An Awakened Heart

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Aug 4, 2011


An Awakened Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Eleven

List of characters:

Strong Bear 48 Chief of the Choctaw

Yellow Hawk 40 Married to Strong Bear

Hawk and Shadow 24 Twin sons of Strong Bear and Yellow Hawk

Abe aka Walking Tall 48 Married to Swift Sparrow

Swift Sparrow 49 Best Friend of Strong Bear

Kyle aka Golden Hawk 40 Now senator from Montana

Jacob Mathews 22 Secretary to Kyle and also his lover

Spotted Wolf 48 Shaman (doctor) for the Choctaw

Flaming Arrow 23 Married to Hawk

Moon Dancing 23 Married to Shadow

Moon Shadow 8 son of Shadow and Moon Dancing

Previously in chapter ten:

"Father, my I have council with you," Hawk asked, stepping into his Strong Bear's lodge.

"Ay-uh my son, you know that you never have to ask me this...just come and talk with your father," he said and then his mind wondered if he may be having problems with Flaming Arrow. "Are you and Flaming Arrow not happy with your marriage...are their problems?"

"Gah-ween, for we are very happy father, but this is something else that I wish to speak about," he said, his face showing his concern about how to approach Strong Bear.

"I can see much worry in your eyes my son, why is this so?"

"Father, I am enlisting in the army of the United States, because Flaming Arrow has been drafted," he blurted out, causing Strong Bear to gasp from the shock of his words.

"Gah-ween my son, for no Choctaw has ever served as a blue coat to the great chief in Washington," Strong Bear said, rising and going to a window.

Yellow Hawk came up behind Strong Bear, having given Hawk a knowing glance and wrapped his arms around his husband.

"My love, won't you please sit and listen to what our son has to say, before you dismiss him as if he were but one of your warriors whom you disagree with?" Yellow Hawk asked softly, laying his head against the broad, muscular back of Strong Bear.

Strong Bear turned, looked at Yellow Hawk first, kissed him and then nodded and smiled before turning his attention back to Hawk.

"What is this think that you call a draft?" he inquired.

"The draft includes all men from ages 21-30 in America father," he told him. "Do Walking Tall and Swift Sparrow agree with this...this draft that you say is taking Flaming Arrow from you?"

"Gah-ween, but Walking Tall says that his son has no choice in the matter. When such a notice calls a young man to serve, then he must serve. That is why I wish to serve with him father, so that I can be there beside him to protect him," he reasoned with his father.

"Ay-uh my son, I too know what it is to worry about someone you love and want to always be there to protect them, but..." he paused giving Yellow Hawk another glance. "But you are next in line to be chief and I don't see how you going will allow you to stay with Flaming Arrow?"

"Golden Hawk has promised that he will get us assigned to Washington together, father. As the new senator from Montana, he said that he'll use his political influence to ascertain our service in Washington." He too paused, because he knew how his next statement would be received by his father. "As for being the next in line to be chief, father, I am giving my place to Shadow," he glance nervously to both his fathers when he heard them gasp.

"Gah-ween," Strong Bear shouted, rising angrily to stand. "You are my first born and you are the next in line to be chief," he adamantly stated and then hurried from his lodge, leaving Hawk standing bewildered and angered also.

"My son, let what you have said to your father sink in, I am sure that with my prodding, he'll see that Shadow is just as capable of being chief as you are," Yellow Hawk said, embracing his son warmly.

He left Strong Bear's lodge and Hawk felt that he had injured his father beyond fixing by his words.

Now chapter eleven:

"I cannot wait for you to see this house Kyle," Jacob excitedly said as they drove to Alexandria in Kyle's enclosed-drive Cadillac limousine, the Imperial that he had purchased for $3750, which was a very unheard of price at the time.

"I am sure that I am going to like it, sweetheart," he whispered, cautious to keep his voice low so that his chauffer, Maxwell could not hear him.

As they turned into the drive and through the wide iron gates, Kyle gasped when he saw the three story Victorian house looming like some monolith in the distance.

"My word Jacob, this...this house is not a modest size home as I asked for you to find, but it's a mansion," he said still gazing up at the house.

"But after looking at much smaller ones, which by the way were not in very good neighborhoods, I found this one for just about the same price," he said as the car pulled under the portico and came to a stop.

