An ICONic Love Story

By Matt Spence

Published on Apr 1, 2012



Author's note: The following story is a work of fiction. All celebrities presented here are real people, but they are characters in this story. The text in no way implies any knowledge of the celebrities' true sexuality or actions, and it is not intended to suggest that the celebrities are straight, bisexual, or homosexual. This is from my imagination only; the events depicted here involve sexual acts with minors, are fictional, and are not true. I do not own any rights to America's Best Dance Crew or any affliates. If you are underage in your location or offended by this type of story, please do not read! Email Me at for feedback or other notes! Enjoy!

An ICONic Love Story

Chapter 1: You Are My GRANDman

"Vinny can you believe we made it past the first round!"

Madison Alamia was excited beyond belief. He and his crew the, ICONic Boyz, had made it past the first week of America's Best Dance Crew after dancing to Ke$Ha's "Your Love is My Drug." They were the youngest crew to ever walk the stage and the first week couldn't have gone better. The judges and the crowd seemed to love them. Madison wasn't sure if it was how cute all seven boys are or if they really liked their dancing. Now he was starting to question why Geo, their dance instructor, had chosen the boys for the competition.

The seven boys consisted of Vincent "GRANDman" Castronovo,14; Nick "Nicholicious" Mara,14; Madison "Madboy" Alamia;13, Michael "Spikey Mikey" Fusco,12; Thomas "T-Money" Miceli,11; Jason "No Bonez" Smith, 11; Louis "DaPitbull" DiPippa, 10. All the boyz were relatively good looking and being from the Jersey Shore they all felt had a sterotype to fill by being tan, at least Madison, Nick, and Mikey did. The boys had a your typical dancer bodies, very lanky with some muscle, excluding Mikey who had abs to rival "The Situation" himself and Thomas who was on the chubbier side.

"I know! The crowd loved when Mikey lifted his shirt and showed his abs!"

"It was all Vin's idea you guys. So, thank him!" Mikey said.

"I just thought the crowd would love it and help us win this thing,"

"Sure Vinny, but we all know you have a thing for Mikey," butted in Nick. All the boys snickered, except for Vinny and Madison.

Vinny was embarresed. The boys were always making jokes about Vinny and Mikey even if it was in good fun. None of the boys actually thought he was gay, they just decided to pick on Vinny because he was oldest. In truth Vinny was gay, but he wasn't attracted to Mikey. Mikey was like Vinny's younger brother that he never had. Vinny was actually attracted to Madison. He couldn't help but feel something for him after all he had been the one to always stick up for Vinny.

"Come on guys, leave Vinny alone. He was right. The crowd AND judges loved it, even JC and he's the toughest."

The boys all had to agree with Madison. He was right, so they all turned their attention to the stage where the final crew to move was about to be announced. It was between the pole dancing crew, Jag6ed, and the all the b-boy crew, Instant Noodles. Most of the boys, especially Nick, wanted the pole dancers to move on. It was the closest to watching actually strippers the boys had come to.

"Come on Jag6ed!" Nick whispered. He really wanted to see more pole dancing. He got so hard watching them dance. Then the boys hear it INSTANT NOODLES!!

"Damn," thought Nick.

Vinny silented cheered! He was so happy! He hated seeing girls dance like. He thought it was so gross. Also, a darker thought came across. He thought, "Well now Nick and Madison won't have these whores to masterbate to." Little did Vinny know Madison was thinking the same thing. After Jag6ed left the stage all eight remaining crews; Phunk Phenomenon, I aM mE, reQuest, Street Kingdom, FootworKINGz, 787 Crew, ICONic Boyz, and Instant Noodles, all returned to circle the stage to listen to the man Randy Jackson give a short speech about winning. Then, Mario Lopez told them they were all going to be getting personal videos from The Black Eyed Peas themselves for the next episode amd with that ended the episode.

The boys were so excited, they all loved The Peas and couldn't wait to get started on their routine for the next show. However, the boys were tired and needed to get some sleep before starting the long week ahead of them. The show was providing them with hotel acommodations since the boys are from New Jersey and needed somewhere to stay. Since the boys are minors the show required their parents come with them, this was difficult for Madison though for his parents could not come because they worked full time and couldn't afford to miss work for the extent of the show. This however was fixed with the show, because the Castronovo's promised to look after him. So while everyone would be rooming with their parents. The two boys Madison and Vinny went to their own room which was right across the hall from Vinny's mom and sister, Bianca. The boys were settling in their beds, but Vinny wanted to talk to Madison.

"Hey Madison, you still awake?"

"Yeah Vin, what's up"

"Well I just really wanted to thank you for always sticking up for me with the other boys. I know they're just joking, but it still feels nice to have someone stick up for."

"Vin I know you don't have any brothers and no one to really pick on you, so when the boys joke you may take it to heart more than you should. Growing up with an older brother who always make fun of me for dancing and playing the piano is tough, but it makes me stronger. I figure I would just help you." Madison wasn't exactly truthful, his brother had nothing to do with this. In truth Madison was madly in love with Vinny, but didn't want to tell Vinny in fear of rejection.

"Uh, thanks Madison. Your a true friend."

Some time passed with no one saying anything, just some light breathing from both boys. Neither were asleep because of all of the adrenaline they had produced today after dancing on television. However Madison had almost drifted asleep when Vinny whispered rather closely.

"Madison you still awake?"

"Yes..." and as Madison was rolling over to face Vinny to talk, Vinny caught him by surprise and kissed full on the lips. Madison was stunned. He hadn't expected this at all. It was a short kiss, which left a very awkward silence in the air. Madison cut the silence by addressing the elephant in the room.

"So, Vincent, are you umm, you know? Gay?" Nothing. "Vinny will you answer me. I really need to know." Still nothing. Madison began to wonder if he just imagined the whole thing or maybe he was dreaming. He decided he was dreaming and rolled over to hopefully see what would happen next. Nothing happened. He then knew he wasn't dreaming. He got up from his bed and headed to bathroom to give Vinny some time to think, not to mention he had to take a huge piss. After relieving his bladder, he came in and saw Vinny fast asleep. He went closer and noticed Vinny's eyes were red and puffy. Madison leaned in to Vin and kissed him on the cheeck.

"Goodnight Vincent. You are my GRANDman and I love you and when you are ready to admit your feelings and let it all out. I will be here for you. Never forget that." Madison began to cry as he said these things and as silently as he could slipped into his bed. Soon afterward he fell fast asleep.

Chapter 2: Teenage Dream

A week and a half had passed since Vinny and Madison had kissed, and Vinny was avoiding Madison at all cost. He spent a lot of his time talking in hushed whispers with his sister Bianca and some of the members of Street Kingdom. Madison was confused. He was hurting inside and it was showing in practice and his mandatory school work. Two days before were to preform to "Teenage Dream" for the Katy Perry episode and they had the challenge of creating a wall and knocking it down. The boys had finished almost all of their choreo except what to do with the wall. The boys were arguing over two ideas, Madison's versus Nick's. Madison wanted to have Nick, Thomas, Jason, Mikey, and Louis make a small wall around Vinny, who was gonna pretend to be a girl, and break the wall down to let Madison in. This was supposed to be a sign for Vinny to be open with him. Nick however wanted to have all the boys make a wall and Jason, Louis, and Mikey to just jump off.

"Madison your idea is stupid! Nobody will get it!"

"Well your idea is too simple!!! We're going up against I aM mE, 787, and Phunk Phenomenon! We can't just be simple!"

"Shut up Madison!" The room went silent. "Madison the girls love us. Who gives a fuck about how simple the wall is! We are doing the cat daddy in our preformance and we are gonna win the heart of every girl in America, they want to see us be sexual. We are icons now! Now that's final!" Madison and the others knew Nick was correct and he was right it was final. Nobody, however, had noticed Vinny had slipped out of the room.

The boys decided on taking a break to help Nick and Madison cool down after their fight. Nick went to speak with Louis and Mikey, and Madison went to talk to Vinny, when he finally noticed he had gone.

