An Extreme Farewell Party

Published on Mar 11, 2022


An Extreme Farewell Party Part 1 by Chaim

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Dusk had come and gone, and now it was almost completely dark. There was a moon out, but it was faint.

"Here we are. This is where we will celebrate your last night here Jonah," Olaf said as he helped his friend get out of the car.

"Sorry about the blindfold but it's a surprise. You mustn't know what we've prepared for you." Olaf made sure that Jonah didn't stumble on any rock as he got off the car. "Be careful, buddy. There are many stones and potholes. Just take your steps one at a time," he reminded his friend. "Hugo," Olaf called out, "Help me, will you?"

Hugo, quickly came to hold Jonah's other arm. "You'll love our surprise for you, Jonah," Hugo chuckled, not being able to stop imagining how much fun they would have with their handsome little buddy. Hugo immediately sported a boner which pushed against the fly of his shorts. "Shit, Olaf. It's nearly too dark."

"We know our way," Olaf immediately reminded his lover, "we don't need more light." When talking to Hugo, he seemed very careful so that he wouldn't accidentally leak out any details about the party they had planned. Olaf looked quite aroused, as he walked, he made no attempt to hide the prominent bulge in his shorts. This night was going to be the night that Jonah will never forget. "We're gonna have so much fun tonight...."

Using his other hand, Olaf squeezed the bulge in his shorts, his cock was stiffening at the prospect of having fun with Jonah.

Olaf and Hugo knew their little buddy very well. Shortly before Jonah's eighteenth birthday and he was invited to spend his gap year abroad and he seized the opportunity. Jonah was smart as hell, but not a total nerd, he was a normal blond teen with blue eyes and an awesome young body. Jonah's interests included, swimming, jogging, fitness and Jonah became a "jock" in their classification. He was not the star or anything high profile, but worked out enough to have a great body. The first time they met him Olaf and Hugo definitely stared at his young slim but quite muscular body. Every attempt to seduce Jonah had been in vain, he said he dated girls, and secretly he hoped no one would question his sexuality. Jonah's buddies didn't believe him, they had to find a way to break through it, they wanted him and were determent. They were sure Jonah was in self-denial, which would be finally swept away by them tonight. This was fun and inevitably, there was no way to stop them now. They would teach him the facts of life. Jonah was young and in a way innocent, so he was an easy prey for their own lustful thoughts.

"This is stupid, guys," Jonah spoke, not knowing where his buddies have taken him to. Jonah's body shivered involuntarily as the night wind blew against his body. "Where are we going? We're in the middle of nowhere, right?"

The handsome young teen slowly took his steps, one by one. Actually, he was rather pissed because his buddies had dragged him here without revealing anything. That night was supposed to be fun, because he would fly the next day. Thus, Hugo and Olaf, planned to throw him an awesome farewell party.

At the same time, Jonah was also excited because he knew that something horny would happen during the party. They knew each other from high school and had played sports together and shared a lot of experiences. Olaf and Hugo were very close friends, they shared a room together on campus and sometimes Jonah knew they were gay and wondered if they were fuck buddies. He had seen that well, and they made no secret of it, though Jonah carefully avoided the subject.

They chatted last week about school, the city, weather and eventually got around to sex. "So you gay, straight, curious, bi?" Olaf asked finally. The question didn't startle Jonah, it sounded so pragmatic. More than one person had asked him that on campus. "Don't know yet" he answered honestly "been experimenting" he admitted for the first time. Jonah heard his own words and didn't believe he was telling them this. They laughed, "Good. That's what you should do."

Jonah listened to them as they told him about gay clubs and saunas. Fantasies he had only thought about while masturbating or falling asleep were being described to him. They talked about sex with boys openly and Jonah said nothing but his dick bulged.

Olaf nodded at Hugo who moved closer to Jonah, "Looks like you're interested,"

Hugo's hand had moved between Jonah's legs, his fingertips nuzzled Jonah's crotch.

"Don't do that, please," Jonah whispered, he felt caught and desperate but he also enjoyed his touch and struggled to suppress a moan. Olaf and Hugo saw the challenge,

"Tell you what. Next week we will have party for you. it will be like a bachelor party, men only, you know. Very private, hot and exciting, you need a proper party before you leave."

