An Awakened Heart

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Jul 27, 2011


An Awakened Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Nine

List of characters:

Strong Bear 40s Chief of the Choctaw

Yellow Hawk 32 Married to Strong Bear

Hawk and Shadow 16 Twin sons of Strong Bear and Yellow Hawk

Abe aka Walking Tall 40s Married to Swift Sparrow

Swift Sparrow 40s Best Friend of Strong Bear

Roaring Thunder 60s Yellow Hawk's father and retired chief

Kyle aka Golden Hawk 32 Married to Roaring Thunder

Spotted Wolf 40s Shaman (doctor) for the Choctaw

Clark and Rebecca 15 Orphaned twins,

Clark is now called Flaming Arrow and Rebecca is now Moon Dancing.

Previously in chapter eight:

Clark was riding in his dream and beside him was Hawk, followed by dozens of warriors as they pursued what Clark took to be the same renegades that he killed his parents.

After following the renegades into a narrow canyon, the renegades sought the shelter of a run down cabin. Unable to penetrate the canyon because of the heavy gunfire coming from the renegades, Hawk had turned to Clark and only nodded, as if determined earlier what Hawk's nod would mean.

Clark pulled an arrow from his quiver and notched it to his bow, sending it flying through the air toward the cabin. As the arrow flew, it burst into flames and set the cabin afire when it struck it.

Clark sat up abruptly, sweat beading on his brow, and he was shaking from the intensity of the dream. Excited and yet bewildered, he hurried from the cave to his horse. The sun was just breaking the horizon as he saddled and then mounted his horse.

"Going somewhere kid," a familiar voice asked, causing Clark to freeze in his tracks.

Now chapter nine:

"Dad," Clark called out and rushed into his outstretched arms.

Swift Sparrow hugged his son tightly; having worried about him and his safety, but now feeling better that he with him.

"I was out riding and I saw your horse and began to worry when I did not see you," Swift Sparrow said, holding the boy out from him, looking him over carefully.

"I had a dream was wild and yet I do not know what it means," he said excitedly. "Come and sit with me so that I can tell you about it," Clark said pulling Swift Sparrow by the hand toward the cave.

Swift Sparrow remembered the cave, for he had spent time here when he needed to be alone with the Great Spirit.

"Tell your father what this dream was, I shall see if I can interpret it," Swift Sparrow said, watching his son place another log on the dwindling fire.

Clark sat beside his father on the pelts that he had used as his bed and began relating the dream to him. When he was done telling Swift Sparrow about the dream, Swift Sparrow smiled warmly at his son.

"Well you know what my dream means?" he asked.

"Ay-uh...Flaming Arrow," Swift Sparrow said, using the name that the dream had given to Clark.

"Flaming that my Indian name, dad?"

"Ay-uh, because that is what the arrow did after you loosed it from your bow. The Great Spirit has changed your name from Clark to Flaming Arrow."

Proud of his new name, Clark smiled broadly, but became puzzled about more of the dream.

"You are wondering about the rest of the dream, are you not?"

"Ay-uh father," Flaming Arrow said, now calling Swift Sparrow father, and Swift Sparrow was quick to notice it, feeling proud.

"I believe it is your destiny to find and destroy the renegades that killed your rightful father and mother."

"But why was Hawk there beside me, and every time he looked at me, he smiled and there was a funny look in his eyes."

"That I do not know son, but with time, our Great Spirit will reveal all to you concerning Hawk. But let us go home and share this news with your other father and our people, for there will be great celebration tonight, because you are no longer a brave but a warrior."

The fire in the central pit burned bright, the people of the Choctaw village sang and danced around it as they honored Flaming Arrow. Never could two people be so proud, as were Abe and Swift Sparrow as they watched their son being honored.

Dressed in a loincloth and moccasins, Flaming Arrow sat proudly beside Chief Strong Bear with his long golden tresses held back with a beaded head band.

Holding his hand up to silence those around him, Strong Bear stood, urging Clark to rise with him.