"Hey did anyone see Vinny leave?" None of the boys had. "Dammit Vinny, where did you run off to," Madison said out loud. "I'm going to find him, I'll be back." Madison began to wonder the halls of the dance studio the show uses when he heard a faint crying. "Vin you in there?" No reply. Madison tried the handle and surprisingly it was unlocked. "Vinny it's just me Madison"

"What the hell do you want?" These words stung Madison. He hadn't ever heard anything hostile come from Vinny's mouth.

"Vin I just came to find you. Why did you leave?"

"Why? Really you ask why? I know you wanted me to play the girl because you want to get back at me for kissing you the other day." Madison was shocked.

"Vinny you can't honestly believe that's why I did that! Vin I did it because I wanted it to mean I want you to let me into your life!" Now it was Vinny's turn to be shocked.

"Wait! What!"

"You heard me Vin! I want you to let me in!! I love you! Don't you get it now?" Vinny was still processing everything in his mind. He couldn't believe what Madison had just said. He knew this was just a dream and began slapping himself in the face hard to wake up.

"Vin STOP!!" It was Madison holding his arms so he couldn't slap himself. This wasn't a dream. It was reality. They were staring into each others eyes and they finally gave into the powerful forces of love and lust and began making out. Madison moved first and mashed his lips against Vinny's with such intensity as if Madison's life depended on this kiss. Vinny didn't know what to do, so he just tried to return Madison's intense kiss. They stayed lip locked until Madison began pushing his tongue through his lips trying to force it's way into Vinny's. Vinny broke the kiss.

"Madison, wait."

"What is it GRANDman?" Vinny was taken by surprise Madison had never called him that.

"You called me GRANDman. Why?"

"Because Vincent Castronovo, you are the grandest man I know and I love you."

"Woah Madison. We need to take this slow. I'm still trying to process this whole thing. Let's wait until after this episode and I promise we will continue what was happening here." Madison was a little hurt and disappointed, but most of all he had a raging boner which was clearly visible through his basketball shorts.

"Ok Vinny. I will wait, but you can't keep doing this. I mean look if you keep giving me blue balls I might just do something irrational to you." He said this jokingly of course. Vinny just laughed at him.

"Come on you goof, before the boys really start to miss us and steal all the tv spots." The boys ran off to join the others in practice. They were in high spirits and were glad the camera crew showed up after all the drama.

Two days had passed and the boys had just preformed and had just been slammed hard by D-Trix about how simple their preformance was.

"I told you Nick! D-Trix said exactly what I was saying!"

"Oh come on Madison it will be ok! Did you hear the crowd cheering for us when we did the cat daddy. I mean it sounded like we had just starting stripping or something. Besides JC and Lil' Mama loved it."

"True, but next time we are going with Vinny and my idea. Got it?"

"Yeah whatever, we had better play the crowd though."

Nick and the other boys went to be interviewed by the backstage host, while Vin pulled Madison aside.

"Madison were you being serious about yours and my idea?"

"Yes, of course Vin. I want more of your input. You have great ideas and I heard a rumor that next week is Rihanna and we have to dance hall. You are the dance hall expert in the group and you need to step up."

"Thanks Madison that means a lot. Umm Madison I've thought about us and tonight I want us to finish that kiss."

"Are you sure Vin? I don't want you to do anything you don't want to."

"Madison I'm ready."

With that the two boys went off to join their crew and watch and see if Street Kingdom or reQuest are going home. Street Kingdom was truly amazing and all of the boys wanted them to stay. They all had formed a strange bond with them and 787. In the end reQuest was sent packing and Madison's rumor proved to be correct which excited Vinny and Madison especially because Rihanna's personal choerographer was gonna help them with dance hall movements.

The boys headed to the hotel to once again catch some sleep before the long week ahead of them. However, sleep was the last thing on Vinny and Madison's mind. They wanted to get started on the dance hall moves since Vinny was the expert. Vinny and Madison just danced freestyle to Rihanna's "Hard" and "Disturbia". Then "Rude Boy" came on.

"Madison I've never grinded."

"Really Vinny? Well this would be a good song to teach you how to."

Madison got in front of Vinny and started to grind his ass all over Vinny's crotch. Vinny instantly got hard and Madison just laughed him.

"It's ok, I would be shocked if you didn't get hard. Just go with and move your crotch with my butt."

This, being Vinny's first time, was a little awkward at first as he wasn't moving his hips right. Eventually he got it though and it became a room full of sexual energy. The song ended and "Teenage Dream" came on.

"Madison you are my teenage dream and I will let my walls down and let you in." Vinny moved in first this time. As he went in for the kiss, he was met half way and a kiss that rivaled every great kiss in history began. It was full of love and passion. Madison walked Vinny to the bed and without breaking the kiss fell to the bed. Madison again pushed his tongue between his teeth and began to push at Vinny's mouth. Vinny hesitated only for a second before opening his mouth and allowing Madison's tongue to probe his mouth.

Madison was on such a high that he had never felt before. He had no control of his body and arms. His arms started to feel Vinny's body and become familar with the territory he so lusted over. He was of couse over stepping with Vinny, but he had no control over himself. His hormones had kicked into high gear and he wanted Vinny more than ever. His hand brushed Vinny's crotch which was warm and hard. Madison could only imagine the treasure he would dscover down there. He needed to know, but before either boy could get any further there was a knock on the door.

"Boys, turn down the music you need to sleep!"

"Ok Mom!" Vinny yelled.

"Well that totally killed the mood GRANDman." Both boys laughed. It was true Vinny's mom was a total boner killer for both boys.

"I tell you what Madison. If we make it to the top four I promise you we will go even farther." Vinny was just saying this so as to buy time to get himself ready for it.

"It's a deal GRANDman, but can we still kiss?"

"Of course MADboy." Kissing him on the lips.

"Why did you call me MADboy?" Kissing him back.

"Duh silly because because you become MAD when you become horny."

Both boys laughed hard at Vin's joke. The two boys then got ready for bed and after goodnight kissing the boys drifted off to sleep with a determined will to make it to the top four.

Chapter 3: Hold You Like a Pillow

The time had finally arrived! It was time for the Rihanna/Dance Hall episode! The week had gone by without a hitch. Vinny had come with a grand routine and Tanisha Scott, Rihanna's personal choreographer, came and gave the boys the challenge of doing Give It A Run. Little did she know this happened to be Vinny's favorite move and had already planned on using the song. This was Vinny's week, he had the dance, he had a boyfriend, and Nick and the other boys didn't interefere. He was on top of the world.

"SHOW TIME," someone yelled!

Vinny snapped out of his thought process and looked at his crew and the six crews remaining. He knew he only had to beat two more crews to get closer to his love Madison. The show started and being TV only one crew was announced to move on and it was Instant Noodles, who were performing to "Hard" featuring Jezzy. The boys all watched in amazment as the b-boys did some of the craziest stunts they had ever seen. When they had finaly finished the crews were rushed onto stage to reveal another safe crew and one that was in the bottom two.

"Welcome back to Ameica's Best Dance Crew....," started Mario, "I'm about to reveal some more of the results. Let's turn to ICONic Boys and 787 crew."

"Shit, shit, shit." This is all that was running through Madison's mind at the moment he couldn't beileve this. He just knew that they would be in the bottom. "Damn you Nick I told you we should have gone complex," he thought to himself, "Now i'll never get with Vinny."

"The safe crew is..... The ICONic Boyz!"

The boys were relieved, especially Vinny and Madison, who hugged for a little longer than normal without realizing it. As Mario was segwaying into the boys clip for the week, Madison turned to Vinny.

"Vin you ready to shine tonight?"

"Yeah Madison, but don't you realize what this means?"

"No, wait..." It hadn't hit him until just then. 787, Madison's personal idols would be in the bottom. "Dammit Vin, what if they go home? Vin I don't know if I can handle that."

"Madison stop. It'll be ok. We need to worry about dancing first and then we'll worry about 787. Madison this is the performance to get us into the top four! We have to be on top of our game!"

"Ok, ok I understand. Let's do this."

"Yeah buddy!" With that the boys got into position just as the clip ended. Mario handed it over to them and it was time for the boys to dance, and did they dance. The song was Only Girl (In the World), and Vinny had made sure it was their best performance ever. Vinny made sure he played their aces, worked the crowd, and even threw in some comedy. The performance was everything the judges wanted and more. Even D-Trix who had been so hard on them the week before praised them for this one. The boys were estatic about the preformance and praised Vinny for this one.

