An Epiphany


Published on Jun 5, 2009



Waking up to the outdoor silence of nature is wonderfully refreshing. The air is so surprisingly cool that it has caused goose bumps all over our naked bodies. This 5th of May is the first day of marriage to each other, and it's still an emotional thing for us to comprehend the event of exchanging vows in the earliest hours of this morning. We are married, we are husband and spouse, no longer two individuals living separate lives but now committed to spending the rest of our lives as a couple, fully recognizing that there will be lots of adjustments to make. It will take time getting use to the fact that we are married in the sight of God. The only real pang Jessie and I feel in our hearts about being married is the fact that neither of us can become pregnant with the other's sperm because our love for each other is so great and deep, that we wished we could have offspring. While the pain is in our hearts, our minds tell us that in due time, when we settle down, we could see about taking in a foster or handicap child, maybe even adopting one. And so we have to temper our emotional feeling of loss for an offspring by the realistic fact that this is the nature of gay love.

First checking to see if we still had our privacy, we decided to don our swimming briefs since we spotted another campsite being set up further down from our location. Jess and I went into nearby bushes to relieve our bladder. We felt the need for little more sleep time, and decided to drag the porch mattress into the more private area of the tent to be placed adjacent to the other one. In fact, we propped it on its side to form a backrest, leaning it against the cooler and fabric wall of the tent. We sat down and embraced. Jess leaned over with eyes closed and the look of sheer bliss. He tongued my ear, and continued until our lips met. We kissed and I closed my eyes, also lost in the joy of love. Jessie's hands were feeling all over my chest, cheeks and neck, whispering his heartfelt devotion and love. I was responding the same, and by the time we reached each other's cocks, they were super hard and dripping. It felt good to kiss and suck our nipples and work downward until we ended up sucking each other's love tool. First Jess swallowed my cock deeply, and then it was my turn. We maneuvered our bodies around to lie down and suck each other at the same time. The smell of raw outdoor nature and each other's musk got us quickly into the frenzy of lust. We wanted to swallow each other's seed. From us squirming around, first one on top and then becoming on the bottom, our fingers exploring asses and penetrating each other, we continued deep sucking, never removing cocks from our mouths. The moment arrived as I could feel his cock throbbing and enlarging, and so Jess spread his legs, raised his buttock on one leg and let go with an explosive climax. I had no difficulty keeping up with the volume as most of his seed went directly into my throat. Jess then pushed two fingers deep into my ass, with the middle one massaging my prostate, which caused me to pour out my offering of love into his mouth. We separated to lie on our backs, full of sweat and trying to catch our breath. We held our inner hands and drifted off into a blissful nap. Sometime later we awakened to the sound of a car engine starting up. We looked out the tent window to see the other party leaving. Maybe they heard us, which I doubt, or saw the tent shaking about, but the important thing is that we are back to having our privacy. Only the eyes, ears, and noses of the hidden wild life were witnesses. Jess brought out the soft cotton blanket and went towards the clump of trees and bushes where he lain it on a bed of fallen leaves. I didn't need an invite when I saw him lie down and fondle his tool. Like I said once before, we didn't keep score; we only knew we wanted as much of each other as possible. We are lovers on a honeymoon. And as one of the purposes of a honeymoon, we needed to become so satiated with sex that eventually we can slacken off into more of a daily routine instead of being completely absorbed into sex as we are at present. Eventually our nuts would need a rest, but for now, as long as we can produce, we'll go at it like rabbits.

Being the gentleman he is, Jess stood up as I reached him, and we embraced each other as though it were the very first time. Hands were caressing all over, kissing alternately between lips and cocks. As cool an evening, night time and early morning hours were, the later morning was heating up very quickly as well as our lust. We rolled about the blanket, until we positioned ourselves for mutual rimming. We bathed our asses and nut sacks with lots of fervor until Jess felt he wanted me to mount. He turned his body to lie on his back with legs spread out and up. Wedging between them, I support my full length prone position on my elbows for kissing and sucking on my lover's tongue. My hips were beginning to make humping movement and my cock was jabbing his perineum trying to search his hole. Jess had to extend an arm and guide me in as he lowered his legs into a locking position. Together we mated, moving about with reciprocating thrusts. Unlike other times, my movement was strong and deep, pounding into Jess. I moved forward as he raised his buttock into an arching position. This made my cock penetrate deeply into him in addition to hitting his prostate. Almost immediately thereafter, I felt Jessie's sphincter tighten around my penis and felt the gushing of his warm gooey watery sperm flood both his tummy and mine. That did it for me, and crying out my joy, I unleashed my own seed into Jess. I stayed in him but together we rolled over so I could lie on my back and catch my breath. Our deed is finished, and gratitude set in as we kissed.

