An English Boy in New York

By Verhaal Vandermens

Published on Feb 16, 2011



You have to be of legal age to read this, also make sure you aren't breaking any laws by doing so. This story will contain underaged homosexual relationships between two boys and possible scenes of a sexual nature. If you find that this type of material offensive or you otherwise decide not to need this sort of thing in your life, then you should go elsewhere and perhaps reconsider the location you are looking for stories, as seriously... you are in the wrong place.

All people and events in this story are fictional. Any similarities to other people or events is purely coincidental and not to be taken literally. On the other hand, New York City does exist and forms the basis of at least this chapter. Subsequently, such places that exist in real life New York City will find themselves making a cameo as you can't visit NYC without seeing the sights.

However I have taken a liberty to actually create some imaginary places in NYC that do not actually exist. You will not find them if you go there,

and they are only there for the purposes of this story. Smash Music is purely fictional and and similarity to other references is coincidental and unintended. You have been forewarned.


Only heavy petting in this story I know. I did warn you though, this isn't a quick story for you to flick your wrist at.

This chapter is based on my own trip to New York, so I knew from a visitors point of view what New York was like. Only difference was that I went for thanksgiving, not in the summer when this was set, so some of the continuity will be slightly off. Forgive me. It's only a story anyway.

So with all that out of the way, onto the next part of an English Boy in New York...

An English Boy In New York – Part 2 by Vander

The trip to airport was uneventful. Connor had sat up front while me and Remy sat in the back with a case between us. There wasn't much we could do on the journey but exchange glances and listen to our MP3's. Mom had been thoughtful enough to pack me my iPod, so I wasn't completely without entertainment for the journey and the plane.

We sailed through the airport pretty easily. It wasn't as busy as I expected so we had plenty of time to look about. Connor tried to drag me and Remy into the arcade but much like myself, Remy wasn't all that into arcade games so we left Connor in there and explored the terminal wing. We went into a holiday clothes shop and had a rummage about the clothing section, not actually planning on buying anything. Then it struck me. I didn't have any money to spend. I was going to New York penniless. I was a mixed bag of emotions, I was going to New York, but I had no money. But I was going to New York, and having to rely on others to pay my way. Surely not though, I knew my mother, she didn't let other pay her way.

I reached into my wallet and flipped it open. I had my bank card on me. I knew I had seven hundred pounds in my savings account I was allowed to withdraw now I am thirteen. Would she be mad if I used some of that? I knew I saw a cash point back towards the Cafe, maybe I could take out some notes and get it changed? I was about to commit to spending my savings when I noticed an unfamiliar card in my wallet. I pulled at the end and saw the card and a slip of paper that was tucked in the wallet pocked dropped out onto the floor.

"What's that?" Remy said picking it up, unfolding it.

"No idea, what does it say?"

He read it aloud. "Ethan. I knew you wouldn't have thought about money until you are at the airport infront of a shop." Remy smiled and continued reading. "I always keep some dollars on this card left over from when I used to visit your dad. Do not spend all of it, but don't scrimp. Thank your dad for it. I've also put in two weeks pocket money in English money."

I flipped open the note section of my wallet, and sure enough there was a twenty pound note. Technically it wasn't two weeks worth of allowance, it was four weeks, but she must have been in a good mood.

"That's awesome. You must have great parents." Remy said peering into my wallet and handing me the note.

"Mom's okay." I said sadly. "Parent's are divorced. My dad shacked up with this American girl in San Francisco a few years back. Not seen him since. Mom used to go out there when she thought he was setting up a new catering business. Turned out he was shagging a model." I sighed. Remy was quiet. Either in respect or a loss of words. "I guess the card was left over from when she would visit." I looked at the card in my hands. "I wonder how much is on it?" I thought aloud more than anything.

"Sounds like it was for hotel and restaurant fees so there should be a fair amount on it, but why don't you find out. You know the code?" Remy asked thoughtfully.

"Yeah." I grinned. "Lets go find a cashpoint."

"You mean an ATM?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry."

