An Awakened Heart

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Jul 25, 2011


An Awakened Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Eight

It is sixteen years after the deaths of James and Shane, Abe's fathers, and the story continues from here...

List of characters:

Strong Bear 40s Chief of the Choctaw

Yellow Hawk 32 Married to Strong Bear

Hawk and Shadow 16 Twin sons of Strong Bear and Yellow Hawk

Abe aka Walking Tall 40s Married to Swift Sparrow

Swift Sparrow 40s Best Friend of Strong Bear

Roaring Thunder 60s Yellow Hawk's father and retired chief

Kyle aka Golden Hawk 32 Married to Roaring Thunder

Spotted Wolf 40s Shaman (doctor) for the Choctaw

Clark and Rebecca 15 Orphaned twins

Montana 1909

"Why must you go to the trading post, Walking Tall?" Swift Sparrow asked, always hating how the soldiers looked at him and his husband. "You know how the soldiers look at us whenever we go there to buy supplies."

"I heard that there is going to be an agency there today that sets up adoptions," Abe said, wrapping his arms around his husband's neck. "I spoke to you about adopting a child to raise as our own."

"Is not Swift Sparrow enough to occupy your time?" a pouting Swift Sparrow asked.

"Oh sweetheart, you know that you are. But I have always wanted a child that we could call our own. I was adopted by my fathers and grew up in a loving environment, so I want to do the same for another child. It would be my way of paying back my fathers for their generosity."

"Ay-uh, James and Shane did a fine job with you... but do you really think that this agency will give us a child? You are white, but I am an Indian and you know how the whites feel about us."

"I know my love, but I still want to try," Abe begged, looking deep into Swift Sparrow's midnight black eyes. "Maybe it would be best if I did not speak of our relationship. This way we would not have to deal with prejudice," he added.

"Are you ashamed of me and our relationship, Walking Tall?"

"Gah-ween my husband, but most whites do not accept our two spirits as a normal way of life. It would be best if the agent did not know and besides, we would never see the agent again once we had a child."

"Go, but do not be too disappointed when they tell you to leave," he warned, kissing Abe deep and long before releasing his hold on the man.

Abe left the room and after several minutes returned, dressed as a white man in clothes that had once belonged to Shane.

"What is are ashamed of even our way of dressing," a shocked Swift Sparrow asked, his eyes grazing over how Abe was now dressed.

Abe wore tight denim breeches that not only showed off his fine muscular legs, but when one gazed at his crotch, they could see how well he had been endowed. He also wore a white shirt, although yellowed with age, revealed his massive chest of steel like muscles and arms that strained against the yellowed fabric.

"I am not ashamed of my Indian attire, Swift Sparrow, but I must look the part of a white man so that I can fool the agent."

"Ay-uh, Swift Sparrow now understands, he does not like it but he understands the deception you are using."

Excited about possibly getting a child to raise, Abe, along with Swift Sparrow, rode off for Fort Powell, hoping that his attire would prevent any prejudice that would prevent them from obtaining a child.

"How can I help you," Jenifer Whitney, the adoption agent asked as her eyes taking in the manly appearance of Abe.

"I would like to adopt a child Miss Whitney, a boy if I could, but I would not be upset if it were a girl either," Abe asked looking directly into her ice blue eyes.

"Are you married..." she waited for a name before continuing.

"I'm sorry ma'am, the name is Abraham, Abraham Cooper," Abe said, using his white name instead of his Indian name of Walking Tall. "And to answer your question, I am married," he answered, hearing a loud gasp of surprise coming from Swift Sparrow.

"Then where is your wife, I would think that she would want to be here also," she asked, sighing heavily when she heard that Abe was married.

"My wife wanted to join me, but unfortunately she is sick and confined to her bed," he lied, keeping up the appearance that he hoped would allow him a child.

"I see, and just what makes you think that you are both qualified and able to raise a child, what do you do to support yourself?

Abe was nervous, because he didn't hold a job that would be considered by this woman to be a means of support.

"Alright ma'am, I do not hold a so called job, because I am a rancher and do very well with supporting our household, by putting food on the table, clothes on our backs and we do not lack for anything."