"Man Vinny we just set the bar high tonight!" exclaimed Jason.

"Dude yeah we are guaranteed a spot next week," added Mikey.

Madison and Vinny looked at each other at this comment.

"You think so Mikey," asked Vinny

"Totally Vin. Did you hear that crowd? They loved us," said Thomas.

Everyone agreed right about the time the interviewers showed up. Vinny always dreaded these interviews. It was just a bunch of personal questions that girls who will never met them ask. Vinny had to be honest the questions creeped him out and always tried to stay out of the interview and let the other boys answer all the questions.

About half way through the interview Vinny noticed Madison was gone. Vinny quietly slipped away from the creepy questions to see where Madison had gone to, and he had a pretty good idea of where he was. He wondered over to the 787 corner and there Madison was talking with the Puerto Ricans that he had become so fond of.

"Are you guys sure you guys are gonna make it?"

"Yes Madison we're sure. We've put some of our biggest tricks and come on it's Rihanna. We gonna make her proud."

"Good. You guys can't go home yet."

"We won't we promise." With that Madison turned around to see Vinny watching him.

"Vinny," said a startled Madison, "What are you doing here?"

"What can't I check in on my MADboy?"

"HA of course GRANDman. I was just making sure they were prepared. I think I just heard they are going up against Phunk Phenomenon!"

Vinny in his head said, "Shit, they're dead." He dare not say it out loud though. He loved Madison and didn't want to hurt him. "Oh I'm sure they'll do fine. Come on let's return to the crew and chill out and wait."

The two boys returned to find the others had started a game of UNO to help pass the time before the results. The boys watched I aM mE's preformance in awe. Then it was time for Street Kingdom who did a very sexual dance to "Rude Boy". Now it was time for the bottom two. Phunk went first and boy did they go hard. They were in total awe of the b-boy Bebo who jumped over a guy on his head! Finally, it was time for 787 and Madison was so nervous he could barely stand it. He ended up closing his eyes when he felt a gentle hand in his own. Vinny had grabbed Madison's hand in hopes that it would calm him down, and it did. Madison opened his eyes and watched as his idols tore up the stage to "What's My Name" featuring Drake. Madison couldn't believe his eyes they were amazing and he knew they would make it.

When they finished Madison turned to Vinny exclaming, "Vin did you see that!!! It was amazing!"

"Yeah buddy! It was amazing!" Vinny was actually lying to him. He knew Phunk had actually done better but he didn't want to hurt Madison. He loved him and couldn't hurt him. He knew when they went home Madison would be devastated, but he would be there for him when it happened for he knew Madison would need someone.

"Welcome back..."

"It's time Vin!" Madison was becoming impatient. He wanted to know and he wanted to know now.

"I have to the judges decision in my hand. It's time to reveal the crew that will still be in the running for the 100,000 dollar grand prize and the shot at becoming America's Best Dance Crew. The judges.."

Madison was squeezing Vinny's hand so hard it was turning blue. Vinny didn't dare say anything; he knew Madison needed this and it was about to become much worse for him.

"The crew that is moving on is..." "Oh shit," Vinny thought. "PHUNK PHENOMENON!"

Vinny had predicted correctly and when the news had reached Madison's ears he instantly knew for Madison had let go of his hand to cheer.

"Umm Madison, why are you clapping?"

"Because he said 787! Right he said 787 right?" Madison looked confused. He honestly thought Mario had said 787, but the look in Vinny's eyes said a different story.

"I'm so sorry Madison." Vinny moved in for a hug but Madison pushed him away. He couldn't believe that 787 was going home.

"Your wrong Vin. They didn't get kicked off. Look I'll prove it."

Madison ran to where he knew the safe crew would be and to his shock Phunk Phenomenon was there. His mind was racing. He then knew Vinny was right and began to cry. Vinny had followed Madison because he knew once he saw Phunk he would cry and he didn't want Phunk to see that.

He found Madison in a corner not far from where Phunk was. He was crying just as Vinny knew he would be. When Madison saw Vinny they fell into an embrace more out of friendship than love. Vinny knew Madison needed this. He was hurt and needed someone strong to support him. After what seemed like an eternity to Vinny, he pulled Madison off of him, looked him in the eye and began to help Madison heal his wound.

"Madison listen I know this hurts, but you knew deep down that it was going to happen eventually." Madison heard the truth in Vinny's word. "To really help you out you need to go see them and tell them goodbye. Come on we'll go find them toether." Vinny grabbed Madison by the hand and began searching for 787 backstage. They eventually found them giving their farewell interview.

"Ok Madison I want you to go in there and tell them goodbye. It will help. I promise." Madison could only nod his head. "I'll be waiting for you right here."

Madison walked into the room where the interview was happening and Vinny just watched him teary eyed. Vinny didn't like seeing Madison cry. He was supposed to be the big macho man. This just proved to Vinny everyone is human. Watching Madison say goodbye to 787 was hard for Vinny, he had never seen Madison cry so hard, but he knew it was good for him to get it out of his system.

"Thanks Vin. That really helped."

With that the two boys headed to the main stage to await instructions for next week. When D-Trix finally arrived the boys were glad to hear that the challenge would be Bieber!!! They all respected Justin Bieber and knew his work and wanted to be just like him. D-Trix also surprised them with a copy of Bieber's new DVD, Never Say Never!! The boys were so excited to get back to the hotel to watch the DVD.

Madison and Vinny hurridly showered and dressed for bed, so they could watch the DVD together. Madison was in his bed as Vinny got out of the bathroom and when Vinny was about to get into bed Madison asked.

"Hey Vin do you mind sitting with me while we watch the movie?" Vinny was taken aback, but couldn't decline.

"Of course Madison. No problem." So instead of getting into his own bed, for the first time, Vinny climbed into Madison's and laid right next him.

"Thanks Vin. One more thing though."

"What Madison?"

"I want to hold you like a pillow."

"Oh, yeah sure Madison."

Madison grabbed Vinny and held on like a long lost teddy bear. Vinny enjoyed the feeling of Madison's strong arms holding him in a loving embrace. Madison had laid his head on Vnny's chest. He felt the warmth of Madison's body against him and his warm breath on his chest was driving him crazy. Vinny however just leaned down and kissed Madison on the head and turned on the DVD. The boys didn't make it very long before falling asleep in the exact position they started. It was if they were made to fit together in this postion. It was home for both.

Chapter 5: Somebody To Love

This week had been very stressful for Vinny. He was excited to dance to Bieber, but their challenge was to incorporate basketball moves into the routine. Vinny is not the sporty type. He could dance, but that was about it. So, for the second time Vinny had to leave the choreo to Nick and Madison. Vinny wasn't sure why, but he was becoming very jealous of Nick because of all the time he and Madison were spending together. Vinny felt like Madison was ignoring him when in actuality Madison was just trying to insure they moved onto to the top 3 with this proformance.

"Vinny will you please pay attention! I'm trying to help you with the dribble choreo!"

Vinny snapped out of it. He was in the hotel room with Madison the night before the show perfecting the basketball moves.


"Vin it's ok, but this performance is important this gets us into to the top 3."

"I know, I know. It's just... well I know this will sound dumb, but I've just been feeling a little left out and maybe a bit jealous of all the time you've been with Nick."

"Vin are you being serious?"

"Yes, I am."

Vinny said this very solemnly with a low head. Madison walked over to his love and lifted his head and looked straight into his eyes.

"Vinny you are and I mean this the only one for me. Do not ever forget that."

With that Madison put his soft lips onto Vinny's and kissed him. Vinny understood what he meant with this kiss, Madison was saying I have you and I do not want to lose you. As the kiss grew longer so did the boy's privates. Madison went to grab Vinny when Vinny caught him. Vinny broke the kiss only to say this.

"Madison not until tomorrow."

Madison was sad, but only for a split second as Vinny came back to finish the kiss. It was pure ectasy for the two boys. They both enjoyed the feeling of being so close to the other. Madison broke the kiss this time to get them back on track for the show.

"Vin we really must be getting back to this dance. I want us to win."

Vinny didn't want to stop. Madison had his hormones going crazy, but he knew Madison was right.