As it turned out there was well over a thousand dollars on the card. My holiday... or rather my Vacation was all set ready to go. The plane trip was interesting. It was a painful thought to know that I had eight hours of being sat in the same seat, but luckily what made the journey easier to bare was I was in the middle seat, Connor was on the left of me by the isle and just to my right, by the window was Remy. Mrs. Wright had a seat a couple of rows in front of us, so she couldn't actually see us without getting up and walking over to us. Naturally, she had us swear that we'd behave ourselves.

It was about 30 minutes into the trip when I felt a hand on my own, which was resting on the arm of the chair. I thought he had just made the mistake of using the armrest for its intended purpose, making the mistake that I was already resting my arm on it. Instead, when his hand touched my hand it never retracted. Instead the hand actually rested there, on top of mine.

I looked up to the owner of the hand and saw those dark brown eyes fixed on me questioningly. He was making a move, right here on the plane. I glanced back at his hand on mine and I made my move, albeit a small one. I turned my hand around to they lay there on the arm of the chair, palm in palm. I grinned. For something so trivial, I felt like I had passed a milestone I my life.

"Anything to drink Sir?" A voice pierced the mood and the hand on mine shot off like a scalded dog. I felt suddenly empty and fighting a sudden rage towards the air hostess who was offering me a drink.

"Is it free?" I asked the lady trying to be a smart-ass.

"You dummy." Connor said, "You get a free drink on board. Have you never flown before?" he rolled his eyes.

"Oh..." I was dumbfounded. "Fanta please!" I took the drink form her and gave her a sheepish smile. I turned my attention to Connor. "Actually I have. But it was to Spain and you had to pay on that flight."

"Spain?" he exclaimed. "Oh man, that's like a two hour flight on Queasyjet. You have to pay for everything with them. That's not flying, that's a glorified bus."

"Actually, 'this' is on the lower end of flying." Remy said and ordered a Fanta. "If you want real flying you need a 747 in the business class. That's how to travel."

"You've never been in business class!" Connor exclaimed.

"Never claimed I ever did." He retorted and stuck his tongue out mocking him across me.

"You tart." Connor mocked jovially. "And you two better not start kissing on this plane, or I'm throwing you both out."

I blushed. He had seen our little hand-holding session. To make things worse, the air hostess was still waiting for Connor to order his drink. "Oh..." it was his turn to blush now. "Just a spring water please."

The rest of the journey wasn't as eventful. When the plane settled down me and Remy did revert back to our hand-holding and at some point in the flight he actually fell asleep on my shoulder which was just sweet.

As confidant as Remy seemed on the exterior I could still sense some trepidation on his part. Especially the way he pulled his hand back when someone saw. I guess being in the closet does that to you after a bit. You get all twitchy about anyone realising, even if the person who might have seen you holding hands you would probably never see again for the rest of your life. I wasn't even sure that she had even saw us holding hands, at least until Connor's kissing comment made the holding hands aspect of the whole thing dematerialise into a mere inconvenience.

Aeroplane food is like bad microwave meals, they are bland and rather pointless. Although it gives you something different to do during the flight other than shift from buttock to buttock trying to maintain even blood flow and watch cheesy movies that the 'captain' kept on interrupting

to let us know where we were. I didn't really care what part of the planet we were currently over, I just wanted to get out of this seat.

Before long became too long the plane began its descent and I was eagerly leaning over Remy trying to get my first view of New York City. Remy let out a little giggle as I bravely leaned across his body and pressed my nose against the window.

"See anything you like?" Remy asked me with a hint of mischievousness to his voice. I turned my head, a grin already forming on my lips. I followed

his eyes to his crotch where my right hand was supporting my weight. It was barely millimetres from his crotch. I raised my head and we came eye to eye.

"Pleeeeeeaaassee don't!" Whined Connor. Just wait till we get to the hotel

room. "Then you can do whatever you want."

I reluctantly sat back in my seat properly and gave Connor the evil eye. "What do you mean by that?" I said, trying to act angry. Which wasn't difficult. It was the second time on this flight he'd put a stop to any 'bonding' we were enjoying.

Connor leaned in closer. "I may not be gay, but I know my best friend and my cousin." he nodded at Remy, who was trying to listen in. Successfully probably. "In fact, I managed to get you two a room to yourself."

My eyes widened at the thought of me and Remy sharing a room. "Me and Remy on our own?"