Jenifer gazed warmly at Abe, feeling confident that what he had told her would make him and his wife a good parent.

"I have a set of twins that, for some reason I cannot detect, seem to be un-adoptable. They are a brother and sister that were recently orphaned and placed into my care."

"Twins... I see no reason why my wife and I would not welcome a son and daughter into our lives," he proudly, excitedly told her, struggling to contain his excitement so that she wouldn't raise a concern as to why.

Jenifer motioned to her assistant to come to her, she whispered amongst themselves, the assistant glancing every now and then at Abe, and then hurried off after nodding to her.

"My assistant, Mathew will be back shortly with the children," she said smiling.

Abe's heart began to rapidly beat, it sounded so loud in his ears he feared that Jenifer would hear it. He stood suddenly straight when he saw Mathew returning, followed by two blond haired, blue eyed children of about fifteen.

"Mr. Cooper, this is Clark and Rebecca Wilson," she introduced. "They are twins as I said and have just turned fifteen," she added.

She turned to the children, whose faces showed their pain of having recently lost their parents, and pulled them closer to Abe.

"Children, this is your new father, Abraham Cooper," she said in introduction to the children. "Now what do you say to the generous gentleman?"

"We don't need another father...I am quite capable of taking care of my sister as well as myself," he blurted out angrily.

Mathew was quick to back hand the boy across the face, stunning not only Abe but also Swift Sparrow who was within listening and viewing distance.

"Respect your elders when they speak to you boy," Mathew scolded, glaring down bitterly at the boy.

"There was no need to do that to the young man," Abe said, choosing to refer to the boy as a young man instead of a child. "Can't you see that they are still both traumatized about having lost their parents?"

Abe knelt down before Clark and Rebecca, taking one of their hands into his.

"I can see that you are quite capable of protecting your sister, but what say I just give you a place to do that. I would love to have you and Rebecca come and live with us, and I promise that I will not try to take the place of your father. I am sure that you loved him very much, Clark, as so he did, you."

"I guess we could come live with you...but don't think we are going to be your slaves either. I saw how those other children were taken only to be slaves to those people, and I will not let my sister be one," he said defiantly, again causing Mathew to swat the boy.

"If you dare to raise another hand and strike my son or daughter, I will personally make you wish that you were never born," Abe said threateningly to Mathew, who took several steps back from the children.

"Now gentleman, there is no need of violence," she turned to Mathew, "why don't you go get the children's things Mattie," she said, motioning him away and hoping to avoid a confrontation with Abe.

"Yes'm," Mathew bitterly said and rushed away, turning hateful glance toward Abe before leaving the room.

Once the paper work was finished and signed, Jenifer stood up and presented the legal papers to Abe.

"This paper shows that the children are now Clark Andrew and Rebecca Anne Cooper," she said smiling, causing Clark to cringe and give an angry glare to Jennifer.

"Thank you ma'am," Abe said shaking her hand, "Come along Clark and Rebecca, I'll take you to your new home," he added, having seen Swift Sparrow leave a while back.

Once outside, Clark turned bitterly to Abe, meeting his eyes with his own.

"That there paper my say that we are yours and that our last name is now Cooper, but don't think for a minute that it is our true name. Now if you can tell me what to call you mister, I'll be obliged," he added, standing defiantly with his hands fisted and resting on his hips.

"Clark, I saw how you cringed when that lady said your new last name, but just because this here paper says you're a Cooper does not make it so in your heart. If you wish to retain your last name that was proudly handed to you by your father, it will not offend me. As to what you call me, that is up to you young man, you can call me Abe or..."

"A savage...look Rebecca, a savage," Clark yelled, pointing at Swift Sparrow and interrupting Abe.

Abe could see the anger quickly rising in his husband's eyes, when he heard the word `savage' slip from the tongue of the boy that was now his son. He quickly walked over to the boy, grabbed by the shirt and pulled the boy's face close to his.

"Listen white boy and listen well, do not ever call us or anyone else that name again," Swift Sparrow said, with his face but a breath from Clark's.

Clark nodded, his fear was so great that one could almost smell it as he looked up into Swift Sparrow's eyes and nodded.

