An English Boy in New York

By Verhaal Vandermens

Published on Feb 13, 2011


Disclaimer: You have to be of legal age to read this, also make sure you aren't breaking any laws by doing so. This story will contain underaged homosexual relationships between two boys and possible scenes of a sexual nature. If you find that this type of material offensive or you otherwise decide not to need this sort of thing in your life, then you should go elsewhere and perhaps reconsider the location you are looking for stories, as seriously... you are in the wrong place.

I am an adult, I write fiction.

All people, places end events in this story are completely fictional and any similarities to other people events or places is purely coincidental as much as I would have loved this to have actually happened.

I have to add though, that this particular story was inspired by the wonderful work of Cy-kun and his story of Nate and Vicky. I hope you don't mind.

Introduction: Firstly, this is not going to be a jerk-off story this is going to be about blossoming love between two boys. Yes there will be sex scenes, as sex is a part of love, but it will not be the driving force of this story. Expect fluff and lots of romancing to being going on. I accept criticisms but make them constructive, I don't do well with outright hatred and since I only write stories for fun and for the enjoyment of others I get easily dissuaded. So I hope you like it and it inspires you to pick up your own pen.

Secondly, I am British, I was raised in a normal school in England and as much as I like US schools I don't know much about them other than what I see on the TV, so if I slip up on some of the facts about US schools then please bare with me. Also feel free to Email me about some errors I may have assumed. As such this story will start off in England, I have plans to move it to the US if I find that I want to continue it. Also, I have to point out that most British people use the generic term American to speak about people in the US, I know technically it can mean anyone from the US and Canada, but people can be closed minded about this sort of thing. I know I was.

So with all that out of the way, onto the story...

An Englishboy in New York

I get up each morning and see that same unruly shape staring back at me from the full length mirror I have in my room. It's a thin body with next to no fat or hair on it. In fact the only hair I have across my whole body is the soft dirty coloured blond mop that sits atop my head and the two delicate stripes over each eye. I liked my eyebrows, they seemed to frame my light grey eyes and no matter what happened to the direction of the hair on my head, my eyebrows always stayed perfect. Mom always said that I had the eyebrows of a pretty girl. Though she always said that I was as pretty as a girl, which didn't help matters. I complained and whined that I didn't need that as I was a boy and boys don't want to be called pretty. To be prettier than a girl was bad enough, but to have someone say it was just mortifying.

Needless to say though, I have this habit of keeping up appearances when it goes against the grain of my being. I relished in the fact that I was a pretty boy and I have spent many times stood in front of that mirror trying to persuade my blond locks into staying in the direction that I decided would be best for the day. It's not that I'm vain... okay, well perhaps a bit, but its more about maximising the chances that I will meet someone and falling in love. I'm not interested in girls. Girls are just there, girls just giggle and conspire and gather in little herds. Some of the more outgoing ones might occasionally come up to me and ask me a question about where I get my bands from.

In England schools aren't like in the US. We can't wear anything we want, we're forced to wear the school uniform and in this case it was a drab grey woollen V-neck over a white shirt and navy tie. The V-neck was optional and

Personally, I prefer the V-neck as I purposely choose to not bring my phone to school. It's just asking for trouble; especially since half the people there seem to think I'm gay and the other half dismiss the thought as rumour . Not that this is a bad problem to have, in fact my school seems to be fairly tolerant of people of the gay community as a whole. The girls especially don't seem to care; well okay that's not exactly true, they do care, as long as the guy is hot, then they swoon all over him and try to take him shopping. Some do. You get the really campy guys who flounce around the school and you get the not so gay gays who you don't know are gay and you wouldn't know they were gay had they not been caught necking some guy by another classmate. Then you have me, a skinny thirteen-year-old with dirty blond hair (the colour, not actually dirt... it's just the best way I can describe the colour) and to top it all off I'm a few inches shorter than I should be. I'm small, I'm quiet (generally) and I look like a girl. I don't play sports but I don't do girly things. I watch action movies and I like motor sport. People are never sure what to categorise me as, which suits me fine as it puts me in control of my life.

So anyway, my mirror. I stood in front of it looking at myself in my blue boxer briefs. They were new. They were the kind that you are supposed to leave the waistband sticking out the top of your trousers so people can look at you and see that you buy expensive underwear. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but surprisingly comfortable. My package seemed to fit snugly into the pouch as if they were tailored for my balls and 6 inch dick while the rest of the material seemed to cling to my flesh without actually feeling too tight. To say it was like a second skin wasn't far off the mark.