"I love you Jess, my beautiful spouse," to which he responded in kind.

As I maneuvered to lick off the sperm of Jess from his tummy, he went into a sixty-nine to do the same to me. And then we kissed, tasting that delicious sperm on our tongues. I responded:

"Thanks, Jess, and anytime you want to unload this stuff, I'll gladly take it in my mouth or up my ass."

"The pleasure is all mine, and my sentiment the same."

By now our cocks were hanging limp and scrotums were stretched to the max. Our balls felt spent and drained for now, and the heat was becoming oppressive, so much so that we didn't feel like eating even though we were still fasting. We did drink lots of water. We decided to give ourselves a shower using the solar bag, close off the tent, and take a drive in air condition. We did note that we had to sign out in the registry book at the kiosk near the gate to the Preserve and the fact that the park closed at sunset. We drove North on Taylor Creek Road to the intersection of highway 50, also referred to as Colonial drive in Orlando. We took our drive heading West back towards the city until we came across a string of businesses and restaurants. We spotted a Dennys and parked. We put in our beverage order, asking the waitress to give us lots of time before returning for our order. It was already the lunch crowd, but Jess and I wanted to simply relax our tummies, get them settled before eating, and talk for a while.

"Jess, I'm all drained out. I know we've had lots of sex, but I think it is the heat that's getting to me."

"I still think, Willie, it was the best idea to do this camping since it ended up us getting married for life, and you aren't the only one fagged out. I agree with you that this isn't the best time of the year to do camping. It's just too hot."

"What if we keep the honeymoon going but do it back in the condo, Jess."

"Oh, Willie, I would just like to give you a big kiss, but there are too many people. Yes, let's eat something, maybe a burger, and return to dismantle the tent."

We took our time eating and to allow the day to cool down somewhat before returning to the Preserve somewhere around 5 P.M. Jess and I entered the tent, and for one last time, we undressed each other, and made love. We both cried but they were joyful tears, happy that we are husband and spouse. We decided to take down the tent and load the car in complete nakedness, both because we wanted to feel the slight breeze cool our sweaty bodies, and to eye the beauty of each other. When all was done, we dressed each other, but not before kissing our cocks as we tucked them in, and departed Tosohatchee State Preserve. A note to the wise, do the camping in early spring or late fall, but celebrate your love anytime your heart desires. In about an hour and a half we parked at the Condo. We left most of the gear in the car and only brought up the perishable food. It was good to be home, but now the place seems different. We met here, and now we are married. Jess and I spent a relaxing time sipping cold raspberry tea, and got down to some serious talk about where we go from here. Our heavy eyes told us that it was time to wash up, brush our teeth, and fall into bed. Even the bed seemed different as we embraced not as friends meeting for the first time but as husband and spouse in the embrace of love. All we did that night was masturbate each other, swallow and fell asleep contented. Soon we had to vacate the apartment as Jessie's time was ending. We made plans for Jess to follow me back to my home in La Belle, checking the place out, stay overnight ; I would then follow him the next day to his apartment in Fort Myers. We arrived quite late, having to stop along the way for a bite to eat as our appetites were returning. I cannot adequately describe the joy when I took Jessie's hand in love, and let him through the front door. We stopped until I could get some light in the place.

"Welcome, sweet love" and I embraced my beloved. Jess melted in my arms, and sobbed on my shoulders. His body really shook with emotion.

"I've never been so happy, Willie; I love you with all my heart." I comforted him but at the same time my eyes were also swollen with tears. All I could say at the time was:

"Get use to it, honey, we've got a lifetime ahead of us."

Jess stopped his crying temporarily, and with a sloppy tear filled face, he planted wet kisses all over my face. The last one, however, was a deep passionate one, at which we both were grinding ourselves into each other, feeling the hardness of our cocks. I led Jess on a whirlwind tour of the house, pointing out meaningful things here and there, and finally let him into what will now be our joint bedroom. We sat down, and right away Jess commented that he would like the left side of the bed as he remembered my preference for the right side.

"I can then spoon into you, Willie, if that's ok with you."