"I'm sorry sir, but you are the first sa... ah Indian that I have seen up close," he said and lunged into Swift Sparrow's arm, crying profusely as Swift Sparrow hugged him.

Taken by Clark's sudden show of affection, Swift Sparrow knelt down and with his hands on the boy's shoulders, smiled before speaking.

"I'm sorry that I was so rough with you, but all people of red skin hate that word that you used so easily," he said, compassion showing in his eyes as he looked into the boy's. "Now answer why don't we all go home and get better acquainted?"

"Yes sir," he said, hugging both Abe and Swift Sparrow before taking Rebecca's hand.

"Does your sister speak?" Abe asked, noticing how throughout this adoption process, she had yet to say a word or make a sound.

"She has not said a word since our parents died," Clark told Abe.

"If it's not too painful to say Clark, but just how did your parents die?"

"My father was captured by renegades while working the fields and taken back to the cabin, where we were with my mother. She saw the men and how they were dragging my father on the ground behind their horse, so she hid us in the root cellar," he began and Abe noticed how he fought to control the tears that were falling from his eyes, as well as those of Rebecca.

"Never mind saying anything more son, I can see how it is so painful for you."

"I gotta tell someone, cuz I had it all bottle up in me," he continued. "From the cracks in the trap door, I saw the men tie my father to a chair and gag him, while they took turns raping my mother, making my father watch. Once they had all taken turns using my mother, this one man pulled his revolver out and shot my mother and then my father."

"My God Swift Sparrow, what a horrible thing to have had to witness," Abe said, appalled by what he heard.

"Swift Sparrow knelt before the boy and with his hands resting on the boy's shoulders, looked him directly into the eyes.

"If you can tell me what this man looks like, I promise that I shall find him and make him pay for what he did...Indian style, which is quite painful before one dies," he added.

"Remember...I shall never forget what that man looked like," he said and again lunged into Swift Sparrow's arms, crying hard against his naked chest.

"Let's take them home and get them settled in," Abe whispered, taking Rebecca's small hand into his.

"Sir how is it that you are with us," Clark suddenly asked, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

"We shall tell you about him and of our relationship later, but for now let's just say that he's my partner, son," Abe said, knowing that here and now was neither the time nor place to tell them.

"That's fine pa, I can live with that," Clark coolly said and referring to Abe as pa, causing Abe to smile. "I'll call you pops then," he added looking over at Swift Sparrow who raised an eyebrow at the name.

"You call me Swift Sparrow...not pops," he said sternly.

"All right Swift Sparrow, I like that better anyhow," the boy said.

Hawk and Shadow watched with much concern as Swift Sparrow and Abe rode into their village, with Clark sitting in front of Swift Sparrow and Rebecca in front of Abe.

"Who is the white boy?" Hawk asked his brother Shadow, as his eyes met and held with Clark.

"I do not know, but soon we will find out because they are riding toward father's lodge," Shadow whispered, his own eyes meeting those of Rebecca.

The boys ran quickly to their father's lodge and waited behind their father as Abe and Swift Sparrow lowered the children to the ground and then dismounted. Strong Bear stood on his cabin's porch and watched as the children were brought before him.

"Chief Strong Bear, I would like you to meet our son Clark, and our daughter Rebecca," Abe proudly said, his hand resting on the boy and girl's shoulder.

"Your son and daughter...but how did you come to get them, for surely you and Swift Sparrow did not abduct these white children...or did you," he asked, fearing that they may have done just that, because he knew how much Abe wanted a child.

"We did not abduct them, they were orphaned and we adopted them," Swift Sparrow quickly said, his own pride now showing. "I am afraid though, that Walking Tall had to use deceit to make this so," he added smiling at how easy it was for his husband to lie to the white agent.

Swift Sparrow told his chief everything that had gone on at the fort as well as what Clark had told them, and when he was done, Strong Bear questioned the boy.

"Who was your father," he asked, looking down with caution in his eyes at the boy.

"My father was Reverend George Wilson sir," he said, causing Strong Bear to gasp when he heard the name.

"I knew your father and also your mother, but I was never given the chance to meet you and your sister," a stunned Strong Bear said. "You are most welcomed in our village, Clark."

