By moc.liamtoh@reemrev_a

Published on Jan 4, 1998



WARNING: This story is partly true. It contains oral sex between a teen boy and a adolescent boy. If this kind of stories does offend or upset you just do not read it. Try a telephone dictionary! The author of this story does not approve forced sex between kids. Voluntary sex betweens kids on the other hand should not be prevented. This story can be distributed freely, but only in areas where this does not break any laws. Please do not modify this text.


When I was 17 yo I played in a youth orchestra and often participated in tours abroad. During these tours the members at first stayed together in a youth hostel and later in host families. During the host family part the members were normally lodged in duo's of the same gender, one older member together with a younger one.

I was chosen to be in charge of a very nice kid, the 13 yo Danny, who played the clarinet. It was very clear that this kid was going through puberty. His voice jumped from boyish high to manly low in almost every sentence he spoke, and he was getting stronger.

I was very fascinated seeing him in the youth hostel's collective shower. Compared to the previous year his dick had grown tremendously. His 2-inch boy willy had become a 5 inch man dick. With a nice patch of hair starting to grow just above this log of meat. I was very excited by him and other boys in those showers.

When finally the host family part of the journey commenced, Danny and me had became more intimate, just because we were together in that host family. We had to sleep in the same room in a double bed. The first two evenings Danny talked with me about his clarinet and his hobbies. Just a sweet boy, not really a rebellious adolescent. In the meantime I stroke my hard 6.5 inch cock thinking of the sight of him during the shower sessions. I liked it being in one bed with this hot kid.

The third night I for some reason did not place the blanket too well over myself and Danny saw the huge tent created by my stiff cock. Maybe triggered by this view, who knows, he all of a sudden asked me "Tell me what is jacking off?". I was very surprised, he could see it in my face I guess. He explained that he did live with his mother and sisters, he had no brothers, his dad had died long ago, and there were no men around in his family. He never dared asking his mum who was a very confirmed Catholic.

For all these days I had controlled myself but this question made me hornier than ever. So I suggested I should teach him everything I knew about masturbation. Danny revived, a big proud smile appeared on his boyish face...

I asked him if he ever had had wet dreams. He had but was so ashamed he had "peed in his pants like a little boy" that he always washed out his pyjamas in order to prevent his mum from finding out. I reassured him that he was not behaving like a little boy but in fact as a real men. "If you had put that assumed piss into a girl you would have been a father by now" I said. He looked amazed. I suggested we would get naked first. He hesitated somewhat, so I was the first to reveal my smooth chest and my by now throbbing 6.5 incher. I immediately saw a tent coming in existence in the crotch of Danny. "Come on your turn Dan!" I said. He undressed. And I almost came by seeing this halfboy/halfman. His stiff dick, that I had only seen limp, now measured at least the same 6.5 inch I possessed. It stuck out like a proud flagpole. It even looked much bigger on his still smaller boybody. I told him I liked the sight and that he was certainly not too small for his age. He laughed proudly! "Well I like you too" he said. "I have admired you in the youth hostel showers a lot" he added. I felt flattered.

I demonstrated how I jacked off by moving the skin of my uncut dick over my dickhead. He tried it by himself but had some troubles because he was cut. Because of my still growing horniness I impulsively said, let me help you. And before I knew what I did I was sucking his boymeat. He did not protest but started moaning. "Hey kid, not so loud" I whispered. "Our guest family should not hear us!". He nodded. I could take his whole dick, it was nice to put my nose in his small bush of redbrownish public hair. "Oh Ken, this is great!" Dan almost whispered by now. I removed my mouth from his pole. A long strand of clear precum hung from his dick to my lips. I swallowed some of this sweet boy precum.

"Well what do you think?", I said. He was shaking from excitement, I could see his heart bouncing in his chest. "Just cool!" Danny answered and almost pushed his steelhard and precum coated dick back into my mouth. I caressed his patch public hair and his balls with my hands in the meantime. Danny warned me he had the feeling he had to pee. I reassured him that this would be no problem. "Just go on and relax". He did and at once he loudly moaned and I felt several spurts of his hot semen enter my mouth. "Be silent!", I said, almost choking in the amounts of cum that swirled in my mouth. Boy this kid could produce cum! Wile saying the words his dick sprayed three more fresh loads of cum over my face, one glob stuck in my hair, another started sliding down over my cheek. Spurt spurt spurt, lots of boycum. Danny was breathing heavily, meanwhile his dick was shrinking to its "normal" 5 inches. He kissed me and was surprised to taste his own cum. I explained him the phenomenon cum and what is was used for etc. etc. he was really amazed. Sexual education was something this poor kid had never had...

By telling him so, he proved to be a real adolescent, his dick was hard again like a few minutes ago. "Now I want to taste your cum" he said very determinedly. I assured him that he should do it only if he wished to, and boy he desired it! Like he had been sucking for his whole life he sucked my tool. I was in HEAVEN, and started moaning. Now it was Danny turn to reprimand me not to make noise. I hardly could understand him because he hardly removed my dick when speaking.

After a few minutes I warned him I was ready. But he sucked like his life depended on it. Then I came. Because of the lack of privacy I had not cummed for about 6 days. So I did not just come. I C A M E !! 12 maybe 16 huge spurts of my teencum filled the mouth of this boy. His mouth overflowed. I removed my dick after nine spurts and shoot my cum all over his face, his chest and on his own hard dick. Since he was simultaneously cumming for a second time, a huge load of teen and boycum came together on his belly. I embraced him, our mixed cum acted as a lubricant between sour bellies and chests. Our limp dicks revived a bit when rubbing against eachother. I kissed him and could taste my own thick jelly teencum.

