An Exchange at the Deli

By David ...

Published on Dec 19, 2009



All of the usual disclaimers apply to this story. If you are underage or it is illegal to read such material in your area, please decline from reading further. Also, please respect the copyright licences and do not copy this story wholly or partly without my permission.

It was not my intention for the characters in this piece to bare any resemblance whatsoever to real people, living or deceased, except for the characterisation of the two protagonists. Indeed, whilst this is a fictitious piece of writing, it has been inspired by two very real people whose unique friendship over the years has been very special. I dedicate this story to my own Jake who I respect and admire fiercely, and who I ultimately love beyond words. Thank you for always being there for me buddy. I hope you all enjoy what is my first attempt at posting to this site. Feedback is very welcome and all comments would be much appreciated.


Australia was renowned for many things - its wildlife, the beach, the sun, and among other things, the carefree lifestyle led by the locals. For David, having been born and raised in a coastal town in sunny Queensland, the hot Aussie boys had attracted his attention from an early age. He would watch as they paraded their semi- naked bodies on the beach, their nonchalant arrogance only adding to their appeal in David's eyes. He was subtle in his admiration of these perfect male specimens, never arousing the suspicion of his family or friends.

Even at 14 years of age, he considered himself as straight as an arrow. The sculpted bodies on display never once made him question his sexuality, for it was normal to respect and admire the hours of hard work these athletes spent playing sport and working out at the gym, right? He'd bedded chicks and enjoyed it, and he was into sport which gays definitely weren't into, he thought.

Now aged 17, he was beginning to realise that his sideways glances at his classmates in the locker room were not simply out of admiration for the fine masculine forms he saw. Recently, he had begun having more sexual thoughts about some of the hot guys in his classes. At night time as he lay in bed, his hand would wander beneath the waistband of his briefs and bring his teenage cock to attention, thinking about Tom Hardy with his surfy blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes, or Matt Shearman, the popular black haired punk rock musician whose popularity was unrivalled at school, except for David's of course. As he jerked his cock, he'd think of Matt, sweaty after a gig, forcefully pressing his ripped body against his own as the two made out in a private back soundproof room. On the days that David saw his mate Tom Hardy, his fantasies would be fuelled by mental snapshots of Tom with his natural good looks and charm which had made him popular among many of the teenage girls that David was now beginning to see as competition. He would always cum at night thinking about the sizable bulge in Tom's shorts which he had caught himself staring at time and time again. He wanted Tom's teen dick inside him, and while the thought had once repulsed him, he was now wondering how hung the jock was, whether he was cut like himself, and what it would feel like to be impaled on the low-hanging club concealed in the dude's pants.

Female attention, however, was not exclusive to the boys of his fantasies. David was not oblivious to the whispers of the chicks in the playground, and he would offer them his trademark glowing smile as he passed by. He would watch their eyes as they surveyed and assessed every inch of his body, from his cute schoolboy face and large biceps bulging from his sleeves to his firm ass and perfectly moulded calves. He could practically hear the moans escape from their lips as they undressed him in their minds. He'd fucked plenty of pussy in his time, and he loved it when a chick got down on her knees and worshipped his thick cut of meat, before he rammed it into her moist pussy and made her moan loudly while he unloaded his spunk inside her.

He loved to sit around with the boys and have a few beers while they each gave detailed accounts of their most recent sexual encounters.

"I boned Jess Miles last Saturday night after Jimmy's party," boasted one of the guys. "Her parents were home but it didn't matter too much. Her Mum was eyeing my junk the morning and I know she wanted me, the fucking cougar."

"Yeah man, but you should really keep a tighter leash on your own Mum. She's been riding my pole since 10th grade," laughed Jimmy, getting a roar of laughter from the other guys.

David's cock hardened as he took a swig of beer and imagined riding Jimmy's fat tool. He'd seen it a few times in the change rooms after phys ed, and knew that the rumours were true about Jimmy's dick piercing.

He attempted to conceal the growing erection in his pants as the stories from last weekend's party continued.

Years of surf life-saving and cross country running had contributed to David's chiselled body. He wasn't tall for his age, but certainly a good 5'10 and what he lacked in height he made up for in muscle. His tanned body from an entire summer spent on the beach was the perfect golden brown. His solid biceps and tight pecs added to the strength of his upper body, but it was his developing washboard abs which was the jewel in the crown. He loved it when the guys would playfully rub their rough hands over his abs, worshipping his muscles and making him feel like an immortal God among mere men. After they felt up his whipped bod, he'd always duck into a nearby cubicle and beat off just to keep his dick under control. There was nothing more embarrassing then popping wood on a muddy dirt track in a skimpy pair of Adidas shorts. His short brown hair and bright emerald eyes were the capstone to this high school hunk's fine form, but he was far from arrogant and it was this boyish naivety that had made him such a popular dude all the way through school.

But he did love the attention that his body gave him. He had had a steady flow of girlfriends since hitting high school and was never short of occasions to get his thick cock serviced by a cute blonde, but he was now hungry to experience the pleasures of sex with another guy. Having broken up with his most recent girlfriend Marcia after he caught her making out with her family's Korean exchange student, David saw a unique opportunity to explore the innermost desires that he had never acted on before. But finding a willing participant would not be an easy task. Other than Timmy Dean, the flamboyant out-and-proud gay who David found physically repulsive, he knew of no other guys in high school let alone muscle studs like himself with whom he could play out his fantasy of a wild rough fuck. Nothing got his dick as hard as the thought of a muscle jock going down on him before fucking his brains out, not even the flaming hot Jess Miles who had often sucked his cock behind the bleachers after many a long distance run.

The private school David attended was full of kids from rich families. The vast majority of students in attendance had parents who owned small corporations, or they were heirs and heiresses to the fortunes of deceased grand parents. His peers would arrive at school in their Mercedes Sports Cars and SUVs, whereas David was not so fortunate to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents worked hard for every cent they had, his mother as a secretary in a local legal firm and his father working as a landscaper and a partner in garden maintenance business. His parents were rarely at home, but with their combined income, there was enough money to send their son to such the highly regarded Beachmere Grammar, a co-educational facility on the outskirts of town. They had long believed that in order to get anywhere in life, a good education was necessary and never once questioned the decision to send David to the expensive grammar school. The school's sports program was second to none, and David was always achieving outstanding grades, almost as a thank you to his parents for their sacrifice.

The family lived in a very modest home and unfortunately, there was very little money for anything bar the essentials. Any money that David needed for non school-related things, he had to find himself. His position as a surf life saver was purely voluntary, and thus he worked part time some days after school and on weekends in the deli at his local supermarket. The job was hardly riveting and it only inspired him to work harder at school so that he could one day escape the drudgery of working in a supermarket. He couldn't deny that having some money of his own was great - he certainly needed it for the weekend benders that usually ensued.

Today was the day before school resumed for what would be David's final year at high school. The supermarket was busy and there seemed to be a constant queue of people waiting to purchase smallgoods from the deli. He had worked his absolute ass off over the summer and was actually looking forward to starting back at school the following day, stimulating his brain with something more than slices of pastrami and a glass or five of vodka. Alas, there were only two hours until he finished for the day he was determined to make it pass as quickly as possible.

"Seventy-one, number seventy-one!" David shouted from across the counter as he turned back towards the chicken rotisserie and adjusted some settings. A tall figure made his way through the crowd of people to emerge in front of David, whose back was still turned.

"Damn, it's busy in here today and to think all I wanted was two slices of ham and some sausages for dinner,"

said the boy. Upon hearing the American accent and sensual nature of the boy's voice, David turned around and came face to face with the most attractive specimen he had ever seen. Time appeared to stand still as David took in the sight of the God before him. The boy had to be at least 6'1 or 6'2 and it was as if he had just stepped out of the pages of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue. He was a hockey stud, without a doubt.

The thick brown hair which framed his handsome face was styled to perfection. His eyes were concealed behind a pair of dark Oakley sunglasses which made David feel almost intimidated by the stud he was serving.

He found himself staring at the guy's soft pink lips and wondering what it would feel like to brush them ever so lightly with his own. The perfectly aligned sparkling white teeth below suddenly became hidden as a look of concern grew apparent across the boy's hunky visage.

"Dude, you alright? You look like you're about to faint or something."

David snapped out of his reverie and realised he'd been staring for far longer than was generally deemed acceptable.

"Oh... yeah I'm sorry, it's just been so busy in here this afternoon and I'm beat..." David tried to recover his confidence and serve the boy before he got himself into any more hot water. He was not used to being disarmed so easily and felt that he needed to be more alert, especially at work.

"No worries buddy." He flashed that smile and instantly, David knew there was no way he was going to be able to recompose himself in the presence of this attractive guy who, he guessed, was at least 18.

"Umm... so what can I do for you? What can I get you, rather?" David stumbled.

"Man you're really not doing so great. Maybe someone should take over from you before you collapse of exhaustion or fatigue," he warned.

"I'm fine, really. After I serve you, I'll go take a break," he reassured. "Now, what will it be?"

"Alright then, if you're sure buddy. I'll take 500g of the sliced champagne leg ham and say, 10 beef sausages."

David began putting the meat into freezer bags and weighed it.

"Why all the snags? Having a barby tonight man?" David ventured. The look of confusion on the boy's face said it all. Aussie slang was definitely not something this guy was familiar with, and David rephrased quickly.

"You having a barbeque tonight bro? Is that why you're getting the sausages?"

The boy laughed at his own misunderstanding and David's heart melted. They didn't come much cooler than this and it was as if all the hours serving meat at the grocer has led him to this very moment.

"Nah buddy, it's just me tonight. I'll eat half of 'em and freeze the rest."

David handed the two packages over the counter and was saddened by the thought that the transaction would now come to an end. "Well enjoy the snags, take care bro."

"Cheers bud, you too. Hey, can I give you my number?" At these words, David froze. He wasn't sure he had heard correctly. Had this stud just offered up his number? "Oh... yeah... sure, that'd be great!" he responded excitedly.

"Thanks buddy, saves me trying to find a bin," and with that, he handed David the piece of paper which had his number in the deli queue on it. Dejected, David went on to serve the next customer, his eyes lingering on the hot American's ass as he walked away.

When he got home that Sunday afternoon, he found a note from his parents to say they were at a neighbour's house for drinks and nibbles and probably wouldn't be back til late. David quickly headed to his bedroom and changed out of his work uniform and into a sexy a pair of briefs which barely concealed his already semi-erect cock. He lay down on his bed and took out his dick, giving it a few gentle tugs. It was fully hard in seconds and as he began to think about the hunk in the deli from earlier in the afternoon, his strokes became more rigorous and his moans more audible. He imagined the guy laying naked on top of him, their sweaty forms intertwined in a mass as their hard muscles pressed together and fought for supremacy. He pictured the hunk's gorgeous smile. He imagined being penetrated by the walking wet dreamed he had earlier severed; the two of them fucking ruthlessly. David tried to imagine that it was the dude's fist pounding his cock now instead of own right hand. He used his free left hand to tweak his nipples and to rub in the sweat that was forming on his chest and abs.

His body was sensitive all over - he needed release and he wanted it at the hands of his mystery boy. He felt the familiar tingling sensation in his balls and knew that in a matter of seconds, he would be unable to hold back the torrent of cum which had accumulated in his balls over the last few days. As he fisted his cock wildly, he envisaged the jock pushing his cock as far into David as it would go and hold it there, his pubes against David's opening, breeding his ass. "Ohhhhh yeahhhh, fuck," he moaned as volley after volley of his boy juice shot from the tip of his dick and arched high in the air, before landing on his sweaty chest. After 6 powerful shots of cum, semen continued to dribble from his large organ all over his hand and onto his balls. His orgasm subsided and he basked in the afterglow of post-orgasmic bliss, wishing he could share this special moment with the boy he had seen only hours before, knowing that the chances of ever seeing him again were slim. He knew that the nights of dreaming about Tom Hardy or Matt Shearman were over. As he got cleaned up and changed into something more appropriate before his parents arrived home, David smiled to himself. "I really need to get laid," he retorted.

Monday morning came around quickly and David was awoken by his mother, reminding him it was the first day of school. He had slept soundly during the night and was startled by the early intrusion into his room. It took only minutes for him to change into his school uniform, complete with tie. His Mum may work long hours, but David was grateful for that fact that she always found the time to do the washing and ironing. He appeared downstairs and consumed a quick bowl of cereal before heading off for the bus stop.

"Love you Mum, see ya tonight," he said over his shoulder.

"Bye honey."

Beachmere Grammar School was abuzz with overeager Grade 8 students when David arrived. There was a time back in his first year at the school when he usually appeared too enthusiastic to be back, and his friends always reminded him of the fact. It wasn't cool to like coming school, but with David's grades and his popularity, he was the big fish in a little pond fast growing complacent with the lifestyle there. Who wouldn't want to be in his shoes?! When he arrived, David caught up with his mate Tom before class was due to start.

"Tom bro, what's up man?" he asked as he placed a hand on the surfer dude's shoulder. He could have sworn he felt electricity pass through his hand as it lingered innocently against his mate's firm bicep. He gave it a playful squeeze as the two gave one another a quick embrace.

"Dave, good to see ya! What's been happening?" asked Tom with genuine enthusiasm. David mumbled an incoherent response as he looked into the lagoons that were Tom's blue eyes and began to drown in their expanse.

"So have you seen any of the new junior chicks? Don't they just get better every year?!" Tom stated excitedly.

"Yeah bro, but hell they're barely out of primary. They've gotta be 13, tops! I do have some standards you know Hardy, even if you don't."

"You've never said no before. You were boning Amber Neale in eighth grade, how is that any different?"

Tom reminded David.

"I was only one year older than her at the time! Anyway, what classes are you taking this year?" His attempt at changing the subject didn't go unnoticed by Matt Shearman, their punk rock mate who had arrived only moments earlier in his Lexus, the latest gift from his father no doubt.

"Look at Davey getting all apprehensive. You're not getting all soft on us are ya bro?" Matt laughed. "I thought that after the whole Marcia incident with her Korean lover, there'd be no stopping ya!" He lightly punched David on his right pec, making him flinch and take a step back, perhaps still reeling from the shock of Matt calling him Davey. He loved the playful name and had often dreamt of Matt saying it while he pictured the two making out in his bed. Alas, Matt's exploits with girls were far too well publicised for such a stud as he to be even the slightest bit gay. It never occurred to him that his own sexual experiences were equally as well known by most the school's population and it would never have occurred to anyone that his sexuality was not as it seemed.

The bell rang and the boys went their separate ways to Period 1. As this was his final year, David had elected to take the more advanced courses continued over from last year's studies. This positioned him in good stride for a great tertiary entrance score, and his parents had high hopes regarding universities and future career prospects. First up was one of his favourite classes, Modern History. He loved this class, not only because it was a good break from his predominately Maths and Science oriented subjects, but also because he felt that he could be more himself in the absence of Matt and Tom, who had Marine Studies at this time. David had finished Grade 11 at the top of his class in Modern History, delivering three brilliant assignments and achieving near perfect results on the challenging exams. Tom joked that the humanities-focused course was easier than the more Maths based subjects, but David certainly knew better. It was one of his most challenging courses, only made harder by his teacher, Susan Mater, who always pushed her students to their limits and always got the very best out of them. If he continued achieving at the same level this year, he was almost guaranteed to get into the state's most prestigious university.

"Besides," joked Tom, "Everyone is too scared to beat the great David Chester in anything or he might beat them up! No wonder you win everything!"

David walked into the classroom and saw Miss Mater sitting behind her desk, waiting for the second bell to ring so she could begin her class. David made eye contact with her and the pair smiled at one another as he sat down. He knew all to well he was her favourite student, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Welcome back Grade 12's! I hope you all had a safe and relaxing summer break because this year in Modern History is going to be one of the toughest years of your life. I guess you're all eager to see what we'll be studying?" she asked rhetorically.

"Miss, please say we won't be doing World Wars I and II again," complained a girl at the back of the room.

There was quiet laughter from around the room. Miss Mater even laughed at the comment. Everyone was sick of studying the wars of the 20th Century and looking forward to a change of content.

"No, no Keiser Wilhelm or Hitler this year guys. We'll be looking at the plight of Australian Aborigines, studying some popular culture, and revisiting communist China. It's not going to be..." but before she could finish, the stone-faced deputy principal, Mr Hinz, interrupted the lesson by appearing at the door, beckoning her outside. David could see the silhouette of what appeared to be another teacher with Mr Hinz, although he was uncertain and discussion had again resumed up at his table.

A few minutes later, Miss Mater re-entered the room with a new student beside her. David was busily talking to his neighbour and failed to see the situation until the teacher spoke up.

"Grade 12s, we have a new student in our class this year all the way from The United States of America."

David turned in his seat and laid eyes upon the boy he had served in the deli only the day before. His heart skipped a beat and he could feel himself turning a bright shade of red. His palms grew clammy and within only a few seconds, David felt his world starting to spin out of control. No boy had ever had this effect on him before, and while he loved the thrill of the chase, he wasn't sure he would be able to keep himself in check for a full year.

"Tell everyone about yourself Jake," Miss Mater beckoned.