"I am proud to say that now you are a warrior and no longer a brave," Strong Bear said when the crowd became quiet, his hand resting on Flaming Arrow's shoulder. "From this time forth, you shall no longer be called Clark, but Flaming Arrow, the name that our Great Spirit has given you in your dream," he added and those in attendance cheered.

Hawk, who had been sitting on his father's right side, beamed with pride also as he looked at Flaming Arrow.

"Look at Hawk, Swift Sparrow, see the love that is in his eyes for our son," Abe whispered as they gazed at him.

"Ay-uh, for I feel that our son and Hawk's destiny are tied to one another. I could see that much from Flaming Arrow's dream, but withheld telling this to him. It was not my place to tell him, for in time, their hearts shall find each other as did ours, Walking Tall."

"I was never this happy when I was with Caleb; you have made me feel so much a man and loved. I only wish that our son can find as much happiness with Hawk or whomever the Great Spirit places in his path to love."

"Ay-uh, as you have made this warrior also feel much loved, my heart," Swift Sparrow whispered back, wishing that he could take Abe, right here, right now and not have to wait until later.

Strong Bear continued...

"No longer will you live in the house of your fathers as a child, because now you are a man and will have you own lodge," Strong Bear told him and turned, pointing to a new teepee that stood beside Hawk's, not to far from the fire.

"Again Hawk is tied to me, but why," Flaming Arrow asked himself, remembering his dream and seeing how close his new lodge was to Hawk's.

After the dancing ended, a great feast was presented by the women of the village and everyone ate until filled, and it was then that Hawk came over to Flaming Arrow and knelt beside him.

"Come with me and show me your new lodge," Hawk said, as he rose over Flaming Arrow with his hand outstretched to assist him from the pelts that he was sitting on.

Flaming Arrow took Hawk's hand and raised from his seat, following Hawk as the walked toward the new teepee, their hands still holding each other.

"It's so beautiful, but who built it?" Flaming Arrow asked.

"I did, as my gift to you Flaming Arrow," Hawk said, holding back the entrance flap.

"But why you, for you have given me a beautiful gift already when you gave me my horse," he said, looking into the depths of Hawk's eyes.

"It was a gift from my heart to your heart," he said, not yet wishing to tell him that he loved him and wanted him beside him forever.

Hawk held back the entrance flap and allowed Flaming Arrow to step in first. After stepping inside after Flaming Arrow, Hawk turned and tied the flap shut, allowing them complete privacy.

"Why did you tie the entrance," Flaming Arrow asked, standing beside a fire and a lush pile of pelts, covered with a beautiful blanket.

"I do not wish for us to be disturbed," Hawk said, stepping up to the young warrior.

"Disturbed...but why...I do not understand," he said but Hawk pulled him into his arms, holding him tightly to him.

Flaming Arrow felt the warm glow of a blush rising when he felt the throbbing length of Hawk's manhood pressing against his thigh.

"I wish to kiss you Flaming Arrow, but I will not if this is not what you wish also," Hawk said thickly, his voice ringing of emotion. "Is this what you wish also, could you love another man," he asked, locking eyes with Flaming Arrow and their lips but a breath away.

"Ay-uh my..." but the crushing of Hawk's mouth to his, cut off Flaming Arrow before he could finish.

Holding each other tightly, their hands roamed as they memorized each other's body. Still locked in loves first kiss, Hawk lowered Flaming Arrow down to the bed of pelts, covering Flaming Arrow's body with his own.

"What does this mean, Hawk?" Flaming Arrow asked, gasping for breath once they broke their kiss.

"I need you Flaming Arrow, I need you now," Hawk whispered, sitting up and straddling each side of the warrior's legs with his own.

"Do you love me or is this just lust that you need to fulfill," Flaming Arrow asked, not wanting to be used and then discarded by this handsome man who would one day be chief.

"What we are about to share is only the beginning of a life time together of sharing," he said thickly. "From this time on you shall be mine and I shall be yours until vows can be spoken."

"Are you asking me to marry you Hawk?"