"Ok Madison, but tomorrow if we make it, we will finish what we keep starting."

"Don't say if, we will make it and I promise you I will blow your mind."

"I hope that's not all you'll blow."

The boys just laughed and again began working on the choreo for the show. When the boys felt confident that their moves would get them into the top three they called it quits and got ready for bed. Instead of getting in seperate beds like they had been only a few weeks before they once again fell asleep in the same bed. It was their favorite place to be.

The time had finally arrived for the show. It was also the most nervous Vinny had ever been in his entire life. He wanted to, no, he needed to know if they had made the top four. Madison was looking all over for Vinny they needed to get to makeup before the show started and nobody could find him. Madison searched everywhere, and eventually found him the bathroom holed up in a stall.

"Vin what are you doing! We have to get to makeup now!"

"Madison I can't!! I just can't I'm too nervous!!"

"Vin why are you so nervous?"

"You know why."

"Vin, you really think I wouldn't go farther with you if we didn't make it tonight?"

"Well yeah kinda."

"Oh Vin what am I gonna do with you. Your so cute sometimes."

Vin just laughed. "So no matter what happens tonight you were gonna love me."

"Of course GRANDman. Now give me a quick kiss an let's head to makeup."

Vin quickly kissed Madison and led the way to makeup to get ready for the show. They arrived at makeup and saw Mikey in one the chairs getting ready.

"Dude what took you guys! You guys are cutting it close."

"Sorry Mikey, Vin was so nervous he thought he was gonna puke, but he's ready now."

"Well good. We have to kill this proformance. If we win just think of all the girls we'll have waiting for us."

"Dude we already have that. Right Vin?"

"Uh, yeah totally. It's crazy."

"Good. There's this high school girl back home I've always wanted to ask out."

"Mikey don't you think your setting your sights a little too high."

"Nah Madison. She'll want me now."

"Whatever man let's just get through this one preformance at a time."

They got their makeup done and hurried to the stage for the show. The other boys were already there and looked just as nervous. Vin whispered to Madison.

"I'm glad I'm so nervous in a way."


"Look what we're wearing."

Madison looked and admired Vinny's body and figured out what he meant.

"Ha oh yeah, these basketball shorts would totally show your boner."

With that the show began. Mario walked out to announce the beginning like always. Vinny just tuned him out. 'Come on Mario let's get to the results', Vinny thought.

"Now to the results. I will announce one safe crew and another that could be out of the game tonight. Let's turn to... ICONic Boyz and Instant Noodles."

'OH MY GOD' Vinny thought. 'Mario why must you do this! We are in the bottom two for sure.'

"The first safe crew is... ICONic Boyz!"

Vinny and Madison were so excited! They just couldn't believe it! They made it to the top four! Their preformance was a hit with the judges except for being too easy for JC. They didn't care, all Madison and Vinny could think about was getting to the hotel to complete this great night. The two actually didn't spend a lot of time together after the preformance Vinny went to hang out with Jojo from Street Kingdom, whereas Madison didn't have anyone besides his own crew because 787 got voted off last week. This brought back bad memories, but it also reminded him that Vinny was there for him the whole time so he needed to let him have his time.

After the show in which Instant Noodles was sent home, instead of getting their next challenge the crews were told to go to the hotel and they would find out tomorrow. Vinny and Madison couldn't wait to get to the hotel. The ride to the hotel felt like a millinium to them. It couldn't go any slower. When they finally arrived Vinny swiftly kissed his mother on the cheek and told her and his sister good night. When Vinny stepped into the room Madison was already in the shower getting all cleaned up.

Vinny's mind was racing. 'What if I can't get hard, What if Madison doesn't like my dick, What if I can't pleasure him?' He thought it was all happening too fast. He couldn't beileve the time had actually arrived. He was so nervous that he almost puked right then and there. That's when Madison came out of the bathroom in only a towel. Vinny couldn't help but stare. Madison was an adonis! He was so brown and all the dancing and basketball had left him with a beautiful set of muscles. He had the most defined V-line Vinny had ever sine. He didn't have a happy trail yet, but Vinny could see the top of what looked to be the starting of pubic hair. His nipples were were as pink as lips. They looked so tasty to Vinny.

"Madison you are so fucking hot."

"Vin did you just drop the "f" bomb? I mean I know I'm hot and all but the "f" bomb really?"

"Sorry Madison you just caught me off guard. Now can you drop the towel so I can see what your hiding?"

"Sorry GRANDman. You have to shower first. You stink."

"Ha ok but can't you give me a little preview. Pretty please."

"Ha ok, but only a small one."

Madison turned around and Vinny saw Madison's powerful back muscles and he let his towel drop for only a second giving Vinny a view of his wonderful butt. It was sculpted and tight. Vinny wanted to touch and caress it so badly. Madison fixed his towel around his waist.

"Now shower before I get too tired."

Vinny needed no further instructions and quickly ran to the shower. While Vinny was in the shower, Madison was getting the bedroom ready for the night. He turned off all of the lights and lit some candles he had bought in the hotel store. He got his laptop out and started a playlist of the songs they had danced too plus others that he thought would set the move. All that was left was getting himself into position. He took off his towel and let his glory hang out. He was hard as a rock in antipation of what was coming up. His five inch cut dick was ready as was Madison. He laid on the bed waiting for his love to get out the shower.

When Vinny emerged from the bathroom and saw Madison laying on the fully exposed for Vinny. His dick instantly hit it's full five and half inches. It knew exactly what it wanted. Vinny almost ran to join Madison on the bed for their first time.

"I'm so ready MADboy."

"As am I GRANDman."

Madison started by the same way they started every session by a very passionate kiss. It was like the room wasn't even there. The world didn't matter to the two boys. The only think the two knew were themselves. This time as Madison reached down to grab Vinny, he let him. It was time and Vinny never regretted it. It was the most amazing feeling he had ever had. The warmth from Madison's hand was driving him crazy. He had never felt this feeling. He wanted Madison to feel the same way, so he grabbed him. Madison moaned in Vinny's mouth as he did this. Madison was on the edge of no return and they had only began.

"Vinny you've got to stop before I cum everywhere."

"Ok, but isn't that what we utimately want?"

"Well yes, but so early I want to try something before getting there."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Just lay down and I'll show you."

Vinny laid on his back while Madison straddled him. He started by resuming the kiss and slowly rubbing the two boys rock hard members together making them throb with pleasure. Madison then moved his mouth from Vinny's and began kissing his way down Vinny's neck, but not for long he didn't want to give him a hickey. He continued on his conquest of Vinny's body while Vinny was moaning and writhing from the pleasure that Madison's mouth was making him have.

"Uhh, Madison. Please keep going."

Madison was way ahead of him. Madison had moved onto Vinny's nipples. They were about as big as a nickel and rock hard. Madison dove in and began nibbling on them and sucking on them. Madisonn had no clue what had come over him, all he knew is that he wanted Vinny more than anything else.

"Oh god Madison that feels so good!"

Madison just looked up and smiled very sly like. Vinny knew what this look meant and was prepared for exactly what Madison had planned next. Madison slowly moved down from the nipples kissing his way down. Vinny was not as muscled as Madison, but by no means was he fat, in fact he wasn't even the least bit chubby. He was just very lean. Madison loved it and kept working his way down eventually finding the patch of pubic hair just above Vinny's rock hard dick. He didn't even look for permission. He took the cut dick in hand and began kissing the underside of it.

"Holy shit Madison."

Vinny couldn't help himself. It felt way too good not to moan in pleasure.

"Mmm Vinnny you taste good."

"Madison please keep going. That was amazing."

Madison took the cue and took Vinny's pink head into his mouth and began licking it like a sucker. Vinny's mind was in a head rush. He had never had such intense pleasures before. He put his hand on Madison's head wanting him to go farther down on his dick. He wanted Madison to engulf him, but this being Madison's first time he just couldn't do it. He could only get about the first three inches in his mouth before gagging. So he started bobbing his head up and down on Vinny's dick while his fingers were playing with his balls. Madison really wanted to try something, but wasn't sure how Vinny would take it. He decided to do it anyway and stuck a finger in Vinny butt hole. Vinny was in pure ectasy and began yelling.

