An Awakened Heart

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Jul 23, 2011


An Awakened Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Seven

Previously in chapter six:

Just as the sun rose, Colonel Hampton rode from the fort with every man that was at his disposal. He had gotten several complaints from the men that had served under Colonel Parker, but having whipped them severely to set an example, he squashed any others that might want to complain.

Having left just a small amount behind to secure the fort, those that had shared the complaints, Colonel Hampton rode away confident that he would not only out number the Indians, but would have enough men to annihilate them from the face of the earth.

"I cannot wait to see their faces as they rush out of their teepees and cabins and into the hail of bullets," he whispered to himself.

Sitting on a bluff that over looked the village and most of the valley below, Swift Sparrow and Abe watched for any sign of the soldiers. Abe knew that with the rising of the sun, it would be then that they would attack.

"See how peaceful our village looks, as if war were not a threat," Swift Sparrow observed.

"Ay-uh, but as the saying goes... peace comes before the storm."

Now chapter seven:

"Down there...I see three or four soldiers," Abe said and pointed toward in direction that they didn't expect to see them coming from.

"Ay-uh, I see them too, come we shall catch them unaware," Swift Sparrow said and they ran to their tethered horses.

"Are you sure that this is a shortcut to the Choctaw village," Ben Johnson asked, for he had been one of the soldiers that had been left behind to secure the fort, as well as having been whipped.

"Of course I'm sure you fool, I rode this trail enough times with Colonel Parker," Chris Bennett assured him. "I just want to get there before that damn colonel does," he added and then drew up on his reins when Swift Sparrow and Abe rode from the bushes, both had rifles aimed at them.

"Oh God don't shoot us...we come in peace with a message for Chief Strong Bear," Chris said as he and the other soldiers held up their hands.

"What message do you bring," Swift Sparrow asked, keeping his rifle trained on the soldiers.

"Colonel Hampton and his men are riding as we speak toward Strong Bear's village, and he's not coming for a peace talk," Chris said, running his finger around his collar nervously.

Chris and Abe had been friends ever since Abe came to live with the Choctaw and each man quickly became fond of one another. This is why Abe felt that what Chris had said, was true, because neither of them had ever lied to one another.

"I told you that that colonel couldn't be trusted," Abe said, giving the four men a quick look and smiling at Chris. "We need to warn Strong Bear and the other chiefs," he added.

"Wait one minute there's more," Chris added. "The men that are riding with him and were under Colonel Parker's command, they are going to fall back and lay down their weapons once Colonel Hampton gives the command to charge the village."

"What...are you serious Chris?" Abe asked, running his fingers through his long hair.

"I'm as serious as a heart attack Abe; we don't want any war with you redskins, we like the way things were under our colonel."

"Did you know that Colonel Parker was found dead, he was scalped and had a Choctaw arrow in him," Abe asked Chris.

"When he didn't come back to the fort, I had a sneaking suspicion that he'd been killed. It was just after he rode away that Colonel Hampton rode out behind him. What about his grandson, I saw a soldier loading what look like a small body onto the back of a horse and ride off?"

"He's alive and recovering from a brutal beating by someone at the fort and is recovering in Strong Bear's village," Abe assured him.

"I liked that boy, he was so sweet and innocent," Chris said smiling. "He didn't deserve that beating no more than Colonel Parker deserved to die."

"Enough talk Walking Tall, we need to warn the chiefs before this colonel gets to the village," Swift Sparrow warned sternly.

"Chiefs," Chris questioned.

"Ay-uh chiefs, for Strong Bear has united his tribe with those of other tribes to make one united force against the colonel." Abe confided.

Joined by the soldiers, Abe and Swift Sparrow galloped as hard as their steeds would take them. Yelling their warning as they rode into the village, Swift Sparrow went directly to Strong Bear's cabin. Just as he pulled his steed to a halt, Strong Bear and Yellow Hawk were coming out of their lodge.

Seeing the four soldiers with Abe and Swift Sparrow, Strong Bear looked with concern at the soldiers, recognizing them from having served under Seth Parker.

"Why do you come screaming into the village," Strong Bear asked.

"The blue coats are on their way to the village as we speak, my chief. These men came to warn you about Colonel Hampton's plan to annihilate the village.