"Ay-uh, could you...would you love me and marry me, my heart's reason for beating?"

"Ay-uh my future chief, I love you and I too wish to spend my life loving you," he whispered back, his heart pounding with joy.

With their eyes locked together in a hazy stare, Hawk unfastened and lowered Flaming Arrow's loincloth. Both boys were shaking, as Hawk lowered his loincloth and tossed it over to where the other sat, lowering his naked body back down to cover Flaming Arrow's.

"You are my first Hawk, for I have never been with another, not even a girl," Flaming Arrow nervously said, almost fearing what was about to happen.

"Neither have I been with another," Hawk whispered back and crushed the boy's mouth in a hard, all consuming kiss.

Flaming Arrow's hands roamed through Hawk's black hair as he held Hawk to his lips. Hawk nudged his tongue against Flaming Arrow's lips, causing the boy's mouth to open and accept Hawk's tongue inside.

With their tongues dueling back and forth, Hawk nudged Flaming Arrow's legs open with his knee and repositioned his manhood so that it rested against Flaming Arrow's rosebud.

"Be gentle Hawk," was all that Flaming Arrow said, stiffening as he felt the pressure of Hawk's manhood as it tried to make entrance into him.

Hawk, sensing Flaming Arrow's fear, kissed his way down Flaming Arrow's slender neck, where he gently bit and sucked until he had left a mark the size of a quarter there.

"I have now branded you as my man, for I have left my mark for all to see," Hawk proudly said, grazing his fingers over the mark.

"Do you still want to be my man?" an worried Hawk asked, looking down into Flaming Arrow's eyes.

"Of course I want to be your man, Hawk," he stated, turning his head away from Hawk.

"I am sorry Flaming Arrow; I should have asked you if you wanted to be branded. I am also new at this thing called love," he said, turning Flaming Arrow's head back so that their eyes could meet.

"I always knew that I was attracted to men rather than women, but never acted on it. Won't your people see the brand and know that you gave me it?" Flaming Arrow whispered.

"Ay-uh my sweetness, but like my father and yours, they will know that we are of two spirits and just accept it."

Feeling so much better now, Flaming Arrow pulled Hawk down to his chest, giving him his nipples to suck on.

Hawk nibbled each nub and then suckled them, teasing his lover's nipples until so sensitive that Flaming Arrow was crying out for mercy.

"No more please...oh Hawk you have my insides on fire," Flaming Arrow cried out, pushing Hawk's mouth lower.

Hawk smiled to himself, as he licked and kissed his way across Flaming Arrow's stomach and never stopped until his reached that golden patch of hair that surrounded his lover's manhood. He ran his fingers through the silky softness of Flaming Arrow's pubic hair as his tongue tasted the tip of the boys' manhood, licking up the clear liquid that oozed from the slit.

Using his tongue, Hawk wrapped it around the bulbous head of Flaming Arrow's cock and slowly slid down the shaft, stopping when he had it buried deep in his mouth and his nose resting in the thick bush that surrounded it.

Flaming Arrow thrust his head back and closed his eyes, lost in the sensuous warmth of the moment. Holding Hawk's head in his hands, Flaming Arrow thrust his cock upward, in and out of Hawk's mouth, delighting in the ecstasy of the moment.

Rapidly Hawk moved up and down on the throbbing shaft, twisting his tongue around the head each time he rose. Flaming Arrow had never felt such delight and when his cock began swelling he knew, from having jerked off a few times, he knew that his climax was close, so very close.

His breathing became raged and shallow; his heart began to pound so hard, that he thought that it would burst clear from his chest as his seed began rising rapidly from his balls.

"Ooooooooooooh yes...I'm shooting," he called out before Hawk could react and shot is seed into Hawk's mouth.

Holding Hawk in place with a grip that was vice like, Flaming Arrow thrust his cock up further and spewed his seed into his mouth. Hawk repressed the urge to gag as the warm, salty liquid flowed into his mouth and trickled down his throat. Although it was the first time that he ever tasted another man's seed, he savored the tart sweetness of this man's seed and liked what he tasted.