We both scraped some of our mixed cum from his belly and licked our hands like they were Icecreams. It was remarkable, tough mixed I could clearly distinguish his cum from mine.

By now his sleeping bag was covered with cum spots everywhere. Fortunately no cum on the sheets of the bed! Danny thanked me for the lesson. We practiced every evening during that tour. Until we, in the 3rd city of the tour, a third orchestra member and his older mate were placed in the same host family as us. We discovered something interesting....

Danny later found out he was gay, just like me. After 10 years now, we still have contact, and sometimes he visits me, and we again teach each other how to jack off. Sometimes our boyfriends joins us....

Wanna know what happened in the third city, or what happened later? Then e-mail me, tell whether you liked the story. (or what you disliked) I shall post the second and third part if you wish!

An educational evening for Danny - part 2. (b/b/b/b) ----------------------------------------------------

Hello finally I got some time to write another episode of this story. Many enthusiastic replies encouraged me to do so. Thanks to all those kind people who liked the first part.

Tough based upon a really happened basis, the major part of this story is purely fiction. This posting describes sexual activities of boys and teens. If you do not like this matter and/or are offended by stories like this, please do not read further. The author strongly disapproves boy-boy sex as long as it is not the result of a mutual initiative of the boys involved.

Part 1 tells about Danny and Ken, two boys playing in a youth orchestra which is on a tour. In the tour the orchestra members stay in host families in couples (young boy / elder boy). Danny a 13-year-old boy that just started puberty stays together with Ken (the teller of the story) in one host family. Danny had never had any sexual education and for some reason Ken taught him these aspects of life....

Part 2 - Next city, next host family (b/b/b/b).

After a 3-night period in the first host family Danny told me he hated going to the next city. Tough we normally should stay together in a couple in this next host family the tour organisers had told us that the next city gave some troubles. The local organisers were not able to find sufficient host families, therefore several of them had to lodge more than 2 members of the orchestra. Danny (just like me) was afraid that we therefore had to share a room with other members, making any sexual pleasure impossible.

As always, when you think a disaster will happen it actually does occur to you. Besides "my" Danny, two other boys from the orchestra were added to our next host family. This family lived in an old farm in the woods near the city. The farm had only a few rooms so we had to share the room the four of us. But my luck was not completely gone. The other two boys were (after Danny) the cutest boys of the orchestra, Michael (14) and Pat (15). Pat was only two weeks 15 and Michael would be 15 within three weeks. That's why these relatively young boys were allowed to stay by themselves in a host family. In spite of their almost coinciding birthdays/ages they were absolutely different. Michael was a nice Asian boy, Pat a "standard" European. Both had drawn my attention in the youth hostel's showers, during the rehearsal camp preceding the tour. Pat, a blond boy, had an above average sized dick with reddish public hair. His limp dick must have been at least 5.5 or 6 inches. It was slightly curved to the left. Pat looked quite muscular and had a man's voice since his 12th. Michael, on the other hand, was more like a boy of 12, his limp dick was only 1.5 to 2 inches long, and he hardly had any public hair, just a few black tufts. He was quite small and his voice still had not broken. Pat acted much more mature than Michael, therefore they did not quite looked like contemporaries but more like a teen and a boy, just like Danny and me. In the orchestra Danny and Michael could very well go along with eachother while me and Pat had been very good friends for years. The disappointment of Dan quickly faded away knowing his friend Michael would be with us, nevertheless we both were disappointed that we had to refrain from having sex the next three nights.

The first evening in the host family promised to become a very dull evening. Our host-parents could not be at home during that specific evening, neither could their teen daughters. This meant we had the whole farm for ourselves. Since it was a hot and nice summer evening Pat suggested we would go for a walk in the forest, which we did. During the this stroll the subject of our conversation changed from music and orchestra to girls and sex. What else do teenaged boys talk about...... The funny thing was little Michael, he was talking like a man about sex. He said he liked naked girls and claimed to have ten sex magazines at home. Pat and me were amazed, Danny remained a bit in the background. When we returned at the farm Danny suggested we should go to the barn of the farm and have a rest in the haystack. An idea we all liked. "Hey guys I am really thirsty" Pat said. "Yeah me too" Danny added. I suggested that the younger boys would fetch some drinks for us. Danny and Michael did not mind and left for the kitchen were large amounts of Pepsi were stored. I told them that if they wanted they could take some money out of my purse and buy some ice-cream at the little shop about 5 minutes walking from the farm.

When they left I told Pat that I was amazed about the "big mouth" little Michael had concerning sex. Pat, justly reminded me that Michael was almost his age. But he agreed with me. Then all of a sudden he added: "You know, Michael is really very frank when talking about sex. In our previous host family he started asking many things about me and sex. In fact I believe he is bisexual or maybe queer, during our walk he told us he liked girls but all his questions were about boys." My attention was caught. "What did he ask and what did you do?" I eagerly asked. Pat hesitated and then first made me swear to keep this talk secret. It appeared that Pat experienced a quite similar situation Danny and I had the days before. Michael had asked Pat about the size of his dick, growing public hair and shooting cum, etc. He was worried that he still looked boyish. They had ended up like Dan and me, first showing things to eachother, then mutual jerking to end in sucking. I listened with growing excitement to his story. I was amazed! First because of the questions and behaviour of this boy-like Michael and second of Pat's response, I always thought he was straight guy number one, but it appeared he did not mind any gay contacts as well.