Maxwell scurried from his driver's seat and opened the rear door, standing prim and proper until both Kyle and Jacob stepped out.

"Thank you Maxwell, I won't need the car for the rest of the day," Kyle instructed.

"Very well sir, just ring me when you need the car, Mr. Mathews knows the number," Maxwell said politely, got back into car and drove it around the back of the house to his private quarters that were above the garage.

Kyle climbed the steps to the front porch and turned, wishing to gaze at the surroundings before going inside. He again gasped when he saw the vast lawns and formal flower gardens. There were stately oak and elm trees that had sturdy wrought iron benches around their bases to sit on. Kyle could see several young men working in the gardens and on the lawn, and some looked up when they saw Kyle looking at them. Most removed their hats and nodded before resuming their work.

"My God Jacob, this looks like the Garden of Eden... and just how large is the staff here did you say," Kyle asked.

"You have four gardeners, three maids and a cook, as well as a butler and Maxwell," he said just as the front door swung open to find a rather formal looking gentleman standing at attention, waiting for Kyle and Jacob to enter the house.

"Who is the stuff shirt," Kyle whispered.

"That's your butler Bentley," Jacob whispered back, chuckling to himself.

"Welcome to Cooper Manor, Senator Cooper," Bentley said in greeting.

"Thank you Bentley, but could you call me Kyle," he said, causing an eyebrow to rise on Bentley.

"No sir... for that would not be the proper thing to do," he replied, taking Kyle's coat and hat, as well as Jacob's.

"You forget Kyle, we are not in Montana any longer, Washingtonians are quite prim and proper," Jacob whispered, as they both watched Bentley walk away.

"Oh Lord Jacob, Roaring Thunder would never have approved of such a house as this," Kyle said as he stepped further into the foyer. "I'm not sure if even I approve. It's too showy...too far above what I am accustomed to," he said as his eyes gazed up the circular staircase, complete with valuable works of art hanging on the walls. "How many rooms does it have?"

"Eighteen Kyle, with the third floor being the staff's rooms," Jacob said smiling.

"Eighteen... my God Jacob, what were you thinking when you found this place, or is this your idea of modest?" he asked and stopped abruptly when he entered the main parlor to find more of his staff awaiting him.

"This is your staff sir," Jacob said more formally, remembering to keep to his place as executive assistant. "This is Daniele your cook," she curtsied and stepped back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Daniele," he said politely.

"If you have a favorite dish that you would like me to make, do not hesitate to tell me sir," she said, keeping her gaze lowered to the floor.

Wondering what she would do if he said that he liked a good buffalo steak, he said, "I am sure that whatever you prepare will be delicious, Daniele."

"Thank you sir," she said and again curtsied.

Jacob continued his introductions and by the time Kyle had addressed each member of his staff, including Bentley, he was beside himself.

"Ok listen and lets get this straight, I am a country man with simple tastes and I abhor our country's class system," he said first looking at Jacob before turning back to his staff. "I am Kyle when we are not entertaining a guest, not Senator Cooper and surely not sir, are we clear on this?" he asked, but the staff remained silent, their gaze directed to the floor.

"You can leave now and resume your duties," Jacob said, dismissing the staff and causing Kyle to glare at him angrily.

"You assume too much Jacob," he bitterly said, causing Jacob to look at him with hurt in his eyes.

Without a word spoken in rebuttal, Jacob turned and quickly climbed the stairs, but not quickly enough for Kyle to see the trace of tears in his eyes.

"Great...our first disagreement and only three days into our relationship," Kyle grumbled, catching Bentley before he disappeared from the room. "Ah Bentley, could you instruct me on the ins and outs of how I am to act here," he asked, his frustration evident in his voice.

Bentley politely instructed him as to how he was to interact with his staff as well as to how he would be addressed. Realizing just how ignorant he was in such matters, he sighed and thanked him for being patient with him.

"If there won't be anything else sir, I'll take leave," Bentley said.

"Thank you Bentley, but before you go, can you direct me as to where I will find my personal rooms," he asked.

"They are on the second floor sir," he said.

"The second floor, but do I have a certain room that is mine?"

"They are all yours sir, the staff only goes there if called or when you are away sir.