"Hey everyone, I'm Jake and I arrived in Australia yesterday. What is there to know about me? Umm well I'm your typical 18 year old, I live and breathe hockey and I'm here for the whole school year so might get to know a few of you by the end."

If David thought Jake looked impressive yesterday when ordering some sausages and ham, it was nothing compared to the stud which stood before him now in clear view, without the deli counter obscuring all of the important features. He lived and breathed hockey? This was plain obvious just looking at the dude, the snug way in which in uniform hugged all the right places. His tanned muscular forearms and legs were the result of a lot of time spent in the sun, using his muscles and making him the God he was. The light sprinkle of hair over his body was perfectly tailored to David's preferences. There appeared not to be an ounce of fat on the jock, whose abdomen David was dying to catch a glimpse of. Maybe he'd be lucky enough to take Phys Ed with the dude and steal a few glances in the locker room after a hot workout or a game of sport.

Yesterday, Jake's eyes had been well hidden behind a pair of super expensive sunglasses but today, they were visible and on display for all the world to see. David was hopelessly in love the minute he looked into Jake's blue eyes and saw his soul deep within them. No eyes could naturally be so blue! "He must be wearing contacts," thought David. He felt a compulsion to race up to the front of the room and talk to the guy, but his common sense prevailed and he remained glued to his seat in awe.

All eyes in the room were on Jake. The girls were practically drooling all over him, and even the nerdy types had looked up from their course plan and assessment guide to stare with intrigue. David knew instantly that the new kid was going to be a popular addition to Beachmere Grammar, threatening his position as the top dog on the social ladder. But he didn't care in the slightest. He would give it all up in a heartbeat if it could mean Jake would be his friend.

The sound of Miss Mater's voice ended David's daydream. "Could I ask someone to kindly show Jake around today and make sure he settles in okay?"

Immediately, Candice Johnston spoke up. "It's okay Miss, he can be with us today until he finds his feet.

We'll show him around."

"I bet you will you fucking skank," thought David. He was bitter, but determined to make himself known to Jake by day's end. Besides, who wouldn't want to be friends with the most popular guy in school? Candice's reputation preceded her, known for having slept with most of the boys on the school's rugby team. David conceded that she was attractive and a good lay, but the thought of her getting with his boy made him incredibly jealous.

"Then it's settled. Jake, you go and sit with Candice up the back there and she'll show you around at lunch,"

said Miss Mater. "Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything, or you can talk to David over there on the right if you're having any problems. He's a prefect and the student body president."

David wasn't expecting the opportunity to make himself known to Jake so soon, and he quickly found himself standing on his feet - his mouth moving with a mind of its own.

"Yeah, I'm usually around the place buddy. Come and find me if you need to," David smiled.

"Sweet, cheers bro. Miss, I think I have a friend in this class already. Deli boy and I go way back," Jake laughed as he turned his back on Candice and made his way to the group of desks next to David. Candice, visibly distressed at having been beaten to the mark, sat back down in her place and sulked.

"Wonderful! Now let's get this lesson started. Who can tell me something about Australia's indigenous past?"

As discussion began around the room, Jake leaned in and whispered in David's ear. "You feeling any better today? I swear you looked like you were gonna pass out yesterday."

Not only did Jake remember him, but he was showing genuine concern over his wellbeing. Had he died and gone to heaven, or was this just the best day of his life? "Yeah, was just feeling tired but I'm all good now."

David didn't pay much attention the rest of the lesson with his dream boy sitting just centimetres away. Jake, too, was happy to have made a new friend and he didn't pay much attention either. There wasn't much opportunity for the pair to talk or get to know each other, but David trusted that this would happen at lunch and over the coming days. As much as he enjoyed Modern History, he was dying for the lesson to end so he could finally build some groundwork with Jake.

Lunchtime soon arrived and David led Jake to his common hangout by the basketball courts. It was the first time he had managed to get Jake alone, and despite all of the questions he had formulated to ask him, he was feeling nervous and a bit unsure of what to say, not wanting to appear overeager.

"So it's David right?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, David, Dave, take your pick."

"How about Davey?" David began to blush. Nothing made him hotter than a cute boy calling him Davey.

"Haha yeah I guess that's okay," David said, trying to regain his composure. "And you're Jake, right?"

"Yep. Jake Eliot. So Davey, what do you do when you're not selling meat?"

"I usually just find a good street corner, meet a few clients who are willing to pay top dollar for what I've got to offer..." David said with a smirk.

"Ah interesting. So what's the going rate these days? How much would I have to pay for a blowjob?" Jake raised an eyebrow. David hadn't expected Jake to continue the joke, so he decided to see how far he could take it.

"How much? At least $500 for a blow job, but I offer mates rates so you might get out of it a little cheaper than that."

"Good to know man, good to know." Suddenly, Jake burst out laughing and punched David lightly on the shoulder. "Nah seriously, what do you do for a good time?" David laughed as well, loving the light-hearted conversation they were sharing.

"I love the beach. I'm a surf lifesaver and when I'm not working or at school, I'm usually there." David omitted the fact that he often just sat on the beach and studied for hours, sometimes with waves his only company. He didn't want Jake to think he was a nerd. "How about you?" he finally asked.

"Well I was in the whole sex industry like you, but people wanted too much change for their money." The boys roared with laughter at the comment, and David responded quickly without really putting his brain into gear. "I doubt it, you look awesome." He soon realised what he had said, and worried he'd given away too much. "You know, looks like you work out a lot and stuff."

"Cheers man! Yeah I don't get many complaints!" David wasn't surprised! "I try to work out every day and I keep pretty active with football and hockey always on the go."

"Cool, I'm a long distance runner myself."

They reached the bench in the paved area by the basket ball courts where Tom and Matt were already sitting down. They were always the first out of the classroom door, the elite academics that they were... They had even found time to buy their morning tea at the canteen and make it back to the bench before the others had even arrived.

"Jake, meet Tom and Matt. Guys, this is Jake and he's over here from America for the next year or so." After all of the introductions were over, the cocky Matt began grilling Jake. David was a little embarrassed by his friend's third degree, but Jake didn't seem to mind so he didn't say anything.

"So why Australia? Why not some flash European country or something?" Matt probed.

"We own a house here. Well, Dad owns a place here and let me just say I wanted to get away from home for a little bit. It was just convenient. Decided I'd do my final year of school somewhere different." There was definitely more to this story than Jake was telling, David thought, but he'd leave it for another time.

Tom piped up, "So you're living by yourself?"

"Yeah pretty much, it's awesome. Don't live by anyone's rules but my own now, and got the big place all to myself. Hell, you guys should all come over some time and check it out."

"You got a pool?" Matt asked, looking up from his curry.

"Yeah bud."

"How about this afternoon we come check it out then?" asked Tom.

"Whoa guys, I know it's hot but you can't just invite yourselves over," David interrupted.

Jake laughed it off. "It's all good. How about you all drive back to mine after school? You guys can just follow me back. Davey, all good?"

But David wasn't all good. He always caught the bus to school and felt embarrassed at having to admit it.

"Ah yeah... could I get lift with one of you guys?" he asked, looking towards Tom or Matt.

"You can ride with me Davey," Jake said, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving him a bit of a squeeze. It was as if Jake understood his predicament perfectly.

"I'm sure he'd rather ride in my new Lexus is250," Matt said, drawing attention to his new car and obviously trying to intimidate Jake with his family's wealth.

"Oh wow, that's pretty cool. Yeah Davey, your choice. Matt's Lexus or my Lamborghini Gallardo?" The boys' mouths hung open wide.

"No need to fight over me now guys," David laughed, "but I think Jake's offering the better deal here fellas."

"You bet your sweet ass I am. So it's settled, we'll meet in the car park at 3 and leave from there."

The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever as David was forced to endure classes without Jake. They were each taking virtually identical subjects, but were enrolled in classes which were offered at different times.

When it arrived at lunch time, Jake had been called to the Guidance Counsellor's office to discuss how he was settling in to the unfamiliar school environment. Matt, Tom and David played handball using a tennis ball and a crack in the concrete path near their hangout. They always took the game quite seriously and it was always very competitive. Tom noted that they would have even players if Jake decided to hang out with them for the rest of the year - a prospect which satisfied both Matt and David who hated being the reserve player.

Soon, the familiar end-of-day bell rung and the school's large popular flocked in all directions for school buses, the side street where parents often waited to pick up their kids, and the car park where seniors often parked through the day. The latter was the destination of Matt, Tom and David as they left their physics class.

They saw Jake waiting for them at the car park beside the chic looking Lamborghini he mentioned earlier.

Matt was quickly an arm's length from the car examining its luxurious interior, turbo exhaust and metallic rims.

He was jealous as hell.

"Fuck, this looks brand new!" Matt noted.

"That's coz it is. Picked her up yesterday from the showroom. Thought I'd need a new ride over here and bought it when I was back home so she'd be ready to drive away."

Tom looked over at his second hand BMW325i that he'd bought from an elderly lady who was looking to downgrade. It was a nice car, but it had nothing on Jake's or even Matt's. David glanced down at his bus pass and felt a sense of shame. In that moment, he resented his parents. He went to school with all these rich kids whose parents bought them the world, and his couldn't even buy him a used vehicle to get from A to B. It was incredibly embarrassing, especially when Matt gave him a hard time about it. He was glad that Jake hadn't made a huge deal out of why he didn't have a car, and he was hoping it wasn't something that would come up.

David's reverie was interrupted by Jake, who was already opening his door. "Alright guys, just follow me. My place is only about 10 minutes away but in case we get split up, you'd better get my number." David whipped out his phoned and entered in Jake's number as he quoted it aloud, not wanting to miss the opportunity. "You coming Davey?" Jake asked, beckoning him towards his car.

"Sure," he said to Jake, and then turning to Matt and Tom, "I'll meet you guys there." He hopped in Jake's car and immediately, the powerful beast roared to life. Everything about the car screamed status and wealth, from its leather upholstery and timber glazed dashboard, to its expensive sound system and slick panel of gauges and controls. David had his licence, but he didn't understand what half the metres measured. He must have looked like a kid in a lollyshop because Jake laughed as he drove out the gate and said, "Not bad eh?"

"Not bad? It's freggin' brilliant! I bet Matt is spitting chips that it's me in his car right now and not him," David laughed. "Thanks heaps for the ride."

"It's no worries at all buddy. How do you normally get to and from school each day anyway?" Jake enquired.

There was a silence as David tried to think of a way to answer the question without portraying himself and his family as meagre paupers. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in a awkward position. I just..."

"No no, it's okay," David interjected. "It's just, well I uh... I usually take the bus to and from school because I don't have my own car. Mum and Dad can't really afford to buy me one at the moment, and working in the deli doesn't pay all that well."

"Yeah I bet," Jake said. "Look, if you need to get anywhere, just sing out and I'll try to give you a lift. Want me to take you home after you come over this afternoon?"

"Oh jeez Jake, that's pretty generous of you but I'm usually alright. Dad runs me around between jobs, and Tom and Matt are pretty good about the whole thing. And when they can't help me, I usually just take the bus. But if you'd run me home tonight, that'd be cool. Then I could show you were I live," David said excitedly, perhaps a little too enthusiastically than was warranted.

"I'd love to see it! I'm sure Mr and Mrs Davey have a very nice home." This made David crack up as he realised he hadn't yet told Jake his surname.

"It's Chester. But I'm sure Mum and Dad will put you on first name terms - Barb and Pete."

"Sweet deal. It sounds like you have a really nice family," Jake smiled. David detected a hint of sadness in Jake's voice, but he didn't want to make Jake feel uncomfortable by pursuing that line of questioning.

Matt and Tom were still following closely behind and as Jake indicated into Melrose Circuit, one of Beachmere's most exclusive addresses. Melrose Circuit was its own artificial island right in the heart of Beachmere's tourist strip. The houses in this area of town were renowned for achieving record-breaking prices at auction, and while David thought that maybe Jake had taken a wrong turn and was lost, his gut told him that this was indeed where Jake was living. David received a text message and looked down at his phone.

It was from Tom: "The dude lives in paradise row? Fuckkk." David smirked at Tom's characteristic Hardy class, or lack thereof.

Jake pulled into the driveway of what could only be described as a mansion. The garage roller door went up automatically as the car neared, revealing a very spacious carport with plenty of room for both the Lamborghini and Matt's Lexus. When Tom arrived, he parked his car in the driveway the four boys headed inside through the garage door.

"Holy shit, what the hell is this place?" Tom asked, his heading spinning in awe of Jake's house.

"I take it you like what you see?" Jake teased. "Yeah it's pretty nice. Dad bought it a couple of years back when this area was just starting to take off, and he's had it as an investment property since. When I said I wanted to come out to Australia, he organised it to vacant for me and here we are!"

"It's fucking unbelievable!" Matt exclaimed, his eyes scrutinizing every little architrave and cornus, looking for a fault. But there were no flaws in this dream home, which consisted of two bedrooms downstairs and an additional two upstairs, a spacious study, three bathrooms, a games room, and a kitchen straight from a three hat Michelin restaurant. Not a single object was out of place, making it appear that the house was not even lived in. The staircase leading from the foyer to a more private upstairs living area appeared to have fine gold trimming on the balustrades. Even the carpet appeared to be of the highest quality, as did the alternating black and white tiles on the back patio which led out on to a large timber deck. Every inch of this house screamed wealth, power and class, and yet its ostentatious furnishings and trimmings were in complete contrast to the sweet and modest Jake who was rather desensitised to the whole thing.

"And you live here by yourself?" Matt asked.

"Yeah man, but judging by your reactions, I'm guessing that I'll be having some company pretty often," he laughed. "Anyway, let's have a dip and cool off a bit." He wasn't met with any protest by the boys, who quickly followed him outside to the pool area.

The kidney-shaped pool was centred around a lush garden, with a large turfed area set aside for a game or two of cricket or footy on a hot summer's afternoon. Beyond the fence, the ocean awaited. It was perhaps the most alluring aspect of this grand address. A gate led to a strip of sand - their own private beach to enjoy whenever the weather permitted. The backyard was almost as big as David's entire house, and while he was intimidated by the grandeur, he intended to enjoy every minute of his time here. He wished that the others weren't here so that he could have Jake all to himself this afternoon, but it served as a reminder that he had an image to maintain, and as generous and kind as Jake was, there was no doubt in his mind that Jake was the epitome of the rugged, athletic, masculine heterosexual male he so often found himself attracted to.

As David stared at Jake, who was talking to Tom and Matt out on the deck, he began to feel himself getting hard. He instantly turned away and pretended to again study the interior of the house.

"Davey, the others were just saying they didn't bring swimmers. I'm guessing you don't have any either?" Jake inquired. He turned around to face Jake and covered his growing bulge with his schoolbag, pretending to search through it for something he'd lost.

"Nah I don't have mine either," he said. "I'll just swim in my briefs though if that's alright?"

"Yeah, no problems. I've got some spare boardies up in my room, but if nobody is gonna wear them, we may as well all just go in our briefs then." Jake whipped off his shirt began to unbuckle his belt. David forced himself to look away, fearing that his erection would return with a vengeance if he watched Jake getting undressed. The other guys also began to remove their shoes and socks, followed by their uniforms. David had at some stage jerked off thinking about all of these studs and their hot bods, and was now living in a kind of fantasy world as he looked over and saw them all scantly clad in briefs. He had seen Matt and Tom in various states of undress on many occasions, but never before had he seen anyone so beautiful as Jake, now standing before him in a tiny pair of AussieBum briefs.

"I bought them duty free when I arrived in Sydney, what do you think Davey?" Jake winked. David's dick tightened and his face became flushed. He was used to the teasing and banter of the locker room, but he had never before wanted to act on his instincts so badly and flirt right back. He looked over and saw Tom and Matt getting ready to hop in the pool.

David swallowed hard and decided to take the risk. "They look great," he said while reaching forward and grabbing the elastic waistband of Jake's briefs, giving it a gentle tug and letting it snap back against Jake's bare skin.

"Ow! You little bitch!" Jake winced and saw his chance to get even with David, who by this stage was still dressed in shorts. Jake grabbed David's legs just above the ankles and pulled the bare-chested boy towards him while catching his flailing upper half in his other hand and cradling him like a little baby. David was no light- weight, weighing in at a solid 75kg of hard muscle, but Jake showed little strain across his face as he carried David to the edge of the pool.

"No! Don't do it. I've still got my...!" but David was silenced by the sudden drop in the deep end, still in Jake's arms. If he had been less worried about his old brick of a phone which was still in his pocket, he may have actually enjoyed the experience of being in the arms of the boy from his dreams, helpless to an in-control hunk like Jake, but it was too late and his phone was submerged and had little chance of either survival or revival.

"My fucking phone, you moron!" David hissed. Looking around, he saw Matt and Tom laughing their heads off in the shallow end like two elderly women ready to start a water aerobics lesson.

"I'm so sorry buddy!" Jake said while trying to keep a straight face, but he was unable to maintain sincere concern and soon began to laugh like the rest of the guys. David saw the humour in the situation, but was still a little frustrated at having lost his phone. He knew his parents would be reluctant to fork out money for a new one.

Jake watched as David tried to switch on the phone without any success. "You can pick 'em up fairly cheaply these days anyway bro, but I am sorry."