"But please, keep all this secret" Pat said showing a somewhat worried face. I decided to play open cards with him and told him not to worry, followed by the story of Dan and me. Now it was his time to be amazed. It appeared we always considered the other to be strictly straight. "Gee buddy, it seems that my story excited you" I remarked with a wink and pointing at a considerably large bulge in his shorts. "Oh shut up, what do you think you have in those pants of yours? I am quite sure it is no log of wood", Pat said pointing at my crotch where my 6.5 inches of steel hard teen cock and my shorts had created a tent with a wet spot of precum. "It seems we both need to take care of this situation" Pat grinned. "Do you think we can help eachother?" I carefully asked him. "Man, I thought you would never ask! I have been longing for a good suck of you for at least a year" Pat almost cheering answered. I said I agreed, after all I had had the same desire since Pat started puberty. There was one problem, Danny and Michael would be back by any minute with our drinks and ice-cream. But again Pat had a solution: "What the hack, why acting sneaky? The are both boys, they know about sex and besides we have been jerking and sucking them ourselves only yesterday! The may see everything"

I agreed and showed this by taking of Pat's T-shirt, revealing a perfect 15-year-old smooth teen chest and his developing muscles. Pat copied my action. Next I removed his Nikes and pulled down his shorts. It appeared I was not the only one producing precum. A big wet spot was visible on his underpants that were almost ripped by a really big dick sticking out in the fabric. When Pat had also removed my shorts I forcefully pulled down the last barrier to his dick. With a splashing sound his dick was set free and slapped against his abdomen. "Good God!" I cried seeing this really big, fat and rockhard cock. This 15-year-old had a cock that even on a fully grown man would have been huge. About 8 to 9 inches of boymeat were down there in a nice bush of reddish public hair. His cut penis was slippery with precum. Pat did not give my dick any chance to slap against my abdomen. He immediately grabbed my rock hard member and started stroking it. "Wow, this is a real dick! I could not wrap my hand around Michael's little stiffy" he happily added. Soon his hands were shining from my precum. I was very excited, Danny had a nice cock, but the thing here in front of me could only be described using superlatives. I rearranged and without any doubts I led it into my mouth immediately tasting his sweet precum. A second sensation followed when I felt the warm mouth of Pat sliding over my steel hard member. Pat just copied al the things I did to him, from "scanning" his dickhead using my tongue, slowly licking his balls to sticking my nose in his public hair. I was in heaven, or maybe higher.

Just when I started to feel that typical tingling feeling of an orgasm, Danny and Michael entered the barn laughing and horsing around. They were carrying a bottle of Pepsi and indeed some wrapped ice-cream. The could not see us on top of the haystack. "Just go on" Pat whispered, while I sucked another drop of his sweet boy precum into my mouth. It was Michael who was the first to ascend the ladder. When he saw us sucking like our lives depended on it he cried: "Hey Dan, I don't think they need those ice-creams uphere. They found something else to suck on. Just look at them they are sucking eachother!" Then things happened really quickly. At once Danny had climbed the ladder as well and Both Danny and Michael started undressing without any hesitation. Pat and I stopped our action, firstly to cool down a bit from our hot sucking action. Secondly to watch our little mates getting naked. I knew Danny, the little queer, would like the view. This was proved by his 6.5-inch boy cock standing at full attention. Michael and Pat were both surprised to find out that little Danny's cock almost matched my cock in size.

The story of Pat about Michael was true as well, the boy that earlier claimed to love girls at least also liked boys, as to be concluded from the boner he had popped. Of the four of us he undoubtedly was the 'kid', with only 3 inches of prick, hardly thicker than my thumb. It was really amazing comparing 13-year-old Danny's body and huge dick with Michael's that was almost two years older than Danny's.

Danny did not mind, he immediately started sucking the small, but rock hard Asian cock of Michael. The latter was very pleased with Dan's boner. Compared to Pat's monster this dick was much easier to suck. It was awesome, Danny sucked a boy and Mike sucked a boy becoming a man, sticking his nose sometimes in the upcoming patches of hair in Danny's scrotch. And in the meantime I was sucked by Pat's caring mouth. It was too much for me. "Pat I am coming!" I cried and immediately, SPURT SPURT SPURT SPURT my cock unloaded gallons of boyteen cum. Pat could not handle it he released my still firmly spurting dick so my cream landed on his face and ran down over his cheeks. I triggered Pat, almost 10 seconds after my orgasm his balls unloaded lots of boy sperm in my mouth, in my face in my hair and over my chest. It must have looked like I just stepped out of a shower spraying cum instead of water.

Danny and Michael moaned and Danny also sprayed his semen. Also he shoot like he had not had sex for months. Michael just looked like me. Cum everywhere. Pat was happy, since Michael did not shoot any cum yet, he had not had the possibility to taste real freshly tapped cum. He still had some of my sperm swirling in his mouth.

Danny was a bit disappointed, he was the only boy who had not got a portion of fresh sperm. He looked at me, still dripping with Pat's cream, stepped to me and started licking al of Pats semen from my face. His dick was hard again and poked in my stomach. He repeated the action with my sperm on Pat's body, while I quickly sucked the last drops of his boycream from his hard dick. I was very happy we did this in the haystack, if we would have done this in the bedroom at least the sheets of one bed and the carpet beside the bed would have been soaked with cum of three boys.