The pants (that's underpants to those people in the US) looked damned fine and they seemed to add shape to my otherwise flat hips. I started to rub my right hand against my belly, just under my bellybutton where my stomach and the beginnings of a six pack merged into my groin in a delicately shaped 'V', with my crotch forming the base. I felt the familiar stirrings of arousal coming from my boxer-briefs and I wanted to enjoy those feelings a bit more. I slipped my fingers under the waistband of my underwear, pretending that it was my non-existent lovers hand as it snaked its way to it's objective that I knew was there, getting slightly thicker with each passing moment. I had no hairs down there, I knew that. It was mildly frustrating to know that I might be a late bloomer, but I kind of liked it that way. I remembered hearing the girls talking about their sexual escapades and them saying how they liked their boyfriends to be smooth because it feels 'lush'. I was never in these conversations mind-you, but its surprising what you hear when people aren't aware that anyone can hear.

My fingers just brushed the root of my dick when there was a bang on my bedroom door.

"Ethan, Five minutes" The voice broke through my erotic trance and I snapped into life. My dick wasn't fully hard yet but it was already straining against the material. I decided to ignore it and grabbed at my charcoal grey trousers and slipped them over my feet and up my legs. I cast on my white shirt and hooped the tie over my neck and pulled the knot into place. I gabbed my favourite band pocked my wrist into it. I had one of those kitchen paper towel holders on my computer table that I used to store my bands. You know those charity bands that are so popular these days. I must have had about thirty of them. Today's was my newest, it was a white band, a bit thicker than normal, but it had 'LEGIT' written on it in a large type.

My internal clock told me my five minutes was not quite up so I slipped on my grey V-neck jumper and re-inspected my hair to make sure it was still in the right direction and that the fringe didn't get in my eyes too much. I sighed. It was Friday The last Friday before summer and the end of the school year. Come September I would be preparing for GCSE's and all the fun of life would be gone. This was my last chance to live a little before examinations consumed my life. I went downstairs ate my breakfast and went to school to start the final day of the year.

The school day was pretty good. The last day of the school year generally was. The school was in party mode, those that were not coming back the following year tore up their school uniforms or defaced them with each others names and messages of good luck. As the day went on people gradually started getting happier and happier and the teachers were having a harder time trying to maintain everyone's composure. After all it wasn't like they could set homework, as we'd all be in different classes hen we get back in September.

I had bumped into Connor during lunch break and chatted about the upcoming summer. Connor was going to America with his cousin at the start of the holidays, meaning I was going to have to fend for myself for a while. I relied on Connor to keep me in the circle of popular people at school and out of school since he was pretty well liked by everyone, if it wasn't for him I'd be the school and town outcast. Instead, I was just the kid who Connor liked, so I was therefore tolerated by the general community. With the odd exception of a couple of times when some of the more butch guys refer to me as the girly guy. This was bugging me now more than ever. Was it just because I had fair skin or because my hair nearly touched my shoulders. I know it sometimes fell over my eyes, but so many guys have the same problem, it wasn't abnormal. If anything it was what they called scene, or emo. There was no way I was emo. I didn't even like black... or was that goth. Was I camp? Can you tell if you are camp? Surely Connor would have said something if I acted camp... Would he?

"Hey Eeth" Connor caught up to me as I was about to exit the school grounds after the last day was finally over. No matter what a persons name was, kids always managed to find a way to shorten it.

I responded with a despondent "Hey." After all he was about to leave me on the ground while he jets off to the States with his cousin. I wasn't even aware he had a cousin.

"Don't be like that." He said while facing me and walking backwards, mainly because I never stopped. "My Cousin wants to meet you."

I stopped walking just outside the school gates. I gave him a quizzical look.

"I told him all about you, he wants to meet you." His eyes told me he was actually telling the truth. It was the face he put on when he was determined to get a response form me.

I didn't say anything, he knew I would agree.

"Come on Romeo. You've been invited to my house." He laughed as he turned and walked.

I was perplexed, he has never called me that before, and I wondered what on earth he was up to. My mind ran over various scenarios and no matter what I could come up with I could only deduce that it was something to do with me and my non-existent quest for love. I hurried up after him, it was my turn to speak.

