'll tell you!" Greg laughed.

Slowly, with mounting excitement and desire Derrick reached out and wrapped his hand around Greg's hard dick. It was hot to the touch and smooth. Slowly, as instructed, he stroked his hard dick up, gently squeezing until he felt resistence and then back down again. He could feel the muscle of Greg's dick sliding underneath the silky smooth skin. His mind was filled with possibilities, he wanted to do more than just stroke Greg's dick but for now he would enjoy this new sensation as he waited for his turn.

Faster and faster Derrick stroked Greg's hard cock. Greg was tense at first, nervous for some reason that he couldn't quite describe, but with each stroke of Derrick's tight fist Greg relaxed until he was laying there with his eyes closed and his mouth hanging open breathing heavily.

Greg felt the familiar stirring in his stomach and moaned, "Faster, do it faster." Derrick followed his instructions and before Greg could warn him he had cum harder than ever before. He moaned out loud and his muscles tightened lifting his head up off the blanket, grimacing with pleasure and lust as his cum shot out in hot fiery bursts all over Derrick's hand.

Derrick laughed out loud and held his hand up for Greg to see. There was cum all over it, dripping down his wrist in tight, stringy strands. He wiped his hand in the sand and said, "My turn!"

Greg laughed and said, "Give me a minute to recuperate."

But Derrick had already laid over on his back his dick standing straight up in the air, so Greg laughed leaned over and took his dick in his fingers and began to stroke him. At the third stroke Derrick went all tense and Greg could feel his cock throb in his fingers and knew that Derrick had had an orgasm. When he looked down at Derrick's red dick he could see a tiny miky drop of cum glistening on his head. Greg had the strongest desire to lean down and lick that drop off of his dick, but he stopped himself feeling ashamed that he had even thought it.

"That was incredible!" Derrick said. "I want to do it again!"

Greg laughed and was surprised to find that he was hard again.

That night Greg and Derrick took turns jacking each other off time and time again until Greg's dick was sore and he had to stop for the night. Derrick seemed insatiable.

The next few days passed in a rapid succession of mutual masturbation that kept the boys busy for hours at a time. The days were long and getting hotter, the nights were short but blessedly cool.

Months had passed since the two boys had awoken to find them selves stranded on this island and during that time there had been no severe weather at all, just light rain here and there. But Greg knew that this good weather wouldn't last forever so each day the boys hiked into the jungle looking for a good cave to retreat to in case of a severe storm. Greg never voiced to Derrick his concern for their survival should a hurricane strike the island, he wasn't sure that even a long deep cave could protect them from that. But it was never far from his mind.

The hike up the mountainside had proved harder than Greg had thought. The fact that neither boy had shoes didn't help. Their feet were sore and scraped by all the jagged rocks they climbed over, but Greg was sure had seen a cave, if they could just climb a bit higher they could check it out.

Once they reached the cave it was so dark that both boys just stood there and looked into it. Finally Derrick said, "What are you waiting for, you go first."

Greg looked deep into the mouth of the cave and wondered what might be living in there. So far they had seen nothing larger than a rat on the island so intellectually Greg knew that there wouldn't be anything living in the cave but his young mind was so filled with horror movies and ghost stories that it took all of his courage to enter the cave. But enter it he did.

The cave went on for perhaps 2 or 3 hundred feet and then ended at a rough wall. There were enough twists and turns in the cave that Greg felt sure this cave would provide them with the most protection they could find so the two boys began working on a quicker way up to the cave. Removing the sharp rocks and carrying bags of sand up and up until about a week later they had a nice trail up to the cave.

Then they carried some emergency food and stored it in the cave along with lots of fire wood and a few blankets and some coconuts. Should a severe storm hit they could make it to the cave in 20 minutes and stay there for a few days should the need arise.

It was good timing too. Three days after they finished the remodeling and stocking of the cave Derrick and Greg awoke to a stiff wind and an overcast sky.

"Its going to storm." Derrick said a bit shakily.

"Yeah looks that way." Greg said.

"Should we head to the cave?"

"Nah, not yet anyway, lets see what happens. It might just blow over."

The two boys started the day venturing into the jungle in search of ripe bananas and coconuts. But the wind grew steadily stronger until occasional bursts were causing the boys to stop and lean into the wind.

"I want to go to the cave!" Derrick shouted over the roar of the wind.