Fully satisfied we redressed and headed for the farmhouse. (Pat and I had to throw away the remainder of our ice-cream that had melted in the meantime. But who cared about it, we had had cream and much better cream than ice-cream! Our host parents arrived 30 minutes later, entertaining us for the rest of the evening.

The next night we repeated the scene in our room. Now Danny and Pat sucked and Michael and me where the other couple. It was a pity Michael did not come, but it was a sensation rubbing my hard 6.5 inches against his steelhard 3 incher and feeling his boy balls slapping against my teen balls. Sucking his small dick was at least that good. It felt like sucking a rigid thumb. I easily could take both his dick and balls in my mouth. Michael was just like Danny amazed by my uncut cock. He could "insert" almost half of his erect dick "into" the foreskin of my cock, rubbing our bald dickheads against eachother, covering his dickhead with globs of my precum. Having practiced on the huge dicks of Pat and Dan, Michael had not difficulties to swallow my complete cock. He sucked like heaven. We boys could sense eachother very well, when Danny and Pat both climaxed in the others mouths I almost drained the poor Michael with another fresh load of my cream. I wondered how my balls could go on producing those huge quantities of sperm. Michael was so kind to keep some of my semen in his mouth. When he kissed me he gave some of my own cum back. Danny and Pat had been thinking of me as well, they had a nice mixture of their sperm for me, scraped of their bodies and squeeze out of their dicks. Danny, Pat and me were exhausted from all this cumming, while we had to recover, Michael was hard again and masturbated, lubricating his cock with the semen of the three of us. Danny and Pat were almost directly hard again. Me the "old man" followed considerably later. Whe finished that evening creating circles, Pat Sucked me, I sucked Danny, who sucked Michael while he sucked Pat's tool. When one of us almost came we yelled "stop', waited one minute and changed sucking-partner. Michael experienced several dry orgasms, but could immediately go on. Finally it was young Danny who came out to bee the weakest. He donated a small glob of sperm to Pat, who filled me, while I filled Danny.

The action was repeated also repeated during the last night. For some reason all this action had speeded up Michael's hormones, the last night when Danny sucked him again he suddenly climaxed and shot three spurts of clear liquid into Danny's mouth. An hour or two later during the circle-suck he honoured me with his first real (white) jets. Extremely sweet! His cute boyface glanced from happiness. Incredible that this "child" could, if he wished, be a father in 9 months. He was so proud to be finally a man and we congratulated him by jerking our dicks above his face simultaneously spurting our boycum into his mouth. Mike eagerly swallowed the three-boy-cum-cocktail we prepared for him.

These evenings were not only educational for Danny, but as a matter of fact for the four of us. For some reason these activities also reflected on our musical performances. The conductor complimented on the four of us for playing suddenly so well. He thought of a miracle, we knew better.....

Read on in Part three where the four of us were again placed together in a host family.

An Educational Evening for Danny - Part 3

In Part 1 and 2 13 yo Danny is getting sexual education from 17 yo Ken. They end up in mutual jerking and sucking. Later 15 yo Pat and 14 yo Michael join them. Pat looks much older than 15 and Michael looks younger than 14. They have mutual sex sessions. All these actions take place during a tour of a youth orchestra while the boys are lodged in host families where they stay in couples of at least 2 boys.

The orchestra of the boys had been very successful in the cities they had been so far. This day they would have a long day in the bus for the third city on the tour list. The organisers had seen how good the 4 boys could go along since their last stay in one host family. In the next city one host family had subscribed to lodge four boys. Since these four boys seemed to be very good friends the leaders asked them if they minded to be put together again. Trying to avoid to be all too greedy, all of them separately stated they did not mind. Danny and Michael came to me very boisterous, smiling they told me we would be together again. Pat who stood next to me smiled and said in a soft voice "more cum-filled nights will follow."

The host family had a very huge house. They made us choose whether we all wanted an own room or that we would sleep together. Of course we opted for the latter option. The host family had three children almost our age. Carol of 16, her younger brother Mark of 15 and their 13-year-old sister Helen. The three of them were really handsome. Carol looked at 16 like a fresh almost fully matured young woman. Her long blond hairs nicely hang down towards her probably quite nice breasts. Mark was just awesome. He was just as tall as me, looked rather athletic and had blond hairs as well. Little Helen was quite a way into puberty. Nice little bulges under her sweater were the evidence of breasts that were growing. Her head with nice brownish hair was somewhere between a girl and a young woman. For me, being bisexual they looked so tempting. Pat agreed with me. Michael and Danny did not say much.

The family was very hospitable, they showed us their house, their garden, their private swimming pool and some of the village they lived in. After this evening tour the guest mother had baked us a pile of pancakes and lots of ice-cream was ready for us. All this delicious food combined with a whole day of travelling by bus and three evenings before of cumming and sucking added up to a feeling of tiredness. So this evening we were almost forced to be wise and we gave our dicks and balls a night off. Meaning we did nothing and directly fell asleep.

The next evening Carol and Mark invited us to join them in the swimming pool. Besides we all wanted a swim. Me and Pat looked much forward to this swimming since we would see Carol and Mark in their swimming suits. Helen joined us as well. The girls looked lovely. Carol must, considering the nice hills in her bathing suit, have real big tits, those of Helen were indeed growing. Mark looked really cool. He had nice strong arms, a smooth chest, nice golden hairs on his legs and an impressive bulge in his speedos! We had a lot of fun during this evening. One evening without sex had made the four of us quite horny. I noticed that Danny, Michael and Pat were checking out Carol, Mark and Helen as much as I did. And for some reason I thought Carol and Mark were checking us as well. I even thought Marks dick stiffened a bit when Danny accidentally rubbed against his legs when passing by.

