An Evening With J.W.

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 22, 2004



There is no "Disclaimer" - this story is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. It happened on October 8, 2004 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The names have not been changed because there are no 'innocent' to protect!

The story is dedicated to "J.W.", who wanted me to write it.

Copyright (c) 2004 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.


It was Friday, about 5:30 a.m. when I got up. I usually get up between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. I stumbled to the kitchen as I always did, after pissing (of course) to go through my morning ritual - boot up the computer and start a pot of tea. I'd already had my first cigarette of the day. I lit that while I was pissing.

As soon as the computer was booted up, I immediately, as I always do, went straight to my Yahoo e-mail account to see what e-mails have come in overnight. It's the last thing I check at night and the first thing I check in the morning. I do that because I feel a strong responsibility to all of my readers to answer their many e-mails as quickly as I can. I've written other Nifty Authors (who will remain nameless, but you all KNOW who you are!) who have either sent replies WEEKS after I've written them or never even had the courtesy to reply at all! I know I'm not the only one with this experience because I've had readers express surprise in their return e- mails that I responded so quickly and have told me their similar experiences in writing other authors and not receiving a reply. Why an author would do that - post a story, post their e-mail, ask people to write them with comments and then never reply, is totally beyond me! And I have to tell you, 99% of the e-mails I write are positive! I especially love to encourage new writers. Any writer who's story moves me in any way, I'm usually e-mailing about it. I've made some great friends that way!

At any rate, this morning there is an e-mail in my box from an address I don't recognize. I figure it's a new reader. But I'm wrong. The e-mail is from a guy who called himself "R.W." who had gotten my profile off a website. If you've read my true stories before, you know that I truly live up to my "nick". I am a pig for sex. For me the words "sex" and "enough" almost never appear in the same sentence, unless it is saying that, "I'm NOT getting enough sex!". To be honest, I'm not sure there is a such thing for me as "enough" sex!

So, in my search for new and different partners, I've put my profile on a number of websites offering my 'specialties' - cocksucking, rimming, fucking, watersports, etc. The only thing is, at this point, I have no idea how many websites I've put it on nor when. And this e-mail didn't indicate which one.

What this e-mail offered however, was something that was just WAY too 'choice' to pass up! This R.W. was saying that he had an honest NINE, THICK INCHES and, more importantly, LOVED TO FUCK - and fuck for a VERY LONG time! He said that the thing he hated worst was somebody making him stop before he was done! The e-mail went on to say that he was going to be in Fort Lauderdale overnight that night and gave me the name of the motel he'd be staying at. Now, he didn't know it, but that motel is only about half a mile from my house!

My first thought was, frankly, 'This cannot be for real!'. After all, my greatest love in the world is to have my ass fucked and fucked and fucked for a very long time. I had the wonderful experience of 'pulling a train' with four guys fucking me in a round-robin for hours once and loved every shit-chute slamming minute of it! This offer of someone who not only had a cock that could REALLY stretch my hole and fill it DEEP, but who also loved to fuck for long periods of time just sounded too good to be true! However, I've always been a 'lucky' son-of-a-bitch so I figured this could just be my lucky day! Maybe God had decided that I deserved a little reward - for what I didn't know, but you don't look a 'gift horse' in the mouth! You go with it!

I answered his e-mail, saying that I certainly would like to get together. He had told me in his e- mail that he'd be tied up in the afternoon playing tennis (I later found out, he's a tennis pro) but could see me after. I wrote back, telling him I didn't get home from work until about 5:30 p.m. so that worked out fine! I told him I'd be heading for work soon and gave him the e-mail address there so that he could reach me.

I went on and answered more e-mails and then did what I also always do - went to Nifty to check out "What's New" and shoot off a morning load of cum . I always read Nifty in the morning - every morning. And I jack off to the stories most mornings. The only time I don't is the morning when I'm going to the baths that day. I got off, showered, dressed and my ride came to take me to work.

When I got to work, there was another e-mail from R.W. This one had an attachment - a digital photograph of him. least the part of him I was most interested in, at that time. There was no doubt in my mind, from the picture, that he was offering EXACTLY what he said! There was real "Truth In Advertising" there! It was not only hanging long and thick - it was...

Wait for it....


(As most of my readers know, uncut is my favorite kind! Not that I would EVER turn down any cut cock I was offered! But, I guess because I'm cut, I just love the difference!).

Unfortunately, he asked for a picture from me. There was two problems with this. Number one - I was at work and none of my photos of myself are resident on my work computer (for obvious reasons!). Number two - I don't own a digital camera so I don't have any of "those" kind of pictures of me - only "G" rated ones, done with the camera belonging to where I work.