"I see, well thank you for your understanding," he said. "Was my mother like this in Boston when we lived there," he wondered as he climbed the stairs to the second floor. "Great, now do I go left or right?" he asked to himself as he looked first to his left, seeing several closed doors. He looked to his right and saw just as many,

"Jacob, where in tarnation are you," he shouted, totally disregarding the staff or how it made him look.

"I'm right here sir and you need not shout," Jacob said coolly before stepping back into a room.

"The make up sex had better be great," he whispered as he took a left and walked to the room where Jacob had appeared from.

"My resignation Kyle," Jacob said when Kyle stepped into the room.

"Your resignation... my word Jake, isn't that being a bit drastic here? I'm sorry my love for embarrassing you, but surely you couldn't have thought that I would be comfortable living in such a grand place as this," he said, motioning around the room with his hands as he turned completely in a circle.

"Kyle, I was only looking out for your social standing and a modest house would not be beneficial for your success in Washington. It really doesn't matter how you vote in the senate or even where you're from or how you lived there. What does matter is how you live once you are here and how you react to those around you."

Kyle had forgotten that Jacob was looking out for his well being and now he felt bad. He stepped up to the young man and drew him into his arms.

"My love, you also forgot that for over twenty years I have lived in either a teepee or log cabin with a man that was an Indian and was at the top of the Indian social ladder. Will you forgive me my ignorance babe and tear up that resignation. If you do, I promise to let you teach me how to be a Washingtonian gentleman," he said, bending to nuzzle Jacob's neck.

"That's not fair Kyle, you know how hard it is to stay angry when you do that," he whispered, tilting his head to give Kyle better access to his neck. "You might want to close the door babe, because I know what's about to come next," Jacob giggled.

Kyle nodded and went to the door, closed it, locked it and then stood there, slowly stripping. Jacob also stripped and when they both were naked, Jacob held out his hand to Kyle, leading him over to their bed.

"I am beginning to think that you purposely get angry so that we can have unbridled make up sex," Jacob cooed as Kyle covered Jacob's body with his.

"I hadn't thought that, but now that you have mentioned it, I just..." but a sudden hot kiss from Jacob cut off his thought.

"I'm sorry to my love, but when you acted like you hated the house and its servants, well you hurt me and made me feel like I was taking advantage of you," Jacob said, lifting his legs in surrender to Kyle's cock as it pressed slowly into his ass.

"How could I ever think that when you give of yourself so freely and never taking time to do or even consider your own needs?"

"I live for you Kyle, and my needs are your needs babe," he whispered and then through his head back, when Kyle fully impaled him with his cock.

"I am so going to fuck you Jake that when I am done you'll not walk for a week," Kyle whispered against Jacob's lips.

"Make love babe, make love not fuck," Jacob corrected. "You make me feel the whore when you call this fucking," he added.

"You're my own little whore Jake... and don't you ever forget it," Kyle said, lifting up with his arms and began pounding his ass.

"Then fuck me Kyle, fuck your whore," Jacob moaned, but inside he was crying, feeling so degraded now.

Never had Kyle called Jacob a whore or anything else for that matter that was so degrading. Clinging to Kyle's shoulders, Jason's hips rose and fell in unison with Kyle's thrusts.

"Aaaagggghhhhh fuck...coming," Kyle moaned and gave one last deep thrust, held it and began spewing his seed deep into Jacob's love canal.

Spent, Kyle rolled off of Jacob and struggled to regain normalcy. Jacob got up and hurried to the water closet to clean up. When he returned to the room, he was wearing a gaily printed silk robe.

"Cigarette babe," he asked standing at the window and gazing absentmindedly from it at the gardens.

"You know I don't smoke Jake," he said rising from the bed and moving over to Jacob. "Come on babe, tell me that you have forgiven me for my ways," he whispered as he nibbled and nuzzled on Jacob's neck.

"There is nothing to forgive darling," he said, and blew several smoke rings into the air, before leaning into his advances, his eyes still trained on the gardens.

"Are you sure about this Hawk, because I know how much father wanted you as chief one day," Shadow said.

"It is the only way that I can do this brother," he said, knowing that stepping down as next in line to be chief was hurting his father, but his love for Flaming Arrow was greater. "Besides brother, you have trained as well as me in the ways of being a chief. If something had happened to me, you would have been next in line anyways."