Already the other chiefs and warriors were assembling around Strong Bear, listening to Swift Sparrow as he told Strong Bear about the soldiers that once served Colonel Parker and how they were going to fall back.

Turning to Chris, Strong Bear stepped close to the man. "Do you think that Colonel Parker's soldiers would be willing to fire on those that serve this evil colonel?"

Chris began scratching his head, it was one thing to come here and warn the Indians, and it was another to just fall back and not shoot, but to fire on fellow soldiers, well that was asking a bit much.

"We could be hung for doing that if any survived and told about it," Chris said, still scratching his head with concern. "But I don't have a problem shooting that damn colonel," he added.

"Then I shall not worry about your comrades warring against us, nor shall I ask this of them," Strong Bear said.

Quickly the women, children and the elderly were taken from the village to a nearby cave, where they would be safe from the bullets of the soldiers.

Soon Strong Bear and the other chiefs had their warriors strategically located around the village, laying in wait for the soldiers. The village itself took on the look like any normal morning; the central fire was still glowing with embers and if one had not known better, they would assume that those living there were still asleep.

The sun was just breaking over the top of the nearby mountains when suddenly the sound of thunder caused from the hooves of the hard riding horses told those in waiting that the soldiers would soon be there. Strong Bear aimed his rifle in the direction of the sound, followed it and waited to give the sign to begin shooting to those warriors with him.

"I totally forgot about my fathers," Abe said, suddenly remembering that they must have slept through all the commotion that had gone on.

He took off running toward his and Swift Sparrow's cabin, hoping to get his fathers to safety before the soldiers arrived. He was just to the cabin when the colonel and his troops came charging into the outer limits of the village.

"Get that damn white man," Colonel Hampton ordered to several of his men, while he rode on into the central village, guns raised and now firing at the teepees and cabins, hoping to kill whoever was in them, or catching them as they ran from them.

Just as he reached the center of the village, Strong Bear and the other chiefs led their warriors against the soldiers, surrounding them on all sides. Bullets and arrows flew as soldier after soldier fell to the ground dead, while only a few of the warriors died.

Swift Sparrow's heart nearly stopped when he saw two soldiers follow Abe into the cabin. He kicked his heels into the flank of his horse and took off riding toward the cabin. He didn't bother to fully stop as he slid from his steed.

Just as he cleared the front steps, he heard the report of rifles firing and then silence. Stepping to the side of the door, peering through the darkness within, his heart pounded when he saw a body lying on the floor.

"Gah-ween...please Great Spirit do not take Walking Tall from me," he prayed and then charged into the cabin, fearing the worst.

Seeing that their attack was expected and were now surrounded, Colonel Hampton rode his horse toward the forest, hoping to escape the certain massacre as well as his own death.

"How'd they know...damn savages, how did they know that we were coming, and where did all those Indians come from?" he asked guardedly as he rode into the depth of the forest.

"Take and tie those that have surrendered," Strong Bear ordered, looking at the handful of soldiers that had thrown down their weapons in surrender.

As quickly as it was started, it was over and under the command of Lieutenant Todd Jeffrey, those soldiers that had fallen back and refused to ride against the Indians, came riding into the village with weapons still in their gun boots.

"Todd," Abe called out as he ran from the cabin, followed by Swift Sparrow, seeing an old friend of his from back in Mississippi. "I didn't know that you were here at the fort with Colonel Parker," he added as the two men greeted each other with a friendly hug.

Swift Sparrow, who had seen the two men hug, felt a jealous tug in his heart. He did not like seeing his husband hugging another man. He hurried over to where they were still hugging; he quickly pulled them apart and gave Todd a warning glare.

"You keep your arms off my husband," Swift Sparrow warned, his hand resting on the hilt of his knife that was sheathed to his leg.

"Swift Sparrow...what are you doing, Todd is an old friend from my days in Mississippi," he said rather angry at Swift Sparrow's behavior.

"So you finally got rid of the boy eh, he was a tad immature,?" Todd asked and then noticed the sullen look that crossed Abe's face.

"Caleb is dead, Todd," was all he said and turned to stare at Swift Sparrow who still stood there watching Todd.