After the pleasant swimming session we four boys went to bed early knowing we had to jerk a lot. We all were very horny from our nice looking host-kids. "Gee I really should like to fuck Carol, this girl is hot" Pat said. Michael started again with is sex-talk, "You bet, I have a crush on Helen, I think she wants me as well, have you seen her looking at me?" he proudly added. Danny was a bit quiet, he added "well I would even be happy sucking that dick of Mark, haven't you seen that bulge?". I added "You are right the three of you, I would like to fuck all of them!". "But for now I would be happy to drink the cum of the three of you". Danny said to me "I don't know what you want but your cock certainly wishes to" he pointed at my pyjamas where my 6.5 inches of boyhood were creating a tent. "Oh yeah and what about that pole of yours?" I said pointing at the large bulge in his pyjamas. A wet spot of precum was already visible on top of the tent.

The two of us started a friendly wrestle. I grabbed for his pyjamas and felt his rockhard dick several times. Finally I got his pants and in one step I removed his pyjamas. His rockhard 6.5-inch-long dick sprang free. Danny giggled and started moaning when I immediately started sucking him. When I looked up I just saw Michael standing naked next to Pat's 8 inch monster sucking like never before. His nice little 3 incher was harder than ever and looked quite nice. "Stop" Danny cried, I don't want to cum now. When I took his dick out of my mouth a strand of precum was formed. He rearranged and started to suck my dick. I almost came at once, filling his mouth with my warm sperm. Then he stopped and placed his mouth over Michael's stiffy to give him a good suck as well. He reached to the tip of his own dick to collect some drops of precum, then milked some precum out of my dick and smeared the mixed drops on Michaels cock. I started to suck again on Danny's cock. With a deep grunt Pat came into Michael's mouth. And believe me just one day without sex created a huge stock of cum in his balls. Little Michael's mouth could not deal with it so the last 5 spurts landed on the boys chest.

While Pat left for the showers Danny, the horny kid, quickly licked the glob of Pats boycream from Michael's chest and continued to suck on this kids penis, Michael, in the meantime started jerking my dick. At once he stopped and cried "I am cumming", pure enjoyment could be read from his face. He also had, for a boy who just started making cum, a nice stock semen. Danny got a mouth full, but could handle this amount. Michael's last spurt of boycream landed in Danny's face. "May I finish him?" Danny asked Michael, who was recovering from his delivery of fresh cream. "Yeah right, he said" while walking towards the shower, his softened hairless dick still leaking some drops of clear cum. Danny kissed me short, the taste in my mouth changed from Danny's salty precum to the sweet taste of Michael's boy sperm and on the background Pats musky semen. The perfect cocktail. Dan and I 69-ed until we both spurted our spunk. After Danny's first spurt I released his cock so the rest of his precious sperm covered my face and chest. My god, this kid could really made a lot of cum! And he is only 13! In the meantime Danny was making gagging sounds. My sperm spurts were too much for him. While my seed was dripping out his mouth, the rest of my spurts completely covered this nice kid. I rubbed Danny's cum into my skin. Danny scraped my cum and some of his own from his own skin and also ate this delicious cream.

When entering the bathroom we saw the silhouette of a teen boy with an erection being sucked by a boy with another erection. This innocent looking little Michael could never get enough sperm. When we opened the shower curtain we just witnessed Pat spraying another load of cum over Michael. While Danny and I also showered together we embraced tightly, my rockhard dick pressed against Danny's belly while his hard boyhood tickled my balls. I felt his developing muscles tense. We were so exited that we simultaneously came. I deposited my semen on Dan's belly, he his in my public hair. We quickly bend to lick our own jism off eachother.

Very satisfied we all went to our bed and slept like roses.

The next day would be a day to spent completely in the host families. Our host parents both had to go to their jobs, but Carol, Mark and Helen had promised to entertain us that day. The evening before we had agreed the four of us needed some sleep so we could sleep as long as we wished. Nevertheless I woke up at 9:00 am. I found my room mates still in a peacefully deep sleep. Seeing Michael and Danny sleeping like two innocent little kids made it almost impossible to realise that the very same kids had been acting like men, shooting gallons of their sperm during some sexual actions the evening before.

When I looked out of the window I saw lots of sunshine, the thermometer displayed already 24 degrees Centigrade it was going to be a nice summers day. At once my attention was caught by the side of the swimming pool which was just below our window. There were both Carol and Helen STARK NAKED! My good old dick immediately grew to its 6.5 inches. They were both sunbathing. Carol displayed some nice apple-like round tits, just as I expected, and a cunt with hair. Her sister had tits almost half the size of Carol and a completely hairless cunt. Their brother Mark was swimming in the pool. The sisters were talking, apparently they had an argument about something. "No way", Helen said, "it is absolutely my turn!". Carol replied, "sorry sis but you had him the day before our guests arrived, and yesterday we did not do anything, so now it is my turn!". I wondered what they were talking about. But soon I found out, when Mark got out of the swimming pool. He was naked as well. And my God, he looked gorgeous. He had a 5.5 or 6-inch-long uncircumcised dick, surrounded by nice brownish public hair. His dick stood at full attention. His male voice was much easier to hear, "hey girls haven't you two still stopped quarrelling by now? Well I decide for you, Helen I think Carol is right, so it is her turn, you have to wait for tomorrow" And then to my surprise he stood next to his elder sister and inserted his steel hard dick into her mouth and started fondling her cunt with his fingers. I could not believe this, this 15 yo boy was being sucked by his sister. Carol started sucking greedily. She could take his whole cock placing her nose into his pubes from time to time. Mark moaned softly. Helen lay next to them rubbing her hairless cunt.