"Madison I'm gonna cum!"

Madison ignored him and went at his dick with a new vigour. He sucked harder and kept finger fucking Vinny."


Again Madison ignored him and kept sucking. Vinny felt it happening, the point of no return. He was cumming and Madison wasn't moving. With a few sucks and finger fucks, Vinny shoved his dick in Madison's mouth and exploded in his mouth. Madison loved every moment, he took his salty prize in his mouth like a professional and swallowed every drop except the last bit. He moved up to Vinny's mouth and began deeply kissing him. Vinny quickly swallowed his own seed and Madison's spit as if he hadn't had water in days.

"Madison that was incredible."

"My turn right?"

"Of course my love."

Vinny skipped all the foreplay Madison did and went straight for the treasure. He wanted this and when his mouth tasted Madison for the first time. He instantly knew this was his favorite flavor. Madison was quietly moaning while Vinny kissed his throbbing pre-cum slick dick. Vinny was ready and began on Madison's dick. Vinny tried to mimick Madison, but couldn't do it quite right and got spit all over his chin which made him feel a little slutty and wild. Madison enjoyed Vinny looking like this and it turned him on even more. The taste of Vinny was still in his mouth and he knew he would explode at any moment. He still kept silently moaning as to not let Vinny know he was close. Vinny also tried another of Madison's tricks. He inserted one of his fingers into Madison tight ass. This was the tipping point and Madison couldn't hold it in anymore. He began moaning louder and exploded into Vinny's mouth. This was the most he had ever cum, six shots! Vinny couldn't hold all of it in his mouth and some leaked out. He tried swallowing all of it, but Madison began kissing him and taking some of himself into his mouth enjoying the taste of the two boys mixed together.

The boys crashed onto the bed both of them naked and enjoying their position.

"Madison I love you so much."

"I love you too GRANDman. I'll make you another promise when we make it to the top two we will try more out."

"Ok MADboy. Just know what we have done here tonight shows me just how much you really love me. It's just like that Justin Bieber song. I just needed somebody to love."

With that Madison stopped the music and blew out the candles and kissed Vinny on the mouth again before snuggling into his favorite position, right next to his GRANDman.

Chapter 6: Moment 4 Life

The next day the boys woke up to an expected surprise.

"Good morning love birds."

Madison awoke immediately startled to see Vinny's sister, Bianca, standing in the room leaning up against the wall.

"Vin wake up! Your sister is in here!"

Madison was freaking out. He couldn't keep the thoughts of what if from entering his head. 'What if Bianca told the other guys or even worse Madison's family.'

"What'cha doing here sis? It's super early?"

"The show called mom and said you guys had to be ready in thirty minutes. To meet someone at the stage."

"Thanks sis."

"Well I'll just leave you two to your ahem thing."

With that Bianca laughed and walked out. Madison became very confused and turned to his lover, who was still waking up.

"Vin what the hell just happened! Bianca just saw us together in a bed naked! Why didn't she ask a bunch of questions?"

"Madison don't get mad at me, but I kinda of told her."


"Well when you were being a jerk to me. Remember when it was the Nick and Madison show."

Madison did remember when Vinny had been spending a lot of time with Bianca.

"Oh Ok."

"She's ok with it. I know your worried about it, but don't be. She won't tell anyone."

"But Vin what if she does? What if you two get in a fight and she tells someone? What then Vin?"

Vinny was dumbfounded. He honestly didn't know what they would do. He simply looked at his hands.

"Exactly Vin. You don't know, and neither do I and I really don't want to know. Vin I'm sorry, but we can't see each other anymore."

"You coward!"

"Excuse me."

"You heard me! You are a coward. You want to break up with me all because I told my sister. Madison I thought you were above that. You know I have been bullied my whole life and when I'm with you I forget all the terrible things that happened to me. Now you want to end it all because of people judging you. Well I've been judged my whole life and let me tell you something, we can make it past all of it, together."

Madison didn't know what to say. Vinny had just called him a coward and then told him that he still wanted to be together.

"Vin... you truly are the most amazing person I know."

Madison leaned in and kissed Vin. He felt Vinny's member rise and touch his own. Madison shuddered as Vinny's warmth crept over him as the two boys were slowly grinding each other on the bed.

"Vin we have to get ready for the day, but I want to continue."

"I have an idea. Come with me."

Vin bounded out of the bed getting Madison to come with him to the bathroom.

"Vin I like the way you think."

Vinny turned on the water and adjusted the water temperature to the perfect temperature.

"Now, where were we."

Vin grabbed Madison and pulled him into the warm shower and resumed the kissing and grinding that had began in the bed. Madison found this even more erotic then the night before and was throbbing with antcipation for what was coming next. Vinny felt Madison throbbing and knew he wanted to please Madison for a long time, but they really needed to get ready.

"Madison I want to make you beg with pleasure, but we just don't have the time."

Before Madison could reply Vinny and got on his knees and once again took Madison in his mouth. He also slipped a finger into Madison and before he knew it he was being sucked and fucked at the same time. Since Madison had already had a finger up him once he didn't explode immediately this time. He moaned in pleasure, but his ass was hungry for more.

"Uhh, Vinny another please, another ughhh."

Vinny was confused at first then realized Madison wanted two fingers in him. Not even Vinny had tried this on himself when masterbating. Vinny looked up and Madison looked down and nodded. Vinny was hesitant, but knew Madison knew what he wanted so Vinny slowly crept another finger into Madison and that was enough for Madison.


Vinny was ready for the flavor of the day, MADboy. Madison let go with a final moan that released a flood gate of cum into Vinny's eager mouth. Vinny savored the taste of Madison in his mouth then swallowed it all. He stood up and smacked his lips.

"Mmm my favorite."

Madison kissed him and let his tongue enter Vin's mouth to try to taste himself and Vinny at once. Vin's mind was busy on Madison's mouth and tongue and he didn't realize that Madison's hand was jerking him off as fast as Madison could. He finally came to his senses when he felt the cum rise and and stopped the kiss for a second to moan out Madison's name, but Madison pulled him back in so Vinny would finish and not make a loud noise. Vinny began to jerk and moan in Madison's mouth. Madison felt Vinny's hot cum all over his hand and brought it up to Vinny's and his mouth and they both licked it clean.

"Damn Vin that was good. I just want to live in this moment for life."

"Yeah I do too. Now let's get clean so we can get today over with."

The boys quickly showered and prepared for the day ahead. They also payed close attention to their breath. When all was done the two boys left the room and joined the others in the lobby to be taken to the meeting.

"Yo, Madison, Vinny. What took you guys so long?"

"Nick, we woke up late. Sorry."

Nick gave them a look over, but just decided to believe them.

The cars took them to the stage where Lil' Mama and the other three crews were waiting. When the boys settled in. The caameras tuurned on and Lil' Mama told them about their next challenge and introduced a special guest, Nicki Minaj!! Everyone was so excited! All the Boyz loved Nicki's music and couldn't believe she was there. She started out by challenging I aM mE to Moment 4 Life by creating childhood games like her personality, Cookie. Then she turned towards the boys.

"Shoutout to my ICONic Boyz!"

Vinny couldn't believe she was actually there talking to them. She then challenged them to Check It Out by acting like Dolls like a Harajuku Barbie. Then she told Phunk Phenomenom that they would be doing hip isos like Nicki Teresa to My Chick Bad. Last, she told Street Kingdom they had to flex military muscles to Roman Zolanski's song Did It On 'Em. She then told everyone that they would be doing a group preformance to Massive Attack. Nicki wished all the crews good luck and left.

"Oh my goodness Nicki Minaj talked to us!"

"I know!!!"

"I've already got an idea for the dance too."

"What is it Vin?"

"Why don't we let Jason lead this one."

Jason just looked at Vinny like he was crazy.

"Come on Jason. I've seen you freestyle to this song. This is your song!"

All the boys had to agree, Jason's dance style was most like the song they were given.

"All right Vin I will lead this dance, but I'm not gonna promise we win."

"Jason we all support you."

"Yeah, Jason we know you can do it."

"Alright, we better get started though, because we have two dances to learn this week."