"I'm so sorry buddy, I didn't know," Todd said regretting his statement; he hoped to change the mood and subject as he turned his attention to Swift Sparrow. "So this is the lucky man that stole your heart," Todd asked and held out a hand of friendship toward Swift Sparrow.

"Yes, this jealous warrior is my husband, Swift Sparrow, go ahead sweetie, shake his hand."

Reluctantly, Swift Sparrow shook Todd's hand and after he did, he wiped it off on is breeches.

"I guess I would be jealous also, if you were my husband," Todd said, noticing how his words began to relax the mighty warrior. "Now if'n you decide that you don't want this here hunk of Indian flesh, Abe, well then you can just send him my way," he said smiling and reached up and softly grazed Swift Sparrow's cheek.

"No one gives away Swift Sparrow," he bitterly stated, swatting away Todd's hand and turning to walk away.

"I'm sorry Abe, I didn't mean to upset the man," Todd said.

"I know you didn't, but he's very jealous of me," he stepped closer to Todd and whispered, but not low enough, "I kinda find it sexy how he gets all protective and jealous when another handsome man shows me any attention."

"I heard that Walking Tall," Swift Sparrow grumbled over his shoulder.

"You were meant to sweetie," Abe mused, knowing that Swift Sparrow was smiling, even if he didn't see his face.

"Do you wish to take control of those that surrendered," Strong Bear asked, looking over at the twenty or so men that were now tied up and sitting on the ground.

"I will," he said but only half-heartedly as he looked around at the carnage that surrounded him. "Where is Colonel Hampton...I don't see him among them or the dead?" he asked.

"We have not yet identified all of the dead yet," Strong Bear added, Chris is walking through them and looking for the body of your colonel.

After Chris had gone though all of the bodies, he had determined that Colonel Hampton had somehow escaped.

"I cannot find the colonel's body among the dead, sir," Chris said as he came over to the lieutenant and saluted him.

"He is a coward to leave his men to do his dirty work for him," Strong Bear stated as he lead the soldiers to those that were bound.

From high on a bluff, Marc Hampton looked down at the village, cursing those soldiers that rode with Lieutenant Jeffrey.

"I'll get even with damn traitor," he cursed and slithered from the edge of the bluff, getting up quickly, mounting his steed and then riding off.

Several weeks passed, the fort was now under the command of a newly promoted Colonel Jeffrey. A full scale investigation had been conducted, without mention of those that had held back on the day of the attack, and it was determined that the attack was the result of Colonel Hampton's prejudice.

Thankful that there was peace again between the whites and Indians, the president had Todd Jeffrey promoted to colonel and installed as the fort's leader.

Todd had resumed friendly relations again with the area tribes and all was well and peaceful again. Kyle had recovered from his beating, but he still had the scars on his back to remind him. A full scale search by the cavalry and also the Choctaw, had failed to find Marc Hampton.

Swift Sparrow and Abe were walking beside the river one evening and Swift Sparrow was still jealous of Todd. He had been coming to the village far too many times to suit Swift Sparrow, and each time that he came, he made it a habit of stopping to chat with Abe.

"When are you going to realize that my heart belongs to you, Swift Sparrow," Abe asked pulling the proud warrior into his arms.

"Swift Sparrow knows that Walking Tall's heart belongs to him, it's Colonel Jeffrey that doesn't know this," he said adamantly, struggling to escape Abe's arms.

Abe pulled his warrior closer and captured his lips with his own, kissing him hard, rough and long. Knowing that he was beaten, Swift Sparrow eased away from Abe and after placing his fingers into the waist of Abe's breeches, he slowly lowered them, until Swift Sparrow's knees and Abe's breeches were both at Abe's feet.

"And just what are you planning to do down there mister," Abe mused and gasped when cock became surrounded by the heat of Swift Sparrow's mouth.

After a while, Swift Sparrow could feel the swelling of Abe's manhood and knew that he was getting close, so he rose to his feet, his fingers moving softly over Abe's chest.

"Damn, you do know how to turn me on and make me forget that I was scolding you," Abe said as he pulled the warrior's mouth to his in a hard, heated kiss, Abe's fingers moving frantically to remove Swift Sparrow's loincloth.

Swift Sparrow reveled in the feeling of Abe's chest hair, as his fingers roamed through the thick carpet of hair. His thumbs grazed Abe's nipples, causing Abe to moan and toss his head back in ecstasy.