"You did not tell me that your father knew our chief, Clark," Swift Sparrow said sternly.

"You never asked me," the boy quickly replied sarcastically and then quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to be rude," he hung his head in shame, waiting for Swift Sparrow to punish him.

Swift Sparrow placed a finger to the boy's chin and raised his head so that their eyes could meet.

"Never lower your head in shame to me...son," Swift Sparrow whispered and then hugged the boy to him. "Come now, I shall show you and your sister to your home," he said, proudly placing his arm about the boy's shoulder as he led the boy to his and Abe's cabin, with Abe holding Rebecca's hand.

Clark and Rebecca looked around the cabin, and Clark cringed when he saw that he'd have to sleep with his sister, because the cabin only had two bedrooms. He looked up at the loft that was over the main room, and at all the things that were stored there.

"Pa, do you mind if I made a place up there for my bed," Clark asked, pointing to the loft. "You see pa, Becky and I are old enough that we both need our privacy," he said, causing a blush to come to his sister.

"I see," Swift Sparrow said, turning to Abe, "what do you think, can we find another place for those things up there?"

"I guess that I should part with my father's things now," Abe solemnly said, glancing up at the trunks and boxes. "Yes son, I think that we can make the space into quite a nice room for you."

They all set about moving and lugging trunks and boxes, and soon had the loft empty. Swift Sparrow came into the cabin carrying many pelts of buffalo and deer, taking them up to the loft.

"What are they for," an inquisitive Clark asked.

"Your bed son, they are far more comfortable than sleeping on the floor alone," Abe told him.

"I won't get fleas will I," shuddering at the thought of the pelts having fleas.

"Contrary to what you may have been told about people with red skin, we are not a bunch of flea bitten savages," Swift Sparrow angrily said from the loft.

"I am sorry if I gave you the wrong impression Swift Sparrow, but my friends at school always said that Indians had fleas."

"That's because of their prejudice my son and not because of fact." Abe instructed. "Now that your room is finished, how about we have something to eat and then head to bed," he added smiling, hoping to calm the conversation that could soon become explosive.

"Ay-uh," Swift Sparrow agreed, but pulled Clark aside. "My son, do not always voice aloud what you have erroneously heard about my people. I can accept what you say and then correct you, but others may look at you as just another ignorant white that thinks himself better than the man with red skin."

"," Clark said before he lunged into Swift Sparrow's arms and hugged him. "I want to call you dad if I may," he whispered into Swift Sparrow's ear, causing the man to hug the boy tighter.

"Ay-uh, Swift Sparrow is proud to be called dad," he said and kissed the boy softly on the forehead before releasing him.

Abe watched the tender scene and it warmed his heart to see how quickly Clark and Swift Sparrow were bonding.

"What is this word dad?" Swift Sparrow whispered to Abe.

"It is just another way of calling you father. I suppose that he had called his father, father, so he is quite comfortable calling us other derivatives of the name father."

"Hmmmm dad, Swift Sparrow likes the word, dad," he smiled and took a seat beside Clark.

Later that night, Clark lay awake in his bed in the loft, still to excited from the day's activities to sleep. He was deep in thought when he heard a sound that he recognized, from having heard it when his father and mother were alone in their bedroom.

But when the sound grew louder, he knew that it was a moan and that it was coming from the room that Abe had told him that he and Swift Sparrow shared. Quickly he rose from the bed, climbed down the ladder and rushed to their bedroom door, fearing that something was wrong with either or both of them.

When he rushed into Swift Sparrow and Abe's bedroom he froze, his face showed the shock of what he saw.

"I'm sorry...I...I thought that you were being attacked," a stunned Clark said as his eyes took in a naked Abe and Swift Sparrow making love.

He turned abruptly and dashed from the room, hurrying up the ladder and into his bed, covering his face with the blanket. He had never witnessed such a thing between two men, doing together what he thought only men and women did.

"But Walking Tall seemed to like what was being done to him," he reasoned, and then stiffened when he felt the blanket being pulled away.

"We need to talk to you son," Abe said, sitting down beside his son and brushing back a lock of hair that fell across the boy's eyes.