Jonah's mental image of naked boys swimming, sunning, drinking and more flashed across his brain. "Sounds great," he said and Hugo told him, "a boy like you needs that. You will enjoy it, and make the others jealous with your well-developed body."

"Sex?" Jonah asked. "If you're good boy," Olaf said and they laughed and Jonah did too, although he didn't quite understand the last comment. "Sounds fun," he said and as they looked over, he adjusted himself in his shorts. Jonah's hard-on was poking up, and there was no doubt Jonah was eager as an excited puppy.

"You ever had sex?" Olaf asked as he glanced back and forth from him to his buddy Hugo.

"I wished I could say I had... more," Jonah replied, his dick was so hard it hurt and he knew that he had to do something about it. Having established that he was not very experienced, Hugo asked the next logical question "You ever messed around with someone?"

There was a pause as Jonah looked over at them, not sure it he wanted to reveal the truth to them, but he finally answered,

"Sure, we all do, don't we?"

It was not true, but this was the sign that they needed to move in on him and see what would happen.

"Did you have fun. Did you like it?" Jonah blushed, "Sure, it was fun, but it was just kid stuff, I have never been to clubs."

Olaf chuckled, "Well you'll like that, those are the places to go wild."

Jonah expected now to be taken to a club or sauna, but was surprised when they blindfolded him and drove around for hours. They did mention to him that the party would be very unique and hot, unlike the other parties they had on campus. Jonah actually did not understand what they meant, but he was glad that his friends cared about him and his needs. The three of them had to walk through a dense forest before arriving at an abandoned castle. They reached castle, which belonged to Hugo's family and took a rest. The castle was situated on a small hill. It was a rather unremarkable place. In reality the castle was little more than the left overs what was once a fortress. Notable only because it was being constructed of stone in the middle of nowhere. It was clear that the place hadn't been occupied for years. As they entered and stepped on the wooden floor, it gave out a creepy creak. After releasing Jonah's arm, Hugo fished out a flashlight from his rucksack.

Jonah heard his movements and remembered their warning the night before the left, "Don't jack yourself or even touch your dick. It'll make you hornier and we'll have more fun."

Jonah's dick throbbed in his shorts and begged for attention as he heard that warning. Jonah had wanted to go back home and to do just that. Probably two or three times, something which he usually did when harboring fantasies. During this party he would be experiencing his fantasies, so instead, Jonah fought his inclination and refused the desire to masturbate. Jonah fantasies were basically about gay sex, with a touch of submission. Jonah didn't dream about pain, but instead he dreamed about being forced to perform sexually.

Jonah's favorite fantasy was being pushed down by a powerful teen who tore his pants and underwear off in one smooth, powerful motion. He positioned himself on top of him, just like that. The teen was practically screaming with anticipation and lust,

"It's time, take it."

The teen growled with lust as his form came close to him, his blue eyes filled with desire and pleasure, and his chiseled, powerful body grabbed hold of him. He grabbed his cock with one hand and grabbed his shoulder with the other. He pressed the tip of his cock on his hole and moved very slowly forward. Jonah's hole held his pulsing rod with a stranglehold as he entered him midway, then out, then all the way in.

"Fuck me!"

He picked up pace, struggling to control himself. Jonah wanted this so badly. He held him tightly in a bear hug and used the leverage to start really hammering deep into his gut. Jonah reached behind him and grabbed onto his hips, urging him to go deeper, to fuck him harder. The teen was completely in control, completely dominating his youthful body. Jonah's consciousness became almost wordless, just the feeling being fucked brought Jonah close to the edge.

The animalistic grunts and groans in his bedroom, made the beautiful fantasy in Jonah's mind so hot. As the teen fucked him harder and harder, he kept envisioning his hard cock in his ass and Jonah suddenly knew he wanted this for real. In his fantasy it was not an anonymous teen anymore, it was Olaf who fucked him and took his cherry ass.

Olaf! Oh yeah, that was his ultimate fantasy, to be fucked by Olaf!

In his horny mind Olaf was all the way in. Jonah was filled up, full of his manhood, and soon Olaf started thrusting back and forth, each thrust bringing a jolt of pleasure. Jonah was entranced, stroking his cock, hearing his voice yelping as if it came from someone else. Olaf filled him, laying his cock all the way into his ass. He put his strong hands on his shoulders, and fucked him harder and deeper. Olaf was in complete control and Jonah gave himself over to him. In his fantasy Olaf yelled and moaned, slowing down and staying deep inside with one last thrust. Jonah felt surge after surge of warm semen inside him.