"Okay, lets go!." Greg agreed.

They ran back down the trail to the hut and then around to the trail leading up to the cave. By the time they reached the caves mouth the wind was howling around them and rain had begun to fall. The small drops of rain being driven by the wind so hard that they hurt when they hit the boys naked flesh.

They dashed inside and around the first turn of the cave to their cache of supplies and dropped panting onto the blankets trying to catch their breath.

Once they had calmed a bit Greg gathered some dry fiber and make a small mound of it, he then carefully stacked lots of small, dry twigs around the mound and picked up the two rocks they had placed by the firewood and began striking them against each other. With each strike sparks would fly out into the mound of fiber and Greg would gently blow. It didn't take long before they had a roaring fire, which gave light, warmth and sense of security while the storm raged outside; unbelievably gaining in strength instead of letting up.

Secretly Greg wondered what they would do if their little hut were blown away. He had a vague idea of how to build it, he had spent time studying the way the bamboo sticks had been cut and tied together but he wasn't entirely sure he could rebuild it like it was and hoped and prayed the hut would survive this terrible storm.

As night fell the two boys, scared and cold huddled close to each other, Greg's arm draped over Derrick's shoulders in front of the fire. Listening to the storm howl and the rain pelt the ground. So far the cave had proved to be a safe spot indeed. The wind rarely made it around the first turn in the cave and the rain never came more than a few feet inside the entrance.

The fire was burning low. Greg grabbed some more sticks and tossed them on the fire. Neither one of them had said anything for a long time, both lost in their own personal worries.

Finally Derrick said, "I'm scared."

The paternal instinct in Greg came to the surface instantly. He hugged Derrick tighter to him and said, "Don't worry we're safe in here."

"I know, but what if our hut is gone when we get back?" Derrick asked.

"Well, if it is we'll deal with it. Now why don't we do something to pass the time and take our minds off the storm. Got any ideas?"

"We could jack each other off." Derrick said.

Greg felt his cock stiffen slightly. After all the time since they first started jacking each other off it still hadn't got boring.

"Okay," Greg said, "or we could try something new."

Derrick perked up at that. He had proven time and time again that he was an imaginative guy and willing to try anything. He was the one who started spitting on Greg's dick while he jacked him off, he was the one had insisted they try jacking off in different positions and places. Derrick was nothing if not adventuresome. And Greg had slowly become more and more comfortable with the thought of trying other things.

"Well, I've thought about it and I think the most fun we could have is by playing Dare, have you ever played Dare?"

Derrick thought about it for a minute and then said, "I played Truth or Dare once with some other kids, is that the same thing?"

"Yes and no. Dare is Truth or Dare without the Truth. We take turns Daring each other to do things. Like I'd dare you to do two things and you'd have to do one of them."

"What if I didn't do it?"

"If you don't complete your Dare then I get to Dare you again and you have to do it no matter what or I get to hit you in the arm as hard as I want!" Greg said.

"But there are rules; in this case the first rule would be nothing outside of the cave, its too dangerous out there right now. The other would be nothing that would hurt."

"Okay, who goes first?"

"Since I've played it before I'll go first, okay?" Greg said.

"Sure." Derrick replied already feeling his stomach loosen a bit from the fear of the storm as his mind was occupied by other thoughts.

"Okay then," Greg said, and placed his chin in his hand while he thought hard, "I dare you to.....kiss my butt; or, I dare you too.........stand on your head while I spank your ass three times!"

Derrick laughed out loud at the idea of that one.

"Okay which one is it going to be Dirk!" Greg chided calling him by his nick name.

"Don't call me that JERK!" Derrick replied laughingly.

"Okay I'll kiss your butt!" Derrick said laughing even harder.

"Alright but you have to kiss my butt hole, not just my butt cheek!"

"Gross!" Derrick laughed.

Greg got up on his hands and knees and leaning on his left arm he reached back with his right arm and spread his cheeks, "Kiss away big boy!" he laughed.

Derrick closed his eyes, leaned in and planted a big kiss right on target!

Greg was surprised at the brief moment of pleasure that surged through him as Derrick's lips touched his ass, but to cover it he laughed out loud and sat back down, "Okay your turn."