"What has your cousin got to do with this. Why isn't he at his own school?" I gathered he never went to our school or I would know him. Therefore he must belong to another school, but that never answered why he wasn't currently at school.

"He moved over to England from Chicago this week, Wednesday in fact. He's staying with us while his dad, my Uncle gets set up properly. He's gay too. " Connor said like it was matter-of-fact.

"Your uncle is gay?" I threw back at him, quizzically.

"No, not my uncle. My cousin."

Now that perked my interest. His cousin was gay and wanted to meet me. This was too good to be true and I felt like Connor was about to suddenly admit that he was having me on and it was just his idea of a big joke. Connor wasn't like that though and I know that he was serious. I had no choice but to follow him to his house and meet this mysterious cousin.

"There he is." He pointed up the road a short way where I could see their familiar family sized BMW parked on the side of the road. Standing on the pavement was a boy similar in height to my own, clad in a black tight fitting sweat-shirt, black skinny jeans and a belt with a buckle that glinted in the sunlight. It was cool, no it was beyond cool it was like looking into a little slice if heaven there and then.

I think I actually reached him before Connor did and I was holding my hand out in greeting. "Hi." I said grinning stupidly. "I'm Ethan." The Boy reached out his hand and shook mine.

"You assumed that is my cousin?" Connor said glancing at me sideways. My hand froze my brain screaming at me for being so stupid. "Only kidding," he said. Then he directed his attention to his cousin. "Remy, this is my friend, Ethan."

"Hi Ethan, its a pleasure to meet you." Remy smiled broadly and his eyes shone. The hand that was now clasped in his own was silky smooth and warm to the touch. It was like touching warm silk. I never wanted to let go, and neither did the owner of the hand. I swapped glances from the hand to the eyes and back again.

"Okaaaay," Connor stepped between us and levered open the door forcing us to part hands. "We have quick ride to my house then we have lots to discuss. "

Remy held the car door open and with one hand motioned me into the car. He still had that dreamy grin on his fast and I wasn't sure whether I should grin back or be polite and say something like 'after you'. As it happens, I must have already been grinning and staring inanely at Remy as his dark brown immaculate eyebrows arched. "You okay Ethan?"

It was then that I realised I was looking at a concerned face. Then the reason why he was concerned. I had one foot I the car already and the other one still on the road. I must have looked stupid half in the car grinning like a lunatic. "Uh..." My voice squeaked out. I had lost contorl of my voice. So much for being cool around the cool. "I'm fine." I turned and hastily got into the car.


I had forgotten to duck and my head had made contact with the top of the car. My brain said act cool, everything was fine, but my body must have screamed because I grabbed my forehead with both hands and bent double in pain. I started to fall backwards but never actually hit the floor. It was a kind of soft landing and the sound of chickens clucking filled my ears.

I had fallen into the awaiting arms of Remy, who was peering down at me inverted from above. "Man, are you okay?" He said with genuine concern in his voice. Then I realised where the chickens clucks were coming from. Inside the care, or more accuratly, Connor was in hysterics and he was making the noise as he held his stomach in both hands as he chuckled like a demented chicken. My eyes flicked back up to Remy who I could see was trying not to smile now he saw I was relatively uninjured.

I smiled back, it would have been hard to not have laughed at this. After all, there I was all flustered and making a fool of myself because there was a hot guy in the vicinity. "I'm good. Uh... Thanks for the catch." I managed to upright myself and clambered into the car without further incident. I sat in the middle and Remy climbed in after me. He sat down right next to me his clothed buttock was right next to my own. Our thighs touched, our shoulders brushed against each other and I could start to feel myself thicken in my underwear.

Not now, not in the car not with Mrs Wright watching.

"Hi Ethan, are you okay, you took a nasty bump there." She said leaning over from the front seat looking at my forehead. "It's a bit red but it doesn't look like it'll bruise."

"Afternoon." I put on my best 'talking to parents voice'. "Yeah, I can be a bit silly at times. Thanks for the offer to go to yours though."

"Oh, it was Connor's idea. I've already okayed it with your mom, she just has to go and get a few things for you to take." She said as if all was well.

I was now thoroughly confused. What was my mom getting and where was I going to take them.

"Oh mom," Whined Connor. "I've not told him yet, don't spoil it."