"There is no need pa, I was wrong to intrude into your bedroom," he apologetically said.

"No son, we just should have explained to you that we were married, and we're sorry that you had to find out about us that way."

"You and Swift Sparrow are married... married like my mother and father were?" he questioned.

"Walking Tall and I are of two spirits son," Swift Sparrow said. "Just because we are two men, doesn't mean that we cannot love one another," he reasoned with the boy.

"Two spirits...I do not understand what this means dad," he asked, looking from one dad to the other.

"We love each other as a man and woman would love, having been married according to our people's ways," Swift Sparrow added, noticing how the look on Clark's face showed that he was considering what he'd just told him.

"And this is accepted by your people?" he asked.

"Ay-uh, for even our chief is of two spirits, Yellow Hawk is his mate," Abe added.

"Am I expected to be as you both are," he asked, showing true concern in his eyes.

"No son, you shall be whatever your God has determined you to be, whether you love a woman some day or a man is solely up to you," Swift Sparrow further told him, his hand resting softly on Clark's shoulder.

"Does it not hurt to have father's... you you as I saw?"

Abe's face glowed, even in the dim light of the candle light, from a sudden blush.

Swift Sparrow explained all about how they made love to Clark, feeling that he was old enough to know the truth. Abe told him also that although the first time that he'd done it that way, it did hurt. But after the pain subsided, an enveloping sense of pleasure swept through him.

"Does the white community accept this...these two spirits also? I have never heard my father or mother speaking of this kind of love."

"Gah-ween my son, for they are not tolerant of anything that goes against what white people deem normal," Swift Sparrow said, looking up to Abe for help.

"For many generations son, the redskin people have known of this way of living that they call `two spirits' and almost all accept it."

"Will you show me how to make love this way?" he asked and caused a sharp gasp to escape from Abe.

"No son, this is not something that fathers share with their sons, even if they are not blood related and only adopted. You will someday find which way of loving is meant for you, and how to make love will come natural to you."

"How will I know that I am in love," an inquisitive Clark asked.

"You will find that this warmth will suddenly grab your heart whenever you are around the one that you shall love, be it man or woman. As long as you are happy with whomever you choose to spend you life and love with, that is all that matters son."

"Ay-uh and do not be in a hurry son," Swift Sparrow added, "enjoy this time as a young brave, for soon you will be a warrior and grown."

Both men bent down and kissed their son goodnight before leaving the loft and Clark to ponder all that they had told him.

"I think that that went well sweetheart," Abe whispered as the walked back to their bedroom.

"Ay-uh, now lets continue where we were when he entered the room and interrupted us," Swift Sparrow said, pulling Abe into their bedroom and lowering his husband's loincloth.

"Mmmmm," Abe moaned as they stood naked once again with Swift Sparrow kneeling before him and sucking frantically on Abe's manhood.

Swift Sparrow stood and kicked the door, but it didn't close tight, and then laid Abe gently down on their bed, covering Abe's body with his own.

Giving his fathers time to get back to bed, Clark snuck back to their room when he heard that familiar moaning. Standing at the door and with the moon's light spilling onto the bed, Clark watched as Swift Sparrow resumed making love to Abe.

He could not take his eyes from Swift Sparrow's ass as it moved rhythmically, thrusting his manhood deep into Abe's. The muscles of this Indian's body, the rhythmic moving of his ass, it was more than the boy could take without reacting.

Standing there watching, he felt his own manhood growing and causing an ache in his groin. He reached down with his thumbs and lowered his breeches, and while watching the two men, Clark rhythmically stroked his cock.

Swift Sparrow heard a slight moan and slowly glanced toward the door, knowing that his son was standing there. He smiled when he saw how his son was standing in the shadows, watching them make love. There was just enough light spilling into the shadows so that Swift Sparrow could see his son now rapidly stroking his own manhood, his eyes closed in rapture.

"Ay-uh...he is already learning of the two spirits," Swift Sparrow thought and smiled to himself when he knew by the soft moaning sounds that his son was shooting his seed. " father like son," he again thought.

"Did you hear something Swift Sparrow," Abe asked, lifting his head and looking toward the door.