But David hadn't heard a word. For the first time, he saw Jake's exposed abs in the water and he was consumed by awe and lust. But something didn't quite add up. He convinced himself that he was looking at a mirror reflection in the water as he saw Jake's four pack reflected in the pool. He soon realised, however, that where they were standing in the middle of the pool, the water level was only up to the waistband of his briefs, and thus realised that Jake actually bore impressive eight pack abs. David watched as droplets of water cascaded from Jake's glistening hair, down his throat and over his broad and well-developed pecs, over his rock hard abs before pooling in his sexy navel. It was like a naturally formed rock pool built up over the years, and it was a work in progress to rival even the work of the world's greatest sculptors. David knew he was staring, but he didn't care. His insatiable lust for Jake was somewhat satisfied by soaking in the sight of his perfectly defined body.

The boys played around in the pool for an hour or so until their hands began to wrinkle and the breeze grew cold. When they got out, Jake ran inside and got four towels so they could each dry off, and he let the boys take showers in the downstairs bathroom. While David was waiting for his turn to use the shower, Jake brought him down a pair of cargo shorts from upstairs.

"Try these on bro, you can't go home in wet pants or you'll catch a chill." Again, he was blown away by Jake's generosity and sense of concern for his welfare.

"Cheers, I'm sure they'll fit me," he winked.

"Yeah, but there'll be plenty of room around the crotch on you. I take up a lot of space in that vicinity," Jake teased. David hurled a cushion from the couch at Jake, who picked it up and was about to throw it back with full force when suddenly Matt and Tom emerged from the bathroom, hair all over the place and clothes dishevelled.

"Fuck Matt, that was awesome. You really know how to hit the mark," Tom laughed, whacking Matt hard on the ass.

"Yeah, you took it pretty well fella. Not many chicks can handle all this," he said as he grabbed his package through his pants and gave it a bit of a pull.

David knew that the guys were only joking around, but he was curious as to how far the boys had gone with one another. Had they taken a shower together? Did one sit and watch while the other showered? Either way, their joking around was hilarious and Jake quickly turned to David.

"C'mon bro, I'll show you a good time," Jake winked and grabbed David by the hand, leading him to the bathroom.

"Take it easy on him Jake, he hasn't been laid in awhile," Tom shouted just as Jake slammed the door shut behind them.

David was nervous. Here he was alone in Jake's bathroom with the master of the house himself! "This will give em something to talk about." Jake walked to the toilet which was on the far left of the spacious bathroom and pulled down his wet trunks to take a piss. "You use the shower first man while I shave, then we can swap or whatever."

David turned on the cold water and hopped under, hoping the sudden chill would bring him to his senses and bring his cock under control. But he quickly turned on the hot water tap and soaked up the warm water. He heard Jake flush the toilet and throw his wet briefs on the floor as he began to fill the basin with water, preparing to shave away the day's stubble.

Jake cleared his throat and began to speak. "Davey, have you got a girlfriend?"

David, who had begun to lather himself up with the expensive soap found in the holder, froze as Jake spoke. It was a weird question to ask given that they were both naked and within only a few metres of one another.

"Nah, not at the moment. Just taking a break from chicks for a bit and concentrating on my last year at school," David answered. "How about you?" He recommenced soaping up his body the warm sprays of water, avoiding his cock in fear of getting a raging boner that he wouldn't be able to hide.

"Oh okay, fair enough. Yeah at least you can get all the pussy you want when you're not tied down to just one girl. But to answer your questions, yeah I do have a girlfriend back home but she's not happy that I came to Australia for a year. If it's meant to work out, it will," Jake pondered.

David was disappointed. He knew Jake was straight, but it had been so far unconfirmed. Although he didn't realise it at the time, his disappointment was evidence of just how quickly he was falling for this guy he barely knew.

"Oh," was all David could muster. "Well... that's bad luck."

"Yeah man, but I'm not too stressed. Meredith is awesome in the sack and can suck dick like it's going out of style, but she ain't the brightest spark going around."

"Reckon the long distance thing will last very long then?" David posed.

"Nah I don't think so."

David heard the water drain from the basin and suddenly, the shower door was pulled open. Jake hopped in and immediately sat on the tiled floor, his face only inches away from David's cock. "Hope you don't mind if I hop in too, it's easier to talk." David readjusted the shower nozzle so that it was covering both of them, and then sat down alongside Jake.

"Nah it's all good. You haven't got anything I haven't seen before," David laughed, trying not to sound too nervous.

"Yeah that's my philosophy too. Hell, I normally swim buck naked, but I wasn't sure how you and your mates would react to that one today."

"And yet you're in the shower with me right now, 'bucked naked' as you say," David noted, a huge smirk on his face.

"But that's different. We've both had girlfriends before, neither of us are gay and I feel chilled around you dude. I'm glad we're buddies," Jake said, placing a hand on David's bare shoulder and then removing it.

David shivered at Jake's touch, which was mistaken for a sign of him getting cold.

"Oh shit man, I'm sorry. I'll finish up quickly and let you get out." Jake stood up and grabbed the soap, lathering up hot body while David sat on the floor below. He had a brilliant view of Jake's beautiful cock and low hanging balls, and he wondered how many chicks he had pleasured with it. He bet they begged him for more and more as he drove his hard meat deep inside them. Jake mentioned that he was on the football team, and David guessed he was probably the quarterback judging from those athletic legs and raw upper-body strength. He'd never seen another dude's dick so closely before, and he was unabashedly taking in all the details of Jake's. He noticed that Jake was cut as well, and in its soft state was a good 4 inches long with a thick girth. It took every ounce of self-control he had not to lean forward and engulf the bulbous head of Jake's dick in his mouth. If he did, how would Jake react? He wasn't willing to risk losing Jake's friendship already.

All of a sudden, Jake dropped the soap, hitting David on the head and snapping him out of his fantasy.

"Shit Davey, sorry. Here..." and he proceeded to lean down to pick it up but he found himself face-to-face with David, who was already beginning to stand up with the cake of soap in hand. The pair locked eyes for a moment as David felt himself go weak. Jake was like a God looking down on him - his wet hair dripping water onto David's own face, his powerful legs supporting a perfect body that was so elegantly positioned above him. David would have given anything to lean forward and kiss him. The moment seemed to last forever in David's mind, when in reality it was only a few short seconds as he handed Jake the soap and proceeded to stand up and open the shower door. There was so much sexual tension in the air, and David was no longer able to conceal the effect it was having on him.

He dried off as Jake finished up in the shower. When he reached for the cargo pants Jake had leant him, he found a dry pair of Abercrombie and Fitch briefs inside.

"Are you okay with me wearing these briefs home too?" David asked.

"Yeah bud. You can't put that wet pair back on and besides, there's no way your getting in the front seat of my Lamborghini with chlorine-soaked pants."

David laughed at Jake's remark. "Cheers, I didn't really want to have to put that wet pair back on."

It occurred to David later that Tom and Matt were not offered clean briefs by Jake, and were either wearing their wet ones from swimming or had chosen to go commando and free-ball it. He felt special to be wearing Jake's underwear; to have his dick nestled in the same spot Jake had once had his. He couldn't wait to get home and jerk off in the stud's underwear. Again, it was as if Jake read his mind while towelling off and throwing on some clean clothes.

"And don't give them back to me with cum stains all over them!"

David wound up his towel and whipped it at Jake's ass, barely making contact but leaving a lasting red mark against Jake's otherwise tanned skin. He squealed like a little girl and ran in circles around David, trying to get the best vantage point at which to whip him with his own towel. There game was interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door.

"Are you two girls nearly finished in there?" Tom asked, laughing as he walked away.

"No, Davey still can't get it up. We're working on it though," Jake teased. David instantly gave him the finger, only provoking Jake to laugh more at his own wicked sense of humour.

When the boys finished up in the bathroom and went in search of Tom and Matt, they found them upstairs in the games room playing a round of billiards. Matt was carefully aligning a shot while Tom stood back and fired taunts, attempting to distract him but to little avail. At the sight of David and Jake back from the bathroom, they packed away the game.

"You guys ready to head home?" Jake asked.

"We sure are, thanks for having us this arvo dude," said Tom, extending a hand to Jake who shook it firmly.

Matt too said his thanks and they made off for their cars.

As the others drove off, Jake locked up the house and David collected his wet uniform from various rooms and put them in a plastic bag. He walked straight past his wet underwear which he'd left in the bathroom, forgetting he was now wearing Jake's and had warn a different pair all day. Within minutes, they were headed towards David's house which he was no longer looking forward to showing Jake. His quaint, three bedroom timber house in one of the less affluent areas of town could not compare to Jake's waterfront mansion, worthy of being nominated a prize home. The quiet demeanour which overcame him was not unnoticed by Jake, who began to probe for answers.

"Alright spill Davey. I may have only known you for a day, but I can already tell when something's up. What's troubling you?" Jake asked, his eyes never once leaving the road.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired," David lied.

"Bullshit, you know that excuse doesn't work on me."

"What makes you think something's wrong?"

"Because you're always so confident and bright, and now it's like someone's died. Either tell me what's going on, or we'll pull into the National Park and I'll dump you there with no way to get back home. What'll it be?"

Jake said.

"I don't want you to come inside when we get back home," David confessed.

"Oh..." Jake didn't quite know what to say. "I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything.

That's fine, I'll respect your wish."

He sounded hurt at the idea that David didn't want to introduce him to his parents or show him his house, and Jake worried that he had done something to offend his new friend. The hurt in his voice was evident and really upset David.

"It's have so much money and such a nice house, and we pretty much live in squalor in comparison," David stated, ashamed.

"David, what sort of person would I be if I judged you or didn't want to be your friend anymore just because your Dad's not the CEO of American Express or something?"

"Yours is?" David asked gob smacked.

"Well, kinda... but it doesn't mean anything! Sure, he always makes sure I have what I need, but I'm sure your parents always make sure you've got food to eat and a roof over your head too. We're no different. I'm pissed off at you for even thinking that."

David didn't say anything. Jake reached out his hand and rested it on David's leg, a reassuring gesture on his behalf to show that he needn't fear losing him as a friend.

"I'm sorry Jake."

"Christ Davey, life on the upper East side isn't all that it's cracked up to be either, let me assure you of that.

I'd give anything to have a loving family like you obviously do. My parents got divorced when I was back in junior, and I found it really tough at the time. Now, they've each moved on and found other people, and my brothers and sisters and I just have to deal with it."

"I don't know what to say, I'm..." but Jake cut him off.

"Promise me that you won't judge me just because I've got a few extra dollars saved up. It doesn't change anything Davey, you got me?" Jake took his eyes off the road for the first time and looked at David in the eyes while waiting to hear him make the promise.

"Alright, I promise. I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions." David felt horrible inside, but was reassured that Jake was not just another rich snob like so many of his peers at Beachmere Grammar.

"So where are we headed? I'm lost," Jake laughed.

"We're almost there," David directed. "Just need to turn left at the end of this road and we'll be in my street."

It was beginning to get dark when Jake pulled up outside David's house. The minute he stepped out of the car and walked down the garden path towards the front door, Jake felt that he was home. It was a modest house, but there was no doubting the love and hours of labour that went into building it. As they entered, David's Mum appeared from the kitchen and greeted her son in the hallway.

"Hi, I'm Barb Chester," she said with a welcoming smile. "And you must be Jake," she said, opening her arms and embracing the dumbstruck visitor.

"Ah... yes! I'm Jake... but how did you know? I know met your son today at school," he pointed out. David hadn't mentioned Jake to his mother, and was also curious as to how she already knew so much as his name.

"It's on your numberplate dear. When you personalise it with your name, people make such assumptions," she laughed.

"Ah Mrs Chester, you are a smart cookie just like your son. You must be so proud of him," he said as he ruffled David's hair. David made off down the hallway and into the kitchen, where he went to the fridge and grabbed himself a beer.

"Jake, do you want something to drink?" he shouted.

"Sure, whatever is going," Jake replied, now walking into the kitchen with David's mother at his side. The pair were talking about Jake's first impressions of Beachmere Grammar and their little town as a whole. David, meanwhile, loosened the cap and handed Jake the beer.

"Mum, Jake lives by himself way over in Melrose Circuit," said David.

"Alone? Oh no, then you must stay for tea Jake. I am in the middle of cooking a roast and there is far too much for the three of us. David's Dad is out mowing the backyard and will be in shortly."

Jake felt very much at home, and gratefully accepted the generous offer to stay for dinner. David's Dad, Peter, soon came inside from mowing and once again, the necessary introductions were made. Peter was impressed by Jake's firm handshake, a point he would later refer to David as being a positive sign of character. Jake, too, was impressed by David's father who clearly worked very hard to provide for his family. He felt so comfortable in this environment and indeed would love to be part of the Chester family.

"Why don't you show Jake around honey, dinner won't be too far away," Barbara announced from behind the stove. David seized the chance to pull Jake aside and ask him about his first impressions. He didn't have to ask, as Jake was quick off the mark when they were safely out of earshot.

"Wow Davey, you have a really nice family and a great house!" Jake said, beaming with a huge smile across his face.

"Yeah they're pretty good," David said.

"Do you ever get lonely, you know, without any brothers and sisters around the place?" Jake asked "I used to when I was younger, and I guess I still do from time to time, but it's not so bad."

"Ah man, I couldn't imagine life without my sisters and bros, especially my little bro. He's so adorable and I just love him to pieces. I think he's the one person I'll miss most coming to Australia."

As they walked towards David's bedroom at the end of the hallway, David wrapped an arm around Jake's midsection and pulled him into a sort of side-on hug.

"Cheers Davey. Now show me your crib!"

They entered the small bedroom and Jake immediately sat on the end of David's bed, studying his surroundings. Against the adjacent wall, he saw a desk equipped with a fairly new looking laptop, scanner and printer. Next to the globe sat a flat screen television set up on one end of his desk, facing towards the bed.

David sat down in his swivel office chair and spun around to face Jake, who was now looking at the large bookshelf behind the bed. He owned a lot of books, ranging from childhood favourites and young adult fiction like Harry Potter, to more of the literary classics and textbooks for school. From the window, there was a view of the quaint backyard facing into the Westerly afternoon sun, which by now had set and given way to the evening. A small pedestal fan blew cool air into the room, not like Jake's house with its centrally controlled air conditioning.

"It's not much, but it's all I need really," said David.

"I love it Davey," Jake admired. "I reckon I could just about move in here tomorrow."

"Oh and Dad set up a makeshift gym in the garage, you'll have to see it." But before they had the chance, David's Mum called them for dinner.

They cleaned up in the bathroom and sat down at the table, where Barb had served a fine cut of roast lamb with seasoned vegetables.

"Well we certainly hope you enjoy your stay here Jake," Peter announced while calving the meat.

"I'm sure I will, thanks for your great hospitality," Jake smiled. "I'm very lucky to have Davey here as a friend I think." With that, he kicked David under the table.

"Davey?" said Barbara with curiosity in her voice. "Now that's not one he gets called very often. I'm surprised he let you call him that," she laughed. "I can't even call him 'pet' when we go out to the shops."

She was right. David normally wouldn't let anyone call him such a name, but it was different with Jake. He could call David whatever he liked and not be met with protest.

"I guess I just have that special way with him, Mrs Chester," said Jake, almost giggling as he looked over at David whose face was by this time as red as a Christmas bauble.

Everyone agreed that the dinner was superb and the conversation that took place was pleasant. Barbara was pleased to see that nobody left any food on their plates as she loaded them into the dishwasher. It was already 7:30pm and Jake declined the offer of dessert, choosing instead to head for home. "Thank you so much for a beautiful dinner," he said after offering to clean up in the kitchen, "but I really must head out to Walmart or whatever you call it over here before it closes."

"Do take care Jake," advised Peter. "We'll see you some time soon."

"Thanks Mr Chester. And Bye Davey, I'll see you in the morning bright and early when I pick you up for school," Jake said while heading out the front door so that David could not debate the issue.

After his car had taken off down the road and the Chesters were together, just the three of them, Barb said, "What a delightful boy!" while clearing the table.

David was sad that Jake had left so quickly without any real explanation, as he'd hoped to have dessert and show Jake the gym. But nevertheless, he'd had a brilliant day getting to know the boy he had yesterday served at the supermarket.

"Yeah he's a good guy," David said while taking a look at the TV guide, pretending to sound indifferent.

"Does someone have homework to do?" asked Peter, raising an eyebrow at his preoccupied son.

David argued that being the first day back, there was little homework to do and instead opted to take a jog along the beach. He liked to do this after a busy day at school to clear his head and to get some fresh air.

He whacked on the P Plates and drove the family car down to the spit. After setting up his iPod on shuffle, he began his jog along the dunes. There was enough moonlight to illuminate the sand in front of him and the water's edge, which was increasingly crawling up the beach as the tide grew higher. As he ran, David thought about the butterflies which had been in his stomach ever since Modern History class that morning. What David was feeling towards Jake was so much different to his feelings for Matt and Tom. They were good friends, but his desire to somehow get them into bed was a purely a physical drive. With Jake, everything was so much more emotional and natural. The desire to be with Jake sexually was present and running through the back of his mind, but it was another thought which scared him the most. He knew that he was beginning to fall for this straight jock. He'd never been in love with a guy before, but he knew when he saw Jake in the shower earlier that day he wanted to kiss him.