"Separate beds of course. I'll be in the adjoining room as they had no spare put-up beds spare. Mom's room is across the hall. She didn't want to be next to some teenagers room as they keep her up all night talking." He had planned this all pretty well. "But if you guys start making out in front of her she isn't going to want to put you in the same room as much as a straight couple."

He had a point.

"Hey." Remy. "You had this all planned from the start." He pouted, cutely.

"Not really I just took advantage of the situation when I realised we could invite Ethan." He jabbed a thumb in my direction. "I knew you'd fall for him. I know your type." He grinned.

The scheming little so-and-so. He purposely set me up with Remy, or was it him setting Remy up with me. I would have been furious is it hadn't worked out so perfectly. For a straight guy, he was a great gay matchmaker. Now, me and Remy had an a weeks worth of unrestricted nocturnal activity and I had full intentions of using it.

New York was there alright. It was tall, so tall that you felt almost insignificant when you started to approach Manhattan. The taxi dropped us off right in front of our glass fronted hotel. It wasn't until I got inside that the term foyer did a great injustice to the word. Back in England a hotel's foyer usually comprised of a few sofas and a desk where you check in. This was a few floors high and a few tennis courts wide. All four of us must have stopped and looked upward at the glistening marblework as people behind us started to bump into us.

We moved to the checking desks and were issued our door cards. And we dragged our luggage up to our rooms. Strangely enough, no one even offered to take our luggage up to our rooms. On every TV and movie there was usually someone to take the luggage. Perhaps he was busy or he never thought we were rich enough to give a decent tip. To be honest though, I had no dollars on me yet until I found a cashpoint, or rather ATM as they call them in the US. So I couldn't have tipped anyone even if I had wanted to.

We trundled our cases along to the bank of elevators than ran along the one side of the foyer area and picked one to travel in and rode it up to the thirtieth floor where our rooms were.

Sure enough me, Remy and Connor had two rooms connected by a door and Mrs Wright had the room over the corridor from us.

"Okay, boys." Mrs Wright announced before we entered the room. "It's 1 pm local time. I'm going to unpack and have a few hours sleep since I don't have the energy you young people do. If you go out, be back by 8pm. I want you all to get some sleep tonight, it's been a long day." She entered her room, but paused, thought for a second and turned back. "If you are hungry, go and get something to eat. I don't want you disturbing me for something as trivial as food. This is New York, the place is made out of the stuff. Now Go!" She gestured us away and she closed her door.

It was as delightful as that. I stood in the corridor looking a bit perplexed. This was New York, the land of crime, or at least that what the movies said. Although if I followed the movie rule book, New York City should have giant sized teeth marks in all the buildings and police running about barefoot in their vests shouting ippy-kay-yey or something and throwing people off rooftops.

I had to assume from the ease they Mrs. Wright had shepherded us though customs and to the hotel she had been here before. Perhaps she trusted this place, or perhaps she trusted us. What do I do if I get confronted with a gun? Or a bank robbery? My common sense told me that I was needlessly worried.

"Hey, get out of the twilight zone and get in here." Remy was in the room. I was the only one left standing in the hallway. I snapped back to the present and wordlessly dragged my case into the room.

It was a pleasant room, a good size too, There were two of the biggest double beds I had ever seen in the room. I mean these were huge, so big that me and Remy could lie spread eagle on each side of the bed and not touch fingertips. Oh... now there's a thought.

"Wow" was all I could say.

"Yeah." Remy replied. There was a pause while we both surveyed the room.

"Ethan?" Remy closed the door behind me, his voice tone going all serious.

It worried me.

I looked at him trying to rid my expectations of worry, though I can't think what I had to worry about. Rejection? Approval? I was too afraid to say anything in case I said something wrong. I felt stupid, at a serious time like this, I couldn't even find a word to reply with when he called my name.

"Am I going to fast?" He said. At first my mind thought about what he was doing physically. Then it dawned on me... He was referring to us, as in me and him. I felt myself blush. I don't know why, but as soon as I realised I was blushing I blushed more. I cursed myself, getting angry that my face would betray my own emotions.

"No, but I don't know the right speed." It was an honest answer. I had no idea what to do or how one was supposed to go about falling in love. "I'm afraid."