My dick almost burst by seeing this hot scene. I decided to wake up my friends the just HAD to see his. Danny and Pat needed several seconds to realise what I was waking them for. Michael, on the other hand, stood next to me the moment I woke him up. There I stood, the only boy in the room with a hardon, soon joined by little Mike. Danny's and Pat's dicks were still sleeping and smaller than ever. But as soon as they saw what was going on outside theirs sprang to full attention as well. "Look at Helen, she has a great body, just as I expected" Michael said. "Yeah but Carol and Mark are much more interesting" Pat added. Danny did not say anything but just started wanking his rock hard member.

Outside the action was still going on. "Our guest will wake up soon, we have to hurry up a bit" Mark told his sister. He almost immediately removed his cock from her mouth. A long strand of precum hung between his pole and his sisters mouth. Carol quickly sucked the strand into her mouth. Then, to our utter surprise, he stepped over his sister, placed his rod in front of her cunt and slowly pushed it in. Danny, who had been silent since he woke up almost cried, "Look he is going to fuck his sister". Meanwhile he was firmly stroking his own dick, just like Mike, Pat and me. Mark started moving his pelvis, thrusting his dick in and out his big sis. They were both moaning softly. Marks boy-dick was now shining from the mixture of cuntjuices and his own precum. Helen was still finger fucking her own cunt. There was a strange acoustics in this garden because we could hear every bit of breath of the two fuckers. There breathing rhythm accelerated. At the moment Carol reached her orgasm Mark retreated his dick from her cunt cried with his deep manly voice and shoot 9 spurts of fresh semen over Carols breasts in her face and one glob in her hair. We, boys inside the house were united with the boy outside, we almost simultaneously shoot our loads into the windowsill. Danny and Pat even reached the glass of the window. Two globs of their cum slowly started oozing down the glass. When all this happened I saw Carol looking in my direction. I should almost have sworn that she saw the four of us watching.......

Mark exhaustedly lay down on a stretcher. His hardon slowly became limp, some droplets of his young cum seeped out of it. The sun brightly reflected in some drops of cum in his public hair. Carol licked his seed from her cheeks and started rubbing his still hot sperm on her chest into her skin. Little Helen rushed towards her big sister and licked some globs of her brothers semen from her body. She continued rubbing her own pussy while she savoured Marks boy cream. She almost came immediately. Al the three kids were now quietly lying by the pool, they looked like young gods. The sun reflected in their skins that were wet from their sweat, Marks cum and Carols and Helens cunt juices.

Pat finally broke the silence in our room. "Jeez, that was hot! I wish I could join them!" His dick had gone limp, just like all the other boys. Danny, Michael and me agreed! We looked shamefully to the mess we made on the window and in the windowsill. It was to dusty to lick eachothers cum away. Pat fetched some paper handkerchiefs and wiped our boy semen away.

When we, after having showered and getting dressed, entered the kitchen we found our three host kids in shorts and T-shirts, just like nothing had happened. Only a small crust of, what seemed dried cum, in Carol's hair was a proof of authenticity for the scene we witnessed this morning.

A nice breakfast was waiting for us. Like good hosts they had made up some plans for today. They suggested we should make a bicycle tour through the lake rich forest they lived quite close to. They had made some lunch packets and provided us with some soda cans. And off we went.

Carol had managed to arrange some extra bikes so we all could have our own. We all enjoyed a very nice ride through the beautiful nature. The paths were sometimes a bit loose, the hills sometimes very steep but we managed and did everything very relaxed. The farther we got the more water appeared in the landscape. Everywhere were small creeks that flowed into little pools with crystal clear water. The sound of little and medium sized waterfalls could be heard all the time.

Danny and Michael had lots of fun their cheerful boy voices could be heard above all. Helen joined them most of the time. Pat and Mark cycled a long time together while Carol and me closed the line. We talked a lot about the music our orchestra had on its programme. Later on we skipped to relations. I asked her whether she had a boyfriend, she answered she had had one until about 2 months ago. He cheated on her. She had been very depressed about it and was afraid to start a new relation. She told me that nor Mark nor Helen had girl/boyfriends as well. Then she added the somewhat cryptic sentence, "But I feel we all three shall have some very soon", while she looked in a peculiar way at me.

Sometimes Mark told us something about the environment. His deep manvoice could be heard from far away. Carol said to me she had told Mark now he recently got his man voice he could better do the talking. Mark had indeed recently got his deep voice. She told me he was on of the last boys in his class who did.

It had became quite hot and humid. All the boys had removed their shirts. It was a very hot sight seeing these teenaged boys and the more boy-like Danny and Michael with those sweaty chests. Carol wore a very thin an baggy T-shirt. When the wind below under her short I could see her nice titties from time to time. For some reason I believed she did this on purpose.