"Gah-ween, Swift Sparrow hears only the beating of our hearts," he said, lowering his mouth down to Abe's in an all consuming kiss.

"What kind of clothes is this...surely you do not expect me to wear such skimpy attire," Clark asked, holding up a loincloth, his face reddening at how revealing it would be to wear it.

"All the men of our people where such a loincloth, it is nothing to be ashamed of," Swift Sparrow said.

"I guess, but what if a wind blows and lifts it in the front?"

"Never be ashamed of what you hide beneath your loincloth, for it will someday bring great pleasure to you as well as the one that you love."

"That's easy for you to say dad, cuz your manhood is way bigger than mine and..." he stopped short when he realized that he had let on that he knew just how endowed Swift Sparrow is.

"Ay-uh, but what you have is also nothing to be ashamed of either," Swift Sparrow replied, signifying that he saw Clark in the shadows and what he was doing.

"You saw me last night dad...oh God I am so ashamed," he said, turning in embarrassment from Swift Sparrow.

"Clark," he turned to boy to him, "Yes I saw you just as you saw us making love. I do not condemn you for being inquisitive, for that is how one learns at times."

Clark hugged Swift Sparrow tightly, his cheek resting against the satin, copper skin of Swift Sparrow. He could hear his dad's heart pounding and knew that he was loved deeply by this man.

"Come now, let us go to the river and bathe, already Walking Tall must be worried about where we are.

"I will be bathing with you also?"

"The men and young braves bathe together, as does the young maidens with the women. I shall introduce you to our chief's sons, Hawk and Shadow, for I am sure that they are eager to meet you."

"Will I... could I ever have an Indian name?" Clark asked looking up at Swift Sparrow, admiration and pride growing in the boy's heart for this man.

"Do you truly wish to give up your white man's name for one that reflects who you are?"

"Ay-uh I do," he said.

"Then you shall go on a vision quest and during your vision quest you shall fast and pray for a vision of what your path in life is. If you are meant to have a name change, it will be then that you are given it by the Great Spirit."

Clark was excited to know that he was going on a vision quest; he could not wait to tell sister.

Walking proudly beside Swift Sparrow, Clark held his chin up and proudly, rejoicing in this love that he had with Swift Sparrow.

"There you two are, I was beginning to worry about you," Abe said standing on the bank of the river, naked.

Clark could not help but look at Abe, reveling in the handsomeness of his new father. When he turned so that Abe would not think that he was staring, he gasped when he saw Swift Sparrow naked also beside him. Instantly his own manhood grew hard and long, straining against the fabric of his breeches.

Glowing red with embarrassment, Clark turned only to see Hawk and Shadow standing there. They too were as naked as the day that they were born, with Hawk's manhood standing tall and throbbing.

"Do not worry about your manhood rising, it happens all the time to me, as well as most of the other warriors," Hawk whispered to Clark and then ran into toward the river, diving into it once he was in deep water.

Clark dropped his breeches and as casually as he could, walked into the water, no longer ashamed of his erection, for it was as long and fat as was Hawk's.

"I'm Hawk, what is your name?" Hawk asked, swimming up beside Clark, his body grazing Clark's as he stood.

"Clark, nice to meet you," Clark replied, feeling suddenly shy.

"So you and your sister are now son and daughter to Walking Tall and Swift Sparrow," he said more than asking.

"Yes...ay-uh, and you are the son of Chief Strong Bear?"

"Ay-uh and next in line to be chief," he said proudly, pushing his chest out, hoping to impress Clark.

"So how come you are and not your brother ah...oh yes, your brother Shadow?" he asked.

"I was the first born of us, so that makes me the next in line to be chief. We are twins as you and your sister are."

"I am the older of us also, Hawk."

"So how come you have not been given a Choctaw name?" Hawk asked.

"I will be soon, because my dad said that I am to go on a vision quest."

"I had my vision quest many moons ago," he told him.

"Were you scared to be alone for four days and nights?"

"Gah-ween, for the Great Spirit protects us from all danger while we are on our quest. Come, let us play games while we bathe, we talk later about your quest," Hawk said and then dove into the water, Clark's breath caught when he saw the firm, muscular roundness of the brave's ass just before it vanished beneath the water.