"Take me Swift Sparrow... take me now," he moaned out when he felt his lover's lips as they teased with sucking and nibbling of his nipples.

"I love you my handsome white warrior," Swift Sparrow whispered against Abe's lips.

Running his hands across Abe's chest, Abe sighed when Swift Sparrow's thumbs casually circled Abe's nipples, causing them to harden even more before he lowered Abe to the thick bed of grass.

With a knee on each side of Abe's hips, Swift Sparrow lowered his mouth to Abe's in a kiss that was rough and almost violent. The two men began wrestling and rolled over and over as their bodies entwined, stopping when Abe was looking down into the midnight black eyes of Swift Sparrow.

"Now I am going to show you how I handle jealous husbands," he stated, lifting Swift Sparrow's legs high in the air before thrusting his manhood deep into the warrior's welcoming sheath.

Thrusting rhythmically hard and deep, Abe pounded Swift Sparrow's ass, with the warrior's hips raising and falling in unison with Abe's thrusts. Abe loved his strong, handsome man, but he also hated it when he got needlessly jealous.

Looking deep into his lover's eyes, Abe lowered his mouth until it was but a whisper from Swift Sparrow's. "Now tell me that my heart belongs to anyone but you my husband," he dared. "No one can make love like this unless they are in love with the man," he added, his hips still pile driving his cock deep into Swift Sparrow's ass.

"Ay-uh...I was wrong to doubt your love my husband, but you were wrong to doubt my strength," he mused back, grabbing Abe around waist and rolling him over and causing his cock to fall from Swift Sparrow's ass.

"Now my proud husband... who is it that is going to teach the lesson," he growled looking into Abe's eyes.

Without waiting for an answer, Swift Sparrow lifted Abe's legs and thrust his cock deep into Abe's velvet sheath. With Abe impaled by the warrior's cock and Abe's hips rising to meet his lover's every thrust, Abe surrendered and bit hard into Swift Sparrow's shoulder as he wrapped his legs around the warrior's waist, pulling Swift Sparrow's cock deeper into him. Each man was thrilling from the ecstasy that they were feeling as Swift Sparrow's thrust became more urgent.

"More...harder and deeper," Abe gasped out as Swift Sparrow rose up on his hands and began pounding with a vengeance into Abe, knowing that he would not be able to hold off much longer.

"Your heat is too quick to bring me to a climax," Swift Sparrow gasped, his heart pounding as fast as his hips that were driving his cock into Abe and his breath raged and shallow.

"Daaaaaaaaaamn Swift Sparrow, I'm gonna shoot," Abe cried out just as his cock erupted, shooting long ropes of semen between their bodies.

Feeling his cock being strangled by Abe's sheath as he shot his seed, Swift Sparrow rolled his eyes back and tossed his head as his own cock erupted, filling his husband's heat with his seed.

Still kissing and clinging to each other as they rode out the tide of their afterglow, Swift Sparrow lifted his head just enough to gaze down into Abe's eyes.

"It's moments like this that I know that your love belongs to only Swift Sparrow," Swift Sparrow whispered and Abe caught just a hint of a tear in the corner of Swift Sparrow's eyes.

Just the hint of a tear spoke better than words ever could to Abe's heart. He ran his fingers through his husband's coal black hair and looked deep into those black eyes, as if seeing into his very soul.

"My love, for it's moments like this that I could never give my heart to another, because you own my very soul," he whispered and pulled Swift Sparrow's lips to his in a kiss that was soft and tender.

Life was good again for Strong Bear's people. Yellow Hawk had their sons out amongst his people so that they could see the boys. The weather was warm for this late fall day, and Shane and James took a ride to enjoy it, knowing that soon winter would be here and that they would be cabin bound for many long months.

"I've missed riding, haven't you Shane," James asked as their horses sauntered along the river.

"I miss riding with you babe, more than I miss riding. I miss our outings back in Mississippi when we would take a picnic lunch and share it down by the river, just you and I."

"Who are you kidding sweetheart, you miss making love in the great outdoors more than those picnics," James said, smiling over at his husband.