Remy's face softened. "I know," He barely whispered. "Me too." He looked at his shoes, trying to gather his thoughts. Then he returned his eye contact, penetrating my soul. "I know Connor may have planned this, but to his credit, I think he might have been right."

"But you don't even know me?" I spoke the words that were right there, what's been bugging me since he first made those advances on me on the bed at Connor's house. Did I even know him? We'd only met each other a day ago and I feel I do know him, or at least I will know him. It's hard to explain. Sometimes you can look into someone's eyes and see more than the person you see in front of you. They say beauty is skin-deep. Remy was the exception to that rule. His facial features, his bone structure and his skin were all perfect. Like silk, it just makes you want to feel it against your skin, to wear it and to let it envelope you. There wasn't anything sexual about it, but I wanted to be held by this boy. I wanted to hold him and protect him. Was that love? Yes. I believed that it was, it was alien to me as I had never felt this sort of desire to be with someone. I felt it in my chest and my throat. I never ever expected to feel love in my throat but there it was, like stage-fright. I could have cried the emotion out of me.

But there I was, telling him he didn't even know me. Was I about to ruin the whole thing by admitting that he never really knew me. Was I implying that I was holding back some deep dark secret. Perhaps I was, perhaps I was refusing to accept the fact that I have fallen for him so quick and so fast that I was struggling to catch up. The thought excited me and scared me. I was lost in an ocean of emotion. Then along came a ship.

"I know you." He took a step closer to me and with the back of his hand he caressed my cheek. "At least I know the bit that counts. Everything else is just a bonus. If this isn't you that is in front of me right now then you must be one hell of an actor. Are you acting?" His hand stopped the caress and paused at my chin, waiting for the answer.

"No." I shook my head gently so I wouldn't shake his hand off.

"Then it's settled." He leaned forward to kiss me. He stopped an inch from my face and looked me in the eyes. He was waiting for me to reject him, giving me the chance to say no while I could.

I never moved, I never said no.

He kissed me. He really kissed me properly. Something clicked inside me and I let out a "Mmph". I had never expected a real proper kiss to be so... meaningful.

Hands grabbed at my hips and spun me around, guiding me over to the bed where we both collapsed sideways onto the mattress. The kiss was broken.

"Remy," I looked into his eyes. I wanted to get this clear to him, since he seemed to have all the confidence here. "I've never been with anyone before. I mean in a relationship."

Remy lifted himself up on one elbow. "It's okay. I may seem all cocky and full of experience, but the truth is it scares the shit out of me too. I mean look at it from my point of view. I get told that I'm going to meet my cousins friend, who, oh yeah, is gay by the way." He mimicked Conner's tone of voice and a perfect English accent. "But there I was leaning against the car door looking at the guys coming out of the school. Then this one catches my attention. He was hot alright. He had this sexy blond hair, not like the silly peroxide blondes that people are swooning over, but the type that radiates hotness. He had the most adorable face I have ever seen, and who knew. He was walking towards me. Who knew it would be you?"

I was grinning by now. He was the first person to call me adorable that I actually didn't mind. In fact it was strangely attractive to be called adorable by someone like him.

"As dense as I can be sometimes I could see that you liked me. Probably by the way you cracked your head against the car told me, but I could also tell from Connor's 'told-you-so' grin. So I took the driving seat. So to speak."

I know a tear trickled down my cheek. It was an involuntary act. I was not a girl and I did not get all gushy at the slightest bit of emotion. My body betrayed me once again.

"Tears of joy?" He said as he caught the tear on the back of his knuckle.

"I love you." I dared to say while looking at the tear on the back of his hand. Damn, even the back of his hand was sexy.

"I love you too. Boyfriend."

Boyfriend. Something that was only a part of my imagination suddenly came shooting to the forefront. It was surreal. It's like someone telling you that Superman actually did exist and that he lived just down the road.

"Boyfriend." I tested the word to see how it sounded as it rolled off my tongue. "Yeah. That's what we are." My confidence soared now. We had set the ground and I was ready to move. I pushed him down into the mattress and straddled him. "Thanks."