But David had to remind himself that Jake already had a girlfriend and could never be interested in a guy like him. Sure, he worked out and was a pretty attractive guy, but for starters, having a penis wasn't going to do him any favours. As if this wasn't enough, the two boys came from very different worlds. David's was one of budgets and scholarships, whereas Jake was a millionaire and could buy whatever he wanted at the drop of a hat. His education was guaranteed and his financial security virtually assured for the rest of his life. Their worlds could never accommodate each other.

As ran along the beach, David lost track of time and was forced to jog back through the water which had reached the dunes in the height of its tidal peak. Determined to push through the pain in his legs brought about by the increased strain of running through the water, he sang along to the Bloc Party song playing on his iPod.

"Two ravens in the old oak tree, one for you and one for me.

Bluebells in the late December, I see signs now all the time."

David had been seeing the signs all day. It wasn't just his ripped body and brute physical strength that made Jake attractive in David's eyes, but his genuine sense of compassion and his acute awareness of David's comfort and wellbeing at all times. They were qualities that David had never seen before in another boy, let alone someone so physically beautiful and emotionally mature. He may have only known him for a day, but all of the signs were pointing in the same direction - he was quickly falling in love with Jake Eliot, the boy who would go on to invade David's dreams that night as he lay soundly in his bed.

David awoke early on Tuesday morning drenched with sweat and stuck to the bed sheet. It had been a sweltering hot night with the mercury barely getting below 28 degrees Celsius, and the high humidity only contributed to the already sticky feel in the air. His dreams that night had been filled with thoughts of Jake, his new friend from America who had come to Australia for a year to study. Jake was fast becoming a love interest in David's life, and while he was aware of the repercussions that came with getting caught up over a straight guy, there was little he could do to dissuade himself from further developing any feelings for this boy.

His dreams had been a space where even the most unlikely of events could occur if he willed them to. Last night, he had dreamt that it was just him and Jake on the ultra private beach outside Jake's back gate. He fantasised that Jake had seduced him there by bringing him cocktails and getting him buzzed, before taking advantage of him in the sand. Getting out of bed that morning meant conceding that the fantasy was nothing more than a dream that was restricted to his imagination, and so he felt unusually unmotivated and lethargic.

He waited until the last possible minute before getting out of bed and facing another day, but he took solace in the knowledge that Jake would be soon picking him up for school and therefore aimed to look his best (or at least as good at his uniform permitted). Like deja-vu from the previous morning, he grabbed a bowl of cereal and piece of French toast and ate them quickly at the counter in the kitchen while reading over some notes for Physics in his textbook. A car horn sounded from outside, and after saying goodbye to his mother and stuffing his face with the large remainder of his toast, he bolted for the door, backpack in hand.

Seeing Jake waiting for him in the car reminded him of why he had gotten up that very morning. Jake's hair once again looked like it had just been style at the salon, and his blue eyes pierced through David's soul as he ran down the path towards the car.

"Shit, sorry for being late. Slept in this morning," said David while closing the door and putting on his seatbelt.

"Fear not, kind sir. I'm a tad early coz I had to give you something anyway. Why don't you open the glove compartment there," he prompted.

David did as he was instructed and found a small rectangular parcel wrapped up in gold paper with a red bow.

"What the fuck is this for?" David asked, somewhat embarrassed. "It's not my birthday or anything."

"Oh shit, it's not? Ah well, you'd better give it back to me then," Jake joked. "Nah seriously man, open it and tell me what you think."

David proceeded to undo the ribbon and after debating whether to unstick the tape and keep the paper in tact, or to tear the whole thing apart ruthlessly, he opted for the faster option and ripped the parcel apart.

What he found absolutely blew his mind.

"DUDE!" he shouted. "You got me a fucking iPhone?!"

"I felt bad about what happened yesterday after I threw you into the pool with your phone still in your shorts, so I figured I should probably say sorry and make amends. Do you like it?" Jake asked from the diver's seat - a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

"Like it? I love it!" David said, sounding like an excited schoolgirl. He'd never imagined he'd one day be the proud owner of an iPhone, and Jake's extreme generosity only served to make the moment all the more special. "Thank you SO much!" he exclaimed as he leaned across the centre console and gave Jake a big hug.

"Glad you like it champ. That's why I ducked off so abruptly last night by the way, so I could get to the store before it closed," he explained. This eased David's mind a lot, for he was worried why Jake had baled so early after dinner. "Oh, and before I forget, I know things are pretty tight with money at home so even though you own the phone outright and everything is in your name, you're on a plan which I've taken care of for the next 6 months. Provided you stay within the terms of the contract, everything you do with that beast is free til June."

David couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not only had Jake bought him a brand new top of the line phone, but he'd also paid for all of the expenses it would incur. He was speechless. Nobody had ever been so kind to him before, and despite the fact that it was Jake who had thrown him into the pool, he'd never expected such a kind gesture on his behalf.

"I don't know what to say Jake. You didn't have to do all this man but... just... wow, thank you." David muttered, trying to find the right words to express the extent of his appreciation. "What can I do to say thank you?" David asked innocently.

"Well how about you put out tonight?" Jake teased. The laughter which followed was deafening, but Jake turned up the stereo and blasted the bass as he began the 20 minute drive to school. Before long, the boys found themselves singing to the music playing in the car:

"Holler we want prenup, we want prenup, yeah! It's something that you need to have, coz when she leave yo ass, she gonna leave wit half.

Eighteen years, eighteen years, and on his eighteenth birthday, he found out it wasn't his!"

David laughed as Jake turned to him and lip-synched the lyrics, "She ain't messin' with no broke niggas."

After a brief pause, he added, "Ah I love this song, it's too fucking true. Meredith, my girlfriend back home, man she keeps me poor. It's always Tiffany's this and Chanel that. And then she won't give it up when I'm craving some. Bitches, who needs 'em anyway," he laughed.

"Yeah buddy, totally agree with you there," David said following Jake's lead, despite feeling like one of the broke niggas of Kanye's song.

After some more singing and fooling around, they arrived at the school car park. David was saddened by the thought of not seeing Jake again until the afternoon when he'd promised to drive him home. They didn't share any of the same classes today, and as a prefect, David had been rostered on to supervise the junior playground during lunch, missing Jake's presence at lunch time.

"So see you back here at 3?" Jake confirmed before they parted ways.

"Thanks for the lift mate, I'll see you then." David walked towards his period one classroom, not bothering to make small talk with Matt and Tom at the basketball courts. As he neared the classroom, the new phoned began to vibrate in his pocket and he took it out to find Jake's face staring back at him. He laughed as he realised Jake had taken a photo of himself using the phone so that it would appear every time he called or sent him a text. Jake had hung up before David could answer on purpose, just so he would see what he'd done to the phone.

"The cocky bastard," David said under his breath. He decided to send Jake a text with words to that effect.

The day was slow and as hard as he tried to concentrate on his work, David constantly found himself being distracted by thoughts of Jake. In Chemistry, he'd been asked a question by his teacher relating to Boyle's Law - a principle he'd learned time and time again, and yet he'd been day dreaming and not only missed his name being called, but was also unable to answer the question. He realised that even though it was only the second day back for the year, he had better start to put in more of an effort if he wanted to do well this year.

The next month and a half continued in much the same way as the first two days had. That is, Jake picked up David in the mornings and took him to school, and drove him either home or to work in the afternoon. It was their chance to catch up on the events of the day as they were rarely able to spend time together at school due to David's commitments and their different timetables. But over these six weeks of school, David began to fall even more for Jake. How could he not? He was virtually David's ideal guy and as much as he wanted to jump the guy's bones at every possible moment, he didn't want to do anything that would jeopardise their ongoing friendship. The whole situation was almost too good to be true, and just as David began to feel more comfortable having Jake around, a blonde obstacle presented itself.

It was early March and Jake had been in his last period Maths Class, sitting towards the back of the room when Candice Johnston entered, saw the spare seat next to the hot new boy she had seen around over the last few weeks, and decided to sit next to him. Jake had been reading through the homework chapter of the textbook and failed to see the blonde bombshell enter the room until she started talking to him.

"It's Jacob, isn't it?" she said, startling him.

"Oh shit! I didn't see you there," he said, forcing a smile. "It's Jake, I forget your name sorry but don't we do Modern History together?"

"I'm Candice," she said, extending her hand. "I'm only taking this class because the Guidance Counsellor said it would help my marks. I hate Maths."

Jake found it amusing that people were willing to take classes they hated, knowing they could fail the course if they weren't motivated to study enough. He personally loved Maths, and was very good at it too. His father had been a mathematical man, starting off working as a teller for a large American bank and now worked as the Chairperson for one of the biggest creditors in the world. His father always saw the world in terms of profit and loss - all things had their monetary worth. While Jake indeed had a numerical sort of mind, he had not inherited his father's arrogant and often brutal business ethic which had seen him bring in record profits to American Express three quarters running. However, with the dawn of the credit crisis, things had not been so cruisy lately at American Express and the once collected and organised Keith Eliot found himself struggling to meet the demands of both shareholders and the company board. With a federal indictment over his head and the possible loss of a mammoth severance package, Jake's father was in a lot of hot water and Jake wanted to be as far away as possible to avoid the fallout.

"I love Maths," Jake said, "but I can see why you probably wouldn't like it. No real application unless you're going to get into big business or physics or something." But sweet Candice had zoned out the minute she looked into Jake's blue eyes and saw a fiery streak dying to be unleashed. Unlike David, who had seen Jake's soul through the windows that were his blue contacts, Candice saw an opportunity to get laid by the new kid on the block. He was tall, he was ripped, he was smart, and she was willing to bet he was packing it below the belt. In her head, she began to devise a plan to seduce the teen stud.

The lesson went on as normal with the class revising some of last year's content on the board with the teacher, before learning some new trigonometry and working through the exercises in the textbook. Jake proceeded with confidence having done work like this back home in America, whereas Candice was obviously lost and spent most of the lesson talking to and attempting to distract Jake.

"I just don't get it," sighed Candice. "How are you supposed to differentiate an equation that has sine and cosine in it? That's like, almost impossible."

Jake just laughed and showed her an example in his book. But when she tried to move on to the next question, she again appeared to lack the capacity to tackle the question.

"I'm going to fail Maths and my parents are going to be mad at me and I'm not going to get into a good university," she complained, putting her head on the desk.

"Aw don't be like that," said Jake, giving her back a bit of a rub. "It's not easy stuff."

"Well how came you understand it so easily?" she fired back.

"It's because I've done it all before. I struggled with it my first time as well," he lied.

"Maybe you could teach me the basics again so I'd be able to understand this more complex trig," she proposed. "Only if you have time of course, and I don't want to be an inconvenience. I'll even pay you to teach me."

Jake bought the act. Candice genuinely wanted to pass Maths, and he couldn't charge her for his services.

Besides, it would help him to recap some of the basics too.

"Alright then," said Jake. "Why don't we meet up at the coffee shop over in the shopping centre after school today?"

She was made ecstatic by the suggestion, but resisted appearing too excited by the prospect of meeting with Jake outside of school.

"How about we make it 6pm? I've got volleyball training after school and should probably head home to get cleaned up first. Should we just make it dinner then at that student cafe in the mall?" she asked excitedly.

"Deal," said Jake. "But I'm not going to take any money for helping you out. It'll be good for us both, just bring your books along."

The bell sounded to signal the end of the period, and while Candice headed towards the volleyball court on the other side of campus, Jake went to the carpark to meet David and drive him home from school. David was already there waiting for him, and Jake smiled at his presence. He'd missed his mate's company that day, and was glad to have the chance to catch-up while driving him home from school.

"Davey, how was your day?" Jake asked with avid interest.

"Kinda crap," said David. "But hey, I'll survive. How was yours?"

"Not bad, not bad. The math over here is way easier than back in the States, but your English teachers are absolute Nazis! There's no way I'm gonna make it through the year if it's always this hard."

David was good at English and saw an opportunity to help Jake out if he got stuck, but he was uncertain whether this stemmed from his desire to capitalise on an opportunity to spend time with Jake, or whether it was a more sincere enthusiasm to help out a friend in need. If Jake complained about finding English hard again, he'd offer his assistance. It was the least he could do given just how generous Jake had been.

David had to work that afternoon straight from school, so he'd asked his chauffeur to drop him off at the mall where the supermarket was located. Jake was all too willing to oblige and dropped him as close as possible to the front door, before heading off in the opposite direction towards his house. David was only working a three hour shift tonight in the deli which he was grateful for as he hated long shifts after a big day at school.

The time seemed to pass so slowly that afternoon as the shop wasn't overly busy and there were times when he was short of things to do. With only ten minutes left until he finished his shift, his supervisor left for a break and David was left in charge of both the deli counter and the butchery section. He decided to spend the last few minutes bringing older stock forward on the shelf, making sure that meat which had been there the longest would be the next to be sold. With his back turned, he was oblivious to the customer behind him.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for some prime Australian beef but I can't quite seem to find the cut I'm after," said an all too familiar voice. He couldn't hide the smile from his face as he turned around to see Jake, who had an equally as big a grin on his face.

"We have only the finest quality meat here sir, what were you looking for exactly?" David asked, playing along.

"I want some meat I can really sink my teeth into, something really juicy. You know what I mean?" winked Jake.

David couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was Jake actually flirting with him, what he just playing a bit of a game, or was he actually looking to buy some meat? He had a semi hard-on at the sound of Jake's soft, sexy voice talking to him in this almost erotic way.

"I'm afraid it's getting towards the end of the day and our highest quality cuts have already sold. Perhaps try coming back earlier in the day?" David suggested.

"I usually buy my meat in the afternoon when the hot clerk is on, but I guess that member of your staff not working today. They'd always give me the meat I want," Jake said with that famous shit eating grin plastered across his face. David knew he was the hot clerk Jake was referring to, and began to feel cocky.

"Well I'm sorry I can't be of more assistance to you," he replied.

"Wait, I see a good fillet of Aussie beef right here," Jake said excitedly, reaching forward and grabbing David's ass. "How much is this one right here?"

David burst out laughing, but secretly loved that Jake had a hand on his firm ass. He looked around sheepishly to see if anyone was watching, but the aisle was deserted.

"I'm afraid that succulent cut is not for sale. It's finishing work in two minutes and would love some company for takeout, if you were willing to wait around..." David said with a grin.

Jake continued laughing and gave David's ass a smack. "Ah Davey, nobody can accuse us of not having fun, you and me. Can't do dinner though bro, sorry. I just stopped by to make sure you still wanted a lift for school in the morning. I was over here to study and grab a bite to eat with Candice Johnston from our History class and figured I'd stop by my favourite deli first. Fuck, she's gorgeous!"

Jake was here on a date with Candice? David wondered how she had manipulated him already. He had mentioned that it was a study date, so maybe she'd pleaded ignorant in Math or something. It was typical of the slutty bitch. David could feel the anger and jealousy building up inside him. He let loose.

"You realise her Dad works for the taxation department and her Mum's an accountant, right? Candice got the subject award for Maths the last two years. Why would she need your tuition?" David asked rhetorically.

Jake paused, terribly confused by the tone of David's voice. "Oh... well she's really struggling with this new trig stuff we're doing and she asked for some help..." Jake said, his voice trailing off at the end.

"Yeah I'm sure your help is really what she's after Jake."

Jake was really confused. Why was David so upset about him meeting with Candice?

"Do you two have a history Davey?" he asked. "Is she a bitter ex or something?"

"We dated for awhile back in tenth grade, it was nothing too serious. If you want to help her out, then you should," David forced a smile. "But I'm right for a lift in the morning thanks so I guess I'll see you at school."

He didn't wait for a reply from Jake as he turned and headed for the safety of the staffroom, where he hoped to hide the tears forming in his eyes from Jake.

Jake was left standing in front of the meat alone and confused as to what had just transpired. Davey was fast becoming a best friend and the sarcastic undertones in his voice seconds earlier had really hit him hard. He had tried so hard to secure his acceptance and friendship, and fearing that David was angry at him, he tried to understand why. He thoroughly enjoyed their trips to and from school each day and was glad to be helping out David in some small way by allowing him to avoid taking the bus. But if he'd been right for a lift in the morning all along, why hadn't he mentioned it earlier and why wasn't he buying it? Realising he was running late for his study session with Candice at the restaurant nearby, he left the supermarket but not without a puzzled mind and a very heavy heart. He took out his phone and sent David a message.

When David changed into some more comfortable clothes that he kept stowed in his locker at work, he saw that he had a message from Jake on his phone which read: "Davey, msg me back when you get this. I hope you're ok."