"Hey sis, lets eat we are almost at Emerald pool" Mark yelled with his in our direction. "Yeah right!" she replied. We arrived at a beautiful lake. The water in it was clear like crystal. At the edge of the lake were some flat stones and further away was a nice waterfall. We sat down at one of those flat stones and Carol opened the big picnic bag. A delicious lunch followed. In the meantime it was really hot and humid. The boy bodies were glistering from sweat. The girls' T-shirts showed lots of wet sweaty spots. It was Michael who suggested to go for a swim. "But we don't have our swimming suits with us" I prudishly added, hoping someone would say it did not matter. And indeed, both Helen and Michael (who else) stated they did not mind. Mark explained me I did not have to worry that other people would see us. This pool is so deep in the forest that we normally never see somebody here. "So who does mind?" Carol almost greedily asked. No one minded. So we all started hesitantly undressing.

We all were checking on each other. We almost worked in stages. We all started with our shoes and socks, while the boys took of their shorts the girls hesitantly took of their T-shirts, showing off their breasts. I quickly thought about my upcoming math test and other unpleasant things just to keep my dick from getting erected. I wasn't successful a tent was clearly visible arising in my briefs. Fortunately the other males, including Mark, suffered from the same thing. "Come on boys now it is up to you to show something" Carol said. I noticed from her shivering voice that she was very excited. If she had been a boy she undoubtedly would have sported a boner as well. It was Pat and Danny who took the first move. And revealed to us their steel hard boy dicks. Splat, spat, they both splatted against their abdomen. Mark and Michael followed immediately and while the girls undid their underwear I slipped out of my briefs as well. There we were five boys and two girls. All nervously looking at eachother. Five cock that hard that they almost exploded. "You men look really cute" Carol said with a smile. "Gee sis look at Danny and Pat" Helen said, pointing at their big and relatively big dicks. Pat, and me looked at both Mark and the girls in turns. Danny was completely focussed on the fourth foreign dick in his life, his eyes followed Mark's erection like a radar.

"Lets go", I added, "the cold water takes care of this boy problem". With a big splash I jumped into the crystal clear water. Several other splashes after mine indicated that the others had followed my example. We swam to the waterfall and showered under it. The cold water had done its job. All the boys had become limp and most dicks had shrinked to almost alarming small proportions. The girls had noticed, "Gee you boys seem to be very cold", Helen noticed smiling. "Yeah, are u sure u are boys, or u maybe some breastless girls" Carol teased. Pat was a bit offended and said, "you wait until I am ashore and I show u I am a boy", a strange smile was on his face. At the same time his dick became a bit bigger, however the water was too cold to give him an erection right here. Mark was suspiciously often in almost the same place as Danny, who seemed to like the presence of this hot 15 year-old.

After the refreshing swimming action we all got back to our stone. We lay down and tried to dry in the baking sunshine. We rather quickly dried up and got hot again. The sight of these boys and girls naked made me hard again. And like we boys were one person, Michael, Danny, Mark and Pat also had some pretty nice flagpoles on their smooth bodies.

I was wondering how to make a move into something sexual. Since I knew from this morning's action, our three hosts were absolutely into sex. However, it was good old Pat who, earlier than me, made a move. He sat next to Carol and said "Ok Carol, and the rest, you dared to doubt my masculinity, I prove you for once and ever I am a man. He started jerking his dick. "A man is someone who can produce sperm right? So when I can shoot sperm it proves I am a man!" Danny looked at me and I caught his look. Without saying anything the kid started sucking me. Mark and Michael followed Pat's example and started jerking their boners as well. The girls watched us almost drooling. "Wait" Carol cried. I believe you. You are a man. I don't want you to waste your precious seed. Without thinking she moved towards Pat and took his enormous dick into her mouth. "I want a dick too" Helen added. For our horny Michael enough to quickly offer his stiff 3 inches. Mark could not lag behind and immediately moved his mouth over young Danny's fucktool.

During the following 10 minutes many moans were heard. The girls in the high voices, Dannny and Michael in their clear boy voices and finally Mark, Pat and me in our low man voices. I envied the boys of my party. They all experienced something new. But the familiar sucking of my good Danny made up a lot, besides I was the one who could see all this action. "Please Ken can you join us?" Helen almost shiver from excitement said, "I want to compare a boy's and a man's cock. Danny did not mind. It had been all to clear to me that he was very much excited by Mark. I think that despite Mark liked fucking his sisters, he was more queer than bisexual. Danny and Mark were made for each other. I kneeled next to Michael. A bit lower. Now Helen had two very hard cocks in front of her. She sucked us in alternating. Though Michael could produce some cum at orgasm he did not produce lots of precum. Helen nicely surprised said. "Cool, you make pre cum, just like my brother."

Both Carol and Mark stopped their action. They looked shocked. I immediately understood, "Hey it is OK, we know that you are fucking around, we actually caught you this morning in your hot action". The three kids looked relieved. "Come on Helen, continue sucking" Michael said. "Yeah right, lets go on" Danny added. So we did, Pat moaned, Carol fingered her cunt, Helen had two cocks to suck and our real queers Mark And Danny had the time of their life. Their lips glistened from their mutual precum. "Carol I am almost there" Pat warned. But the girl kept on sucking his boyhood like before. Michael was so in heaven he did not warn. While Helen was sucking my 6.5 inches he jerked and at once shoot of his small load of white/clear kid cum. He was excited for sure. It jetted out like water from a water gun. Three spurts hit Helen right in her face, a last one landed on her right tit. She stopped sucking me and licked some of Michael's semen. "This is great, much sweeter than Marks sperm". She almost swallowed Michael's dick to extract the last rests of his boycream. It looked so hot. "Hang on Helen, now you gonna get some man's cuuuuuum" during the last word I shot my load. Spurt spurt spurt.... it kept on going. My semen mixed on her face with little Michael's stuff. Helen caught three shots in her mouth. Pat had his orgasm simultaneously with me. His cum salvo's hit Carol in the face.