"For what?" He looked up at me, his dark brown hair fanned out on the bed covers like a halo.

"For everything, for being born, for showing me what love means." I leaned

in and before he could respond I kissed him. But this time I went further

and I parted my mouth and snaked my tongue out across his lips. In response he parted his own lips and my tongue followed its own agenda and began to explore Remy's mouth. Then it changed and Remy began to explore my mouth, our tongues mashing against each other, our eyes going from open to closed and back to open again as we realised wordlessly that a kiss is so much different with your eyes open. Hands roamed, slid down flesh and under shirts. I rubbed my hand under his shirt across his nipples, the thought excited me and I wondered how long this moment would last when...


We pulled apart suddenly, our breathing laboured.

It wasn't from the front door. It was from the joining door. It was Connor.

"Guys, open up." He rapped his knuckled on the door separating the two rooms. I hopped off Remy and fumbled with the door before swinging it open. Conner stepped in and froze looking at us both.

"Damn that was quick." He said in amazement.

Me and Remy looked at each other. We looked slightly dishevelled, but it wasn't until I really looked that I noticed Remy had a boner, and it was an impressive sight from what I could gather. It was pretty erotic, until I noticed my own boner jutting out and the sudden realisation that me and Remy, my 'boyfriend', were stood in front of my best friend and his cousin with boners. Anyone could put two and two together and realise that we'd not exactly been unpacking.

"You better not let my mom catch you like that." He said as he started to walk about the room, exploring the cupboards and the ensuite. "Not that she'll be watching us. She'll go do her own thing. We go do our own thing. Damn you have a walkin shower." He commented as he peeked into bathroom. "I have this bathtub thing with a shower over it."

"Uhm." Was all I could say.

Remy came to the rescue.

"You made your bed, now you gotta sleep in it." He said not even worried that his boner was still sticking out at ninety degrees.

"What do you mean by that?" Connor frowned.

"You set us up, but your plan worked better than you expected." It was mock anger and he stepped towards Connor, who seeing the boner sticking out took equal amount of steps backwards until he ran out of floor and his back was against the wall. Remy jabbed his finger onto Connor's forehead. "So in other words Mr. English, if I feel like displaying my affection for your best friend I am damn well going to do so." He said the last bit in a rather good English accent. "So..." He finished his conversation with sticking his tongue out.

Connor grinned nervously. "Don't poke me with that! I don't want cooties!" Remy laughed along with Connor. Then before I knew what was going on, Connor had pushed Remy onto the other bed, nearest the window and they started to wrestle, Connor trying to stay away from the boner that was rapidly losing its prominence. I guess his mind was elsewhere.

Mine on the other hand was a keeper. I hadn't had a wank in two days and I was feeling the strain. But I wasn't going to give in. I wanted to save myself for Remy, for a time I knew was coming, but wasn't sure when or how. I wasn't even sure what would have happened if Connor hadn't have interrupted us on the bed.

While they were frolicking on the bed I decided to take my mind off my boner and take a look about. I looked in the bathroom where Connor seemed impressed with the shower. It was a large shower, big enough for two people to shower together, to rub soap into each other bodies. Okay enough of the bathroom. I paced across the room to get a look at New York from a 30th floor point on view.

I pressed my face up against the window and peered out. There, down below was traffic. Not just any traffic it was like the traffic from the movies, but from really high up. It dawned on me once again. I was in New York. I was in America. "Guys?"

They paused their wrestle and looked at me. "We're in New York!" I stated.

Conner knew what I meant immediately. "Let's explore!"

"Yeah!" Remy agreed with that wide grin I love so much.

We had abandoned our luggage, still unpacked in the room and made our way down the elevators into the oversized foyer. It was still pretty awe-inspiring to look at. The front of the hotel was direct onto 42nd Street on Park Avenue. Connor was pointing out the various directions of all the fun stuff we can go and see in the city. We were literally right in the middle as he span about pointing at various landmarks off in the distance. We couldn't actually see them of course, even if they were a quarter mile away we would never see them, as the buildings were so goddam tall.