Jonah touched his dick, red and dripping with pre-cum, and he felt his orgasm coming. It exploded like a firework, and the stream after stream of cum, covering everything.

Jonah cleaned up the mess and was puzzled that Olaf had suddenly appeared in his wank fantasy. In reality, he couldn't imagine that Olaf would want to fuck him.

Now Jonah suspected that they were moving towards some party or something, the blindfold was strange but excited him at the same time.

Hugo left them outside, he went in and lit more candles, they lit up the interior of the main room. Several minutes later, Hugo called them to enter. Jonah meekly let his buddy pull him in. Even though he was blindfolded, he could imagine what the building looked like, judging from the sound he heard and the smell he sniffed. The room sounded somewhat hollow, but it didn't smell unpleasant. He had no idea why his friends chose an abandoned house as the location for his party. However, he was very intrigued by the surprise that they had prepared. In his mind, he pictured a naked man waiting for him in a huge bed, ready to take his ass. That dirty thought immediately stirred his dick. Showing no shame at all, he let his cock create a prominent tent in his shorts. Hugo saw it and he immediately told Olaf to look at it,

"Look at that. Jonah's is excited, he has a boner."

Although he meant it as a raunchy joke, he couldn't control his tone of voice and accidentally sounded as if he was mocking Jonah. Hugo led Jonah to the room, which was a well-equipped bedroom. Hugo and Olaf had already prepared everything. The room had been cleaned thoroughly and everything was in place. Hugo led Jonah to the huge bed in the middle before telling him to strip.

"Take off all your clothes, Jonah. Then lie on the bed while we're preparing your surprise, but keep the blindfold on."

Jonah stood up and undid his shorts, letting them fall around his ankles. He sported an erection that pitched the tight cotton fabric of his white boxershorts outward, allowing them to see the outline of his uncut dick. Olaf unconsciously licked his lips. They looked down at Jonah and checked his body. Jonah's well-defined chest was hairless. Jonah shaved himself and they liked the boyish look on him. Jonah's uncut dick and firm ass cheeks were smooth as well. The boy was fucking good!

Hugo was trying not to reveal the broad grin creeping across his face. Jonah heard his friends leaving the room. Their footsteps caused the wooden floor to creak. As they walked away, the creaking noises died away. After waiting for a minute, Jonah thought that he was finally alone. The horny teen quickly took off his white boxershorts. Even though he was physically in good shape, Jonah was kind of shy to get naked in front of the others. Jonah's clothes fell onto the floor and Jonah's dick was throbbing and Jonah was tempted to remove the blindfold but he decided to leave it on. Carefully, he lay on the bed. He let out a soft gasp as he felt the smoothness of the bedsheets on the surface of his bare back. After waiting for several minutes, finally Jonah heard a series of creaking noises approach him. At the same time, he heard a manly voice talking to him.

Holy fuck, was this real?

"So here you are. Don't you move if you want to stay healthy boy," said a firm but very soft voice. "Stay on the bed, but get on your knees, hands behind your back!"

Jonah hesitated, this was strange and shocking. It was so unexpected, and it was exciting at the same time. Jonah's dick rose in sympathetic tribute as he waited for more. Jonah could not believe what was happening. Was he dreaming? No! but what did this mean? Jonah's mind was a torrent of thoughts and questions but he felt an increasing delight. And he knew what he should do, he shifted himself to a sitting position on the bed, letting his back straight as he felt the Voice standing behind him, "Put your hands behind your head, nice and slow."

Jonah did as asked. In a flash The Voice roughly grabbed his wrists and turned them in the right position behind his back and handcuffed him. The Voice pushed him back on the bed on his back, his wrists pinched under his buttocks so his crotch moved up. Now Jonah panicked,

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Jonah did his best in trying to keep the fear out of his voice. Jonah's brain worked overtime, he had heard this man somewhere before, but had no idea where and how they met.