As the week continued the boys worked harder than they ever had. They balanced school, their personal routinue led by Jason, and a group dance coreographed by the show. It was getting all of the boys into a right awful funk. Even Vinny and Madison hadn't messed around since the morning they found out they had two routines. Whenever they got back to the hotel they just showered seperately and fell straight to sleep.

When the day finally arrived for the groups to preform to to Massive Attack. The stage was transformed into a jungle scene and they danced in front of an audience, but it was recorded so they could clear the stage and change before the actual show started.

The boys all changed into their clothes for the night in the bathroom. They changed into pink jump suits, white gloves, a pair of Nike's with pink laces, and hats that had a clear plastic strip stapled to it so the hat wouldn't fall off. While they were changing Nick was questioning Vinny and Madison about being late the other morning.

"So what really took you guys so long that morning?"

"Nick we told you, we woke up late. It's as simple as that."

"I believe that, but there's something more to it. You two have been acting so weird the past couple of weeks and I want to know why."

"Listen Nick, the pressure of the show is getting to you. Vinny and I haven't been acting any different lately. It's all in your head. Now let's get ready to dance. This is our chance to make it to the top two!"

Vinny was nervous at all the questions that Nick was asking and was relieved when Madison got him to stop. First, the thing with his sister, now Nick asking questions. Vinny was worried that all this questioning and pressure on Madison was gonna be too much. He wanted Madison to understand that love was the only thing that mattered.

"Ten minutes till show time!"

The boys rushed to the stage after a quick makeup touch up to join the other three crews. Vinny looked at the other crews and started shaking from anticipation. He thought to himself 'How are we to compete with these other crews when we're only kids'. Madison felt Vinny shaking and grabbed his hand to calm him down.Out of the corner of his eye Nick noticed Madison grabbing Vinny's hand, but stayed silent.

"Thanks Madison," Vinny whispered.

"No problem, let's win this thing."

The music for the show started and Mario walked out giving his usual opening show speech. Madison just wanted the results, all this waiting was not good on his stomach. Butterflies in the stomach couldn't explain the feeling he had. He felt like the whole world was moving in slow motion and he was the only one in real time.

"Now it's time for the results" 'It's about damn time,' Madison thought.

"I aM mE and Street Kingdom..."

'Well dammit now I have to wait even longer' Madison thought. He glanced over at Vin to see his expression and he look very worried. When the Boyz and the other crews returned backstage to wait, Madison caught up with Vin who had kinda ran off.

"Vin, Vin, VIN! What the hell is the matter?"

"Really Madison, you really have to ask."

"Vin, I'm sorry the only thing I was thinking about is when we have to go back so we can find out our results."

"Madison, Street Kingdom is in the bottom two again and if we are safe then they are up against Phunk, and if you remember Phunk beat out 787. So, excuse me for being more worried about my friends than having sex with you."

"Vin, is that what you think, I think about all the time?"

Vinny rolled his eyes, "Yes it is."

"GRANDman I am sorry if that's how I come across to you. Did you ever think that maybe I'm nervous about the results because I don't want to have to deal with the feelings that will arise after we lose."

Vinny in fact had not thought about that. "No, Madison I hadn't."

"Vinny you may not recognize, but I'm the link in this crew that keeps everyone sane. If we lose I don't know if I'll be strong enough. I'm just as worried about Street Kingdom. I am split though. On one hand, I want them to stay for your sake, but on the other hand, if they go home we're one step closer to winning and not ever having to deal with the feeling that will come with losing."

"ICONic Boyz and Phunk Phenomenom to the stage."

"Let's go Vin."

Madison extended his hand Vinny brushed it away and walked past him. 'He's still mad at me,' Madison thought, 'but he'll need me later on just like I needed him.' When Madison got to the stage everyone was lined up ready for the show to start back. He just remembered that he hadn't seen I aM mE's preformance and that he should ask Nick how they did. Before he could Mario started the show back. Madison knew this was the moment of truth. If they are safe then with their dance they should breeze into the top two.

"... ICONic Boyz!"

Madison had no idea what was going on he was in his own thoughts and when he heard the Boyz named called it brought him back to reality. The next thing that happened was Vinny hugged him without thinking. Madison ejoyed the hug, but it was quickly ended by Vinny who had come to his senses.

The Boyz preformed without a hitch and the judges noticed. Even though the judges said it wasn't their best, the crowd really seemed to be into it. This excited Madison, he knew he had put faith Jason correctly and that they were for sure gonna be top two.

"Jason, you did it!" All the boys were ecstatic that their preformance went over so well.

"Hey Nick, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Madison. What'cha need?"

"I missed the I aM mE dance. How'd they do?"

"Umm, umm, umm, I was in the bathroom so I missed it too. You'll have to ask Mikey how it went."

Madison was confused. Nick was lying to him, and he couldn't figure out why. Nick would never miss a chance to see I aM mE dance. Everyone knew Nick had a crush on Chaci. None of it added up, but Madison had a bigger problem to deal with. With the Boyz being safe Street Kingdom has to face Phunk and Madison knew that Street Kingdom was going to lose. He needed to leave Vinny alone until Street Kingdom loses and then he needed to be right by Vinny's side.

Madison ended up finding Vinny glued to viewing station so he could see every moment of the action. Madison didn't approach him for fear of startling and upsetting him. Madison just blended in to the background so he could watch Vinny without looking suspicious. As Phunk Phenomenom was preforming Madison kept getting the feeling that someone was watching, but everytime he looked around he saw nobody staring just the usual hustle of the behind the scenes action.

When Street Kingdom finally began to preform Madison looked in horror. The preformance could not compare to Phunk's and he knew immediately the they were doomed. Still he kept his distance from Vinny he would not approach him until the prefect moment. He admired Vinny from behind for just a moment before realizing that Street Kingdom was done and it was time for the safe crew to be revealed. Madison knew what was coming and began to prepare for the worst.

"... and the safe crew is PHUNK PHENOMENOM!"

Madison was correct and quickly moved up to Vinny to comfort him. The next few things happened in a blur in Madison's head. When he reached Vinny he placed his hand on Vinny's shoulder who immediately turned around and slapped Madison in the face.

"This is all your FAULT!"

Vinny then stormed off leaving a confused Madison who was quickly whisked away to do a very quick interview. Then, to the stage with the others. Vinny was there and he stood on the complete opposite side of Madison and when Madison mouthed 'We need to talk,' Vinny merely ignored him. Before Madison could say anything else JC walked in and told them about their next challenge, Kanye West. A personal favorite of both Vinny and Madison. Madison could not have been more excited, this excatly what he needed to get closer to Vinny.

When Madison arrived at the room he opened the door only to find it empty. He looked at his phone to see if Vinny had texted him, nothing. He then texted Vin's sister, Bianca.

Hey B. Wheres Vin

He's in my room

He's pissed at me isnt he

Madison let me be clear, he loves you. He just isn't in the mood to talk

Well tell him I am dammit

The door then slammed open.

"Why the hell are you texting Bianca!"

"Because I'm worried about you!"

"Well don't be! I don't need you anymore!"

Madison was in shock he never thought Vinny could say such hurtful words. They stung and felt like he had poured hydrogen peroxide into a huge wound.

"Vinny you don't mean that."

"No, Madison I don't mean that. I'm just so angry and sad. I don't know how you dealt with 787 leaving. You are the strongest person I know for doing what you did."

"I couldn't..."

"Don't interupt me Madison. I have a lot say. I love you Madison, and you are truly amazing, but I'm not as strong as you so I need some time to process everything that's happened. If I don't take time, I may end up blowing up again. I don't like being mad at you and I don't want our relationship to be spread thin because of this."

"Vin you take as much time as you need."

"Good, I hope you understand though that I want to sleep alone though. Trust me Madison it'll be better this way."

"OK. One thing though Vinny."


Will you kiss me?"

Vin hesitated, "No."

Vinny then went into the bathroom to get ready for bed leaving Madison alone and crying. Madison climbed into his bed and hid under his covers as he silently cried himself to sleep. Vinny had hurt and for the first time in awhile Madison was sleeping alone without the warmth of Vinny with him.