We were actually stood outside the Hotel and I span around absorbing the wonderfulness that is New York City. I was amazed at the visual stimuli as well as the noise that you get from 8 million people all living in close proximity. It was a loud, constant roar of noise from cars, people talking and wind curling around the buildings. I vaguely recognised a few

small things like bridges and archways that got my mind thinking where I'd seen them before. Then I realised what I was looking at. Grand Central

Terminal. Wow it another surreal moment realising that I had seen this so many times on the movie screen that I was now staring at it with my own

two eyes.

"Hey look what's next to our hotel?" Remy said pointing across my vision. I followed his gesture to a glass building not unlike our hotel, but cleaner and more... silver? I was about to reply with a 'what of it?' but then I remembered that in New York you had to look up to actually see a building. I looked up, and up, and up. It was the infamous Chrysler building.

"Woah, thats big, and so clean." I said squinting up at the sunlight. Down at ground level the sun never hit the floor except in a few open patches. Up among the urban canopies the sun was beating down with full vigour.

"It's so weird looking at it for real. I spend weeks looking on Street View to see what's around." Connor said and then pointed southwards. "Down there is the Empire State, its ten blocks away and there are some decent shops down there."

"I think Times Square is thataway!" Remy pointed along the street the hotel was on.

My heart lifted. I had seen pictures of Times Square and its illuminated billboards. "Is it far?" I asked, not really sure how big New York was.

"Nah. The entire island is only two miles wide." Remy stated.

"It's much longer though, about 10 miles I think." Connor was keen to show he'd done his homework.

"Well actually its 13.4 miles long and 2.3 miles wide at its widest point.

It actually has a land area of 33.77 miles squared." Remy smiled smugly. We started walking towards Times Square.

"How did you know that?" Connor queried, frowning that he was beaten when it came to Manhattan's landmass.

Remy grinned back at him. "Geography begins at home. Am I from this country remember."

"Have you been here before?" I asked. It was a valid question, I didn't want to assume because he was from the US that he had been to New York, it would have been a bit presumptuous of me.

"No actually. Always wanted to come here though, though now..." He placed an arm around my shoulder and then Connor's. "...I actually get to spend it with my favourite cousin and my boyfriend. What could be more perfect than that?"

"Oh great, since when have you two been going steady?" Connor was teasing, or at least I hope he was.

"You should be congratulating your match-making skills" I chimed in. "After all your efforts, it was inevitable."

Remy laughed. It wasn't a mocking laugh, more of an agreeable laugh if one could exist.

And so the conversation went on. We walked right on past Bryant Park and the large grass lawn and on past the library. It was all nice to see, but I had the feeling this would be a familiar route during the week and I had plenty of time too see all the little bits and pieces. Right now I wanted to see the big things, namely our destination of choice Times Square.

I saw it before we actually arrived there. It was hard to miss the large animated advertisements stuck on every flat surface. It wasn't until we turned the last corner and onto Times Square that I saw the magnitude and the sheer number of colours that all tried to cram themselves into my eyes at the same time. I think I actually blinked a few times, it was so... phenomenal it was literally breathtaking. The sights the smells, they were all there making a picture in my head that I don't think I would ever forget. Right there and then, I wanted to see this place at night. With Remy.

Due to our new-found exploratory desire we found ourselves not immediately hungry so we decided to have a rummage about the local shops for a bit. They had a store dedicated to M&M's but it was packed full of people so we decided to give it a miss for the time being, we mutually decided that we should see what we can, then look in detail later.

As 8 pm drew to a close we did actually stop for a bite to eat before exploring a bit more. Eventually, the jet lag caught up to us and we all found ourselves completely worn out. Mrs. Wright had been right on the mark. The 3am start to the day had taken it's toll and I was ready for a nights sleep, especially as it was nearing the 24 hour mark of actually being awake, at least I think it was.

We didn't even bother to announce to Mrs. Wright that we were back, we just went into our rooms. Me and Remy groaned when we realised that we had still to unpack. But unpack we had to, it was no good leaving it till the morning as I needed my bathroom stuff now. I unclipped the strap that had the dual function of stopping my case from exploding its contents all over the place and it also helped me identify my luggage from the others. I thought I would be clever in choosing a rainbow coloured strap, thinking that on one who wasn't gay would have one, and I was secretly applauding my brashness in being so out and bold. Until I saw that at least 70% of people also had the same rainbow strap on their luggage.