"I heard that you've been a very bad boy," and before Jonah could respond, and The Voice immediately resumed, "Bad boys need to be punished. Submit yourself to me. I'm gonna teach you a lesson. Yes, Jonah. You deny yourself, you can't continue to get away with it. It's time you come out of the closet and face reality. You need to be fucked, really hard, fast."

Jonah's dreams were getting horribly close now, it totally took him by surprise, but he knew what he had to do. Jonah felt like just racing out of this room and fleeing from here while he still had a chance to escape. Jonah didn't, he knew he couldn't and didn't want to flee. He was handcuffed and blindfolded, unable to move.

"Very good, boy. You have a nice firm ass and that will be quite an inspiration for both of us. I'm going to make sure this in an unforgettable experience for you. I'm going to be quite thorough, you see. I intend to make a lasting impression on you."

The Voice walked around to face him and clasped one hand his shoulder while stroking his cheek with his other hand.

"Not to worry, boy. It won't be too bad. I'll not give you more than you deserve." his fingers began to stroke his naked shoulders, working their way down and across his hard pecs and tight stomach. Jonah's boy nips hardened even more as he tweaked them with his fingertips,

"It seems you take good care of yourself, boy. I like that. Shows you're not a total loss."

Jonah was suddenly afraid and mumbled,

"Why me?" he asked. "Why? My buddies will come back soon, I can yell and scream, but you can't do this!"

The Voice answered him, "I don't care, if you don't cooperate I'll force you. I can't wait to push my cock straight in your tight sphincter, taking control your body. Believe me boy, you will yell as my tip will pop past your straining ring and you will scream as I go deeper into your gut, stretching you wider. Sure, my fuck tube will bring tears to your eyes, it will be painful, but no pain, no gain. You will love it as I thrust harder and deeper into your love tunnel and my rhythm increases, driving my cock deeper into your wide spread guts. Oh boy, that will be hot. Believe me, my cock will feel enormous and the glans will sink into your belly, it will cause you pain, but you will be lost in the overall ecstasy of your bottom position. This is what you crave all your life and this is what you get.

It's all because you cannot say no to me, never. Any sexual request I make, you have to fulfill. Do you understand that?"

Jonah felt desperate, but nodded. Hugo and Olaf where far away. Jonah's mind was focused on The Voice, his words hit him in the face. Jonah flinched but his dick twitched and he was rock hard. Somehow the Voice really knew what he wanted.

"I didn't hear you, boy." The Voice said, "Yes, yes, I understand."

The Voice laughed softly,

"Good boy. I'll make you a proper bitch in no time. I knew you were ready, actually it doesn't matter if you're ready or not. I'm ready, but you ultimate fantasy will actually happening to you. Your moans will be delirious as I take your ass, fuck you and squirt. You will feel a wave of sex, cock, cum and an exciting pain, you will trying to take my load desperately. Believe me boy, you will buck, squirm, and push back on me. My fucking will continue, and slowly the strength and urgency of my fucking will increase, diving deeper my cock into your little body. You will feel my cock stiffen and I will spurt my hot gobs of cum straight up your pulsing boy pussy. I will furiously pump my hot spunk deep into your gut."

Jonah was moaning softly in his bonds, unable to speak he felt his sphincter trembled, he shuddered and was caught in the fantasy to be fucked by a powerful man.

"Oh boy, being here in my power, feeling your thoroughly fucked ass, balls and especially your dick will be on fire, you will feel elated but unfulfilled. Imagine how my cock feels, how I move inside you, how I cum inside you. The pain and deep humiliation being fucked will flow over you, but you will be hooked and want to be fucked again. So tonight is your lucky night, I will make your fantasies real and reality."

Hearing The Voice, Jonah's dirty mind ran wild as he imagined The Voice to be a Master, a real strong man who would claim and use him. Jonah's body tingled with excitement, his dick was throbbing and rising. Jonah closed his eyes, and his sphincter tingled with desire. The Voice described his most daring dreams, his deepest, most secret desires.

"Who are you?" Jonah mumbled. The Voice ignored his question and said, "Be a good boy, just give into the temptation, you need this," and got closer to him, "Come on, just give in," the Voice kept saying, and Jonah's dick started to get harder. "That's it, just let yourself give in to it," The Voice said, and Jonah felt his dick dripping.

"Please..." Jonah said, while moaning, not able to get his sentence finished. Jonah felt it deep down, a burning feeling of desire, he was starting to breath faster, the excitement ran through his body.