"Lets see," Derrick said, "I dare you to....kiss me full on the mouth just like you would your girlfriend; or, I dare you too........kiss my balls three times!" he said it with a shrill laugh at just how devious he was.

Greg thought about and decided that kissing his balls was a bit too soon and said, "Okay I'll kiss you like a girl then." trying to make it sound like an insult to Derrick but inside he wanted to kiss him.

They both giggled and slowly leaned in towards each other, the storm totally forgotten by both boys. Their lips met and Greg pushed in a little harder. At first they just pecked each other, mouths closed but both enjoying the sensation. Greg placed his hand behind Derrick's head and held it still and close to his as he rapidly kissed him, gradually slowing until their lips were pressed hard against each other. Greg opened his mouth a bit and let his tongue poke out and stroke Derrick's lips and to his surprise Derrick opened his mouth and their tongues met and began to dance and play with each other until both boys were locked in a deep open mouth kiss.

Greg ran his hand down Derrick's back and his soft tanned skin, feeling almost like silk to his touch. Derrick placed his hand on Greg's inner thigh and rubbed it back and forth.

Finally the kiss broke and both boys backed away, out of breath, laughing, and hard as rocks.

"That was fun." Derrick said.

"Yeah, it was. Now its your turn, I dare you to....kiss me again just like before but this time you have to jack me off at the same time; or, I dare you too...." Greg was ready to move on to more heady stuff but wasn't sure if Derrick would go for it or not, but he decided he'd try and see what happened. "...kiss my dick the way we just kissed using your tongue until I tell you you can stop."

Derrick thought about it for a time and said, "I'll kiss and jack you off."

The two boys moved closer together, both sitting Indian style on the hard rock floor with only a thin blanket between their naked bottoms and the cold rock beneath. They moved together until their knees were touching and then leaned in and began kissing again. Much deeper this time and more passionately.

Derrick reached out and grabbed hold of Greg's hard cock and clumsily started jacking him off as they kissed. The sensation was so incredible that without even thinking about it Greg reached out and started jacking off Derrick too. The two boys kissed and stroked each other for much longer than either thought they would. They reveled in the feel of each others tongue in their mouth and each others dick in their hands.

But finally they were winded and the kiss broke.

Greg panted and said, "Wow, that was fun."

"Yeah," Derrick said, "Wanna do it some more?"

"Let's keep playing our game and see where it takes us. I'm willing to do anything you can think of, what about you?"

"Me too." Derrick replied enthusiastically.

"Okay Derrick its your turn. Try to be creative this time." Greg said.

Derrick thought about it for a bit and then said, "Okay, I dare you to... put my dick in your mouth and suck it like you would a sucker; or, I dare you to suck my balls until I tell you you can stop! HA!" Derrick cried triumphantly as if he had just pronounced check mate in a heated game of chess.

Greg smiled, he had been thinking of sucking Derrick's dick for a while now but had been afraid to voice his desire. Now was his chance but he found he was still a bit too nervous to go all the way yet so he said, "Okay, I'll suck your balls then."

Derrick grinned with delight and leaned back on both his arms spreading his legs wide, his rock hard cock standing straight up. By the firelight Greg could see the first few blonde hairs starting to grow in around Derrick's balls. Greg tried to remember how big Derrick's cock had been when they first got to the island and while he couldn't remember exactly he knew that it had grown quite a bit. He could now wrap four of his fingers around his dick when he jacked him off, and that little drop was now a larger milky drop too.

Turning himself over and laying down on his throbbing dick Greg leaned in between Derrick's legs. He ran his hands up the inside of his thighs and pushed them apart a little more while he stuck his tongue out and gently licked Derrick's balls for the first time.

Derrick shivered a little and scooted even closer to Greg's waiting mouth.

Finally deciding that he should just let his fear go Greg opened his mouth and pulled Derrick's balls fully inside him. His mouth began watering immediately and he moved his tongue around the smooth sack feeling the balls within move. Slowly he began sucking harder and harder until Derrick's balls were a tight lump in his hot mouth while his tongue worked them like candy.

Derrick's voice cracked a little when he said, "Okay you can stop."

But Greg didn't want to stop, he wanted to suck Derrick's dick so bad it was almost a pain to tear himself away from his crotch but he obeyed and sat upright.

"How was it?" Greg asked.

"Better than jacking off!" Derrick answered with a huge smile and they both laughed.