"Dying and stepping down are two different things Hawk. How about we leave it as you are next in line unless..."

"Unless what brother, unless I die in the war? No Shadow, as far as Uncle Kyle said, Flaming Arrow and I shall be assigned to Washington," he assured his brother. "I just want to know that while away, should anything happen to father, that you will be here to assume his place."

"Father is not old Hawk and surely you won't be gone all that long," Shadow hoped.

"What I am about to tell you, my brother, I want your promise to never tell father," he said, pulling his brother closer that he could whisper. "I do not plan on returning brother," he said and Shadow's face showed his surprise.

"Gah-ween brother... did you have a dream where you saw your own death?"

"No brother, Flaming Arrow and I want more in life than this damn reservation and living in some dirt floor, bug infested cabin."

"Are you ashamed of whom you are my brother?" Shadow asked, unable to believe what he is hearing.

"No brother, I am not ashamed of whom I am or my people, but we want more in life than just growing old still fighting the same old prejudices here in this God forsaken state," he adamantly said.

"And there won't be any prejudices wherever you go? I am sorry that you feel this way and it is better that you step down feeling as you do. Do not worry about me telling our father, for this would surely kill him, and to think that we shared the same womb."

Hawk could feel his brother's bitterness, but he could not help feeling as he felt, he needed more to life than what he had in Montana.

"Brother please..."

"Do not call me brother any longer, for I am a part of that which you now choose to abandon Hawk. Go... take your man and go, I do not wish to see you any longer," Shadow said, turning his back to his brother.

Hawk left Shadow's cabin and walked to where his husband awaited him, at Abe's and Swift Sparrow's cabin.

"Oh Shadow, please try to understand where you brother is coming from. How many times have you spoken to me about finding another way of life? Please don't be upset because you brother has decided to make a change in his life. He's your only brother and if something were to happen to him, you would never forgive yourself for letting him leave like this," Moon Dancing said, resting her head against Shadow's chest.

"It's not that I'm upset about why he's leaving, I'm upset because it keeps me chained here darling," he said, sighing deeply.

"Gah-ween, both of my sons wish not to be chief," Strong Bear whispered from his hiding place outside Shadow's cabin.

He had seen his son Hawk, go to Shadow's cabin. Strong Bear could tell that Hawk was going there for council with Shadow so he decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. Now feeling ashamed for ever having two sons, Strong Bear walked back to his own cabin.

"Husband what's wrong," Yellow Hawk asked when he heard how violently, Strong Bear had closed the door.

"Our sons, that is what is wrong, now neither wish to be chief," he stated angrily.

"And how do you know this Strong Bear," Yellow Hawk asked, taking his husband into his arms.

"I overheard Hawk's conversation with Shadow and after Shadow practically disowned him, Shadow had the audacity to tell his wife that he felt chained to our people now that he'll be next in line to be chief."

"That teaches you right for spying and eaves dropping on a private conversation that was none of your business."

"I am chief and everything is my business Yellow Hawk, just as what I have decided to do is now best for our people," he said, chin up stubbornly.

"Husband, I do not like that look in your eyes," Yellow Hawk said, gazing more intently into his eyes. "What are you going to do my husband," he asked, fearing the answer.

"You shall find out when our people find out," he stubbornly said.

"Great, now I have three stubborn as a mule men to torment me," Yellow Hawk said, throwing his arms in the air. "But just remember Strong Bear, I want you to remember what you felt like when you were their age and what your dreams were. It is wrong of you to impose your dreams and wishes on your sons, especially when it's at the expense of their happiness."

Yellow Hawk stubbornly marched out of the cabin, leaving Strong Bear standing there with his mouth agape.

"Excuse me sir, but there is a call for you," Bentley said, once Kyle had opened the door.

"I'll take it downstairs," he said, giving Jacob a concerned look.

"Hello, this is Senator Cooper," Kyle said when he picked up the telephone.

"Uncle Kyle, this is Hawk calling you from Montana," Kyle gasped when he heard it was Hawk.

"Is everything all right there, nothing has happened to Strong Bear has it?"

"No Uncle Kyle, father is his old stubborn self. What I am calling for is to see if you were able to secure Flaming Arrow and I to Washington?"