"I think you need this!" The Voice said, "and I'm here to give it to you." Jonah mumbled, "I... uhm.... I never..."

The Voice laughed softly. "Don't worry boy, you'll manage, just surrender and admit you are a little gay boy, a little slut who wants to be fucked by a real man," the Voice assured him. Jonah felt the temptation to give in, his dick was begging for release, he felt the excitement running through his body. "You know the truth, you need it. You just do everything I tell you. Your resistance only makes me hornier, in the end I do it anyway. There is no greater pleasure for you than to obey my Voice, and you know that."

Jonah trembled and started to sweat. Jonah's chest heaved forward flexing every pec and ab muscle as his trimmed armpit hair stuck out beneath his biceps and shoulders. Sweat droplets hung and then dropped off his erect nipples. Sweat began to trickle down his smooth body, shining his great boyish physique. At first, it streamed from his armpits and ran down his abs to his crotch as it tickled his soft dick hairs, then dripped off his shaved balls or cock-head. It flowed over and around every contour of his boyish features. He felt hot and eager, the longing to surrender to this unknown Voice was becoming nearly unbearable.

"Boy, you know you want me to touch you. My touch will make you feel so good. You want me to touch your throbbing little dick, don't you? Boy, focus on my Voice and accept my power and beg for it!"

Jonah shivered, The Voice revealed everything, destroyed his resistance and he was defenseless and vulnerable.

"Okay give it to me, do it..." Jonah suddenly said, but the Voice answered, "I told you to beg for it, boy."

Jonah didn't know what to say to that and told himself, inhale deeply accept his power. Sweet Jesus, he hoped he was doing this right, he wanted to give in, was lost in his own desire to be fucked. In silence he begged The Voice to be patient with him, please, don't go away!

Jonah hated the blindfold, his cuffed hands behind his back, he couldn't see, but Jonah was sure The Voice looked at his body. He wanted to be touched, so he gathered as his courage and begged for it. Before he could say anything, The Voice said, "I'm going to fuck you."

his words a murmur, husky and hungry, near the Jonah's ear,

"Beg me to fuck you, boy.."

Jonah moaned softly, lost in his need, "Fuck me, please, fuck me."

Lost, Jonah submitted to The Voice, allowing him to possess his ass. He thrust his hips against the hand as The Voice massaged and stroked him, drawing out sensations Jonah didn't know were possible. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized what he did, but no longer cared, he wanted only his cock deep inside his ass. The burning desire within him to be fucked was overwhelming. With a hungry moan he submitted completely to The Voice, whispering again, "Fuck me..."

Jonah was lost in his pleasure which consumed him, controlled him. It was completely different from what Jonah had expected, the Voice stepped back, didn't touch him. Instead The Voice asked him a lot of too personal questions, "How often do you masturbate boy?"

Jonah swallowed but answered, "Five times a day, sir." Jonah tried to be polite calling him 'sir' but he felt a little uneasy and caught.

"What do you masturbate to?" Jonah hesitated and finally said,

"My friends, sir."

Holy shit, why did he admitted that?

"Hmm....I see.. What about your sexual life?" The Voice pressed on,

"I have been experimenting some," Jonah mumbled, "I didn't find what I was looking for, I only jack off right now."

The Voice smiled, "That will change very soon, boy. Did you ever look at your buddies, longed for those handsome muscular friends of you? Did you ever want their hands on your body? Do you want any of them to touch you?"

Jonah grunted, he felt shame, awkwardness. He wasn't prepared for this. "You did, didn't you? You jerked off and had your secret fantasies, getting fucked by them." Jonah only nodded, "Has anyone ever made you feel like this? The way I make you feel now?"

Jonah groaned, the Voice opened him up slowly, "Tell me you want it, beg for it."

Jonah was now desperate, The Voice, Olaf and Hugo, his needs, his longing. Oh fucking hell, what was happening? Jonah's dick drooled and he could feel the surge of pre-cum working its way toward his piss slit. Oh, he wanted this, needed this. What could he do? his was vulnerable, he still had his blindfold on and his hand were cuffed. Jonah wanted to stroke his dick, but was feeling completely under his control. The Voice asked,

"You want me to touch your dick?" Jonah only nodded yes and a hand squeezed Jonah's dick real hard. "Tell me what you really want, boy!"