"Okay my turn," Greg said, "I dare you to do the same thing to me for as long as I want you to do it; or, I dare you to kiss my asshole again, but this time you have to use your tongue just like when we were kissing!" Greg's inhibitions were totally gone now and he could think of no limit to what he would do or what he wanted done to him.

"I'll suck your balls." Derrick said eager to see what it was like.

Greg speedily leaned back and spread his legs for Derrick, his dick so hard that it felt like it was straining to burst out of his own skin.

Without hesitation Derrick leaned over and took Greg's large hairy balls in his hand and stuffed them into his mouth.

Greg moaned out loud at the feeling of Derricks hot, wet mouth engulfing his filled balls. Derrick began sucking in earnest and moving his tongue all over Greg's balls. The sensation was so intense that Greg thought he was going to cum and cried, "Stop!"

Derrick came up from Greg's crotch in a hurry and said, "What, did I do something wrong?"

"No, but I was about to cum and I don't want to yet!" Greg said.

"Why not?"

"Because sometimes, if you get real close to cumming and then stop and start again when you do cum its even better." Greg explained.

"Anyway, its your turn."

"Okay." Derrick said, "I dare you to suck my balls some more, just like before; or, I dare you to suck my dick the same way."

Greg smiled inwardly and outwardly too. Finally he was going to be able to suck Derricks cock. He hadn't realized how badly he wanted to until that moment. "Hmmmm..." Greg said as if he were really thinking hard, "Well, I've already sucked your balls, might as well try sucking your dick!"

Derrick shrieked with anticipation and leaned back, offering up his throbbing cock and Greg went down on him without hesitation. Taking his entire dick into his mouth with one gulp. Derricks cock was hot and throbbed fiercely in Greg's mouth as he sucked and licked it. It was just the perfect length and thickness to fill his mouth. If it were any larger he wouldn't be able to fit it all in. But fit it all in he did and loved the sensation of that smooth skin in his mouth, that warmth filling his mouth with pleasure.

Greg popped Derrick's hard cock out of his mouth and said, "I have an idea. Why don't I suck you until you cum and then you suck me till I cum and then we can get some sleep, its getting late and I don't think the storm is going to break anytime soon."

Without a moments pause Derrick said, "Okay."

Greg smiled and leaned forward. He took Derrick's cock in his hand and stroked it a few times. His cocked gleamed in the firelight and, as if he was taking the most delicious food in his mouth, Greg took his hard cock back in his mouth and began sucking for all he was worth. He created enough suction in his mouth that he feared Derrick's cock might just explode and still it wasn't enough, he sucked and sucked consumed with the need to feel this hot cock in his mouth.

Derrick moaned and in a husky voice said, "God that feels good! I think I'm going to cum!"

And with that Derrick's hips thrust forward, pushing his cock just a little farther down Greg's throat causing him to gag a little and then came hard into Greg's mouth.

With the first pulse Greg knew Derrick was cumming and thought about pulling it out before his cum got in his mouth, but he knew that Derrick still only came a small drop and decided to go for it. To his surprise he felt a much larger squirt of cum hit the back of his throat as Derrick cried out in surprise also. The hot, bitter, salty cum flooded his mouth and before he could stop himself he had swallowed it. Surprisingly he continued to suck his cock a few strokes more, nursing another drop of cum out onto his tongue before withdrawing, his own cock so hard and sensitive that he feared he might cum.

"That was fucking incredible." Derrick said panting. It was the first time Greg had ever heard him cuss and in his current state it made him even hotter.

"Now do me!" he almost cried out and Derrick leaned right over and took his hard dick into his mouth.

Tears formed in Greg's eyes at the pleasure of Derricks hot wet mouth draped over his hard cock and he cried out, "I'm cumming!"

Derrick didn't even flinch, his mouth was filled to capacity with Greg's beautiful cock and he wanted more of it in his mouth but it just wouldn't fit. He sucked harder and harder until finally Greg exploded and flooded his mouth with the hot sticky cum. He had secretly tasted Greg's cum many times when Greg wasn't looking, after jacking him off, by discreetly licking it off of his fingers. He had come to love the secret tastes of Greg's cum and swallowed each spurt with great enthusiasm. Most of the cum shot straight down his throat but as he pulled back on Greg's dick one last shot hit his tongue full on and covered the inside of his mouth with its salty goodness and Derrick came again, with virtually no stimulation other than the feel of the blankets rubbing his hardon. He moaned with Greg's cock still in his mouth.