I wrote him back, explaining this situation to him and promising to send one as soon as I got home - not realizing that he didn't have a laptop and so he was not going to be in 'cyber-touch' once he got on the road headed to Fort Lauderdale. He did, however, give me his cell-phone number and I gave him my office and home numbers.

He called me at the office, explaining he was having problems with his cell-phone company and was going to have to straighten things out and it might take a few hours. He asked what was the latest I could see him. I told him that, since it was Friday night and I didn't have to work on weekends, it didn't matter to me how late it was. I had nothing planned that night so I was basically at his disposal.

I did notice, that he had asked me how old I was and when I told him I was 53, there was a long pause. 'Fuck! I'm too old for him!' I thought to myself. 'But why'd he e-mail me then? I put my age in my profiles and I'm completely honest about it!' so I didn't understand what his hesitation was.

"Well, that's okay. It will be fine." was all he said.

We agreed that he would call when he got to the hotel and that it would probably be around 7:00 p.m. When I got home from work, I immediately got in the shower and douched. I have a special attachment to my shower head that is there to clean me out. I don't use it very often because I rarely have anal sex unless it's at the baths where they have their own system which I've described in other stories. I got myself ready, sat down at the computer to answer more e-mails and work on a story while waiting for his phone call.

7:00 p.m. came - no call. 7:30 p.m. - no call. I began to worry. Had I turned him off somehow? Did he think better of getting together with me? Was he one of those people I'd heard about from friends who 'troll' the internet on a regular basis - guys who lead you on by making dates for sex and then never show up? I'm usually a good judge of people and I'd talked to him on the phone. I just didn't get those kind of 'vibes' from him!

I decided to call. I dialed the cell-phone number he'd given me. It rang a long time then a message came on telling the that the number I had dialed was DISCONNECTED! I checked to make sure I'd dialed the number correctly and I had. I freaked! How could this be?! Was I that wrong about the guy? Then I started thinking - he'd called me on his cell-phone when I had gotten home from work, therefore his cell number would be in my caller-ID listings. I checked. It was the exact same number he'd given me. I decided something was wrong - after all, he'd told me he was having trouble with his cell-phone company. I dialed again. This time, on the third ring, he answered! He was surprised to hear from me because he was standing in the office of the motel just finally registering. He'd just gotten there!

He asked how long it would take me to get there. I said twenty - thirty minutes. He expressed some disappointment that it would take so long! (I liked and eager fucker!). I explained that, while his motel was quite close to me, I didn't have a car and would have to call a cab to get there. It depended on how long it took for a cab to get to me. He seemed resigned to this and then he did something strange. He asked again how old I was. I repeated to him that I am 53. Again the pause.

"Look," I said. "If I'm too old, I understand. We can just call this off."

"No, it's not that." he replied. "Actually, you're a little younger than I prefer."

That was a surprise! He'd told me his age, which was in his 40's. I knew that there were guys at the baths who preferred 'older' men. Of course, that's a relative term. To some, at 53, I'm too old. To others, I'm too young! It's almost laughable to be viewed from two entirely different perspectives.

"No. We should go ahead. Come on over." he said.

I still sensed some reluctance on his part but I decided that since I was already hosed out and ready, and that too many guys had told me how great my ass was to fuck, that I would go anyway and bet that he would get into it if he was the kind of guy who really loved to fuck. I called the cab and grabbed my small backpack, putting in it a bottle of my favorite lube (Astroglide ), my famous kneepads (infamous?) and a bottle of poppers and went out to the front porch to wait. For once, the cab was there in five minutes and I was off to the motel.

He had a room on the top floor - Room 318. I took the elevator up and found out it was the room all the way at the end of one wing. I knocked on the door and waited.

Now, I should explain. The picture that J.W. Had sent me was only of his cock and balls. I had no idea what he looked like. I knew from the picture that he was Black, but that's all I knew - other than the fact that he had (unless he faked the picture) a very thick, fat uncut cock. When the door opened, I was somewhat surprised that he was not much taller than I am. He was, of course, very slender and athletic - being a professional tennis coach and player (I found out later). He had skin the color of coffee with just a bit of cream in it and his hair was done in thick 'corn rows' starting at the front and going back across the scalp to the back of his head.