"Yea.... yes," Jonah shocked by the sudden roughness on his dick. He wondered if all would be as good in person as in his fantasy world. Jonah started out thinking about getting fucked. Nothing turned him on more than dreaming about his handsome buddies and begging them to get fucked. Now he wanted this Voice guy to take control and to fuck him. In answer Jonah felt his cock being squeezed again and his pre-cum began to drip down on his abdomen.

"You enjoy this, don't you, boy?"

The Voice grunted this time and somehow, Jonah felt his unlimited power. The hand stroked his dick and he felt he was getting close to an extreme orgasm. Jonah curled his toes back and at the same time struggled like crazily to get himself loose. A totally pointless action, he couldn't go anywhere, it was totally evident he was not going to be able to get himself loose from his bonds. Then suddenly the hand stopped stroking his hard dick,

"Not that fast, little boy. I need my fun. It's all about my pleasure, not about yours. There will be no release until I tell you to. You know that the more you submit to me, the more you obey me, the greater the pleasure you will feel. Submission and obedience, boy, you love those words, they make you hard. You love to submit to my Voice. Nothing gives you more pleasure than submitting to me. Obedience! You love to obey my Voice. Nothing gives you more pleasure than obeying me."

Jonah struggled again in desperate need for his hand to return on his dick.

"Yeah boy, check out those ropes." The Voice said, "Oh fuck boy, not only are you a little boy, you behave like a weak baby."

The Voice sounded almost amused. In response, Jonah loudly sputtered, "No, no, don't stop!" sounding even more desperate this time.

Jonah grunted and the sounds of he made were delightful, and needless to say, Hugo and Olaf own cocks were rock hard at that point.

"Oh boy, I am gonna have some nasty fun with you," The Voice quipped and meanly grabbed his hard-on again. "Oh fuck!" Jonah roared then, "Fuck boy, surrender!!" The Voice jeered, and began slowly, very slowly stroking Jonah's steel throbbing hardness. In seconds, his pre-cum dripped down like a river. Shaking his head, Jonah struggled like a madman to get himself loose, he needed his hand on his dick. The Voice used his pearly pre-cum as a lube, and stroked him faster with one hand. Either Jonah followed through with his life-long desire to surrender to a man, or he retreated back into his world of fantasy. Jonah trembled in fear, excitement, and anticipation as The Voice said,

"if you surrender and accept my power, you may cum."

The excitement and eagerness to feel his hand stroking his dick was overwhelming, and irresistible. Jonah groaned, knowing that very soon his life would be completely changed, his heart was racing, the excitement was overpowering him, his dick was pointed straight out and already dripping clear pre-cum.

The moment had arrived!

Jonah yelled, "Oh fuck, please...!

fuck, shit, I need to cum, let me cum... ooh fuck... please. fuck me, use me however you want, but oh god, now make me cum!"

as he neared his release. The stroking hand gradually picked up speed and twisted and slid round and up and down his shaft, gripping the expanding glans tighter and tighter. "Oh my god, please!"

Keeping him on the edge Olaf and Hugo smiled down on him.

There no doubt how excited Jonah was. his screams also left no doubt that he wanted to the Voice to use him for all of their sexual desires. They were both super horny and knew they could use Jonah for all the fun they could think of. They would arouse and use him, fuck until the sun came up. Jonah had no idea they were there and what a sophisticated game they were playing with him, Jonah accepted the Voice as his unknown Master... and Olaf and Hugo enjoyed themselves.

The Voice whispered, "You have always looked for a strong guy like me. You are nothing, you looked for a dominant man and I will give you exactly that. Admit your feelings, boy, all those hours in the gym, poor boy, no one really impressed you're still just a worthless bottom boy."

The Voice leaned over and told him, "It's even worse, you're a piece of shit, boy. Worthless, useless as man, from now on, you're my little pussy boy."

Olaf nodded and accepted the humiliation without protest. The Voice ran his hands all over Jonah's firm and tight ass, butt felt so young and smooth. The best kind of boy pussy, he slapped his butt cheeks a few times to see it quiver, while Voice alternated between slapping his ass, stroking his dick, and telling Jonah all of the words the boy had longed to hear his entire life,

"Soon I'm going to take possession of you. Soon all of your hopes and dreams will be fulfilled. Soon my cock will be buried deeply into your tight ass."