"I'm so sorry Hawk for shooting my seed into your mouth, but I could not control myself... it just happened and when it did, I was totally lost to the ecstasy of it," Flaming Arrow apologized, still floating in the ecstasy of his climax.

"Do not worry, Hawk loved its taste," Hawk said and then lowered his mouth to Flaming Arrow's in a kiss that was all consuming as his tongue tangled with Flaming Arrow's, giving the boy a taste of his own seed.

Sitting up and gazing down into Flaming Arrow's eyes, Hawk placed his strong muscular arms beneath Flaming Arrow's legs and lifted them up, placing his cock to his lover's rosebud. While their eyes met and held, Hawk eased his manhood slowly into the warmth of Flaming Arrow's velvet sheath.

As Hawk's cock impaled Flaming Arrow, Flaming Arrow gasped as a sharp pain coursed through his body. Holding tightly to Hawk's neck, Flaming Arrow held his breath as he awaited the final thrust that would fully seat Hawk's cock deep within him.

Hawk knew that he was causing pain to Flaming Arrow, but the warmth, the tightness was too much for him to ever think about stopping. Hawk gave one last thrust and stopped as his manhood fully impaled Flaming Arrow.

"Oh God stop Hawk... please don't move," Flaming Arrow gasped out, struggling to gain control over the intense pain.

"Shall I remove my length from you," Hawk asked, sensing the pain that his manhood was causing.

"Gah-ween Hawk... but just give me a moment to get use to having you in me," he said, gasping harder as he sought out normal breathing.

Slowly the pain ebbed and Flaming Arrow could feel his insides relaxing as they accepted the thickness and length of Hawk. Flaming Arrow had seen his father's manhood when they had gone swimming. He had even seen the cock of his father's brother when he had joined them swimming on different occasions, but neither of their cocks were as thick around or long as Hawk's cock.

Sensing Flaming Arrow's ass relaxing, Hawk made slow, short, methodical thrusts in and out of the boy, finding a rhythm that would please them both. Feeling a flooding sense of pleasure building within him as Hawk's cock, hit and rubbed against his prostate, Flaming Arrow thrust his hip up to meet the gentle thrusts that Hawk was giving, each boy now moving rhythmically together.

"I have fallen in love with you Hawk, you know," Flaming Arrow revealed, his hands moving seductively up and down the future chief's back and ass.

"Ay-uh, Hawk knows and he too has fallen in love with you," Hawk also confided to the boy who was now lying beneath him and giving of his sweet body and also his heart to him.

They both clung to each other as their bodies moved so blissfully together as if time had stood still for the two lovers. Suddenly, Hawk's breathing grew raspier and his thrusts became more urgent.

"I'm close my love...oh so close, do I continue and spill my seed within you," Hawk asked, his eyes glossy as his climax approached.

Without a word being spoken to the question, Flaming Arrow wrapped his legs about Hawk's waist and his arms held Hawk close, Flaming Arrow's hips moving just as fast to meet each thrust, and then Hawk's cock swelled and shot great volumes of seed into Flaming Arrow.

"Aaaiiiiieeeeee!" Hawk howled loudly, thrusting inward with short, fast thrusts until his balls were empty.

Still hooked together as lovers, Hawk lowered his mouth to Flaming Arrow's in a soft, heated kiss, riding out the tide of their afterglow in each other's arms.

Once the tide ebbed, Hawk moved from Flaming Arrow and lay beside him, both boys gasping for air as their hearts pounded against their chest.

"I love you Hawk... so where do we go from here," a teary eyed Flaming Arrow asked, turned on his side to face Hawk, letting his finger trace circles around the taut brown nipple that sat on Hawk's hairless chest.

"There is nowhere to go because all of our tomorrows are locked together as one," Hawk answered, now knowing in his heart that to live without Flaming Arrow would be like living without air to just could not be done. "I wish us to speak vows soon my love, so that we can seal our tomorrows."