Chapter 7: Give Me Everything

The week following Vinny and Madison's breakdown, was one of the most stressful weeks of Madison's life. Madison and Vinny had still not made up, the Boyz had to coreograph two different dances which included one that had three different parts to it, plus another group preformance. Madison could barely take it, the only thought that kept him from cracking is what will happen if they move on and make the top two.

Madison was not the only one who was feeling the pressure. Jason, Mikey, and Louis all had nervous outburts in which they kept swearing that they were gonna lose. Even though Nick hadn't had an outburst everyone could tell he was nervous. He was losing weight and looking like hadn't had any sleep.

When the day finally arrived, everyone was on edge. They all felt like they had not accomplished anything and haven't communicated anything. The first thing the Boyz did was change into their first costumes of the night in complete silence. Madson knew this was not the same team that arrived for the first week. He wanted to say something to cheer everyone up, but caught a glimpse of Vinny in his boxers. For some reason this sight didn't cheer Madison up at all, in fact it depressed him even more.

"ICONic Boyz to make-up!"

"Well that's us guys, it's almost time to find out our destiny."

"Thanks for that depressing tone ass hole."

Madison could tell the hostility in Nick's voice. He wanted to ask him what his problem was, but bit his tongue. Madison wanted, no, needed for the crew to preform at their best. His relationship with Vinny was dependent on this show.

The Boyz were in and out of the make-up room in no time and on the stage for the show to begin. They were just waiting on I aM mE to arrive so they could preform the opening number. Vinny began speaking to Bebo in a happy tone. This angered Madison, 'How can he talk to Bebo like nothing has happened and is all happy, yet he won't say two words to me.'

I aM mE finally arrived and the stage was ready for the three crews to preform. The audience was let in and the judges took their seats. Then the music started and the show had started! The opening number was to Kanye West's All of the Lights! Madison knew that it was a great preformance. He just wished he could of celebrated with Vinny while they waited for Mario to start the results.

When Mario began his speech all the Boyz turned an unatural white color because of the pressure. About halfway through the speech Madison's nerves took over and grabbed Vinny's hand for support. Surprisingly, to Madison, Vinny didn't try to shake off Madison's hand, he actually gripped it tighter as if to say sorry. Suddenly, Madison felt much better and didn't care if they won or not now. Vinny had just held his hand for the first time in a week and that was enough.

"The only safe crew tonight, that will be moving on the season finale to compete for the one hundred thousand dollar grand prize and the chance to be America's Best Dance Crew is.... ICONIC BOYZ!"

Madison and the other boyz lost it! They had beat all the odds and were going to be in the season finale! Madison hugged Vinny and Vinny hugged back. The hug said a lot and if they weren't on TV Madison would have kissed him. The Boyz were confident now that knew that they were in the top two and were more than ready to dance to Kanye.

The boyz got into position and as soon as the opening notes of Touch the Sky started the Boyz were in a high. They had to dance the Bugaloo to Touch the Sky, then do Isos to Love Lockdown, finally the Dougie to Gold Digger. The final part of the dance was the part the Boyz were the most comfortable. The judges loved the ending a lot as did the crowd.

After the preformance the Boyz were not very talkative. They watched I aM mE and Phunk Phenomenom fight it out. I aM mE came out victorious. The Boyz became worried again because I aM mE was good and they were afraid they weren't good enough to beat I aM mE.

The Boyz needed to change into their next costume for their final performance. Madison and Vinny changed in one bathroom together so they could talk before the show.

"I've missed you GRANDman."

"I know you have Madison. I've missed you too. Like I said I hate being mad at you."

"I understand, I'm just glad we are past that and we can win this thing."

"I hope so MADboy. Also, Madison."

"Yes Vincent."

"Since I promised we would wait until the final two, well we're in the final two. I'm ready Madison. I want you."

"Vinny I want you too, but are you absolutely sure. I want our first time to be something to remember."

"I'm sure Madison. I want you to give me everything tonight."

"I promise you Vinny that I will always love you."

Madison moved in and planted a light kiss on Vinny's lips.

Vinny wanted more, he missed constant kissing Madison had given him before. Madison stopped him though.

"Vin I want to continue this as well, but we have to perform here soon and this suit is gonna take forever to put on."

Both boys just laughed at their costumes, suits to dance in. After dressing fully the two Boyz headed where Nick bumped into Vinny hard. It took all of Madison's strength to hold himself back and not attack Nick on the spot.

"You ok Vin?"

"Yeah man barely felt it. I wonder what's gotten into him."

"I have no idea."

Make-up was just a light touch-up and took no time at all. It was finally tme to perform, The ICONic Dream. It was a great performance and everyone loved it, especially Vinny's little solo in the middle. Then, I aM mE performed and it was time to leave. However, before they left both crews were told what songs they would have to redo in the next episode, plus a battle with Swizz Beats, and already told what to do for the finale. One performance from each crew along with a group performance to Raise Your Glass by P!nk.

The sexual tension between Madison and Vinny was at it's limit. The two boys wanted each other forever. Madison was the first to get in the shower as he wanted to again set up the room for Vinny while he was in the shower. After Madison got out of the shower and put some deodorant on, Vinny ran by him and closed the door behind him. Madison just had to laugh.

"Vinny make sure you wash your ass out really good!"

"Yeah, yeah."

Vinny took about ten minutes to clean and put deodorant on. when the bathroom door opened up. Vinny let the steam pour out then he hurridly turned out the lights and ran to Madison. Both of them were ready to unload their loads. Two weeks of no release will make for a large cum loads.

"Madison I'm ready."

"Me too, Vin."

"Umm so how do we start this? I've only watched a few pornos and I still don't know what to do."

"It's ok Vin, I've been doing some research for this night so I would know exactly what to do. First, when we are ready for the real thing I need to put on a condom unless you want me to do it without one."

"I know we're both virgins so I want you to do it without one."

"Ok, then I'll need to lubricate your ass and my dick so that it should easily slide in and not hurt you."

"Ok, first, though I want to get a few things out of the way."

Before Madison could ask what, Vinny moved in and planted his lips on to Madison's and began making out with him. Vinny took control and slid his tongue into Madison's awaiting mouth and tasted Madison. Vinny loved everything about Madison, his taste, his smell, his warmth, and his kindness and he was feeling all of it right now. Madison was ready for more and made his way down Vinny's neck, without realizing what he was doing Madison spent too much time in one spot leaving the giant red mark. Vinny didn't even care all he want was Madison's warmth.

"Please Madison I need your mouth on my dick."

Madison didn't need to be told twice. He happily kissed his way down to Vinny's throbbing member. It was giving off Vinny's scent which turned on Madison even more.

"Please," Vinny whimpered.

Madison grabbed it and immediately dove in like it was a popsicle and it was a hundred degrees. Vinny moaned very loudly.

"Ugh Madison, ugh."

Madison didn't stop he wanted the salty juice that only Vinny could provide him.

"Madison I'm gonna explode!"

That's exactly what Madison wanted to hear. Madison knew after two weeks of no fooling around Vinny would cum very fast. Madison felt the head of Vinny's expand and he knew what was coming next. He quickly put his hand near Vinny's mouth so he would suck on them as he came so we wouldn't moan very loud. Vinny took the fingers in his mouth and sucked on them vigoursly only increasing the sensations in his groin as he exploded. Madison took two shots in the mouth which covered a lot of area with the man juice. he then removed Vinny's dick from his mouth and after seven hard shots which left a hot mess on his face and neck, Madison moved up to Vinny and started lap up his cum from his face with his tongue and Vinny soon joined in and helped clean up Madison. He spent a long time on Madison's neck. Vinny loved his neck, especially how far out Madison's adam's apple stuck out. That drove Vinny crazy and it was covered in his cum.

Even though Vinny had just cum his dick was rock hard.

Vinny whispered in Madison's ear, "I'm ready."

This was enough for Madison. He began looking through the nightstand for the lube that he had purchased in anticipation for this moment. When he hand finally found it Vinny was still kissing on him and rubbing Madison's dick.

"Alright Vin. I've got the lube."

"Well let me apply it to your dick."

Madison handed the bottle to Vinny and just waited for the feeling of lube on his dick for the first time. Vinny opened the bottle and poured some in his hand and then began rubbing his hand up and down Madison's granite-like tool. Madison let out a moan and shuddered.

"Cold, Vinny."