I glanced at Connor, who gave me a troublesome grin. I looked to my right and saw the side of Remy's face, oh that face with that dark brown hair that just trickled over his ears just enough that it tantalised me just so. He had a knowing grin on his face. He either knew what was going on, or he knew why I was acting like a giddy schoolchild. Well, ok I was a giddy schoolchild, but you could hardly blame me. This guy who was only separated from me by a few layers of clothes and a whole load of ethic was so hot that I could have came right there and then. I never though, Mrs. Wright probably wouldn't approve.

The journey was only ten minutes from start to finish, but I couldn't help but steal glances at Remy from time to time. During one of those glances I could have sworn I saw him looking at me. I might have imagined it though, or wished it. We were soon crunching along the pebbled drive of Connor's home. It was sort of off the beaten track as they say. It was a nice big house that looked a couple of hundred years old, but well maintained. The white walls were well framed with black wood and gave it a cottage feel yet the size was modestly stately. The Wright's were not super rich, but they had enough money to get what they need and want. The family BMW was a good indicator of that. I'd been here many times before and I knew that inside the house was just the house of a normal family. His mother was a Beauty consultant while his dad ran some sort of entertainment division and was often overseas a lot. I've never been too sure what he does.

We all piled out of the car and into the house. I tried not to behave too much like a love struck imbecile but I think that act was stuck now. It was going to be impossible for anyone to have not noticed, but I had a sneaking suspicion that Connor had a part to play in this.

"Come on." Connor beckoned me through the hallway into the kitchen. The Kitchen was the centre of the house. Not the actual centre, but it was where everyone tended to gather and talk. It was a pretty amazing kitchen. On one half of the room was counters, a sink and a cooker that looked like it belonged on a spaceship. In the middle was a central island of cupboards and surfaces which had bar stools surrounding it. We got to the island of counters and Connor picked up one of the many pieces of paper cluttering up the surface. "See this?" He said waving the piece of paper in front of my eyes.

"Yeah, what is it?" I said trying to pinch it off him, but my fingers just grasped thin air as he pulled it out of my way.

"Tickets to New York." He said and stopped waving them. He was looking at me, waiting for a response.

"You're going to New York." I repeated. I knew they were going to America, he'd already said that. But what did I have to do with it. And what his mom had said in the car about my mother getting some stuff for me to take. It sounded like I was going somewhere with them, but my brain refused to assume that it meant New York, that was just too far fetched and fantastical to actually be true. My mind refused to accept it.

"Yeah, and you are coming with us." It was Remy that spoke this time. "My Dad sent over four tickets, but since Connor's dad was already in the US we had a ticket spare."

"So I thought you'd be a perfect choice since you are my best bud and your gay, so even Remy will get on well with you." Connor laughed and I think I blushed..

"Shuttup." Was all I could think of and lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"Boys, please." Mrs Wright entered the room. "We leave for Birmingham International early in the Morning." More panic struck me. The morning? I had to go home, pack get to sleep and come back here for god knows what time I the morning to travel to Birmingham? Firstly I would never be able to sleep now I have not just the thought of skyscrapers going through my head but I would be spending a week in New York with this brown haired god. I could have melted there and then. My life was perfect there and then. "Oh Ethan, your mother said she will pack up your things and bring them over for you later tonight since you will be staying here over night. You can have the spare bedroom on the right." She flicked through the leaflets making sure they will all be there. "Early night tonight, boys. Up at 3 am. "

Damn that was early. Perfectly acceptable, but damn that was early. From Connors reaction he was thinking the same thing. Slack-jaw and mouth agape.

"Why so early?" he asked.

"We have to drive to Birmingham and the traffic will be dreadful." She said, not really looking at him, but sorting through papers. "Now all three of you go upstairs I will call you when dinner is ready."

We all padded our way upstairs and spent the rest of the evening talking about what we'd see in New York and me exclaiming about what a shock it was. I learned that Remy was gay and that his father didn't have a problem with it. Mrs Wright knew I was gay and also knew Remy was gay but she was pretty broad minded and didn't really care as long as there was no 'funny' stuff going on in her house that should wouldn't expect heterosexual people to be getting up to. Fair enough I suppose. Until now I had never even thought about doing anything 'funny' in this house. After all Connor wasn't gay. We'd been friends for a million years and we'd spent just as much time around each others houses that they almost felt like home anyway.