But David didn't intend to respond. He was really upset and with every step he took on his long walk home in the dark, he became angrier with Jake and Candice, and even more jealous that she was a million times more likely to have her way with Jake than he was. He knew that for her, it would be all about the sex and the bragging rights afterwards. She had a history of proudly boasting about her sexual conquests, never omitting intimate and private details to embarrass poor sexual performers in the bedroom. He recalled her outrageous claims about the school's star quarterback having the tiniest cock she'd ever seen, and the time that she'd slept with his friend Jimmy and then told everyone that the piercing in his foreskin was infected and had made her sick. David had seen Jimmy's dick often enough to know that wasn't the case at all, and Jimmy himself had been so pissed off that he trashed her car beyond recognition. While Candice was so focused on the sex, David couldn't have cared less about it. For him, it was a matter so much closer to the heart and these extreme and bitter feelings he was experiencing tonight were proof of that. She could never love Jake like he could.

As he got closer to home, images of the two of them flooded his mind. He imagined them sitting at the table and sharing a meal with Candice fawning all over Jake. He envisioned Candice holding his hand, and then lowering it below the table and feeling him up through his jeans. He was certain that would be persuasion enough to lure him back to her house. He knew Jake was in a relationship but even he had admitted that it wasn't really going anywhere, and scoring with Candice may give her bragging rights, but it would definitely reinforce his position as one of the boys as well. He saw Candice on her back with her legs in the air, Jake fucking her from all angles with his hard shaft. He saw Candice begging him for more and Jake all too willing to deliver. David suddenly felt sick and turned to puke in a garden several blocks from his house. He was an absolute mess and couldn't face his parents in this state. He instead decided to call them and tell them he'd be spending the night at Tom's. He did this sometimes on the nights he worked as Tom lived closer to the supermarket and had parents who were always off around the world on business trips. He knew for a fact that tonight, Tom would be alone. He cleaned himself up and began the walk back towards Tom's place.

In reality, the night between Jake and Candice had played out very differently. After leaving the deli visibly shaken, Jake had arrived at the student cafe and found Candice waiting in a booth towards the rear of the restaurant. She had freshened up after volleyball practice all right. She looked like she was dressed to go to the ballet, and Jake, who always liked to look his best, felt incredibly underdressed in her company.

"Sorry I'm so late," he said apologetically when sitting down hastily. "Have you ordered?"

"Hi Jake! No I haven't ordered yet, but I've got the menu here if you'd like to see what's on offer," she said, sliding the menu across the table.

Jake was feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation. He felt like he was on a date, and his exchange with David was at the forefront of his mind.

"I'm not feeling very hungry," he lied, praying his rumbling stomach would not give him away. "But by all means, you go ahead and order something." She did just that, claiming to be famished after a busy afternoon of training.

"So tell me a little bit about yourself, Jake," she said, sipping on an orange juice she had bought earlier. She seductively licked and sucked the straw, hoping she'd attract Jake's attention.

Jake didn't want to appear rude, but he also didn't want to be trapped here making small talk. The pair spoke about themselves for around a quarter of an hour as Candice's order arrived and she began to eat, offering Jake the occasional piece of calamari and chip. Jake decided to speed things up a little.

"So Candice, have you got your textbook with you? I figured we may as well get started on some of these problems," he said.

"You know what, I'm just so exhausted after training today and I'm just not in the mood for Maths I'm afraid.

Maybe some other time," she said, smiling.

"Oh..." Jake was very confused by this stage.

The premise of their meet was to work through some problems and equations, and now Jake felt violated.

David had offered to have dinner with him, and yet he'd turned in down in favour of helping a friend who, if David was right, didn't really need help at all. It was all becoming pretty clear to Jake what this meet was all about. He looked across the table at Candice, who mistook the glance for something more suggestive and began to rub his exposed leg under the table with her foot.

At that moment, Jake felt so many emotions. He was feeling guilty for ditching his best mate and betrayed by Candice who had claimed to be in genuine need of help. But more than any of this, he felt dirty and cheap. The physical contact under the table would have normally been enough to get him riled up and in the mood for something a little more exciting, yet even though he was already dating someone back home, it wasn't his girlfriend Meredith who came into his mind. It was David. This guy who had been so willing to show him around and make him feel included; who had introduced him to his friends and his family without the slightest hesitation; who had made him laugh and smile so easily over the last couple of weeks like he hadn't laughed and smiled in years. With Candice's advances becoming more blatant, he felt repulsed.

Jake stood up from the table quickly looking flushed and uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, I just remembered something I have to do at home," he mumbled, leaving the restaurant before Candice had a chance to say a word.

Jake broke into a sprint and ran for his car which was parked in the shopping centre across the street. He ran in front of traffic and only narrowly avoided other road users leaving the complex. He jumped into the driver's seat of his Lamborghini and sat there in a trance-like state, his hands gripping the steering wheel and his right foot tapping the floor repeatedly - a nervous compulsion he hadn't experienced in quite a few years. He thought back to a year and a half ago when he had been on a cruise with his parents and younger siblings.

His Dad had arranged for the family to spend a couple of weeks on the Queen Mary II as it voyaged the Atlantic Ocean. It was a fairly new vessel with all of the fanciest trimmings, and the Eliots had paid top dollar to be one of the first to enjoy the splendour of the high seas aboard this floating city. Restaurants and cafes were about as abundant as the private cabins, all of which had oceanic views and private balconies so that one could enjoy the fresh Atlantic air. What was not anticipated, however, was the mundanity of life aboard the ship. The affluence was astounding, and yet there was simply nothing to do that couldn't be done somewhere else, and thus Keith Eliot organised a helicopter to fly in and take them all back to land.

But on one occasion, Jake had been enjoying some time alone in the hot tub on the deck when an attractive brunette had slipped in beside him and fell right into his lap. Whilst steadying herself, she grabbed onto his cock, but when the time came to let go, she instead began to give him a hand job under the warm water. Jake was in paradise and allowed her to go as far as she wanted with him, despite how obvious it was to him that the entire stunt had been preconceived. She whispered her cabin number in his ear and got out of the tub, not breaking eye contact with him once and she walked inside the vessel. Jake waited for his erection to subside, and chased after the babe who had promised so much.

When he found her room and knocked on the door, she was still dressed in the miniscule bikini she had been wearing in the tub, and announced to Jake that they had an hour while her parents were at the massage parlour. After some intense making out and tongue tying, Jake helped the girl out of her bikini and she returned the favour by untying Jake's boardies and letting them fall to the floor. Completely exposed to one another, the girl was in awe of the God she had managed to lure from the deck. He was the perfect physical specimen, and he soon had her orgasming multiple times. Jake had developed endurance, and held off until the last possible moment before blowing his hot load all over the babe's tits and face. He had to abscond before her parents came home, which was a good excuse not to leave his number or to make any commitments while basking in the afterglow of their encounter. He was certain that she felt the same way.

Afterwards, Jake had felt a sense of pride over his ability to score with the hottest chicks everywhere he went.

He continued to develop the rugged exterior and spent hours working on his body every day so that he could pick up the hottest girls. But almost two years on, as Jake sat within the confines of his stationary car, he began to realise that his insatiable sexual appetite was unfulfilling to say the least. He could have easily bedded the eager blonde tonight, but those few hours of desire and lust would never give him the same long term pleasure as a relationship with someone he genuinely loved or a friendship with David, who he'd somehow agitated by meeting with Candice in the first place. He checked his phone and found that David still hadn't replied to his message. He was worried about how he'd gotten home tonight from work and decided to call him. David, however, didn't answer and Jake became even more unsettled.

But as if tonight's revelations weren't enough, the truth hit him like a tonne of bricks from a great height. Could it be that David had been jealous of him spending time with Candice tonight? Could David, one of the most popular guys in school, actually be gay? He tried to dismiss the thought.

"He's a cross country runner and a surf life saver for Christ's sake," Jake thought aloud. "And he's so fucking ripped, he just can't be gay."

He considered the implications of his teasing and touching over the last few weeks. The numerous showers they had shared since that first day of school, both of them naked and making bare contact most of the time.

He thought about grabbing David's ass only minutes earlier and the jokes he'd made about David putting out after he'd given him the phone. If David was gay, it was no wonder he'd been upset about Jake seeing Candice, given her track record and behaviour tonight. Jake felt terribly guilty, but even deeper below the surface, a nagging feeling was tugging at his heart. All of those group jerk off sessions with the guys after footy, the time he'd tag teamed a cheerleader with his hockey mate and she'd made them kiss, the night he'd spent with his best mate in Jake's bed and traded blow jobs, putting it down to both being horny and sex-deprived; all of these memories came flooding back as his dick sprang to life in his True Religions. As he unzipped the fly, he realised he had been wearing the underwear David had left at his house all these weeks before. He hadn't even washed them, just leaving them out to dry on the line and whacking them in his drawer when they dried. The thought of his dick being in the same spot David's had been made him even hornier, and he sat up while pulling down his jeans the underwear to the floor. Butt naked against the leather upholstery, he began furiously pounding away on his dick and thinking about his mate.

"Mmm Davey, yeah," he moaned through his gritted teeth.

He thought about David's tight legs from the years of running and he imagined his hands feeling the hard muscles. He pictured David's solid thighs that he'd seen in the shower yesterday, and imagined his tongue licking it way over the soft flesh towards David's sizeable cock and meaty balls. The knowledge that David had been with quite a few girls made the whole thing all the more erotic. It was like he was a down the line straight guy, from the way he dressed to the manner in which he spoke, so the fact that he fancied Jake got him feeling incredibly hot.

"Fuck yeah, he wants me so bad," he moaned, still pulling on his cock which had reached a solid eight inches in his pent-up state. Jake began to imagine feeding David the cock in his pants, but not like he did with a girl.

He loved making the bitch choke on his fat tool and then spewing cum all over her face and degrading her for the slut she was. He wanted to give David what he wanted and make him feel comfortable. Hell, he'd even go down on the dude and suck his dick if it made David feel good.

Jake began playing with his balls, tugging on them and squeezing them, feeling them expand under his grasp.

The last time he'd gotten off was at least a week ago, and so they were full of cum. He continued to beat his dick and moan loudly while thinking about all the things he'd do with David if he ever got the chance. Precum was leaking from the tip of his dick, which in this fully aroused state had reaching its maximum nine inches. He badly wanted to lie down and fuck David with the length of his shaft, gradually pushing his was deeper into his tight hole and feeling David's warm insides clench around his dick. He saw himself leaning forward and kissing David, making passionate love to the teenage jock. He'd never gone all the way with a boy before and he was passed the point of caring if it made him gay or not. He needed it and he was sure that David would deliver.

He needed it, not because he was desperate to try something new, but because nothing in the world had ever felt so right to him before.

He saw himself jacking off David's dick as he pummelled his own in and out of the boy's love chute, and as he imagined Davey nearing his orgasm, he worked his own dick hard and faster into the hunk beneath him. He felt the cum stirring his balls as he neared the familiar point of no return, and just as he knew there was no going back, he saw David's bright emerald eyes and unmistakable smile, and he found himself laying in the strong arms of another man who undoubtedly loved him more than any of his other conquests had. His boiling spunk torpedoed from the head of his pole and landed all over the dash of his Lamborghini, but he didn't care.

Volley after volley of his cum painted the dash in a sea of white as he continued to milk the last few drops from his dick. He closed his eyes and anticipated the warmth of Davey's embrace against his bare skin. In the warmth and the solitude of his car, Jake began to doze off, dreaming not of spreadsheets and business brunches, but of a boy. It was so forbidden, but that made it all the hotter and besides, who was he to question the ways of his heart. He was certain in that moment that their time would come. He slept for almost an hour.

Jake was woken by his phone which had just received a message. He opened his eyes to find a very messy dashboard, his pants around his ankles, and a fine layer of sweat and cum over his exposed torso. He cleaned himself up as best he could, before grabbing some hygienic wipes from the glove compartment and wiping the car clean on semen. He picked up his phone off the floor and was delighted to see that David had finally responded:

"I'm fine, just tired. See you at school."

It wasn't what he had hoped to read. He was happy that David was doing okay, but the bitter shortness of the message lingered well beyond the screen. Jake immediately found his fingers moving of their own accord:

"Can I come over?"

He waited for a few minutes but didn't get a response to his message. Cursing under his breath, he finally decided to head around to David's house despite the late hour. After airing his car for a few minutes to remove the musky smell, he took the 15 minute drive to David's house. It was a journey that he did not need is GPS for, having made the trip many times since his arrival. It was 8:30pm and without a good excuse at the ready, he would be unlikely to convince David's parents of the urgency with which he had to enter their house and spend some time with David. He took some time to deliberate and hatched a plan that was bound to succeed. He stepped from the vehicle and walked up the garden path to the Chesters' front door. After knocking a few times, David's Mum Barb came to the door.

"Jake, to what do we owe the pleasure?" she asked curiously.

"Ah Mrs Chester, I'm afraid I left my wallet in Davey's room when I was last over," Jake lied. "Is he here?"

"No, he's staying with a friend tonight. Do you want me to take a quick look in his room for you?" she asked.

"Do you know who he's staying with?"

"With Thomas Hardy I believe dear," she smiled. "Do come in Jake, perhaps you'll be able to find what you're looking for."

Jake hadn't lost his wallet at all, but the opportunity to enter David's room was one he could not pass by.

Barb led him to the door and opened it, smiling as she squeezed past Jake and walked back into the lounge room. "Take your time," she called over her shoulder.

Jake recognised the scent in the room as David's. It was so masculine, yet at the same time so intoxicating and erotic. He sat on David's bed in the same place he had sat on quite a few occasions previously. He surveyed the room and it was exactly as he remembered - the loaded bookshelf and the organised study space, with the television and printer occupying alternative ends of the desk. Most teenage boys' rooms were filled with posters of cars and girls in bikinis, and David's was no different. There were, however, a few family photos around the walls and a periodic table of elements above his desk. David felt a million miles away to Jake, who sat in his empty room alone wishing he was there. As if instinctive, Jake lay back in the unmade bed and inhaled the rich scent of David which was prominent there. He pulled the dishevelled sheet over himself and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off and feeling at peace with the world and with himself.

Barb checked in on the boy after her program had finished on the TV and found him sound asleep in David's bed. He was still fully clothed except for his Havaianas flip flops, which had slipped off his feet and fallen to the floor in a pile. She smiled and pulled David's door shut behind her, touched beyond words that her only son had found such a loyal friend in Jake.

On the other side of the world, a club in downtown Manhattan was attracting a lot of attention. The bouncers were letting in a steady stream of people and by 11pm, the venue was going off. The elite clientele who frequented such clubs were the sons and daughters of the high brow executives who managed Wall Street by day and played hard in the casinos and clubs by night. Their children had adopted a similar mentality, and with access to virtually unlimited funds through their loving parents, getting their hands on fake IDs was easier than finding the right pair of shoes for the night. This club was the place to be seen on absolutely any night of the week, and for eighteen-year-old Meredith Jenkins, she intended to be seen by all the right people tonight. Her father, who was currently sitting on five boards and one of the majority shareholders of American Express, had known Keith Eliot for many years and the pair had introduced their children to one another in the hopes that a friendship (or something more) would flourish. Indeed, Meredith had a vagina and half a brain, and Jake was a very horny boy, and thus a relationship soon followed. She had often wondered how sincere Jake's feelings for her actually were, but being his girl friend gave her popularity like she had never before experienced and she began to fall in love, not with Jake, but with the position as the girl under his arm.

But Jake had taken off to Australia claiming that he needed a bit of a change in scenery, and so she found herself not just alone, but also tied down to a boy who wouldn't be around to take care of her needs. Tonight, her luck would change. She would meet the heir to a grand fortune who was looking for a little princess to spend his money on. He would kiss her on the dance floor for the entire world to see, and then take her back to his condo where he would show her how sex can be so much better when you're overlooking Central Park. Jake's mate Dustin had been at the club with a few friends for a quiet drink, and took a photo on his phone of a very drunk Meredith with her tongue down the throat of the stranger. He immediately sent it to Jake. "Sorry bud."

Jake's phone sounded at 7:30am and he checked it to find the photo and message Dustin had sent. The shock of seeing the photo was nothing compared to the surprise of waking up in what at first appeared to be an unfamiliar bedroom. He soon recognised it as David's and recalled lying down in the bed last night, feeling tired. He took another look at his phone and smiled. At least now he had an excuse to break things off with the girl he had begun to see only as an obstacle. He sent her a quick txt ending the relationship, not believing that the slut deserved a better explanation.

Jake jumped out of bed and headed through the house, finding David's Dad at the kitchen counter having a coffee before heading off to work.

"Peter, hi," he said, startled at finding anyone awake. "Was just on my way out. I guess I was pretty tired last night and just fell asleep in Davey's room."

"No worries Jake. Take care of yourself," he said, raising his mug as if toasting to the day ahead. Jake thanked him, and drove back to his house to get freshened up before another big day at school. He hoped more than anything that David was doing okay and wouldn't be too mad today to talk to him.

A few minutes away, David awoke to the gentle sounds of Xavier Rudd coming from the radio next to the ultra comfortable bed he was sleeping in. He sat up and turned off the alarm radio, rubbing his bleary eyes and sighing as he thought about the predicament he was in. He was so grateful to have a friend like Tom, whose house he could always crash at when he needed to and last night, oh boy did he need to. He couldn't face his parents in the state he was in, and knowing that Tom wouldn't hassle him with a series of questions, he turned to his mate knowing that there'd be a mutual understanding not to push him for answers.