Vinny poured a little bit more in is hand and rubbed a little faster while also pouring the lube directly on to Madison's dick. Madison was in ecstasy and he hadn't even entered Vinny yet.

"Vin, that should be good. I want you to get on all fours like a dog and relax your hole while I lube it up. It will help."

Vinny got up on all fours and Madison positioned himself right behind Vinny. Madison took the lube and poured it onto his finger and he probed Vinny's hole with his digit which opened up willingly to Madison's long and oiled up finger. Madison couldn't wait any longer. He took the lube and poured a little more on to his dick and Vin's ass hole.

"Vin, this is it. I want you to bury your face into the pillow so you don't scream."

Vinny bury his face and Madison held his dick and aimed straight at Vin's hole. Madison's head touched the pink hole and they both moaned. Madison applied a little bit of pressure and since his dick was so well lubed it popped in just a little ways. Vinny scream/moaned into the pillow, which worried Madison.

"Vin, you ok?"

"Keep going. I want all of you."

Madison kept pushing and inch by inch Madison worked his way in to Vinny's warm hole. When Madison had all five inches in Vinny, he waited for Vinny to adjust before he began to slide out and when he was almost out Madison slammed back in. This continued for a few thrusts and Vinny was obviously in some discomfort. Eventually, his pain turned to pleasure and started to beg Madison to fuck him harder. Madison was ready for this and turned up the speed to eleven. With every thrust Vinny's dick was throbbing bouncing happily around. Madison tried to grab it, but Vinny slapped his hand away.

"I uhhh want to cum with-uhhhhh-out touching."

Madison kept going for another ten minutes or so when Vinny began moaning very loudly.


` Vinny's dirty talk spurred Madison on to go faster. He pounded Vinny until Vinny's dick began lurching and heaving and eventually cum started pouring out of Vinny. Even though he had cum earlier, he came harder this time. He got cum everywhere. It was all over the sheets, Vinny's chest, and some even made it to his face. The whole time Vinny was cumming his anal muscles were squezzing Madison's dick to it's own point of no return. Madison pulled out in time and aimed straight at Vinny's face. Madison barely made it and the first rope of cum landed in Vinny's hair and the next two on his face then Vinny pulled Madison's dick in his mouth and let the rest of it fill him up. Madison shot five more shots into Vinny's mouth for a total of eight shots the most Madison had ever cum.

Madison then began licking up his cum off Vinny's face then started to work on Vin's mouth which was completely full of the warm salty delight. It tasted like both boys and they savored it for as long as they could before it was all gone.

"Vincent I love you."

"I love you too Madison."

The two boys kissed one more time before collapsing completely naked in the cum stained sheets, but they didn't care. They were fully together for the first time.

Chapter 8: The Finale

A week and a half had passed since Vinny and Madison had made themselves one, and time had flown by. They had already completed the battle episode and it was time for the finale. The only problem with the finale was all the waiting. They had one group dance at the beginning, then they had to wait for all five of the previous winners to dance, then they danced one last time before they could find out the winner.

The two remaining crews were waiting on stage for the finale to start, both of them more nervous than ever before because they knew this was it. This was the end for everyone. After, the show the two crews would say goodbye. One will be a winner, the other a loser and they will just leave.

Vinny was feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness wash over him. He didn't want to leave. LA was the place he had made so many memories, friends, and had even found his love, and in ninety minutes it was all going to be over with.

Madison noticed the sadness in VInny's eyes and wandered over to talk to him.

"What's up Vin? Your looking kind of out of it."

"Madison I don't want to leave. LA has been kind to me and after this all that's left is us boarding a plane and returning to dreary New Jersey."

"Jersey isn't all bad, and besides you'll have me there."

"Thanks Madison. I needed that. I would hug you, but we are in front of a lot of people so I'll hug you when we have a little bit more privacy."

Madison squezzed Vin's hand for a second and went back to his place for the dance.

The lights came up and the music began and the finale had began! Both crews danced their hearts out to P!nk's Raise Your Glass. Then it was over and it was time for the hardest part of the entire show, waiting. Even though the boys had waited all season this wait was the hardest of them all. The Boyz were ready to watch the past winners, but they just really wanted it to be all over with. The first crew to preform were the Poreotix and they brought their signature comedy performing to Rebecca Black's Friday. Then, We Are Heroes performed to Beyonce's Run The World (Girls).

When Quest Crew finished their performance of Party Rock Anthem, Madison was a nervous wreck. When they took a commercial break, Madison ran to the bathroom. Vinny saw him leave and quickly ran after him. Vinny found Madison in a stall breathinng heavily. It sounded like he was gonna pass out.

"Madison are you ok?"

"No, no I'm not ok. I'm freaking out. I don't know if I can take it if we lose."

"Madison do you think I care if we win or lose. We made it this far and we found each other in the process. That's all that matters to me."

"Vinny you truely are the best boyfriend in the world."

Vinny was taken aback.

"So does this mean you'll take me on a real date when we get back to New Jersey?"

"Yes it does Vinny. I want to show you how much I love you.

Vinny pulled Madison in and kissed him and the world was lifted Madison's shoulders and finally felt at ease. The kiss didn't last long though the show was about to begin again and they needed to get back.

"Thanks again Vinny."

"No problem, but umm did you hear footsteps when we kissed?"

"Uh, no did you?"

"I thought I did, but maybe I was imagining it. Come on let's go."

Vinny and Madison made it back to the stage and sat in their seats as they waited for Super Cr3w to perform to Power by Kanye West. When they finally started Madison kept noticing Nick making quick glances in Madison and Vinny's direction. Madison was still confused by Nick. He still hadn't figured out why Nick lied to him about watching I aM mE. Madison wanted to look over at Nick to see what he wanted, but Super Cr3w was finshed and the stage was being set up for JabbaWockeeZ performance, which distracted Madison.

The JabbaWockeeZ performance was amazing and everyone was standing and clapping for them. The celebration was short lived though, The Boyz had to rush to get ready for their final dance of the night before finding out the winner. The boys decided on Chris Brown's Yeah 3X, a personal favorite of all of the boys. The dance was simple and was in all of their comfort zones. The boys removed all the gimicks that had kept them at the top and just danced. Then I aM mE took the stage and danced to Far East Movement's Rocketeer.

It was finally time to know the winner and Madison was sweating like crazy. Everything that had happened in the time of the show was all about to close and he was ready to go home. He missed his family and friends, but he didn't want to leave the hotel he had just spent two months of his life at.

"It's now time for the results..."

Madison was ready for he knew Vinny loved him and either way he would be happy.

"The winner of America's Best Dance Crew season 6 is... I AM ME!"

The crowd roared with cheer. Yet, Madison didn't feel anything. He felt empty and numb. He then realized they were being escorted off the stage to let I aM mE have their celebration. The boys were led backstage so they could be alone. Louis, Vinny, and Thomas were crying. Nick looked angry and Mikey and Jason just looked depressed. However, Madison felt nothing. He just wanted to leave and thankfully didn't have to wait long because their parents showed up and shuffled them back to the hotel so they could sleep.

Madison made it to the room first and immediately went to the bathroom and locked the door. He stripped and turned on the shower. He just wanted to think and his favorite place was in the shower. The hot water ran over Madison's head and body removing all the make-up and hair gel making him feel truely clean for the first time. All Madison could think about was what to say to Vinny. Madison knew Vinny will be upset and he needed to comfort him. Madison just didn't know, he wasn't upset at all.

Madison decided what to say and turned off the water and towled himself dry, then wrapped it around his waist. He opened the door and Vinny was lying on his bed in some basketball shorts apparently clean.

"Vinny are you awake?"

"Yeah Madison. Just resting my eyes."

"Vinny I just wanted to say that even though the crew lost. We won. We have us, we have a promising future, and we have families that love us."

"I know Madison, but it still hurts. We worked so hard, but still came up short."

"Yes, this is true, but this was just some competition. We are excelling in what really matters, life. After we lost I felt empty and confused, but I realize now why I felt like that. It's because I already have everything I want."

"Madison you are the best."

Vinny kissed him. Madison then dropped the towel and fell into the bed one last time. They didn't do anything the whole night except kiss and hold each other. That was enough for the two of them.

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