As Greg's breathing slowly returned to normal he cupped Derrick's head in his hands and slowly pulled his mouth off of his cock. It seemed as if Derrick didn't want to let it out. He pulled his head up and kissed him passionately wrapping his arms around his slight body and pulling him close to him until he was flat on his back with Derricks full weight on top of him. He ran his hands down Derrick's back and cupped his ass while they kissed, he could taste his own cum on Derricks tongue.

Slowly he rolled over and pulled the blanket over them both. Derrick squirmed around so that they were spooning and Greg put is arm around him tightly, his still hard cock pressed firmly against Derrick's ass and the two kissed one more time before falling fast asleep in each others arms.

The next day the boys awoke still wrapped in each others arms. The nights events not forgotten but strangely both boys felt a bit awkward about what they had done with each other.

Instead of talking the two got up, straightened up the cave and walked to the entrance to see if the storm had passed in the night. It had so they headed back to their hut both thinking the same thing but not voicing it. What if the hut was gone....

To their great relief the hut was still standing, leaning a bit and a lot of the big leaves used for the roof were gone, but it was still standing and Greg had learned early on how to replace the leaves as they dried up and became useless.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the broken limbs and debris that had been blown all over the place, finding food and boiling water. Neither boy spoke much but as the day passed the uncomfortable feelings passed too until, late in the day Derrick said, "I really had fun last night."

"Me too." Greg replied with a wiry smile on his face. He hadn't been able to block out the feel of Derrick's cock in his mouth all day. And the memory of his hard cock pressed firmly against Derrick's ass as they laid down to sleep haunted him whenever he let himself think about it. It had made him think of other things to do with each other, but he didn't believe Derrick would ever go for that. He wasn't sure he'd go for that either for that matter. But the thought of it was enough to make him half hard every time.

That evening as the two sat by the fire listening to the night surf Greg said, "You know, we haven't even jacked off once today. I wonder if we're getting sick!" and laughed at his own joke.

Greg replied, "I was thinking about that at lunch today and I got really hard, but for some reason I hid it from you."

"Are you embarrassed by what we did last night?" Greg asked.

"Not really, but kind of."

"I know what you mean. I feel the same way, but I also can't wait to do it again." Greg said.

"Me too!" Derrick screamed in delight and they both laughed.

"Well it only makes sense that if we both want to do it again then we shouldn't feel bad about it. I mean it looks like we're going to be stuck here for the rest of our lives and since there are no women on this island what else can we do?" Greg said.

"That's right, and we've already promised not to tell anyone what we did so who's to know." Derrick exclaimed.

"Cool." Greg replied.

"So, you wanna play Dare again?" Derrick asked.

Both boys fell over laughing at how eager they both were to repeat the experience but Greg had a better idea.

"How about we don't play Dare and just experiment with each other and do whatever we want." Greg suggested.

Derrick said, "Okay that sounds fun. Will you still do anything I can think of like you said last night?"

"I think so, I can think of a lot of things to do but I can't think of anything I wouldn't do with you. So what do you want to do?" Greg asked.

"Lets start by kissing." Derrick suggested.

So the two boys leaned over and kissed each other lightly on the mouth. One kiss, two kisses, on the third kiss Greg reached over and ran his hands through Derrick's hair and pulled him closer to him.

Slowly the boys laid down on their sides still open mouth kissing like two boy dying of thirst sucking up the last drop of water. Greg rolled slightly and Derrick rolled with him so that Derrick was on top of Greg.

Greg sighed with the pleasure of Derrick's naked body weighing on him and his cock throbbed to full attention pressed against Greg's smooth skin and he slowly began humping him. Not to be outdone Derrick began pumping back.

"Hold on a minute." Greg said, "Raise up a bit."

Derrick raised his body up off of Greg and Greg slowly positioned him so that when he laid back down on top of him their dicks were pressed firmly together and the two ground their groins together as they kissed and their hands explored each others body.

Without asking permission and without any hesitation Derrick slowly began kissing Greg's face, his nose, his chin and then his neck and shoulders slowly moving down until he was sucking Greg's nipple and then moving over to the other nipple.