Tom was already awake when David got up that morning, cooking a hot breakfast and making a coffee at the same time. He looked so sexy in the pair of satin boxer shorts he was wearing, and David admired the way his big dick made a large bulge in the front of them. The dude was hot and David wished that he could confide in him his deepest secret on the off chance they could share something special together. David knew that it would never happen.

"Mornin' Dave," said Tom in the middle of dishing up the eggs. "How'd you sleep bro?"

"Not bad at all Tommy," David said while taking a seat at the breakfast table.

They devoured their bacon and eggs quickly. Tom got dressed and ready for school while David washed and dried up in the kitchen, making them an efficient team. David borrowed Tom's spare school uniform for the day before they hopped in the faithful BMW and drove to school.

"About last night..." David started on the way.

"You don't need to say anything Dave," Tom reassured. "You know there's always a room at my place if you need one."

"Yeah I know, thanks a heap." A smile appeared on David's face for the first time since last night, and it felt good. He wasn't going to let Jake Eliot affect his mood so severely again.

Tom looked across at David who was appearing fairly contemplative and nudged him slightly with his elbow.

"Oi bruss," he said. "Let's hit up that beach party tonight at Jimmy's. Might make whatever's going on a little bit better. I know of some pretty hot chicks from school who are going."

David could immediately think of numerous reasons he didn't want to go. Firstly, he was in a shitty mood and didn't feel like partying tonight. Then there was the fact that it was a school night and if any of Jimmy's past parties were anything to go by, it was going to get very messy. But weighing on his mind the most was Jake, who would almost certainly be going. If Tom was right in saying that there would be hot chicks there, the last thing he needed to expose himself to Jake getting his mack on and making out with one of them.

"I might give it a miss, man. It's a school night after all said and done," David complained.

"Dude, tomorrow is a freggin' teacher strike! C'mon, you don't have school tomorrow so you can get completely wasted and not give a damn," he said laughingly.

"Shit, I don't know..." David said, out of excuses he could vocalise.

"Look, here's the deal," Tom tried again. "If you're not enjoying yourself, we can go home. But at least give it a try. You know how rad Jimmy's parties usually are."

David thought for a moment and finally conceded that a change in pace might be a good way to distract him from Jake. "Deal." Besides, he told himself, there's no way that Candice Johnston would be invited to this party after lying to the world about Jimmy. They were sworn enemies, and David was grateful that this was the case.

The remainder of the drive to school was uneventful, but it gave David a chance to think about how he could avoid Jake through the day without raising too much suspicion. He would call a student council meeting for lunch time and avoid being forced to spend lunch with the walking wet dream whose devilish charm was very dangerous to David's unprotected heart. But the real problem was fourth period Modern History - the only class they had together. David considered boycotting the class altogether, but he enjoyed Modern History too much to do that. It was a bridge he would cross when he came to it.

Jake, on the other hand, was considering all of the ways he could meet up with David throughout the day. He didn't anticipate it being easy given David's anger towards him last night and blatant refusal to respond to his messages. But he had to talk to the boy, if not to reassure him that everything would be okay, then just to spend some time in his company. He needed that at least. He planted his foot on the accelerator knowing he was running slightly late for first period, and sped towards the school.

The morning seemed to fly by with a biological practical and a game of rugby organised in Phys Ed class.

David had enjoyed the two sessions before lunch, and rocked up to the Student Council room in a good mood for the meeting he would be chairing. It was usually a chance for his peers to air their grievances and complaints about the way the school operated, from the long queues at the tuckshop to the disgusting school uniform. Of course, there was little that David could do other than report the complaints to a higher authority, but it gave him a sense of power and made the junior students admire him.

The meeting began as normal, with various school committees presenting their reports. It was announced that the school social from a few weeks ago raised a record amount of money, and plans were already underway for the next one. The sports committee reported a deficit and ideas were discussed for ways of getting the sport budget back into the black. Someone spoke up from the back of the room.

"Why not have some lunch time hockey comps? Charge $2 to participate and offer the person who scores the most goals a prize or something."

It was none other than Beachmere Grammar's resident hockey jock, Jake Eliot who proposed the suggestion, which was met with a very warm reception among the students in attendance.

"But who'd want to pay to play sport at lunch time?" David countered.

"I know I would. C'mon guys, everyone here has money, we've just got to make it look appealing. Do some advertising or something," said Jake.

"I agree," said Jess Miles, another girl renowned for her whorish ways. "We need to encourage more ball sports."

Jess was good at ball sports alright. She always managed to stir up David's balls after every long distance run, and he knew she'd been with a lot of the other jocks as well. She'd probably be familiar with Jake's balls in a few weeks, given his sexual appetite, David thought.

"Well in real hockey, we use a puck," smiled Jake. "I guess here on the grass, you just use whatever works."

Jess assumed Jake was flirting with her and giggled, only making David angrier about the whole scenario.

The meeting proceeded as usual, and when the bell signalled the start of period three and people had begun to leave, Jake ran up to David as he was walking out the door.

"Davey, how's things?" he asked.

"I'm fine, but I have to rush off to Maths. Catch you later."

"Wait!" he shouted. "I just need to apologise for last night. I didn't mean to offend you, but I thought maybe we could grab a bite to eat tonight instead."

"Nah I have other plans tonight. Look I really have to go Jake," David pleaded before virtually sprinting away.

"Fuck," Jake murmured. He wanted to find out who David had plans with tonight and luckily, he didn't have to wait long for an answer. Matt and Jake had English together in third period.

"I can't wait for Jimmy's party tonight," Matt had said. "You coming?" For starters, Jake didn't even know a Jimmy but chances are that if a party was happening, David would be going.

"Ahh I didn't even know about it," Jake responded. "Where does Jimmy live?"

"He's got this amazing beach house right. You wouldn't believe it. So fucking close to the beach, you can practically dive into the water out his bedroom window," Matt said. "Oh shit, your house is kind of like that too!"

Jake smiled. "Yeah I'll definitely be there. Can you gimme an address?"

Matt drew a map to Jimmy's house on a piece of paper and gave it to Jake, who stored it in his wallet. Jake hadn't really known what to make of Matt and Tom at the start, but right now Matt was his saviour.

Modern History class that afternoon was quite an awkward affair. Jake purposely arrived late to class so that David wouldn't be able to have the choice of not sitting next to him. His usual seat in that class next to David was vacant, and he took delight in sitting next to the boy whose affections he was trying to secure so badly.

"Fuck Jake, don't you have any other friends here?" David asked.

The words stung Jake to the core. He'd come to meet a lot of people during his time here, but he couldn't call any of them friends - at least, none as good as David.

"Actually," said Jake, "I haven't Davey. That's why I'm sitting with you so deal with it."

David was silenced. It hurt him to be nasty to Jake, but if he let himself turn all mushy every time Jake was near, he was only going to get hurt like he had last night. It was only a matter of time before he hooked up with some bimbo, if he hadn't already scored with Candice last night, and he didn't want to be madly in love when it happened.

When the lesson commenced, Miss Mater began playing a documentary detailing the invasion of Australia and the arrival of the First Fleet. As interested as David was in the topic, the only thing going through his mind was how mean he'd been to Jake, and yet peculiarly, Jake was being as nice as pie to him. He felt incredibly guilty and foolish for his jealous behaviour, but he was too proud to admit he was wrong and say sorry to Jake. As successful as he thought he had been in getting over Jake today, he realised that his feelings for the great hockey jock were far too pervasive to simply die out as quickly as they had formed.

While all eyes were on the doco, Jake whispered something in David's ear.

"Want a lift home from school?" he asked.

David really didn't want to have to take the bus again after being spoilt the last few weeks in Jake's Lamborghini, but the more he considered the offer, the more he talked himself out of it. It would be best for the long run if the trips with Jake to and from school came to an end.

"Thanks, but I'll just take the bus if that's okay," David whispered in response.

"C'mon Davey, please?" he said, practically begging with his adorable puppy dog eyes on display. The tactic had worked for Jake before, when he'd bring a hot girl back to his place for the night and she'd refuse to put out. The puppy dog eyes were enough to make anyone's heart melt. But David remained stone-faced.

"Look buddy, I appreciate how generous you've been but I'm gonna take the bus alright?"

As Jake began to debate the issue, he looked over at Miss Mater who was giving him a very stern look. He quickly ceased communicating with David.

"Jake," called Miss Mater with ten minutes remaining in the lesson. "I'd like a word after the bell rings, if you can spare me a couple of minutes.

"Fuck," thought Jake. He was certain David would take off while he was talking to the teacher and he really wanted to talk to him about what was on his mind before the party that night. But the conversation with Miss Mater sounded important, so he agreed to stay behind. David was relieved that he could make a clean getaway.

The bell sounded and Jake made his way to the front of the room as David escaped through the door.

"Jake," said Miss Mater while packing away her resources, "I'm concerned. You seem like a very intelligent boy, and yet you've been distracting David and distracting yourself."

"I'm sorry," said Jake. "It's just... I'm trying to find my feet," he lied. "It's so hard moving here from overseas and having to start again straight away."

"I understand," she said with a smile. "But, you must understand that David here is headed places. I've been teaching him for five years now and I've never had a student quite like him before. He's got the opportunity to leave this place and do some very great things, and it eats me alive to see you holding him back."

The words struck him like red hot needles piercing his skin, resounding off the walls of his skull. He'd been so used to picking up any chick he liked that he'd forgotten that David was so much more complex and unique.

David had morals, he was intelligent, he was sporty, he was attractive, and he had a very bright future ahead of him. He didn't need the Tiffany's key or the Versace watch that Jake could buy him. He may not have a load of money, but he was a brilliant guy. He began to realise that Miss Mater was right - he was merely a dead weight that would only hold David back. Jake guessed that David would find the courage to come out of the closet to his friends and family for the right boy, and yet Jake doubted that he himself would ever be able to confront his sexuality head on and take a boy home to his parents. They would prefer that Jake marry and divorce half a dozen times over rather than being bisexual or gay. It would bring so much shame on his father in the business world as well. If anything happened between himself and David, and he sincerely hoped it would, he knew he would never be able to offer David the same long term future that David would be able to offer him. Indeed, as Miss Mater's words spun around in his head, Jake acknowledged that he was doing little more than hold the boy back. As much as he wanted David so badly, the greatest favour he could ever do him would be to leave him be.

"I'm sorry Miss, I can assure you that it won't happen again," said Jake, hanging his head and walking out of the room.

As Jake drove home, he considered not even going to the party that night. The only reason he wanted to go in the first place was because he knew that David would be there, but now concluding that David would be better off without him, all he wanted to do was wallow. He headed to the liquor cabinet as he walked in the door and poured himself a pint of Alexander Keith's and downed it in seconds. He was so confused about a range of different things at the moment, from his ex girlfriend Meredith cheating on him, to his odd fixation with his new friend David and the realisation that the masculine jock image he had built for himself over the years was crumbling apart around him as the reality of his sexuality began to dawn on him. He poured himself another drink and listened to the sounds of Nickelback. Jake had always had a bit of a man crush on Chad Kroeger, a longstanding joke amongst his friends back home.

The drinks continued throughout the afternoon as Jake sat in the solitude of his large empty house, just he and Chad shooting the shit. He staggered to the kitchen and grabbed himself some Mi Goreng, the cheap and delicious packet noodles that you simply add boiling water to, and ate them in front of the TV. Before he had a chance to do much else, Matt rocked up and the door and said he'd take him to Jimmy's. It was already 8pm, and Matt soon realised that it was a good thing he was driving Jake to the party tonight. He appeared to be pretty buzzed already.

"Bro, you still coming tonight or what?" Matt asked him.

"Nah just gonna chill here," Jake said.

"There is no way I'm going to let you sit here and drink by yourself. Let's get you cleaned up and we'll head to Jimmy's."

Matt walked with Jake upstairs to his bedroom. The dude was loaded alright. His bedroom was massive, with a huge walk-in-robe and luxurious ensuite attached. The large king-sized bed was flush in the middle of the room, with a desk and work area set up against the window which overlooked the pool below and the beach beyond the fence. Matt walked into to the large wardrobe and began to look for some clothes for Jake to wear, tossing them onto the bed when he found potential candidates.

"Dude, I'm no fashion fag or anything, but you can't go tonight in your school uniform looking like a fuckin dero. Go take a shower or something while I wait out here."

"Alright," Jake said, offering little resistance.

The initial cold jets of icy water began sobering Jake up a little and he had sufficient co-ordination to be able to wash himself under the shower. Matt came in when he thought Jake should be finishing up and put some clothes on the bathroom vanity for him to change into.

"Wanna join me?" Jake asked him cheekily.

"Nah, I'll let your boyfriend do that," Matt retorted.

"What are you on about?" Jake asked, a really serious tone in his voice.

"You and David. C'mon man, you two are always together. It's cool if you two have got something going on you know, but at least be a little subtle about it." While it was clear that Matt was joking around, the sarcasm wasn't so evident to Jake who was still feeling the effects from his afternoon of drinking.

"Is it that obvious?" Jake asked honestly.

"Is what?"

"You know, me and Davey."

"You mean there is something between the two of you?" Matt asked, shocked.

"Yeah... well no, not really... I mean there kind of is... fuck I don't even know. I screwed it all up and now Davey's not even talking to me."

Matt stood there aghast. He never suspected for a minute that there was something more than friendship between the pair. He'd never once thought that David could be gay! He'd known the guy for years and they practically grew up spending their summers on the beach together. He'd heard the stories about David's charm with the chicks in the bedroom. Until he heard an admission that David was gay from his very own lips, he wouldn't believe it. There was no doubting the fact that Jake, on the other hand, believed that there was something there between the two of them. He knew it was wrong to probe Jake while he was so inebriated, but he wanted answers big time.

"Do you like him?" Matt asked. "As in, have you two, you know..."

"Hell no!" Jake said. "Never."

"Would you?"

There was a pause. "No." Jake's resistance and outrage was less present.

"C'mon Jake man, be honest with me. What's the deal?"

"Nothing. I just thought Davey maybe liked me more than a friend, you know, coz he got jealous when I went for dinner with that Candice chick."

"And..." Matt encouraged.

"And, I guess I was flattered. But he's better off without me. If he's gay, he needs someone who'll be around for him and not taking off in a year's time."

"But if he was gay and offered it up for you, you'd be interested?" Matt asked.

"I guess... yeah probably. But don't fucking tell anyone. Shit, I can't believe I'm telling you this."

"I don't give a fuck if you like girls or guys or fucking goats dude, just be honest with me. You have feelings for him, don't you? You just said he needs someone who'll be around for him and not taking off in a year's time. Well Jesus Christ dude, that sounds like it comes from someone who's pretty damn smitten if you ask me."

Jake didn't answer. He was sobering up quickly and feeling very uncomfortable with the current conversation.

He turned off the shower and got out, feeling the need to cover himself with the towel in front of Matt.

"Have you been with a guy before?" Matt asked Jake while he was drying his hair.

"Drop it buddy, I don't want to talk about it anymore," Jake warned.

"I'll ask you what I want to ask you, so drop the tough boy act. You're not kidding anyone," Matt said confidently.

Not many people ever stood up to Jake for fear of being bashed, and Jake wanted to punch him for making out he was some sort of queer, but he resisted.

"Have you ever been with a guy before?" Jake rebutted.

"Yeah man, lots of times but it doesn't make me gay. But you're not just talking about getting with a guy here, you're talking about David's feelings and whether or not you'll hurt him and giving a fuck about the things a straight boy just shouldn't worry about. Sex is sex bro. When you start to ask questions, it's gets messy."

Jake knew Matt was right. If this was all just about sex, he wouldn't hesitate to get David into bed and have his way with him. This was so much more than that, and both he and Matt knew it.

Matt continued, "So, I think you should tell David how you feel."

This made him extremely anxious. It was David who had implicitly revealed his sexuality to him by his reaction to the whole thing. He wasn't ready to admit anything to anybody, and felt mad at himself for telling Matt so much.

"Dude you can't tell anyone about this, especially not David. Promise me?" Jake pleaded with a look of genuine fear in his eyes.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, don't worry about that. But I want you to tell David the truth tonight before either of you get too drunk. What's the worst that could happen? You lose his friendship? Then he's not worth the hassle in the first place. But if you're right and he is gay, then you stand to gain so much more. You could do a whole lot worse than David you know Eliot."

"You don't have to tell me," Jake winked.

Matt pulled Jake into a tight embrace and Jake was surprised at how relieved he felt. He'd never confided in someone so closely before, and he could see Matt becoming a terrific friend. Upon stepping back and taking a look at Jake, Matt smiled. He felt proud of himself for picking such a good outfit, and then had to remind himself that Jake's wardrobe would consist of nothing but. His Rip Curl boardies were perfect for the beach party theme of the night, and the tight black wife beater hugged his athletic frame graciously, accentuating his muscles in all the right places. Matt almost wanted to jump the dude himself.

"Look at you now, all cleaned up and looking like a million bucks."

"Yeah I don't scrub up too bad, thanks for your help buddy," said Jake.

"Glad to help. Now let's get to this party."