"Aren't you my husband, Jess, so why are you asking me? Any time you want and anything you desire is yours to do, and me to receive. Of course it's ok with me, you dip-shit spouse!" Jess gave me that gorgeous smile that melts my heart.

"Let's show you the bathroom and then we'll bring in our clothes."

"Do we need them was all Jess could respond."

It didn't take long for us to settle down, get a drink of cold water, undress each other, take a shower with lots of love expression, and hop into bed. It felt like our honeymoon would begin all over again, and it did. We made love two times that night and one more time when waking up. Jess helped me unload my car of all the gear, etc, and away we drove both cars to Fort Myers. We stopped for breakfast at the favorite eatery for both of us, Mel's Diner, and enjoyed breakfast. I followed Jess to his rental apartment near the campus of Florida Gulf Coast University. He liked the location and didn't complain about the decent rent being geared to accommodate college students. His job of being a hair stylist didn't attract any of these students, but the shop he worked at was located in Fort Myers Beach, and benefitted with the influx of tourists. Jess lived on the second floor, and I helped him unload his picnic equipment and bags of left-over groceries. He unlocked the door, and it was a typical bachelor's pad, somewhat disorderly but kept clean. There was a hint of stale odor since he had turned off his air condition. Jess did not seem to be bothered by my seeing books or magazines lying here and there and the occasional items of clothing, for as he says,

"Willie, you're my husband, and what you see is what you get."

"That's good; I like that, Jess. I like you the way you are."

After putting away his things, Jess and I sat down with a glass of coke in our hands.

"So, what do you think of the place. I know it's not as big as yours, excuse me, our house in La Belle, but it's nice."

I agreed with him, and especially since the building is quite new.

"The bath is over there, and would you like to see your guest room?"

I answered with a put-on disappointed frown:

"What do you mean by the guest room. I want to see our bedroom."

We both laughed, as Jess pointed out that there was only one bedroom in the place.

"Let's just stay here in the living room for a while as I really like the leather sofa and the d‚cor of the room. In fact, Jess, if you move to La Belle, we will have to see about doing some renovations to the house, and in particular, accommodate to your furniture and style of decoration. Maybe it's because it belongs to you, but I happen to like your sense of style and choices much better than my hand-me-down-furniture."

"I'm very happy, Willie, and it's also all yours."

Jess faced me, and took off my shirt, exposing my naked chest. Immediately he placed both hands on my nipples and we leaned into each other for a deep kiss, all the while manipulating my hardening nipples. He raised himself slightly in order to bend and tuck his inner leg under him in a kneeling position with the outside leg extending to the floor. Lost in our kissing, my hands went searching for his crotch where I felt a hardened cock. That did it for me, and I broke off our kiss, reposition myself to kneel on the couch with both legs, and facing Jess. I pulled off his shirt, and leaned him back against the arm of the couch, noticing the obscene- looking tent in his pants. Perhaps I shouldn't even use the word 'obscene' because as far as I am concerned, there is nothing dirty about the natural reaction of my lover's body parts. It's all part and parcel of love making. Nevertheless, there was the very hard 'tent' in his pants, and noticing this himself; Jess gave me a wonderful smile with the unspoken words:

"It's all yours, Willie."