Inch by tantalizing inch Derrick slowly moved down Greg's lean torso until finally he was poised between Greg's spread legs licking and sucking his hairy balls. Derrick couldn't believe how much he enjoyed sucking those hairy balls, even the hair felt good in his mouth and the sound of Greg sighing with pleasure sent ripples of pure ecstacy through his young body.

Slowly he kissed his way up the length of Greg's hard cock until he was slowly swirling his tongue around the hard head. Taking a deep breath Derrick gradually slipped Greg's hard dick in his mouth and began wetting it so that it would slide in and out easier.

Suddenly Greg felt the tip of his cock enter Derrick's mouth and moaned out loud as Derrick slowly took more than half of his hard cock into his hot, wet mouth. As Derrick stroked it, lovingly, tightly sucking it, Greg stiffened and faster than he wanted to he said, "I'm going to cum!"

Gratefully Derrick just kept sucking, taking even longer strokes with his wet mouth until Greg couldn't hold back any more and came in a loud earth shattering orgasm filling Derrick's mouth with the biggest, hottest load of cum Greg had ever shot.

Derrick felt Greg's ball tighten in his hand as he went down on his hard cock. He knew he was ready to cum even before Greg cried out and he couldn't wait. Greg's hips raised up off the ground thrusting his cock into Derrick's mouth and the first burst of cum was so hard that Derrick couldn't swallow it fast enough and it shot out of the corners of his mouth and draped down his chin and all over Greg's hard dick.

Derrick swallowed what he could and came up for a breath. As his mouth came off of Greg's pumping cock another burst of cum shot out of his dick and without even thinking about it Derrick went back down, quickly sucking the cum off of his hard head and down his shaft until he was licking his stomach trying to get every drop.

Finally he came up and kissed Greg on the mouth and pulled his shoulder to indicate that he wanted Greg ontop of him. Greg, being 16 was still ready to go and obliged by rolling over.

Now on top of Derrick he decided to try what he had been thinking about all day.

His cock was still slick from all of the cum and still hard as a rock. Gently he kissed Derrick's lips and whispered, "I want to try something else, just relax."

"Okay." Derrick said almost in agony at how horny he was.

Slowly Greg ran his hands down Derrick's legs until he reached his knees. He ran his hands behind Derrick's knees and pulled them up as he sat up too. He placed Derrick's feet on his shoulders and slowly spread Derrick's butt cheeks until his cherry ass hole was open and up in the air.

Derrick said, "Is it going to hurt?" somehow knowing what Greg was about to try and both welcoming it and being afraid of it at the same time.

"I don't know, but I'll be easy." Greg promised.

Greg took his right hand and gripped his own cock squeezing once and then placing his cock head gently against Derrick's asshole and slowly pushed.

Derrick took a deep breath and scrunched his eyes up as the pressure built. Along with the pressure their was some small amount of pain and a much larger amount of pleasure.

Millimeter by millimeter Greg slowly forced his cock into Derrick's hot, tight ass hole until he was half way in, then he slowly withdrew all the way. When his head popped out Derrick opened his eyes and half cried out, "Don't stop now!"

So Greg pressed his prick back in, this time he went in a little faster and Derrick's gasp was obviously one of pleasure and not pain, which encouraged Greg to go even farther this time until finally his hips were pressed close up against Derrick's crotch, his cock entirely buried in his now burning ass.

Faster and fast Greg began to pump, in and out, half way out, all the way in, most of the way out, all the way in, Derrick's inner muscles contracting and pleasuring him in ways he had never dreamed possible.

His orgasm came upon he with a fire that seemed to start behind his eyeballs and run like electricity down his spine as he thrust harder and harder, faster and faster. When his hot cum finally spurt out of him it did so with such force that it was almost pain and Greg cried out.

Derrick felt the end coming soon and began to tighten his butt muscles, pushing and pulling with his hips, never wanting this sensation to end but also dying to stick his dick in Greg's ass. Finally Greg moaned loudly and to Derrick's surprise he could feel the hot jets of cum shooting up his ass. It was such an intense moment that Greg bent forward and Derrick raised up, their open mouths meeting in the middle, and Greg thrust and thrust with maddening speed and shot load after load of hot cum up his ass.

Finally satiated Greg fell down onto of Derrick panting heavily into his ear. Derrick said, "Hurry up, roll over, I wanna try it too."