Matt decided that he would take Jake in his car given that Jake had a little too much to drink and too much on his mind to be getting behind the wheel of a Lamborghini tonight. Matt's Lexus was a comfortable consolation to Jake, who was feeling incredibly nervous and a bit light-headed. By the time they arrived, the party was well under away but Matt was able to find a park easily outside of Jimmy's house as most of the party-goers had either walked there or taken a taxi, aiming to get drunk and not wanting to risk driving home.

Jimmy's place was fairly small, but its value came from its prime waterfront location. Where Jake's house backed onto a sort of manmade canal, Jimmy's backed onto the ocean. Its oceanic views were breathtaking and it was just a small walk down the rocks onto the sandy beach below. Parties at Jimmy's were always a popular affair for this very reason. Jake and Matt walked inside to be greeted by a couple making out in the doorway, practically having sex in plain view of everyone. Matt recognised the guy as one of the dudes in his music class, and would remember to ask him all about the chick later. There were people standing around everywhere with a styrofoam cup in hand, filled with either a fruity vodka punch, rum and cola, or one of the many other alcoholic beverages people were able to help themselves to in the kitchen. There was very little room to move around inside, and people had begun to move outside into the fresh autumn air.

"What can I get ya?" Matt asked Jake.

"Just a rum and coke if you wouldn't mind bud," Jake replied.

While Jake was standing around waiting for Matt to return with his drink, he was approached by a guy he assumed was the host.

"Mate I haven't seen you around before. It's James, but you can call me Jimmy," he said, offering a hand for Jake to shake.

"So you're Jimmy aye? I'm Jake, great to meet you," said Jake. "Nice place you've got here."

"Yeah I love it here. You right for a drink dude?"

"Yeah just waiting on Matt now, you know what he's like."

"Oh man, I sure do. Fuck he's a character, got yourself in with the right crowd at least."

"He's pretty cool," said Jake. "So do you go to Beachmere Grammar? I don't think I've seen you around before."

"Well I used to," said Jimmy with a cheeky grin on his face, "but I got kicked out for shit and decided to become a plumber instead. All being well, I finish my apprenticeship at the end of next year."

"Oh sweet, sounds good."

"Yeah man, it ain't a bad job. Anyway enjoy your night bro," Jimmy said before moving around and being a good host.

Matt soon returned with Jake's drink and apologised for the delay, blaming the queue of people in the kitchen.

The boys headed outside where they found Tom sitting with a group of chicks.

"Yeah I pretty much surf year round. Keeps me in good shape," Jake and Matt heard him say. His beaming smile gave his game away - he was trying to impress them with his Hardy charm. He was happy as he saw them approach.

"Ah here come the boys!" he grinned as Matt and Jake sat around in the circle which had formed in the front lawn. Tom talked for a few minutes about his many surfing expeditions while everyone listened.

"Do you know where Dave is? Is he even here yet?" Matt asked Tom.

"Oh, yeah he was here. I think I saw him go back inside with Jess Miles," Tom said with a cheeky grin. "You know what it's like with the two of them and their on-again off-again relationship. Can hardly keep up."

Matt turned to look at Jake, whose expressionless face said so much. Matt knew he must be hurting, and hearing Tom talk so brazenly about David's "complicated" relationship with Jess Miles certainly wasn't helping the situation. "Cheers Tommy, we might go find them I think," he said

They went inside and Jake hit the stairs at a run, taking three at a time. His powerful legs sprang into action as his determination to find David grew. There were only a handful of rooms upstairs and one was clearly marked as the bathroom. Jake heard female moans coming from Jimmy's room and immediately felt knots in his stomach. Matt put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry man, I really am. But as I said, I just can't imagine him ever being into guys."

Jake's anger was fast reaching boiling point the last thing he wanted to hear was an "I told you so" from Matt.

He turned around and punched Matt hard under his right eye. The force of the blow was strong and Matt fell back against the rail of the stairs.

"I don't give a fuck what you think!" Jake shouted. "Fuck off Matt."

Jake headed off down the hall believing that Matt would come after him, but Matt stayed where he was and watched as Jake burst into Jimmy's room - the source of the moans. As the door swung open, he saw Jimmy's naked and sweaty body humping a squealing Jess Miles. It was as if they hadn't even heard him enter.

"Yeah Jimmy," she moaned. "You're so fucking big! You feel so good in me! Ahh fuck!"

"Fuck yeah baby, you can take it. Feels sooo good. How do you like my metal bar? Feel good in your cunt?"

he teased.

"Unbelievable," she sighed.

Jake stood transfixed watching Jimmy's tight tattooed ass fucking up and down as his undoubtedly big tool ripped in and out of the slut that Jess was. As he watched the scene before him, he thought about what it'd be like to be Jess right now, having Jimmy's pierced dick inside him. He felt himself get hard.

"Getting a good show bud?" Jimmy suddenly asked, catching Jake red handed.

"Oh shit sorry, wrong room," said Jake.

"He's the one I told you about. The new guy at school," cried Jess as she neared her orgasm, Jimmy never missing a beat for one minute.

"Either get in here and take her from behind, or shut the fucking door," Jimmy shouted at Jake.

Jake had been in plenty of threesomes before, most of the time with two girls and once with another guy. He had always been keen in the past, and some of those girls had been far less attractive than Jess. But tonight, there was so much more at stake. If David wasn't with Jess as Tom had thought, where was he and who was he with? Jake felt compelled to find the answers. He simply shut the door on the hot scene in front of him and walked back down the hallway. Matt was still standing there waiting for him to come back.

"Let's go down to the beach and see if David's there," Matt suggested. As Jake got closer to him, he saw that he was bleeding fairly profusely from his cheek where the skin had been torn open by his clenched fist.

"Dude you're a mess. Let's get you cleaned up," he said, opening the bathroom door and turning on the light.

"I'm fine. Probably have a black eye in the morning, but that doesn't matter. You need to go and find David."

"Why are you helping me?" Jake asked guiltily. "I've done nothing but been an asshole to you all afternoon and I don't deserve your help after trying to punch you out."

Matt didn't answer for awhile as Jake opened a drawer and took out cottonwool balls. He filled a plastic container he found there with some warm water from the tap, and after dabbing the ball of wool in the water, he pressed it to Matt's face. Matt inhaled sharply.

"I'm sorry bud but it'll help. Trust me."

"Been in a few fights eh Jakey?" Matt laughed, raising an eye brow.

"Yeah that might be a bit of an understatement. Here, keep wetting your skin with the water while I find some disinfectant," Jake said. Matt took the cotton wool off him and did as instructed.

"You know Jake, you've been so upfront with me today, I should probably come clean about a few things too," Matt said, looking towards the floor.

"At least wait until you've had a few more drinks champ! Then tomorrow, you can pretend it never happened and I can pretend I don't remember," he joked as he rooted around in the drawer and found a small bottle of Detol, which he upturned against another ball of cotton wool and dabbed around Matt's eye.

"This isn't like 'I used to wet the bed when I was 5' kinda stuff!" Matt said, a little irritated by Jake's indifference. "I said before that I'd messed around with a few guys before and I have, but I should probably clarify. Not really a few guys... just one guy - the same guy - quite a few times."

Jake looked up from what he was doing and eyed Matt. "No way! Alright spill, it's not that Timmy dude that everyone talks about, is it? You know, the pixy one..."

"I do have standards," Matt said, finding the humour in Jake's remark. "Nah I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. The tiara he usually wears on free dress days is enough to make me want to keep my distance I'm afraid."

"Then who?" Jake asked impatiently.

"You promise it won't go past you?" Matt said wearily? "You have my word. Hell, you already know enough about me to send me packing."

"It's Tom," said Matt. "We were at a party like this back in tenth grade and he'd been ditched by some chick who had promised to put out. A similar thing had happened to me, and it just kind of happened."

"And it's been going on ever since?" Jake asked, dumbfounded that these two mega jocks had been getting it on the whole time.

"Admit it, Tommy's not bad on the eye eh?"

"Fuck I can't believe I'm admitting it, but he is pretty cute," Jake laughed.

"He's fuckin hot!" Matt corrected. "After the first time it happened, I freaked out big time, didn't talk to him for days and it was really awkward for awhile. But then it happened again one night when I slept over at his place, and we talked about it afterwards and agreed to it just being a casual sort of thing."

"That's cool," said Jake. "So it's kind of like a 'friends with benefits' thing? Is that why you said earlier just to go with the flow and not question things or it'd get messy?"

"Exactly. If I think about what it all means, it's too much to comprehend. I do it because I trust Tom and he knows what I like, and I know he feels the same way about it too."

"So because it's a casual thing, you're still seeing other people then, right?" Jake thought about all of Matt's tough talk and innuendo in the playground about the chicks he'd rooted and those he had yet to dominate.

The question was met with silence as Matt considered his answer carefully.

"Sort of. I'm always Tom's plan B when things don't work out with a girl, and we've sometimes messed around while he's been in relationships," Matt confessed.

"But you don't see anyone else?"

"Yeah I do, but it's not the same when I'm with someone that isn't him," stated Matt.

"You like him don't you?" pressed Jake.

"I dunno... yeah... I guess I do, but he'll always be just that little bit out of reach. He's outside right now trying to pick up some girl, and I'm supposed to feel happy for him when he brags about it later to me. I'm pretty good at keep up the charade though," he said with a smile.

"That's gotta be tough."

"I hope for your sake that Dave is gay, Jakey. He's a very special boy, you know, and he'd do absolutely anything for a friend, even though he's got so little himself."

"Yeah I know, it blows my mind. I just can't help but feel that if something does happen between us though, I'm not going to be what he needs. I'll only be around til December, and I won't ever have the courage to tell my parents about him even though I think he'd do that for me."

"Remember, just don't ask questions and everything will be okay," Matt said, giving Jake a reassuring pat on the arm as he finished cleaning up his face.

"You know Matt, you and Tom are the epitome of heterosexuality at this school, nobody would ever believe it." Then Jake remembered the first afternoon he'd had them over at his house, and Matt and Tom had joked around about having wild shower sex together. He smiled at the recollection.

"Yeah I know what you mean, but then again you come across as being pretty straight yourself and I know I don't have to remind you about David..." Matt ventured.

"Hey hey, I am straight!" protested Jake, half laughing as he said it. "I just happen to like a certain somebody who's a boy."

"You and me both brother!" Matt said as he stood up and looked at his bruised face in the mirror.

Just then, the door burst open and some girl that neither Jake nor Matt recognised entered the bathroom. She stumbled in and looked at herself in the mirror, examining her eyes and pulling at her disordered hair.

"Evening fellas, what's new?" she slurred. "Do either of you boys smoke? Can I have a fag?"

"Yeah Matt will lend you one. He's big in the fag department," Jake said, running for the door roaring with laughter.

"You bitch!" hollered Matt while bolting down the stairs in pursuit of Jake.

As they raced outside, Jake slowed to a walk to let Matt catch up to him. Jimmy had a few overhead lights switched on outside to illuminate the yard, but beyond the road, the night sky was pitch black.

"Should we head to the beach now?" Jake asked.

"You bet, and I know just where Dave will be," said Matt with an air of confidence.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because we always used to hang out under the lifeguard tower as kids and it's his favourite spot."

They left the mass of partygoers who had congregated on the front lawn for a limbo tournament and headed down the rocky path and onto the sand below. Matt used the light from his phone as a torch.

"It's down the beach a fair way, but it's not a bad walk," warned Matt.

The pair walked in silence for a quite awhile, not needing to fill the comfortable silence between them with talk for the sake of talking. Jake took off his thongs and felt his bare feet in the sand, and combined with smell the fresh salty air, he felt relatively calm. He was glad that Matt was with him and he felt that their friendship had grown immeasurably over the last few hours.

"Look Matt, I'm so sorry at lashing out at you with my fist before. I don't know what came over me," Jake said apologetically.

"Well I do. You punched me because I tried to tell you someone you really like wouldn't feel the same way back. I had no right, and I deserved it. I'm really sorry too."

Jake stopped walking and turned around to face Matt, who stopped as well. Jake outstretched his strong arms and Matt found his place within them. Jake reached around and felt up Matt's ass for laugh, for which he received a squeal and a light knee to the groin.

"Rape!" shouted Matt playfully.

"It's not rape when you want it," said Jake with a wink.

Matt was glad that it was dark or else Jake might have noticed his face turning a dark shade of crimson.

"I can see the lifeguard tower up ahead and my guess is that's where he'll be," said Matt. "I might head back to the party for a bit and then drive home - I haven't had too much to drink tonight."

"Thanks for everything tonight bro, I really owe you one," said Jake.

"Just give me a call if you need me to pick you two up or anything, okay?"

"Will do, cheers man."

Matt smiled as he turned and began walking in the other direction back along the beach. Jake suddenly felt lonely without his company and his nerves immediately kicked in as he wondered whether David would be up ahead as Matt had predicted. He decided not to take out his phone and use it as a torch as Matt had done, for David would see him coming from a mile off and part of him wanted to surprise David by his presence.

As he neared the lifeguard tower, he slowly began to make out a figure sitting in the sand under the light. As Jake got closer, he could see that David was reading textbook and taking notes there in the solitude of the late autumn night. He was immersed in the work as Jake was only a few metres off and still hadn't been seen. He was suddenly just a few footsteps away when David looked up from his book and gave a start, jumping a little from his seat in the sand.

"Heya Davey," said Jake calmly, attempting to gain control over his body. "May I sit down?"

"If you want," said David, turning back to look at his work.

Jake sat down beside David in the sand and watched him as he worked, not saying a word. David's heart was racing and his mind racing - his attention on everything except his work - but in Jake's eyes, he appeared so tranquil and engaged. After a few minutes of silence, David spoke.

"Did you go to the party tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, I wasn't going to but Matt managed to convince me to come along. How about you?"

"I went there for a little bit but it wasn't really my scene tonight," David remarked.

"You do know there is no school tomorrow, right? Why study tonight?" Jake asked him.

"I don't have the luxury of being able to buy my way into uni Jake, as you well know."

"I'm sorry Davey, I didn't mean to..." Jake began.

"I know you didn't, it's okay. I just really need to get this work done," David cut him off.

After wondering whether he should leave, he knew he'd come too far to back out now and decided just to wait and let things play out naturally.

"Do you mind if I stay?" Jake asked. "I won't distract you, I'll just sit here."

"Be my guest."

Small waves rolled in on the sand, and Jake became caught up in the beauty of the moment. He was so glad that he had come to Australia and had the chance to experience this amazing part of the world for himself. He turned to look at David and began to take in all of his handsome features, from his prominent jaw line to his attractive high cheekbones and strong neck muscles. Lit from above, David looked like some sort of heavenly being, illuminated by God himself. The moment was surreal and Jake wished he had the confidence just to tell David how he felt. However, he would rather endure a thousand nights of sitting next to David and holding his tongue than face outright rejection from this beautiful boy. He didn't know it, but David was equally taken aback by the sheer magnitude of Jake's rugged good looks.

David had spent many weeks basking in Jake's attractive glow, but tonight it was as if the natural sea air had enhanced his features even more. His eyes were drawn to the strong biceps protruding from Jake's wife beater, and he remembered being cradled in them the day Jake had thrown him into the pool. He longed for a chance to go back to easier times when he hadn't fallen in love with this straight stud. He knew that it was dangerous and knew the consequences, but his heart had led him down a road his brain didn't quite understand and he now found himself in this quite uncomfortable predicament. He was certain Jake was watching him as he pretended to work away in his book, and as he turned his head, he saw that Jake eyes were indeed locked on to his own.

"Have you been drinking, Jake?" David asked out of curiosity.

"A little, but not too much. Why, you got a maths question for me or something?" Jake joked.

David felt himself laugh, and while it was only brief, Jake saw the tough facade David had constructed being to crumble ever so slightly. He pounced like a lion on a wounded gazelle.

"You know, Davey, I broke up with Meredith this morning," he said, looking between his legs at the sand.

How could David stay mad at this boy he had come to admire so fiercely? It was an impossible ask of himself, and thus he began to engage a little more with Jake's attempts at conversation.

"I'm sorry man, that must be hard. What did she say?" David offered.

"It's no big deal Davey, I'm surprised we even lasted this long to be honest." Jake explained the entire situation to David, including the photo his mate Dustin had taken and the text message he had sent her, ending the relationship.

"And the guilts you got after screwing Candice last night didn't contribute to it at all?" David said, the unforgiving anger inside of him boiling up again.

"You're right, I slept in a bed that wasn't mine last night and that contributed to me breaking up with Meredith this morning, but it wasn't Candice's bed," admitted Jake. "I didn't sleep with Candice. I should have listened to you Davey. She pulled out all the stops and I realised she didn't really want help with Maths at all."

"Whoa wait up!" David said, his mind racing at a million miles an hour. "You said you slept in a bed last night that wasn't yours. If it wasn't Candice's, then whose bed did you sleep in?" he asked angrily.

Looking David in the eye, he smiled. "Yours."

David's heart was practically beating out of his chest. He'd been so mad at Jake for something he hadn't even done - Candice. Immediately, he felt his anger become replaced by a deeper confusion and longing to know everything. He regretted resisting Jake's efforts to talk to him all day.

"Why did you sleep in my bed last night?" he asked curiously.