"Well yes, I do miss how you would put up such a stink about doing it outside where we might be caught. But in the end, I always won the argument and we'd make love endlessly," he smiled over at his husband, shifting his eyebrows up and down rapidly at James.

"No...I am not going to do it here, besides, Abraham and the other warriors are out hunting and could come across us doing it," he scolded.

"Awe babe...please...can we just this one time?" Shane begged.

"No Shane, we'll get caught for sure. I would die a thousand deaths if Abraham came across us making love."

"They'll be gone long into the evening before they return from their hunt," Shane said, pulling his horse to a stop. "Just look at the cottonwood tree, it'll give us all the privacy that we need," Shane said pointing to the tree and how its branches hid the grass beneath it.

James looked around guardedly before nodding his agreement.

"Remind me to throw away that damn herbal mixture that Spotted Wolf gave you. It seems that all you want to do is have sex since taking it."

"It makes me feel alive again babe, besides, I don't see you complaining while we are making love," he snickered as he tethered their horse to a limb and then took James by the hand, leading him into the privacy of the cottonwood tree.

"This is rather secluded, I can't even see our horses from here," he said before he turned back to Shane, who was already naked and stepping to him. "My God Shane, why must you be so damn eager," he asked as Shane began to unbutton James' shirt.

Once he had it unbuttoned, he lifted it over James' shoulders and let it drop to the ground before his fingers went to James' breeches. He quickly unfastened them and let them drop to the ground, allowing James to step from them.

Although Shane had seen James naked so many times over the years, he still marveled over his husband's body. James looked deep into Shane's eyes and saw tears flooding them.

"Why Shane, what is wrong," James asked as several tears rolled down his weathered cheeks.

"Do you know James, that even now when I look at you, I still see that young man who I first fell in love with, and I fall in love all over again," he said, pulling James gently into his arms.

He gazed down at James' hairless chest which were still firm after all these years, his nipples taut peaks and just begging to be suckled. Shane lowered his mouth to them and gently nibbled one and then the other before he wrapped his tongue about one and began sucking on it.

James tossed his head back in ecstasy and wasn't aware that Shane had lowered him down to the soft bed of moss that blanketed the ground.

"Thank you James," he whispered against his husband's lips.

"For what," James asked, his hands cradling Shane's face.

"Thank you for saving my life that day and teaching me what true love was, because until we met, I never knew what it was to be loved by anyone."

"It was you that showed me how a man could not only love, but what it was to truly be care for. I love you darling, more now than ever before," he whispered and pulled Shane's mouth to his and they kissed tenderly.

Smiling at each other, their eyes locked together in love, Shane covered James' body with his and when James wrapped his long slender legs around Shane's waist, Shane eased his swollen, throbbing manhood deep into James' velvet heat, his mouth covering James'.

Rhythmically, Shane slowly withdrew and then plunged in, repeating it until they had a gentle rhythm going. James' hips rose and fell in unison with Shane's thrusts, all the while his arms were wrapped possessively around Shane's neck.

With his edge fast approaching, Shane looked into the eyes of the man that had loved him for what seemed eternity and saw tears flowing gently down his cheeks.

"What is it sweetheart, am I hurting you?" he asked.

"Have you not noticed before that when we make love, I cry? It's your love for me and how strong it is that just moves me to tears. No one my love, no one has ever made me feel as loved and needed as you do."

"Awe babe...I so love you," Shane whispered and then began to slowly resume his thrusts.

Their bodies moved as one and Shane's thrust became urgent as he neared and fell over his edge, spewing his seed deep into the warmth of James.

"More Shane...I need more of your manhood...oh God I'm going to shoot," James howled and spewed his seed between their entwined bodies.

Exhausted and kissing as their afterglow ebbed, Shane's rose quickly when he heard a twig snap.

"Someone is approaching," he whispered to James, as they hurried to their feet and dressed.

Shane looked guardedly around as they stepped from the seclusion of the cottonwood tree. He held James protectively around the waist as they walked to where their horses were tethered to a tree.

Suddenly, Marc stepped from behind an oak tree and with a rifle aimed at them, shot Shane.

"Noooooo," James screamed and fell to the ground beside his husband, cradling Shane's head in his lap.

"Hello brother, I bet that you never expected to see me again did you?" Marc said aiming his rifle now at James.