As worn out as he was Greg wanted to know what that felt like too and eagerly rolled over onto his stomach and pushed his legs up under him so that he was on his hands and knees.

Derrick rolled around and stood up, coming up behind Greg and squatting down on his knees. With his typical intensity Derrick grabbed his throbbing dick and put it in Greg's ass with one thrust causing Greg to cry out in pain, "Gently! Gently!"

Derrick slowed down and began to thrust, fire rushing up from his groin and into his stomach with each thrust. The smooth warmth that engulfed his cock was beyond anything he could have imagined and before his third thrust he came with such force that it made tears appear in his eyes.

Greg was reveling in the feeling of being penetrated, he found himself wishing Derrick had a bigger dick so he could have more inside him. When Derrick came Greg pulled forward causing Derrick's still spurting dick to slip out. He rolled over underneath Derrick and grabbed his throbbing and aching cock and began to pull at it fiercely, using Derrick's cum as a lube until he came again his cum shooting up and all over Derrick's tight little balls.

Derrick rolled off of Greg and onto his back panting a little and Greg took advantage of that moment to lean down and suck his own cum off of Derrick's balls, smiling as Derrick shivered from the feeling.

Gently they wrapped themselves together, kissing and drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

The next two years went by in rapid succession. An occasional storm drove the boys to their safe house and the sex continued and grew to lovemaking. The canned food in the hut had long since disappeared and they had lived on the coconuts, bananas and the muscles they were able to gather along the shore. Both boys were lean and in excellent physical health.

It was mid afternoon and Greg was having a nice nap when he heard Derrick shriek.

Startled into action Greg stumbled and fell, half in, half out of his hammock so that his leg was tangled and it took a moment or two to untangle himself. With ever breath he imagined Derrick dying in some horrible way.

Finally he was free and he ran. Reaching the beach he saw Derrick standing at the water line straining to see something far off on the horizon.

"What are hollering about! You scared me to death." Greg demanded.

"Look! Don't you see it!" Derrick nearly shouted in excitement.

"No! I don't see anything, what is it?" Greg asked straining his eyes trying to see something. Derrick had always had better vision.

"I think it's a ship!" Derrick said.

Dread seeped its way down Greg's spine at those words. He had thought about being rescued for a long time and the more he thought about it the more he hopped it never happened. He and Derrick had found a kind of heaven on this beautiful island. The land supplied them with the food and water they needed to live and their love for one another gave them everything else they could ever need.

What would happen if they were rescued? Would they just part and never see each other again? What if the outside world found out about their love? Would the be hated and shunned or welcomed? More and more Greg knew that if they were ever rescued he would never be so happy again.

A few minutes more and Greg was able to see the ship too. It was a big one and seemed to be heading very close to their island. It was time to talk.

"Its going to take them a while to see us." Greg said. "So lets talk for a minute."

"Can you wait! Just think PIZZA! ICE CREAM! I don't know what I'll eat first. And we'll finally be able to see our families!" Derrick was obviously thrilled at the prospect of going home.

"Yeah." Greg grunted.

"What's the matter? I thought you'd be happy." Derrick asked.

"I am. I guess." Greg sighed.

"No you're not. But why? Don't you want to go home?"

Greg decided to just say it. "Yes and no. I mean I want to eat real food again and I want to see my family and friends again. I know they must be worried. And I'd love to know what the fuck happened to us, how we got here. But at the same time I'm really happy here with you. And what happens to us if we go home? Will we ever see each other again? I love you Derrick, I don't think I want to live without you. And this island, I love this island, it feeds us and shelters us and allows us to be happy just living. Do you really want to give all that up?"

"Wow." Derrick said a bit awed by this stream of consciousness so unexpected. "I'd never thought of all that."

"I have, a lot. Look, I don't want to keep you from going home if that's what you want, and if you go I go. Just think about it for a minute." Greg said almost pleadingly.

With a very distressed look on his face Derrick stood up and said, "I need to think, I'll be back, keep an eye on the ship." and walked away.

Greg felt a lump in his throat, he had just hurt Derrick without even knowing it. The last thing on earth he would ever want to do. But he let him walk away he knew he needed to think about it.