Unpacking didn't take as long as I had thought. In fact it was quite fun going through the cupboards trying to find places to hang things and draws to stash things in. We had fun programming the safe with a number we would both remember and panicking slightly as we momentarily forgot what the number was.

Before long we were both lying flat on the bed closest to the window. I had It was nearly dark outside which only promoted the need for sleep. I could feel my body beginning to deaden from the lack of sleep. I was so tired I never even wanted to climb into bed, I could have fallen asleep right there and then.

"Okay. Important question." Remy said from his position lying next to me. "There are two beds. Which one?"

"Oh, I don't mind. You pick on and I'll have the other." I said being polite, for some reason.

Remy's face sunk. "You don't want to sleep with me?"

My eyes widened as in realisation. "No. I mean yes. No I don't mean that, yes I do want to sleep with you, but I don't think I can do anything like..." A finger was pressed against my lips.

"I know what you meant. Your innate Englishness dictates to you that you ave to be polite and offer me a separate bed. And no, I didn't mean sex. Besides I'm way to beat for that." He was right in a way. Why did I automatically think we would sleep in separate beds. But then, my mind also thought that sleeping in separate beds is what normal people do. Normal as in those not currently being given the opportunity of sharing a room with someone they love to bits. My English sensibilities told me that it was wrong and I shouldn't be so reckless. The rest of me was too busy whoo-hooing to worry about sensibilities.

"Okay, this bed then, since we're already on it." I finished ultimately.

I got up, begrudgingly and started to shed my clothes onto the floor. I got to my trousers and pushed them down to my knees and tried to step out of the legs. I was so tired that I didn't have the energy to reach down and pull them off my ankles. Instead I tried to do the little flick that is supposed to eject the trouser leg off your ankle. It failed, and in my vain effort I managed to stand on my other trouser leg and prevent the other leg from moving. The result was a loss in balance that I couldn't counteract. I fell. Not towards the bed but to the floor where I lay in a

crumpled heap.

"Damn!" Exclaimed Remy. "You ruined a perfect moment then."

"Eh?" I said groggily from the floor. I was too tired to even hurt.

"I was... uh... watching you change." Remy said rather guiltily. He then lifted his shirt over his head and pulled it off. Throwing it on the pile of my clothes. "I've never seen you without pants on." He looked down at me seductively.

"My Pants? Oh Trousers." I looked down at my tangles legs, pitifully.

"Oh yes, your trousers." Remy repeated in an English accent. He knelt down and grabbed at both of the trouser legs at the same time and tugged upwards. In one swift movement I was left lying on the floor in my boxers and socks. "Much better"

I heard a clink as he lowered his own trousers and stepped out of them more gracefully than I had. This was my first glimpse of him in his underwear. He wore boxer-briefs that clung tight to him, just like my favourite type of underwear. I drank in his form as it towered over me. He was wider than I was, but then I was skinny. He wasn't fat, on the contrary he had more musculature than me and his six-pack was already well defined.

To my surprise, he crouched down and scooped me up. Damn he was strong. He hoisted me onto the bed where he lay on his side next to me. He smiled into my sleepy eyes ever so gently. I could see nothing but love in those eyes of his. I could see there and then that he loved me.

Wordlessly, he moved towards the end of the bed and pried my socks off me before pulling back the covers and slipping my legs inside the quilt. He tossed off his own socks and slipped in next to me.

"I love you." I said once again in the same very room I had said it before.

He swept his fingertips over my temple and through my hair. I was suddenly

aware that I had not even had a shower before I got into bed. Neither had Remy. I guess we were really just too tired to even move much.

"I love you too, my prince." Remy whispered. And kissed me. He shifted himself into a spoon with his belly against my back. His hand reached around and clutched my chest. I had never felt as loved and as safe as I did right then.

"Tomorrow," I began softly. "Can we sleep together properly?" I asked, implying what I knew he thought I might be implying.

"Yeah," He whispered back to me. "If that's what you want. We can make love."

I smiled. "Thanks." I squeezed his hand and relished in his breath on the back of my neck. My last thought as I slipped into dreamscape was that I could have died happy right then and there.

End of Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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