Jonah shivered, he had never acted on his submissive desires. Jonah found the prospect of being controlled by this man exciting. The prospect of being fucked hard was a promise and a chilling thought, scary and wonderful at the same time. But fuck, he was more than rock hard, his balls were stirring. Jonah knew if he came now, the Voice would own him, but he didn't care. The Voice held his dick as he tortured his cock-head, and stroked his shaft slowly and lightly. The Voice spoke in his best mocking, sarcastic voice,

"Look at yourself, a the poor helpless boy, all trussed up, unable to do anything. got a hard-on. Shame on you, boy, for having a hard-on while being completely helpless. You are such a disgrace for enjoying this. Your buddies would laugh at you and use you for their pleasure," the Voice's dirty talk was turning Jonah on intensely. Jonah moaned and he slowed down as he spoke again, "Oh... does the little boy want to cum? How pathetic. You already wanted to be fucked, now you want to cum, and you don't have a single muscle in your body that can resist me. I control your body, your dick. You haven't got any control at all. I could just give you a few hard strokes and you would shoot..."

Jonah mind searched for the right words and yeah, he found it. Submission, yeah, that was the word, and for a moment, a split second, Jonah's fantasies didn't seem so weird, it set a pulse in his head thumping, and his dick, rallied into a new hardness. Finally, Jonah's dirtiest and kinkiest fantasy was going to come true.

Jonah shivered and thought he could shoot his load now. This was too hot, his body was writhing in anticipation.

Meekly, he let his hands, one by one, being uncuffed and tied to the bed post behind his head. Jonah still had no idea that his two buddies tricked him.

The Voice, stroked him faster with one hand, he reached forward with his other hand and grabbed one of Jonah's jutted up nipples, squeezing and twisting it.

"Oh fuck, don't do that!" was the next breathless sounding grunt.

"Oh boy, got sensitive titties there?" The Voice teased him, as he continued working him over. "Yeah, nice feeling nubs you got, boy!"

That said, he stroked his massive girth faster, the sounds of squishing were delightful, and needless to say, Olaf's own cock was rock hard in his shorts at that point as he tortured Jonah's sensitive nipples. Jonah groaned and knew what was about to happen, and then The Voice asked him, "Do you want to surrender?"

They both knew what the answer would be, but for some reason they felt need to hear it. "Yeah, oh yeah, please!"

Jonah panted, "This is the moment you have been waiting for, all my life, boy! Say it!"

This is the moment that would change Jonah's life forever.

Olaf slapped his face, "Say it!"

This was the moment that all of his dreams became an actuality, he said those words, yelled them,

"I surrender!"

This was the moment that Jonah became a true bottom boy, and experienced the pure joy of total surrender to a man. Olaf wanted more, this was his opportunity to be his Master, he whispered, "I need your total surrender. I want total surrender."

Jonah groaned, "I don't know what you want of me."

There was a shift in his position, and the hand that had been stroking his dick left and grasped his smooth boy balls. Olaf squeezed them. To begin with the pressure was pleasure, but he continued squeezing tighter and tighter until it began to hurt. Still Olaf didn't stop, the pain intensified quickly, and Jonah begged, "Please stop, you are hurting me."

Olaf replied, "Please. You're hurting me, Sir. I want total surrender. Are you ready to surrender totally yet?"

The pain became awful, nearly unbearable, but Jonah had no way of stopping it. "Yes, Sir, yes, Sir," Jonah panted, "anything, but please stop, Sir!"

Olaf continued to squeeze his balls,

"This is to show you who is the Master here, this pain is your punishment, so take it."

"Please, I am begging you, Sir. Please stop, Sir." The pain was excruciating. Still Olaf wouldn't stop, he enjoyed his power. "I surrender, Sir," Jonah said, "l will do anything, Sir, but please stop!"

Olaf didn't stop just then though, but kept on for a few moments more. With pain on that scale, time stands still. It could have been a few seconds or several minutes, it simply felt like ages. Suddenly Olaf stopped, keeping hold of his loaded balls, still running his hand up and down the shaft of his dick again, using his thumb on the head to add a little pressure on its glans, Jonah's piss lips opened. Jonah's thoughts were cut short, as he made a loud guttural sounding grunt. Jonah's vocabulary compressed as he neared his release, shortened to the primitive demands of his sticky boner. He had reached his limit, and as the hand slowed down to tease his straining little dick, it gradually picked up speed and twisted and the fingers slid round and up and down his shaft, gripping the expanding glans tighter and tighter.