Again his manhood rose to great proportions.

"See how well our son is getting along with Hawk, I had wished that they would have made a friendship," Abe said, watching Clark and Hawk as they wrestled in the water, each taking turns dunking the other.

"Clark saw us you know," Swift Sparrow whispered to Abe.

"How could he not see us, we are all naked as we bathed."

"Not that my love, he saw us last night when we resumed our lovemaking, and was rubbing his own manhood as he watched."

"How do you know this Swift Sparrow?"

"He told me and I also saw him last night standing in the shadows watching."

"And you didn't think to tell me or to close the door?" Abe asked angrily.

"Gah-ween, for what wrong did it do to allow him to see just how we make love? He wants to know because I think that he's of two spirits also."

"Gah-ween husband, I think he is just inquisitive is all."

"You think so, look...look at how he and Hawk play, look at the gleam that is in not only our son's eyes, but also in those of Hawk. Ay-uh, for there is a love that is forming between those two, that time will never destroy."

"Do you really think so my love," Abe asked giving a harder look at the two boys.

Two weeks later, Swift Sparrow is instructing Clark on what to do once Clark got to where he would spend his vision quest. He had spent the last two weeks teaching the boy how to work a bow and arrow, as well as how to use a rifle.

Clark had proven to be an astute student, hitting the target each time, dead center. He also proved accurate with the rifle.

"So it's up to me where I go for the next four days to have my vision quest," Clark asked.

"More or less, but the Great Spirit will direct you and it will be he that tells you when and where to stop."

"Where did you do yours dad?" an eager Clark asked.

"I did not live here in Montana, but in the state of Mississippi. I was younger than you when I did my vision quest, because most boys do it around fourteen years old."

"I shall make you both proud that I am your son," he said, giving a strong hug to both Abe and Swift Sparrow.

"We are already proud of you son," Abe said.

Swift Sparrow mounted his horse that Hawk had given him as a welcome gift, even though Strong Bear, Abe and Swift Sparrow knew it was more that that.

The sun was swiftly disappearing when Clark chose a spot for the night, feeling a strange tug to stop at this precise spot beside the river. He dismounted, tied his horse to a low limb and began to explore the area and soon found a cave tucked into the side of the cliff.

Searching the ground for tracks, either animal or manmade as taught, Clark felt comfortable about looking deeper into the cave. Seeing that it was deserted and capable of sheltering him against whatever weather he may encounter, he set up camp. Soon he had a good fire going, as well as his pelts for sleeping close by it.

Hours slid away as he prayed first to his God, and then to the Great Spirit. Although his was hungry, he refused the temptation to hunt, keeping himself with water only. Hours turned to days and the days slipped by until it was the night of the fourth day, and he was disappointed because he yet had not had a dream.

"I guess I am stuck with the name Clark," he sighed, desperately wanting an Indian name.

He fell asleep after hours of praying and asking to be shown a name that would be his alone. He drifted into a sound sleep and soon he was dreaming...

Clark was riding in his dream and beside him was Hawk, followed by dozens of warriors as they pursued what Clark took to be the same renegades that he killed his parents.

After following the renegades into a narrow canyon, the renegades sought the shelter of a run down cabin. Unable to penetrate the canyon because of the heavy gunfire coming from the renegades, Hawk had turned to Clark and only nodded, as if determined earlier what Hawk's nod would mean.

Clark pulled an arrow from his quiver and notched it to his bow, sending it flying through the air toward the cabin. As the arrow flew, it burst into flames and set the cabin afire when it struck it.

Clark sat up abruptly, sweat beading on his brow, and he was shaking from the intensity of the dream. Excited and yet bewildered, he hurried from the cave to his horse. The sun was just breaking the horizon as he saddled and then mounted his horse.

"Going somewhere kid," a familiar voice asked, causing Clark to freeze in his tracks.

To be continued...

Well there you have it guys, sorry that the lusty parts were few. I promise to arouse you all with the next chapter. I would like to hear from you, even if you think that I am being bombarded with emails, which I am not at thanks ya'll, Daniel

Next: Chapter 9

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