"Because I was worried about you after you wouldn't respond to my text messages, so I went over to your place and your Mum let me into your room. Long story. Anyway, I fell asleep laying on your bed."

"I'm sorry I was such a little bitch last night," said David, feeling horribly ashamed of himself. "I just had so much stuff on my mind and..."

"Shhh," Jake whispered and he moved closer to David's side, putting his right arm over his shoulder and around his neck, pulling him into a kind of hug. "You don't have to explain anything to me buddy."

They were sitting to close that their legs were toughing, and David felt so safe with Jake's arm around him that he let his notepad and textbook slip into the sand.

"What say you come back to my place and spend the night? It's already getting pretty late," said Jake.

David didn't need much convincing. "Alright, but just one sec. I want just want to look at the water for a little bit longer."

This brought a smile to Jake's face. "Take as long as you need bro."

As David looked out over the water in the distance, Jake took control of the situation.

"I've got a surprise for you."

"I hate surprises," said David. What is it?"

"I guarantee you that you'll like this one, and if you don't, then I'll let you dish out whatever punishment you see just. Deal?"

"Hmmm, what are you up to Eliot?" David laughed. "Okay, it's a deal but if I don't like it, you're in trouble."

"Awesome! I want you to lie back in the sand, close your eyes and count to ten; then and only then you can open them. Got it?" Jake confirmed.

"Got it."

David closed his eyes and began the count, purposely dragging it out for longer than necessary by pretending to forget the order of the numbers. Jake pulled his black singlet over his head threw it in the sand as quietly as he could, exposing his naked torso to the fresh coastal air. He shivered slightly before crawling over the top of David and holding himself in position, his strong hands planted firmly in the sand either side of David's head supporting his body in a kind of push up. His feet, too, were positioned on either side of David's and he had just enough height so as not to be touching the boy anywhere. Arched over David's body, he took in David's beauty from this unique perspective.

By the time David had counted to eight, he could smell a masculine, erotic kind of aroma that he always remembered smelling when in Jake's company.

"Eight... ummm... fuck where was I?" David laughed, having lost count as the fragrance filled his nostrils and his dick began to stand to attention.

Jake leant down and whispered in David's ear. "Ten."

Shivers raced down David's spine as he felt Jake's warm breath in his ear. He opened his eyes to find the hunk perched over the top of him, descending slowing from his arched position above.

"Surprise," whispered Jake with a fiery look of passion in his eyes. As he slowly descended, their bodies began to touch at every point. Jake felt David's hardening dick through his boardies and he knew that he was having the desired effect. He lowered his head and pressed his lips ever so lightly against David's. The delicate touch of Jake's soft lips was an incredible sensation, and David let out a quiet moan as the boy he had fantasised about for as long as he could remember initiated such a gentle and meaningful act. He raised his arm and lightly rubbed Jake's neck, before placing his hand at the back of Jake's head and applying the slightest of pressure, letting Jake know how much he was enjoying the kiss and didn't want him to stop.

Jake received the message loud and clear, and continued to support much of his weight in his forearms which were propped up in the sand. Slowly placing more of his body weight onto David, he kept monitoring David's expressions to make sure he wasn't too heavy. He was met with zero resistance whatsoever, and so the delicate kiss they shared soon became far more desperate. David yearned to feel Jake all over, and ran his hands all over the jock's powerful yet smooth back. Jake expertly used his tongue to move David's upper lip and sneak into his mouth, where again, David showed little signs of protest. As they made out, David began to moan a little more loudly and Jake found himself motivated by the demonstrations of ecstasy which he too was experiencing.

Jake sat up suddenly and sat himself on David's strong thighs. He grabbed a hold of David's shirt and began to pull at it, lifting it up over David's tight abs and eventually over his head without much assistance. With the obstacle successfully cleared, Jake again laid himself against the firm body of the stud beneath him, whose warmth and touch felt inexplicably sensual against his own naked torso. There was something so uniquely sexual about making love to another man, and it was a feeling that Jake had never before experienced. David felt it too, and it was something that no woman had ever been able to replicate. Both boys were in absolute heaven. There was so much they each wanted to say to one another, but now just wasn't the time.

Jake sat up a little and ran his hand down the side of David's face, closely admiring the complexion of the teenage stud below him. It was so wrong to be doing this with a guy, and yet it felt so natural that he would admire the beauty of this boy. His hand wandered lower, over the jock's firm left pec and explored the ridges of his washboard abs. David moaned under Jake's admiring touch, and Jake swung into action by leaning forward and biting David gently and playfully on the ear lobe.

"You're so fucking hot Davey," he whispered in his ear, all the while still assessing and evaluating the boy's abdomen with his coarse hand. It gave David the strange sensation of being touched extremely gently with very fine sandpaper or sea salt, and his erection was practically at fall mast inside his pants - a fact he could not hide from Jake, whose own stiffening tool pressed against David's through their respective shorts. Jake's hand ventured further south still, lightly fondling David's hard cock through the fabric of his pants. He carefully examined David's face for evidence of discomfort or resistance, but he found there only traces of pleasure and extreme contentment. David, seeing Jake studying his face with such kindness in his eyes, raised his head up and kissed the beautiful boy who was making him feel better than he had felt in his entire life. As he lowered his head, Jake never broke the kiss, snaking his tongue inside David's mouth and exploring a new realm he had never before traversed, all the while fondling David's cock gently through his pants. Their tongues fought playfully in David's mouth before he pushed into Jake's mouth and there made new discoveries of his own.

The grooved roof of his mouth, the smooth texture of his teeth, even the lush foliage of his gums were exciting landmarks on his exploration, and again their tongues fought for supremacy in a battle which proved that Jake's dominance was unrivalled.

David wanted more than anything to reciprocate the feelings that Jake was giving him, but he was unable to move freely with the strong jock on top of him, dictating the rules. Jake read the concern on his face.

"What's up Davey?" Jake asked, fearing he had overstepped the mark.

"Nothing," David said with a massive smile across his face. "I just want you to feel as good as you're making me feel. This is incredible."

A beaming smile spread across Jake's face as he played with David thick locks of brown hair. "Buddy, I wish you could experience just how good you're making me feel. There's no other person I'd rather be sharing this moment with right now Davey."

David's heart melted at hearing Jake's admission. If the water level was to rise suddenly and drown them both, he would die the happiest guy in the entire world, although Jake, it seemed, would come a close second.

While Jake looked longingly in David's eyes and studied their colour and shape in depth, David quickly jumped up and flipped Jake over onto his back while he didn't expect it. His passion found a new intensity as he grinded his body hard against Jake's below, making out as they did. David reached down and repositioned his cock through his pants, and then aligned himself with Jake's before pressing their dicks together. He alternated between letting his entire body weight rest on Jake through his midsection, then raising up slightly and supporting his weight in his arms. In effect, he was humping the stud and was met with no protest whatsoever.

"Jesus Davey, that feel incredible," he moaned as he felt David's cock pressing against his own.

Jake spread his legs and wrapped them around David's waist, pulling him closer towards him with his heels.

David moaned loudly at Jake's display of enthusiasm, and he looked down to see that Jake was leaking precum over his boardies. Jake's hard dick was so big and he could feel it straining to be released. He reached beneath him and untied the drawstring on Jake's boardies, successful undoing the knot but not so sure how to open the velcro fly. Jake giggled and helped him out by ripping open the hindrance and raising his bum off the sand so that David would be able to pull them down over his legs. David did just that, grabbing his briefs as well and sliding them down at the same time and laying his pants beneath Jake's ass to stop it from getting too sandy.

As Jake lay there naked, David took in the spectacle before him. From his handsome face to his whipped body and powerful legs, Jake was simply the most beautiful being he had ever seen in his life. But it was Jake's monster cock that impressed David the most. It easily reached nine inches in length, and its thick girth and shiny red mushroom-shaped head made it appear all the mightier. While he was admiring the view, Jake undid the button on David's Billabong shorts and unzipped the fly with ease, attempting to pull them off him with only his legs and feet which he still had wrapped around the boy. David assisted by lowering his briefs and casting them aside.

David lowered his body slowly on top of Jake's as they made contact for the first time, completely naked.

Their cocks touched and David felt a bolt of electricity pass between them.

"You got shivers Davey," Jake said we he rubbed his hands over David's back.

"What can I say? It's just the effect you're having on me," he said, winking.

Jake laughed and grabbed David's bare ass, feeling the mounds of tight skin in the palms of his hand. He lightly gave David's nude bum a spank and then used his leverage there to push David body more tightly to him, wanting to feel him as close as possible. David began to launch an assault on the side of Jake's neck, kissing and licking his way downwards ever so slowly, being sure to worship ever square inch of naked flesh.

Jake continued to feel up David's bare ass, meanwhile, and found his fingers naturally exploring the crevice.

He lightly brushed David's tight hole with his finger and David again shivered at the touch.

David ventured further south, continuing his tumultuous tongue-lapping on Jake's nipples which stood erect in the cool ocean air. Jake was writhing below, a combination of both his sensitive nipples and the ecstasy that David was providing. David reached between them and began to jerk their cocks together. While Jake's out measured his by a good inch and a half, he was able to get a firm grip around them and align the mushroom- shaped heads together, their precum mixing together and creating a natural lube. The sticky sounds that both Jake and David usually associated with foreplay and sex only added to the perfect night time ambience here on their own private beach.

"I can't take much more of this," Jake warned.

"Good," said David, moving down Jake's body and positioning himself just centimetres away from Jake's treasures. The smell was so erotic and masculine that it was dizzying, and before he could tell himself to hold back, he was moving his head closer and kissing Jake's shaft. A loud moan escape Jake's lips as his hand moved to the back of David's head, securing it in place. David licked the length of Jake's cock several times, using the edge of his tongue to create sensations that Jake had never before experienced. He doubted that David had experience giving a blow job, and yet it felt so professional and rehearsed. The large head of his dick was quickly engorged in David's warm mouth, and Jake felt himself losing the fight to the orgasmic forces building in his nuts that David was so expertly massaging. David was bobbing his head and taking more and more of Jake's dick into his luscious mouth at the same time as stroking the base of Jake's shaft that he'd been unable to deep throat.

"Don't push yourself too far," Jake said with a genuine concern in his voice that comforted David. "You're doing great."

David lips had an airtight grip around Jake's pole, and he was determined to be rewarded the sweet nectar of his labours. While fondling Jake's balls, he slipped his middle finger below the scrotum and into the crevice of Jake's crack, stimulating a whole range of new sensations that Jake had never before experienced. He tossed his head wildly on the sand - his sensory system going into overload. Jake had received a blowjob from a guy before when he'd messed around with a mate back home in his sophomore year, but that had been nothing compared David's ministrations now. He couldn't believe he'd waited this long to try sex with another guy, and even though the alcohol had been partly responsible for his new-found confidence to take this significant step with David, he knew he wanted it to continue even in this virtually sober state.

Jake felt a tremendous force building in his balls and rubbed his hand through Davey's hair to show how much he was enjoying the blowjob. David began to take more of Jake's meat into his mouth on each downward stroke, and in speeding up, there was an unspoken yet mutual sense of urgency between the boys. Jake grunted loudly and his breathing became heavy as his impending orgasm approached. David knew Jake was close and focussed all of his attention on making Jake feel as good as possible. His neck was beginning to ache and his jaw grew tired, but with each downward stroke, Jake's nerve endings tingled and his hot load stewed away in his heavy testes, ready to explode into David's warm and welcoming mouth.

"I'm so close Davey," Jake moaned, grabbing him by the hair and trying to pull him off his cock assuming that David would stroke him off the rest of the way to orgasm. But he was wrong. David resisted Jake's pull and began rolling his tongue around in his mouth, adding to the array of feelings that Jake was experiencing through his cock.

"Ahhh, fuck Davey, I'm gonna cum man. You gonna take it in your mouth? Fuck dude, that's hot!" Jake cried out. David bobbed his head at maximum speed, taking deep mouthfuls of Jake each time. It was all too much for Jake to handle.

"I'm cumming Davey, get ready bro," he called out. "Ahhhhh yeah! Oh God, FUCK!"

Torrents of hot cum rose up Jake's rigid pole and spewed into David's waiting mouth, filling it with his seed.

He was forced to swallow the first three or four biggest loads of semen, but began storing the rest and savouring the flavour of Jake's sweet and slightly salty nectar. After he milked Jake's cock for all it was worth and devoured the remainder of his load, David sneaked up Jake's body and kissed the boy he'd just brought the greatest of pleasure to, depositing a small portion of Jake's load back in his mouth. They shared it in a sweet and loving kiss, and David knew in that moment that all of his concerns about Jake were ill-founded and unwarranted.

David lay down next on the sand next to Jake, who offered his strong bicep for him to rest his head on. They looked up at the stars as they lay there together, alone and unworried about any of life's petty and irrelevant stresses. In the grand scheme of the universe, having each other was all they could ever need. Jake rolled onto his side and faced the boy who had just brought him the greatest pleasure he'd ever experienced.

"Thank you so much Davey, that was just breath-taking. You're one hot stud you know," he said before leaning in and nibbling David's ear. David giggled and turned onto his side so that Jake was spooning him from behind. Ah he lay there with Jake's sexy body pressed against his back, he felt Jake's big arm reach over and pull him into an embrace. David arched his body a little so that his ass was firmly pressed against Jake's softening penis. Jake was again feeling David's strong abs with his free hand, and the erection which grew and nestled itself in the crevice of his ass told him that Jake was enjoying the experience just as must as he was. As they lay there in silence, Jake's hand snaked its way towards David's excruciatingly hard cock and gave it a few gentle pulls.

"I think we need to take care of this," said Jake.

"What did you have in mind, Mr Eliot?" David responded.

"How'd you like to try some prime America rib fillet?" Jake said with a wicked grin.

"You mean...?" David asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, but not here on the sand. That'd be fucking agony."

David's laughed. "Toughen up man, sheesh."

"Well, would you like to continue this at my place?" asked Jake with a cocked eye brow, giving his face a very mischievous look. "Nothing like a nice warm shower and a soft comfortable bed..."

"Hell yeah!" said David excitedly. "Thank God for teacher strikes, that's all I can say," he added as an afterthought.

"Damn straight! Lemme just give Matt a call."

Jake stood up and pulled on his sand-filled briefs and boardies. Tonight had been full of surprises, and he was sure that there were many more in store. David was as tired as all hell, but he didn't care. Provided Jake was by his side, he felt that he could conquer the world.

"Matt," said Jake. "Hope I didn't wake you, where are you bro?"

David guessed that a very groggy Matt was talking on the other end of the line.

"Yeah we need a lift back to my place. Will that be okay?" he heard Jake ask. "Alright, I'll see up in the lifeguard carpark in ten. Cheers buddy. Yeah, he was here," Jake laughed as he hung up and put away his phone.

"So what's the story Jake? Is this just a casual thing we've got going on?" David asked as he threw on some clothes and they walked towards the nearby carpark.

"It is what it is," said Jake. "I can't quite explain it, but I know that it's not just a casual thing and I feel like I need you around me. I've been driven insane by this distance between us today."

"Me too," admitted David. "So where do we go from here then?"

"Well, a very dear friend of mine told me just to enjoy the ride and not ask questions, and I think it's sound advice. Let's just see where the journey takes us," smiled Jake, reaching over and giving David and quick peck on the lips.

"Alright, I think I can do that, but you have to promise me one thing," he said.

"Anything bro," said Jake.

"We have to be exclusive. I don't think I could handle you being with someone else," said David.

"I feel exactly the same way Davey. I guess in way, it'll be kind of like we're boyfriends," Jake said. "If you can handle that title of course."

"Mate, being your boyfriend would be the greatest privilege in the world," David said, the smile never leaving his face.

"No it wouldn't. That privilege belongs to me and I'm just sad that you can't date yourself to experience it."

Jake and David walked to Matt's waiting car, hand in hand.

"What will Matt think?" asked David, worried.

"It's okay. He knows everything, but that's a story for later," said Jake.

Jake gripped David's hand tightly as he opened the backdoor and thanked Matt for picking them up at this early hour of the morning.

"I see you two love birds sorted things out then," Matt joked as the boys entered as sat in the back of Matt's Lexus, covered in sand.

"Whoa, I don't know nothing about no love birds," Jake said in a cliche American accent. "We're all straight as arrows in this car."

The other boys laughed hard and Matt was the first to speak.

"Jeez Jake, I love you man," he said, continuing to laugh.

"Ditto," said David. "I love you, man."

For the first time in his life, Jake knew in his heart that life was heading in the right direction. Any thoughts of Candice Johnston and Jess Miles which had troubled him throughout the day had long since evaporated.

Turning to David in the back seat, he ruffled his hair and offered him the trademark smile that David had fallen in love with all those weeks ago at the deli counter.

"And I love you, too," he said.

Author's note: As I write the conclusion to this story, I can't help but think of Jake on the other side of the world - the two of us separated by many kilometres of ocean. While I cling to the hope that we won't be so geographically isolated from each other one day in the future, I take comfort in the knowledge, dear reader, that the strength of our friendship has what it takes to survive the greatest of challenges. I hope you can one day experience the immense privilege it is to have someone so special touch your life, just as Jake has so exquisitely touched mine.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe, fulfilling New Year.


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