He opened the door and let me follow him into the room. I explained to him that the cab had gotten there quickly and then told him of my experience with trying to call his cell-phone. He told me that he'd been fighting with the cell-phone company all day. It seems he travels all over the world and the phone had given him trouble, in that people were not able to access him. He told me he had taken it with him to England and, while he was supposed to have a number of games of tennis set up to play there, he ended up not playing one of them because the people he was supposed to meet couldn't reach him!

He then told me to get comfortable - this, of course, meaning naked. That was not a problem. I was only wearing a t-shirt, a pair of jeans and a pair of TopSiders without socks. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous at this point. I mean there was the normal excitement of a new sexual partner (something that usually turns me on!) but there was also his apparent reluctance over the phone about my age. I explained this to him and that's when he explained that he usually preferred men who were much older than I was. "There's no one too old." was the way he put it!

But he told me that I would do nicely and told me to go ahead and climb onto the large bed. (Whether it was King or Queen sized, I couldn't tell). He was already naked to the waist, allowing me to view his smooth, ripped body. He's a bit on the slender side but his muscles were nicely defined. He then moved to the edge of the bed and dropped what appeared to be white tennis shorts. He was commando so I got to see 'in person' that gorgeous cock I'd seen in his e-mail. He offered it to me to suck and I immediately started sucking and nibbling at the hanging foreskin.

That's one of the things I love about uncut cock. Foreskin! I love to suck on it, nibble on it, shove my tongue inside it between it and the head of the guy's cock - basically I love playing with it. I sucked on his cock for a few moments and then decided I wanted to do it another way. I pulled off his cock and slid over the bed to the nightstand where I'd left my backpack. I pulled out my kneepads and put them on and then went back around to where he was standing and got down on my knees and again began sucking on his cock, explaining to him that this was the position that a cocksucker belonged in - on his knees!

I could tell that this statement intrigued him and he got into it. He grabbed my head and started fucking my face. I love that! I love to watch a guy's groin grinding his cock into my cocksucking mouth and throat! There are just times that I want to be 'used'! Treated like the cheap slut that I am! Made to feel that my only purpose in life is some guy's cum-dump!

Now, that isn't everybody. There are only certain types of men that bring that out in me. And they aren't necessarily "rough trade" or something. Many, like J.W., turn out to be really nice guys. I don't know what causes the 'vibe', but it's great when we both get into it.

Finally, J.W. told me to get up on the bed. He straddled my chest and began feeding me his cock again. This is NOT my favorite position for cocksucking because, since my head is bent forward, it makes taking the cock down my throat impossible for me. Not that with the size and thickness of J.W. cock I could have taken it down my throat from ANY position! But there I lay as he fed me his huge, fat cock which was rapidly hardening and was definitely looking like at least nine inches! I had worked my largest, fatest, longest (fifteen inches) dildo up my ass when I hosed out. I hoped I was open enough for this 'Big Boy'!

J.W. had looked at me funny (as most guys do the first time they see them) when I put on my kneepads. I showed him where the metal rod in my lower left leg is and how part of it juts out under my skin and makes it painfully impossible to kneel on it. I explained that, as long as I was wearing the kneepad, it kept the floor or any other surface from coming in contact with it. Now he had me kneel on the end of the bed, my butt jutting backwards for him to fuck.

This is not normally my favorite position! It usually causes pain because even the knee pad can't keep the metal rod from coming into contact with the surface of the bed. This time, however, I was lucky. I was able to get into a position where there was no pain. I had reached back and lubed up my ass, using my fingers to spread myself open as far as possible and then reached down a lubed J.W.'s huge ass-pounder as well. Now he put the head of his cock at my opening and slowly began to push that fucker deep into my butt!

J.W. is a very experienced, I would say "Master Fucker"! He knew exactly how to work his cock into my butt without causing any pain. There was one point, right at the beginning, when I was having some doubts about whether I could 'accommodate' him but I pushed out with my ass muscles and took a hit of poppers and his cock slid right in. He slowly pushed all the way inside - and I do mean "All" the way! He was going almost "where no man had gone before!" least not for a very long time!

He worked his cock all the way inside me and then allowed it to just 'soak' for a few moments, letting me get used to it being there. Then he started to withdraw and I noticed immediately that it was not near 'wet' enough. I asked him to pull out and let me add more lube, which I quickly did before re-assuming the position on my knees on the edge of the bed. He shoved his cock back into my very open hole and it was perfect now! I was ready to be ridden! And what a ride it was!

J.W. started out slowly. Almost maddingly slowly! Usually, when I'm being fucked, as soon as I'm used to it, I want to be fucked hard, fast and rough. This is NOT J.W.'s style! J.W. likes it slow and easy. Gentle fucking in and out. To put it into musical terms, it was not the "Heavy Metal" I was used to, more like soft "Jazz"! Always enough to keep me 'interested' - never enough to hurt of push me over the edge.