"Why Marc...what did I ever do to you," James said, still looking into Shane's tearing eyes.

"How sweet," Marc said looking down at James and Shane; their eyes said all that their words could not. "Now get up and get on your horse," he ordered, but James refused, still holding his dying husband.

"Shhhh," James whispered, when Shane tried to speak, his eyes filled with fear for James. "I know my love, I love you too my darling man," he lowered his mouth to Shane's and said goodbye with a kiss. "I'll be joining you soon my love," he said and watched as Shane closed his eyes, surrendering his spirit to God.

"I said get," he shouted and hit James with the butt of the rifle in the head.

"No Marc, if you are going to kill me, you'll just have to do it here," James said through his sobs of grief and pain from the hit.

"Then have it your way brother," Marc said and fired his rifle and watching James fall backwards to the ground dead, Shane's head still resting in his lap.

Marc hurried to his horse, knowing the rifle's report would be heard for miles around and mounted it. Just as he turned his horse around to escape, he found himself staring into the black eyes of Choctaw warriors, their arrows aimed at his belly.

Abe stepped from amongst them and when he saw his father's bodies lying quietly next to each other; his heart became filled with rage. Swift Sparrow stepped beside him and wrapped his arm protectively around Abe's waist.

"What do you wish for me to do with this white man," he asked looking first to Abe and then to Marc.

"Do as you would if my father's had been Choctaw," he said, refusing to take his eyes from gazing at his fathers, "for in their hearts, they were."

As Abe fell to his knees beside his fathers, he let out a great wail of pain, crying profusely as he gathered his father's bodies into his arms. Slowly rocking back and forth with them in his arms, he kissed each man on their forehead as his sobs deepened.

Swift Sparrow nodded to Lone Beaver and the warrior, along with another, grabbed Marc, while another began to strip him naked. Once he was naked, Marc was thrown to the ground and his wrists and ankles were staked with rawhide.

"No don't... they deserved what they got for what my brother did to me," Marc cried out, screaming louder when a warrior dragged his knife across Marc's chest leaving behind several deep cuts. "Stop... oh God please have mercy on me," he cried out and now his legs were gashed deeply.

" demand mercy from a God when you showed none to my fathers," Abe said, his voice thick with emotion. "Just what did my father do to you," he finally asked, wanting to hear the reasoning behind Marc's actions.

"It was because of him that my father refused to acknowledge me. I had to grow up knowing who my father was and never being able to show it."

"My father would have gladly switched places with you," Abe said, pulling his knife from its sheath. "His father beat him horribly through the years and never showed him love. Is that what you wished to have... was it," Abe asked and then sank his knife into Marc's side, but just enough as not to kill him.

He got up and with the help of Swift Sparrow, made a travois to bring his father's bodies back for burial.

"Noooooo, you can't just leave me here at the mercy of the wolves and other varmints that roam," Marc screamed out as Abe and the other rode away, a nearby wolf's howl breaking over the screams of Marc.

Those of the village stood stoically watching as the procession rode into the village. Strong Bear could see the pain and grief that Abe had in his eyes, he then knew who was being carried into the village on the two travois'.

"Get Spotted Wolf," he whispered to Yellow Hawk, who was now standing beside him.

"Gah-ween husband, because if you look, you can see that Walking Tall's fathers are dead," he whispered back.

Strong Bear hurried to Abe and once Abe had dismounted, Abe fell into the chief's strong arms crying. He did not care if he looked weak in the eyes of those who now drew close; his pain was more than he could bear.

"Who did this thing to such loving men as your fathers were," Strong Bear asked, still holding Abe close.

"Marc Hampton and I suspect that even now the wolves are ravaging his body," Abe said, stepping back from the chief.

Abe turned his eyes to Swift Sparrow and they joined hands, walking quietly behind the two horses that brought James and Shane to Abe's cabin. As Abe lifted Shane, and Swift Sparrow lifted James from the travois' a great wailing overtook the village as the people began mourning with Abe.

To be continued...

I am ending this chapter here, for many reasons. One it was very hard to write, for I have come to think of my characters as almost real. Secondly I wish to pick up later, when years have passed in the next chapter. I would greatly appreciate your comments at

Thank you, Daniel.

Next: Chapter 8

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