Having Remy with us added a certain unfamiliar and exciting aspect to being in Connors house. Knowing that he was gay was also awesome as I didn't have to hide certain aspects of my personality that might otherwise be frowned upon. I was just myself, which was the deal with me and Connor. He wasn't gay, and guys were not his thing, so I never consciously flaunted my sexuality in front of him and he did likewise and never forced his peculiar interest in ladies frontage onto me.

Towards the end of the evening, my mother dropped off my luggage and night bag. She had packed it okay, she seemed to know what I like to wear. She had set me aside my looser jeans and a Abercrombie t-shirt that was light and suitable for travelling in. She would come back during the week and collect my school uniform, which I wore for the rest of the day. Normal procedure was to change as soon as school was over, but this special occasion laid those rules to one side. I decided that I had the greatest parent ever that day. She was letting me go on a holiday on my own, or at least with a friend and his family. This would be the first holiday not with my family. It was a monumental moment in my life.

The banging on my door woke me up and I sat bolt upright in confusion. Where was I? The bed was soft and the room felt much bigger than my own. I rolled over to swing my feet out of bed, but I found still more bed. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts. I was in a double bed, I had to traverse more bed to find the edge and yes, I was at Connor's house. Was it morning? No it was still dark. I glanced at my clock, it said 3am. Why was that so significant?

I heard the door un-click and light flooded in. I shielded my eyes as a saw a short Connor sized silhouette standing in the doorway.

"Time to get on a plane!" he said and flicked on the light,

Instantly my retinas convulsed and I screwed my eyes up to try and expel the blinding light. I was overreacting a bit, yeah but it certainly qualified as a rude awakening.

I stepped out of my room yawning and rubbing my eyes and heard a noise coming form the room Remy used. I laughed when I saw Remy. His hair was pointing in various different directions and his eyes were half closed. It was so cute. The cuteness factor was doubled when he wobbled over to me and leaned on me for support. This simple touch of his hand on my shoulders send electric through me.

"I'm sooooo tired." He said and giggled. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I couldn't help but freeze as I felt my body betray me. I felt his eyes look down the front of me from where his chin lay on my shoulder. There was no way around it. My dick was already half hard when he saw it. Inexplicably , when he looked down at it pushing the blue material of my underwear out I heard him stop breathing. I got harder. I closed my eyes, not knowing what I should be doing now. Could I pass it off as a morning wood? Probably not, it got harder the more he looked at it. I felt his breath on my neck and it got harder still.

Just when I was about to bottle it completely, his hand grabbed at mine and I was dragged into his room. He spun me about and pushed he down on his bed. I was a gibbering wreck, I was half embarrassed and half turned on by his actions. I was completely at his mercy.

"Do you like me?" He asked, is eyes piercing me.

I nodded.

"I mean really like me?" He nodded at the jutting boner that was still pushing out the blue material of my underwear from yesterday. "Yesterday, I wasn't sure if you were just clumsy or you were distracted."

I nodded again. There was no way I could make my body do anything else. I had this boner that wouldn't quit and here was the cutest guy I had ever met asking me how I felt about him.

"Good." He said and his eyes relaxed. "You should give yourself more credit you know. Your pretty hot too." He sat down on the bed next to me. "And you have some great assets too."

I got harder.

"We've got a week to get to know each other." He said twisting his torso to face me. I the low light of the early morning the shadows danced across his smooth features. His right hand reached up and cupped my left cheek my mouth parted a fraction, trying to get some words out to tell him how I feel , but nothing but silence escaped from me. His other hand rested on my thigh , and it crept slowly and gently over to my cloth covered boner that was standing at attention like the proudest soldier. His hand grazed the tip of my boner and finally his hole hand cupped my package. I throbbed in his hand then all of a sudden the hand was gone and he was standing up.

He was actually embarrassed.

"Sorry, we shouldn't do this here." He said to me sullenly. His eyes spoke remorse. "Perhaps later."

I smiled. I would look forward to that.

"But first tell me how you feel about me." He stood in front of me looking down at me on the bed, sexually frustrated.

I was gaining confidence. He liked me, and he wanted to go further. I understood about not wanting to do anything here, it was my best friends house after all. It was also breaking him Mom's rules. Instead I had something else that would show him.

I got up off the bed and took the single step over to him and planted a kiss right on his lips. It was only for the briefest of seconds, but there it was. A wordless gesture, filled with meaning.

"I see." he said simply after the kiss was broken. He grinned. "Its going to be a fantastic week."

Next: Chapter 2

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