We all sat down satisfied, and looked at Danny and Mark who gave us a very hot suck performance. Danny could take al 6 inches of Marks shining dick. Since Mark was uncut Danny sometimes took Mark's foreskin between his lips to give it a soft nibble. Mark's muscled and smooth body was tensed evry time Danny sucked his precum leaking dickhead. "Do you like my brother?" Carol asked me. "His body has developed so quickly last few month's. I told you this morning about his voice, his dick also grew from day to day from about 3 inches to this proportion. Mark and I have been fooling around since two years ago. It is so hot to see my brother transforming from a boy into a man." Carol explained more: about half a year ago Helen had caught her sucking Mark's dick. Helen threatened to tell everything to their parents unless she could join. So since this time they made trios. When Mark started growing he and Carol also really fucked. However he did not fuck Helen sine his dick was probably too fat for the girl cunt.

Soon we all could witness the eruption of Mark's dick. This boy could really cum. Danny, who was rather experienced had serious difficulties to swallow all of Mark's hot sperm. Helen stepped forward and licked some of her brothers cum from Dan's face. Danny was the last of the boys coming. He moaned, almost screamed when his 13-yo dick released his boy sperm. It was obviously that Mark had never sucked a cock before. He could not handle the flood of cum. It was everywhere in his face, his hair his chest and of course most of it in his mouth. It was again Helen who helped. She removed some of Dan's sperm from her brothers chest. "Now I have tasted almost all of you boys semen" she remarked happily smiling. "I can't say whose sperm is he best"

We all laughed. And rested somewhat in the sun, then got dressed and headed home. A nice BBQ made us forgetting the sexual activity. The big portions of meat were good for us men to build more cum...... We all agreed that our hosts had arranged a really perfect day programme for this day. We slept like roses.

Next day's morning would also be a free one. We were woken up by Mark. He mysteriously grinned. "Hia guys, are u in for another adventure?" Of course we were. With that Carol and Helen entered our room totally naked. Mark stated undressing. The well known tent was already visible in his briefs. "come on guys, get naked" Carol almost ordered us. "You boys had a nice day yesterday, but we poor girls only got your cum. We always have to share our brother, now we wanna take profit of a house full of boys!". "COOOOL!" Michael added. He lay next to Helen and started kissing. "Come on Mike, fuck me, I dare to try your small dick" Helen excitedly said. Mike looked a bit puzzled.

I understood he did not quite know what to do. I decided to help him. "Ok Mike just do what I do!" I said to him. I stepped to Carol and she started stroking my rock hard dick. Helen copied her big sister and stroke Michael's. Then I placed my cock in front of Carol's cunt and slowly insert my 6.5 inches into her cunt. Michael exactly copied me. His small stiff dick disappeared slowly into Helen's hairless cunt. Both the sisters moaned. "Easy boy" I instructed Mike. I started making pumping movements, my public hair touched Carols. Mike followed. There we were two boys and two girls fucking. Pat was so excited. He stepped next to Helen and offered his 8 inch-long dick. She eagerly took it. Danny decided to try some straight sex and stepped next to Carol who took his boy dick into her mouth as well. Mark just enjoyed the scene of his sisters being fucked by two males at once. Reaching their orgasms the girls stopped sucking and concentrated fully on the hard cocks in their cunts. Michael collapsed and emptied his balls into Helens cunt. I followed and came, I tried to get out of Carol but some of my sperm got into her. The rest landed on her belly and breasts.

"We want more" Carol said. Helen was so excited that she suggested Danny to try whether his dick would fit into her cunt. To my surprise Danny accepted. Mikes dickhead stretched up Helens cunt, Danny for the first time in his life inserted his boy dick into a female. Like an experienced sailor he started fucking little Helen. Pat in the meantime inserted his monster into Carol. Michael was so tired he rested a bit while I started sucking Mark. Jeez he was great. He also sucked my spent dick recognising the taste of his sisters cunt. When Mark donated his semen to my hungry mouth both Pat and Danny spewed their loads into the girls. In one way it was a pity they both were using some birth control pill, that they had got from a friend. It would be rather interesing to know who would be the father of Carols baby, Me or Pat and Helens baby, Michael or Danny.

We quickly took a swim (all naked of course) and then packed our things. The afternoon we had a rehearsal, the evening a concert and then we would stay the night in the night train to the next city in the tour. Our farewell was very hard. Mike and Helen, Pat and Carol and Danny and Mark had become serious lovers. It was very emotional. We agreed to organize a reunion very soon!

One year later we got together again. We did not have sex then. The girls had boyfriends and Mark had come out as a gay and had a boyfriend as well. Nevertheless we still write from time to time.

PLEASE! Give me some feedback! Did you like the story? Was it too long, was it boring/interesting? Why? Do you have tips to improve my writing? Do you have requests for a scene in which the following city of Ken and Danny should be? Or do you have request for a completely different story? Then please tell me! I will try to improve the next story about these kids by means of your comments! Oh, only seriously meant suggestions are taken in account, of course. Thanks! Anton. (

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