I leaned into him for sucking on his right nipple while deliberately keeping my hands off his cock. I just balanced myself by holding on to his waist. As I gave a really hard suck, Jess closed his eyes and opened his mouth, leaning his head and extended arms back, and let out a pleasure gasp. Jess then asked that I open his pants to free 'little Willie,' and so I did just that while he aided in lifting his body with the right leg extended to the floor. Once his pants were completely removed, Jess changed his position to a more sit-up one while still resting against the arm of the sofa. He reached over to begin unbuttoning my pants to remove them. However, as soon as the pants were lowered below my underwear, Jess wrapped his hands around to my bottom, pulling me closer to lay against him, underwear to underwear, cocks against each other. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and we engaged in a wet kiss, playing around with our tongues. When we broke off our kiss, Jess stood up with the one folded leg on the sofa and the other on the floor. He came close enough for me to remain in my sitting position and still kiss all over his chest, working myself down to his navel. I continued to follow his lovely hair trail, and came to the much extended cock stretching his underwear to the limit and producing a large wet spot. This was too enticing for me to resist, and so I removed his underwear carefully over his cock and off his entire body. Jess sat back down and leaned against the sofa arm. I resumed making love to his body with kisses back to his nipples, navel, and eventually engulfing his tool into my mouth after first admiring the beauty of it as well as seeing the pumping reflex action it was making. Jess quietly and lovingly observed my enjoying his body. I knelt more into a crouching position between his legs, and felt his one caressing hand of encouragement on my shoulder while Jess closed his other hand in a tight fist in the intense pleasure he was feeling as I bobbed up and down on his shaft, alternating my sucking with tongue licking. I was becoming quite intoxicated with the warmth and body odor coming from my spouse, especially the musk coming from around his scrotum. My oral sex and pleasure I was giving to Jess started to steel up his cock and contract his balls. Jess was making whimpering noises with his tongue extended between his lips. I knew he was indeed ready to make love to me as well as my becoming extremely prepared in both my ass and cock. I turned my kneeling body around to lean against the back-rest of the sofa while Jess stood up, placing his hands on my buttock and spreading my cheeks. He found me pushing from within so that my hole was beginning to dilate on its own, and extending the invitation for Jess to mount and penetrate me. Jessie is a good spouse and husband since he did not rush into things. He wanted to heighten the special moment for both of us be leaning down and, yes, kissing my anal opening as well as wetting it with his tongue. He kissed all around both buns, even bending all the way down to grab my cock and sack and planting lots of kisses. The only words Jess spoke during all this foreplay was to request that I suck him one more time and apply lots of spit lubricant. I loving held his 'little Wille,' knowing that in a short time, it would be sliding into my love tunnel and depositing his seed into me. I think this anticipation is almost as good as the actual penetration and fucking. Jess could sense this in me, and so in no way did he hurry me. In fact, he held my head while sliding into my mouth with slow thrusting motion. He wanted me to enjoy his cock as much as I needed to. When he saw that I was beginning to pump my own cock, and squeezing my outside hand tightly around his leg, he then asked:

"Honey, are you ready;" to which I responded by removing his saliva-slick cock from my mouth, and with pleading eyes, I simply gave a silent nod.

"Oh, my God" was all I could say as Jess went behind me, grabbed my waist and slid easily into me all the way to his balls. In fact, I did not feel a hanging scrotum as Jessie was already tight with his testicles up against his shaft. He wasn't far away from blowing his load. Just as Jess was slowly pulling out, but with his gland still inside me, the first wave of his climax hit with such force that I could feel some of the sperm oozing out of my opening and tricking down on to my scrotum. Quickly Jess reinserting his cock all the way in so as not to allow any more seed coming out but depositing deep into me. At the same time, Jess put his full body weight on top of mine, supported by his extended arms against the sofa, and leaned forward until we were able to engage in a deep kissing while his seed deposited itself into me wave after wave. Since I hadn't yet cum, Jess pulled out of me after a while, and he placed me on my back. He stretched out between my legs with his mouth quickly sucking furiously on my cock. I couldn't be any happier, and spread my legs wide while my feet wrapped around his lower back and buttock. However, this spreading myself open and humping into Jessie's mouth, started to allow his seed to leak out of my ass. I knew there would be a mess on the sofa, and am I glad that it's leather upholstery. As I started to feel my impending orgasm, I placed my hands on each side of Jessie's head and went along with his sliding motion. Just then, I squeezed tightly inside my anal area, also grabbing tightly Jessie's head, and unloaded my seed into my beloved.

"Oh, my God, I love you Jessie."

Jess finished cleaning around my cock the last of the wetness, and lay prone on top of me where we kissed and shared my sperm. It was a long time when we finally broke off our embrace, but I still had to reach down to lick up and savor the wonderful drying residue of Jessie's sperm on the sofa. I had no awareness of the time of the evening but quietly followed Jess to crash into bed for my first night's sleep in his apartment. Of course, he wrapped himself around me, spooning tightly against me to keep me warm from the air condition. It's nice to be married, to be husband and spouse to each other. In thinking back to these couple of days, I observed that because of all the sex we engaged in and throughout the day and evening with our irregular eating of only one meal, Jess and I were beginning to lose weight. I know that I enjoyed this, seeing that I had more of an extended belly than Jess and I wanted to have my body attractive for him even though we both accepted each other the way we are.

Author's note: The next installment deals with big changes and adjustments as Jess and Willie decide where they want to permanently share their lives together. This decision will begin the practical adjustments to the marriage.

Next: Chapter 11

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