"I know that you are next in line to be chief, so will your father allow us to do this, or will he make you take a wife?" a concerned Flaming Arrow asked, fearing Hawk's answer.

Hawk took Flaming Arrow's hand in his, brought the palm of it to his lips and kissed it softly.

"If my father will not allow me to take you as my mate, then Hawk will leave the village and take you with him. We shall find a place to live where we can live together as husbands, my love."

"You'd do that for me Hawk, truly you would?"

"Ay-uh, for you are the very air that I breathe," he whispered and then crawled atop the boy.

Flaming Arrow lifted his legs when he felt the renewed strength of his lover's manhood. Hawk entered him again swiftly and fully, thrusting his manhood feverishly in and out, until the two once again found paradise together, each boy moaning loudly as their climax overtook them.

"Well I guess our son found his destiny," Abe cooed as he and Swift Sparrow walked beside the lodge that hid the two lovers, but not their cries of ecstasy.

"Ay-uh my husband, now let us find our own paradise together," Swift Sparrow demanded, taking Abe by the hand and walking more briskly toward their cabin.

"I love how the moon's light dances in your eyes," Shadow said softly to Rebecca as they sat side by side by the river.

"I bet you say that to all the young maidens, Shadow," he demurely replied, lowering her lashes in a seductive way.

"If I share a secret with you, do you promise never to share it with another?" Shadow asked as he tossed a rock into the water, avoiding her eyes.

"Ay-uh, I have never told another anything that you have shared with me," she confided to him.

"I have never been with another maiden...ever," he said lowering his eyes as if ashamed to still be a virgin. "Hawk has had many... well he's had many that he's given his seed to," he said, avoiding telling her that his brother preferred men to girls, not knowing how she would react.

"Truly Shadow... truly you have never even kissed another?"

"Truly Becky, for you would be my first to kiss," he whispered thickly as he lowered her down to the grass and covered her mouth with his.

Rebecca entwined her fingers through his thick black hair and pulled him harder to her, kissing him back. As they kissed, Shadow dared to move his hand down to her breast, and when she didn't refuse his advances, he gently fondled it.

Rebecca felt cheap and wanton after they broke their kiss. She abruptly sat up and turned her gaze from his.

"Shadow is sorry for having taken advantage of you," Shadow apologetically whispered, turning her face to his and letting their eyes meet and lock together.

"No my love, it is I that feel whorish for allowing you to touch me. I allowed it because I liked it and wanted more," she confided and a sudden blush lit her face.

"I am you love...truly you are confessing that you love me," a stunned Shadow asked, broadly smiling.

"Ay-uh, I do love you Shadow, but could you love me even though I am white?"

Turning her to fully be able to look into her soft blue eyes, Shadow whispered against her lips, his love.

"I love you and it does not matter if you are white or redskin, it's your heart that has awakened mine," he whispered and then kissed her harder, heatedly as he allowed the ache of need for her to control him.

"Let us take a walk to where we can have privacy," Shadow suggested, rising and helping her to stand.

"Ay-uh, I'd like that," she said purring as he placed his arm about her waist and led her away.

Soon they had found a glad that was surrounded by thick willows, their branches acted as walls for the two lovers.

"Are you sure no one will see us here, Shadow?" she cooed as he pulled her close with his arms.

"Ay-uh...I am sure," he whispered against her lips and then possessively kissed her, while he busied his fingers with unbuttoning her dress and raised over her head and tossed it aside.

His eyes took in her silky body and they burned a trail as he trailed his eyes up and down you slender body. Although he had seen her nakedness several times while spying on her as she bathed, he still could not help himself marveling again with her before him.

Her breasts were full and round with nipples that stood tall and hard. He lowered his mouth to them and swirled his tongue about one and then the other, gently urging them harder.

Rebecca tossed her head back with complete abandonment, letting herself become lost to ecstasy that his tongue was causing in her body, and then suddenly he stopped and stepped back from her.

"What's wrong Shadow, did I do something wrong," she asked suddenly a panic swept through her as he stood just gazing at her.