"Oh, goddamn. Fuck!"

With one final slide and twist, Jonah squealed at the top of his lungs as his piss lips opened wider and squirted ropes of thick, white boy cum.

This was the very moment that Jonah had been seeking since he was sprouted his first hairs, Jonah was now that submissive boy, squirting his boy juice with abandon but still not draining his sweaty balls that could produce the precious fluid as fast as he ejected it, because he wanted to please his Master, because he surrender to him. Within seconds Jonah was shooting another load, his climax was like a volcano. Olaf meanly tightened his grip on his dick and stroked him harder and faster. "Oh fuck!" Jonah screeched crazily, as his thick sexy mess of boy sperm landed and splattered all over his chest area.

"Oh yeah, yeah, that's it boy, shoot that load," The Voice teased him. "Bet you've earned it!"

In response Jonah simply yelled, "Yeah, yeah!" and his sperm squirted all over and all over his smooth chest some more. "Yeah, that's it, you sexy fuck, shoot it all over your torso,"

The Voice said and still went on stroking him.

"Please stop!" Jonah cried now, his dick obviously starting to feel all sensitive and painful at that point. "C'mon boy, c'mon you a sexy little fucker, I know you got more boy cum in those balls!"

The Voice demanded and as if he had given him a direct order, a giant dollop of sperm shot from his wide slit. "Yeah, that's it, good boy," The Voice said, and gently let go of his dick.

"Oh, please, untie me, sir," Jonah swooned, catching his breath but Olaf wasn't going to let that happen, not just yet, oh no!

As the bound up, blindfolded Jonah was catching his breath, Hugo looked at the object of all his desires. He wanted Jonah the moment he saw him. Olaf had granted his permission and had told him he could use the boy as long as he was in control over Hugo's doing.

Jonah's dripping uncut dick stood straight into the air, so Hugo held back, waiting for Olaf's the order to suck it.

"You'd love to suck that wouldn't you?" Olaf asked him and Hugo nodded and licked his lips, "Oh yeah, very much," he answered meekly. Olaf took Hugo's neck and pushed him slowly down and ordered him very softly so that Jonah couldn't hear him, "Suck his boy cum!"

As Hugo began slithering his tongue all over Jonah's smooth chest, sucking up Jonah his boy cum, he really went for it. Stealing sucks and hearty slurps on his nipples, as he ate the boy's cum off his sensitive nubs. Jonah moaned in what sounded like a mixture of ecstasy and outright humiliation. Olaf praised Hugo, "That's it. Now you're getting it. You're beginning to understand what your place is here. You can use the boy as promised, but you need me to control your actions."

Hugo spent a good five minutes on his task before looked up into Olaf's face. Olaf smiled at him and nodded,

"Oh boy, swallow his boy cum, get his protein," Olaf's Voice quipped and Hugo pursed his lips and greedily sucked and scoffed down Jonah's boy sperm. What Hugo was now doing to Jonah was obviously sending shockwaves through his being and after a while he was really into it. Jonah was moaning and panting, but sounding somehow contented at the same time.

"Oh shit!" was the sudden sound of shock Jonah uttered, as Hugo teasingly slurped his cum from his deep bellybutton, his buddies chuckled a bit and then Olaf stopped Hugo.

There was no dominant man, Master in the room, the way Jonah thought there was. Olaf was in charge, he was The Voice and the brain behind this, but Jonah had no clue on that. Jonah was still living in his own little fantasy. He thought his buddies had invited a Master to have fun with him. Jonah had heard their voices, but it hadn't dawned on him.

In a soft whisper it was no problem to imitate a dominant man's voice. Olaf tried hard not to laugh as he looked at Jonah's reaction. Hugo was smiling, he was actually the one who tied Jonah's hands and he admired Olaf who had brought Jonah to orgasm.

We all know that, but Jonah was unaware of this reality.

Suggestions for the next parts are welcome! Thanks for reading, Chaim.

Next: Chapter 2

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