"I have an appointment tomorrow with General Pershing about this very subject. I am hoping that he is agreeable to my suggestion that you both be assigned here and not sent over to Europe, nephew. When do you leave for your basic training?"

"Our train leaves in the morning for Fort Jackson in Fairfax, Virginia and I am not sure as to when I will be able call you again."

"Do not worry nephew, if need be, I'll telegraph you with what I find out as soon as you get there. How did your father take the news about you stepping down as next in line to be chief?"

"He didn't take it well, and neither did my brother. Shadow has practically disowned me, and father, well father he's as mad as ever at me. I just hate leaving with the two men I love most, hating me."

"I am sure that they don't hate you, Hawk," he assured him. "It had to be quite a disappointment for Strong Bear to hear this. As for Shadow, why was he so upset?"

"Truthfully Uncle Kyle, I think that he was wishing to leave Montana also, but when I abdicated the roll of next in line to him, I sabotaged his dreams I think."

"I am sure that all things will work out Hawk, now I really must go and do not worry, for I will get back to you once I know what's happening."

"Thank you Uncle Kyle, I'll be anxiously waiting to hear from you," he said and hung up.

"Well... what did he say," Flaming Arrow asked, as he ran his fingers through his cut hair.

"Nothing really, because he hasn't met yet with General Pershing," he said, also running his fingers through his own cut hair. "My father is really going to pitch a fit when he sees how I cut my hair so short," he worried as he mounted his horse, his hair barely touching his color.

Later that evening, Strong Bear had called his people together. He was still upset about many things, the main thing being his two son's lack of interest in being chief once he died.

With both Hawk and Shadow, now sitting beside him, he stood up and held his hand up to silence the murmuring of his people, as they talked amongst themselves, most talking about Hawk and Flaming Arrow's new haircut.

"My people, I come before you with a heavy heart, and after much council with my sons. From this time forward, our chiefs shall be chosen by a vote of the people, seeing how my sons are not interested in becoming chief once I am no more."

The people gasped when they heard his decree. As long as time was, their chief was always of the same family, father handing it down to his son, once he died or abdicated. Many looked at Hawk and Shadow with much anger in their eyes.

Hawk especially gathered many stares and comments because of his new white man's haircut. Again Strong Bear held up a hand to silence them.

"I know that this comes as a surprise to you, for it did the same to me. But I feel that this is best for you, my people. Unless a chief's son wishes to take the reigns of chieftain, then a vote will determine which warrior shall be chief."

"Do you feel the anger and bitterness Shadow," Hawk whispered to his brother.

"Ay-uh, but I feel father's sadness even more," Shadow admitted, seeing the hurt deep in Strong Bear's eyes.

"My sons wish to venture out into the world of the white eyes to experience more than what they have now, here on this reservation," he added, turning to glance from son to son before turning back to his people's eyes.

"Father, may I please speak," Hawk asked, standing up beside him.

"Ay-uh...speak to your people," Strong Bear sat back down and let Hawk talk.

"Oh great people of the Choctaw nation, I wish to explain to you what my father seems to misunderstand about my decision," he began and gazed over his shoulder at Strong Bear, who sat beside Yellow Hawk.

"I am going to Washington, the city of the great white chief and hopefully work along side my uncle, Golden Hawk. It's not that I am ashamed to be Choctaw, but I want more in life than this reservation.

He paused and took a deep breath and then continued.

"I have also heard the grumblings of many young braves that share the same longing as I do as I walked amongst them. Many wish to go to white man schools, while some wish to learn a trade, something that will provide them with a way to compete in the white community. This is a new century and we no longer hunt to put food in our cook pots or to store away for the long months of winter. We go to the white people stores and buy with what money we do earn food and other provisions that will sustain us."

When he paused once again, many of the young teens in attendance, voiced their agreement with what he had said. It was then that Shadow stood up to voice his opinions.

"What my brother is saying is that as a people we are poor and dependent on the rations from the white man for our sustenance, when we should be out there getting an education or working for wages that will make us independent again," Shadow said, coming to his brother's side. "I too am not ashamed of being a man with redskin, but what I am ashamed of is how we sit back as a people and grumble about our way of life or how it use to be. Well my people, wake up and look around you. Yes, this is a new century where there are many new inventions that make life easier for living, but we still live in skin covered teepees and our women still cook hunched over a fire pit. Well I for one want more than this for my wife and my son."