Oh...and about that "long time"? Man! He didn't lie about that either!!! I could tell, almost from the beginning, that we were in for the 'long haul'! But my ass was receiving so much pleasure - so many jolts of stimulation flowing through my body - that I didn't care if he EVER stopped fucking me! I was able to just lay there, moaning, feeling the exquisite feeling of a truly gifted fucker with a truly magnificent cock, working my butt in a way that it had rarely ever been worked before!

I guess we had been going at it...I say we, which is really a joke. It wasn't me at all! J.W. was doing all the work. I was must enjoying it...anyway, we'd been at it for about half an hour when all of a sudden, I feel him turning and rummaging around with something. I looked back to see what the hell he was doing and saw him getting out a small digital camera! Oh, my fucking God! He was going to take pictures! This really got me excited.

I know that there are guys out there who the idea of very intimate pictures of them circulating around the internet is about the worst thing they could think of. Some of them for reasons that they are still closeted and cannot let anyone know that they indulge in a little boy-boy fun! I'm lucky in that I don't have to hide anything. I just have never had an opportunity to have pictures of me having sex taken and spread all over the internet! I wouldn't mind at all! So, when J.W. pulled out the camera, I was thrilled!

He would fuck me, pull his cock out so that just the head was still inside my hole, hold it there and snap a picture. He did this over and over again. I quickly realized that all that was being photographed was my ass and his cock. Nothing to identify either one of us. So much for my dreams of becoming an "Internet Porn Star"! But, I was hoping at least I'd get to see something that I had never seen in my entire life - my ass getting fucked! The actual site of a cock going into my very eager and accommodating hole!

After a while, he put the camera down and now came the 'positions'. He started moving around so that he cock was entering my hole from different angles. I love with guys do this! I love having different areas of my 'innerds' slammed into by their cocks. Love the new feelings that each different angle gives. This again, went on for quite a while. The steady thrust of his cock up my ass and my constant grunts and moans of satisfaction and pleasure!

I began to wonder if this was how J.W. would cum or would he finally begin really slamming his cock in and out of my butt? It took a while, but I eventually found out. He did, indeed, begin slamming me a bit harder after asking if it was okay for him to cum! What a 'gentleman'! So thoughtful. So considerate.

By the way - that last was NOT sarcastic in any way! That's exactly what J.W. is - a thoughtful, considerate gentleman! A very nice guy! To be honest, considering the type of encounter it was - spur of the moment type of thing - it wasn't what I was expecting at all!

Finally, he started ramming into my ass faster and I was climbing the peak towards orgasm when he asked if I wanted him to cum. I said "Yes!" and it seemed that was literally all it took. Within moments he was cumming.

Now, there is somewhat of a 'convention' among writers of gay erotic fiction. When two guys fuck, they get off at the same time. As I said, this is a 'convention'. It doesn't usually happen. It can but it's not likely. And in this case, it didn't happen either. I had been holding back, making sure that I didn't orgasm before him because, while I do love to be fucked for a long time, sometimes, after I cum, I don't want to be fucked anymore. My hole becomes to sore or sensitive. So J.W. got off and I didn't. But that didn't matter!

He evidently one of those guys who can deal with having a mouth on his cock after he cums because I got right down off the bed and onto my knees on the floor, gobbling up that delicious chocolate stick of his and beating my own meat. J.W. reached down and gently stroked my head and purred at me while I proceeded to get off sucking that gorgeous cock which had just been working so hard in my ass! It only took a few moments and I was cumming big-time as well, my groans and screams muffled by his big cock in my mouth.

Afterwards, we sat and talked. That's when he told me about himself. He showed me the pictures that he took and even took a really nice 'head-shot' of me - one of the best photographs that's ever been taken of me. Really captured me! I begged him to send that to me along with the ones of his cock going into my ass and he promised he would when he got back home.

A few days later, the pictures arrived. We had already e-mailed each other a couple of times, saying how much each of us had enjoyed the encounter. He's even said he wants to do it again. I don't think any of you would even doubt that I want to! He asked again if I was going to write out our encounter as a story, so here it is. I'll send it to him and I'll share it all with you. If you write me and ask REAL NICE, I might even share the pictures with you as well!


If you liked the story, please write me at

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I also have a "blog" called THE PIG TROUGH where I do more serious writing about life and everything in it. You can reach it at

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Thank you.


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