Without speaking a word, Shadow untied his loincloth and let it fall to the ground, and then stepped forward, sweeping her once again into his arms.

"My Moon Dancing, you could never do anything wrong," he whispered, causing her to push away a bit to gaze into his eyes questioningly.

"Moon Dancing, you just called me Moon Dancing," she questioned.

"Ay-uh, because your eyes look as though they are dancing with the moon's light, when your eyes catch its beams. Do you not like the name that I have given you?" he asked.

"I love that name and it makes me feel closer to you sweetheart," she said and pulled his mouth to hers. "You are the first man that I have been naked with," she confided blushing.

Her eyes lowered to his erect manhood and again, she blushed when taking in the size and fatness of his manhood.

"Place you hand on it and move it up and down. It now belongs to you alone, Moon Dancing," he said thickly, placing her hand to his cock and showing her how to move it.

She blushed profusely but she didn't remove her hand, but slowly moved it on him. Shadow tossed his head back and closed his eyes, moaning with delight. He loved the feelings that her hand was giving him and gasped when he felt her tongue teasing its tip.

"Moon Dancing...where did you learn how to do this?" he asked.

"I accidentally saw my mother doing to my father when they thought me sleeping," she confessed and moved her mouth over his largeness, taking as much as she could before slowly moving up it.

Shadow groaned and held her head, locking his fingers in her hair as she made love to him this way.

"Enough my princess... I wish to enjoy paradise with you and not in this manner," he said, helping her to her feet and kneading both of her breasts as he kissed her.

She felt as if she were floating as they kissed and Shadow lowered her to the ground and onto a bed of thick moss, covering her body with his. His thickness pressed against her thigh and she shuddered when she thought of its size and it being placed in her.

"Are you cold Moon Dancing," he asked, rising up on his hands to look down at her.

"Gah-ween my love, but I am worried that you will not fit in me, for you are so large," she whispered shyly.

"Shadow will be gentle and prepare you first before taking your innocence," he whispered and then moved to where her soft curls of blond hair grew thick, covering her womanhood.

Still holding his gaze with her, he lowered his tongue and ever so softly, caressed her womanhood with it. She gasped and tossed her head back, arching her back as his tongue grew more aggressive. She had never imagined that this part of her body could give her such pleasure.

Pushing his tongue deeper into her soft folds, Shadow caressed every part of her womanhood until she was delirious with ecstasy and wet.

"Lights...I am seeing the most sensuous lights," she whimpered as the rush of a climax overtook her senses.

Crawling back up to her lips, Shadow kissed her feverishly as he slid his throbbing thickness into her. She gasped aloud when his manhood broke through that barrier that proved she was a virgin, but as soon as the pain came, it was replaced by a sweet sense of pleasure.

Rhythmically, Shadow eased his cock in and out of her folds until he had a gentle rhythm going. He lowered his head to a breast and nibbled the nipple as his thrusts gathered speed. Rebecca wrapped her legs about his waist and lifted her hips to meet each thrust of his hips, causing his cock to delve further into her heat.

"Again I am seeing the stars and my eyes are closed," she moaned out, her breathing raspy as another climax overtook her.

"I too am sharing paradise with you my love," Shadow groaned as his cock thickened even more and then with a long hard thrust, he shoved deeper yet into her heat and stopped, spewing his seed into her heat with one...two and then three great blasts.

He placed his hands under her ass and pulled her closer to him as he resumed his urgent thrusts, spewing more seed into her folds.

"Marry me Moon Dancing... I love you and want you for my wife," he whispered against her ear as his thrusts slowed... stopped.

"Ay-uh Shadow, I accept your proposal of marriage," she said and pulled his mouth to hers in a sensuous kiss.

Spent and exhausted, Shadow rolled off her and lay on his back beside her, gasping wildly for air as was Rebecca.

To be continued...

Again I am cutting this chapter short after having laid the foundation for our characters and the couples that they will become. I do hope that you are enjoying this and that you are still reading it. Please, please tell me your thoughts or opinions at Daniel.

Next: Chapter 10

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