Again there was many that agreed with what he was saying.

"All my brother and I are saying, is that we are not ashamed of who we are, but we are no longer going to stay penned up here on this reservation like cattle, waiting to die. My wife and I are also going to Washington, to see what kind of work I can find," he added, looking from his father, Strong Bear to Hawk, who was now smiling at him.

"Enough my sons, your people and I know how you feel," Strong Bear said standing and going to his two sons.

He gave each a warm hug before turning to his people once again.

"You have now heard much that you must now consider. If you agree with what I have said concerning our next chief and future chiefs, raise your hand in agreement, and other than a handful of elderly, the others all agreed.

"Go my sons to where our Great Spirit leads you," Strong Bear said with Yellow Hawk now proudly standing beside him. "I give you my blessing sons and ask you to remember who you are and where you came from as you venture out tomorrow."

After he kissed and hugged his sons, the people came forth and did the same, wishing Hawk and Shadow, the best of luck.

Standing at the train depot, Hawk, Flaming Arrow and Shadow, along with his wife and son, waited to board the train.

"My heart shall miss you fathers," Flaming Arrow said, hugging each one warmly and kissing their cheeks.

"My heart already misses you Clark," Abe said, fighting back the lump in his throat that kept threatening him, and using the name that he now chose to use.

"Ay-uh my son, you have made me proud to have been your father," Swift Sparrow said, pulling his son tightly to him. "I love you Flaming Arrow and I know that my heart goes with you," he whispered as he too fought back tears.

"Dad, you have been the best father that a son could have ever asked for. You were even better than my real father," he added, his eyes wet with tears.

"You take could care of our son, Hawk," Abe charged, hugging Hawk warmly and kissing his cheek.

"I shall protect him with my life, Walking Tall," he assured him.

"Send us a wire once you are settled in Washington," Swift Sparrow added, pulling Hawk into his embrace. "Give my love to Golden Hawk and tell him that I hold him responsible for your lives," he added, causing Hawk to flinch.

"Gah-ween Swift Sparrow, for I alone am responsible for Flaming Arrow and my lives," he said, and then walked over to where his own fathers were saying goodbye to his brother and his family.

"It is now time to board the train brother," Hawk said before turning with wet eyes to his fathers. "I have learned so much from you father on what it means to be a man," he said, standing in Strong Bear's arms. "I shall take not only that knowledge, but your love with me in life, father," he said and hugged Strong Bear so tight that one would be hard pressed to find where one ended and the other began.

Hawk turned to Yellow Hawk, who was now crying.

"Please don't cry father, I want to remember you as strong," he said as he stepped into Yellow Hawk's arms.

"I carried you and your brother for nine long months, so let me cry. I cannot help feeling that this is the last time that I'll ever look at either of you again," he said as he clung to his son. "Just remember that I have always love you and been so proud to call you my son, Hawk," he said, looking at Strong Bear who had joined him and had his arm around Yellow Hawk's waist.

"I shall never forget either of your love for me, for it was you both that not only taught me to be a man, but also what love is. Without your love fathers, I would be but half a man today," he said and then lunged into their arms, he too was now crying as his heart ached.

"Go my son and remember always that you are first son of a proud chief and second that you are Choctaw. Never forget who you or what you are Hawk...never," Strong Bear reminded him.

"My only regret father is that I was never able to find that renegade that killed my parents," Flaming Arrow said, still haunted by his true parent's deaths after all these years.

"Destiny has a way of making things right for what man caused to be wrong," Swift Sparrow reminded him as he hugged him tightly. "Now go with a light heart knowing that our hearts go with you also."

"I love you both so much father," he said giving them one last hug and then running to join Hawk, who was standing at the stairs to the train waiting for him.

When the train pulled away, the proud sons stood at the rear waving to their fathers as the train carried them from one way of life to another...

To be continued...

This is the end of An Awakened Heart. I do hope that you enjoyed it and would like to hear from you. The next story of my Heart Saga is going to be called A Heart's Journey, which I am already writing. Please send your comments to

Thank you all so much for you support and comments. I truly have loved writing this story and hearing from you.


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