Derrick walked back up the now well worn trail to the hut and stepped inside. It was dark and cool, clean and neat. The two had a lot of time on their hands and kept their home in tip top shape. It was a good life, Greg was right about that. And Derrick loved Greg every bit as much as Greg loved him. No one could ever bring Derrick so much pleasure, and not just from the sex either. Just being near Greg was pleasure for Derrick. And sitting by the fire at night, exhausted from the incredible sex they had had, with Greg propped up against a log and Derricks head in his lap, Greg gently running his fingers through Derrick's thick long blonde hair. Those were the best moments ever.

Derrick was 17 or 18 years old now. He wasn't sure which. And despite his lack of education was a very thoughtful and smart young man. He knew this was a life altering decision and he also knew that he was probably too young to be making such a decision. But there was no one else to make it for him. Greg had already said he had doubts about leaving but that he would go with Derrick whichever way he chose. So the decision was his and his alone.

Jack ran the small boat ashore and shut the motor off with an aggravated sigh. There was no way the two boys could have survived on such a small island for almost 3 years. It was a waste of time to search it. But the fathers had insisted that they seen someone on the beach so here he was.

Brian and Gail got out of the boat and helped Jack pull it further up on the beach. They stood and surveyed the layout.

Gail was the first to spot the trail, "Hey look, is that a trail? There couldn't be any animal life big enough to make a trail like that on this tiny island, maybe they did see something after all!"

The three walked up the beach and followed the trail to a clearing with a primitive hut in the middle and a fire pit that looked recent but was now cold.

Inside the hut were two hammocks and nothing else. There were bare footprints on the ground all over.

"Good lord." Jack said, "I think we've found them."

"But where are they?" Brian asked.

"Let's spread out and look around, they may be out gathering food. Look for more trails." Jack said.

The three spread out and began searching the surrounding jungle for a trail.

Jack's radio crackled and Drew's familiar voice echoed through the clearing. "Jack. You there Jack? Have you found anything?"

Jack couldn't bring himself to give Drew and Mark any false hopes. He knew that they were more likely to find two corpses than two boys. But for two years these men had spent every penny they could beg borrow or steal to look for their sons. They never faltered.

The kidnappers had told them the general area of the ocean where they had left them but both men had died before they could tell them exactly where they had left them. For the first six months the Coast Guard had conducted the search with helicopters, planes and boats. But finally they had given up.

Drew and Mark however would never give up. Both had been wealthy, happily married businessmen before this. But after such a long time their fortunes were gone along with their wives and friends and happiness.

They were driven by the certain knowledge that somewhere out there, their son's were alive and praying every night that their dad's would find them.

"I found something!" Gail called. The others rushed to her. She was standing in front of a smaller trail.

"Well don't just stand there, lets see where it goes." Jack said.

The trio of would-be rescuers headed up the trail and found the cave along with the stored supplies but no sign of Greg and Derrick.

Suddenly Brian called out, "Hey come look at this."

Jack and Gail came out of the cage and found Brian squatting a few yards away brushing sand away from something.

"I thought I saw a mound over here, it didn't look natural so I thought I'd check it out. Look."

Jack and Gail squatted beside Brian and looked. It was a small cross, very worn by the passage of time and mostly buried by the sand. The three looked at each other and knew what they had found. It was one of the boys.

"Now what do we do?" Brian asked.

"I don't know." Jack sighed.

"I think we should leave him here. The other one is probably gone too, but there was no one to burry him. Maybe he just walked out into the ocean in his loneliness. Either way I doubt he's still alive. He'd have heard us by now."

They all knew he was right.

Later that night Drew and Mark placed a large cross on the grave. They had made it out of wood onboard the ship and one of the sailors had craved

Greg Lewis


Derrick Rockhill

May they lie in the peace and rest of the innocent.

They were taken too soon.

Greg and Derrick stood on the shore, the sun had set and the stars were shining brightly under the full moon.

The ships lights had long since disappeared on the horizon.

"Are you sure we made the right choice?" Derrick asked.

Greg squeezed Derricks hand, "I don't know. But its done now."

The two turned and headed back to their hut a little heavy of heart and uncertain about their future but both happy to be in each others company.

They had seen their fathers again and discovered the grave of the hut's builder, it had been right in front of them all along. Both events had shaken the boys but their resolve to stay together, no matter the cost was still strong.

They sat by the cold fire pit, arm-in-arm, and watched as the dawn finally broke over the horizon.


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